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  1. Fuchs

    Happy Spiritual Freedom Day

    If it is not a working, then it is a contract: "The important thing to know is if you begin a project on a void Moon, it more than likely won't work out. Projects begun, papers signed, items purchased, spells Cast and nearly everything begun at this time has more than a tendency to go wrong...
  2. Fuchs

    Vibrating Gods names, what happens energetically?

    When we vibrate for example Satanama, do we then empower Lord Satan, with our own energy, or do we get energy from him, or is it a mix of both? I asume a mix of both. We send energy to Lord Satan, he does send it amplified back.
  3. Fuchs

    Happy Spiritual Freedom Day

    Just wanted to say: People should do thear dedication asap, not wait for special days. Promoting of special days leads to possibel problems for new people, like doing warfare without protection. Just look out for the ss calendar so you don´t do it while the moon is...
  4. Fuchs

    Talismans and gifts

    The crystal is not necessary, if you only want to help one specific person, always include for the affirmation in a positive and healthy way for [ person]. Otherwise the person could for example have a car accident, but then in the hospital meet his/her big love in form of a nurse or doctor...
  5. Fuchs

    Question, please!

    If you feel bad for the 1 month missed rtrs then do 2 each day (if you can) until you are even again.
  6. Fuchs

    RTR Spiritual Warfare Schedule June 19th to July 3rd

    I know it was adviced long time ago to wait this time, but more recently HPHC did state on this same question, it is ok to do them all in one go , no need to wait. It´s better to have all done then maybe miss one because of waiting time. You may remember the reply ;). "You can wait a bit or not...
  7. Fuchs

    help with fixed star?

    As far as I know, you can look at the planet which does rule the same things the fix star does influence bad and do a planet square for the planet to increase it´s positive influence in this subject. So the planet does overrule the fixstar...
  8. Fuchs

    The color of the soul and aura.

    You could start this working to enhance your vision(see ss calendar for a good starting date): https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=800
  9. Fuchs

    Love Spell

    You want to use the color red or green for love, pink was for sex only without love. -> https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Color.html You can also use sex magic: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Sex_Magick.html you can do it while...
  10. Fuchs

    RTR Spiritual Warfare Schedule June 19th to July 3rd

    You can clean after the last rtr, I like to do the rune workings first (on timer time) and then the rtr so I don´t do them "dirty". If you don´t do a big saison like multiple times frtr+trtr+shatrtr you should be good. Ohterwise after let´s say 2h rtrs I would do one cleaning at least.
  11. Fuchs

    Runes affirmation

    You can look at the links in my signature for examples, or you can search rune working affirmations. It also depends do you want to program your aura, or your being both is possibel.
  12. Fuchs

    What happens to a jew when they listen to frtr?

    Sound is not raised/programmed/directed energy, that´s one reason we have to vibrate it and can´t just blast it via speakers.
  13. Fuchs

    Can I help in translation even if undedicated??

    You can also dedicate in your astral temple: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=58551&p=258264&hilit=dedication+astral+temple#p258264
  14. Fuchs

    Upcoming court hearing

    Just think about it how long would someone spend time on empowering one candle if he sells like estimated maybe 50 a month. The empowering of the candle is higly inferiour to selfempowerment. You also don´t know what energy the person uses to empower these (if they do it and not only lye) which...
  15. Fuchs

    Asking Lydia on price of full reading.

    SeerOfSS could write here his protonmail adress in advance or do a new one(to avoid spam), so you can find it more easy.
  16. Fuchs

    Upcoming court hearing

    You could try to first discuss the topic with Satan (fokus on his sigil), promise something in return (maybe little sign it is accepted) and then try the summoning.
  17. Fuchs

    Upcoming court hearing

    COURT CASES Eligor [aka Abigor] :arrow: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONSI.html#ABIGOR https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/HELP.html
  18. Fuchs

    Can I use the necronomicon mantra in daily chakra meditation ?

    The question should not be can you, rather is there a better option. I never used the necronomicon mantras for empowering chakras, but I know that it was adviced to do them only on certain times, might have a reason. Maum crone chakra Gaum Pineal gland Thaum 3rd eye Yaum 6 chakra Haum Throuth...
  19. Fuchs

    Question about Gentiles

    This means you are not addicted or compromised from the porn as far as I see it. Just stop watching and you should be fine. You could also add purified to your aop affirmation (keep in mind if you do this, this might be like starting a new aop, ending the old one)
  20. Fuchs

    Forced Vaccination in Moscow and the Moscow Region moving to Eastern Europe

    The game was also banned at least in the beginning of the pandemic in china (don´t know if still). Right before they did isolate people etc.
  21. Fuchs

    RTR Spiritual Warfare Schedule June 19th to July 3rd

    Are you sure? I thought one has to stay within one language, all runic workings like the one we do at the moment, have always only one language used in the pronunciation explanation. I also thouth some were it was written, but can´t remember.
  22. Fuchs


    Animals do also change their envirionmeant, since the biosystem of earth did develop on it´s own (most likely), besides the gods creating human races and maybe bringing some of thear animals also to the planet, earth is selfsustaining. Most of the idears listed above have in large scale a...
  23. Fuchs

    What to do?

    No do not take it, worst thing that can happen is death, look up Dr. Tenpenny.
  24. Fuchs

    Can Stamps/Signatures Be Used In The Dedication Ritual?

    No, your blood is a link to you, via DNA.
  25. Fuchs

    Question about Gentiles

    If you instead do it without porn is it equaly satisfying?
  26. Fuchs

    RTR Spiritual Warfare Schedule June 19th to July 3rd

    No, they should be the same.
  27. Fuchs

    RUNES - combining them and using them discussion

    I think the clergy did know best how to use the runes and the combination of Odhal, Sol, Oss is good as it is. The example of using Sowilo + ISA will not work, Sowilo is a fire rune and Isa is a Ice rune the one rune gives movement Sowilo and Isa does restrict freeze movement. For the rep...
  28. Fuchs

    Advertising - Internet Warfare - Bi-Weekly Target Group

    Cool we have either to show our passport infront of a post office worker or via webcam to some register worker, so unless you have a fake passport thear is no way to get around this on your own/without buying one from someone else.
  29. Fuchs

    Forced Vaccination in Moscow and the Moscow Region moving to Eastern Europe

    The numbers are from a cross study of 62 worldwide studys from Dr. Ionnidias.
  30. Fuchs

    Forced Vaccination in Moscow and the Moscow Region moving to Eastern Europe

    Did you ever play plague inc? If you have a too fast deadly virus/bakteria/vaccine /... people will react to it develop medicine or stop people from traveling etc. To kill many people the illness has to be very low leathal but highly contagios, only after everybody has it/ is vaccinated, then it...
  31. Fuchs

    RUNES - combining them and using them discussion

    For runes one can use the multiplication of there number or use a powernumber, HPHC did also one time respond other numbers are also ok. :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: "The Runes do not have to be used as multiplies of the "Number in which they are". 10 and 40 are numbers you can use any Rune at...
  32. Fuchs

    RTR Spiritual Warfare Schedule June 19th to July 3rd

    Here is a good astral communication working from VoiceofEnki : https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=800
  33. Fuchs

    Forced Vaccination in Moscow and the Moscow Region moving to Eastern Europe

    There is no need to panic or to follow "good personal hygiene practices". Covid has like 0.2% mortality rate highest rate globaly was in a slum in africa 1,6% normal mortality was higher there. Instead of wearing useless masks or disinfect hands until they are sore, just eat healthy and do...
  34. Fuchs

    Has anyone used a Yantra before?

    I think this is rather allegorical gold bars = chakras.
  35. Fuchs

    RTR Spiritual Warfare Schedule June 19th to July 3rd

    For new people: When the timer is 00:00 We do FRTR (all 3 combined) When the timer is 01:00 Other rituals See here: https://www.evilgoy.com/
  36. Fuchs

    Question about Gentiles

    The question which I would ask my self is, are you still attracted/ connected to it, can you just stop watching porn without having some problems? If jes then from my opinion you are good, if not you could start a purification working...
  37. Fuchs

    Advertising - Internet Warfare - Bi-Weekly Target Group

    It´s about avoiding CVS (customer verification service), to have a anonymous phone number not linked to you, some countrys it isn´t possibel to use a prepaid without revealing your id, you have to verify before you can use it. Is this not the case in your country?
  38. Fuchs

    Sleep deprived, maybe kundalini?

    Just stop taking some stupid pills (Cipla actin) to gain weight. Just from reading the side effects, I wouldn´t take them. It has nothing to do with kundalini, it´s the drugs side effect. I did heard of a guy who was a body builder, he worked out but also did take a hand full off pills now and...
  39. Fuchs

    Meaning of Number one in magic.

    Did you invent this list by your self? If I remember right 1 was material plane, it helps to materialise something from the astral, if a zero is added it adds power like 10-> 100 -> 1000 (never read someone did use 1000 or higher but it should still work)
  40. Fuchs

    Number 11, 1111 or 111

    111 is the sun power number related to sunquare. It´s positive. 11 was some sort of punishment number if used from the enemy, if I remember right.
  41. Fuchs

    Internet Warfare - Self Protection Advice and Questions Board

    The problem is I need a USA number and I´m not from USA.
  42. Fuchs

    Questions about alchemy

    1. "The Judeo/Christian Bible reads that "Azazel taught men to make swords, knives, shields, body armor." The grimoires of spirit abuse claim that Azazel is a genius at working with metals, minerology, and geology. This is all symbolic. He is a Master of Alchemy; Spiritual Alchemy. Spiritual...
  43. Fuchs

    Tips for satanists who live with unpleasant parents.

    What? They did throw you into assylum for vibrating runes?
  44. Fuchs

    Meditation ?

    It´s better jes, but most important don´t start something new during a void moon, see SS Calendar: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=49621&p=225616&hilit=ss+calendar#p225616
  45. Fuchs

    The Oracle of Satan

    There is his sigil, you can think of it like a mobile phone, by fokusing on it, you kind of dial his number and connect to him but like with a mobile phone the owner can choose to answer or not and also in this case the person who wants to connect may have not opened his astral senses so even if...
  46. Fuchs

    Alcoholics Anonymous is a TRAP!

    In case you didn´t read my reply: ""Funnily enough, there is a cold and pungent herb, Ge Gen or Pueraria (kudzu vine root) which can stop alcohol poisoning and even the effects of alcohol by reversing the thermal temperature and expelling the toxin. The herb stops the current and future...
  47. Fuchs

    Problems with sex.

    Stop watching porn (www.https://www.yourbrainonporn.com), instead think of sex you had. I first thought your body does adapt to higher bio eletricy(chi), which can lead to higher or lower sex drive. You can use other body parts, to fulfil the mission if this does happen again. If the girl thinks...
  48. Fuchs

    Alcoholics Anonymous is a TRAP!

    I agree with you 100% just wanted to add: "Funnily enough, there is a cold and pungent herb, Ge Gen or Pueraria (kudzu vine root) which can stop alcohol poisoning and even the effects of alcohol by reversing the thermal temperature and expelling the toxin. The herb stops the current and future...
  49. Fuchs

    Advertising - Internet Warfare - Bi-Weekly Target Group

    Recently I did want to do activism on jewtube but it requires a phone number for the google acc, did find this site: https://get-sms.com What do you think of this site/service? All free sms services are probably banned from google acc register, I only would need anonymous btc to pay for the...
  50. Fuchs

    Internet Warfare - Self Protection Advice and Questions Board

    What do you think of this site/service: https://get-sms.com/ I wanted to do activs on jewtube but it requires a phone number, all free sms services are probably banned from google acc register, I only would need anonymous btc to pay for the number. I once saw a video people trading btc against...
  51. Fuchs

    Urgency Please Help

    If you could so something and then after time you need more energy to do the same, this seems to me that you have more resistance build against this energy, like you work on your chakras and from time to time bad thinks get to the surface which require more cleaning. In your case I would try...
  52. Fuchs

    Questions about churches

    A1. They can hide better things + people did have to pay more to be closer to a church, the kings more important people are sometimes buried inside the church. Luxury for the rich, they will die one day and they want to be remembered.
  53. Fuchs

    Internet Warfare - Good idea?

    Instead in the description which is linked to you via your youtube acc + your game acc, maybe your voice if you record it also, you can write something under every youtube video in the comment section, extra acc extra browser+ tor or vpn see here...
  54. Fuchs

    "The LHP in general is filled with people who have fucked up in life or are simply not that good at it."

    You have to need/seek something, if everything is fine in your life for you like, work, social life, etc. Why should you seek answers if you don´t have questions.
  55. Fuchs

    Question about Gentiles

    It´s better to not watch porn, we live in world where they are in nearly every movie etc, I think it is better explained if you understand you become what you consume. If you listen one time to a song from a country singer, this won´t probably not change you, but if you listen everyday for hours...
  56. Fuchs

    A few questions.

    A1.The only thing you should not do is dedicate while the moon is void. See SS calendar for your country: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=49621&p=225616&hilit=ss+calendar#p225616 A2. You write your name and one drop of your blood on it is enouth, you also don´t have to use...
  57. Fuchs

    Career Working

    You have 3 options: 1. Improve both with one working, like "in a positive, healthy and beneficial way for me my careers improve." 2. Improve one only "in a positive, healthy and beneficial way for me my [career name] improves." 3. 2 singel workings for each of them. I would choose 1 or 2...
  58. Fuchs

    Hatha Yoga

    Try to do a little less if it is to much for you, heat mostly means energy is being moved, which is a good sign. In kunda yoga, if you feel heat for example in the chest this means your 5 (throad chakra) needs work to be more open. Normaly the chakra above the heat is the resistance on which...
  59. Fuchs

    Hearing things

    The choice is: Empowering your soul > Death The stronger you are, the more you can destroy the enemy with one RTR. Astral hearing is important to get guidance from the gods.
  60. Fuchs

    Doubt about Squares and Chakras.

    You could do both at the same time, if you have enouth time and can endure the energy/reps. For a starting day for squares look in the ss calendar: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=49621&start=50
  61. Fuchs

    is there a way to get in the vatican?

    Short answer: NO. The amount of enemy programming, energy to endure to achive this is not worth the outcome. HP. Hoodedcobra666 once said for realy old and important books to read (in the vatican) one has to know the name of the book and sites in the book in andvance, which they want to read...
  62. Fuchs

    Agares info

    The majority of people, people who do thear job/work in society, but have no higher understanding about thear existence or desire to accumulate this knowledge.
  63. Fuchs

    Occult sacrifices

    Here a short list over a possibel only smal part of the past, what they did: "2000 Years of Jewish Ritual Murder The Jews work very hard to keep Satanists/Pagans from being heard when speaking of the Jewish crimes against humanity. The most you'll usually find regarding the truth about the...
  64. Fuchs

    Other ways of satisfaction feelings

    Keep justice/ethics in mind, just because someone did for instance call you a bad name you don´t have to death spell them.
  65. Fuchs

    Rhombus/need help

    Don´t know about the Rhombus, but if you parents try to harm you do a binding spell on them, start with the one who does hurt you most: You can decrease the reps to 88 see this topic: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=53865&p=237683&hilit=isa+rune#p237683
  66. Fuchs

    It's been a while.

    Just count the days you did miss out on doing RTRs and do double everyday until you are at normal again 1 day = each one time FRTR+Tetra+RTR Shatter+ cleaning. Welcome back.
  67. Fuchs


    Never reveal your birth dates/time.
  68. Fuchs

    Question about Gentiles

    It´s better to remember actual sex and use the energy with a affirmation for a positive goal you want to achive.
  69. Fuchs

    how can i have a demon friend?

    Remove your face picture, it can be used to curse you.
  70. Fuchs

    Question about Gentiles

    I think it is enouth if the person in question does read this: "2000 Years of Jewish Ritual Murder The Jews work very hard to keep Satanists/Pagans from being heard when speaking of the Jewish crimes against humanity. The most you'll usually find regarding the truth about the Jewish ritual...
  71. Fuchs

    Lunar Eclipse RTR Ritual: Shattering Enemy Defenses

    1h a day inc cleaning for me (F-RTR+Tetra+ Shattering RTR+ cleaning), it´s not asked to much.
  72. Fuchs

    i get always pushed back into pain

    Try to invoke earth it will ground you (start slow): https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Invoking_Earth.html or Invoking Quintessence which will balance what ever element you miss...
  73. Fuchs

    Types of vaccines. mortal or normal?

    Here are some good infos about vaccines: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=57866
  74. Fuchs

    Social Oppression about the Vaccine and Loneliness

    It has nothing to do with hope, it is daily doing the RTRs, advertising jos (in a safe way) that will keep us safe. For more info see here: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=56908
  75. Fuchs

    Social Oppression about the Vaccine and Loneliness

    Pls just don´t take it. They jew people tremondously these days, threads, deny of services, but no one until now were forced at gunpoint or did get deprived of life needy services (some were forced for hospital treatment) and goods. It may be a few not so funny years, but your lifespan is longer...
  76. Fuchs

    Magic Working For Sleep (I need help !!)

    Better train to be able to do things, while you are at sleep. No mantra work (needs vibration) but training void, spinning chakras,.. .
  77. Fuchs

    how to get more intelligent

    Intelligence and memory working (color visualised runes and aura yellow) MANNAZ+LÖGR+ODHAL+PERTHRO (Madur+ Lögur+Odal+Pero norwegian spelled one breath together) x111 reps "My intelligence and memory are increasing in a healthy and beneficial way for me. I am acquiring knowledge about myself...
  78. Fuchs

    Its it ok to fast for two weeks

    + Better do Sports/Exercises
  79. Fuchs

    Social Oppression about the Vaccine and Loneliness

    The problem with the old one (weakened virus) was in most cases not the virus / instead the harmfull stuff they did also add, here is a good site about it: https://learntherisk.org/vaccines/ingredients/ also this topic may be worth reading it is about the founder of the site who got poisoned...
  80. Fuchs

    Is The Transformation Of Our World A "Conspiracy Theory", Or A Reality?

    Thanks for explaining it HP. Hoodedcobra666. In order for the masses to want to join, they must know about us and realize beforehand, that what we are doing is real and life saving, there would have to be a undeniable physical global event to achive or lead to this.
  81. Fuchs

    Is The Transformation Of Our World A "Conspiracy Theory", Or A Reality?

    Thanks for the enlightening speech HP. Hoodedcobra666. I do not understand, why it can be to late for someone to join us in the future, is this based on the assumption that these people are to much gone (mentaly) /cloaked in enemy lies . But if they want to join, this means this can´t be the...
  82. Fuchs

    Cool book I want you to read.

    No, what you can´t do, when you are awake, you can´t while you are out of body. Only with a body someone is abel to advance. That´s the reason whe have them.
  83. Fuchs

    I would love to hear your opinion

    If the energy is too much for you, then yes it can lead to sweating/tiredness-> you can fokus on satans sigil or your GD ones and send him the energy which is too much for you. Just visualise the energy as gold/white from you flowing into the sigil, letting the sigil glow gold/white. It...
  84. Fuchs


    Demons do not attack people who do nothing, if the attack was real, it was rather some angels/greys who did masquerade as demons to shy new peope away. You should look into your lineage and look for jews. Was rather a new age pretend "witch": Starseeds is new age crap "starseed and all the...
  85. Fuchs

    Social Oppression about the Vaccine and Loneliness

    The stupid will be stupid: This was a drug (Thalidomide) which wasn´t tested enouth, the results without altering the dna were these: Even after it was public in the USA, what it does to pregnant wimmen, the pharma industry still did sould it to the last day in germany, until they were...
  86. Fuchs

    Hiphop nigger music

    You become what you consume, the more he listens to this musik, the more he will act like it. The gangster music was originally invented by a jew: "All the gangster rap acts where put together by Mossad connected Jews. And this was then promoted as the new dominate culture for the Black...
  87. Fuchs

    Albert Einstein

    Jes. He did also help to invent the atomic bomb: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=27433&p=125561&hilit=einstein+atomic+bomb#p125561 https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=44349&p=198038&hilit=einstein+atomic+bomb#p198038
  88. Fuchs

    Can i do low reps on any ritual for now

    Do you clean after RTR? (returning curses 1+2) It depends on the RTR but, if it is to much for you, then just do the Final RTR with low reps, can be low as only 1 rep.
  89. Fuchs

    Lunar Eclipse RTR Ritual: Shattering Enemy Defenses

    As usually at the end: Hail Satan! or Hail Satan Forever! ? Does it matter, which one is used, in the RTRs both are used.
  90. Fuchs


    In the country you life, are there any social services who help people in need? You could do a money working: 💙 List of Magic Workings 💙 https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=54768&p=253495&hilit=money+workings#p253495 You can also ask Satan for help just offer something in...
  91. Fuchs

    Meditations for everything

    If you overuse white, you will be end up lonely. White can repell people.
  92. Fuchs

    Ask for help

    No, they don´t have your name / your face / birth data to do this.
  93. Fuchs

    Enemy magick

    If you are without the protection of satan (not dedicated) / or you do something stupid like posting your id or promoting jos in a youtube video with your face uncovered / you don´t do your aop aura of protection daily + returning curses 1 + 2 daily after warfare. Then everything is possibel.
  94. Fuchs


    You can´t do everything at the same time, this will delude the energy, ask your self what is your biggest problem then search for a meditation/advice via search or create a nother topic.
  95. Fuchs

    Meditations for everything

    There are limits for example you can´t change your race. The energy it would take to heal the damage of every ciggarete you smoke would be 1000 or 10000 times higher then the energy you need to quit smoking.
  96. Fuchs

    Ask for help

    1. jes, but offer something in return and try to get stronger so you can obtain things on your own. 2. sure. 3.After your meditations (empowering) you can/ should fokus on the energy 1-5 min, if you do this you will feel for your self how much you did advance over time.
  97. Fuchs

    Meditation to Multitask

    And vibrating 2 mantras at the same time is impossibel. You can´t do 2 different RTRs at the time. That´s why I said laser fokus is important. Even if you could, it would still decrease the max output by 50%. What if the two thoughts contradict each other like in a simple example: run away, stay?
  98. Fuchs

    Internet Warfare - Self Protection Advice and Questions Board

    The topic could also be pinned right next to the ritual schedule (Quick links -> ritual schedule -> internet warfare weekly), when the weekly targets are revealed. So people can better see it.
  99. Fuchs

    Meditation to Multitask

    People should first master to do one task before they try to splitt thear minds. Can you void like 5 min straight? We need to have laser fokus.
  100. Fuchs

    Can't do anything

    void meditation: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satanic_Void_Meditation.html
  101. Fuchs


    Do not dabble with enemy magic(for example), it´s like mixing water and electricity. HPHC did write a long post about it: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=2346&p=13684&hilit=dabbling#p13684
  102. Fuchs


    How you visualize, is determent of what you feel best with. You can visualise your self from a top down perspective, or in your mind, or in front of your eyes a picture, or lock at something and imagine like you want it to be, it is all valid, you just have to do your best. The forum is there...
  103. Fuchs

    internet witches

    Could you explain more what you mean?, don´t reveal personal details.
  104. Fuchs

    How the gods judge souls? Thoth gives answers

    Past Life Regression https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Past_Life_Meditation.html
  105. Fuchs


    Do we use the timer? Attack at the same time.
  106. Fuchs

    Internet Warfare - Self Protection Advice and Questions Board

    If your id is linked in any way (payment, normal e-mal etc) then this is not a good idear. I remember you could test it for free some time without registration if this is still possibel, take one lv1 char (with vpn or tor) go to a crowded city and just use the shout[message] function to get...
  107. Fuchs

    How the gods judge souls? Thoth gives answers

    I didn´t mean it negative, independently from the jewish religion, there is positive judgement/justice, this statement does imply they do judge/assure/evaluate a soul: "How well the deceased person had established truth in his or her lifetime, against the powers of evil." Which will impact...
  108. Fuchs

    How the gods judge souls? Thoth gives answers

    "Thoth wrote: "A soul's outcome in the afterlife is based upon knowledge." "Knowledge of past lives can be acquired by breathing exercises, which recall the memory of the soul." "How well the deceased person had established truth in his or her lifetime, against the powers of evil." "Did the...
  109. Fuchs

    Personal fault

    Just start over again, 40 day guide then, do F-RTRs etc. The gods appreciate people who do something, as long as you have not actively done anything against them, they are not angry either. Most of the time when we think the gods did leave us it is us who did cut of the connection to them due to...
  110. Fuchs

    Steps to meeting Satan and Demons

    If in person means via astral (mentally) ² then, just fokus on Satans sigil and ask him or talk to him about it. You have to empower your astral senses to see/hear them. But they will hear/see you even if you can´t. Just be open. 2. Satan and the Demons are extraterrestrial beings who live...
  111. Fuchs

    Why can't the enemy wipe us out physically/soully

    I think the answer to your last question lies in this statement: "I send a person a second or third time into this world or into some other by the transmigration of souls. " Satan https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Al_Jilwah.html
  112. Fuchs

    My dog

    See my reply here, just adjust the affirmation to the dog (adjust the reps so you feel fine): https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=53865&p=237683&hilit=isa+rune#p237683
  113. Fuchs

    Should I be taking these drugs?

    I think it would be better to do more cleaning and if possibel start doing martial arts it helps to get your anger out. There are some youtube guides for this, depending if your country has lockdown or not.
  114. Fuchs

    Recommendation working for a perfect partner

    Some topics about love spells: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=14339&p=58226 https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=13448&p=52550 https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=12971&p=48494 https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=11858&p=39310...
  115. Fuchs

    Enochian Keys (Satanic Calls)

    I think if we would look at it from a computer perspective the enochian keys are like changing the software of the enemy to do something for us, but the RTRs are like changing/attacking there hardware and I belive the RTR-Tetragrammaton is like destroying thear cpu.
  116. Fuchs

    Need help from Lucifer.

    There is no wrong sex only a false perception: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=51656&p=246627&hilit=trans#p246627 There is no free money, do something for it, also keep in mind hyperinflation 10 million might just worth a bread in 5 years.
  117. Fuchs

    Help with Opioid Addiction

    You can mediate on your crown chakra: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Crown_Chakra.html "* Opening this pathway is also very healing for drug addicts as it naturally induces extreme pleasure." BTW delete your signature or change it to something positive.
  118. Fuchs

    how to vibrate '' SATANAMA ''

    Jes "S" should be hissed (like a cat) or like a snake "ssss" both works.
  119. Fuchs

    Is it dangerous for me to try meditations that I have invented?

    As long as you use safe images like the swastika it is fine, and don´t mix different energys e.g. sun + moon or water + fire, it´s not unhealthy, but not ideal to mix e.g. female (moon) and male (sun) energys, they can balance each other out.
  120. Fuchs

    Vaccination Real Target

    Most countries where the people have many children also have child labor, which is heavily used from jewish corporations to create something for 1$ and sell it for 200$. Like in India some cloth companies. If we succesful erase child labor, or any other sort of children explotation, the birth...
  121. Fuchs

    Question about the Satanic Symbols

    These are the elements fire, water, earth, air, ether.
  122. Fuchs

    Vaccination Real Target

    With automatisation they don´t need as much slaves then before and even if the most people vaccinated "only" can´t give birth to children anymore it is still bad, should be still counted as killing people. If we have to much people here on earth, we are surrounded by an infinite universe.
  123. Fuchs

    Browser says certificate for www.satanisgod.org is expired

    Just wanted to report
  124. Fuchs

    Does anyone make an Astral projection?

    Here are some info about it: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Meditations_for_Astral_Projection.html
  125. Fuchs


    You should start by reading the main site https://www.joyofsatan.org ,if you can´t read english then you can look for more info in the italien sub forum: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewforum.php?f=6
  126. Fuchs

    I'm back in Satanism, being attacked. Last question.

    Did you write down everything in paper and used a little of your blood for the name and burned everything afterwards? Intention does matter most, with dedication.
  127. Fuchs

    Advice/intersession request, (serious) 8 months of Suffering.

    You could try to invoce earth to balance your air (immagination³) just try out slow: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Invoking_Earth.html 3."Air The Characteristics of Air: People with the element of air prominent have the ability to be objective and detached...
  128. Fuchs

    I never try alcohol etc. I think this is good. You think?

    Jes, you can meditate on your pineal gland if you want a natural safe high: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satans_Meditation.html
  129. Fuchs

    Nazism vs Fascism?

    Did forget you could also try to invoke earth+water to balance your air: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Invoking_Earth.html https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Invoking_Water.html or Invoking the Akasha/Quintessence/Ether which is...
  130. Fuchs

    About blockage of chakras and binding astral feelings

    It wasn´t meant negative, cleaning chakras fully is individual, how long it takes. I estimate most people need longer then 4 months.
  131. Fuchs

    Dukante sigils

    No info, but I would only use the ones from jos.
  132. Fuchs

    About blockage of chakras and binding astral feelings

    4 months isn´t much, before you did clean/meditate all the time you did life the curses/ dirt /bindings could pile up.
  133. Fuchs

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Normaly in most countrys the wimmen are favored by curts about child raising. But you can use the isa rune to bind the father: see my reply here, you have to little adjust the affirmation: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=53865&p=237683&hilit=isa+rune#p237683
  134. Fuchs

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Also allways add in a positive way for me in the affirmation, like in a safe and positve way for me, my base chakra is fully empowered. It is also better to start with the crone chakra (7/8 chakra with pineal gland). Instead the base.
  135. Fuchs

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    With the dedication ritual to Satan your guardian is allready dedicated to you/vice versa.
  136. Fuchs

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Forum Guide for New Members https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=43293
  137. Fuchs

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Money is mainly ruled by the 3rd sun chakra (raum mantra/ sun light can be used to empower/clean), if you clean your 3rd chakra of dirt (white-gold light) or empower it (cleaning > empowering) you increase your sun energy, which does increase the amount of money you can attract, you can use sun...
  138. Fuchs

    Nazism vs Fascism?

    I think your main problem is you overthink stuff (to much left brain), your signature says it all: Fascism = State first = Totalitarian National socialism = O.R.I.O.N. = Our Race Is Our Nation. What ever is good for the race is NS what is against it isn´t, race before nation. About magic I...
  139. Fuchs

    Doing workings to prevent fated/karmic harm coming to someone else

    Isn´t this what RC (Returning Curses) 1+2 does? See familiars (can also be done on other people): https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses.html
  140. Fuchs

    Forced to get covid vaccine ( Family )

    It depends on how much you need your parents (living on your self) and how much they would be willing to listen to you or any info. You can always fokus on Satans sigil and ask him for help. Just fokus on it he can hear you even if you can´t hear him: Here some info: As I said, either...
  141. Fuchs

    Trading and Astrology

    You can look the SS- Calendar 2021 for your region for favorabel dates for money. Also never start anything on a void moon. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=49621 With knowledge about natal charts from you or anything else you want to work with (e.g. a company) you can do...
  142. Fuchs

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Don´t post personal info about you, it can be used to track you. For a better relationship with Satan read this pages: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satan.html https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/SATANIC.html You can fokus on his...
  143. Fuchs

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Jes, for example, healing a animal with a rune working is possibel.
  144. Fuchs

    Nazism vs Fascism?

    A1. Fascism = State first = Totalitarian National socialism = O.R.I.O.N. = Our Race Is Our Nation. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=49117&p=231356&hilit=Fascism+%3D+State+first#p231356 A2. This is what I found: "Some of the most common disinformation motifs: MKULTRA and...
  145. Fuchs

    About cursing

    No, do instead Returning curses 1 + 2. (if you are dedicated) https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses.html
  146. Fuchs

    Does spiritual hearing improve physical hearing?

    You can try to use the earplugs at night, it does help for tinnitus, basicaly what it does it does reduce the noise at night which does help your ears to heal. Everything that does increase your blood flow (in a natural not harmfull way) should also help like drinking enouth water.
  147. Fuchs

    Kundalini Yoga Question

    Short term (1-3 months) no problem, if you work your way up to 108, long term bad: See your spine like a water pipe if one spot there is (less working on it free / cleaned) more blocked the water can´t flow good to the end. Which will cause problems for your kundalini to rise.
  148. Fuchs

    survival question spiritual

    Copy paste them in smal on a singel page (1/4 up to 1/10 paper), or find a site/tool which gives you only the numbers and print it that way.
  149. Fuchs

    Spiritual Warfare At An All Time High

    It´s also important if you eat something like chips to afterwards wash your hands with soap, so you avoid touching your face with greasy fingers, which would act like fertilizer for growing pimples. Some gamers do eat them with spoons to avoid this.
  150. Fuchs

    Spiritual Warfare At An All Time High

    I did read the main reason for athritis is that we do not use the full movement of our range of motion of our joints. The muskles short over time this creates tension, there for the fascia of the joints get under tension which leads to felting fascia --> athritis. For instance some people are...
  151. Fuchs

    Were Adam, Abraham and Jesus Can White?

    "Jesus: The Jewish Archetype There are a small number of deluded Gentile fools who try to claim the Nazarene was a Gentile. The following biblical scriptures prove beyond any doubt the Jewishness of the Nazarene, and his relation to the Gentiles. As for the Jewishness of his teachings, see...
  152. Fuchs

    Race mixing

    In my opinion: If this was a one time case, not a longterm relationship or if she doesn´t have mixed children, if you do your protection and your cleaning everyday you should be fine. We should avoid people who are realy negative, like heavy drug users, etc. Because they are low on...
  153. Fuchs

    Auras of Protection - Repost

    108 only if used 40 days straight. Then ok. 108 singel working = bad/not very effective
  154. Fuchs

    Activism via writing books

    Not good if you the website can be tracked back to the author of the book, better in links to videos and within the comment section the author can from time to time check/repost anonymous if the link is still there.
  155. Fuchs


    If you did wear a shoe for around 1 day (8-12h) it needs around 2-2,5 days to get dry. It is good to have atleast 2 pairs of shoes to wear. Also at night don´t sleep with your socks on, sleep barefoot, put the socks (if they are only a little sweaty) for instance on your heating, so they can get...
  156. Fuchs

    survival question spiritual

    Better use ChronosXP and adjust it to your location, then print out everyday in advance. The above is probably not related to your location. Unless you want to start a planetary square or do a important working the hours are not extremly important. It would also be good to print out the SS...
  157. Fuchs

    Depressed about the future

    I agree on preparing the mind for combat, but no one should be mentaly fokusing on thear own death or thinking about it extensive, we attract what we dwell on to. The gods did state through clergy, everybody who does there protection, does warfare, etc will be safe.
  158. Fuchs

    Preparing For Next Schedule

    Before the Affirmation raising additional energy with runes, would mean right after vibrating the hebrew, which does feel off, as you did state in the raising energy part it is fine. Visualisation of drawing in more energy while holding your breath before the affirmation is also fine [don´t...
  159. Fuchs

    Anton Levay and jews

    It is also written in The Al Jilwah: "I send a person a second or third time into this world or into some other by the transmigration of souls. " Satan https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Al_Jilwah.html
  160. Fuchs

    The Nadis of the Soul [RE POST HPS MAXINE]

    "The Nadis of the Soul There are three main nadis. Altogether, there are some 144,000. This is where those Jehova's witnesses get their corrupted crap about the '144,000 being saved.' What a joke! In addition, this is where the Jewish bible writers invented those three rivers in the 'Garden of...
  161. Fuchs

    Activism via writing books

    I think there are 3 ways you could do it: 1: Puplishing books as much anonymous as possibel, like people who write over italien mafia, then you can quote jos directly. Don´t know how anoymous this is abel to do and still get money from the sold books. And also the puplisher is at risk to get in...
  162. Fuchs

    Auras of Protection - Repost

    No also HPHC did state the same: "If you want to do an one shot deal working, or a meditation, you can avoid the 108. If it's not going to be repeated for a long period of time, that is a minimum of 40 days, do not use the 108. If you will cross the 40 day threshold, you can use the 108 without...
  163. Fuchs

    Numerology for Home

    Related to the 5 elements. Didn´t know it does work this way. Thanks.
  164. Fuchs

    Excuse me, could you give me guidance

    Jes ( never did read otherwise) Don´t know, but don´t think so probably your chart related or you have a inbalance/you need more grounding. Are you allready dedicated? :arrow: :arrow: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/SATANIC.html Without you don´t have the...
  165. Fuchs

    What to do when confronted with a mandatory vaccination

    I would not try this strategy because most people are not enouth educated on the subject, then the doctor can lie point out on a rong study etc and then the person is defenceless. On a fact check site about Nuremberg Laws, one "alleged human rights expert" did state: "no the vaccines have...
  166. Fuchs

    Auras of Protection - Repost

    I don´t get this part: I always thought 111 powernumber of the sun is related to 666, 108 is an incompleate number of 216. They have the same checksum that´s right 108 1 + 8 = 9 666 = 6+6+6 = 18 = 1+8 = 9 Did you mean this or something else?
  167. Fuchs

    Numerology for Home

    Why 5?
  168. Fuchs

    Auras of Protection - Repost

    And 18 is all off the above ;), but takes longer time. (did explain before)
  169. Fuchs

    A small Enemy attack and some questions regarding runes

    If you can handle the energy and visualisation then Fehu 111 reps then Gebo 111 reps. Keep in mind if you want to fully use the full potentional of a rune vibration one vibration would be inhale until your lungs are full and exhale/vibrate until you out of breath (one rune vibration/rep), but...
  170. Fuchs

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    We allready know your culture: "Judges 11:34 And Jephthah came to Mizpeh unto his house, and, behold, his daughter came out to meet him with timbrels and with dances: and she was his only child; beside her he had neither son nor daughter. 11:35 And it came to pass, when he saw her, that he rent...
  171. Fuchs

    Syrian Kills 10 White People; Media Reports It As White Killing Asians

    The posters last names, you would think those people have allready enouth bad attention well think again. xD
  172. Fuchs

    Auras of Protection - Repost

    What do you think about this: I´m not sure if negative transit energy and negative energy isn´t the same (but different shielding fokus)? If the deflective aop over time get´s strong enouth, it should also shield against transits, since it is also negative energy. From my understanding.
  173. Fuchs

    Auras of Protection - Repost

    Thanks for the repost got some new info from this. Have a few suggestions. I think the best thing is to have dayly the same aop (protective) + aop deflective one (like AC from HPS Maxine[after RTRs])+ maybe a aop deflective against transits, along with hatha und kunda yoga, chakra empowering...
  174. Fuchs

    Numerology for Home

    A1. would say 8 since it is permanence/ Infinity symbol (∞)
  175. Fuchs

    Blessing an old dog

    You can ask the gods to help you with this, just offer something in return. Did read other people did meet there former pet reincarnated realy fast/happy again, after it did die.
  176. Fuchs

    SaTaNaMa Kirtan Kriya as VOID meditation

    Don´t know what you mean with midfulness, but if you can fokus better then why not, technically seen you empower/vibrate the point where you will fokus on with the SaTANaMa mantra.
  177. Fuchs

    Empowering our own birthchart

    You should not state your personal info so freely in case you want to use this acc a long time. Planetary Squares do help subliminal a negativ planet: https://web.archive.org/web/20150827054936/https://www.angelfire.com/hailtosatansvictory666/Satans_Squares.html you can look for a good date...
  178. Fuchs

    12 Countries & Growing Suspending AstraZeneca Vaccine

    But I´m still suspicious about this: The only thing which makes me wonder is this: Since 1999 he is professor of the Tongji Medical University in Wuhan
  179. Fuchs

    A small Enemy attack and some questions regarding runes

    1. jes gold white for protection, the color purpose and the rune purpose has to match.* 2. Why not both runes visualising in your body, you could also just vibrate them imagining them getting brither in the color you choosed and at the end visualise there energy entering your body. It´s also...
  180. Fuchs

    SERIOUS PROBLEM- Pleas advise!

    Ask the gods to help you with this working, go over satans sigil: fokus on it and ask for help explain your situation (mind or speak), then do the working. If you want fast results you have to do higher reps. Also you have to be 100% convinced that it works, don´t worry, and don´t forget to...
  181. Fuchs

    CoVID House-arrest/microchip - "israel" wants electronic 'freedom' bracelet; enforce self-isolation

    They get the full covid package, wasn´t it not long ago that there prime minister did plan to chip thear children :lol: . If they had been standing too close to each other a warning tone would have been triggered.
  182. Fuchs

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule March 20th / April 11th

    Thanks, I thought maybe HPHC did forget to mark the dates bolt. Sry HPHC for the twisted numbers, did wrote them one time on paper, but did forget, that I wrote them down incorrectly, should have erased/changed the note last time after noticing it (did now).
  183. Fuchs

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule March 20th / April 11th

    At what time do we make the Rituals? (Like last time RTR Timer = 1 = FRTR+ Tetra, 0 = other rituals) This time no nuke/napalm days?
  184. Fuchs

    Internet Archive is being sued

    Thanks, jes it sounds similar to it, but it has also parts of the raum meditation in it (stimulating The Equal Armed Iron Cross/human soul)
  185. Fuchs

    Teflon pans

    Every material does give his parts to the food if you cook in glas, the food will have a little glas nano on it, the question is which material is the healthiest, from my study it is ceramic + steel.
  186. Fuchs

    Meditation programs

    The first step after dedication is the 40 days program: https://web.archive.org/web/20160619225351/http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Joy_of_Satan_Ministries_Meditation_Program_40_day.pdf There is also a 6 months program. You should be able to find it via search. Do not start when the moon is...
  187. Fuchs

    On The Vaccination Subject: Give An Inch, They Take A Mile

    I did also read, that the masks have a large amount of chemicals in them along with plastic fibers that are just large enough for us to inhale and to become lodged in the lungs.
  188. Fuchs

    Internet Archive is being sued

    Could you post the scalar wave meditation here? HPHC did mention it on a other post but couldn´t find info about it, besides you mentioning it here.
  189. Fuchs

    Scorched Earth Pt.2 Endgame - Doing the RTR is Literally Life or Death

    I just wanted to add "I send a person a second or third time into this world or into some other by the transmigration of souls. " Satan https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Al_Jilwah.html We will never be lost if we stick with Satan.
  190. Fuchs

    12 Countries & Growing Suspending AstraZeneca Vaccine

    Oh goys look, it is only the AstraZeneca (latin for killing stars) vaccine who is bad, the other 3 backed by Billy, with fancy new experimental mRNA technology are all fine take them. And please do not, I repeat do not look after this so called german vaccine without any serious side effects...
  191. Fuchs

    Teflon pans

    Ceramic with stainless steel are best. There are also Ceramic ones with aluminum, I would avoid these.
  192. Fuchs

    On The Vaccination Subject: Give An Inch, They Take A Mile

    And even on the instructions for use it says that op masks or also FFP 2 / N95 mask do not protect against viruses. They do reduce a little range from sneezing but that´s all. N99 / FFP3 mask do, at least for some viruses, there must be a reason why scientist in a biolab safety lvl4 wear a full...
  193. Fuchs

    Forced to get the Vaccine for Work

    Is it mandatory or is a quick test also ok? It´s not about love or hate, I just want to show you how rong this decision was + advertising it here so casualy (satan will protect me), other states were the populace is more conforming, did allready start to vaccinate the children, in Israel the...
  194. Fuchs

    Grey hairing = no immortality?

    On jos is only written: "The effects of the Magnum Opus are said to reverse aging- grey hair turns back to its natural color, lost teeth grow back in, ailments are cured and perfect health is restored. " https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Magnum_Opus.html This...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
