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Forced Vaccination in Moscow and the Moscow Region moving to Eastern Europe

Edward Lonsa

Oct 3, 2017
Moscow and Moscow region now legislated mandatory vaccination of 60% workers of all service-related companies and public officials, otherwise they are to be fired.

Sputnic V - Russian covid vaccine that is now pushed in Belarus, Ukraine and Eastern European countries such as Hungary. Do you remember conflict with Belarus? Do you know how it ended? Putin agreed to help Lukashenko only if the last accepts Sputnic V to vaccinate his populace.

Some information on Sputnic V.

I was talking to people in a fairly elderly group, so what I say further is only about elderly. Well, many of their acquaintances had covid, and many had been vaccinated with Sputnik V. So, some died from covid, but none from the covid virus - all from complications AFTER covid. Also, everyone who was vaccinated got sick. Either their pre-existing illnesses were exacerbated or they got sick with an "unknown cold" (in other words, covid itself). One died from a vaccination - his cancer had worsened. Many got sick again with "unknown colds". The only two people whose blood did not contain antibodies had not been vaccinated and were known to take personal hygiene seriously.

The official medical opinion on the Sputnik V vaccination follows:

"At the current stage of research, the Sputnik V coronavirus serum may not protect against the infection, but instead may accelerate its development. In this case, a person may develop complications, including those related to the heart and even internal organ failure, according to Nadezhda Yuminova, a specialist at the Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera."

Who cannot be vaccinated with Sputnik V vaccine and why?

Mass vaccination of the population against COVID-19 officially started in Russia on January 18. Russians over the age of 18 can get the vaccine, but, according to the instructions, not everyone can. With the help of experts, MedPortal broke down the contraindications and restrictions on the use of Sputnik V vaccine.

"Sputnik V is contraindicated in patients over the age of 60. Who else cannot be vaccinated, says the Health Committee

The Health Committee of St. Petersburg told who cannot be vaccinated with Sputnik V and what the consequences of vaccination may be. So, one of the contraindications - age under 18 and over 60 years, and the side effects included chills, headache, fever, nausea, loss of appetite, increased lymph nodes. Before the vaccination, you need to fill out a questionnaire - see what questions everyone needs to answer.

What are the contraindications to the vaccine?

There may be temporary and permanent contraindications before vaccination. Temporary ones include:

Acute infectious and non-infectious diseases;
contacts with patients with infectious diseases 14 days before the vaccination;
Having a history of COVID-19 within the last six months;
Influenza or pneumococcal vaccination less than one month from the date of the intended Gam-Covid-Vac vaccination;
symptoms such as fever, sore throat, loss of sense of smell or taste, runny nose, cough, difficulty breathing.

Permanent contraindications included:

Under 18 years of age and over 60 years of age;
chronic liver and kidney disease, marked endocrine dysfunction (diabetes), severe diseases of the hematopoietic system, epilepsy, stroke and other CNS diseases, cardiovascular disease (myocardial infarction in the anamnesis, myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis, coronary heart disease), primary and secondary immunodeficiencies, autoimmune diseases, lung diseases, asthma and COPD, diabetes and metabolic syndrome, atopy, eczema;
taking medications within the last 30 days, including antineoplastic drugs, prednisolone, antiviral drugs;
Radiation therapy within the last year;
Pregnancy and breastfeeding or planning a pregnancy within the next 6 months;
A history of severe allergic reactions, including to vaccines.

Source - https://medportal.ru/cards/komu-nelzya-privivatsya-vaktsinoy-sputnik-v-i-pochemu/

What does one conclude? Vaccines are useless, they are a complete scam. They have a bunch of contraindications, and most of those who supposedly "need" them (elderly and children) can't take them. It's much more effective to just follow good personal hygiene practices.


Now the above, ineffective, dangerous and contraindicated to elderly and children "vaccine" is going to be forced to 60% of all working population in 90% spheres, which includes culture, education, transport and many other spheres. Medical personal say they are not given any public instruction for his vaccine, just a needle and an order to vaccinate people.

Next are examples of how it is now presented to Russian public. Notice how these ideas are pushed through the news - the reporter gives in to those she quotes, and everything is presented on the false basis of "how it's all necessary". This has a lot to do with, as Rockwell correctly pointed out, they try to present their throw-ins as "already proven," "universally shared opinion," in order to confuse and dumbfound. That is, everyone is reading this for the first time, but it is presented to them as "already known, proven scientifically, and shared by all" a long time ago.

"Not a private matter

The region of Moscow announced a compulsory vaccination against COVID-19 for officials and service sector workers
Text: Lubov Protsenko
Rossiyskaya gazeta - Stolichnaya gazeta #132(8483)

Coronavirus vaccination in the capital region is no longer a personal matter for officials and service workers. On June 16, Moscow Chief Sanitary Doctor Elena Andreeva announced the beginning of compulsory vaccination in the capital, and following her, her colleague Olga Mikailova, head of the Moscow Region Department of Rospotrebnadzor, issued a similar decree. Mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin and Governor of Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov supported the decision of sanitary services by their decrees.

Nowadays the service sector is a very wide notion. It includes not only trade and catering, but also public transport, cabs, beauty salons and fitness centers, theaters and cinemas, concert halls and libraries, financial institutions and multifunctional centers "My Documents". In short, all organizations that work with people. Before July 15, these teams must vaccinate at least 60% of employees with the first component of the vaccine or a one-component vaccine, and before August 15 they must get the second component. This applies equally to city and municipal employees. To control the execution of the decree a special information system will be created in Moscow. Sobyanin, addressing the Muscovites on his website, asked them to treat the innovation with understanding.

"Ultimately, it's up to everyone whether to vaccinate or not," Sobyanin writes in his blog. - Protect yourself or hope that everything will work out as it is. If you don't count the subsequent efforts of doctors to cure you. It's a personal matter... As long as you're sitting at home or at the cottage. But when you go out in public places and come into contact with other people, you become willingly or unwillingly complicit in the epidemiological process. A link in the chain for spreading a dangerous virus. Moreover, if you work in an organization that serves an undefined range of people, then in an epidemic it is definitely no longer just your personal business, no matter what personal protective equipment you use."

Lawyers consider mandatory vaccination a justified measure. In particular, Mikhail Barshchevsky, a plenipotentiary representative of the Russian government in the highest courts, said: "The decree does not concern vaccination of everyone and everything, but only vaccination of people employed in the service sector, those who communicate with consumers. And in this case, my freedom not to be infected limits your freedom not to be vaccinated. And it is my human right not to be infected. So either you only provide me the services of vaccinated employees, or you suspend those who don't want to be vaccinated. If you work in a cab, in a restaurant - it's not your freedom not to get vaccinated, it's my freedom not to get sick."

Hungary successfully uses Sputnik V vaccine
Text: Irina Nevinnaya

Thanks to the success of vaccination in Hungary with a vaccine portfolio including Sputnik V, 61,000 fans filled the Budapest Arena of Ferenc Puskász during the Hungary-Portugal EURO 2020 match. This is the highest attendance of soccer matches at this arena in 40 years, according to the official Sputnik V channel on Twitter. This is how the creators of the Russian vaccine celebrated the successful result of vaccination in Hungary.

Hungary was the first European country to vaccinate its citizens not only with Western vaccines, but also with Sputnik V, even before the approval of the EU regulator.

By the beginning of Euro 2020 Hungary had vaccinated about 5.3 million people out of 9.8 million population. Hungary was the first European country to begin vaccinating its citizens not only with Western vaccines, but also with Russian Sputnik V and a Chinese vaccine before the EU regulator approved it. "Prime Minister Viktor Orban has defied the European Union to use vaccines available from Russia and China," the Daily Star writes. The publication notes that Orban's decision came amid a surge in COVID-19 cases in Hungary earlier this year, when the country's death toll from the pandemic approached 30,000, corresponding to one of the world's highest per capita death rates.

RDIF hopes to register Sputnik V in the EU within two months

Pricks of conscience
Text: Ariadna Rokossovskaya

Coronavirus vaccination may become mandatory for nursing home staff and other social workers in Britain. In Britain 1.5 million people working in the social care sector will be given the choice of vaccinating themselves against the coronavirus or resigning within 16 weeks. Such measures, according to local publication The Guardian, are being considered by the national government.

This could lead to lawsuits because European human rights law prohibits discrimination against those who do not want to be vaccinated. Earlier this year, PACE passed a resolution in which member states of the Council of Europe pledged to inform citizens that vaccinations are not compulsory and that no one is under political, social or other pressure if they do not want to or cannot be vaccinated. But at the same time, there are already precedents of citizens suing the state in the European Court of Human Rights and losing. For example, in early April, a group of parents from the Czech Republic, whose children were denied access to school or kindergarten because they lacked one or more of the country's mandatory vaccinations, filed a complaint. They argued that this was a violation of Article 8 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. However, the Grand Chamber of the ECHR ruled by a majority vote that the measures complained of were in reasonable proportion to the legitimate aims pursued by the Czech state. The decision, in the opinion of the experts, gave States discretion in the choice and implementation of their vaccination policies, including those against coronavirus.

Belgium begins issuing European covid certificates

Consultations on the issue are still underway in Britain, but The Guardian has learned that members of the British government, including Health and Social Affairs Minister Matt Hancock, are confident that the arguments for protecting patients from potentially contagious social workers outweigh those for their freedom of choice.

Recall that the first country to require vaccination of health care workers was Italy. A regulation approved back on March 31 by Prime Minister Mario Draghi's cabinet stated that health care workers, including pharmacists, "must be vaccinated." And those who refuse could go without pay for the rest of the year. "The purpose of this measure is to protect as much as possible both medical personnel and those who by the nature of their work are more at risk of infection," the government said in a statement.

Peskov said he supports the decision on compulsory vaccination
11:10 17.06.2021

Dmitry Peskov, deputy head of the presidential administration and press secretary of the Russian President, speaking at the New Knowledge marathon in Moscow - RIA Novosti, 1920, 17.06.2021

MOSCOW, June 17 - RIA Novosti. Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said he supports decisions on mandatory vaccination of certain categories of workers in a number of Russian regions: given the situation, this is the right thing to do.

"Considering the situation, it is absolutely in the right (direction - ed.). "This is my personal point of view," Peskov said on Ekho Moskvy radio, responding to a question about whether mandatory vaccination of certain categories of workers in a number of Russian regions is moving in the right direction.
Denis Protsenko, chief physician at Hospital No. 40, at the first Moscow International Cancer Forum - RIA

Rospotrebnadzor head for Moscow Elena Andreeva ruled on Wednesday to ensure that workers in trade, services, catering, transport, healthcare, housing and utilities, MFCs, education, culture and organizations working with children are vaccinated against coronavirus. According to the decree, at least 60% of employees in such organizations must be vaccinated with two components of the vaccine by mid-August. The Moscow Region adopted a similar decision.

Also mandatory vaccination for service, education and health care workers was introduced in Sakhalin Oblast and Kuzbass.


Edward Lonsa said:
What does one conclude? Vaccines are useless, they are a complete scam. They have a bunch of contraindications, and most of those who supposedly "need" them (elderly and children) can't take them. It's much more effective to just follow good personal hygiene practices.

There is no need to panic or to follow "good personal hygiene practices". Covid has like 0.2% mortality rate highest rate globaly was in a slum in africa 1,6% normal mortality was higher there.

Instead of wearing useless masks or disinfect hands until they are sore, just eat healthy and do sports.

Ginger, elder berry juice, garlic (fumes), , coloid silver can help against covid/viruses.
Fuchs said:
Edward Lonsa said:
What does one conclude? Vaccines are useless, they are a complete scam. They have a bunch of contraindications, and most of those who supposedly "need" them (elderly and children) can't take them. It's much more effective to just follow good personal hygiene practices.

There is no need to panic or to follow "good personal hygiene practices". Covid has like 0.2% mortality rate highest rate globaly was in a slum in africa 1,6% normal mortality was higher there.

Instead of wearing useless masks or disinfect hands until they are sore, just eat healthy and do sports.

Ginger, elder berry juice, garlic (fumes), , coloid silver can help against covid/viruses.

Hmm interesting. I've always been under the assumption Italy possessed the highest death rate at 1.4% due to a tight population and a population of noticeable elderly people at the age range of highest mortality.

1.6% that's new to me.

But either way ignoring China's murder and imprisonment of over 22 million denizens.

Africa would indeed if this 1.6% is correct be the highest.

Highest of course of natural course not outright elimination by the state of China in a violent matter.
Fuchs said:
Edward Lonsa said:
What does one conclude? Vaccines are useless, they are a complete scam. They have a bunch of contraindications, and most of those who supposedly "need" them (elderly and children) can't take them. It's much more effective to just follow good personal hygiene practices.

There is no need to panic or to follow "good personal hygiene practices". Covid has like 0.2% mortality rate highest rate globaly was in a slum in africa 1,6% normal mortality was higher there.

Instead of wearing useless masks or disinfect hands until they are sore, just eat healthy and do sports.

Ginger, elder berry juice, garlic (fumes), , coloid silver can help against covid/viruses.

Food, supplements, hygiene, and exercise cannot counteract powerful viruses. The current level of biological and medical development is truly alarming.

The Ebola Virus can wipe out three quarters of the World's population if it is used as a biological weapon and if it is spread like covid.
Master said:
Fuchs said:
Edward Lonsa said:
What does one conclude? Vaccines are useless, they are a complete scam. They have a bunch of contraindications, and most of those who supposedly "need" them (elderly and children) can't take them. It's much more effective to just follow good personal hygiene practices.

There is no need to panic or to follow "good personal hygiene practices". Covid has like 0.2% mortality rate highest rate globaly was in a slum in africa 1,6% normal mortality was higher there.

Instead of wearing useless masks or disinfect hands until they are sore, just eat healthy and do sports.

Ginger, elder berry juice, garlic (fumes), , coloid silver can help against covid/viruses.

Food, supplements, hygiene, and exercise cannot counteract powerful viruses. The current level of biological and medical development is truly alarming.

The Ebola Virus can wipe out three quarters of the World's population if it is used as a biological weapon and if it is spread like covid.

Did you ever play plague inc? If you have a too fast deadly virus/bakteria/vaccine /... people will react to it develop medicine or stop people from traveling etc. To kill many people the illness has to be very low leathal but highly contagios, only after everybody has it/ is vaccinated, then it can start to kill many people.
Gear88 said:
Fuchs said:
Edward Lonsa said:
What does one conclude? Vaccines are useless, they are a complete scam. They have a bunch of contraindications, and most of those who supposedly "need" them (elderly and children) can't take them. It's much more effective to just follow good personal hygiene practices.

There is no need to panic or to follow "good personal hygiene practices". Covid has like 0.2% mortality rate highest rate globaly was in a slum in africa 1,6% normal mortality was higher there.

Instead of wearing useless masks or disinfect hands until they are sore, just eat healthy and do sports.

Ginger, elder berry juice, garlic (fumes), , coloid silver can help against covid/viruses.

Hmm interesting. I've always been under the assumption Italy possessed the highest death rate at 1.4% due to a tight population and a population of noticeable elderly people at the age range of highest mortality.

1.6% that's new to me.

But either way ignoring China's murder and imprisonment of over 22 million denizens.

Africa would indeed if this 1.6% is correct be the highest.

Highest of course of natural course not outright elimination by the state of China in a violent matter.

The numbers are from a cross study of 62 worldwide studys from Dr. Ionnidias.
If you find the time, you can read this book. Many Jewish scams are clarified in this book. By the way, this book has been translated into many languages, including Russian. :)

Fuchs said:
Master said:
Fuchs said:
There is no need to panic or to follow "good personal hygiene practices". Covid has like 0.2% mortality rate highest rate globaly was in a slum in africa 1,6% normal mortality was higher there.

Instead of wearing useless masks or disinfect hands until they are sore, just eat healthy and do sports.

Ginger, elder berry juice, garlic (fumes), , coloid silver can help against covid/viruses.

Food, supplements, hygiene, and exercise cannot counteract powerful viruses. The current level of biological and medical development is truly alarming.

The Ebola Virus can wipe out three quarters of the World's population if it is used as a biological weapon and if it is spread like covid.

Did you ever play plague inc? If you have a too fast deadly virus/bakteria/vaccine /... people will react to it develop medicine or stop people from traveling etc. To kill many people the illness has to be very low leathal but highly contagios, only after everybody has it/ is vaccinated, then it can start to kill many people.

No but it looks like a good game. I also like strategy games but my favorites are third person games, I don't really like first person games.
Master said:
Fuchs said:
Master said:
Food, supplements, hygiene, and exercise cannot counteract powerful viruses. The current level of biological and medical development is truly alarming.

The Ebola Virus can wipe out three quarters of the World's population if it is used as a biological weapon and if it is spread like covid.

Did you ever play plague inc? If you have a too fast deadly virus/bakteria/vaccine /... people will react to it develop medicine or stop people from traveling etc. To kill many people the illness has to be very low leathal but highly contagios, only after everybody has it/ is vaccinated, then it can start to kill many people.

No but it looks like a good game. I also like strategy games but my favorites are third person games, I don't really like first person games.

The game was also banned at least in the beginning of the pandemic in china (don´t know if still). Right before they did isolate people etc.
Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of the President of Russia, advised to change jobs for those who do not want to be vaccinated

"We have already said that if a Muscovite works in the service sector, he should be vaccinated. He made a decision for himself not to be vaccinated. He should just stop working in the service sector, "- explained the Kremlin speaker.

Peskov lies in most jewish criminal way.

My relative works in non-service sphere and they DO have all health contraindications and they still face the threat of suspension over their refusal to be microchipped.

Truth is it is not the employee that is forced to do the vaccine, it is the employer that is forced by law to vaccinate 60% of employees. Despite of all contraindications and free refusal. Since no one wants to be vaccinated and since there is a lot of corruption everywhere, employer will just fire everyone who is not his children or relatives and refuses vaccination. And since best personal is no one's (no kike's) relative but was taken to job for their real skills, the best part of working population is going to be fired over this vaccine. This is what Peskov calls "non-mandatory vaccination".

It became known how Moscow will control the mandatory vaccination

Employers will play a major role in the vaccination of Muscovites

The police explained how Moscow will monitor the compulsory vaccination of employees, as well as the penalties for violators.

Moscow companies will face continuous checks designed to monitor employers' compliance with the rule of 60% of vaccinated employees. Those organizations that fail to comply with the requirements face a three-month work suspension.

"For violation of legislation in the field of ensuring sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population ... provides for administrative punishment in the form of a fine or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days. Taking into account unfavorable epidemic situation on COVID-19, Rospotrebnadzor Department in Moscow will ask to apply only sanction in form of administrative suspension for up to 90 days when sending materials to the court", - the report says.

It is noted that the requirement applies to both retail and distance and wholesale trade. At the same time working remotely and under contracts self-employed are included in the total staff when calculating the proportion of inoculated employees.

"The employer is obliged to suspend the employee (employee) who has expressed a refusal to conduct preventive vaccination against COVID-19 (immunization) in the absence of medical contraindications," - stressed in the message.

The operative added that even if an employee is vaccinated against coronavirus and has sufficient antibodies, he still needs to use personal protective equipment in the workplace.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
