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Health, Prana, Chi, Dosha, Qigong for Organs

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
The Ancients, even with their knowledge of meditation, still had the practices of surgery and medicine. If you need something, don’t deny it thinking it can be solved solely through meditation. It will take lifetimes of soul development, and generations of better breeding, to advance to the point where the physical body can be perfected.

A lot of regular sickness is partly of the mindset. A lot of people give in to illness and wait for it to be over, but if they put their mind to it they can instantly reduce the symptoms to an extent and get through it better. You need to keep correcting your mindset though, and not let it slip into negative thinking. This is not to say that “positive thinking cures everything”, there is far more to it than that; the mind is powerful but we usually need other things to aid it.

Prana, the universal energy, is everywhere on Earth… but not as much as it used to be. Humans have caused a lot of damage to our planet: deforestation, concrete cities, dumping waste into our oceans, pollution, etc. If you go out in nature, there is prana everywhere. We don’t walk in “empty air”, it’s full of prana. Due to weakened genetics and toxicity and too many lifetimes/generations without true spiritual knowledge, most people are unable to absorb prana correctly. Practicing yoga and meditation will condition and prepare the body for this.

And unfortunately most food does not have the amount of prana it used to. Vegetables and fruit used to be filled with prana, but incorrect farming practices and chemical fertilization has greatly decreased this. Meat from animals that are kept all their lives in cramped cages is much weaker too.

The way we prepare food leaves it even weaker. Food is best cooked over open flame (in cooking utensils such as pots and pans or on a grilling rack, what matters is the open flame below it), this infuses it with fiery prana that aids digestion. Many people have illnesses that are caused from weak digestion now. The stomach needs hot food. If you keep putting cold food into it, you dampen its digestive power. Try to aim for 2 hot meals a day and only 1 cold, if that. Eat 3 hot meals a day cooked over open flame, and you will see your health improve and your strength increased. Those who have gone camping and cooked food over the fire pit, compare this to food cooked at home in your microwave. That being said, heating food in a microwave is better than nothing, and is generally better than eating food cold (the amount of radiation in microwaves may be harmful in the long run to some people, but generally not to most people).

If you can get a barbecue this is a good option, but if you live in an apartment complex you will have to check with regulations or risk being fined. If you have a fireplace (wood burning, not gas) or wood stove, you might need to make alterations to be able to cook on/in it, and of course do research to know what you are doing as there are techniques to it. Don’t go in blind and assume you know what you’re doing. Make sure to have your chimney cleaned regularly. For those who have flame stove-top and were thinking to modernize to electrical burners, you might want to keep the flame, it’s more potent. A lot of modernization is weakening us.

Going back to the previous mention of prana in nature. You’ll have heard mention of “nature spirits”, these are often associated with pockets of massive amounts of prana in certain areas. The bend of a river, a grove of trees, a singular hill are some examples. There is more prana here. If you need extra prana for healing, head to one of these. Breathe it in, through all sides of your body, through your skin (the largest organ in the body). Infuse all cells in your body with prana.

Those of you in large cities will have a harder time finding these, but in a park if there are a few trees together, prana will be there, but not the massive amount found in nature. Sit against a tree and draw the energy in through your feet (and back chakra extensions for those with more experience). However, try to feel the energy of the tree first before drawing it into you, because some trees are diseased or polluted especially in large cities. But in general, trees have unlimited prana, as their roots are in the Earth and they will draw up all they need and more. Do not do this to houseplants, only trees whose roots are in the Earth.

Speaking of prana in the Earth, our dear planet is suffering, but it can be restored. Our planet has natural rejuvenating powers, so it will recover well from various improvements we need to make to our civilization.

Chi (Qi) is another name for prana, and often refers to the energy in our bodies. Below are the Qigong routines for your organs, including your mouth. You can do all 5 of these for overall health and maintenance, or focus on the ones you need if you are suffering from a problem with one specific organ. The elements are a bit different than the 5 we are used to, but they still relate, just in a slightly different form. You don’t have to do these daily, even once a week will be good for maintenance, and they provide a nice stretch and gentle movement for the body.

Below are sounds and colors for the organs. You can do the Qigong practice first, then focus on the corresponding organ, breathe in the color or see it brightly lit up in the color, and make the sound. This is from TCM, and will help generate the correct energy in each organ, and keep them working optimally. Look at diagrams online for the organs, and don’t worry too much if you can’t get it perfect, this is an ability that comes in time. Softly focus on the approximate region and will the energy to go there.

For the sounds, carry it out for a full easy breath without straining. Take a normal inhale (80% lung capacity), and make the sound for the duration of the exhale (to about 20% of lung capacity). These sounds are soft, not like runic mantras. Do them gently like you are making a soothing sound, but in your natural voice. Start with just a few, perhaps one in each relating organ, and work up as you feel is correct. There is generally no need to do a lot, 6 is the recommended number.

If you do all these, do them in the order given below. You can do just one daily if needed. The video is linked in the element name for easy categorization.

Wood: Eyes, liver, gall bladder, tendons. The color is green, like a pure bright green that you see on leaves and trees. The sound is SHHH (like you are telling someone to be silent).

Fire: Heart, tongue, small intestine, blood vessels. The color is red, the sound is HAAWW, but do not vibrate the W like runic. It rhymes with the English word “awe”.

Earth: Lips, mouth (excluding tongue), stomach, spleen, pancreas, muscles. The color is yellow, the sound is HOOO, like HUUU, rhymes with the English word "who".

Metal: Skin, hair, nose, lungs, large intestine. The color is white, the sound is SSSS, a soft hissing not like runic. Like in the words "sea" and "secret".

Water: Ears, kidneys, bladder, bones. The color is dark blue, but still bright and pure, similar to sapphire blue. The sound is CHOOO, rhymes with the English word "chew".

(The sound for the Triple Warmer (the Dan Tiens) is HEEE, the color is clear, no video as of yet.)

(Sources for sounds and colors: Inner Smile and Six Healing Sounds Practices by Mantak Chia, other websites have them too for further reading.)

Ayurveda Doshas

Knowing your dosha, or doshas (most people are a blend of 2 or perhaps all 3, in varying amounts) will help with your health, knowing what foods, spices, and herbal supplements are best for you, and what you should consider avoiding. It will also show your imbalances and what foods will help bring your body back to a state of harmony.

The doshas are not just about the physical body, but also the mind.

Your dosha is not necessarily shown in your astrology chart. I’ve seen charts that are the complete opposite of their dosha. We have 4 elements in the chart, the doshas are a mix of all 5 elements divided into 3 doshas. Vata is Akasha and Air, Kapha is Earth and Water, Pitta is Fire and Water.

Go to this site and take the free test and it will lead you to pages of information. There are probably better quizes but I can’t test them all, if anyone knows of a better one let me know and I will link it. For quick reference, for diet: Vata, Pitta, Kapha.

Update: Here is another website for doshas, recommended by @Stormblood: https://www.joyfulbelly.com/

May you all become healthier :)
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If you do all these, do them in the order given below. You can do just one daily if needed. The video is linked in the element name for easy categorization.

Wood: Eyes, liver, gall bladder, tendons. The color is green, like a pure bright green that you see on leaves and trees. The sound is SHHH (like you are telling someone to be silent).

Fire: Heart, tongue, small intestine, blood vessels. The color is red, the sound is HAAWW, but do not vibrate the W like runic. It rhymes with the English word “awe”.

Earth: Lips, mouth (excluding tongue), stomach, spleen, pancreas, muscles. The color is yellow, the sound is HOOO, like HUUU, rhymes with the English word "who".

Metal: Skin, hair, nose, lungs, large intestine. The color is white, the sound is SSSS, a soft hissing not like runic.

Water: Ears, kidneys, bladder, bones. The color is dark blue, but still bright and pure, similar to sapphire blue. The sound is CHOOO, rhymes with the English word "chew".

(The sound for the Triple Warmer (the Dan Tiens) is HEEE, the color is clear, no video as of yet.)

(Sources for sounds and colors: Inner Smile and Six Healing Sounds Practices by Mantak Chia, other websites have them too for further reading.)

May you all become healthier :)

I use a Chinese practice known as "Cosmic Shamanic Qi-Gong", a Daoist practice, I noticed that my sleep has gotten better and I've been less addicted to eating, better digestion and more cautious as to who I surround myself with. It's accompanied by doing 12 mudras, we all gotta love that number 12!

I've sent the book to our Chinese members, but perhaps I should spill the beans eventually...we are a Temple of Knowledge, free and open for all after all.
Thank you High Priestess Lydia, I found this so helpful and applicable right now! 🙏✨
For cooking with a hearth, does the food need to touch the flames directly (like with grilling) or is using a cast-iron pot (for stews, etc) in the flames the same? 🌞
The Ancients, even with their knowledge of meditation, still had the practices of surgery and medicine. If you need something, don’t deny it thinking it can be solved solely through meditation. It will take lifetimes of soul development, and generations of better breeding, to advance to the point where the physical body can be perfected.

A lot of regular sickness is partly of the mindset. A lot of people give in to illness and wait for it to be over, but if they put their mind to it they can instantly reduce the symptoms to an extent and get through it better. You need to keep correcting your mindset though, and not let it slip into negative thinking. This is not to say that “positive thinking cures everything”, there is far more to it than that; the mind is powerful but we usually need other things to aid it.

Prana, the universal energy, is everywhere on Earth… but not as much as it used to be. Humans have caused a lot of damage to our planet: deforestation, concrete cities, dumping waste into our oceans, pollution, etc. If you go out in nature, there is prana everywhere. We don’t walk in “empty air”, it’s full of prana. Due to weakened genetics and toxicity and too many lifetimes/generations without true spiritual knowledge, most people are unable to absorb prana correctly. Practicing yoga and meditation will condition and prepare the body for this.

And unfortunately most food does not have the amount of prana it used to. Vegetables and fruit used to be filled with prana, but incorrect farming practices and chemical fertilization has greatly decreased this. Meat from animals that are kept all their lives in cramped cages is much weaker too.

The way we prepare food leaves it even weaker. Food is best cooked over open flame, this infuses it with fiery prana that aids digestion. Many people have illnesses that are caused from weak digestion now. The stomach needs hot food. If you keep putting cold food into it, you dampen its digestive power. Try to aim for 2 hot meals a day and only 1 cold, if that. Eat 3 hot meals a day cooked over open flame, and you will see your health improve and your strength increased. Those who have gone camping and cooked food over the fire pit, compare this to food cooked at home in your microwave. That being said, heating food in a microwave is better than nothing, and is generally better than eating food cold (the amount of radiation in microwaves may be harmful in the long run to some people, but generally not to most people).

If you can get a barbecue this is a good option, but if you live in an apartment complex you will have to check with regulations or risk being fined. If you have a fireplace (wood burning, not gas) or wood stove, you might need to make alterations to be able to cook on/in it, and of course do research to know what you are doing as there are techniques to it. Don’t go in blind and assume you know what you’re doing. Make sure to have your chimney cleaned regularly. For those who have flame stove-top and were thinking to modernize to electrical burners, you might want to keep the flame, it’s more potent. A lot of modernization is weakening us.

Going back to the previous mention of prana in nature. You’ll have heard mention of “nature spirits”, these are often associated with pockets of massive amounts of prana in certain areas. The bend of a river, a grove of trees, a singular hill are some examples. There is more prana here. If you need extra prana for healing, head to one of these. Breathe it in, through all sides of your body, through your skin (the largest organ in the body). Infuse all cells in your body with prana.

Those of you in large cities will have a harder time finding these, but in a park if there are a few trees together, prana will be there, but not the massive amount found in nature. Sit against a tree and draw the energy in through your feet (and back chakra extensions for those with more experience). However, try to feel the energy of the tree first before drawing it into you, because some trees are diseased or polluted especially in large cities. But in general, trees have unlimited prana, as their roots are in the Earth and they will draw up all they need and more. Do not do this to houseplants, only trees whose roots are in the Earth.

Speaking of prana in the Earth, our dear planet is suffering, but it can be restored. Our planet has natural rejuvenating powers, so it will recover well from various improvements we need to make to our civilization.

Chi (Qi) is another name for prana, and often refers to the energy in our bodies. Below are the Qigong routines for your organs, including your mouth. You can do all 5 of these for overall health and maintenance, or focus on the ones you need if you are suffering from a problem with one specific organ. The elements are a bit different than the 5 we are used to, but they still relate, just in a slightly different form. You don’t have to do these daily, even once a week will be good for maintenance, and they provide a nice stretch and gentle movement for the body.

Below are sounds and colors for the organs. You can do the Qigong practice first, then focus on the corresponding organ, breathe in the color or see it brightly lit up in the color, and make the sound. This is from TCM, and will help generate the correct energy in each organ, and keep them working optimally. Look at diagrams online for the organs, and don’t worry too much if you can’t get it perfect, this is an ability that comes in time. Softly focus on the approximate region and will the energy to go there.

For the sounds, carry it out for a full easy breath without straining. Take a normal inhale (80% lung capacity), and make the sound for the duration of the exhale (to about 20% of lung capacity). These sounds are soft, not like runic mantras. Do them gently like you are making a soothing sound, but in your natural voice. Start with just a few, perhaps one in each relating organ, and work up as you feel is correct. There is generally no need to do a lot, 6 is the recommended number.

If you do all these, do them in the order given below. You can do just one daily if needed. The video is linked in the element name for easy categorization.

Wood: Eyes, liver, gall bladder, tendons. The color is green, like a pure bright green that you see on leaves and trees. The sound is SHHH (like you are telling someone to be silent).

Fire: Heart, tongue, small intestine, blood vessels. The color is red, the sound is HAAWW, but do not vibrate the W like runic. It rhymes with the English word “awe”.

Earth: Lips, mouth (excluding tongue), stomach, spleen, pancreas, muscles. The color is yellow, the sound is HOOO, like HUUU, rhymes with the English word "who".

Metal: Skin, hair, nose, lungs, large intestine. The color is white, the sound is SSSS, a soft hissing not like runic.

Water: Ears, kidneys, bladder, bones. The color is dark blue, but still bright and pure, similar to sapphire blue. The sound is CHOOO, rhymes with the English word "chew".

(The sound for the Triple Warmer (the Dan Tiens) is HEEE, the color is clear, no video as of yet.)

(Sources for sounds and colors: Inner Smile and Six Healing Sounds Practices by Mantak Chia, other websites have them too for further reading.)

Ayurveda Doshas

Knowing your dosha, or doshas (most people are a blend of 2 or perhaps all 3, in varying amounts) will help with your health, knowing what foods, spices, and herbal supplements are best for you, and what you should consider avoiding. It will also show your imbalances and what foods will help bring your body back to a state of harmony.

The doshas are not just about the physical body, but also the mind.

Your dosha is not necessarily shown in your astrology chart. I’ve seen charts that are the complete opposite of their dosha. We have 4 elements in the chart, the doshas are a mix of all 5 elements divided into 3 doshas. Vata is Akasha and Air, Kapha is Earth and Water, Pitta is Fire and Water.

Go to this site and take the free test and it will lead you to pages of information. There are probably better quizes but I can’t test them all, if anyone knows of a better one let me know and I will link it. For quick reference, for diet: Vata, Pitta, Kapha.

May you all become healthier :)
Thanks really some good information !
Awesome I like the sermon!!!
Hail Zeus and the gods!!!
Amazing sermon as always High Priestess. Back in 2020 during the lockdown, I had a diabetes crisis as a secondary effect of a medication. After I got released from the hospital, I practiced the healing practices of the tao for the whole summer, combined with the usual yoga and meditations. In the book, each one of the six healing sounds were combined with a different hand position or mudra. These helped me immensely to deal with the diabetes, as I needed no more insulin or medications and the diabetes was considered healed in less then a year. I also think that my first Saturn retrograde was around this time, as I had many infections and what not within a year, not to mention the two of my most loved uncles from both sides died untimely deaths. Nonetheless, the combined practice of yoga and tao healing practices helped me a lot with dealing with the difficulties I faced at the time. A huge shout to Tao and Master Chia.
The Ancients, even with their knowledge of meditation, still had the practices of surgery and medicine. If you need something, don’t deny it thinking it can be solved solely through meditation. It will take lifetimes of soul development, and generations of better breeding, to advance to the point where the physical body can be perfected.

A lot of regular sickness is partly of the mindset. A lot of people give in to illness and wait for it to be over, but if they put their mind to it they can instantly reduce the symptoms to an extent and get through it better. You need to keep correcting your mindset though, and not let it slip into negative thinking. This is not to say that “positive thinking cures everything”, there is far more to it than that; the mind is powerful but we usually need other things to aid it.

Prana, the universal energy, is everywhere on Earth… but not as much as it used to be. Humans have caused a lot of damage to our planet: deforestation, concrete cities, dumping waste into our oceans, pollution, etc. If you go out in nature, there is prana everywhere. We don’t walk in “empty air”, it’s full of prana. Due to weakened genetics and toxicity and too many lifetimes/generations without true spiritual knowledge, most people are unable to absorb prana correctly. Practicing yoga and meditation will condition and prepare the body for this.

And unfortunately most food does not have the amount of prana it used to. Vegetables and fruit used to be filled with prana, but incorrect farming practices and chemical fertilization has greatly decreased this. Meat from animals that are kept all their lives in cramped cages is much weaker too.

The way we prepare food leaves it even weaker. Food is best cooked over open flame, this infuses it with fiery prana that aids digestion. Many people have illnesses that are caused from weak digestion now. The stomach needs hot food. If you keep putting cold food into it, you dampen its digestive power. Try to aim for 2 hot meals a day and only 1 cold, if that. Eat 3 hot meals a day cooked over open flame, and you will see your health improve and your strength increased. Those who have gone camping and cooked food over the fire pit, compare this to food cooked at home in your microwave. That being said, heating food in a microwave is better than nothing, and is generally better than eating food cold (the amount of radiation in microwaves may be harmful in the long run to some people, but generally not to most people).

If you can get a barbecue this is a good option, but if you live in an apartment complex you will have to check with regulations or risk being fined. If you have a fireplace (wood burning, not gas) or wood stove, you might need to make alterations to be able to cook on/in it, and of course do research to know what you are doing as there are techniques to it. Don’t go in blind and assume you know what you’re doing. Make sure to have your chimney cleaned regularly. For those who have flame stove-top and were thinking to modernize to electrical burners, you might want to keep the flame, it’s more potent. A lot of modernization is weakening us.

Going back to the previous mention of prana in nature. You’ll have heard mention of “nature spirits”, these are often associated with pockets of massive amounts of prana in certain areas. The bend of a river, a grove of trees, a singular hill are some examples. There is more prana here. If you need extra prana for healing, head to one of these. Breathe it in, through all sides of your body, through your skin (the largest organ in the body). Infuse all cells in your body with prana.

Those of you in large cities will have a harder time finding these, but in a park if there are a few trees together, prana will be there, but not the massive amount found in nature. Sit against a tree and draw the energy in through your feet (and back chakra extensions for those with more experience). However, try to feel the energy of the tree first before drawing it into you, because some trees are diseased or polluted especially in large cities. But in general, trees have unlimited prana, as their roots are in the Earth and they will draw up all they need and more. Do not do this to houseplants, only trees whose roots are in the Earth.

Speaking of prana in the Earth, our dear planet is suffering, but it can be restored. Our planet has natural rejuvenating powers, so it will recover well from various improvements we need to make to our civilization.

Chi (Qi) is another name for prana, and often refers to the energy in our bodies. Below are the Qigong routines for your organs, including your mouth. You can do all 5 of these for overall health and maintenance, or focus on the ones you need if you are suffering from a problem with one specific organ. The elements are a bit different than the 5 we are used to, but they still relate, just in a slightly different form. You don’t have to do these daily, even once a week will be good for maintenance, and they provide a nice stretch and gentle movement for the body.

Below are sounds and colors for the organs. You can do the Qigong practice first, then focus on the corresponding organ, breathe in the color or see it brightly lit up in the color, and make the sound. This is from TCM, and will help generate the correct energy in each organ, and keep them working optimally. Look at diagrams online for the organs, and don’t worry too much if you can’t get it perfect, this is an ability that comes in time. Softly focus on the approximate region and will the energy to go there.

For the sounds, carry it out for a full easy breath without straining. Take a normal inhale (80% lung capacity), and make the sound for the duration of the exhale (to about 20% of lung capacity). These sounds are soft, not like runic mantras. Do them gently like you are making a soothing sound, but in your natural voice. Start with just a few, perhaps one in each relating organ, and work up as you feel is correct. There is generally no need to do a lot, 6 is the recommended number.

If you do all these, do them in the order given below. You can do just one daily if needed. The video is linked in the element name for easy categorization.

Wood: Eyes, liver, gall bladder, tendons. The color is green, like a pure bright green that you see on leaves and trees. The sound is SHHH (like you are telling someone to be silent).

Fire: Heart, tongue, small intestine, blood vessels. The color is red, the sound is HAAWW, but do not vibrate the W like runic. It rhymes with the English word “awe”.

Earth: Lips, mouth (excluding tongue), stomach, spleen, pancreas, muscles. The color is yellow, the sound is HOOO, like HUUU, rhymes with the English word "who".

Metal: Skin, hair, nose, lungs, large intestine. The color is white, the sound is SSSS, a soft hissing not like runic.

Water: Ears, kidneys, bladder, bones. The color is dark blue, but still bright and pure, similar to sapphire blue. The sound is CHOOO, rhymes with the English word "chew".

(The sound for the Triple Warmer (the Dan Tiens) is HEEE, the color is clear, no video as of yet.)

(Sources for sounds and colors: Inner Smile and Six Healing Sounds Practices by Mantak Chia, other websites have them too for further reading.)

Ayurveda Doshas

Knowing your dosha, or doshas (most people are a blend of 2 or perhaps all 3, in varying amounts) will help with your health, knowing what foods, spices, and herbal supplements are best for you, and what you should consider avoiding. It will also show your imbalances and what foods will help bring your body back to a state of harmony.

The doshas are not just about the physical body, but also the mind.

Your dosha is not necessarily shown in your astrology chart. I’ve seen charts that are the complete opposite of their dosha. We have 4 elements in the chart, the doshas are a mix of all 5 elements divided into 3 doshas. Vata is Akasha and Air, Kapha is Earth and Water, Pitta is Fire and Water.

Go to this site and take the free test and it will lead you to pages of information. There are probably better quizes but I can’t test them all, if anyone knows of a better one let me know and I will link it. For quick reference, for diet: Vata, Pitta, Kapha.

May you all become healthier :)
Thank youuuuuuuuu!!!!!
Thank you High Priestess Lydia, I found this so helpful and applicable right now! 🙏✨
For cooking with a hearth, does the food need to touch the flames directly (like with grilling) or is using a cast-iron pot (for stews, etc) in the flames the same? 🌞
Yes, in the cast-iron pot, or other materials. What matters is the flames below it. Thanks for asking, I will edit and clarify this :)

Sorry, HPS Lydia, could you clarify the SSSS. It doesn't come from the back of throat, but similar to the S in Slithering: soft and relaxed.

Yes, in those words. Thanks, I will edit :)
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I've sent the book to our Chinese members, but perhaps I should spill the beans eventually...we are a Temple of Knowledge, free and open for all after all.
How would you feel if all the knowledge us White clergy members gave, was only for Whites, and passed it around in secret, excluding the Chinese?

People keep saying how us Whites are the racists, but all the information we give is for everyone. All members are welcome to benefit, regardless of race or anything else. Yet you admit your people keep secrets (talking about "perhaps spilling the beans eventually") from the rest of us.

Any time someone accuses us Whites of being racists here in the ToZ, keep this in mind. We keep giving, but other people hide things from us as they evidently do not deem us worthy.
How would you feel if all the knowledge us White clergy members gave, was only for Whites, and passed it around in secret, excluding the Chinese?

People keep saying how us Whites are the racists, but all the information we give is for everyone. All members are welcome to benefit, regardless of race or anything else. Yet you admit your people keep secrets (talking about "perhaps spilling the beans eventually") from the rest of us.

Any time someone accuses us Whites of being racists here in the ToZ, keep this in mind. We keep giving, but other people hide things from us as they evidently do not deem us worthy.
Chinese are some of the most racist people on the planet. Unfortunately, it seems that this member is living up to the stereotype.
Yes, in the cast-iron pot, or other materials. What matters is the flames below it. Thanks for asking, I will edit and clarify this :)

Yes, in those words. Thanks, I will edit :)
thanks for the clarity HPS ❤️‍🔥 I've been cooking for an elderly family member and this is just gold! 🌞✨

I wonder if there would be similar effects with those "solar cooker" devices/using the heat from the sun? 💭
The Ancients, even with their knowledge of meditation, still had the practices of surgery and medicine. If you need something, don’t deny it thinking it can be solved solely through meditation. It will take lifetimes of soul development, and generations of better breeding, to advance to the point where the physical body can be perfected.

A lot of regular sickness is partly of the mindset. A lot of people give in to illness and wait for it to be over, but if they put their mind to it they can instantly reduce the symptoms to an extent and get through it better. You need to keep correcting your mindset though, and not let it slip into negative thinking. This is not to say that “positive thinking cures everything”, there is far more to it than that; the mind is powerful but we usually need other things to aid it.

Prana, the universal energy, is everywhere on Earth… but not as much as it used to be. Humans have caused a lot of damage to our planet: deforestation, concrete cities, dumping waste into our oceans, pollution, etc. If you go out in nature, there is prana everywhere. We don’t walk in “empty air”, it’s full of prana. Due to weakened genetics and toxicity and too many lifetimes/generations without true spiritual knowledge, most people are unable to absorb prana correctly. Practicing yoga and meditation will condition and prepare the body for this.

And unfortunately most food does not have the amount of prana it used to. Vegetables and fruit used to be filled with prana, but incorrect farming practices and chemical fertilization has greatly decreased this. Meat from animals that are kept all their lives in cramped cages is much weaker too.

The way we prepare food leaves it even weaker. Food is best cooked over open flame (in cooking utensils such as pots and pans or on a grilling rack, what matters is the open flame below it), this infuses it with fiery prana that aids digestion. Many people have illnesses that are caused from weak digestion now. The stomach needs hot food. If you keep putting cold food into it, you dampen its digestive power. Try to aim for 2 hot meals a day and only 1 cold, if that. Eat 3 hot meals a day cooked over open flame, and you will see your health improve and your strength increased. Those who have gone camping and cooked food over the fire pit, compare this to food cooked at home in your microwave. That being said, heating food in a microwave is better than nothing, and is generally better than eating food cold (the amount of radiation in microwaves may be harmful in the long run to some people, but generally not to most people).

If you can get a barbecue this is a good option, but if you live in an apartment complex you will have to check with regulations or risk being fined. If you have a fireplace (wood burning, not gas) or wood stove, you might need to make alterations to be able to cook on/in it, and of course do research to know what you are doing as there are techniques to it. Don’t go in blind and assume you know what you’re doing. Make sure to have your chimney cleaned regularly. For those who have flame stove-top and were thinking to modernize to electrical burners, you might want to keep the flame, it’s more potent. A lot of modernization is weakening us.

Going back to the previous mention of prana in nature. You’ll have heard mention of “nature spirits”, these are often associated with pockets of massive amounts of prana in certain areas. The bend of a river, a grove of trees, a singular hill are some examples. There is more prana here. If you need extra prana for healing, head to one of these. Breathe it in, through all sides of your body, through your skin (the largest organ in the body). Infuse all cells in your body with prana.

Those of you in large cities will have a harder time finding these, but in a park if there are a few trees together, prana will be there, but not the massive amount found in nature. Sit against a tree and draw the energy in through your feet (and back chakra extensions for those with more experience). However, try to feel the energy of the tree first before drawing it into you, because some trees are diseased or polluted especially in large cities. But in general, trees have unlimited prana, as their roots are in the Earth and they will draw up all they need and more. Do not do this to houseplants, only trees whose roots are in the Earth.

Speaking of prana in the Earth, our dear planet is suffering, but it can be restored. Our planet has natural rejuvenating powers, so it will recover well from various improvements we need to make to our civilization.

Chi (Qi) is another name for prana, and often refers to the energy in our bodies. Below are the Qigong routines for your organs, including your mouth. You can do all 5 of these for overall health and maintenance, or focus on the ones you need if you are suffering from a problem with one specific organ. The elements are a bit different than the 5 we are used to, but they still relate, just in a slightly different form. You don’t have to do these daily, even once a week will be good for maintenance, and they provide a nice stretch and gentle movement for the body.

Below are sounds and colors for the organs. You can do the Qigong practice first, then focus on the corresponding organ, breathe in the color or see it brightly lit up in the color, and make the sound. This is from TCM, and will help generate the correct energy in each organ, and keep them working optimally. Look at diagrams online for the organs, and don’t worry too much if you can’t get it perfect, this is an ability that comes in time. Softly focus on the approximate region and will the energy to go there.

For the sounds, carry it out for a full easy breath without straining. Take a normal inhale (80% lung capacity), and make the sound for the duration of the exhale (to about 20% of lung capacity). These sounds are soft, not like runic mantras. Do them gently like you are making a soothing sound, but in your natural voice. Start with just a few, perhaps one in each relating organ, and work up as you feel is correct. There is generally no need to do a lot, 6 is the recommended number.

If you do all these, do them in the order given below. You can do just one daily if needed. The video is linked in the element name for easy categorization.

Wood: Eyes, liver, gall bladder, tendons. The color is green, like a pure bright green that you see on leaves and trees. The sound is SHHH (like you are telling someone to be silent).

Fire: Heart, tongue, small intestine, blood vessels. The color is red, the sound is HAAWW, but do not vibrate the W like runic. It rhymes with the English word “awe”.

Earth: Lips, mouth (excluding tongue), stomach, spleen, pancreas, muscles. The color is yellow, the sound is HOOO, like HUUU, rhymes with the English word "who".

Metal: Skin, hair, nose, lungs, large intestine. The color is white, the sound is SSSS, a soft hissing not like runic. Like in the words "sea" and "secret".

Water: Ears, kidneys, bladder, bones. The color is dark blue, but still bright and pure, similar to sapphire blue. The sound is CHOOO, rhymes with the English word "chew".

(The sound for the Triple Warmer (the Dan Tiens) is HEEE, the color is clear, no video as of yet.)

(Sources for sounds and colors: Inner Smile and Six Healing Sounds Practices by Mantak Chia, other websites have them too for further reading.)

Ayurveda Doshas

Knowing your dosha, or doshas (most people are a blend of 2 or perhaps all 3, in varying amounts) will help with your health, knowing what foods, spices, and herbal supplements are best for you, and what you should consider avoiding. It will also show your imbalances and what foods will help bring your body back to a state of harmony.

The doshas are not just about the physical body, but also the mind.

Your dosha is not necessarily shown in your astrology chart. I’ve seen charts that are the complete opposite of their dosha. We have 4 elements in the chart, the doshas are a mix of all 5 elements divided into 3 doshas. Vata is Akasha and Air, Kapha is Earth and Water, Pitta is Fire and Water.

Go to this site and take the free test and it will lead you to pages of information. There are probably better quizes but I can’t test them all, if anyone knows of a better one let me know and I will link it. For quick reference, for diet: Vata, Pitta, Kapha.

May you all become healthier :)
Okay, so that my only post to this topic would not be such a lame one, I would like to share my initial reaction:

We need more of this from you!
The Ancients, even with their knowledge of meditation, still had the practices of surgery and medicine. If you need something, don’t deny it thinking it can be solved solely through meditation. It will take lifetimes of soul development, and generations of better breeding, to advance to the point where the physical body can be perfected.

A lot of regular sickness is partly of the mindset. A lot of people give in to illness and wait for it to be over, but if they put their mind to it they can instantly reduce the symptoms to an extent and get through it better. You need to keep correcting your mindset though, and not let it slip into negative thinking. This is not to say that “positive thinking cures everything”, there is far more to it than that; the mind is powerful but we usually need other things to aid it.

Prana, the universal energy, is everywhere on Earth… but not as much as it used to be. Humans have caused a lot of damage to our planet: deforestation, concrete cities, dumping waste into our oceans, pollution, etc. If you go out in nature, there is prana everywhere. We don’t walk in “empty air”, it’s full of prana. Due to weakened genetics and toxicity and too many lifetimes/generations without true spiritual knowledge, most people are unable to absorb prana correctly. Practicing yoga and meditation will condition and prepare the body for this.

And unfortunately most food does not have the amount of prana it used to. Vegetables and fruit used to be filled with prana, but incorrect farming practices and chemical fertilization has greatly decreased this. Meat from animals that are kept all their lives in cramped cages is much weaker too.

The way we prepare food leaves it even weaker. Food is best cooked over open flame (in cooking utensils such as pots and pans or on a grilling rack, what matters is the open flame below it), this infuses it with fiery prana that aids digestion. Many people have illnesses that are caused from weak digestion now. The stomach needs hot food. If you keep putting cold food into it, you dampen its digestive power. Try to aim for 2 hot meals a day and only 1 cold, if that. Eat 3 hot meals a day cooked over open flame, and you will see your health improve and your strength increased. Those who have gone camping and cooked food over the fire pit, compare this to food cooked at home in your microwave. That being said, heating food in a microwave is better than nothing, and is generally better than eating food cold (the amount of radiation in microwaves may be harmful in the long run to some people, but generally not to most people).

If you can get a barbecue this is a good option, but if you live in an apartment complex you will have to check with regulations or risk being fined. If you have a fireplace (wood burning, not gas) or wood stove, you might need to make alterations to be able to cook on/in it, and of course do research to know what you are doing as there are techniques to it. Don’t go in blind and assume you know what you’re doing. Make sure to have your chimney cleaned regularly. For those who have flame stove-top and were thinking to modernize to electrical burners, you might want to keep the flame, it’s more potent. A lot of modernization is weakening us.

Going back to the previous mention of prana in nature. You’ll have heard mention of “nature spirits”, these are often associated with pockets of massive amounts of prana in certain areas. The bend of a river, a grove of trees, a singular hill are some examples. There is more prana here. If you need extra prana for healing, head to one of these. Breathe it in, through all sides of your body, through your skin (the largest organ in the body). Infuse all cells in your body with prana.

Those of you in large cities will have a harder time finding these, but in a park if there are a few trees together, prana will be there, but not the massive amount found in nature. Sit against a tree and draw the energy in through your feet (and back chakra extensions for those with more experience). However, try to feel the energy of the tree first before drawing it into you, because some trees are diseased or polluted especially in large cities. But in general, trees have unlimited prana, as their roots are in the Earth and they will draw up all they need and more. Do not do this to houseplants, only trees whose roots are in the Earth.

Speaking of prana in the Earth, our dear planet is suffering, but it can be restored. Our planet has natural rejuvenating powers, so it will recover well from various improvements we need to make to our civilization.

Chi (Qi) is another name for prana, and often refers to the energy in our bodies. Below are the Qigong routines for your organs, including your mouth. You can do all 5 of these for overall health and maintenance, or focus on the ones you need if you are suffering from a problem with one specific organ. The elements are a bit different than the 5 we are used to, but they still relate, just in a slightly different form. You don’t have to do these daily, even once a week will be good for maintenance, and they provide a nice stretch and gentle movement for the body.

Below are sounds and colors for the organs. You can do the Qigong practice first, then focus on the corresponding organ, breathe in the color or see it brightly lit up in the color, and make the sound. This is from TCM, and will help generate the correct energy in each organ, and keep them working optimally. Look at diagrams online for the organs, and don’t worry too much if you can’t get it perfect, this is an ability that comes in time. Softly focus on the approximate region and will the energy to go there.

For the sounds, carry it out for a full easy breath without straining. Take a normal inhale (80% lung capacity), and make the sound for the duration of the exhale (to about 20% of lung capacity). These sounds are soft, not like runic mantras. Do them gently like you are making a soothing sound, but in your natural voice. Start with just a few, perhaps one in each relating organ, and work up as you feel is correct. There is generally no need to do a lot, 6 is the recommended number.

If you do all these, do them in the order given below. You can do just one daily if needed. The video is linked in the element name for easy categorization.

Wood: Eyes, liver, gall bladder, tendons. The color is green, like a pure bright green that you see on leaves and trees. The sound is SHHH (like you are telling someone to be silent).

Fire: Heart, tongue, small intestine, blood vessels. The color is red, the sound is HAAWW, but do not vibrate the W like runic. It rhymes with the English word “awe”.

Earth: Lips, mouth (excluding tongue), stomach, spleen, pancreas, muscles. The color is yellow, the sound is HOOO, like HUUU, rhymes with the English word "who".

Metal: Skin, hair, nose, lungs, large intestine. The color is white, the sound is SSSS, a soft hissing not like runic. Like in the words "sea" and "secret".

Water: Ears, kidneys, bladder, bones. The color is dark blue, but still bright and pure, similar to sapphire blue. The sound is CHOOO, rhymes with the English word "chew".

(The sound for the Triple Warmer (the Dan Tiens) is HEEE, the color is clear, no video as of yet.)

(Sources for sounds and colors: Inner Smile and Six Healing Sounds Practices by Mantak Chia, other websites have them too for further reading.)

Ayurveda Doshas

Knowing your dosha, or doshas (most people are a blend of 2 or perhaps all 3, in varying amounts) will help with your health, knowing what foods, spices, and herbal supplements are best for you, and what you should consider avoiding. It will also show your imbalances and what foods will help bring your body back to a state of harmony.

The doshas are not just about the physical body, but also the mind.

Your dosha is not necessarily shown in your astrology chart. I’ve seen charts that are the complete opposite of their dosha. We have 4 elements in the chart, the doshas are a mix of all 5 elements divided into 3 doshas. Vata is Akasha and Air, Kapha is Earth and Water, Pitta is Fire and Water.

Go to this site and take the free test and it will lead you to pages of information. There are probably better quizes but I can’t test them all, if anyone knows of a better one let me know and I will link it. For quick reference, for diet: Vata, Pitta, Kapha.

May you all become healthier :)
Thank you so much for this sermon HPS Lydia. As always your sermons come just when I asked my guardian for help.

In this period of downtime (having lost my job) I have decided to focus on the definitive healing of my fibromyalgia. Obviously I am aware that it is not an immediate operation, and it will take time but I can no longer continue like this.

My health does not allow me to have a stable job and without work, obviously, I do not have economic stability. All this always leads me to a situation of anxiety and apprehension. But I know that as a priority I have that of taking care of my health and of creating skills to get a job from home that I can manage.

I live in the countryside and I have a lot of nature around me. I have always lived in contact with the earth, the grass, the water, the scents and I believe I have always absorbed prana. Thank you for reminding me of this fortune I have in having semi-pristine nature where I can reconnect with myself and the Gods.

Qi is something I need to reintroduce into my routine along with yoga and a really healthy diet. I had no knowledge of the doshas, I will inform myself as best I can.

You have brought order to my thoughts, and now I know what is necessary for me at this time.

You are always extremely precious to all of us HPS Lydia and I thank you enormously for these words.

May the Gods bless you every day and for eternity
Chinese are some of the most racist people on the planet. Unfortunately, it seems that this member is living up to the stereotype.

Every race has the most "racist" person on the planet and this I'm aware of.....and the Chinese translator, has even informed me that in China, they chant death messages against Filipinos, Japanese and fellow Asians, not to mention I have Filipino familiars who constantly chant death rants against Chinese people....not sure where you're getting this idea that I'm being "anti-White" or whatever by my message.

Also, go check my entire history...I've never said that White people are a "racist empire" did I? Do you see me saying ANYWHERE that White people shouldn't have this knowledge or shouldn't be practicing TCM? Do you see me sending Centralforce hate messages because he's not Chinese or whatever? Do you see me sending Blitzkrieg hate messages whenever he posts about acupressure points?

As someone who just recently a question about how to donate to ToZ (and jobless right now, but not living on $10 a day), and has the intention donating to ToZ, your accusations against me being some "liberal stereotype of someone who thinks Whites are all racist"....all because I said that I sent a Qi-Gong PDF to our members in China. When there's something ToZ says or does that I disagree with (such as the assertions on Buddhism, another topic for another time), then I'm civil with it.

Oh here's a fun fact, wanna know why I send these PDFs to members in China? Because they're my priority, that's why, and some of those PDFs are written by authors who were BANNED from living in China, and not to mention that the Chinese translator has also informed me that JoS/ToZ is de facto banned in China, so how else do you expect to hop their asses on here? Americans? Westerners? There have all the freedom and resources they need and can access it whenever they want, they need no such priority for an "insiginificant person" like myself...right?

God I fucking hate it when people misconstrue my messages and put shit in my mouth that I never said. Good grief.....what do you want me to do now, worship White people?

People like YOU are being a "stereotype" by assuming that I'm attacking White people.....yet the funny thing is, you read my original message, I never once even mentioned White people.....
How would you feel if all the knowledge us White clergy members gave, was only for Whites, and passed it around in secret, excluding the Chinese?

People keep saying how us Whites are the racists, but all the information we give is for everyone. All members are welcome to benefit, regardless of race or anything else. Yet you admit your people keep secrets (talking about "perhaps spilling the beans eventually") from the rest of us.

Any time someone accuses us Whites of being racists here in the ToZ, keep this in mind. We keep giving, but other people hide things from us as they evidently do not deem us worthy.

Firstly, I'm NOT Chinese more-so as I'm just an Asian who a fondness for Chinese and sympathies for what the Chinese go through.

Secondly, I appreciate what you and the clergy have done, and if I'm not mistaken, things have an order and process in which they are revealed, like how Zeus was the same as Satanas and not a seperate entity as the majority of Satanists (now Zevists) had believed all these years.

Go read my reply to Henu....I explained in thorough why I do the things I do and why I put Chinese people as my priority, though I'm not Chinese myself, some Chinese can barely even access ToZ without their government threatening them. But that's explained further in detailed response to Henu.

You and Henu are the one accusing ME of "being racist against Whites" all because I said I sent PDFs to people in China, but in my reply to Henu - that has been explained.

If you check my ENTIRE posting history....you will not find a single hate message against Whites, or me spreading hate messages about Centralforce of Blitzkrieg whenever they make Chinese medicine posts saying that they "have to be Chinese" to practice that stuff.

You want the Qi Gong books? I'll send them you. No problem. I'm not gonna rage against an HPS.
Every race has the most "racist" person on the planet and this I'm aware of.....and the Chinese translator, has even informed me that in China, they chant death messages against Filipinos, Japanese and fellow Asians, not to mention I have Filipino familiars who constantly chant death rants against Chinese people....not sure where you're getting this idea that I'm being "anti-White" or whatever by my message.

Also, go check my entire history...I've never said that White people are a "racist empire" did I? Do you see me saying ANYWHERE that White people shouldn't have this knowledge or shouldn't be practicing TCM? Do you see me sending Centralforce hate messages because he's not Chinese or whatever? Do you see me sending Blitzkrieg hate messages whenever he posts about acupressure points?

As someone who just recently a question about how to donate to ToZ (and jobless right now, but not living on $10 a day), and has the intention donating to ToZ, your accusations against me being some "liberal stereotype of someone who thinks Whites are all racist"....all because I said that I sent a Qi-Gong PDF to our members in China. When there's something ToZ says or does that I disagree with (such as the assertions on Buddhism, another topic for another time), then I'm civil with it.

Oh here's a fun fact, wanna know why I send these PDFs to members in China? Because they're my priority, that's why, and some of those PDFs are written by authors who were BANNED from living in China, and not to mention that the Chinese translator has also informed me that JoS/ToZ is de facto banned in China, so how else do you expect to hop their asses on here? Americans? Westerners? There have all the freedom and resources they need and can access it whenever they want, they need no such priority for an "insiginificant person" like myself...right?

God I fucking hate it when people misconstrue my messages and put shit in my mouth that I never said. Good grief.....what do you want me to do now, worship White people?

People like YOU are being a "stereotype" by assuming that I'm attacking White people.....yet the funny thing is, you read my original message, I never once even mentioned White people.....

I think the original conversation about this was pointing out the difference in how information was distributed between different groups of people. This does not imply you had done this for hateful reasons, but you also did state here that you prioritized others first, which can make people question why this was the case.

No, you were not given a chance to explain the situation and nobody should jump to conclusions. Yet, HPS was trying to point out the difference here, because this can lead to tension if it is not resolved. We should be aiming for improvements to our racial alliance, and for this to happen, it requires us to evaluate any pain points when they become conscious to us.

These conversations, despite of being difficult, also point the way towards healing, as if you did not reply (despite feeling provoked to do so), we would not be able to see your side, and also understand more of your perception of whites beyond just the situation of this pdf.

It is just that this situation appears one-sided in this thread, as HPS just got done with a giant post, then you mention you will "spill the beans eventually". Whether this was intentional or just a bad choice of words, it creates a sense of imbalance which is what lead HPS to question further. However, if there were additional and unknown reasons to your situation, or you did not mean for this to be the case, then this changes the situation.
Go read my reply to Henu....I explained in thorough why I do the things I do and why I put Chinese people as my priority, though I'm not Chinese myself, some Chinese can barely even access ToZ without their government threatening them. But that's explained further in detailed response to Henu.
Oh here's a fun fact, wanna know why I send these PDFs to members in China? Because they're my priority, that's why, and some of those PDFs are written by authors who were BANNED from living in China, and not to mention that the Chinese translator has also informed me that JoS/ToZ is de facto banned in China, so how else do you expect to hop their asses on here? Americans? Westerners? There have all the freedom and resources they need and can access it whenever they want, they need no such priority for an "insiginificant person" like myself...right?

Despite that western people may have more resources, our medical system has been pretty corrupted by the enemy, too. The spread of TCM, Ayurveda, and other eastern medical and spiritual practices, has countered this and sustained the overall holistic idea of life. That is part of the need that HPS is expressing here, as without this knowledge coming from the Asian world, many whites would not have had the basis for this knowledge at all. This is true even now, not just in the past, hence why HPS was making a health post through the lens of TCM knowledge, rather than something else.

If we are able to return this through what has been provided through ToZ, or by individual members, to the Chinese, then this should be taken as a reciprocal gift of spiritual knowledge. That is the point here, which there should be a free flow of knowledge that each culture or race needs.
I think the original conversation about this was pointing out the difference in how information was distributed between different groups of people. This does not imply you had done this for hateful reasons, but you also did state here that you prioritized others first, which can make people question why this was the case.

No, you were not given a chance to explain the situation and nobody should jump to conclusions. Yet, HPS was trying to point out the difference here, because this can lead to tension if it is not resolved. We should be aiming for improvements to our racial alliance, and for this to happen, it requires us to evaluate any pain points when they become conscious to us.

These conversations, despite of being difficult, also point the way towards healing, as if you did not reply (despite feeling provoked to do so), we would not be able to see your side, and also understand more of your perception of whites beyond just the situation of this pdf.

It is just that this situation appears one-sided in this thread, as HPS just got done with a giant post, then you mention you will "spill the beans eventually". Whether this was intentional or just a bad choice of words, it creates a sense of imbalance which is what lead HPS to question further. However, if there were additional and unknown reasons to your situation, or you did not mean for this to be the case, then this changes the situation.
Despite that western people may have more resources, our medical system has been pretty corrupted by the enemy, too. The spread of TCM, Ayurveda, and other eastern medical and spiritual practices, has countered this and sustained the overall holistic idea of life. That is part of the need that HPS is expressing here, as without this knowledge coming from the Asian world, many whites would not have had the basis for this knowledge at all. This is true even now, not just in the past, hence why HPS was making a health post through the lens of TCM knowledge, rather than something else.

If we are able to return this through what has been provided through ToZ, or by individual members, to the Chinese, then this should be taken as a reciprocal gift of spiritual knowledge. That is the point here, which there should be a free flow of knowledge that each culture or race needs.

Thanks for understanding. In short and sweet, I don't harbor any personal hatred for HPS Lydia and still do plan on donating, I know I got angry. I'll continue with a more detailed response (an agreeing one that-is), I gotta take off soon....to a St. Patrick's Day event.....
The Ancients, even with their knowledge of meditation, still had the practices of surgery and medicine. If you need something, don’t deny it thinking it can be solved solely through meditation. It will take lifetimes of soul development, and generations of better breeding, to advance to the point where the physical body can be perfected.

A lot of regular sickness is partly of the mindset. A lot of people give in to illness and wait for it to be over, but if they put their mind to it they can instantly reduce the symptoms to an extent and get through it better. You need to keep correcting your mindset though, and not let it slip into negative thinking. This is not to say that “positive thinking cures everything”, there is far more to it than that; the mind is powerful but we usually need other things to aid it.

Prana, the universal energy, is everywhere on Earth… but not as much as it used to be. Humans have caused a lot of damage to our planet: deforestation, concrete cities, dumping waste into our oceans, pollution, etc. If you go out in nature, there is prana everywhere. We don’t walk in “empty air”, it’s full of prana. Due to weakened genetics and toxicity and too many lifetimes/generations without true spiritual knowledge, most people are unable to absorb prana correctly. Practicing yoga and meditation will condition and prepare the body for this.

And unfortunately most food does not have the amount of prana it used to. Vegetables and fruit used to be filled with prana, but incorrect farming practices and chemical fertilization has greatly decreased this. Meat from animals that are kept all their lives in cramped cages is much weaker too.

The way we prepare food leaves it even weaker. Food is best cooked over open flame (in cooking utensils such as pots and pans or on a grilling rack, what matters is the open flame below it), this infuses it with fiery prana that aids digestion. Many people have illnesses that are caused from weak digestion now. The stomach needs hot food. If you keep putting cold food into it, you dampen its digestive power. Try to aim for 2 hot meals a day and only 1 cold, if that. Eat 3 hot meals a day cooked over open flame, and you will see your health improve and your strength increased. Those who have gone camping and cooked food over the fire pit, compare this to food cooked at home in your microwave. That being said, heating food in a microwave is better than nothing, and is generally better than eating food cold (the amount of radiation in microwaves may be harmful in the long run to some people, but generally not to most people).

If you can get a barbecue this is a good option, but if you live in an apartment complex you will have to check with regulations or risk being fined. If you have a fireplace (wood burning, not gas) or wood stove, you might need to make alterations to be able to cook on/in it, and of course do research to know what you are doing as there are techniques to it. Don’t go in blind and assume you know what you’re doing. Make sure to have your chimney cleaned regularly. For those who have flame stove-top and were thinking to modernize to electrical burners, you might want to keep the flame, it’s more potent. A lot of modernization is weakening us.

Going back to the previous mention of prana in nature. You’ll have heard mention of “nature spirits”, these are often associated with pockets of massive amounts of prana in certain areas. The bend of a river, a grove of trees, a singular hill are some examples. There is more prana here. If you need extra prana for healing, head to one of these. Breathe it in, through all sides of your body, through your skin (the largest organ in the body). Infuse all cells in your body with prana.

Those of you in large cities will have a harder time finding these, but in a park if there are a few trees together, prana will be there, but not the massive amount found in nature. Sit against a tree and draw the energy in through your feet (and back chakra extensions for those with more experience). However, try to feel the energy of the tree first before drawing it into you, because some trees are diseased or polluted especially in large cities. But in general, trees have unlimited prana, as their roots are in the Earth and they will draw up all they need and more. Do not do this to houseplants, only trees whose roots are in the Earth.

Speaking of prana in the Earth, our dear planet is suffering, but it can be restored. Our planet has natural rejuvenating powers, so it will recover well from various improvements we need to make to our civilization.

Chi (Qi) is another name for prana, and often refers to the energy in our bodies. Below are the Qigong routines for your organs, including your mouth. You can do all 5 of these for overall health and maintenance, or focus on the ones you need if you are suffering from a problem with one specific organ. The elements are a bit different than the 5 we are used to, but they still relate, just in a slightly different form. You don’t have to do these daily, even once a week will be good for maintenance, and they provide a nice stretch and gentle movement for the body.

Below are sounds and colors for the organs. You can do the Qigong practice first, then focus on the corresponding organ, breathe in the color or see it brightly lit up in the color, and make the sound. This is from TCM, and will help generate the correct energy in each organ, and keep them working optimally. Look at diagrams online for the organs, and don’t worry too much if you can’t get it perfect, this is an ability that comes in time. Softly focus on the approximate region and will the energy to go there.

For the sounds, carry it out for a full easy breath without straining. Take a normal inhale (80% lung capacity), and make the sound for the duration of the exhale (to about 20% of lung capacity). These sounds are soft, not like runic mantras. Do them gently like you are making a soothing sound, but in your natural voice. Start with just a few, perhaps one in each relating organ, and work up as you feel is correct. There is generally no need to do a lot, 6 is the recommended number.

If you do all these, do them in the order given below. You can do just one daily if needed. The video is linked in the element name for easy categorization.


Fire: Heart, tongue, small intestine, blood vessels. The color is

Earth: Lips, mouth (excluding tongue), stomach, spleen, pancreas, muscles. The color is

Metal: Skin, hair, nose, lungs, large intestine. The color is white, the sound is SSSS, a soft hissing not like runic. Like in the words "sea" and "secret".

Water: Ears, kidneys, bladder, bones. The color is dark blue, but still bright and pure, similar to sapphire blue. The sound is CHOOO, rhymes with the English word "chew".

(The sound for the Triple Warmer (the Dan Tiens) is HEEE, the color is clear, no video as of yet.)

(Sources for sounds and colors: Inner Smile and Six Healing Sounds Practices by Mantak Chia, other websites have them too for further reading.)

Ayurveda Doshas

Knowing your dosha, or doshas (most people are a blend of 2 or perhaps all 3, in varying amounts) will help with your health, knowing what foods, spices, and herbal supplements are best for you, and what you should consider avoiding. It will also show your imbalances and what foods will help bring your body back to a state of harmony.

The doshas are not just about the physical body, but also the mind.

Your dosha is not necessarily shown in your astrology chart. I’ve seen charts that are the complete opposite of their dosha. We have 4 elements in the chart, the doshas are a mix of all 5 elements divided into 3 doshas. Vata is Akasha and Air, Kapha is Earth and Water, Pitta is Fire and Water.

Go to this site and take the free test and it will lead you to pages of information. There are probably better quizes but I can’t test them all, if anyone knows of a better one let me know and I will link it. For quick reference, for diet: Vata, Pitta, Kapha.

May you all become healthier :)
It's a great sermon, thank you very much HPS Lydia :) (y)
The Ancients, even with their knowledge of meditation, still had the practices of surgery and medicine. If you need something, don’t deny it thinking it can be solved solely through meditation. It will take lifetimes of soul development, and generations of better breeding, to advance to the point where the physical body can be perfected.

A lot of regular sickness is partly of the mindset. A lot of people give in to illness and wait for it to be over, but if they put their mind to it they can instantly reduce the symptoms to an extent and get through it better. You need to keep correcting your mindset though, and not let it slip into negative thinking. This is not to say that “positive thinking cures everything”, there is far more to it than that; the mind is powerful but we usually need other things to aid it.

Prana, the universal energy, is everywhere on Earth… but not as much as it used to be. Humans have caused a lot of damage to our planet: deforestation, concrete cities, dumping waste into our oceans, pollution, etc. If you go out in nature, there is prana everywhere. We don’t walk in “empty air”, it’s full of prana. Due to weakened genetics and toxicity and too many lifetimes/generations without true spiritual knowledge, most people are unable to absorb prana correctly. Practicing yoga and meditation will condition and prepare the body for this.

And unfortunately most food does not have the amount of prana it used to. Vegetables and fruit used to be filled with prana, but incorrect farming practices and chemical fertilization has greatly decreased this. Meat from animals that are kept all their lives in cramped cages is much weaker too.

The way we prepare food leaves it even weaker. Food is best cooked over open flame (in cooking utensils such as pots and pans or on a grilling rack, what matters is the open flame below it), this infuses it with fiery prana that aids digestion. Many people have illnesses that are caused from weak digestion now. The stomach needs hot food. If you keep putting cold food into it, you dampen its digestive power. Try to aim for 2 hot meals a day and only 1 cold, if that. Eat 3 hot meals a day cooked over open flame, and you will see your health improve and your strength increased. Those who have gone camping and cooked food over the fire pit, compare this to food cooked at home in your microwave. That being said, heating food in a microwave is better than nothing, and is generally better than eating food cold (the amount of radiation in microwaves may be harmful in the long run to some people, but generally not to most people).

If you can get a barbecue this is a good option, but if you live in an apartment complex you will have to check with regulations or risk being fined. If you have a fireplace (wood burning, not gas) or wood stove, you might need to make alterations to be able to cook on/in it, and of course do research to know what you are doing as there are techniques to it. Don’t go in blind and assume you know what you’re doing. Make sure to have your chimney cleaned regularly. For those who have flame stove-top and were thinking to modernize to electrical burners, you might want to keep the flame, it’s more potent. A lot of modernization is weakening us.

Going back to the previous mention of prana in nature. You’ll have heard mention of “nature spirits”, these are often associated with pockets of massive amounts of prana in certain areas. The bend of a river, a grove of trees, a singular hill are some examples. There is more prana here. If you need extra prana for healing, head to one of these. Breathe it in, through all sides of your body, through your skin (the largest organ in the body). Infuse all cells in your body with prana.

Those of you in large cities will have a harder time finding these, but in a park if there are a few trees together, prana will be there, but not the massive amount found in nature. Sit against a tree and draw the energy in through your feet (and back chakra extensions for those with more experience). However, try to feel the energy of the tree first before drawing it into you, because some trees are diseased or polluted especially in large cities. But in general, trees have unlimited prana, as their roots are in the Earth and they will draw up all they need and more. Do not do this to houseplants, only trees whose roots are in the Earth.

Speaking of prana in the Earth, our dear planet is suffering, but it can be restored. Our planet has natural rejuvenating powers, so it will recover well from various improvements we need to make to our civilization.

Chi (Qi) is another name for prana, and often refers to the energy in our bodies. Below are the Qigong routines for your organs, including your mouth. You can do all 5 of these for overall health and maintenance, or focus on the ones you need if you are suffering from a problem with one specific organ. The elements are a bit different than the 5 we are used to, but they still relate, just in a slightly different form. You don’t have to do these daily, even once a week will be good for maintenance, and they provide a nice stretch and gentle movement for the body.

Below are sounds and colors for the organs. You can do the Qigong practice first, then focus on the corresponding organ, breathe in the color or see it brightly lit up in the color, and make the sound. This is from TCM, and will help generate the correct energy in each organ, and keep them working optimally. Look at diagrams online for the organs, and don’t worry too much if you can’t get it perfect, this is an ability that comes in time. Softly focus on the approximate region and will the energy to go there.

For the sounds, carry it out for a full easy breath without straining. Take a normal inhale (80% lung capacity), and make the sound for the duration of the exhale (to about 20% of lung capacity). These sounds are soft, not like runic mantras. Do them gently like you are making a soothing sound, but in your natural voice. Start with just a few, perhaps one in each relating organ, and work up as you feel is correct. There is generally no need to do a lot, 6 is the recommended number.

If you do all these, do them in the order given below. You can do just one daily if needed. The video is linked in the element name for easy categorization.

Wood: Eyes, liver, gall bladder, tendons. The color is green, like a pure bright green that you see on leaves and trees. The sound is SHHH (like you are telling someone to be silent).

Fire: Heart, tongue, small intestine, blood vessels. The color is red, the sound is HAAWW, but do not vibrate the W like runic. It rhymes with the English word “awe”.

Earth: Lips, mouth (excluding tongue), stomach, spleen, pancreas, muscles. The color is yellow, the sound is HOOO, like HUUU, rhymes with the English word "who".

Metal: Skin, hair, nose, lungs, large intestine. The color is white, the sound is SSSS, a soft hissing not like runic. Like in the words "sea" and "secret".

Water: Ears, kidneys, bladder, bones. The color is dark blue, but still bright and pure, similar to sapphire blue. The sound is CHOOO, rhymes with the English word "chew".

(The sound for the Triple Warmer (the Dan Tiens) is HEEE, the color is clear, no video as of yet.)

(Sources for sounds and colors: Inner Smile and Six Healing Sounds Practices by Mantak Chia, other websites have them too for further reading.)

Ayurveda Doshas

Knowing your dosha, or doshas (most people are a blend of 2 or perhaps all 3, in varying amounts) will help with your health, knowing what foods, spices, and herbal supplements are best for you, and what you should consider avoiding. It will also show your imbalances and what foods will help bring your body back to a state of harmony.

The doshas are not just about the physical body, but also the mind.

Your dosha is not necessarily shown in your astrology chart. I’ve seen charts that are the complete opposite of their dosha. We have 4 elements in the chart, the doshas are a mix of all 5 elements divided into 3 doshas. Vata is Akasha and Air, Kapha is Earth and Water, Pitta is Fire and Water.

Go to this site and take the free test and it will lead you to pages of information. There are probably better quizes but I can’t test them all, if anyone knows of a better one let me know and I will link it. For quick reference, for diet: Vata, Pitta, Kapha.

May you all become healthier :)
It's a very good sermon, thank you very much HPS Lydia :) (y)
In megalopolises where there are subways, railways, monorails, city parks are sprayed with some kind of chemicals, as a result, some people have different allergies, there are a lot of people in the subway during rush hour (morning and evening) and among them there will almost always be someone coughing or having symptoms runny nose, so it's easy enough to catch a respiratory infection, or SARS, or Covid, especially if you need to travel to the office during the week.

In urban parks, even if there is an embankment (along which yachts, large barges and ships sail), when you look at trees, they are usually sick, grass and berries that grow are often not recommended to be harvested for feeding pets (for example, rabbits).

The reason why people are forced to live in large European megacities (if you live in European countries where there are no problems with high-speed rail or modern transport), and not just commute to work (as in the USA and Canada, where there are suburbs suitable for the middle class and where you can enjoy nature and ecology) - It consists in salaries and incomes that are 2-3 or even 4 times lower outside of megacities (in my country this is the case), therefore, in order to earn 2.3 or 4 times more, you have to live in a Megalopolis.

For example, the human resources department at the company I work for sets salaries for its employees differently based on the regions in which they live, and this also applies to large foreign companies, including American ones, that want to earn money in my country. This is due to the fact that such wage laws are set by the state and local governments that are completely under their control (there is a Capital where you can earn well, but there are regions that the Government does not care about).

Of course, this is not the case in all of Europe, but in my country, no matter how cool you are as a specialist, if you live in a region (even in a large city) and not in the capital of my country, according to the Law, your salary will be at least 2 times lower than if you work in the Capital.

In my country, even judges of regional arbitration courts hate the capital and when doing business, they are biased against metropolitan companies (simply because their legal address is in the Capital), they make court decisions not in favor of metropolitan companies, therefore, in my pre-trial legal work, I always nsist in contracts on specifying court proceedings exclusively in Capital courts. Rather than in the courts of the regions, where, in addition to hatred of the Capital, there is also a corruption factor, many regional businessmen bribe regional judges., who are forced to take bribes because of low salaries.
Amazing sermon!

The following is also a very thorough website that helps you find your dosha and recommended diets with quizzes based on your overall habits, lifestyle, and health concerns.

The Ancients, even with their knowledge of meditation, still had the practices of surgery and medicine. If you need something, don’t deny it thinking it can be solved solely through meditation. It will take lifetimes of soul development, and generations of better breeding, to advance to the point where the physical body can be perfected.

A lot of regular sickness is partly of the mindset. A lot of people give in to illness and wait for it to be over, but if they put their mind to it they can instantly reduce the symptoms to an extent and get through it better. You need to keep correcting your mindset though, and not let it slip into negative thinking. This is not to say that “positive thinking cures everything”, there is far more to it than that; the mind is powerful but we usually need other things to aid it.

Prana, the universal energy, is everywhere on Earth… but not as much as it used to be. Humans have caused a lot of damage to our planet: deforestation, concrete cities, dumping waste into our oceans, pollution, etc. If you go out in nature, there is prana everywhere. We don’t walk in “empty air”, it’s full of prana. Due to weakened genetics and toxicity and too many lifetimes/generations without true spiritual knowledge, most people are unable to absorb prana correctly. Practicing yoga and meditation will condition and prepare the body for this.

And unfortunately most food does not have the amount of prana it used to. Vegetables and fruit used to be filled with prana, but incorrect farming practices and chemical fertilization has greatly decreased this. Meat from animals that are kept all their lives in cramped cages is much weaker too.

The way we prepare food leaves it even weaker. Food is best cooked over open flame (in cooking utensils such as pots and pans or on a grilling rack, what matters is the open flame below it), this infuses it with fiery prana that aids digestion. Many people have illnesses that are caused from weak digestion now. The stomach needs hot food. If you keep putting cold food into it, you dampen its digestive power. Try to aim for 2 hot meals a day and only 1 cold, if that. Eat 3 hot meals a day cooked over open flame, and you will see your health improve and your strength increased. Those who have gone camping and cooked food over the fire pit, compare this to food cooked at home in your microwave. That being said, heating food in a microwave is better than nothing, and is generally better than eating food cold (the amount of radiation in microwaves may be harmful in the long run to some people, but generally not to most people).

If you can get a barbecue this is a good option, but if you live in an apartment complex you will have to check with regulations or risk being fined. If you have a fireplace (wood burning, not gas) or wood stove, you might need to make alterations to be able to cook on/in it, and of course do research to know what you are doing as there are techniques to it. Don’t go in blind and assume you know what you’re doing. Make sure to have your chimney cleaned regularly. For those who have flame stove-top and were thinking to modernize to electrical burners, you might want to keep the flame, it’s more potent. A lot of modernization is weakening us.

Going back to the previous mention of prana in nature. You’ll have heard mention of “nature spirits”, these are often associated with pockets of massive amounts of prana in certain areas. The bend of a river, a grove of trees, a singular hill are some examples. There is more prana here. If you need extra prana for healing, head to one of these. Breathe it in, through all sides of your body, through your skin (the largest organ in the body). Infuse all cells in your body with prana.

Those of you in large cities will have a harder time finding these, but in a park if there are a few trees together, prana will be there, but not the massive amount found in nature. Sit against a tree and draw the energy in through your feet (and back chakra extensions for those with more experience). However, try to feel the energy of the tree first before drawing it into you, because some trees are diseased or polluted especially in large cities. But in general, trees have unlimited prana, as their roots are in the Earth and they will draw up all they need and more. Do not do this to houseplants, only trees whose roots are in the Earth.

Speaking of prana in the Earth, our dear planet is suffering, but it can be restored. Our planet has natural rejuvenating powers, so it will recover well from various improvements we need to make to our civilization.

Chi (Qi) is another name for prana, and often refers to the energy in our bodies. Below are the Qigong routines for your organs, including your mouth. You can do all 5 of these for overall health and maintenance, or focus on the ones you need if you are suffering from a problem with one specific organ. The elements are a bit different than the 5 we are used to, but they still relate, just in a slightly different form. You don’t have to do these daily, even once a week will be good for maintenance, and they provide a nice stretch and gentle movement for the body.

Below are sounds and colors for the organs. You can do the Qigong practice first, then focus on the corresponding organ, breathe in the color or see it brightly lit up in the color, and make the sound. This is from TCM, and will help generate the correct energy in each organ, and keep them working optimally. Look at diagrams online for the organs, and don’t worry too much if you can’t get it perfect, this is an ability that comes in time. Softly focus on the approximate region and will the energy to go there.

For the sounds, carry it out for a full easy breath without straining. Take a normal inhale (80% lung capacity), and make the sound for the duration of the exhale (to about 20% of lung capacity). These sounds are soft, not like runic mantras. Do them gently like you are making a soothing sound, but in your natural voice. Start with just a few, perhaps one in each relating organ, and work up as you feel is correct. There is generally no need to do a lot, 6 is the recommended number.

If you do all these, do them in the order given below. You can do just one daily if needed. The video is linked in the element name for easy categorization.

Wood: Eyes, liver, gall bladder, tendons. The color is green, like a pure bright green that you see on leaves and trees. The sound is SHHH (like you are telling someone to be silent).

Fire: Heart, tongue, small intestine, blood vessels. The color is red, the sound is HAAWW, but do not vibrate the W like runic. It rhymes with the English word “awe”.

Earth: Lips, mouth (excluding tongue), stomach, spleen, pancreas, muscles. The color is yellow, the sound is HOOO, like HUUU, rhymes with the English word "who".

Metal: Skin, hair, nose, lungs, large intestine. The color is white, the sound is SSSS, a soft hissing not like runic. Like in the words "sea" and "secret".

Water: Ears, kidneys, bladder, bones. The color is dark blue, but still bright and pure, similar to sapphire blue. The sound is CHOOO, rhymes with the English word "chew".

(The sound for the Triple Warmer (the Dan Tiens) is HEEE, the color is clear, no video as of yet.)

(Sources for sounds and colors: Inner Smile and Six Healing Sounds Practices by Mantak Chia, other websites have them too for further reading.)

Ayurveda Doshas

Knowing your dosha, or doshas (most people are a blend of 2 or perhaps all 3, in varying amounts) will help with your health, knowing what foods, spices, and herbal supplements are best for you, and what you should consider avoiding. It will also show your imbalances and what foods will help bring your body back to a state of harmony.

The doshas are not just about the physical body, but also the mind.

Your dosha is not necessarily shown in your astrology chart. I’ve seen charts that are the complete opposite of their dosha. We have 4 elements in the chart, the doshas are a mix of all 5 elements divided into 3 doshas. Vata is Akasha and Air, Kapha is Earth and Water, Pitta is Fire and Water.

Go to this site and take the free test and it will lead you to pages of information. There are probably better quizes but I can’t test them all, if anyone knows of a better one let me know and I will link it. For quick reference, for diet: Vata, Pitta, Kapha.

Update: Here is another website for doshas, recommended by @Stormblood: https://www.joyfulbelly.com/

May you all become healthier :)
Saved the healing sounds bit with a screen shot yoink add that to my journal

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
