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Nazism vs Fascism?


New member
Dec 2, 2019
Hey guys! I am curious about National Socialism and want to ask if anyone can clear up a couple things for me.

Is there a link between Nazism and fascism? I find myself on the far right but I don't agree with authoritarianism (like in China). However, I think facism is a hyperbole when likened to Nazism during WW2. They did control music and the media to an extent but it was only to suppress Jewish propaganda as far as I know. As well the concentration camps were at worst labour camps and were more likely used as cushy segregated facilities for Jews. During Heinrich Himmler's reign they shut down masonic temples and made freemasonry a crime. (Quite fascinating).
It's an interesting topic and is something I know little about. I have heard stories from alleged survivors that there was some sort of curfew at night. One woman said as a girl she was raped by soldiers after violating it. Anecdotal information is something to take with a grain of salt though.

The second question I have is deals with Operation Paperclip. Over 1,600 scientists in Germany allegedly did human experiments and developed eugenics techniques. America absolved them of their (alleged) crimes, emigrating and hiring them to work in America, many of them Nazis. What information is there that's contrary to their crimes? I find it interesting how biased Wikipedia is, scarcely offering any arguments in their articles.

In closing (since it's such a broad topic) if there are any information resources you know of please send me a link. Bitchute is so full of disinformation that it's hard to pinpoint anything truthful. Thanks! ;)
BioElektrik said:
Hey guys! I am curious about National Socialism and want to ask if anyone can clear up a couple things for me.

Is there a link between Nazism and fascism? I find myself on the far right but I don't agree with authoritarianism (like in China). However, I think facism is a hyperbole when likened to Nazism during WW2. They did control music and the media to an extent but it was only to suppress Jewish propaganda as far as I know. As well the concentration camps were at worst labour camps and were more likely used as cushy segregated facilities for Jews. During Heinrich Himmler's reign they shut down masonic temples and made freemasonry a crime. (Quite fascinating).
It's an interesting topic and is something I know little about. I have heard stories from alleged survivors that there was some sort of curfew at night. One woman said as a girl she was raped by soldiers after violating it. Anecdotal information is something to take with a grain of salt though.

The second question I have is deals with Operation Paperclip. Over 1,600 scientists in Germany allegedly did human experiments and developed eugenics techniques. America absolved them of their (alleged) crimes, emigrating and hiring them to work in America, many of them Nazis. What information is there that's contrary to their crimes? I find it interesting how biased Wikipedia is, scarcely offering any arguments in their articles.

In closing (since it's such a broad topic) if there are any information resources you know of please send me a link. Bitchute is so full of disinformation that it's hard to pinpoint anything truthful. Thanks! ;)

Fascism = State first = Totalitarian
National socialism = O.R.I.O.N. = Our Race Is Our Nation.


A2. This is what I found:

"Some of the most common disinformation motifs:
MKULTRA and other malignant Deep State practises were developed by the Nazis brought in upon Operation Paperclip"

"After the end of WW2, in what is known as Operation Paperclip, some of the top minds of the Germans and people who clearly had UFO knowledge and related entered the USA. With them also entered a sphere of influence of our Gods, and since we had an ongoing battle for the destiny of the world's ruling power. "

A3. you can always use the search function. Quick links -> Search.
You can look at my signature to notice a bit.

To add to that Fascism has different aspects as well. For example the most common Fascism wasn't exactly Racial more National. I'd wager to state Oswald Mosley's B.F.U.(British Fascist Union) was more in line with NS Racial aspects. For example a few years ago someone posted a DailyStormer article with Mosley's voice speaking in the youtube video(I doubt it still exists on youtube). If you ever run into Mosley's video it's basically stating the same thing that is going on with the kalergi plan now a days. Only it was the pre-kalergi plan which WAS being done particularly as the European Powers (West, Central, and East) expanded into Asia, Africa, India, S.E.A, and Pacific. For example Hitler in Mein Kampf was dumbfounded why the central powers particularly Germany cared more about it's colonies outside Europe than the Mainland and cites it as a potential defeat from Western aggression.

National Socialism is purely Nation-racial and socialistic within certain parameters not delving into communistic socialism. For example in Kroptkin's Gentile Communism which probably gave rise to modern Nazbol/Nasbol(National Bolshevism) they use the term Mutual Aid as the package to treat people. In National Socialism the treatment of volk whether it be Nation or Foreign Volk is Kin Altruism.

For example Germany went basically World-Wide rebuilding Nations while fighting the war to promote Nationalism. For example the Germans spent a while in Afghanistan rebuilding it before King Abudallah asked them to leave fearing invasion like Iran from Soviet/American invaders. So Germany was in essence Nation building elsewhere to promote German cooperation or Kin Altruism to others to promote NS and move humanity along better.

Honestly in my own personal understanding UNLESS Hitler and or the Gods are around. We may never truly know what NS is by and by nor Fascism. For example (((Alexander Dugin and rabbis))) are trying to re-create Fascism and promote it in Eastern Europe. Since E.E. isn't affected as badly as the kalergi plan cause it would create severe issues and slavic people are gonna sit back and take it. They want to move them along the lines of the non-communist sector and potentially create some sort of kosher fascism kinda like back when Yatzik Rabin was pulsa de-nura I believe it was either Bibi or someone talking to Bibi that doing this, this, and that; would make us akin to jewish Nazism.

So it's possible the Fascism being created in Europe for next stage warfare a controlled opposition is some sort of synthesized jewish Fascism. Some plan to somehow subvert and create perpetual tensions.

Honestly unless we really study and have accurate proper information from the NS themselves or the Fascists themselves. No one will ever know what Fascism or NS is. I've considered myself National Socialists since 7 years old since watching history channel on cable television. Yeah I went through my Neo-Nazi ways hating other races spics, niggers, basically a killer attitude wanting to kill other people. Basically Martian attributes taken to the extreme. But I never once had the loss in stating maybe the allies are right. I ALWAYS backed the Axis, no matter what even in WW2 video games Axis wins like 70-80-90% of the time sure many are trolling but at least they keep the spirit of Axisness going.

But funny enough even though I'm nearing the quarter century of being NS and I already celebrated my 18th anniversary being dedicated. I've never once figured out what NS/Fascism is concrete 100% patented down. I'm afraid of speaking certain things as it might sound communistic or socialistic or might be anti-NS. In fact there is a meme going around for a few years now probably a solid decade or two. That National Socialism is all forms of governments sublimated into positive.

In other words we are capitalists without negatives, we are communists without negatives, we are socialistic without negatives etc.etc.

And even some people comparing Oswald Spengler's work with NS. It's not wrong but from what I read it's kinda like Spengler went his own way. Sure Hitler created something similar without ever delving into Spengler. But I still don't understand what National Socialism is and politically and religiously I've been in it for a long time.

It's like Vrill: The Coming Race by Bulward. I read the book last year finally after YEARS of wanting to read it. I read it and guess what at the end I'm like "WTF" how is this National Socialist occult literature. Like literally the underground people who live are complete wacko assholes. If they ever go up to the surface they'd massacre the human race just to create their civilization. It's really strange. Maybe it's the fact it talks about underground societies or something. All I know the book left me puzzled.

Same with Mein Kampf I read the E.T.S Dugdale '36 edition. I do at some point plan on reading the Ford edition the supposed King of King's edition in comparison to the other versions, Dugdale is condensed. But I read it and I'm like first this book isn't controversial has no anti-semitic properties in it so I don't know what the kikes are kvetching about and finally I'm left more dumbfounded on NS. It does not explain NS in any way, shape, or form. I have no idea what Mein Kampf is it has certain cross-references certain kabalistic understandings. But other than that I'm just left with more questions than answers.

The only thing I've been able to state these past few years is. To be a National Socialists and Spiritual Satanists is an endless research and development of skills without any limits or IF limits within reasonable levels.

Honestly I don't know what NS is nor Fascism is. I follow it and it's my life and my Weltanschaang(World-view) but I'm about as ignorant as a person who states Oy vey you support MAGA America your a fascist. How the fuck does supporting my Nation or MAGA is Fascist.

That's not to state I CAN'T defend myself. I certainly know things but it's like my knowledge on my own politics and religion is basically based on having one foot on the ground and one foot in the air trying to delicately balance an amount of knowledge along with a strong lack of knowledge.

I can't simply state the Style > Substance of the Axis but personally I feel like with my knowledge of Axis powers I care more about the Style than the Substance. As the Substance doesn't exist.

And yes I've watched videos, gone to the N.R.M.(Nordic Resistance Movement) and all these websites and understand THEIR knowledge. But in the end I still don't know what NS is nor Fascism is nor even our own Religion. Especially considering spirituality has never worked for me nor been able to spiritually advance. I guess what I'm trying to state physically I lack a lot of key details that give me a concrete look.

In my current lack of information and mass disinformation and mass effect on humanity by the enemy as below and as above. I view myself as being NS/SS purely out of fanaticism rather than pure logic or pure understanding.

Not that I don't have knowledge nor understanding just it's basically all in bits and pieces and in the air.
Thank you for the feedback you two! This really helped shape things out for me. There is so much information that's destroyed and suppressed that it makes perfect sense how the few things which could benefit humanity the most are the most demonized and unknown to us. The idea of patriotism used to appeal to me yet now that I've learned about all the corruption it seems that this would be the same loving a house with no foundation.

The people who natively originate from a land should be greater in numbers than that of immigrants. The way Europe and America are sending boat-loads of people from other countries to take over jobs and politics is concerning, especially when they don't like these countries. There was a video of a Muslim who spoke out about how he was raised from birth on how to infiltrate and take over. (No wonder they have so many kids). I live in Canada and our history isn't that long. England basically took over and tried to blot-out Native's culture (which as we know was about spirituality and being a part of nature). These oligarchs throughout history want nothing but total control, which causes everyone else to want to regain control (which is viewed on television as terrorism). It's just like the song goes: "Everybody wants to rule the world".

Today we're not allowed to say emmigration can be used as a weapon. That's a "conspiracy theory", yet it is so damn pervasive. I am so glad I found Satanism and gained an outside perspective of the world. Thank you for such great support to all you fellow members. Ave Sathanas!
BioElektrik said:
Hey guys! I am curious about National Socialism and want to ask if anyone can clear up a couple things for me.

Is there a link between Nazism and fascism? I find myself on the far right but I don't agree with authoritarianism (like in China).
This book translated by High Priestess Myla Limlal explains how Hitlerist National Socialism is not fascist, right wing, capitalist or a dictatorship: https://web.archive.org/web/20150330200638/https://webzoom.freewebs.com/spiritualwarfare666/Understanding_NS.pdf
Gear88 said:
You can look at my signature to notice a bit.

To add to that Fascism has different aspects as well. For example the most common Fascism wasn't exactly Racial more National. I'd wager to state Oswald Mosley's B.F.U.(British Fascist Union) was more in line with NS Racial aspects. For example a few years ago someone posted a DailyStormer article with Mosley's voice speaking in the youtube video(I doubt it still exists on youtube). If you ever run into Mosley's video it's basically stating the same thing that is going on with the kalergi plan now a days. Only it was the pre-kalergi plan which WAS being done particularly as the European Powers (West, Central, and East) expanded into Asia, Africa, India, S.E.A, and Pacific. For example Hitler in Mein Kampf was dumbfounded why the central powers particularly Germany cared more about it's colonies outside Europe than the Mainland and cites it as a potential defeat from Western aggression.

National Socialism is purely Nation-racial and socialistic within certain parameters not delving into communistic socialism. For example in Kroptkin's Gentile Communism which probably gave rise to modern Nazbol/Nasbol(National Bolshevism) they use the term Mutual Aid as the package to treat people. In National Socialism the treatment of volk whether it be Nation or Foreign Volk is Kin Altruism.

For example Germany went basically World-Wide rebuilding Nations while fighting the war to promote Nationalism. For example the Germans spent a while in Afghanistan rebuilding it before King Abudallah asked them to leave fearing invasion like Iran from Soviet/American invaders. So Germany was in essence Nation building elsewhere to promote German cooperation or Kin Altruism to others to promote NS and move humanity along better.

Honestly in my own personal understanding UNLESS Hitler and or the Gods are around. We may never truly know what NS is by and by nor Fascism. For example (((Alexander Dugin and rabbis))) are trying to re-create Fascism and promote it in Eastern Europe. Since E.E. isn't affected as badly as the kalergi plan cause it would create severe issues and slavic people are gonna sit back and take it. They want to move them along the lines of the non-communist sector and potentially create some sort of kosher fascism kinda like back when Yatzik Rabin was pulsa de-nura I believe it was either Bibi or someone talking to Bibi that doing this, this, and that; would make us akin to jewish Nazism.

So it's possible the Fascism being created in Europe for next stage warfare a controlled opposition is some sort of synthesized jewish Fascism. Some plan to somehow subvert and create perpetual tensions.

Honestly unless we really study and have accurate proper information from the NS themselves or the Fascists themselves. No one will ever know what Fascism or NS is. I've considered myself National Socialists since 7 years old since watching history channel on cable television. Yeah I went through my Neo-Nazi ways hating other races spics, niggers, basically a killer attitude wanting to kill other people. Basically Martian attributes taken to the extreme. But I never once had the loss in stating maybe the allies are right. I ALWAYS backed the Axis, no matter what even in WW2 video games Axis wins like 70-80-90% of the time sure many are trolling but at least they keep the spirit of Axisness going.

But funny enough even though I'm nearing the quarter century of being NS and I already celebrated my 18th anniversary being dedicated. I've never once figured out what NS/Fascism is concrete 100% patented down. I'm afraid of speaking certain things as it might sound communistic or socialistic or might be anti-NS. In fact there is a meme going around for a few years now probably a solid decade or two. That National Socialism is all forms of governments sublimated into positive.

In other words we are capitalists without negatives, we are communists without negatives, we are socialistic without negatives etc.etc.

And even some people comparing Oswald Spengler's work with NS. It's not wrong but from what I read it's kinda like Spengler went his own way. Sure Hitler created something similar without ever delving into Spengler. But I still don't understand what National Socialism is and politically and religiously I've been in it for a long time.

It's like Vrill: The Coming Race by Bulward. I read the book last year finally after YEARS of wanting to read it. I read it and guess what at the end I'm like "WTF" how is this National Socialist occult literature. Like literally the underground people who live are complete wacko assholes. If they ever go up to the surface they'd massacre the human race just to create their civilization. It's really strange. Maybe it's the fact it talks about underground societies or something. All I know the book left me puzzled.

Same with Mein Kampf I read the E.T.S Dugdale '36 edition. I do at some point plan on reading the Ford edition the supposed King of King's edition in comparison to the other versions, Dugdale is condensed. But I read it and I'm like first this book isn't controversial has no anti-semitic properties in it so I don't know what the kikes are kvetching about and finally I'm left more dumbfounded on NS. It does not explain NS in any way, shape, or form. I have no idea what Mein Kampf is it has certain cross-references certain kabalistic understandings. But other than that I'm just left with more questions than answers.

The only thing I've been able to state these past few years is. To be a National Socialists and Spiritual Satanists is an endless research and development of skills without any limits or IF limits within reasonable levels.

Honestly I don't know what NS is nor Fascism is. I follow it and it's my life and my Weltanschaang(World-view) but I'm about as ignorant as a person who states Oy vey you support MAGA America your a fascist. How the fuck does supporting my Nation or MAGA is Fascist.

That's not to state I CAN'T defend myself. I certainly know things but it's like my knowledge on my own politics and religion is basically based on having one foot on the ground and one foot in the air trying to delicately balance an amount of knowledge along with a strong lack of knowledge.

I can't simply state the Style > Substance of the Axis but personally I feel like with my knowledge of Axis powers I care more about the Style than the Substance. As the Substance doesn't exist.

And yes I've watched videos, gone to the N.R.M.(Nordic Resistance Movement) and all these websites and understand THEIR knowledge. But in the end I still don't know what NS is nor Fascism is nor even our own Religion. Especially considering spirituality has never worked for me nor been able to spiritually advance. I guess what I'm trying to state physically I lack a lot of key details that give me a concrete look.

In my current lack of information and mass disinformation and mass effect on humanity by the enemy as below and as above. I view myself as being NS/SS purely out of fanaticism rather than pure logic or pure understanding.

Not that I don't have knowledge nor understanding just it's basically all in bits and pieces and in the air.
Nazbol is Alexander Dugins work. They aren't racist ,they just want third world communism and are total retards.

Kropotkin was talking about Anarcho Communism where a group of people freely distributed their resources without a state and lived happily ever after. It was an extremely optimistic utopianist philosophy which even the mainstream communists rejected because it was the most retarded. It totally ignored the laws of human nature and the natural caste system.
Gear88 said:
You can look at my signature to notice a bit.

And yes I've watched videos, gone to the N.R.M.(Nordic Resistance Movement) and all these websites and understand THEIR knowledge. But in the end I still don't know what NS is nor Fascism is nor even our own Religion. Especially considering spirituality has never worked for me nor been able to spiritually advance. I guess what I'm trying to state physically I lack a lot of key details that give me a concrete look.

In my current lack of information and mass disinformation and mass effect on humanity by the enemy as below and as above. I view myself as being NS/SS purely out of fanaticism rather than pure logic or pure understanding.

Not that I don't have knowledge nor understanding just it's basically all in bits and pieces and in the air.

I think your main problem is you overthink stuff (to much left brain), your signature says it all:

Fascism = State first = Totalitarian
National socialism = O.R.I.O.N. = Our Race Is Our Nation.

What ever is good for the race is NS what is against it isn´t, race before nation.

About magic I once learned it isn´t important to be as good as possibel, it is important to be as good as needed.

You don´t have to know the details how the universe or aether does work (every tiny bit of info). You just have to know and do what is needed to do magic. Stop thinking, start doing (someones Gd did state to the person).

1. Raising energy
2. Programming it
3. Directing it

After you are done, don´t think about it. If you think about it, it is like throwing a wrench into a turbine. It also helps to fokus on feeling during magic (right brain female).

Did you ever try alternate nostril breathing to balance left and right brain (nadis)?

also void would be good.
Fuchs said:
Gear88 said:
You can look at my signature to notice a bit.

And yes I've watched videos, gone to the N.R.M.(Nordic Resistance Movement) and all these websites and understand THEIR knowledge. But in the end I still don't know what NS is nor Fascism is nor even our own Religion. Especially considering spirituality has never worked for me nor been able to spiritually advance. I guess what I'm trying to state physically I lack a lot of key details that give me a concrete look.

In my current lack of information and mass disinformation and mass effect on humanity by the enemy as below and as above. I view myself as being NS/SS purely out of fanaticism rather than pure logic or pure understanding.

Not that I don't have knowledge nor understanding just it's basically all in bits and pieces and in the air.

I think your main problem is you overthink stuff (to much left brain), your signature says it all:

Fascism = State first = Totalitarian
National socialism = O.R.I.O.N. = Our Race Is Our Nation.

What ever is good for the race is NS what is against it isn´t, race before nation.

About magic I once learned it isn´t important to be as good as possibel, it is important to be as good as needed.

You don´t have to know the details how the universe or aether does work (every tiny bit of info). You just have to know and do what is needed to do magic. Stop thinking, start doing (someones Gd did state to the person).

1. Raising energy
2. Programming it
3. Directing it

After you are done, don´t think about it. If you think about it, it is like throwing a wrench into a turbine. It also helps to fokus on feeling during magic (right brain female).

Did you ever try alternate nostril breathing to balance left and right brain (nadis)?

also void would be good.

Did forget you could also try to invoke earth+water to balance your air:


or Invoking the Akasha/Quintessence/Ether which is safer


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
