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Knee trouble and when to trust the doctors


Active member
Feb 8, 2022
under Satan's reign
Greetings. I fell some time ago, and maybe I fell hard, maybe my body is sensitive there, but I hurt my knee. My knee pops, the bone burns, sometimes it becomes uncomfortable to stay in a position for some time (both of them). That while walking. When exercising, it was to be expected to hurt more. I don't trust "specialists" especially the state medical system, for reasons said below. Here is what I think might have happened, but I'm no specialist, so any opinion is highly welcome:
-maybe I overused my joints (like stretching them too much)?
-maybe some part of cartilage deteriorated?
-maybe the fall impacted my joints and bones, like when you hit anything solid? (not to the point of breaking because otherwise I wouldn't be still walking)
-maybe some small part of bone broke (this theory came from someone I know whose wife supposedly went through this) and this causes the rotula not to be held firmly enough and consequently, if time passes this point of bone that's left breaks more and more due to bone friction causing the rotula to be held more and more loosely and to start to move out of its place.

Now, everyone I know (another motivation to sever the last ties with them) told me I'm the incurable diseased. They themselves carry (literally) bags of pills with them, in the event they suffer a heart attack while buying bread.
Doctors redirect me to one another, wasting my time, energy and money. And they tried selling me shark cartilage pills and x medicine and y cream and z canes and r therapy like I'm some sort of handicapped person that will never walk again. They're giving me these especially to make me handicapped so I become hooked to them and buy more of their dependence inducing products.
But on the other hand, I don't live in the woods. I'm open to using accurate methods of healing, that are non-invasive and preferably natural. I'm not against the modern technology, but they always use it so I get the short end of the stick. Adding their own personal excuse me medical opinions like "It won't go away, ever", "It can't regenerate itself", "Falling is not normal", "It will only turn worse".
They're all telling me to "immediately quit physical activity in that knee". That translates to spending my day in bed. I'm not a doctor but this is wrong. Inactivity is wrong for an otherwise almost healthy body.
I don't know when to do what the doctor says (almost never from experience), and when to do something myself. I mean, check EndMyopia. I've done more progress with this than with 8 years of opto doctors!

So, what would you do in my place?
Thanks, Brothers and Sisters.
The fact is that the trauma which occurred has induced a state of stasis into the knee.

Stasis of blood, stasis of qi.

The blood circulation needs to be moved in this area through massage (you can do self massage) or heat/acupuncture therapy.

There may also be an underlying kidney deficiency causing the injury to be prolonged.

The longer you leave it untreated, the longer the stasis will fester.

Western medicine says it is incurable because they cannot understand these concepts.

Chinese Medicine says a quick treatment early will prevent lasting disease later.
Centralforce666 said:
The fact is that the trauma which occurred has induced a state of stasis into the knee.

Stasis of blood, stasis of qi.

The blood circulation needs to be moved in this area through massage (you can do self massage) or heat/acupuncture therapy.

There may also be an underlying kidney deficiency causing the injury to be prolonged.

The longer you leave it untreated, the longer the stasis will fester.

Western medicine says it is incurable because they cannot understand these concepts.

Chinese Medicine says a quick treatment early will prevent lasting disease later.

Besides heat and massage therapy is it something else you recommend? For the possible Kidney Deficiency maybe?
In order to treat kidney deficiency we must first ascertain its presence and whether it is of Yang type, Yin type or Qi type.

Kidney deficiency has symptoms such as low back pain, frequent or very infrequent urination, nocturia, extremes of heat or cold in the body, overall exhaustion and lack of libido (yang type), night sweating, dizziness and anxiety (yin type).

Do you have any of these symptoms?
Centralforce666 said:
In order to treat kidney deficiency we must first ascertain its presence and whether it is of Yang type, Yin type or Qi type.

Kidney deficiency has symptoms such as low back pain, frequent or very infrequent urination, nocturia, extremes of heat or cold in the body, overall exhaustion and lack of libido (yang type), night sweating, dizziness and anxiety (yin type).

Do you have any of these symptoms?

No. What I feel lately is heat everywhere. Headache sometimes toothaches, stomachaches, stomach-epigastrium discomfort after I eat especially (sensation as if I'm dilating, until interior muscles contract and send quick sharp pain inwards, it's difficult to explain, and then it's like a pain wrapping around me tighter and tighter and hurts with breathing), waking up in the middle of the night, sometimes unable to fall back to sleep, or fall asleep with difficulty. Joints pain and popping and stiffness, and involuntary muscle spasms in hands and legs.
Hope that helps.
Centralforce666 said:
In order to treat kidney deficiency we must first ascertain its presence and whether it is of Yang type, Yin type or Qi type.

Kidney deficiency has symptoms such as low back pain, frequent or very infrequent urination, nocturia, extremes of heat or cold in the body, overall exhaustion and lack of libido (yang type), night sweating, dizziness and anxiety (yin type).

Do you have any of these symptoms?

Wow mate you have just answered my question, my kidney deficiency got reduced over last year (my own Fault) now this makes sense lower back pain but my knee joints sore man.

Hope the Op Is good x
Centralforce666 said:
In order to treat kidney deficiency we must first ascertain its presence and whether it is of Yang type, Yin type or Qi type.

Kidney deficiency has symptoms such as low back pain, frequent or very infrequent urination, nocturia, extremes of heat or cold in the body, overall exhaustion and lack of libido (yang type), night sweating, dizziness and anxiety (yin type).

Do you have any of these symptoms?
I think I have Kidney Yin deficiency.

Symptoms include; Lower back pain, nocturnia, which I am trying to revert, but I always seem to drift back due to waking up to urinate or it being too hot and then not being able to sleep again resulting me to fail in the effort (like on this very moment as I write this), rarely night sweating, very rarely dizziness, slight blackness under eyes in the inner corners.

How does this play into the earlier diagnosis of cold phlegm obstruction by you?

Thank you on advance.
Henu the Great said:
Centralforce666 said:
In order to treat kidney deficiency we must first ascertain its presence and whether it is of Yang type, Yin type or Qi type.

Kidney deficiency has symptoms such as low back pain, frequent or very infrequent urination, nocturia, extremes of heat or cold in the body, overall exhaustion and lack of libido (yang type), night sweating, dizziness and anxiety (yin type).

Do you have any of these symptoms?
I think I have Kidney Yin deficiency.

Symptoms include; Lower back pain, nocturnia, which I am trying to revert, but I always seem to drift back due to waking up to urinate or it being too hot and then not being able to sleep again resulting me to fail in the effort (like on this very moment as I write this), rarely night sweating, very rarely dizziness, slight blackness under eyes in the inner corners.

How does this play into the earlier diagnosis of cold phlegm obstruction by you?

Thank you on advance.

I suppose we should make a TCM thread where experienced practitioners attempt to diagnose members (with due legal disclaimers :lol: ). It'd be a great underground way of coming in touch with our bodies but also learning TCM.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
I suppose we should make a TCM thread where experienced practitioners attempt to diagnose members (with due legal disclaimers :lol: ). It'd be a great underground way of coming in touch with our bodies but also learning TCM.
Centralforce666 does this as his time allows as he is an expierenced practitioner.

I just saw an opportunity to chime in on the same subject.
If your knee hurts you need to gradually do exercises that make it stronger and more stable, such as squats or others. Check tendinitis exercises for knees on youtube. It' supposed to hurt just A LITTLE, if it hurts too much scale down a do less straining exercises, and don't do too much.
Henu the Great said:
I think I have Kidney Yin deficiency.

Symptoms include; Lower back pain, nocturnia, which I am trying to revert, but I always seem to drift back due to waking up to urinate or it being too hot and then not being able to sleep again resulting me to fail in the effort (like on this very moment as I write this), rarely night sweating, very rarely dizziness, slight blackness under eyes in the inner corners.

How does this play into the earlier diagnosis of cold phlegm obstruction by you?

Thank you on advance.

The lack of yin results in a heat buildup, which then coagulates dampness in the body into phlegm, or otherwise makes it harder to remove existing dampness or phlegm. Removing the heat will help resolve the phlegm.

Working with Uruz can be used to improve the yin condition of the body, as far as long-term solutions go. Of course, do not neglect the Sun or Mars energy, and this upcoming Sun square will help you a lot.

Spleen 6 converts yang to yin, which is useful to a point because you still need yang to function properly. In other words, it may tire you if you push this to an excess.

Therefore, what I would recommend is chanting Satanama and programming it to "now" remove heat, phlegm, kidney deficiency, etc. Doing this for myself gives noticeable results. Of course, it is not permanent, but that is why the energy can act immediately.

I tried this before with raw water or earth, however, these gave me other symptoms despite a positive affirmation. Satanama, being balanced does not give this. It is not weaker, either, because all the elements of Satanama can still be used for a singular purpose within the body.
Henu the Great said:
I think I have Kidney Yin deficiency.

Symptoms include; Lower back pain, nocturnia, which I am trying to revert, but I always seem to drift back due to waking up to urinate or it being too hot and then not being able to sleep again resulting me to fail in the effort (like on this very moment as I write this), rarely night sweating, very rarely dizziness, slight blackness under eyes in the inner corners.

How does this play into the earlier diagnosis of cold phlegm obstruction by you?

Thank you on advance.

Another thing: If you are exercising intensely, this may aggravate your symptoms. Traditional western exercise usually exhausts the body, with the expectation that it will come back stronger. Although this is the case for a medium level of strain, excessive or imbalancing exercise forms can be almost detrimental entirely.

If your body type is prone to yin deficiency, and you do a lot of cardio, then you are basically further revving up and heating the body. This is only useful if you have a strong yang deficiency, but not if your body is already overheated and yin deficient.
So, I would recommend cutting back on some of this until you heal.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=376551 time=1658457703 user_id=21286]
The lack of yin results in a heat buildup, which then coagulates dampness in the body into phlegm, or otherwise makes it harder to remove existing dampness or phlegm. Removing the heat will help resolve the phlegm.
This makes perfect sense given that I have read something about the subject, so I understand the process what you are describing. Yes, this is excactly what has happened with my body. Centralforce666 made a diagnosis of cold phleghm obstruction and informed of certain herbal formula. I ordered some of it from China and it's on its way at the moment.

Working with Uruz can be used to improve the yin condition of the body, as far as long-term solutions go. Of course, do not neglect the Sun or Mars energy, and this upcoming Sun square will help you a lot.
I have worked with Mars with noticeable results, but not so much with Sun. For the upcoming Sun-date I have have had the plan of making a health related Sun square. Kind of a bummer not being able to use it for material gains, but as a consolation there is an okay date for Fehu-working on August 7th. :)

Spleen 6 converts yang to yin, which is useful to a point because you still need yang to function properly. In other words, it may tire you if you push this to an excess.
But this should not be a problem with good amount of yang, right? Or perhaps it's the lack of yin that makes my yang seem more than it really is. Anyway, I have tried pressing that point in the past with not much of noticeable results. I had pressed firmly, but how long is generally okay? Perhaps I need to experiment more with this acupoint.

Therefore, what I would recommend is chanting Satanama and programming it to "now" remove heat, phlegm, kidney deficiency, etc. Doing this for myself gives noticeable results. Of course, it is not permanent, but that is why the energy can act immediately.

I tried this before with raw water or earth, however, these gave me other symptoms despite a positive affirmation. Satanama, being balanced does not give this. It is not weaker, either, because all the elements of Satanama can still be used for a singular purpose within the body.
Hmm, I'll try Satanama out beginning from tomorrow. What do you mean it's not permanent? Doing anything for long enough makes it more and more permanent, no?

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=376552 time=1658458024 user_id=21286]
Another thing: If you are exercising intensely, this may aggravate your symptoms. Traditional western exercise usually exhausts the body, with the expectation that it will come back stronger. Although this is the case for a medium level of strain, excessive or imbalancing exercise forms can be almost detrimental entirely.

If your body type is prone to yin deficiency, and you do a lot of cardio, then you are basically further revving up and heating the body. This is only useful if you have a strong yang deficiency, but not if your body is already overheated and yin deficient.
So, I would recommend cutting back on some of this until you heal.
Yes, I exercise a lot, but not always intensely. Yoga plus everything else amounts to around 19 to 21 hours per week on most weeks. I do cardio for 7 to 12 hours on most weeks, so it is more than average people do. The thing is I train smartly, or at least aim to. So it's not mindless intense efforts, but periodized and structured for the most part.

I will see how I manage the situatuon with my training. Fortunately I have other training interests than running and cycling, but then I would lose some aerobic fitness if I cut back too much on the former.

Thanks for the tips.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=376551 time=1658457703 user_id=21286]
Spleen 6 converts yang to yin, which is useful to a point because you still need yang to function properly. In other words, it may tire you if you push this to an excess.
I have to make a correction on my previous reply. I confused Spleen 9 with Spleen 6. Spleen 6 has been somewhat effective when I've pressed it before bedtime in the past. I will continue to do so.
Henu the Great said:
But this should not be a problem with good amount of yang, right? Or perhaps it's the lack of yin that makes my yang seem more than it really is. Anyway, I have tried pressing that point in the past with not much of noticeable results. I had pressed firmly, but how long is generally okay? Perhaps I need to experiment more with this acupoint.

Hmm, I'll try Satanama out beginning from tomorrow. What do you mean it's not permanent? Doing anything for long enough makes it more and more permanent, no?

Yes, I exercise a lot, but not always intensely. Yoga plus everything else amounts to around 19 to 21 hours per week on most weeks. I do cardio for 7 to 12 hours on most weeks, so it is more than average people do. The thing is I train smartly, or at least aim to. So it's not mindless intense efforts, but periodized and structured for the most part.

Spleen 9, by the knee, is a point that drains dampness. Spleen 6 is what builds blood, as it is actually a bridge between the yin meridians of the spleen, kidney, and liver (which all pertain to blood). Push it more if you are not currently tired and/or having yin deficient symptoms.

15 minutes is a good starting point, but even 5-10 is fine if you are trying to just do a moderate amount. In my experience, all acupoints start working right when you push them, it just may not immediately be noticeable.

As far as Satanama, I am saying you are using the energy to create a short-term benefit, not a permanent one. If you are creating a permanent change, this requires more energy than simply using the energy immediately. However, this is useful because the effect is generally stronger because you aren't trying to permanently solve the issue within your soul, just give a small boost.

Yes, I believe doing anything for long enough will have some sort of karmic influence, but I also believe your intentions influence the result of the permanence as well. Anyway, once you try it, you can judge for yourself.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
