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  1. Fuchs

    Inquiries about the Void Course of Moon.

    Do you think it is possibel to create a spell that does change other spells starting time, like: "Now, continuosly and forever when I start a working during a void of course moon, the energys of [ maybe add a rune / or the energys of Sorath] are changing the startig time to the next time, when...
  2. Fuchs

    (((Attention everyone Maxine Dietrich was Banned She can no longer access the JOS Forum)))

    Did reply to all of them (which went through). Also what do you think of my idear: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=43976
  3. Fuchs

    The Enemy And Common Sense

    Oy vey, nice try Troll 3/10 points, look the enemy does create fake accs with your name slightly changed .
  4. Fuchs

    Former Twitter CEO publicly calls for EXECUTIONS in a MARXIST REVOLUTION

    Oy vey, nice try Troll 3/10 points, look the enemy does create fake accs with your name slightly changed .
  5. Fuchs

    Racial Clarity Working (For Mixed Race SS)

    Oy vey, nice try Troll 3/10 points, look the enemy does create fake accs with your name slightly changed .
  6. Fuchs

    2 questions

    Oy vey, nice try Troll 3/10 points, look the enemy does create fake accs with your name slightly changed .
  7. Fuchs

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Oy vey, nice try Troll 3/10 points, look the enemy does create fake accs with your name slightly changed .
  8. Fuchs

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Oy vey, nice try Troll 3/10 points, look the enemy does create fake accs with your name slightly changed .
  9. Fuchs

    A race war is going on, and only one side knows it’s going on.

    Oy vey, nice try Troll 3/10 points, look the enemy does create fake accs with your name slightly changed .
  10. Fuchs

    FAQ about the Final RTR + Tetragrammaton + Shattering [Updated 25 August 2021]

    Oy vey, nice try Troll 3/10 points, look you are so great the enemy does create fake accs with your name slightly changed ;) .
  11. Fuchs

    RTR Offensive Co-Ordinator - New Era For Spiritual Warfare [Apps Updated]

    Oy vey, nice try Troll 3/10 points, look you are so great the enemy does create fake accs with your name slightly changed ;) .
  12. Fuchs

    Test/WIP Animated Meditation gifs

    Oy vey, nice try Troll 3/10 points, look you are so great the enemy does create fake accs with your name slightly changed ;) .
  13. Fuchs

    WHAT are we going to do about our women?

    Oy vey, nice try Troll 3/10 points, look you are so great the enemy does create fake accs with your name slightly changed ;) .
  14. Fuchs

    How To Deprogram From Islam (Guide)

    Oy vey, nice try Troll 3/10 points, look you are so great the enemy does create fake accs with your name slightly changed ;) .
  15. Fuchs

    Functions Of The Mind: Basic Functions and Obstacles In Meditation

    Oy vey, nice try Troll 3/10 points, look you are so great the enemy does create fake accs with your name slightly changed ;) .
  16. Fuchs

    Preparing for Another Lockdown - Covid-19 Update

    Oy vey, nice try Troll 3/10 points, look you are so great the enemy does create fake accs with your name slightly changed ;) .
  17. Fuchs

    Trump Cannot be Totally on our side

    Oy vey, nice try Troll 3/10 points, look you are so great the enemy does create fake accs with your name slightly changed ;) .
  18. Fuchs

    Stacking Rituals

    Oy vey, nice try Troll 3/10 points, look you are so great the enemy does create fake accs with your name slightly changed ;) .
  19. Fuchs

    Jew behind 1877 compromise

    Does this mean, the blacks were used before for riots and looting to get democrats votes? And this only did give them again slavery?
  20. Fuchs

    Stacking Rituals

    Just wanted to mention if you do F-RTRs atleast 2h straight (if started at the attack time /timer shows 00:00:00) you connect one attack wave with the next one = more damage. This is probably 12 F-RTRs at once / 108 reps. Some people do this and probably the HPs do it aswell.
  21. Fuchs

    Love spell

    Depends on your aura strength vs the guy you do the spell on. Some people are born with strong auras (this is mostly from past lives). Just try your best and be consistent. But if you notice that only you are getting more and more in love, it is a sign that your aura is weaker than your...
  22. Fuchs

    Idear to decrease cyber attacks using Returning Curses 1&2 (negative energy send to enemys via demon).

    Is it a good idear to do the RC 1&2 and instead of saying/asking the demon send (done with prayer): "pls, return this negative energy right back to the senders, thx" instead say ---> "pls, send this negative energy to the people who attack the jos websites, thx"? If everybody would do...
  23. Fuchs

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule - September 14 / October 3 [Updated With Pics]

    Is it a good idear to do the RC 1&2 and instead of saying/asking the demon send (done with prayer): "pls, return it right back to the senders, thx" ---> "pls, send this negative energy to the people who attack the jos websites, thx"? If everybody would do this, it should be a huge amount...
  24. Fuchs

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule - September 14 / October 3 [Updated With Pics]

    Did you do Returning curses 1& 2 after a few F-RTRs(after 9, I guess [HP HC a answer on this would be helpfull] one RC 1&2)? Returning Curses Part 1 https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses.html Returning Curses Part 2...
  25. Fuchs

    Expanding Awareness?

    see: Merging Astral Consciousness https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Merging_Astral_Consciousness.html "*When you are finished with merging with a human being or animal, be sure to clean your aura and chakras thoroughly as their thoughts or beliefs can rub off on...
  26. Fuchs

    Animal Consciousness Article

    see this meditation: Merging Astral Consciousness https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Merging_Astral_Consciousness.html
  27. Fuchs

    Doing returning curses to my dog

    If your dog has a name you can use this name, jes changing it is required. Don´t forget part two also on your dog : 4. Affirm 18 times: “[Name dog] aura is constantly and continuously deflecting and repelling any and all negative energies, curses, bindings, hatred, ill will, thoughtforms, and...
  28. Fuchs

    Doubts and questions / Adolescent

    Read my appearing answer to Henu the Great here.
  29. Fuchs

    Doubts and questions / Adolescent

    Void moon affects everything newly done [before you reach MO], also contracts , the dedication ritual is a contract. It may be valid if done during a void moon, but the person could probably easier fail on the path. Normaly if you do somethin during this time the magic is only active when void...
  30. Fuchs

    Love spell

    See colors: The Magickal Properties of Color https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Color.html Keep in mind to use a shining black color. like this A dull black without proper programming can be bad for you. that´s one reason I do not like to use black or silver...
  31. Fuchs

    Love spell

    You´re welcome, keep in mind it is better to first dedicate your soul to satan (you get protection) before doing satanic magic the enemy tryes to attack people who do it (do not do it when the moon is void see SS Calendar...
  32. Fuchs

    Doubts and questions / Adolescent

    You´re welcome, just remember when dedication don´t do it when the moon is void of course: Complete SS Calendar for 2020 https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=26302&p=146773&hilit=ss+calendar#p146773[/color][/b]
  33. Fuchs

    Congo leader calls out mining companies

    I think people can learn about the value of life from this script and ultimately find a solution for thear problem being controlled by better armed and financial boosted people (See how Fish did face this situation [apply it without betraying your people]): "Trapped on Dulmacher's island Fish...
  34. Fuchs

    reading material on the mind, energy, meditation consciousness?

    Overal: http://www.joyofsatan.org Specific mind: Information Concerning the Mind https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/TheMind.html within this sub links you will find good pdfs.
  35. Fuchs

    Doubts and questions / Adolescent

    Welcome, if you are not dedicated yet first dedicate, before you start advancing /cleaning your self (without you don´t have protection from the gods and the enemy can more easy attack you, drive you away from satanism): Do not start anything during a void of course moon see for a good date the...
  36. Fuchs

    Playing JoS Rituals while sleeping !

    "which have power even when recorded" From where did you get this idear? A speaker / or your phone can´t raise energy/ programm or direct it. If the person who is asleep would in there dream repeat the spoken words (mental F-RTR), or would the person, while asleep, repeat the phrase...
  37. Fuchs

    Oh my gawd the jews have done it again

    The more we do the F-RTR the easier the people will see behind the lyes. See them all as mindcontrolled hostages. Free them, so they can fight, the future is ours, if we apply the statement of our Antichrist.
  38. Fuchs

    Love spell

    Fist of all if this is your real face on your profile pic, remove it, asap the enemy will use this to curse you. For your love spell: "Love Spell To incite love or lust, sexual orgasm is used and is directed into the soul of the desired one. This ideally should be done often and when he or...
  39. Fuchs

    Communicating with people - How do I get my message through?

    A good affirmation would be: Everybody loves me and wants to help me the best way they can, in a positive, beneficial and healthy way for me, now, continuosly and forever. x18 reps. Fore the runes I would choose the power number 111 (sun number). They can be vibrated in one breath all...
  40. Fuchs

    Top 10 Jews in Anime and Manga - Accurate Edition

    (Includes spoiler) I first thought bad about the series because of thear depiction of demons as the ultimate evil (demon lord final boss + his 4 main Demons). But then I did start to see some nice stuff like the Reptilian Queen (picture below) did demand a blood sacrifice of a little girl to...
  41. Fuchs


    Why do you want to test negative if the result is not related to the "disease"? PCR test that is used to test for these things do not work for that purpise and the scientist Kerry Mullis who created the PCR test said this.
  42. Fuchs


    There are a few programms: The possible best you have to pay for is babbel (depends on the language you want to learn) There are free ones also: Duolingo Memrise ... https://alternativeto.net/software/babbel/?license=free https://www.fluentu.com/blog/babbel-alternative/
  43. Fuchs


    HPS Shannon mentioned not more then one Tablespoon a day and not longer then 7days /1 week. You realy should reread and understand what HPS Shannon did write: "The point of the video and information is that it is a fake manufactured disease and anyone can test positive under many different...
  44. Fuchs

    Pure Salt Natrium Chloride Bad?

    What do you think about this: He claimed if you use explosives the positive information which is stored whithin the salt crystals will be replaced by a disharmonic one ( I do not realy belive this, but I got surprised here before quite some time).
  45. Fuchs

    Pure Salt Natrium Chloride Bad?

    What do you think about this: He claimed if you use explosives the positive information which is stored whithin the salt crystals will be replaced by a disharmonic one ( I do not realy belive this, but I got surprised here before quite some time).
  46. Fuchs

    The Moon is in the celibate sign of Virgo

    What does this mean? Is it a typo? From here: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/AURA.html
  47. Fuchs

    Possible Script to Covid 19

    "Screenplay 2020/2021 Location :Earth......... I don't believe the virus story! If something kills us, there are many different factors... and if it has a name then it is not called Cor.......but 5 G which accelerates a lot of things.... The following Covid plan was established at the...
  48. Fuchs

    Pure Salt Natrium Chloride Bad?

    I did read pure refined salt/ Natrium Chloride is bad, because it lacks the minerals and trace elements which were attached when it was in it natural form. It´s kind of the same as destiled water to normal water. The author said if we eat pure salt /natrium chloride the body has to take...
  49. Fuchs

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule - July 21st / August 5th

    On the ritual it is stated: You vibrate these together, not separately. Normaly :[OOO-TH-AAAL , SSSS-OOOOO-LLLL, OOOO-SSSS] You can vibrate them together in one breath, but is is more efficient to vibrate them in extra breaths (3 breaths one round [OOO-TH-AAAL , SSSS-OOOOO-LLLL, OOOO-SSSS])...
  50. Fuchs

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule - July 21st / August 5th

    No the The JoS Protection Ritual and Wealth Ritual is only performed from 21-25 Of July he did approve it in the reply to aquarius here (see former posts)
  51. Fuchs

    Troll members

    It would require much more work for the admins, who are overloaded with work.
  52. Fuchs

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule - July 21st / August 5th

    You can always use your fingers, left hand 10 digits (1 finger = 10 after 50 turn your hand), right hand 1-10 (after 5 turn your hand) e.g: right hand 1,2,3,4,5 turn hand -> 6,7, 8, 9,10 -> left hand 1 =10 -> right hand 0 -> right hand 1,2.... until 10-> left hand 2 = 20 ... The system works...
  53. Fuchs

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule - July 21st / August 5th

    Not good, without dedication there is no protection from satan. Dedicate asap if needed do it in your astral temple: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Temple.html Without protection you are open to enemy spiritual attacks.
  54. Fuchs

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule - July 21st / August 5th

    Right ? *29th to 1st of August = FINAL RTR + Race Awakening Ritual daily as much as possible and 25th to 28th and 2nd to 3rd = Again x2 FINAL RTR, x2 Race Awakening Ritual daily The JoS Protection Ritual and Wealth Ritual is only performed from 21-25 Of July. Thanks HP. Hoodedcobra666...
  55. Fuchs

    Child sex abuse in Germany busted

    In one of the largest child sex abuse investigations in recent years, some 30,000 potential suspects could be tied to a case in western Germany. Here are some of the key questions and answers. What appeared a relatively local case at first is sprawling far and wide. Investigations into a...
  56. Fuchs

    Italian police seize 14 tonnes of amphetamine valued at 1 billion euros

    “We know that the Islamic State finances its terrorist activities mainly by trafficking drugs made in Syria, which in the past few years has become the world’s largest producer of amphetamines.” Police in Italy today announced the seizure of 14 tonnes of amphetamines manufactured by the Islamic...
  57. Fuchs

    Rockefellers /Gates Forebears killed 100 Million People with Vaccines during the Spanish Flue 1918 = Covid 19/20 ?

    Thanks for the sources HPS Shannon (the science link is broken), about additional info I found this series: The 1918 Spanish Flu-A Conspiracy of Silence | Mysteries of the Microscopic World (Part 1 of 3) https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=7MHT5xTkL2g "At 5.05, the host says no one knows where it...
  58. Fuchs

    Rockefellers /Gates Forebears killed 100 Million People with Vaccines during the Spanish Flue 1918 = Covid 19/20 ?

    Thanks HPS Shannon for supporting and helping to expose the crimes of the Rockefellers/jews. It also might save us today. As it seems they try to do something similar with the Covid 19 Massvaccination. If your time chedule allows it, could you please list the sources you have?
  59. Fuchs

    Rockefellers /Gates Forebears killed 100 Million People with Vaccines during the Spanish Flue 1918 = Covid 19/20 ?

    Short Version: "The pharmaceutical corporations were already making a huge amount of money with vaccines. And behind those corporations stood a few superrich people. In the documents, one name is mentioned over and over: John Rockefeller. The richest person of his time. He made very large...
  60. Fuchs


    From a offical medical study from The Lancet a medical jornal: "Nevertheless, the increased incidence of ventricular arrhythmias is intriguing. Chloroquine,(8) hydroxychloroquine,(9) and azithromycin(10) have sodium channel blocking properties that might contribute to proarrhythmia (11) and...
  61. Fuchs


    I thought, this could also be used to bring the WHO (World Health Organisation)/Bill Gates down. But for this, we need a realy easy to understand source. I still do not fully understand the proces in the body which does lead to death in G6PD deficiency people, given Hydroxychloroquine. Has any...
  62. Fuchs

    Bill Gates: "We take the arms of the children and inject the vaccine straight into their veins." And he laughs.

    I think a good amount of the Q Anons are also joos. On bitchute I watched a video from them, the so called admin did remove a comment labeled rassist(something along that line) and stated afterwards we are the choosen people bla bla we will go after you devils. On a other occasion I saw...
  63. Fuchs

    Candace Owens claims BLM riots ‘destroyed MORE black lives’ than cops have in a DECADE

    I saw one that his father was a manson. A 33 mason friend of his father gave him a Blue white letter present in 2016 , the lawyer hired from his family, Benjamin Crump is still one I can´t find the video (on there he was on a mason website as all time honored person). The Medical Examiner...
  64. Fuchs

    I need some advice.

    Thanks Shael, I did never use it, I only did read about it in your post back then.
  65. Fuchs

    Re: HP(s) Please answer. Serpentine issue.

    Just wanted to say your gif shows a snow flake , snow flakes are similar to a jewish star (6 pointed star). I know they only did steal and korrupt it, but I did want to tell you this the moment I saw it the first time. To the original post if you force something in something then you can...
  66. Fuchs

    AUM or YAUM for heart chakra?

    Its old not updated , Aum 4 th chakra , Yaum 6 Chakra Here you can find all vibrations for the main chakras https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=41513&p=168685#p168685 It was out of the confusion the hearth is in the head not in the chest (heart region) Also there are 8 Main...
  67. Fuchs

    Is this an illness?

    I did read here some storys from members who were in a monogamous relationship with demons over different livetimes. Maybe you are such a person. I would say fokus on satans sigil and ask him if you have a demon lover and if jes, if he could make it happen, that you know who it is in some...
  68. Fuchs

    I need some advice.

    A1. yes But it was adviced not to do more then 2 Workings a day (F-RTR, Aura of protection, Returning Curses, your daily routine does not count). A2. As deep as you can, but consider your situation you did mention in 3. getting pulled out of a trance is painfull A3.1 You can use ISA Rune to...
  69. Fuchs

    Comments From my Younger Blood Brother on Our Black Race

    Your statement sounded like it is copy pasted and you also did include the source/software used that was my main worry.
  70. Fuchs

    8th Chakra?

    It´s actually the 9 main chakra , Pineal Gland is also one (7main Chakra) search for HP Magesons sermon about it: The picture hasn´t been uptdated 8 is 9. Pineal Gland has the color dark blue, I estimate pointed down( or up and down like 4 chakra)...
  71. Fuchs

    Comments From my Younger Blood Brother on Our Black Race

    Please do not state info which can be traced back to you in the future(edit your post). Write it annonymous. I agree with your statement, every race should be racist /selfloving/selfknowing. I think you know about the jews being the owners/operators of the most slaveships back then.
  72. Fuchs


    Big no, don´t let your 9 year old brother get bothered from enemy forces. Without dedication your soul to satan, you have no protection / guardien demon... . https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/SATANIC.html You can teach him hatha joga. Take the poses from...
  73. Fuchs


    The disease occurs more frequently in men, we remember the news that more often male asians did "die from covid 19". It´s crazy, Dr Wodarg who did expose this, said in Germany every doctor-to-be in 4th semester learns not to treat people with G6PD-M ENZYME DEFICIENCY meds or food like: Field...
  74. Fuchs


    SEE: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=41587
  75. Fuchs


    SEE: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=41587
  76. Fuchs


    It is given as a preventive measure and for the treatment of covid 19 Keep in mind the false positive covid tests! (around 15%) Short: "The massive, disproportionately frequent death of Covid-19 patients with dark skin colour and from southern countries is apparently also the result of a...
  77. Fuchs


    I only watched part 4, it was quite good, showed some more connections Gates /Epstein/ Rockefellers/ Jewish-Eugenics. Part 1 How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQSYdAX_9JY&feature=youtu.be Part 2 Bill Gates' Plan to Vaccinate the World...
  78. Fuchs

    Asking for signs of Satans influence and guidance in my life

    I had the same problem, I found out it wasn´t the gods fault, it was me, they do not force them on us, we have to accept them and establish a connection / love them/trust them. After I did I felt calm and sometimes a warm energy if I fokus on this connection/love. To love something means ,you...
  79. Fuchs

    Japan cautiously lifts last of virus emergency controls

    :D :D :D "Prime Minister Shinzo Abe holds a news conference on Monday about the end to the nation's state of emergency. | REUTERS May 25, 2020 by Satoshi Sugiyama The first phase of Japan’s battle against the novel coronavirus ended Monday as the government rescinded the state of...
  80. Fuchs

    JoS Fully Censored - Online Middle Ages Starting... A War Against Humanity

    I tryed it with the forum I stopped it after around 5h (>5Gb), the forum is working, but you can´t use the search funktion. When you start a new projekt: The second window (after you named your project and give it a place to safe), you can use the set options button and then on the folder...
  81. Fuchs

    Why is White Race dying - HORRIFIC CRIMES

    If you can´t escape thear censor you may just write in the what needs today topic the place and stuff you want to post and other people can post it for you. (Just a idear). Another place for advertising I know is Bitchute.
  82. Fuchs

    Facebook Is Giving $1,000 To Content Moderators Who Said Online Trolls Turned Them Into Conspiracy Theorists

    A sick society creates sick people, that´s nothing new. We know who cause this. But this is totally unrelated to: People waking up to the truth.
  83. Fuchs

    Bill Gates money donatings/influence network someone can help me out?

    I want to summ up all his donations and connections to organisations , staates etc, if someone has good input pls post. "Patricia Stonesifer, former chief executive of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which gives more than £2 billion a year to good causes, attended the Rockefeller summit"...
  84. Fuchs

    Facebook Is Giving $1,000 To Content Moderators Who Said Online Trolls Turned Them Into Conspiracy Theorists

    If you are paid to silence the truth, instead research stuff and find the truth on your own. This is like a commie to wake up to ns and follow it.
  85. Fuchs

    Facebook Is Giving $1,000 To Content Moderators Who Said Online Trolls Turned Them Into Conspiracy Theorists

    They can´t stop the truth :). The Final RTR works well. "Facebook agreed to pay out a $52 million settlement to thousands of current and former content moderators who said they are suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome after viewing upsetting content on the job, The Verge reported...
  86. Fuchs

    Satanic Symbology Explanation Needed

    The color black is symbolic for the transformation of the soul to a higher state. That´s the reason sometimes Satan is reffered as the "Dark Lord". The pentagram the 5 peaks represent the 5 elements. Fire, water, earth , air , ether. Point down means the raised powers are used for development...
  87. Fuchs

    UFO Sightings, 2020, "Prophecies", Quarantine and Co-Vid

    To what extent can humans harm them, by knowing about them ? Why do they want to stay invisible ? I thought they are technologically superior (We can´t damage thear ships with most of our weapons). Also they are superior spiritualy compared to most humans.
  88. Fuchs

    Link on jos main website brocken

    Can you see the site if you click on the link? I still can´t and I do clear my cache regulary.
  89. Fuchs


    See mail.
  90. Fuchs

    Link on jos main website brocken

    https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/The_Chakras.htm "Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request."
  91. Fuchs

    Links and Privacy Compliance

    Thanks a lot.
  92. Fuchs

    Who was Gengis Khan?

    Exceptions confirm the rule, There are many jewish names who end with ler. I thought because it was writen "are of high and noble origins unlike the ones like the butler" this was maybe a reference for jews. But jes there are also gentiles : "For anyone reading this, if your own surname is on...
  93. Fuchs

    Bill Gates refused to vaccine his children when they were young

    Like the old saying preach water, drink wine. How he always seem to be close to burst out in laugther and just want to tell the world what he is doing. "Why Didn’t Bill Gates Vaccinate His Own Children? All 50 states now require children to be vaccinated for multiple diseases before they’re...
  94. Fuchs

    Who was Gengis Khan?

    Butler, ler indicates jewish descents.
  95. Fuchs

    Enemy attack or not?

    Did you dedicate your soul to satan? (you get protection, a guardian demon who will help you in time of need,...) https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/SATANIC.html If it is to much energy then try to do less meditation. You can always fokus on satans sigil and send...
  96. Fuchs

    Links and Privacy Compliance

    I always try to short a link until it doesn´t work anymore (erasing numbers/letters from right to left). As far as I know the main website is always on the left side of the link. The data collection part is on the right side correct?
  97. Fuchs

    Question about astral projection

    you may want to have a look at this sub forum: Teens4Satan https://ancient-forums.com/viewforum.php?f=5
  98. Fuchs

    Question about astral projection

    Keep in mind sometimes there are younger folks around here. But jes the question was not appropriate.
  99. Fuchs

    Invoking the Four Crowned Princes of Hell

    As far as I rember this is a prayer/eg. standard ritual you can use before any working with the gods. You do not realy invoke the four crowned princes of hell. with this ritual you honor them and feel thear energy. It helps to connect you with the gods.
  100. Fuchs

    Pran Mudra combined with Kubera Mudra?

    I did not mean to use one hand The Pran Mudra and the other one the Kubera Mudra. I did think of on every hand all fingers touch the thumb. Its like doing the two mudras at the same time.
  101. Fuchs

    Serpent/Kundalini Question that's driving me crazy, please help this fool.

    I did not mean to use one hand The Pran Mudra and the other one the Kubera Mudra. I did think of on every hand all fingers touch the thumb. Its like doing the two mudras at the same time. For the rtr one should benefit if one hand has the fist mudra instead of doing nothing. at least as far as...
  102. Fuchs

    Void Meditation - What Exactly It Is and How It Works, Explained

    Did you ever try the Dhyani Mudra? "10. Dhyani Mudra If your mind is overreactive, this mudra can help tame it down. Also used when you are doing trance work, as this can assist in this endeavor." The right position should be the thumps on the naval level or little below. The same way it is...
  103. Fuchs

    Where should I start?

    from : viewtopic.php?f=3&t=37230&p=148952&hilit=8+fold+path#p148952 "after reading dedication---> you could start with the 40 days meditation program. After that you can do a dayly shedule like : AC Aura cleaning CS Chakra spin AOP Aura of protection Void Meditation Final RTR Returning Curses...
  104. Fuchs

    Pran Mudra combined with Kubera Mudra?

    My question is: What does happen if one does the 3. The Pran Mudra combined with the 6. Kubera Mudra, the Mudra of Wealth? (its the same as all mudras for satanama combined done at the same time) 3. The Pran Mudra + 6. Kubera Mudra from...
  105. Fuchs

    Serpent/Kundalini Question that's driving me crazy, please help this fool.

    Again welcome ;). Did rethink about your question more info about the Dhyani Mudra. I think a good position is when the thumbs are on the navel hight level. Like in the following Falung Gong video: https://en.falundafa.org/falun-dafa-video-audio.html From the topic: Falun Gong...
  106. Fuchs

    Serpent/Kundalini Question that's driving me crazy, please help this fool.

    You´re welcome, no I don´t have more info then the link and the other link (on the link) there on the bottom. You could ask in a new topic about it maybe someone else has further info. (I still have no answer on my question there ... will maybe also do a extra topic) About the Air element, you...
  107. Fuchs

    Serpent/Kundalini Question that's driving me crazy, please help this fool.

    Did you ever try the Dhyani Mudra? "10. Dhyani Mudra If your mind is overreactive, this mudra can help tame it down. Also used when you are doing trance work, as this can assist in this endeavor." " https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=30115&p=130915&hilit=mudra+fist#p130915
  108. Fuchs


    Maybe, he is still quite young ? In this case look this forum: Teens4Satan https://ancient-forums.com/viewforum.php?f=5
  109. Fuchs

    Israel Samson Plan.

    Thank you, remember not to burn your self out, easter is right around the corner (12.04.), were we need everyone to be 100% ready. I do 3-6 a day I increased it, as a response to the worldwide lock down.
  110. Fuchs

    Israel Samson Plan.

    The only thing we know, for sure, is the less we do the Final RTR the more people will die.
  111. Fuchs


    Fokus on his sigil: ask what you want, be open, don´t expect a answer right away. He will find a way to tell you.
  112. Fuchs


    Do yourself and us a favor, read the sites give it a month, maybe reread it, then you can ask questions again. also read the sermons on the forum: https://ancient-forums.com/viewforum.php?f=24 about your question this sermon should help: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=182
  113. Fuchs

    FAQ about the Final RTR + Tetragrammaton + Shattering [Updated 25 August 2021]

    Don´t know about that, but I know you can increase the RTR wirth mudras. Like raising energy both hands-> right hand used to count to nine, left hand mudra.->affirmation both hands. (for people who do multiple of 9 i would suggest different angels to hold the counting hand e.g. 27 reps start...
  114. Fuchs


    Welcome: a general advice is to read everything ;) http://www.satanisgod.org Additionally A1: Read the site provided by our black HPS. Shannon. http://www.blacksforsatan.org or visit the black sub forum: https://ancient-forums.com/viewforum.php?f=13 A2...
  115. Fuchs

    Giving something back to the Gods

    You can help here: JoS Activism - SS Internet Batallion https://ancient-forums.com/viewforum.php?f=27 or answer peoples question here on the forum. -> Quick links -> Unanswered topics
  116. Fuchs

    Hail Satan

    Welcome Beginner topic https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15534
  117. Fuchs

    Drug treating Coronavirus discovered

    I think the pharma shouldn´t be given any more money. We have this problem because of that. here one solution: "Borax and boric acid have basically the same effect: they have a strong disinfectant effect, especially against fungi and viruses, but only a weak antibacterial effect. In plants and...
  118. Fuchs

    Important info on Covid-19

    Good, stay healthy.
  119. Fuchs

    Macchine respiratorie alternative

    ci sono buyabel online, generatori di ossigeno per la cura della casa che possono fornire fino al 90% di ossigeno fino a 4 ore. Per circa 200 + USD. Usatene due mentre uno si ricarica non è buono come una macchina respiratoria professionale ma potrebbe funzionare (tempi di consegna piuttosto...
  120. Fuchs

    Israeli doctor in Italy: We no longer help those over 60

    1. 25% chance to get multiresisting bakteria in hospital in italy. 2. there are online buyabel, home care oxygen generators which can provide up to 90% oxygen up to 4h. For around 200 + USD. Use two while one recharges its not as good as a professional respiratory machine but it could work...
  121. Fuchs

    Italia emissione di batteri multiresistenti ospedali

    "Ginger Lo zenzero è un'erba riscaldante nota per la sua capacità di alleviare la nausea. Infatti, proprio come l'aglio, lo zenzero è una potente erba medicinale che può aiutare contro molti problemi di salute. Anche lo zenzero dovrebbe quindi essere mangiato regolarmente. Lo zenzero è anche...
  122. Fuchs

    Italia emissione di batteri multiresistenti ospedali

    used translator not sure if words are right but thought this is important for the people here traduttore usato non è sicuro se le parole sono giuste ma pensa che questo è importante per le persone qui L'Italia ha il 25% di probabilità che qualcuno prenda un'infezione batterica multiresistente...
  123. Fuchs

    Important info on Covid-19

    Italy has a 25% chance someone gets a multi-resistant bacteria infection in thear hospitals, that could be the reason why so many more people there die--> according to this pneumologist (currently hiding in greese): https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=36969 Better stay at home use...
  124. Fuchs

    Jewish media say avoid cash to prevent coronavirus

    Agree, one famous german broker did say we are at the moment when the banks sell out there precious stuff to get money (gold, anything that is fast sellabel ) because the banks do not trust each other any more, so they don´t lend each other money. But they need money so they sell anything they...
  125. Fuchs

    Italy research, 99% of Coronavirus deaths had other diseases

    I still think this is valid: "HIV does not cause AIDS, the medication to treat AIDS causes AIDS ("Recreational Drugs" And Medical Treatments Like AZT Do'), The AIDS industry is now worth billions controlled by the Rockefellers and the rest of the Global Elite."...
  126. Fuchs

    COVID-19: Netherlands will ALLOW its citizens to get infected WTF!

    Thanks for pointing this out.
  127. Fuchs


    If you have a throat illness try honey.
  128. Fuchs

    Italy research, 99% of Coronavirus deaths had other diseases

    They also plan to collect a uge amount of wealth with the stock market. I heard on a interview someone demanding to outlaw short selling. Did not happen because at the moment they make a uge amount of wealth with this as well. If the prices are as low as they deem right they will buy everything...
  129. Fuchs

    Jewish media say avoid cash to prevent coronavirus

    The question is not if someone is abel to buy something, the question is, if there is anything to buy in the first place. It wasn´t a joke when the clergy said stock up (atleast until 30.06.2020 https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=146748#p146748).
  130. Fuchs

    Coronavirus Information Megathread [Ease of Access] - Updated April 2nd 2020

    Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg says: "The corona hype is not based on any extraordinary public health danger. However, it causes considerable damage to our freedom and personal rights through frivolous and unjustified quarantine measures and restrictions. The images in the media are frightening and the...
  131. Fuchs

    COVID-19: Netherlands will ALLOW its citizens to get infected WTF!

    Only FFP3 mask can help against a virus. FFP2 only helps for not spreading a disease if you wear one. Do you have any source for people getting lung problems from corona without having pree illneses ? I ask because of: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=36969
  132. Fuchs

    Dating Apps promoting Jos

    Thanks a lot for searching the quotes and listing the dating apps. About the celeb picture It doesn´t have to be celebs you could also take a random picture from someone looking good. For xtian gays we could do this: Someone can create a acc with the picture of a jewish rabbi (or priest...
  133. Fuchs

    Italy research, 99% of Coronavirus deaths had other diseases

    Or they did just die because of the other diseases and not becaus of the covid-19. But are counted as covid death because they had it and got tested. On top of that in italy is a 25% chance to get a multiresistent bacteria infektion in the hospital. (germany around 1% chance)see --->...
  134. Fuchs

    Corona Virus big scam ? Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg explains, viral video.

    Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg says: "The corona hype is not based on any extraordinary public health danger. However, it causes considerable damage to our freedom and personal rights through frivolous and unjustified quarantine measures and restrictions. The images in the media are frightening and the...
  135. Fuchs

    Dating Apps promoting Jos

    I would reply with the tora quote where they say they will kill every gay regardles if good goy or even being a jew. But I can´t remember the sentence maybe Stormblood can help out:
  136. Fuchs

    Dating Apps promoting Jos

    I thought about gay people, I think if someone would create a acc (with different sim card [best traded with some one random against cash] vpn + tor and promote with a hot picture of some random person(don´t use a picture of your self) the satanic gay community =...
  137. Fuchs

    Stormfront/White Nationalist Outreach

    I would choose for this purpose these two sermons: "CONFESSIONS OF A JEW— THE DEVASTATING RAMIFICATIONS OF PAUL OF TARSUS AND CHRISTIANITY IN DESTROYING ROMAN CIVILIZATION The following was written by Marcus Eli Ravage, a Jewish writer (1884-1965..."...
  138. Fuchs

    Most Serious 17/March/2020

    Thanks for the answer HP. Hoodedcobra666. Will do.
  139. Fuchs

    Most Serious 17/March/2020

    Are the 6 MONTHS ONLY USA RELATED or eu and other parts of the world as well ? Thanks High Priestess Maxine Dietrich for the warning and info.
  140. Fuchs

    So The Coronavirus Is Escalating In Europe

    In a online frequencies healing group rifle technology (won´t site source) one longtime advancened member did tell : "There are currently 28 different strains which require 28 different frequencies to treat the corona virus" (probably risings number, see youtube video here...
  141. Fuchs

    Help contacting Guardian Demon

    If You Have Trouble Finding Your Guardian Demon By Caitlin/Silvercrab, Satanic Gay Community Member The mistake most new people make is attempting to find their Guardian through a pendulum or Ouija board. If you have absolutely no past experience or practice with these items, they probably...
  142. Fuchs

    Creator Of US BioWeapons Act Says Coronavirus Is Biological Warfare Weapon

    The interview is realy good (first youtube link) he says they have a vaxxine against corona virus at least he has the patent papers for it lying in his office patented in the usa (problably is also worldwide patented). I´m not buying into the idear that the usa had do do anything about the start...
  143. Fuchs

    Number of protection.

    Higher = better=82. But I would go up to 88 (powernumber).
  144. Fuchs

    Number of protection.

    it was stated to do it after rtr I do 2 rtrs then returning curses 1 and 2.
  145. Fuchs

    V V Scratch on skin

    Did recently more puplicity for jos, maybe because of that. Will not care about it if it happens again. I´m up to date with my aop and even do returning curses 1 and 2 joga, kunda, hatha daily (sometimes skip kunda). I don´t know any more ways so secure my self besides double do aop, but I have...
  146. Fuchs

    V V Scratch on skin

    Do our gods warn us like this, or is this some sort of enemy attack? The scratches are just deeply enouth to have bleeded a little. I´m to 95% sure I couldn´t have injured me during sleep like that. I somehow do remember V V was enemy related. VAHV alphabet symbol if I recal right.
  147. Fuchs

    Guardian Demon

    they clame Jaquel is Anubis(didn´t watch it only did read headline): https://www.express.co.uk/showbiz/tv-radio/804632/American-Gods-mr-jacquel-anubis-jackal-episode-3-amazon
  148. Fuchs

    Number of protection.

    You mean a extra protection to the daily aop? I would go for 88 days (powernumber) or just take the 40. Returning curses should be done 1 and 2 also daily after rtr. I don´t see any need to do a further working.
  149. Fuchs

    Satan's revenge

    You are free to ask him (fokus on the sigil ask your question stay open):
  150. Fuchs

    Question about our souls

    A male will be forever a male / female always female. I´m not sure about hermaphrodite people, but as far as I rember they also tent to one gender more by having a naturaly more male or female appearance. A male can´t reincarnate in a female body, vice versa.
  151. Fuchs

    Can a Soul reincarnate in another nationality?

    jes it is not about nationality it´s about race and cosmic star alignments(astrology). But it is more often the case to be reborn in the same nationality/region (much likely good body and same alignment).
  152. Fuchs

    Need some advice for a positive mindset

    20 jears and the gods are here. When ever I´m mad, I do a few rtrs and I feel fine again. (rember to do returning curses 1 and 2)
  153. Fuchs

    Tired of stupid youtubers

    you could try to use zastir mantra on them see fore more information: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=26120&p=142434&hilit=zastir#p142434
  154. Fuchs

    SS Ritual Schedule For 28th February to 5th of March

    Thanks HP. Hoodedcobra666 for answering, did read in the past from even long lasting members the advice (adding up, above 40, or powernumbers), so I guess you never finish learning here no matter how long you study ;). It´s realy nice that 10,40,60,80,100 are also an option for every rune. Are...
  155. Fuchs

    SS Ritual Schedule For 28th February to 5th of March

    What about the JOS Protection Ritual runes repetitions it is written they can be done: x10,x18,x 40, x60, x80 or x 100 times. But as far as I know it was sayed to vibrate runes accourding to thear number Algiz 15, Sowilo 16, tyr 17 (source runic kabalah) or to use powernumbers like 9, 18 , 88...
  156. Fuchs

    The Withering Away Of The Soul

    Thanks for the reply Luis.
  157. Fuchs

    The Withering Away Of The Soul

    What about invocation / or possesion. If HPS Maxine could empower dead people / souls why shouldn´t it also work the other way around. If a advanced ss dies and can´t reincarnate asap (planetary alignments, suitabel body), if he would find a beginner to advanced ss maybe one who is layzy...
  158. Fuchs

    Is there a reason to like Russia?

    Russian people are national, they have the commi virus but, the majority as far as I know prefers a partner of thear own race. I did read online storys of rapefugies who did try to do the same as they do in europe thear in a local disco. Well they got kicked out, the police did have to secure...
  159. Fuchs

    What is the real meaning of 3:00 am, besides being Satan's time ???

    Was this the reason Lord Hitler was most of the time up late (sleept from around 4 AM to 2PM from the video below his former maid) and there for he sleept until noon? (please don´t mind the jewish bs in the documentary) 6:45 - 6:52min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqBiu45onyY
  160. Fuchs

    Statement Regarding Posts, etc

    If there are harmfull metals or chemikals added to the vaccine, then why did never someone try to sue thear ass off? I mean just take some random vaccines take it to a laboratory (only the fluid) let it tested on metals chemikals etc. If they contain these stuff, well then good job this could be...
  161. Fuchs


    Add to your aop affirmation: motivated
  162. Fuchs

    Runes and fear.

    A rune should be vibrated accourding to its number in the runic alphabet (exampel fehu # 1). The repetitions should be above 40. If you use different runes in one working they all have to add up to each other (fehu #1 + Gebo #7+ perthro #14 = smalest rep above 40 = 42 (42/1 , 42/7, 42/14) , or...
  163. Fuchs

    Preparedness: 30 January 2020

    I would rather buy honey, lasts up to 5000 years + you can eat it. And the price for it will increase, in case of economic collapse. Just store it in the shade and dry.
  164. Fuchs

    FINAL RTR 21 July 2018

    While Raising energy one can use the 3. The Pran Mudra While vibrating the hebrew letters backwards the fists (5. Fist Mudra.) should be best. While Affirmation 1. Prayer Mudra or fists. I prefer 1, because you can concentrate on your hate and it is less likely to be distracted. I have...
  165. Fuchs

    Coronavirus Information Megathread [Ease of Access] - Updated April 2nd 2020

    "Borax and boric acid have basically the same effect: they have a strong disinfectant effect, especially against fungi and viruses, but only a weak antibacterial effect. In plants and animals, boron is essential for the stability and functionality of cell walls and for the transmission of...
  166. Fuchs


    Could we do a group healing working for the sick people, or a group destruction working against the virus? (along with final rtr)
  167. Fuchs

    More Information On The Coronavirus

    Even if the did not put something dangerous in the vaccine (I totally agree with you HPS Shannon, I think they will) the vaccine still has the weakened virus within it, there is always a smal chance for someone to get the disease for which you are vaccinated.
  168. Fuchs

    Borax as a fours preventive measure/treatment usefull?

    How much from each ? (below my own search results) Thank you for the reply HPS Shannon For vitamin D I did found 7.000 IE ( Vitamin D3 * 0.025 = 175 mcg Vitamin D3) combined with Vitamin K2 2.500 (Menachinon , didn´f find a conversion factor for mcg) IE every day, magnesium 300 to 600 mg...
  169. Fuchs

    New corona virus maybe a nother attemp to start ww3. If enouth chinese die and they blame it on usa as a bioattack.

    Ninja666 did write a good post about it: "Giving people a heads up on the Chinese New Years Eve. It might sound bad, but be aware and take cautions against people who are in contact with the Chinese. Some travel outside of China to visit their relatives around the world, Europe, USA, other...
  170. Fuchs

    celtic knot

    Why do you want to use it? ( i have no futher knowledge about it) I only know Led Zeppelin did use it on there covers and HP.Mageson666 did write about thear song stairway to heaven: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=10&p=50124&hilit=led+zeppelin#p50124
  171. Fuchs

    China 2020

    Thanks for sharing your experience.
  172. Fuchs

    Question on the enemy.

    Thanks to HP. Hoodedcobra 666 (probably others help too) we have a well funktional website/s/forum which is anonymous as much as it is funktional for a big thing which should be easily availabel worldwide. Each clergy member does probably use full anonymisation services (tor, vpn, not...
  173. Fuchs

    Borax as a fours preventive measure/treatment usefull?

    Q1. Is the suggested amount good? "Slim to normal weight people take 1/8 teaspoonful of borax powder dissolved in one litre of water daily, heavy weight people take 1/4 teaspoonful. The solution is drunk throughout the day, four to five days a week, for as long as necessary." Q2. Which other...
  174. Fuchs

    Borax as a fours preventive measure/treatment usefull?

    I found this site ( repost china 2020 post) about Borax or boric acid. And hope some people can chare thear expirience about the subjekt or give deeper medical expertise thanks in advance. The text below was translatet with a translator can´t say for sure if everything is 100 % well translated...
  175. Fuchs

    Getting paid for doing FINAL RTR here is how it works:

    Good, sometimes after I post (not immediatly), it feels like someone tryes to feel me. After this post, I did feel 2-3 sec hatred towards me. I thought at first maybe the enemy is mad at me, but after I did read your response, I realised this could be a reason a admin was mad at me. Thanks for...
  176. Fuchs

    China 2020

    Did someone ever hear or try to use Borax or boric acid (its effective against viruses) ? The text below was translatet with a translator can´t say for sure if everything is 100 % well translated but overal it should be fine. "Borax and boric acid have basically the same effect: they have a...
  177. Fuchs

    New corona virus maybe a nother attemp to start ww3. If enouth chinese die and they blame it on usa as a bioattack.

    I recently saw online a video with hebrew letters, showing chinese people fainting while standing up, paramedics with respirator suits taking fainted people in there ambulance. The video creators did promote a doomsday mood paired with judgment day nonsense (Messiah of Aron). I think...
  178. Fuchs

    Getting paid for doing FINAL RTR here is how it works:

    My last attemp: If someone is driving a long distance with poor speed (highway), the mind starts to wander after some time. If someone is doing the RTR with open eyes it can increase the perception of the environment. Maybe just listen to the mp3 and repeating it. But, if it still looks like I...
  179. Fuchs

    Getting paid for doing FINAL RTR here is how it works:

    You can pick a job like truck driver, with far distances between your loading and unloading stations, but not so far that you need a second driver. (40 min driving distance is good so you can do a smal cleaning after each rtr, drink something,...) While driving (after you are experienced driver)...
  180. Fuchs

    Boosting RTR with Mudras a Idear/suggestion:

    While Raising energy one can use the 3. The Pran Mudra While vibrating the hebrew letters backwards the fists (5. Fist Mudra.) should be best. While Affirmation 1. Prayer Mudra or fists. I prefer 1, because you can concentrate on your hate and it is less likely to be distracted. I have also a...
  181. Fuchs

    Talisman of protection

    You could carve the berkano rune (while vibrating) in the teeth, use a multiply of 18 (rune number) above 40 or a powernumber like 111 sun power number. Well I don´t know if teeth is better then wood, stone, metal, in saving energy. But I would rather choose wood/stone/metal (like stainless...
  182. Fuchs

    Deepest Trance = Astral Pojection

  183. Fuchs

    celtic knot

    it would be helpfull if you would attach an immage like this: to attach such image post a link of that image within [img ] [ /img] (no spares)
  184. Fuchs

    My Life =>Bullying+Depression+Otism+Lonely

    Dedicate--> do final rtrs (as a return for your curse/s) --> practise martial arts--> take the bully leader, beat him up. I had situations where someone would grab me at my t-shirt at a concert within 2 sec out of the blue someone got pushed to him, he did loose the grip of my t-shirt he and a...
  185. Fuchs

    My Life =>Bullying+Depression+Otism+Lonely

    1) did you curse the bible thora koran god ? 2) they only bully you because you don´t fight hard enouth back. For your depression try this meditation(look ss calendar if the moon is void): https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Crown_Chakra.html Do you do aura of...
  186. Fuchs

    United States Threatening Iran, War Looming?

    ok, well I always ask if I´m not sure, better safe then sorry. ;)
  187. Fuchs

    explanation "Invocation To Satan"

    to come forth to greet me as your Sister and friend = we are direct descendants of satan he created us gentiles thruth genetic engineering with his blood. Don´t use stuff from vovim. Orion = Our nation is our race = Our galactic side union name. Everyone who fights under Satans comand. Duat =...
  188. Fuchs

    The Truth About the Australian Bushfires

    For the air pollution get your self a respirator mask. Better to keep the pollution out of the lungs then clean it after. maybe one with carbon filter.
  189. Fuchs

    United States Threatening Iran, War Looming?

    if this is you on the picture change this asap enemy uses this to curse.
  190. Fuchs

    Is there a reason to like Russia?

    Russia has a death penalty for spreading anti-semitism, aside from that, imprisson gay people for no reason.... beeing gay, is nothing rong. It just shouldn´t be forced into childrens heads.
  191. Fuchs

    UFOs spotted.

    please tell me, this was a bad joke...
  192. Fuchs

    Is there a reason to like Russia?

    Thanks for reminding.
  193. Fuchs

    UFOs spotted.

    Maybe also a kind of psychic attack (like you are a jew). What ever could block the development of people, they will try.
  194. Fuchs

    Is there a reason to like Russia?

    The wimmen are beautiful because, most men got killed during ww2. And a good percentage of the remaining men die occasionally from drinking, on a dare or other simmilar stupid stuff. Only the best wimmen find a good men to procreate. Eugenics in full action ;). I once did see a video were a...
  195. Fuchs

    Help(Hatha yoga)

    Why ?
  196. Fuchs

    Satan's Day Rituals + Spiritual Warfare Is Heating Up [Important]

    We have won, if we progress like we did. one RTR a day = 365 in a jear/each ss = Win. The gods can see the future.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
