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All about the Immune System and how to Improve it

Blitzkreig [JG]

Head of Community
Sep 24, 2019
[email protected]
Prelude to the Problem

Over the last winter season, and perhaps repeating this spring, I noticed an uptick in people getting sick. While this is not anything new, it does represent an obstacle and incident of suffering for which a solution should be had. Some people may be unaffected by this, whereas others may have been severely hindered.

As SS, we have many tools at our disposal, and the underlying knowledge to wield them. Like with our knowledge of the soul, humanity has also been deprived of knowledge pertaining to the physical body and how to manipulate it (giving way to Covid and other medical corruption).

However, many of us are aware of the elemental system as it relates to energy work. Just as we understand and can use astral Sun energy, so too are dense objects such as our physical body subject to the elemental system. With this in mind, we can start to understand how to approach various ailments.

Many are aware of holistic theories of medicine such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, which approach the human body through the lens of energy. Yet, even these systems can hit certain limits, as they are not totally integrated with the knowledge of the soul.

When we combine both fields of knowledge, an SS is able to pick and choose which actions would lead to the best health outcomes. Sometimes a physical solution, like avoiding certain food, is a better investment of time and effort than trying to overpower it with energy work. In other cases, the best and more long-term solution would be energy work.

I have partnered with BrightSpace666 to create an overview of the immune system, as well as some methods one can do to both prevent and treat common-cold style illnesses. Through this, one can take more steps than laying in bed, perhaps avoiding illness even entirely.

Overview of Solution

Within Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the immune system is viewed as a type of energy called ‘Wei Qi’. Qi is a yang aspect of our body, and the Wei Qi itself is derived predominantly from the Lungs, but also Kidney and Spleen yang. Therefore, situations such as cold weather or overwork, which both sap yang energy, can therefore decrease the strength of the Wei Qi.

A strong vitality creates a strong immune system. With the chakras, we know that solar chakra is mainly responsible for vitality, and it is of the element of fire. Fire correlates to physical yang, and the solar chakra is close to the above organs, namely the spleen. For the lungs, we see them near the heart chakra, which itself is of fire and air and responsible for circulation. Lastly, the base chakra with its influence over the bladder and intestines, as well as adrenals, would aid the expulsion of pathogens, as well as give endurance to one's vitality.

Efforts focused on strengthening these chakras and the associated planetary energies will subsequently boost the Wei Qi.

While doing your advancement routines should lead to a stronger Wei Qi, in general, sometimes this too can still be overpowered where conditions permit. In this way, one should not be alarmed, just understand that the solution calls for focusing energy towards, and therefore amplifying the Wei Qi.

Source 1: https://www.elementhealing.com/the-immune-system-wei-qi/
Source 2: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Solar_666_Chakra.html
Source 3: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Heart_Chakra.html
Source 4: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Base_Chakra.html

Acupressure for the Immune System

The primary method we know to alter physical energy are yoga and pranayama (and traditional exercise). Such exercises are critical for general health; however, one can be more specific if they particularly desire to improve their immune system (such as during the onset of a cold).

To direct physical energy towards very specific physical goals, one must make use of acupressure to stimulate specific nadis and the organs which correspond to them. Otherwise, one can pursue herbal or activity-based treatments for a similar result. Although learning holistic medicine may initially prove cumbersome, the ability to direct physical energy towards healing virtually any imbalance, especially acute ones, is very useful.

The basis of action for the Wei Qi is that it acts to push out the invading pathogens from the body, such as through a fever. A strong enough Wei Qi would block pathogens at a point where symptoms would not be noticeable, just like a strong AOP or aura.

Without going into excessive detail, there are 2 bodily reactions involved in a cold:

-"wind-heat": Distinguished through heat-invasion symptoms like sore throat, strong fever, cough, and yellow discharge

-"wind-cold": Distinguished through cold-invasion symptoms like chills, stiffness, mild fever/no sweating, and clear discharge

Wind-heat is usually seen during warmer months when the environmental heat is stronger (and the body has more yang). Wind-cold is usually seen in colder months when the environment can sap the yang of the person, or where a person is already weakened and has less yang in general.

In both cases, the lungs and Wei Qi work to push out the pathogens, so a "dispersing" action is useful in both cases. However, wind-cold requires heating items, like garlic, ginger, or onion. Wind-heat, on the other hand, requires cooling items, such as fruits, green vegetables, or herbs like peppermint.

Source 5: https://www.tcmsimple.com/cold.php

To aid the body with fighting off wind-heat (or to clear heat in general), one should drink more water. The fever response shows the body has the yang energy to "push", but such a strong fever can also dry out the body, therefore water is needed, but not an excessive amount. On the contrary, a wind-cold invasion would do well with light exercise, sauna use, thick blankets, or anything else to yang energy and sweating.

In this way, one can see how both categories of items are useful for immunity, just in different ways. Also note the seasonal differences of when each food is available, indicating when you are most likely to need them. Similarly, seasonal allergies usually fall into a wind-heat or heat situation. Someone who has high heat, in a general sense, will have an overactive immune system, resulting in increased sensitivity.

However, doing either treatment in excess can be harmful if you push yourself too far. More is not necessarily better here. The main idea here is to complement and accelerate your recovery, not face this like a battle to be angrily fought. One should expect to recover faster with these tips, not necessarily continue working at the same workload. Combining all of these treatments, rather than focusing on one, can help avoid creating imbalances.

Source 6: https://www.acupuncture-points.org/wind-heat.html
Source 7: https://www.acupuncture-points.org/wind-cold.html

Acupressure Points:

Lung 7: Main point for improving lung function and fighting colds: strengthens the immune system, clears lungs and throat, actively expels all pathogens from the body.


Large Intestine 4: Clears wind and heat pathogens, stimulates lungs and immune system, restores yang and removes dampness and phlegm. Main point for facial symptoms.


Large Intestine 11: Clears heat from the body, through the blood. Includes pre-existing inflammation as well as fevers and sore throats from an infection.


Stomach 36: Stimulates digestion and processing of food into blood and energy; resolves dampness (e.g. congestion/diarrhea) in the body. Provides energy as long as food is present. Resolves any spleen or stomach problems. Useful where low appetite is becoming problematic.


Source 8: https://www.chinesemedicineliving.com/acupuncture/5-acupressure-points-to-boost-your-immune-system/
Source 9: https://www.americandragon.com/Points/LI-4.html

Herbal Formulas

There are many herbal formulas on the market, below are some examples for the specific conditions described above. Such formulas can further boost the immune response, especially when someone is unable to do the other treatment methods.

Notice in their descriptions that they employ the same elemental strategy as described above. The Wind-Cold formula focuses on warming the body, and the Wind-Heat formula attempts to cold the invading heat. The formula for general defense focuses mainly on spleen/stomach organs, which represents general vitality, as does the solar chakra.

Wind-Cold Formula

Wind-Heat Formula

General Immune Defense Formula (NOT to be taken with an active infection, only before. Thank your CentralForce)

Spiritual Solutions

In regards to using the tools that most are already aware of, one can also create a program that can be used for short-term or emergency uses. Obviously, this is best done preventatively, but like the acupoints above, it can work in both scenarios.

One can do something relatively small, such as:

-Aura/chakra cleaning: Both as a treatment and prevention.

-Breathing exercises: Bhastrika (be careful with wind heat), Yogic Complete Breath

-Rune vibration (x10/x40 of Sowilo, Uruz, Berkano/Algiz) perhaps Thurisaz
Preventative Affirmation: "My immune system is healthy and strong in every sense. It protects me from all negative energies and diseases!" x3

Treatment Affirmation: "This energy has now and permanently removed the illness from my body, in a fast and healthy manner for me." x3

Sowilo, Uruz, and Thurisaz work better for treatment, with Berkano and Algiz being more suited for prevention, although the former runes can still be useful in regards to building up one's energy.


Due to Yoga's direct benefits on both the body and soul, one should always be doing these daily. As far as prevention goes, Yoga is irreplaceable in regards to its influence on the body, especially with such a small time investment. Remember, Kundalini yoga represents yang-style yoga, increasing fire in the body, whereas hatha yoga balances and is more yin-style.

When looking at the chakras, the focus should be placed on the solar chakra, followed by the heart and base, as all of these pertain to the immune system in their own way. Empowerment can be done through energy breathing, spinning, using mantras, and pranayama.

In a more permanent sense, larger workings can be done. Unless one is frequently beset by colds, I would not focus an entire 40 day working on immunity alone, but rather vitality as a whole, such as with Uruz and Sowilo.

As far as Squares go, the Sun and Mars rule over vitality. Mercury rules over wind conditions and the lungs, whereas Venus rules over what seems to be heat conditions of the blood. Saturn rules endurance of the body.
Improving these in their own ways would strengthen these aspects of your body, however, vitality itself can be directed through the above methods to compensate until a permanent solution can be had.

Through a combination of the above methods, one can tackle the common cold, as well as similar infections. Such a process also follows how one can address other diseases/imbalances of the body, and so this template can be applied broadly as well.

Source 10: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Planetary_Rulerships.html

Please note: Although I study and enjoy TCM, I am not a substitute for a professional in this field. In addition, I cannot be right next to you to further aid any diagnostics and treatment plans. You are always better off consulting a professional (such as through a video call), in addition to doing your own learning and practice.

Thank you to Brightspace for their insights, contributions, and support. :)
Very high quality post, thank you both and BrightSpace666. Keep up the great work. It's an announcement now.
Method to stop asthma symptoms or remove any chronic diseases:

I recommend every member reading this to time the duration of breath till which you can hold your breath comfortably for. Use the stopwatch on your mobile to time how long you can hold your breath for.
If it is less than 40 seconds, then you should start working on your breathing. I will quote exercise suggested by SSinHeartandSoul in that post.


Breath in and hold your breath for as long as comfortable, and count how long you can hold your breath for, you can use a stopwatch for this.

If you can only hold your breath for less than 15 seconds, you have severe asthma problems!

The moment that you can hold your breath comfortably for more than 40 seconds is the moment that you are in the clear. So if you are not able to reach 40 seconds, you should do some breathing exercise or any of the other things that i spoke of above.

The above is important as your breath directly correlates to health and the amount of oxygen that you can supply to your body.

I also want to recommend a very good doctor for health advice. He was the one who finally showed me the way to stop my asthma symptoms. His other videos also contain a wealth of health related knowledge and advice.

Fire correlates to physical yang, and the solar chakra is close to the above organs, namely the spleen. For the lungs, we see them near the heart chakra, which itself is of fire and air and responsible for circulation. Lastly, the base chakra with its influence over the bladder and intestines, as well as adrenals, would aid the expulsion of pathogens, as well as give endurance to one's vitality.

What about stomachaches? Since the solar chakra is around the area, would a stomachache indicate deficiency in Yang, or perhaps even an excess of it? Considering one eats/lives fine and the nine yards but still gets a killer stomachache out of nowhere. Bound me to bed for like a week.

Contrarily, what are the effects of Yin in excess/deficiency?

Thank you both for the strongly informational post.
Username said:

I am aware of him and used to watch him a lot. He is probably as good as it gets before you enter holistic medicine, which in my opinion goes further than what he is able to, just due to philosophical limitations.

What he describes is basically a method for removing lung heat, which will definitely make you feel like you cannot breathe. Heat in TCM is similar to acidity and inflammation from a western standpoint.

TCM also describes that heat will congeal fluids, making them harder to remove. This creates conditions for difficult to remove chest congestion, and is also the basis of diabetes, by making the sugar harder to remove from the blood.

Following this, TCM describes how the lungs are a reservoir for dampness, or pathological fluid, in the body. The spleen is responsible for removing dampness in the body, and a weakened stomach/spleen will improperly digest food, resulting in dampness. This would then collect in the lungs.

Lung 11 is one such point to remove lung heat: https://www.acupuncture-points.org/lung-point-11.html
Lung 7, shown in the original post, will help remove congestion. Stomach 36, in the original post, will help remove dampness in the body.

Take note of the planets I mentioned for more permanent solutions to both your vitality and asthma, as well.
Good luck, and thanks for sharing!
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=332332 time=1646772354 user_id=21286]
Prelude to the Problem

Over the last winter season, and perhaps repeating this spring, I noticed an uptick in people getting sick. While this is not anything new, it does represent an obstacle and incident of suffering for which a solution should be had. Some people may be unaffected by this, whereas others may have been severely hindered.

As SS, we have many tools at our disposal, and the underlying knowledge to wield them. Like with our knowledge of the soul, humanity has also been deprived of knowledge pertaining to the physical body and how to manipulate it (giving way to Covid and other medical corruption).

However, many of us are aware of the elemental system as it relates to energy work. Just as we understand and can use astral Sun energy, so too are dense objects such as our physical body subject to the elemental system. With this in mind, we can start to understand how to approach various ailments.

Many are aware of holistic theories of medicine such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, which approach the human body through the lens of energy. Yet, even these systems can hit certain limits, as they are not totally integrated with the knowledge of the soul.

When we combine both fields of knowledge, an SS is able to pick and choose which actions would lead to the best health outcomes. Sometimes a physical solution, like avoiding certain food, is a better investment of time and effort than trying to overpower it with energy work. In other cases, the best and more long-term solution would be energy work.

I have partnered with BrightSpace666 to create an overview of the immune system, as well as some methods one can do to both prevent and treat common-cold style illnesses. Through this, one can take more steps than laying in bed, perhaps avoiding illness even entirely.

Overview of Solution

Within Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the immune system is viewed as a type of energy called ‘Wei Qi’. Qi is a yang aspect of our body, and the Wei Qi itself is derived predominantly from the Lungs, but also Kidney and Spleen yang. Therefore, situations such as cold weather or overwork, which both sap yang energy, can therefore decrease the strength of the Wei Qi.

A strong vitality creates a strong immune system. With the chakras, we know that solar chakra is mainly responsible for vitality, and it is of the element of fire. Fire correlates to physical yang, and the solar chakra is close to the above organs, namely the spleen. For the lungs, we see them near the heart chakra, which itself is of fire and air and responsible for circulation. Lastly, the base chakra with its influence over the bladder and intestines, as well as adrenals, would aid the expulsion of pathogens, as well as give endurance to one's vitality.

Efforts focused on strengthening these chakras and the associated planetary energies will subsequently boost the Wei Qi.

While doing your advancement routines should lead to a stronger Wei Qi, in general, sometimes this too can still be overpowered where conditions permit. In this way, one should not be alarmed, just understand that the solution calls for focusing energy towards, and therefore amplifying the Wei Qi.

Source 1: https://www.elementhealing.com/the-immune-system-wei-qi/
Source 2: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Solar_666_Chakra.html
Source 3: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Heart_Chakra.html
Source 4: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Base_Chakra.html

Acupressure for the Immune System

The primary method we know to alter physical energy are yoga and pranayama (and traditional exercise). Such exercises are critical for general health; however, one can be more specific if they particularly desire to improve their immune system (such as during the onset of a cold).

To direct physical energy towards very specific physical goals, one must make use of acupressure to stimulate specific nadis and the organs which correspond to them. Otherwise, one can pursue herbal or activity-based treatments for a similar result. Although learning holistic medicine may initially prove cumbersome, the ability to direct physical energy towards healing virtually any imbalance, especially acute ones, is very useful.

The basis of action for the Wei Qi is that it acts to push out the invading pathogens from the body, such as through a fever. A strong enough Wei Qi would block pathogens at a point where symptoms would not be noticeable, just like a strong AOP or aura.

Without going into excessive detail, there are 2 bodily reactions involved in a cold:

-"wind-heat": Distinguished through heat-invasion symptoms like sore throat, strong fever, cough, and yellow discharge

-"wind-cold": Distinguished through cold-invasion symptoms like chills, stiffness, mild fever/no sweating, and clear discharge

Wind-heat is usually seen during warmer months when the environmental heat is stronger (and the body has more yang). Wind-cold is usually seen in colder months when the environment can sap the yang of the person, or where a person is already weakened and has less yang in general.

In both cases, the lungs and Wei Qi work to push out the pathogens, so a "dispersing" action is useful in both cases. However, wind-cold requires heating items, like garlic, ginger, or onion. Wind-heat, on the other hand, requires cooling items, such as fruits, green vegetables, or herbs like peppermint.

Source 5: https://www.tcmsimple.com/cold.php

To aid the body with fighting off wind-heat (or to clear heat in general), one should drink more water. The fever response shows the body has the yang energy to "push", but such a strong fever can also dry out the body, therefore water is needed, but not an excessive amount. On the contrary, a wind-cold invasion would do well with light exercise, sauna use, thick blankets, or anything else to yang energy and sweating.

In this way, one can see how both categories of items are useful for immunity, just in different ways. Also note the seasonal differences of when each food is available, indicating when you are most likely to need them. Similarly, seasonal allergies usually fall into a wind-heat or heat situation. Someone who has high heat, in a general sense, will have an overactive immune system, resulting in increased sensitivity.

However, doing either treatment in excess can be harmful if you push yourself too far. More is not necessarily better here. The main idea here is to complement and accelerate your recovery, not face this like a battle to be angrily fought. One should expect to recover faster with these tips, not necessarily continue working at the same workload. Combining all of these treatments, rather than focusing on one, can help avoid creating imbalances.

Source 6: https://www.acupuncture-points.org/wind-heat.html
Source 7: https://www.acupuncture-points.org/wind-cold.html

Acupressure Points:

Lung 7: Main point for improving lung function and fighting colds: strengthens the immune system, clears lungs and throat, actively expels all pathogens from the body.


Large Intestine 4: Clears wind and heat pathogens, stimulates lungs and immune system, restores yang and removes dampness and phlegm. Main point for facial symptoms.


Large Intestine 11: Clears heat from the body, through the blood. Includes pre-existing inflammation as well as fevers and sore throats from an infection.


Stomach 36: Stimulates digestion and processing of food into blood and energy; resolves dampness (e.g. congestion/diarrhea) in the body. Provides energy as long as food is present. Resolves any spleen or stomach problems. Useful where low appetite is becoming problematic.


Source 8: https://www.chinesemedicineliving.com/acupuncture/5-acupressure-points-to-boost-your-immune-system/
Source 9: https://www.americandragon.com/Points/LI-4.html

Herbal Formulas

There are many herbal formulas on the market, below are some examples for the specific conditions described above. Such formulas can further boost the immune response, especially when someone is unable to do the other treatment methods.

Notice in their descriptions that they employ the same elemental strategy as described above. The Wind-Cold formula focuses on warming the body, and the Wind-Heat formula attempts to cold the invading heat. The formula for general defense focuses mainly on spleen/stomach organs, which represents general vitality, as does the solar chakra.

Wind-Cold Formula

Wind-Heat Formula

General Immune Defense Formula

Spiritual Solutions

In regards to using the tools that most are already aware of, one can also create a program that can be used for short-term or emergency uses. Obviously, this is best done preventatively, but like the acupoints above, it can work in both scenarios.

One can do something relatively small, such as:

-Aura/chakra cleaning: Both as a treatment and prevention.

-Breathing exercises: Bhastrika (be careful with wind heat), Yogic Complete Breath

-Rune vibration (x10/x40 of Sowilo, Uruz, Berkano/Algiz) perhaps Thurisaz
Preventative Affirmation: "My immune system is healthy and strong in every sense. It protects me from all negative energies and diseases!" x3

Treatment Affirmation: "This energy has now and permanently removed the illness from my body, in a fast and healthy manner for me." x3

Sowilo, Uruz, and Thurisaz work better for treatment, with Berkano and Algiz being more suited for prevention, although the former runes can still be useful in regards to building up one's energy.


Due to Yoga's direct benefits on both the body and soul, one should always be doing these daily. As far as prevention goes, Yoga is irreplaceable in regards to its influence on the body, especially with such a small time investment. Remember, Kundalini yoga represents yang-style yoga, increasing fire in the body, whereas hatha yoga balances and is more yin-style.

When looking at the chakras, the focus should be placed on the solar chakra, followed by the heart and base, as all of these pertain to the immune system in their own way. Empowerment can be done through energy breathing, spinning, using mantras, and pranayama.

In a more permanent sense, larger workings can be done. Unless one is frequently beset by colds, I would not focus an entire 40 day working on immunity alone, but rather vitality as a whole, such as with Uruz and Sowilo.

As far as Squares go, the Sun and Mars rule over vitality. Mercury rules over wind conditions and the lungs, whereas Venus rules over what seems to be heat conditions of the blood. Saturn rules endurance of the body.
Improving these in their own ways would strengthen these aspects of your body, however, vitality itself can be directed through the above methods to compensate until a permanent solution can be had.

Through a combination of the above methods, one can tackle the common cold, as well as similar infections. Such a process also follows how one can address other diseases/imbalances of the body, and so this template can be applied broadly as well.

Source 10: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Planetary_Rulerships.html

Please note: Although I study and enjoy TCM, I am not a substitute for a professional in this field. In addition, I cannot be right next to you to further aid any diagnostics and treatment plans. You are always better off consulting a professional (such as through a video call), in addition to doing your own learning and practice.

Thank you to Brightspace for their insights, contributions, and support. :)
Do you know acupuncture points for sleeping
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=332332 time=1646772354 user_id=21286]

Quite interesting to read about tcm practices, i have seen other people on the forums talk about tcm practices to cure or prevent sickness or other ailments, but i have never really done much research into it. Spiritual practices and the use of herbs & spices have been briefly touched as well, which i like to see. this is a well thought out post, certainly a post that i will bookmark for later.

Username said:
I recommend every member reading this to time the duration of breath till which you can hold your breath comfortably for. Use the stopwatch on your mobile to time how long you can hold your breath for.
If it is less than 40 seconds, then you should start working on your breathing. I will quote exercise suggested by SSinHeartandSoul in that post.

I am happy to see that the information i shared was useful :) By the way i watch dr. bergs vids every now and then as well, besides some shilling i quite like him.
This is an awesome informative post thank you both! It makes sense for me personally also about the could weather and overwork sapping yang energy. I noticeably have less energy in the cold, get sleepy easily and in general just get sluggish. I have always been a hot weather person.

Good quality stuff that is now bookmarked :)
Amazing bro

Thank you Blitz
Very informative. How long and how hard should we hold acupressure points?
GoldenxChild1 said:
Very informative. How long and how hard should we hold acupressure points?

Medium pressure. The effect should be immediate in the sense that energy will start moving as soon as you press, but then you should hold as long as you need to, afterward. Location wise does not have to be perfect, and usually, your finger will adequately cover a large enough area.

You may feel certain changes happened, for example, the lung point, held over 10-15 minutes, will lessen your cough. With the stomach point, you will feel movement in the stomach area. If you have dampness, you may feel it draining or lessening, etc.
Very good and informative topic dear SSs .

Do you know somthing to solve the liver problems ( for my eye problem ( eye floaters) as you stated in one of my posts , or something to solve that eye problem without working on liver ) .
Also i have a problem of sweating or oversweating , in both cold and hot or warm months , of my body ( or skin) . Like when i hold something on my hand my palms or fingers ( where i touch or the object is holden or placed ) it sweats like hell .
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=333021 time=1646975008 user_id=21286]
GoldenxChild1 said:
Very informative. How long and how hard should we hold acupressure points?

Medium pressure. The effect should be immediate in the sense that energy will start moving as soon as you press, but then you should hold as long as you need to, afterward. Location wise does not have to be perfect, and usually, your finger will adequately cover a large enough area.

You may feel certain changes happened, for example, the lung point, held over 10-15 minutes, will lessen your cough. With the stomach point, you will feel movement in the stomach area. If you have dampness, you may feel it draining or lessening, etc.

Great, thanks
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=332332 time=1646772354 user_id=21286]
Prelude to the Problem

Over the last winter season, and perhaps repeating this spring, I noticed an uptick in people getting sick. While this is not anything new, it does represent an obstacle and incident of suffering for which a solution should be had. Some people may be unaffected by this, whereas others may have been severely hindered.

As SS, we have many tools at our disposal, and the underlying knowledge to wield them. Like with our knowledge of the soul, humanity has also been deprived of knowledge pertaining to the physical body and how to manipulate it (giving way to Covid and other medical corruption).

However, many of us are aware of the elemental system as it relates to energy work. Just as we understand and can use astral Sun energy, so too are dense objects such as our physical body subject to the elemental system. With this in mind, we can start to understand how to approach various ailments.

Many are aware of holistic theories of medicine such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, which approach the human body through the lens of energy. Yet, even these systems can hit certain limits, as they are not totally integrated with the knowledge of the soul.

When we combine both fields of knowledge, an SS is able to pick and choose which actions would lead to the best health outcomes. Sometimes a physical solution, like avoiding certain food, is a better investment of time and effort than trying to overpower it with energy work. In other cases, the best and more long-term solution would be energy work.

I have partnered with BrightSpace666 to create an overview of the immune system, as well as some methods one can do to both prevent and treat common-cold style illnesses. Through this, one can take more steps than laying in bed, perhaps avoiding illness even entirely.

Overview of Solution

Within Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the immune system is viewed as a type of energy called ‘Wei Qi’. Qi is a yang aspect of our body, and the Wei Qi itself is derived predominantly from the Lungs, but also Kidney and Spleen yang. Therefore, situations such as cold weather or overwork, which both sap yang energy, can therefore decrease the strength of the Wei Qi.

A strong vitality creates a strong immune system. With the chakras, we know that solar chakra is mainly responsible for vitality, and it is of the element of fire. Fire correlates to physical yang, and the solar chakra is close to the above organs, namely the spleen. For the lungs, we see them near the heart chakra, which itself is of fire and air and responsible for circulation. Lastly, the base chakra with its influence over the bladder and intestines, as well as adrenals, would aid the expulsion of pathogens, as well as give endurance to one's vitality.

Efforts focused on strengthening these chakras and the associated planetary energies will subsequently boost the Wei Qi.

While doing your advancement routines should lead to a stronger Wei Qi, in general, sometimes this too can still be overpowered where conditions permit. In this way, one should not be alarmed, just understand that the solution calls for focusing energy towards, and therefore amplifying the Wei Qi.

Source 1: https://www.elementhealing.com/the-immune-system-wei-qi/
Source 2: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Solar_666_Chakra.html
Source 3: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Heart_Chakra.html
Source 4: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Base_Chakra.html

Acupressure for the Immune System

The primary method we know to alter physical energy are yoga and pranayama (and traditional exercise). Such exercises are critical for general health; however, one can be more specific if they particularly desire to improve their immune system (such as during the onset of a cold).

To direct physical energy towards very specific physical goals, one must make use of acupressure to stimulate specific nadis and the organs which correspond to them. Otherwise, one can pursue herbal or activity-based treatments for a similar result. Although learning holistic medicine may initially prove cumbersome, the ability to direct physical energy towards healing virtually any imbalance, especially acute ones, is very useful.

The basis of action for the Wei Qi is that it acts to push out the invading pathogens from the body, such as through a fever. A strong enough Wei Qi would block pathogens at a point where symptoms would not be noticeable, just like a strong AOP or aura.

Without going into excessive detail, there are 2 bodily reactions involved in a cold:

-"wind-heat": Distinguished through heat-invasion symptoms like sore throat, strong fever, cough, and yellow discharge

-"wind-cold": Distinguished through cold-invasion symptoms like chills, stiffness, mild fever/no sweating, and clear discharge

Wind-heat is usually seen during warmer months when the environmental heat is stronger (and the body has more yang). Wind-cold is usually seen in colder months when the environment can sap the yang of the person, or where a person is already weakened and has less yang in general.

In both cases, the lungs and Wei Qi work to push out the pathogens, so a "dispersing" action is useful in both cases. However, wind-cold requires heating items, like garlic, ginger, or onion. Wind-heat, on the other hand, requires cooling items, such as fruits, green vegetables, or herbs like peppermint.

Source 5: https://www.tcmsimple.com/cold.php

To aid the body with fighting off wind-heat (or to clear heat in general), one should drink more water. The fever response shows the body has the yang energy to "push", but such a strong fever can also dry out the body, therefore water is needed, but not an excessive amount. On the contrary, a wind-cold invasion would do well with light exercise, sauna use, thick blankets, or anything else to yang energy and sweating.

In this way, one can see how both categories of items are useful for immunity, just in different ways. Also note the seasonal differences of when each food is available, indicating when you are most likely to need them. Similarly, seasonal allergies usually fall into a wind-heat or heat situation. Someone who has high heat, in a general sense, will have an overactive immune system, resulting in increased sensitivity.

However, doing either treatment in excess can be harmful if you push yourself too far. More is not necessarily better here. The main idea here is to complement and accelerate your recovery, not face this like a battle to be angrily fought. One should expect to recover faster with these tips, not necessarily continue working at the same workload. Combining all of these treatments, rather than focusing on one, can help avoid creating imbalances.

Source 6: https://www.acupuncture-points.org/wind-heat.html
Source 7: https://www.acupuncture-points.org/wind-cold.html

Acupressure Points:

Lung 7: Main point for improving lung function and fighting colds: strengthens the immune system, clears lungs and throat, actively expels all pathogens from the body.


Large Intestine 4: Clears wind and heat pathogens, stimulates lungs and immune system, restores yang and removes dampness and phlegm. Main point for facial symptoms.


Large Intestine 11: Clears heat from the body, through the blood. Includes pre-existing inflammation as well as fevers and sore throats from an infection.


Stomach 36: Stimulates digestion and processing of food into blood and energy; resolves dampness (e.g. congestion/diarrhea) in the body. Provides energy as long as food is present. Resolves any spleen or stomach problems. Useful where low appetite is becoming problematic.


Source 8: https://www.chinesemedicineliving.com/acupuncture/5-acupressure-points-to-boost-your-immune-system/
Source 9: https://www.americandragon.com/Points/LI-4.html

Herbal Formulas

There are many herbal formulas on the market, below are some examples for the specific conditions described above. Such formulas can further boost the immune response, especially when someone is unable to do the other treatment methods.

Notice in their descriptions that they employ the same elemental strategy as described above. The Wind-Cold formula focuses on warming the body, and the Wind-Heat formula attempts to cold the invading heat. The formula for general defense focuses mainly on spleen/stomach organs, which represents general vitality, as does the solar chakra.

Wind-Cold Formula

Wind-Heat Formula

General Immune Defense Formula

Spiritual Solutions

In regards to using the tools that most are already aware of, one can also create a program that can be used for short-term or emergency uses. Obviously, this is best done preventatively, but like the acupoints above, it can work in both scenarios.

One can do something relatively small, such as:

-Aura/chakra cleaning: Both as a treatment and prevention.

-Breathing exercises: Bhastrika (be careful with wind heat), Yogic Complete Breath

-Rune vibration (x10/x40 of Sowilo, Uruz, Berkano/Algiz) perhaps Thurisaz
Preventative Affirmation: "My immune system is healthy and strong in every sense. It protects me from all negative energies and diseases!" x3

Treatment Affirmation: "This energy has now and permanently removed the illness from my body, in a fast and healthy manner for me." x3

Sowilo, Uruz, and Thurisaz work better for treatment, with Berkano and Algiz being more suited for prevention, although the former runes can still be useful in regards to building up one's energy.


Due to Yoga's direct benefits on both the body and soul, one should always be doing these daily. As far as prevention goes, Yoga is irreplaceable in regards to its influence on the body, especially with such a small time investment. Remember, Kundalini yoga represents yang-style yoga, increasing fire in the body, whereas hatha yoga balances and is more yin-style.

When looking at the chakras, the focus should be placed on the solar chakra, followed by the heart and base, as all of these pertain to the immune system in their own way. Empowerment can be done through energy breathing, spinning, using mantras, and pranayama.

In a more permanent sense, larger workings can be done. Unless one is frequently beset by colds, I would not focus an entire 40 day working on immunity alone, but rather vitality as a whole, such as with Uruz and Sowilo.

As far as Squares go, the Sun and Mars rule over vitality. Mercury rules over wind conditions and the lungs, whereas Venus rules over what seems to be heat conditions of the blood. Saturn rules endurance of the body.
Improving these in their own ways would strengthen these aspects of your body, however, vitality itself can be directed through the above methods to compensate until a permanent solution can be had.

Through a combination of the above methods, one can tackle the common cold, as well as similar infections. Such a process also follows how one can address other diseases/imbalances of the body, and so this template can be applied broadly as well.

Source 10: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Planetary_Rulerships.html

Please note: Although I study and enjoy TCM, I am not a substitute for a professional in this field. In addition, I cannot be right next to you to further aid any diagnostics and treatment plans. You are always better off consulting a professional (such as through a video call), in addition to doing your own learning and practice.

Thank you to Brightspace for their insights, contributions, and support. :)

will we have other similar posts, also for other body functions?
Does it matter to hold our left or right leg/hand or the specific one shown in the image ?
There is a theory that there is no such thing as catching air borne viruses.

It's called exosome theory. It's the opposite of germ theory.

It goes back to the 1918 plague where experiments were done. The sick breathing onto the healthy and them not falling ill. Going as far as putting snot up up the others nose and still not catching the illness.

That what colds are is the body's natural detox mechanism. Like decaying cells after summer same as trees shed. It's supposed to be a natural cold and flu seasonal detox and not contagious viruses.

And if it looks like many people in the same area have the same sickness, it's because they all are detoxing from the same environmental toxins.

Don't know about the exosome theory because I'm sure I fall sick from others coughs and sneezes.

I have no conscience. If someone on public transport is coughing or sneezing I remove myself from their vicinity because I'm scared of catching something from them.
Personal Growth said:
There is a theory that there is no such thing as catching air borne viruses.

It's called exosome theory. It's the opposite of germ theory.

It goes back to the 1918 plague where experiments were done. The sick breathing onto the healthy and them not falling ill. Going as far as putting snot up up the others nose and still not catching the illness.

That what colds are is the body's natural detox mechanism. Like decaying cells after summer same as trees shed. It's supposed to be a natural cold and flu seasonal detox and not contagious viruses.

And if it looks like many people in the same area have the same sickness, it's because they all are detoxing from the same environmental toxins.

Don't know about the exosome theory because I'm sure I fall sick from others coughs and sneezes.

I have no conscience. If someone on public transport is coughing or sneezing I remove myself from their vicinity because I'm scared of catching something from them.

Both people in my house have this "crona" crap i can see it, they never got vaxed i was only one to do one if you all remember rightly (or wrongly)

Any helpful hints i just think its a bad flu guys but the wife is floored.

Not want send them in hospital no chance trying look after them here, think it was passed on at a party my we girl went to.
I think the following post by Centralforce666 about hay fever fits somewhat into the topic as well: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=113681#p113681

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=332332 time=1646772354 user_id=21286]
Is there something you could expand into the subject?
Just create a self-replenishing aura that opens and activates your Thymus glands (create 2 separate auras as there's 2 of them) and swallow the aura into your glands, the aura will be self-replenishing by itself and the aura would be sustained by your glands and it will produce things for the immune system
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=332332 time=1646772354 user_id=21286]
Prelude to the Problem

Over the last winter season, and perhaps repeating this spring, I noticed an uptick in people getting sick. While this is not anything new, it does represent an obstacle and incident of suffering for which a solution should be had. Some people may be unaffected by this, whereas others may have been severely hindered.

As SS, we have many tools at our disposal, and the underlying knowledge to wield them. Like with our knowledge of the soul, humanity has also been deprived of knowledge pertaining to the physical body and how to manipulate it (giving way to Covid and other medical corruption).

However, many of us are aware of the elemental system as it relates to energy work. Just as we understand and can use astral Sun energy, so too are dense objects such as our physical body subject to the elemental system. With this in mind, we can start to understand how to approach various ailments.

Many are aware of holistic theories of medicine such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, which approach the human body through the lens of energy. Yet, even these systems can hit certain limits, as they are not totally integrated with the knowledge of the soul.

When we combine both fields of knowledge, an SS is able to pick and choose which actions would lead to the best health outcomes. Sometimes a physical solution, like avoiding certain food, is a better investment of time and effort than trying to overpower it with energy work. In other cases, the best and more long-term solution would be energy work.

I have partnered with BrightSpace666 to create an overview of the immune system, as well as some methods one can do to both prevent and treat common-cold style illnesses. Through this, one can take more steps than laying in bed, perhaps avoiding illness even entirely.

Overview of Solution

Within Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the immune system is viewed as a type of energy called ‘Wei Qi’. Qi is a yang aspect of our body, and the Wei Qi itself is derived predominantly from the Lungs, but also Kidney and Spleen yang. Therefore, situations such as cold weather or overwork, which both sap yang energy, can therefore decrease the strength of the Wei Qi.

A strong vitality creates a strong immune system. With the chakras, we know that solar chakra is mainly responsible for vitality, and it is of the element of fire. Fire correlates to physical yang, and the solar chakra is close to the above organs, namely the spleen. For the lungs, we see them near the heart chakra, which itself is of fire and air and responsible for circulation. Lastly, the base chakra with its influence over the bladder and intestines, as well as adrenals, would aid the expulsion of pathogens, as well as give endurance to one's vitality.

Efforts focused on strengthening these chakras and the associated planetary energies will subsequently boost the Wei Qi.

While doing your advancement routines should lead to a stronger Wei Qi, in general, sometimes this too can still be overpowered where conditions permit. In this way, one should not be alarmed, just understand that the solution calls for focusing energy towards, and therefore amplifying the Wei Qi.

Source 1: https://www.elementhealing.com/the-immune-system-wei-qi/
Source 2: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Solar_666_Chakra.html
Source 3: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Heart_Chakra.html
Source 4: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Base_Chakra.html

Acupressure for the Immune System

The primary method we know to alter physical energy are yoga and pranayama (and traditional exercise). Such exercises are critical for general health; however, one can be more specific if they particularly desire to improve their immune system (such as during the onset of a cold).

To direct physical energy towards very specific physical goals, one must make use of acupressure to stimulate specific nadis and the organs which correspond to them. Otherwise, one can pursue herbal or activity-based treatments for a similar result. Although learning holistic medicine may initially prove cumbersome, the ability to direct physical energy towards healing virtually any imbalance, especially acute ones, is very useful.

The basis of action for the Wei Qi is that it acts to push out the invading pathogens from the body, such as through a fever. A strong enough Wei Qi would block pathogens at a point where symptoms would not be noticeable, just like a strong AOP or aura.

Without going into excessive detail, there are 2 bodily reactions involved in a cold:

-"wind-heat": Distinguished through heat-invasion symptoms like sore throat, strong fever, cough, and yellow discharge

-"wind-cold": Distinguished through cold-invasion symptoms like chills, stiffness, mild fever/no sweating, and clear discharge

Wind-heat is usually seen during warmer months when the environmental heat is stronger (and the body has more yang). Wind-cold is usually seen in colder months when the environment can sap the yang of the person, or where a person is already weakened and has less yang in general.

In both cases, the lungs and Wei Qi work to push out the pathogens, so a "dispersing" action is useful in both cases. However, wind-cold requires heating items, like garlic, ginger, or onion. Wind-heat, on the other hand, requires cooling items, such as fruits, green vegetables, or herbs like peppermint.

Source 5: https://www.tcmsimple.com/cold.php

To aid the body with fighting off wind-heat (or to clear heat in general), one should drink more water. The fever response shows the body has the yang energy to "push", but such a strong fever can also dry out the body, therefore water is needed, but not an excessive amount. On the contrary, a wind-cold invasion would do well with light exercise, sauna use, thick blankets, or anything else to yang energy and sweating.

In this way, one can see how both categories of items are useful for immunity, just in different ways. Also note the seasonal differences of when each food is available, indicating when you are most likely to need them. Similarly, seasonal allergies usually fall into a wind-heat or heat situation. Someone who has high heat, in a general sense, will have an overactive immune system, resulting in increased sensitivity.

However, doing either treatment in excess can be harmful if you push yourself too far. More is not necessarily better here. The main idea here is to complement and accelerate your recovery, not face this like a battle to be angrily fought. One should expect to recover faster with these tips, not necessarily continue working at the same workload. Combining all of these treatments, rather than focusing on one, can help avoid creating imbalances.

Source 6: https://www.acupuncture-points.org/wind-heat.html
Source 7: https://www.acupuncture-points.org/wind-cold.html

Acupressure Points:

Lung 7: Main point for improving lung function and fighting colds: strengthens the immune system, clears lungs and throat, actively expels all pathogens from the body.


Large Intestine 4: Clears wind and heat pathogens, stimulates lungs and immune system, restores yang and removes dampness and phlegm. Main point for facial symptoms.


Large Intestine 11: Clears heat from the body, through the blood. Includes pre-existing inflammation as well as fevers and sore throats from an infection.


Stomach 36: Stimulates digestion and processing of food into blood and energy; resolves dampness (e.g. congestion/diarrhea) in the body. Provides energy as long as food is present. Resolves any spleen or stomach problems. Useful where low appetite is becoming problematic.


Source 8: https://www.chinesemedicineliving.com/acupuncture/5-acupressure-points-to-boost-your-immune-system/
Source 9: https://www.americandragon.com/Points/LI-4.html

Herbal Formulas

There are many herbal formulas on the market, below are some examples for the specific conditions described above. Such formulas can further boost the immune response, especially when someone is unable to do the other treatment methods.

Notice in their descriptions that they employ the same elemental strategy as described above. The Wind-Cold formula focuses on warming the body, and the Wind-Heat formula attempts to cold the invading heat. The formula for general defense focuses mainly on spleen/stomach organs, which represents general vitality, as does the solar chakra.

Wind-Cold Formula

Wind-Heat Formula

General Immune Defense Formula

Spiritual Solutions

In regards to using the tools that most are already aware of, one can also create a program that can be used for short-term or emergency uses. Obviously, this is best done preventatively, but like the acupoints above, it can work in both scenarios.

One can do something relatively small, such as:

-Aura/chakra cleaning: Both as a treatment and prevention.

-Breathing exercises: Bhastrika (be careful with wind heat), Yogic Complete Breath

-Rune vibration (x10/x40 of Sowilo, Uruz, Berkano/Algiz) perhaps Thurisaz
Preventative Affirmation: "My immune system is healthy and strong in every sense. It protects me from all negative energies and diseases!" x3

Treatment Affirmation: "This energy has now and permanently removed the illness from my body, in a fast and healthy manner for me." x3

Sowilo, Uruz, and Thurisaz work better for treatment, with Berkano and Algiz being more suited for prevention, although the former runes can still be useful in regards to building up one's energy.


Due to Yoga's direct benefits on both the body and soul, one should always be doing these daily. As far as prevention goes, Yoga is irreplaceable in regards to its influence on the body, especially with such a small time investment. Remember, Kundalini yoga represents yang-style yoga, increasing fire in the body, whereas hatha yoga balances and is more yin-style.

When looking at the chakras, the focus should be placed on the solar chakra, followed by the heart and base, as all of these pertain to the immune system in their own way. Empowerment can be done through energy breathing, spinning, using mantras, and pranayama.

In a more permanent sense, larger workings can be done. Unless one is frequently beset by colds, I would not focus an entire 40 day working on immunity alone, but rather vitality as a whole, such as with Uruz and Sowilo.

As far as Squares go, the Sun and Mars rule over vitality. Mercury rules over wind conditions and the lungs, whereas Venus rules over what seems to be heat conditions of the blood. Saturn rules endurance of the body.
Improving these in their own ways would strengthen these aspects of your body, however, vitality itself can be directed through the above methods to compensate until a permanent solution can be had.

Through a combination of the above methods, one can tackle the common cold, as well as similar infections. Such a process also follows how one can address other diseases/imbalances of the body, and so this template can be applied broadly as well.

Source 10: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Planetary_Rulerships.html

Please note: Although I study and enjoy TCM, I am not a substitute for a professional in this field. In addition, I cannot be right next to you to further aid any diagnostics and treatment plans. You are always better off consulting a professional (such as through a video call), in addition to doing your own learning and practice.

Thank you to Brightspace for their insights, contributions, and support. :)

You are very well-informed. I would only add that the most common Wind-Heat formula is definitely 銀翹散 Yin Qiao San (the main active ingredient is honeysuckle flower ) I used to live in China, working in a TCM hospital in the frozen North - East / Siberia ; it was -30 ºC in the winter so we used to catch colds a lot. Acupuncture for catching colds is possible, but nobody does that in China, so someone asked one of the Phd students which herbal formula to use and she said Yin Qiao San (first used in the 1780's). So I went looking for some, and in China you can buy it in the pharmacy without prescription - I think you can do that in the U.S. too - and they were these fat round traditional honey pills. Very cute. Very effective. I would take them for 3 days and be completely symptom free. You can definitely find Yin Xiao San outside China, but the potency varies. When catching a cold, the first 3 days are crucial. If you don't squash it in the first few days, it causes phlegm etc, which is harder to clear and takes much longer.

Wind-cold is easier. You can just boil 15 grams of ginger, with spring onions if you have them, BUT, if you mistake wind-heat for wind-cold and drink ginger, your symptoms will get MUCH worse. The easiest way to know is if you have a sore throat. IF sore throat THEN don't take ginger, basically.
Please the large intestine 11 acupressure image is gone. I need it. Could it be uploaded
Henu the Great said:
I think the following post by Centralforce666 about hay fever fits somewhat into the topic as well: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=113681#p113681

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=332332 time=1646772354 user_id=21286]
Is there something you could expand into the subject?

His mention of adaptation is interesting. The hay fever itself is just wind-heat and falls into this same topic. The acupoints like LI 11 push pathogens out of the skin, just like a fever is used to do during extreme situations.

666S666 said:
Does it matter to hold our left or right leg/hand or the specific one shown in the image ?

No, it does not. At least not for any general purpose. The channels mirror across the limbs.

Manofsatan said:
Please the large intestine 11 acupressure image is gone. I need it. Could it be uploaded

It is still there on my screen. Here is the link: https://www.chinesemedicineliving.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/li11.jpg

You can find many more pictures of this point, or others, by searching them as well. For example, type "large intestine 11" and switch to the image view.

OhNoItsMook said:
What about stomachaches? Since the solar chakra is around the area, would a stomachache indicate deficiency in Yang, or perhaps even an excess of it? Considering one eats/lives fine and the nine yards but still gets a killer stomachache out of nowhere. Bound me to bed for like a week.

Contrarily, what are the effects of Yin in excess/deficiency?

Thank you both for the strongly informational post.

It depends on what the ache is. You can have a yang deficiency of the stomach, where the stomach lacks the power to digest, leading to bloating and weakness. For yin deficiency, the stomach is overheated and can either manifest as out of control hunger, or eventually little hunger, as the yin deficiency saps the yang of the stomach.

There are cases where other organs, like the liver, can "attack" the stomach when they themselves are having problems. This is another situation. If someone is yin deficient in general and nervous, this can also impede the downward flow of the digestive system, which can play a role in a stomachache.

It is also important to consider whether this is a chronic issue, or whether it happened once, which sounds more like an infection of some sort, or other incidental problem.

You can tell based on the specifics of your symptoms, as well as with astrology. Ask yourself what your Sun sign is, and if the Sun is afflicted. The yin of the digestive system is mainly ruled by the Moon, although remember that the Sun rules all vitality (because any yin of the body must come from digested food in the first place).

Regardless, pushing the Stomach 36 point solves both issues.


Yin in excess can be seen similarly to yang deficiency, although it is not truly the same, but related. This can be a case where the person has excess fluids, for example, or extra growths or something. If the excess is left unchecked, then the yang of the body will have a hard time dealing with all the "work" that has to be processed. Then, this would lead to weakness, feeling cold or tired, diarrhea, trouble concentrating, bloating, depression, etc.

Yin deficient is where the body is lacking in anything cold, stable, or fluid. This includes blood, mucus, fat, bone, and organ tissue. This also relates to the nerves becoming ungrounded, as well as the mind. The person may be unable to sit still, concentrate for long periods, and may feel manic/overly optimistic. Potentially, they can get angry or irritable.

Physically, they can have pain, dryness, hair loss, heat signs, red skin/rashes, excess hunger, bursts of energy (which is unchecked and leads to collapse), etc.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=354250 time=1652476485 user_id=21286]
OhNoItsMook said:
What about stomachaches? Since the solar chakra is around the area, would a stomachache indicate deficiency in Yang, or perhaps even an excess of it? Considering one eats/lives fine and the nine yards but still gets a killer stomachache out of nowhere. Bound me to bed for like a week.

Contrarily, what are the effects of Yin in excess/deficiency?

Thank you both for the strongly informational post.

It depends on what the ache is. You can have a yang deficiency of the stomach, where the stomach lacks the power to digest, leading to bloating and weakness. For yin deficiency, the stomach is overheated and can either manifest as out of control hunger, or eventually little hunger, as the yin deficiency saps the yang of the stomach.

There are cases where other organs, like the liver, can "attack" the stomach when they themselves are having problems. This is another situation. If someone is yin deficient in general and nervous, this can also impede the downward flow of the digestive system, which can play a role in a stomachache.

It is also important to consider whether this is a chronic issue, or whether it happened once, which sounds more like an infection of some sort, or other incidental problem.

You can tell based on the specifics of your symptoms, as well as with astrology. Ask yourself what your Sun sign is, and if the Sun is afflicted. The yin of the digestive system is mainly ruled by the Moon, although remember that the Sun rules all vitality (because any yin of the body must come from digested food in the first place).

Regardless, pushing the Stomach 36 point solves both issues.


Yin in excess can be seen similarly to yang deficiency, although it is not truly the same, but related. This can be a case where the person has excess fluids, for example, or extra growths or something. If the excess is left unchecked, then the yang of the body will have a hard time dealing with all the "work" that has to be processed. Then, this would lead to weakness, feeling cold or tired, diarrhea, trouble concentrating, bloating, depression, etc.

Yin deficient is where the body is lacking in anything cold, stable, or fluid. This includes blood, mucus, fat, bone, and organ tissue. This also relates to the nerves becoming ungrounded, as well as the mind. The person may be unable to sit still, concentrate for long periods, and may feel manic/overly optimistic. Potentially, they can get angry or irritable.

Physically, they can have pain, dryness, hair loss, heat signs, red skin/rashes, excess hunger, bursts of energy (which is unchecked and leads to collapse), etc.

I appreciate the in-depth and informational response. The issue at the time was incidental, and hasn't come back, fortunately.

Recently, however, I have experienced psychological symptoms that may be attributed to an excess in Yin, I believe. Some issues in concentration and the inability to stick to a particular activity for an extended period of time, without becoming distracted somehow. Feelings of tiredness can also come during this.

Furthermore, how would one solve a deficiency or excess in either Yin or Yang? Is balance achieved through constantly increasing/decreasing one or the other?
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=354250 time=1652476485 user_id=21286]
His mention of adaptation is interesting. The hay fever itself is just wind-heat and falls into this same topic. The acupoints like LI 11 push pathogens out of the skin, just like a fever is used to do during extreme situations.
There is an actual proverb about the advice regarding clothing that he is advising around here which leads me to believe that there is much merit in his point indeed.
thank you very much for your post

Definitely, the JOS teachings of the chakras and how they relate to the planets on the JOS site have resonated with me a lot ---- I have been looking for a chakra/planet explanation that made sense for a long time.

You mentioned that for some illnesses, it is better to approach from the grose level - such as Ayurveda and TCM.

However, that these practices don't have a great understanding of the soul, and I guess you are suggesting that it is good to team knowledge with the grose level (Ayurveda and TCM) with soul/energetic understanding - such as the info from the JOS website, astrology, and practices such as energetic healing chi gong.

I am feeling maybe now is the time to start a foundation in TCM/acupuncture, or Ayurveda, and then maybe herbology later on.

Would you say that Ayurveda and TCM are complimentary?

I wondered if you had any favourite TCM, acupuncture books/websites or Ayurveda books/sites you would recommend? Other than are listed in the above thread.

.....Thinking about it some more, Daoism does teach magical practices, i.e. mastery of the elements.... but they don't ever really teach about any god figures, do they?

....Off on another tangent, did the Tibetan bon tradition teach about Shiva and the gods at all?

thanks so much for all your hard work, sharing your knowledge and insight

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=354250 time=1652476485 user_id=21286]
Henu the Great said:
I think the following post by Centralforce666 about hay fever fits somewhat into the topic as well: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=113681#p113681

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=332332 time=1646772354 user_id=21286]
Is there something you could expand into the subject?

His mention of adaptation is interesting. The hay fever itself is just wind-heat and falls into this same topic. The acupoints like LI 11 push pathogens out of the skin, just like a fever is used to do during extreme situations.

666S666 said:
Does it matter to hold our left or right leg/hand or the specific one shown in the image ?

No, it does not. At least not for any general purpose. The channels mirror across the limbs.

Manofsatan said:
Please the large intestine 11 acupressure image is gone. I need it. Could it be uploaded

It is still there on my screen. Here is the link: https://www.chinesemedicineliving.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/li11.jpg

You can find many more pictures of this point, or others, by searching them as well. For example, type "large intestine 11" and switch to the image view.

OhNoItsMook said:
What about stomachaches? Since the solar chakra is around the area, would a stomachache indicate deficiency in Yang, or perhaps even an excess of it? Considering one eats/lives fine and the nine yards but still gets a killer stomachache out of nowhere. Bound me to bed for like a week.

Contrarily, what are the effects of Yin in excess/deficiency?

Thank you both for the strongly informational post.

It depends on what the ache is. You can have a yang deficiency of the stomach, where the stomach lacks the power to digest, leading to bloating and weakness. For yin deficiency, the stomach is overheated and can either manifest as out of control hunger, or eventually little hunger, as the yin deficiency saps the yang of the stomach.

There are cases where other organs, like the liver, can "attack" the stomach when they themselves are having problems. This is another situation. If someone is yin deficient in general and nervous, this can also impede the downward flow of the digestive system, which can play a role in a stomachache.

It is also important to consider whether this is a chronic issue, or whether it happened once, which sounds more like an infection of some sort, or other incidental problem.

You can tell based on the specifics of your symptoms, as well as with astrology. Ask yourself what your Sun sign is, and if the Sun is afflicted. The yin of the digestive system is mainly ruled by the Moon, although remember that the Sun rules all vitality (because any yin of the body must come from digested food in the first place).

Regardless, pushing the Stomach 36 point solves both issues.


Yin in excess can be seen similarly to yang deficiency, although it is not truly the same, but related. This can be a case where the person has excess fluids, for example, or extra growths or something. If the excess is left unchecked, then the yang of the body will have a hard time dealing with all the "work" that has to be processed. Then, this would lead to weakness, feeling cold or tired, diarrhea, trouble concentrating, bloating, depression, etc.

Yin deficient is where the body is lacking in anything cold, stable, or fluid. This includes blood, mucus, fat, bone, and organ tissue. This also relates to the nerves becoming ungrounded, as well as the mind. The person may be unable to sit still, concentrate for long periods, and may feel manic/overly optimistic. Potentially, they can get angry or irritable.

Physically, they can have pain, dryness, hair loss, heat signs, red skin/rashes, excess hunger, bursts of energy (which is unchecked and leads to collapse), etc.
OhNoItsMook said:
I appreciate the in-depth and informational response. The issue at the time was incidental, and hasn't come back, fortunately.

Recently, however, I have experienced psychological symptoms that may be attributed to an excess in Yin, I believe. Some issues in concentration and the inability to stick to a particular activity for an extended period of time, without becoming distracted somehow. Feelings of tiredness can also come during this.

Furthermore, how would one solve a deficiency or excess in either Yin or Yang? Is balance achieved through constantly increasing/decreasing one or the other?

Although balance, in general, means that the amounts of each element or item are regulated in some way, you can still address these problems without worrying too much about that.

One aspect of this is that your affirmations/programming should always imply a strongly positive result. In this sense, there would be no errant addition/subtraction of certain substances, such as in the body.

However, the soul is different in that we can imagine it as having "degrees of advancement" of different areas. This is how someone can have a very strong yang element, but deficient yin. However, when this manifests into the body, we can take additional measures to transform this yang into yin, which at least alleviates physical ailment, for the current time.

But, when you are referring to aspects of yourself which are more spiritual or mental in nature, it is different. In this situation, we have more freedom to increase certain aspects of our nature without being limited by our understanding of the body.

In other words, this is how someone can have a very advanced empathic ability, for example, which can exist separate to the same person's leadership drive. Looking at it from the view of the soul, there is no reason why the two energies should clash with each other.

However, we know that the body is a manifestation of the soul, so the same actually does apply to the body, where one person's soul could have very strong indicators of health- both yin and yang, but not in a way where one element is destroying another.

So no, you don't have to worry about a conflict here, nor should you imagine that it may exist. Even if some sort of obstacle, of any sort, may occur, your programming should reflect your end goal. If it takes more energy to create this end goal in a positive way, as opposed to a destructive way, then that is just the necessary cost of our labor.


What you describe of having an inability to sit still is an earth problem, which grants both endurance and regulative powers. Taurus and Uruz pertain very much to endurance and stability, whereas Nauthiz and Saturn pertain more to discipline and the creation or adherence to obstacles, yet there is overlap between the two.

Any sort of tiredness or lack of drive is a yang deficiency. In your case, it is most likely a fire deficiency. Air is also yang, but not as good as "pushing" or fueling your body like fire, which is why a Leo Sun is better than a Gemini one, for example (and vice versa for your Mercury).

Saturn will be retrograde until October 23rd, therefore October 29th would be the next best date to start something pertaining to staying disciplined and consistent with your work.

The Sun has now left Leo, and Mars will be in Gemini or other less useful signs until next year. For the purpose of energy, the Sun in Sagittarius, or Jupiter in Aries, may prove fruitful. Otherwise, simply rely on mantras like Saulo or Thurisaz for improving either your general energy or productive drive.

Physically, it will be easier for those with more advanced yin or yang planets/aspects of their soul to create positive health or other physical behaviors. In other words, yes a high fire person can still become tired, but they will recover much quicker as well.

For more physical solutions, I have elaborated on this here: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=384554#p384554

Thanks for reading.
If it hasn't already been mentioned, Yu Ping Feng San, the last herbal formula listed in the original post, should NEVER be taken if you are sick.

It is a prophylactic for people who have a propensity towards catching colds and flu's due to Spleen or Lung Qi Deficiency.

If you take it while you are ill, you will drive the pathogen deeper and cause more problems.
Centralforce666 said:
If it hasn't already been mentioned, Yu Ping Feng San, the last herbal formula listed in the original post, should NEVER be taken if you are sick.

It is a prophylactic for people who have a propensity towards catching colds and flu's due to Spleen or Lung Qi Deficiency.

If you take it while you are ill, you will drive the pathogen deeper and cause more problems.

Thank you for clarifying this, because this is indeed important. I wish that was more clear either on the given link, or on another site I like to use: https://www.americandragon.com/Herb%20Formulas%20copy/YuPingFengSan.html

I assume that is due to the tonifying influence of the Astralagus Root?
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=385787 time=1662093576 user_id=21286]

My 6 yo keep getting sick (fever most of the time, no energy, sometimes he cough) since last winter, he had 2 episodes of high fever in july and august. I want to help him. I thought it was the food he ingest, but he did eat better in the last week. He doesnt like much vegetables but he eats many fruits. I can't make him eat oinions (I could try to add garlic in his food tho).

It was his first week of school, he was bored because he knew everything that was taught by his teacher. I think his emotions are causing this fever. What can I do to help him?
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=384848 time=1661831877 user_id=21286]
OhNoItsMook said:
I appreciate the in-depth and informational response. The issue at the time was incidental, and hasn't come back, fortunately.

Recently, however, I have experienced psychological symptoms that may be attributed to an excess in Yin, I believe. Some issues in concentration and the inability to stick to a particular activity for an extended period of time, without becoming distracted somehow. Feelings of tiredness can also come during this.

Furthermore, how would one solve a deficiency or excess in either Yin or Yang? Is balance achieved through constantly increasing/decreasing one or the other?

Although balance, in general, means that the amounts of each element or item are regulated in some way, you can still address these problems without worrying too much about that.

One aspect of this is that your affirmations/programming should always imply a strongly positive result. In this sense, there would be no errant addition/subtraction of certain substances, such as in the body.

However, the soul is different in that we can imagine it as having "degrees of advancement" of different areas. This is how someone can have a very strong yang element, but deficient yin. However, when this manifests into the body, we can take additional measures to transform this yang into yin, which at least alleviates physical ailment, for the current time.

But, when you are referring to aspects of yourself which are more spiritual or mental in nature, it is different. In this situation, we have more freedom to increase certain aspects of our nature without being limited by our understanding of the body.

In other words, this is how someone can have a very advanced empathic ability, for example, which can exist separate to the same person's leadership drive. Looking at it from the view of the soul, there is no reason why the two energies should clash with each other.

However, we know that the body is a manifestation of the soul, so the same actually does apply to the body, where one person's soul could have very strong indicators of health- both yin and yang, but not in a way where one element is destroying another.

So no, you don't have to worry about a conflict here, nor should you imagine that it may exist. Even if some sort of obstacle, of any sort, may occur, your programming should reflect your end goal. If it takes more energy to create this end goal in a positive way, as opposed to a destructive way, then that is just the necessary cost of our labor.


What you describe of having an inability to sit still is an earth problem, which grants both endurance and regulative powers. Taurus and Uruz pertain very much to endurance and stability, whereas Nauthiz and Saturn pertain more to discipline and the creation or adherence to obstacles, yet there is overlap between the two.

Any sort of tiredness or lack of drive is a yang deficiency. In your case, it is most likely a fire deficiency. Air is also yang, but not as good as "pushing" or fueling your body like fire, which is why a Leo Sun is better than a Gemini one, for example (and vice versa for your Mercury).

Saturn will be retrograde until October 23rd, therefore October 29th would be the next best date to start something pertaining to staying disciplined and consistent with your work.

The Sun has now left Leo, and Mars will be in Gemini or other less useful signs until next year. For the purpose of energy, the Sun in Sagittarius, or Jupiter in Aries, may prove fruitful. Otherwise, simply rely on mantras like Saulo or Thurisaz for improving either your general energy or productive drive.

Physically, it will be easier for those with more advanced yin or yang planets/aspects of their soul to create positive health or other physical behaviors. In other words, yes a high fire person can still become tired, but they will recover much quicker as well.

For more physical solutions, I have elaborated on this here: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=384554#p384554

Thanks for reading.

Incredible. I must've forgotten to respond, but I've formed a working for Saturn on the 29th (which is a Saturday after all) based on the highly valuable information you have provided me. The concepts of yin and yang and material body in this context were a bit of a mystery to me, but I have now become able to understand to some extent.

Since my initial post in May, I have performed workings for increasing my energy, drive, and willpower (which you've actually also helped me with in a past thread), so fortunately I have managed to resolve the issue in that sense. Though, I still seem to be lacking in Earth, so I've been invoking it as of recently. It's been seeing relatively good results very fast, in fact.

Fire is surprisingly my strongest element, water being next. So Earth has been pretty lacking, especially since I've invoked Air before, as that was what used to be my weakest.

Invocation of Earth combined with Thurs, Uruz, Nauthiz and the upcoming Saturnian working, and potentially invoking quintessence, should most likely resolve the rest of the issues, indeed. Much gratitude again, and for the additional link.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
