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Inquiries about the Void Course of Moon.


Feb 7, 2020
As i Advance I notice how serious Taking planetary Times into consideration is vital. I am much more intuned with nature, and i think this will come to full effect when my kundalini Rises.

I want to plan my projects (not only magick) avoiding void of moon course. You see; I am Multitalented. A writer, Artist, Musician, Mathematician and more. All these the products of freeing my soul and cleaning myself. Satanism has been a blessing to me.

I have an Art Business. It’s definitely growing. Do I need to avoid void moons when I start every new painting? I mean they are quite many moon voids, some even go for two days. Damn! I ask because i think it will slow me down. Do I need to avoid every moon void when starting a physical project like painting one piece of painting/ writing one book chapter/ Or hitting the gym...etc

(The question is focused on physical projects, not Magical ones(spells). I know spells don’t need to be started during moon voids)
TanzanianGod said:

A good Aura of Protection can help prevent negative things from happening or being influenced to you during a Void Moon.

I would also say the only real cause for major concern about Void Moons in starting anything is if that project is one that is vital or immensely important to you in which you don't want to take that risk such as an important personal working or a major career assignment. Otherwise the whole world doesn't fall apart on Void Moons, it keeps on spinning and daily life keeps going albeit with some influenced mishaps here and there.
TanzanianGod said:
You need to be aware that your mentality also plays a role in this. If you stress yourself too much over the VoC, your mind will begin to ascribe to it more power than it actually has.

As for the paintings, if you start them on the VoC then indeed they will not turn out as planned on that time. However, this can also mean something will simply change in your vision of the painting on a fundamental level, and this can be benefic also. This depends on what you would prefer doing. Sometimes, the VoC can help make you aware of unrealistic plans or fantasies and let you rework them to actually fit reality. However, it will definitely be more difficult to finish a painting started during it, also, so you will need more time and effort.

The safe road is definitely to avoid it altogether, if you can. As a general rule however, if there is a time when starting something during a VoC is unavoidable, such as a meeting organized by ones superiors for example, then simply go with it and don't inwardly worry yourself over it. You will not die from starting some of these things on it, it will just be a bit different and require more work and changes to complete.
Ghost in the Machine said:
TanzanianGod said:

A good Aura of Protection can help prevent negative things from happening or being influenced to you during a Void Moon.
Could you expand upon that? Apparently, there is more to the Moon's VoC than I have known. Maybe it's as simple as the VoC being from others' perspective and it not being effective against, for example, me/oneself due to the VoC's nature.
FancyMancy said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
TanzanianGod said:

A good Aura of Protection can help prevent negative things from happening or being influenced to you during a Void Moon.
Could you expand upon that? Apparently, there is more to the Moon's VoC than I have known. Maybe it's as simple as the VoC being from others' perspective and it not being effective against, for example, me/oneself due to the VoC's nature.

The reason a Void Moon moon causes unfortunate things to happen is, well you have to know what exactly defines a Void Moon in the first place.

A Void Moon is when the moon is in a transitioning phase moving from one sign to the next, this is a phase of change and it is during this change and transition where the messiness occurs. A bunch of energy influences usually of opposing forces are forcefully being intermingled in a congealed pot of chaotic spectrums on the astral during the switchover as the moon, like the satellite it is, projects these energies upon the planet in accordance to planetary location.

The moon is like a magnifying glass that focuses the energies of the sign it's in at a focal point through the lens to project it upon the planet, this is partly why it is related to mirrors, and this is why it helps greatly to know what sign the moon is in when you want to start something specific such as a certain magical working, because depending on what energies of what sign it is currently directing onto the planet, it could either empower your working and make it more effective or it could hinder/weaken or ruin it. Each sign has it's own energy influencing factors, elements, rulerships, etc that they instate and they do not exactly harmonize very well with one another as they are each their own individual unique thing, and this is part of the chaos during a transition where opposing forces just don't work.

Change itself is a rulership of the element of fire, wildness, chaos, disorder, out of control, a lot of messes happen, things are not groundedly defined. As the moon is transiting it is projecting this very rulership of chaos and disorder which can manifest as a variety of things. Chaos, change, like fire, is wild, it is the opposite of order and organization, structure and planning. Police officers as an example are founded upon the very rulership of order, as the saying goes law and order, this is why during Void Moons criminals often get away with things because the police are fighting an astrological force that goes against their very purpose and they don't even realize it, this is why the 'order' they are trying to instate can struggle to come to fruition because of the astrological 'chaos' of a Void Moon completely countering this aspect.

Void Moons are times where people often say they're having a run of bad luck in things for some reason, plans can fall apart and things just don't get completed or don't go as desired. The moon is the fastest moving object between all of the signs so this energy intermingling doesn't have that slow and steady stability to settle or have a refined 'calm' in singular influence like other slow moving planets until the moon is completely transitioned inside the sign and the aspect of change is over.

I have a feeling that individuals very personally connected to or very strongly influenced by the moon in their natal chart and soul composition have a tendency to bipolar disorders for this exact reason of Void Moons as the Moon rules over our emotions, emotional stability, and other related matters of the psychic chakras and during a Void Moon of this projected disorder they may find themselves more personally influenced with instability of their emotions.

When the moon projects and influences all of this chaos not on just the environment, events and people around you but also yourself, a good Aura of Protection can protect you from unfortunate disasters and even from negative influences of the moon itself as it would any other planet and negative force. Keeping a good balanced soul with clean white energy also helps.

I hope this was the expanded info you wanted.
Ghost in the Machine said:
TanzanianGod said:

A good Aura of Protection can help prevent negative things from happening or being influenced to you during a Void Moon.

I would also say the only real cause for major concern about Void Moons in starting anything is if that project is one that is vital or immensely important to you in which you don't want to take that risk such as an important personal working or a major career assignment. Otherwise the whole world doesn't fall apart on Void Moons, it keeps on spinning and daily life keeps going albeit with some influenced mishaps here and there.

Just want to take this time to thank you all for the immense work you do. Ghost in the machine,shael and fancy mancy. You guys help alot with answering and sharing knowledge. Your footprints are all-over the forum.

I personally acknowledge your efforts and love for satanic knowledge and want to personally thank you for taking your time to share. May Satan and the gods continue blessing you!

(I sent Father Satan a thought Energy just today about understanding more in-depth knowledge of Void meditation, and guess what I find it right in your signature links. I am thankful for the knowledge Father Satan)
Shael said:
TanzanianGod said:
You need to be aware that your mentality also plays a role in this. If you stress yourself too much over the VoC, your mind will begin to ascribe to it more power than it actually has.

As for the paintings, if you start them on the VoC then indeed they will not turn out as planned on that time. However, this can also mean something will simply change in your vision of the painting on a fundamental level, and this can be benefic also. This depends on what you would prefer doing. Sometimes, the VoC can help make you aware of unrealistic plans or fantasies and let you rework them to actually fit reality. However, it will definitely be more difficult to finish a painting started during it, also, so you will need more time and effort.

The safe road is definitely to avoid it altogether, if you can. As a general rule however, if there is a time when starting something during a VoC is unavoidable, such as a meeting organized by ones superiors for example, then simply go with it and don't inwardly worry yourself over it. You will not die from starting some of these things on it, it will just be a bit different and require more work and changes to complete.

Just want to take this time to thank you all for the immense work you do. Ghost in the machine,shael and fancy mancy. You guys help alot with answering and sharing knowledge. Your footprints are all-over the forum.

I personally acknowledge your efforts and love for satanic knowledge and want to personally thank you for taking your time to share. May Satan and the gods continue blessing you!
FancyMancy said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
TanzanianGod said:

A good Aura of Protection can help prevent negative things from happening or being influenced to you during a Void Moon.
Could you expand upon that? Apparently, there is more to the Moon's VoC than I have known. Maybe it's as simple as the VoC being from others' perspective and it not being effective against, for example, me/oneself due to the VoC's nature.

Just want to take this time to thank you all for the immense work you do. Ghost in the machine,shael and fancy mancy. You guys help alot with answering and sharing knowledge. Your footprints are all-over the forum.

I personally acknowledge your efforts and love for satanic knowledge and want to personally thank you for taking your time to share. May Satan and the gods continue blessing you!
Ghost in the Machine said:
I knew these things generally, but you said it nicely. As for the police things - they do say that during certain times of the month (is it Full Moon or New Moon?) people tend to be different and I think what I saw on TV they said crimes increase.

TanzanianGod said:
Well, I didn't exactly provide any help in your thread here, but I do hope I am helpful!
FancyMancy said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
I knew these things generally, but you said it nicely. As for the police things - they do say that during certain times of the month (is it Full Moon or New Moon?) people tend to be different and I think what I saw on TV they said crimes increase.

TanzanianGod said:
Well, I didn't exactly provide any help in your thread here, but I do hope I am helpful!

Ghost in the Machine said:
FancyMancy said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
A good Aura of Protection can help prevent negative things from happening or being influenced to you during a Void Moon.
Could you expand upon that? Apparently, there is more to the Moon's VoC than I have known. Maybe it's as simple as the VoC being from others' perspective and it not being effective against, for example, me/oneself due to the VoC's nature.

The reason a Void Moon moon causes unfortunate things to happen is, well you have to know what exactly defines a Void Moon in the first place.

Do you think it is possibel to create a spell that does change other spells starting time, like:
"Now, continuosly and forever when I start a working during a void of course moon, the energys of [ maybe add a rune / or the energys of Sorath] are changing the startig time to the next time, when the moon is not void in a positive and healthy way.

Sorath is a God of the Sun. He is said to have been Adolf Hitler's Personal Guardian Demon.
Sorath rules the current of energy that deals with the "id", of the human psyche, altered states of consciousness, thought-forms, elementals, the unexplained, unexpected, and the unknown and miracles. Sorath is "The Closer", while Azazel is "The Opener". Sorath The Great God does not like everybody for he is the embodiment of the everlasting black burning Sun alit as night to an everlasting day. His number is seven, and he presides over the Thirteenth Sign of the Zodiac of which there exists only one, and his time is any when the Moon is void of course. He Rules from the North.
The mind is very tricky, especially the part we magicians use. The god portion of the mind can do absolutely anything. Satan trusts his own, and no one else with this power. It will not activate for anyone, and if it does it will do so as a terrifying lesson to those who are without who attempt to harness this power. Sorath presides over the “closer part,” the "unknowable mind" current of energy and is the God over the energy emitted by every Sun in the Universe. He rules the center of magnetism and the factor of life for all, along with photogenes and solar power of all kinds. Sorath stated that all Suns in the Universe affect us, not only our own. Northern fire, the Sun above. Lastly, miracles are not something the Gods cause to happen. The Gods are beyond that. Their world is past the need or understanding of what a miracle is. Miracles come from US. What is a miracle to one may curse another; what is lost can be found by another for example.
– Salem Burke

Sorath is of the Nordic Race of Gods. He is tall, and has light blonde long hair.
-High Priestess Maxine "

Fuchs said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Do you think it is possibel to create a spell that does change other spells starting time, like:
"Now, continuosly and forever when I start a working during a void of course moon, the energys of [ maybe add a rune / or the energys of Sorath] are changing the startig time to the next time, when the moon is not void in a positive and healthy way.

No. Time is a rulership of Saturn, in this associated context it is a binding concept where a working is set in place from the time it was started. This cannot be overruled by the natures of the universe, Satan works with cycles of the universe, we time our workings according to astrology and we schedule our days for better organization.

We work with time, not against it.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Fuchs said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Do you think it is possibel to create a spell that does change other spells starting time, like:
"Now, continuosly and forever when I start a working during a void of course moon, the energys of [ maybe add a rune / or the energys of Sorath] are changing the startig time to the next time, when the moon is not void in a positive and healthy way.

No. Time is a rulership of Saturn, in this associated context it is a binding concept where a working is set in place from the time it was started. This cannot be overruled by the natures of the universe, Satan works with cycles of the universe, we time our workings according to astrology and we schedule our days for better organization.

We work with time, not against it.

Thanks for pointing this out GITM.
TanzanianGod said:
As i Advance I notice how serious Taking planetary Times into consideration is vital. I am much more intuned with nature, and i think this will come to full effect when my kundalini Rises.

I want to plan my projects (not only magick) avoiding void of moon course. You see; I am Multitalented. A writer, Artist, Musician, Mathematician and more. All these the products of freeing my soul and cleaning myself. Satanism has been a blessing to me.

I have an Art Business. It’s definitely growing. Do I need to avoid void moons when I start every new painting? I mean they are quite many moon voids, some even go for two days. Damn! I ask because i think it will slow me down. Do I need to avoid every moon void when starting a physical project like painting one piece of painting/ writing one book chapter/ Or hitting the gym...etc

(The question is focused on physical projects, not Magical ones(spells). I know spells don’t need to be started during moon voids)

I Painted a cat once. It was glorious.

Children from a small Armenian Village still talk about what great Talent it was, and wait in earnst that one day, I shall return and paint more realistic looking animals. Probably in Hope's that they may eat them, and actually be provided Sustenance. But Alas while my Talent is great, it cannot prolong their lives. But at least I Shall know that they died In great astonishment of my works of art.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
