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Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Humanity will never have any peace or calm, or progress, with the enemy up there. Constantly humanity had to face the following: Nuclear threat, social collapse, wars, terror, economic takeovers or collapse, slavery, curses, now henceforth - biomedical terrorism, AI takeover, humanity becoming borg, the endless list goes and goes.

Recently, Israel has been under siege. Of course, we are coming out of a carefully, overblown Pandemic, done by the Jewish media. On top of this, the finances of the world have been brought at their limits, because of this overblown situation.

To add insult to injury, Israel has to pay some of it's negative returns with civil war, and it demands others fight it for it. "THE GOYIM MUST ALWAYS PAY FOR THE SINS OF THE JEW" for once more.

As if Iraq and Iran were not enough, we now have to go clean Israel's potty everytime the Jew is getting into trouble because they want to extinct the world. After we do this, our world will be ten feet lower in the grave, and Israel will be uplifted from it's fate of being in the graveyard as it deserved and sowed for itself.

Biden, within a week, from being their champion and best friend, is now a mortal enemy who has been an irresponsible president, simply because he didn't help Israel. This is just jewish bullying and extortion of the highest calliber taking place.

The media keeps lying, presenting false news, pampers lies about consistent CoVid mutations, economic collapse, this and that: it never ends. It is not supposed to end. We know this will only end when the enemy falls from now on. Many are going to falsely think that compliance is going to earn them freedom, but it will do the reverse. The great architects of global destruction are not fooling around.

And it will get worse as they are falling, because they will. Their fall creates a reverberating sound. So fasten your seatbelts and have faith in the Gods.

In the midst of all this chaos, many positive things are happening, but we are now seeing only the dust and the loud sounds. But as the dust settles down, more will be apparent. The enemy is on huge chaos and disarray, bleeding left and right.

The media, or the information nerves of society, have been taken over by jews. We have seen how this worked in the Pandemic and in any other way. They give false messages on just about anything, causing spams and destruction to the body of the world.

We are faced with everything of the above: More media lies, more collapsation of society, more and more bullying by the jews. The situation as we have explained was bound to get far worse, and chaotic. And it is going this way, we knew for years this was unavoidable. But we also know that the end of this is not going to be the end the enemy anticipates.

For those of here who have been informed for years, none of this comes at a puzzle. We understand why these things happen. The average person would be scared right now. We know all that the enemy is, and does. We understand their methods and what they aim to do.

This should not worry people here, albeit it may all come as a shock. This is actually a great and ample opportunity for humanity to fight back and reclaim our freedom. As the enemy collapses, their system will shake tremendously.

Unfortunately, this system is a large part of our world, taken over by them as a neurological virus that when attempted to be removed, the body is going to shake uncontrollably. If this is not done, then the body will be gone forever. For this reason, the shaking must be looked for what it is: A more hopeful situation than the lack of it.

Before we go even further with new updates, below there will be a specific schedule to counteract the things the enemy has been doing recently and turn it all back on them. It will be posted below. All of us have to participate, as the worst may be coming.

The enemy has some of the heaviest curses on the fact that if Israel goes under, the world goes under and similar things. This may sound impossible to people, yet, these curses need to be offset. They are seriously getting wounded and they are going to rally everything towards destruction.

We will prepare the ground for massive destruction of the enemy. This schedule will pave the way before a major update which will be a monumental step in our struggle for freedom.

Below the Rituals:

*FRTR Is always FRTR + Tetra

19. FRTR, Curse Israel, Returning Blood Sacrifices, Goat Reversal Ritual
20. FRTR, Curse Israel, Returning Blood Sacrifices, Goat Reversal Ritual
21. FRTR, Curse Israel, Returning Blood Sacrifices, Goat Reversal Ritual
22. FRTR, Curse Israel, Returning Blood Sacrifices, Goat Reversal Ritual
23. FRTR, Right To Own Nations RTR, Terminating Jewish Financial And Global Control [all 3 parts]
24. FRTR, Right To Own Nations RTR, Terminating Jewish Financial And Global Control [all 3 parts]
25. FRTR, Right To Own Nations RTR, Terminating Jewish Financial And Global Control [all 3 parts]
26. FRTR, Right To Own Nations RTR, Terminating Jewish Financial And Global Control [all 3 parts]
27. FRTR, Right To Own Nations RTR, Terminating Jewish Financial And Global Control [all 3 parts]
28. FRTR, Holding the Enemy Accountable RTR, Disarming the Enemy RTR
29. FRTR, Holding the Enemy Accountable RTR, Disarming the Enemy RTR
30. FRTR, Holding the Enemy Accountable RTR, Disarming the Enemy RTR
31. FRTR, Holding the Enemy Accountable RTR, Disarming the Enemy RTR
1. FRTR, Holding the Enemy Accountable RTR, Disarming the Enemy RTR

Below the Links:

Disarming the Enemy RTR: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/I5417.htm
Holding Enemy Accountable RTR: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/N1526.htm
Curse Israel: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/CurseIsraelRitual.htm
Returning Blood Sacrifices: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Reverse195Ritual.htm
Goat Reversal Ritual: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Lev_16_22.htm
Right To Own Nations RTR: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/D724.htm
Terminating Jewish Financial and Global Control RTR: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/21817.html
Lets destroy them !!!
I am more than ready, I have taken this "break" just to focus on empowering myself more than ever, from an rtr I will exploit their lives GAAAAAAH!
Gaaah, I'm so excited!! I WANT THE ENEMY TO ROT!!

I have a question about the "Terminating Jewish Financial And Global Control". You said 3 parts but you meant all three of the rituals, and not just "part 3", right? XD I guess there'll be too many rituals for that day, but I don't mind, I'll do the best I can.

I also want to say that I am so happy when you write things that make so much sense to my mind... Like the fact that humanity will never be at peace if the enemy is not destroyed... And that, this chaos will never end, and it's not supposed to end (as long as the enemy exists).

I am daily interacting with people who know about the truth but don't do anything to actively fight in this war. One had even done the dedication ritual but they hardly even meditate. (no need to even mention the RTRs...)
Some of these people will move to another country where financial-wise etc it will be much better... BUT! It is so obvious that it's only a matter of time before destruction hits that country as well.

People can't see that...
They think it's the x or y president to blame, or the people of this country or, whatever... They don't get it's THE JEWS. They are behind EVERY FUCKING THING that makes humanity suffer!!! From the wildest criminals, to the mere concept of idiocy!! THE JEWS are behind this, in one or another way!!

The fact that "people are stupid" (in whatever ways that is - I'm not talking about being bad at maths or things like that - but about believing things too easily, like "flat-earthers" or being gullible, trusting the wrong people, not having instinct etc... I know some of these people are not "stupid" with the academical meaning of the word, but I mean all kinds of people who are taken advantage by others because of bad instinct or low intelligence) ALL OF THAT *IS* A RESULT OF THE ENEMY!!!!

People can't see it as deeply as they should... When one doesn't meditate, this equals with only remaining "on the physical aspect", and of course being extremely vulnerable to anything (from diseases to physical harm, to being scammed etc etc etc)... When we meditate we elevate ourselves so much... The Gods have reached their own level through meditation. Can you imagine a God being "stupid"...? OF COURSE NOT!!!
THE JEWS have made people go away from meditation, to be scared of our Gods and Goddesses... THE JEWS ARE TO BLAME FOR EVERY FUCKING LITTLE THING THAT'S RUINING OUR WORLD!!!!!

From environmental pollution, fucking diseases that didn't exist a few years ago (JUST THINK OF THE SHIT THEY PUT IN OUR FOODS ON A DAILY FUCKING BASIS!!!!) to the horrible criminals that exist (even the ones who are not jews - they're fucked up in the head AND OF COURSE spiritually!! A healthy spirit/soul, can not do atrocities because they feel empathy!).

So many people don't get it... Because if one DOES get it, HOW could they not do something to fight it??! To fight the monsters behind the ugliness of our world!!

Well, PEOPLE WILL FUCKING SEE IT!!!! We'll make sure they will!!!!!
HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iv been a bit behind as i posted yesterday. I want back in this fight, on the list mentioned, which would i be doing on the 1st?
Reading this great post, my whole body trembled with joy.

I understand, bad things will happen, but it is needed, cos still many paople are sleeping and it seems, they need something much bigger hit to wake them up.


Sieg Heil my Fuhrer!!!

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The enemy has some of the heaviest curses on the fact that if Israel goes under, the world goes under and similar things. This may sound impossible to people, yet, these curses need to be offset. They are seriously getting wounded and they are going to rally everything towards destruction.
Van Creveld(jewish historian) was quoted in David Hirst's The Gun and the Olive Branch (2003) as saying:

" We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force. Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: 'Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.' I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under."

From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samson_Option
There is literally a wikipedia page dedicated to it.
I feel disappointed, because I have been waiting for this important update, but it has been moved till further notice. I'm still going to do the warfare as usual /even better. I just feel like I was told pineapples were coming and lost a little interest in the apples I had, only to hear keep eating the apples, I'll give you pineapples later on. Just made me hungry and did not satisfy the hunger. :cry:
Who doesn't like new things? I just have to say how I feel.

HAIL SATAN [in a sad and low voice]
Thanks for the anticipated schedule.

Is "Returning" a typo? I could've sworn we're Reversing their energies raised from blood sacrifice, not... returning them. That makes it sound like...
Brothers and sisters, if we don't do this, with utmost responsability and power, our world will rot and die. Let us have an existence here, and ourselves to bear fruits from infinite life. Extremely serious what we do here.

Please absolutely destroy spiritually the enemy. I know I will go very hard on this schedule. Written in histories.
I will do my absolute best with this schedule! Even with some privacy problems.


Hail Satan Forever!
Thank you for the new schedule! Excited to keep pushing forward!

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Does anyone have the MP3s for these readily available? Or do you have a page were it can be easily uploaded and downloaded from?

The MP3 files aren't working.

I remember we did this back in the day. The reversing of the Greek letter version of the Bible.

That was done by HP Cobra, and that was when he revealed his voice to us... the deepest voice on the planet.

The ritual also had amazing results.

:D :lol:
Yagami Light said:

I have observed that with most people, the truth scares them. They're afraid of taking responsibility for themselves, afraid of realizing that the only one who's going to save them is themselves...because they don't know what to do...but they're afraid of or too lazy to learn what to do. It all boils down to the psychology of avoiding "sinful" thoughts to avoid being thrown into an imaginary hellfire. People are corned by their own shadow. Laziness is defeatism and a fear of the unknown is a lack of confidence in one's self. All bred by Jewish programming. The "goyim" defeat themselves mentally before the Jew does anything tangible. This ends the moment the wool comes off of the eyes, and the smelly Jew is plucked out from behind the curtain.
I've been ready for this! Been using this break to get powers up to maximum containable levels. The results of this round are going to be a joy to see!
Satan and Andrasta have been smiling upon me and allowing me to see signs of their blessings everywhere! I hope the Gods and Goddesses that I don't see are smiling upon me and all our family in Satan! Hail Satan all the Gods and Goddesses and all Children of Satan!
Hail Satan Eternal!
I was already planning on adding the curse israel one along with the FRTR so this is nice that you added it. This situation with Palestine exposed all the bastards defending israel which I thought were good people before. This schedule will give them what the deserve for defending the terrorist and bandit state of israel.

I'm very excited for that update on the major blow to the enemy. Meanwhile I'll give my all and best to this schedule.

Hail Satan!
Israel is bombing the utter shit out of Palestine and no one does anything the USA is showing ther eternal devotion to Israel really now Israel has fucked the USA up how is Israel under siege?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ninja 666 said:
that was when he revealed his voice to us... the deepest voice on the planet.
I grew 2 mustaches when I listened to that audio.
Israel has all its reputation collapsing worldwide, and is shown as the large killer it is.

Nobody wants to engage for more Israeli blood. Engagement will mean x100 times worse for the Palestinians. The death toll and destabilization will reach the worst if this escalated with engagement.

The longterm battle is being lost for Israel. The damnation happening is the short term view of this.

Israel is achieving nothing now but murdering a few random people to lose all their reputation, power, and influence. Over just raging attacks against people over nonsense.

In the longterm this is a total failure for them. The whole globe watches them for the ghouls they are. This is the first stage for people to understand and later on take action.

Therealbornoffire666 said:
Israel is bombing the utter shit out of Palestine and no one does anything the USA is showing ther eternal devotion to Israel really now Israel has fucked the USA up how is Israel under siege?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Here is a MEGA folder i made with all the rituals with mp3s and everything else needed for this schedule.


**the audio file for financial and global control is missing. I couldn't find it anywhere. Its not on the Magenta 666 channel either. If anyone has the mp3 or a link to it, please do share.
Ok no this is actuali exactly how you say it this is like they are making it bad for themselves .. digging ther own graves?looking like nothing but a big bully it’s bad how ther are still brainwashed individuals supporting them and saying ‘they stand with israel’ I can see ther is a lot protesting in USA for the end of this putting pressure now Biden is calling for a cease fire but pm of Israel basically just brushed him off saying it’s not gona stop he wants to degrade them completely oh well let’s see what happens ...Iran is quiet have they sold out?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Israel has all its reputation collapsing worldwide, and is shown as the large killer it is.

Nobody wants to engage for more Israeli blood. Engagement will mean x100 times worse for the Palestinians. The death toll and destabilization will reach the worst if this escalated with engagement.

The longterm battle is being lost for Israel. The damnation happening is the short term view of this.

Israel is achieving nothing now but murdering a few random people to lose all their reputation, power, and influence. Over just raging attacks against people over nonsense.

In the longterm this is a total failure for them. The whole globe watches them for the ghouls they are. This is the first stage for people to understand and later on take action.

Therealbornoffire666 said:
Israel is bombing the utter shit out of Palestine and no one does anything the USA is showing ther eternal devotion to Israel really now Israel has fucked the USA up how is Israel under siege?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Manofsatan said:
I feel disappointed, because I have been waiting for this important update, but it has been moved till further notice. I'm still going to do the warfare as usual /even better. I just feel like I was told pineapples were coming and lost a little interest in the apples I had, only to hear keep eating the apples, I'll give you pineapples later on. Just made me hungry and did not satisfy the hunger. :cry:
Who doesn't like new things? I just have to say how I feel.

HAIL SATAN [in a sad and low voice]

It just gives us more excitement waiting for it.
Manofsatan said:
I feel disappointed, because I have been waiting for this important update, but it has been moved till further notice. I'm still going to do the warfare as usual /even better. I just feel like I was told pineapples were coming and lost a little interest in the apples I had, only to hear keep eating the apples, I'll give you pineapples later on. Just made me hungry and did not satisfy the hunger. :cry:
Who doesn't like new things? I just have to say how I feel.

HAIL SATAN [in a sad and low voice]

Lol. Keep your spirits up comrade. Patience. Things that are truly beautiful and amazing take time to address.

Hail Satan! We advance to our victory.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Biden, within a week, from being their champion and best friend, is now a mortal enemy who has been an irresponsible president, simply because he didn't help Israel. This is just jewish bullying and extortion of the highest calliber taking place.

I think he takes this whole thing with Israel a bit personal.

WTF: Biden Jokes About Mowing Down Journalist With Truck When Asked About Israel

Now he is a bad goy, and he knows it.

Definitely ready to start!

The jews are now hated worldwide. Pissraeli jews are now begging (in a demanding, self-entitled tone) that the US intervenes for them, except now, doing so would be a severely damaging move. The "woke" mob they raised around the world doesn't like pissrael.

Let's ensure this gets much, much worse for them.
OpenMind said:
Ninja 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Does anyone have the MP3s for these readily available? Or do you have a page were it can be easily uploaded and downloaded from?

The MP3 files aren't working.

I remember we did this back in the day. The reversing of the Greek letter version of the Bible.

That was done by HP Cobra, and that was when he revealed his voice to us... the deepest voice on the planet.

The ritual also had amazing results.

:D :lol:


Thank you, OpenMind.
Aquarius said:
Ninja 666 said:
that was when he revealed his voice to us... the deepest voice on the planet.
I grew 2 mustaches when I listened to that audio.

:D :lol:
I was wondering when we would do the Reverse Jewish Financial Control one and Cursing rabbi Christ thing (the 3 part one). It makes sense that was created to be done on an eclipse so we do it on an eclipse.

I was wanting to do those for a long time and thinking they needed to be done.
Therealbornoffire666 said:
Israel is bombing the utter shit out of Palestine and no one does anything the USA is showing ther eternal devotion to Israel really now Israel has fucked the USA up how is Israel under siege?

Pissrael is surrounded by angry Arabs from all sides. If Arabs assemble a coalition, which they definitely will if the bombing of Gaza continues, their only escape is the Mediterranean sea.

Their whole shitty country is compromised, they stole the land from Palestinians at the beginning by subversion, acting like poor refugees running from the "evil nazis", and once the had enough numbers and power, the massacred the Palestinians and literally stole their houses and land. And the idiots left a few Palestinians to enslave in the territory they stole.

Now the Palestinians have compromised their shitty little country, the Palestinians currently form around 20% of the population of pissrael and in couple of generations they will be the majority.
The kikes in pissrael are literally fighting each other, they have plagued themselves with the same leftist ideologies and with the same drugs they have plagued the west with. If you walk around in tel aviv you would literally see needles everywhere, even more than in Los Angeles, and you would also see even uglier and fatter topless feminists roaming around the streets.
Even the left vs the right jewish meme is worse in pissrael. The jews and the their country are LITERALLY cursed to death, their whole race is rotting rapidly as we speak.

They've dug their own graves with everything they've done since 2020, and the useless bombing of Gaza is literally the few last nails in the coven, and the damned jews are nailing them with sledgehammers as we speak

Now it's our job to make sure the damned jews don't bring humanity down with them.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Do we use the timer?
Attack at the same time.
Ninja 666 said:
Aquarius said:
Ninja 666 said:
that was when he revealed his voice to us... the deepest voice on the planet.
I grew 2 mustaches when I listened to that audio.

:D :lol:
So I just looked for this because I had to listen to HP HC's voice. :p

And damn... Not dissapointed. He sounds like a viking ready to conquer the world. :lol:

You can find it here btw. Although itsn't on the schedule currently:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r896fZbtFOM&list=PLK0QOxn85sT9qONoOybzXyG3e06ibWIYH&index=7
Therealbornoffire666 said:
Israel is bombing the utter shit out of Palestine and no one does anything the USA is showing ther eternal devotion to Israel really now Israel has fucked the USA up how is Israel under siege?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Epstein's blackmail is currently paying out dividends.
*stretches* Ready.

I’ll assume that for the coordination clock it’s FRTR+KTR on the 00:00 and for the others it’s 01:00 ??

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
