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More Information On The Coronavirus


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
 I'd like to know what all of you think about this situation. Of course you all can come to your own conclusion but do share your thoughts.

I have been doing research these past days and what I am seeing about this coronavirus situation is that it is at the least, partly a hoax and that it is part of a bigger agenda which is to administer deadly and harmful vaccines that will harm our health, DNA as well as cause diseases that will mimic being infected with the coronavirus. Death is also a huge side effect.

We all know that during these so called flu like epidemics over the course of history going back to the Spanish flu swine flu, etc, 95 percent of those who caught the disease were the ones vaccinated.

The Bill Gates foundation already has a patent on this "virus". As you may know, Bill Gates is a big forerunner of the depopulation agenda and is linked to harmful vaccines that have been tested in places like Africa and such and they have been found to cause infertility and other issues. There is a huge amount of information on this online. This Coronavirus scheme was already planned. The corporations such as Pirbright and Inovia are working for a vaccine and are the ones financed and "in bed" with the Gates foundation. Gates is also linked to Ebola.

This all corresponds to the Jewish Georgia Guidestones...

We also know that the swine flu, for example was also fabricated and blown out of proportion, and such was the case with the other epidemics.

In this event, we all should be doing what we can to stock up on essentials and such but when this entire thing broke out, I always had the feeling that the economic consequences and a supposed vaccine for this will be far more grave as I see many Chinese gentiles dying regardless of what the main cause is thus effecting the economy. Hopefully not too bad and longterm.

If a "vaccine" comes out within the next couple of months, DO NOT take it.

There is information from alternative news and medical practitioners that have always said that this isn't a virus situation at all--that flu like symptoms occur normally in humans with a toxin overload, and that the body creates viruses and somatids that are naturally cleaners and solvents of the body and they cannot be transferred from humans to animals and vice versa.

This natural phenomenon is being capitalized off of and people are being fed drugs and vaccines for nothing, but that is something I'll get into another time when I know a bit more but what I do know is this-- since I have been eating clean and natural I have never ever had a cold or flu or anything for many YEARS which makes me fully believe this information. It makes sense to me as I also never have caught a cold or flu even when near those "infected". 

The body's health and terrain is everything. Not the microbe. A strong immune system, gut and body protects against disease.

Many medical practitioners have also put up valuable information solidifying the case of false virus infection. Who knows... but it makes sense. There is a book called "Goodbye Germ Theory" that also covers this. "The Private Sciences of Louis Pasteur" also goes into the false virus hype notion...

 About China, according to some articles and videos I have reviewed, the situation with China, Wuhan to be exact, is from the recent 5G activated stations and  heavy pollution that has been happening in Wuhan, and that the people were getting out of hand and rebelling. There have been protests against 5G and on the incinerators being built that is heavily polluting the air, water and animals nearby. This has been causing respiratory disease and flu like symptoms for a while in the people. Because China is so restrictive of information, we all can't be too sure of what is exactly happening.

Its being suggested that instead, the communist party is using the virus agenda as a way to lock down, control and shut up the people and collectives in Wuhan and the rest of China. People are being shut in, without food supplies and ways to travel and with this, people are suffering and dying. I also read that they are trying to use this "crisis" to bring about martial law and restrict more of our freedoms in the western world. 

They are also saying that the 5G waves from the hundreds of 5G towers activated a couple months ago in Wuhan have caused this increase in sickness and that they are using the electrowaves to causes disease and weaken the people.

I think that whatever the case, many Chinese gentiles will die and this will effect the economy. However, at this point I am not concerned about this coronoavirus or catching anything because from what I am seeing, its not what it is made out to be.

More information here on 5G and how they are said to create sickness, a way to alter our genes and inject vaccines into us via electrowaves:


Also, here is a video that goes into why the coronavirus is a hoax to scare and control the populace. Please watch all of it. The important part starts at 106:00


There is a lot of information out there and whether this thing was bioengineered, or doesn't really exist much at all but to be a scare tactic, all I know is that if vaccines are being administered, I would stay away from them completely as that is the real danger as it would contain the real killer.
Also, we know that tens of thousands of people die from the flu every year, how many of those people died after taking the vaccine?
HPS Shannon said:
There is a lot of information out there and whether this thing was bioengineered, or doesn't really exist much at all but to be a scare tactic, all I know is that if vaccines are being administered, I would stay away from them completely as that is the real danger as it would contain the real killer.

Thank you for your post, I think the majority will agree with what you said. I think of particular importance is your mention of any vaccines. Thank you for your forewarning. Even if certain areas of the world avoid large infection, they will still be susceptible to the economic downturn of China AND any vaccines pushed upon them. Those who work in certain public sectors or healthcare may not have much of a choice with vaccination, unfortunately. Do not give into peer pressure on the subject of your refusal, as vaccines, being a direct influence on your health, are most certainly corrupted with the most nefarious of substances.

The good news, is that Satanists have a much better chance of dealing with both the virus and vaccines itself, especially if we stay ontop of what the Jew is planning. Thought should be given on the specific workings that can keep everyone safe, and individuals should plan their day to accomodate such workings.

Another thought: is that with all this non-native EMF implentation, pollution, forced vaccination, and so on, it really makes a convincing case for living in an area with very low population density. A strong Satanist can survive anywhere, but why deal with all the shit if you don't have to?

Anyway, thanks for posting.
I remember a few years ago when Ebola was supposed kill everyone this seems no different. I think they are using to this keep people in fear/anxiety and harvesting that energy.
I wonder if this is like the Ebola,, H1N1, SARS. Mad Cows Disease, etc.
It comes, does some damage, ( Someone behind the scenes is getting rich, follow the money ),, and it will pass in a year or so, until the next Jew created virus is released.
Also, is it just another Jew scam to bring forth ( Jew created ) bible prophecy?
Like Trump being put into office to accomplish the "Dividing My Holy Land" ( Jew ) prophecy in the bible?
HPS Shannon said:
Also, we know that tens of thousands of people die from the flu every year, how many of those people died after taking the vaccine?

Even if the did not put something dangerous in the vaccine (I totally agree with you HPS Shannon, I think they will) the vaccine still has the weakened virus within it, there is always a smal chance for someone to get the disease for which you are vaccinated.
I really don't think it's a hoax. Satan and our Gods have been stating "plague" to me for a long time. Satan Himself even spoke to me at length about future plague and how a lot of people are going to die. This was several years ago. The Gods have elaborated about this to me for years.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
More Information On The Coronavirus

txg said:
inject vaccines into us via electrowaves

a vaccine carrying microbes couldnt be carried through carrier waves it physically impossible, also it would be bizarre and pointless. and if it were true, it would be the healthiest known way to deliver a vaccine.

interesting theory but im not sold

Did you read the first link? They explain that it could be used via nano technology.
HPS Shannon said:

Summed up my sentiments exactly. I basically felt the exact same way during the Ebola mess. And the 5G is not making it any better. I always have somewhat of a stash of food and supplies etc. that I don't touch unless I absolutely need to, but I'll definitely be adding much more. I hate being caught off-guard.

Speaking of the Georgia Guidestones, that reminds me, there was yet another large and suspicious fire today (Feb 1st) on the same major interstate as the other large fire that collapsed a major bridge in Atlanta a couple years ago that the state tried blame on a homeless man, but even the really clueless people knew it wasn't true. The department of transportation had stored highly flammable supplies under that bridge that were never supposed to be there. A LOT of people depend on this interstate. The energy is just super chaotic right now, and of course it's intentional.

Also, I haven't taken my 2 yr old to the pediatrician since he was 15 months old, when he got a mealses vaccine that made him really sick with the mealses almost all over his body. It was scary and I kept cleaning his aura and asking the gods for help. I was close to taking him to the hospital but he got better after I broke his fever. A week later, a measles outbreak was on the news. I was so confused and felt bad I did that to my son. I was already starting to get bad feelings about it the previous time (12mo. or so) but I still took him anyway.

Since he most likely will have to go to daycare soon, I felt I had no choice but to update his shot record so a school would accept him, but now seems like the worst time. I don't feel like I want to give him another vaccine ever again. Never got a flu shot as a kid and I refuse to give one to my son either. Now I'm thinking about all the other ones.

I guess the idea of vaccines makes sense to me and I understand some minor side effects may occur but either way, I just know the jews have put so much filth in them and I refuse to let anyone put some shit in my child, I'd have to fight somebody.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
I really don't think it's a hoax. Satan and our Gods have been stating "plague" to me for a long time. Satan Himself even spoke to me at length about future plague and how a lot of people are going to die. This was several years ago. The Gods have elaborated about this to me for years.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

As I said, whatever the case, It wont turn out good and I wont take any vaccines.

I thought about the same thing about what the Gods said but when one uses the word plague, it usually means bacterium. Did they mean that? Plague to what extent?

Because I"m not sure about it being a virus. Maybe something else. There is no proof of viruses ever being isolated. So whatever they are planning, its something beyond that.

What I'd like to know is if whatever the enemy has planned, if a killer bug, it could be infectious, or maybe a plague will happen via infection in some other way.

I just find it odd how they have been doing this for decades with the scare tactics "flu epidemic lie" and which case, the only people truly dying are those getting the vaccine and then we hear no mention of it. It dies down almost as if nothing happened.

I posted this information to get everyones opinion. So thank you.
HPS Shannon said:
I thought about the same thing about what the Gods said but when one uses the word plague, it usually means bacterium. Did they mean that? Plague to what extent?
The definition of the world plaque is a diseases that has bwn transmitted in a big amount of countries (like EHF was).But sometimes in English the world plaque alone is used to describe the Black death (also known as bubonic plaque).
Thank you for the warning on vaccines, HPS Shannon. I will make sure to not take that garbage when it does come out.
You know HP Maxine, I do remember back in 2013 on the yahoo groups, you did make a sermon from Satan telling everyone that many many people will die in the future because of ingredients coming in from China and that to stay away from Chinese food and ingredients, etc.

I'm wondering if this is it, or related. So is this a plague caught through infection or caught from eating certain tainted foods from China? I do believe details on the nature of such a catastrophe should eventually come out.

Its a bit obscure.

If this entire thing is indeed a virus and not plague bacterium, then it is a mutated and highly engineered one very different from all the other "flu epidemics" the enemy has put out, which could explain the supposed Wuhan lab experiments. You did mention something like "mutated version of whooping cough" years ago.
It is real in my mind...


But seriously, It feels weird to suddenly behave like a prepper when everybody around me is on the 'business as usual' routine.

I just came out of a cold that kept me indoors for two days. It was the first one in four years, and I can attribute it to my lately nutrient-lacking diet. As of consequence, my nostrils were leaking with a vengeance. It felt like a disease entity was trying to update me on some karmic debt that I kept evading all this time. But this event got me to appreciate how important a good diet is in preventing the set-in of Influenza, or any bug for that matter.

Like HP Maxine wrote in the last announcement, stocking on dry foods is a smart move, but we should also have our fill of fresh meat, dairy and, eggs for as long as we can. Feast then Fast should be the preferred plan. I would gladly fast for three days after eating a carton of eggs and a pound of beef than rely on instant cereal for breakfast, supper, and dinner.
I also had that thought, about a vaccine that will do harm such as infertility and otherwise affecting our DNA that will have detrimental effects including to children being born to mothers who have had this vaccine. Just another way to decrease the White population that is already dying off and not having enough babies to replace the current population, and to create more mentally/physically handicapped people.

As for health, I was forced to get the flu shot every year as a child/teen and my health was shit. Always sick, a cold and bad throat every month through winter and also sick at some point in the summer. Since coming to JoS and doing some health workings, never taking flu shots again, and eating better, I rarely get sick. I've also made more changes to my diet recently and am looking forward to even better health. Herbs and spices are amazing and easy to incorporate.
HPS Shannon said:
If a "vaccine" comes out within the next couple of months, DO NOT take it.
We might have no choice. They want to make the vaccine mandatory and push laws in every country to force the population to take it. Anyway is mainly targeted to White countries, I doubt that this vaccine will be pushed in places like Asia or Africa, unless we speak abiut overpopulated countries like India and China. I do believe indeed that some measures needs to be taken to keep the population under control in these countries because in the future the entire planet might become unsustainable for so many people but definitely a vaccine financed and pushed by jews is not the answer for this.

In my country in Europe they are pushing a law to fare people with around €2500 / $2770 if they will refuse to take the mandatory vaccines. I wonder how the fuck can someone pay such a fare when most of them earn under $550 per month. They know most people are poor and they force them in this way to take the vaccine. And also to reject their kids from applying to schools if they haven't beed administrated with the mandatory vaccines. Probably the jews are waiting for some tens of thousanss to hundreds of thousands of deaths to put pressure on the governments to make an "anti-coronavirus" vaccine mandatory.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
I really don't think it's a hoax.
Is a hoax in the sense that it was created and spread artificially to kill as many people as possible to justificate a strong reason to force the population to take sterilization vaccines, obviously presented to the goyim in the media under the image of a "salvatory" vaccine for the "deadly" coronavirus. People have to realize quick that "someone" wants them sterile in order to stop reproducing. Things like this happened before and there are cases of women who have taken vaccines years ago and could not remain pregnant anymore. Make Whites stop reproducing while bringing in millions of rapefugees and muslims to slowly replace them. In this way the White race will dissapear in a matter of decades.
So if the disease or all diseases are due to a toxic overload, how do you explain children getting ill?

Children shouldnt be having serious illnesses.
If you follow the aystem of Reckeweg - has a toxicity scheme, children are said to be in 1-2 which is clean/normal and the occasional inflammation or cold.
Then you have 3/4 where more toxins are stored and loss off organ function can be observed.
It is said that people of about age 40 and above are into this category.
Then you have 5 - serious diseases and 6 - chronic diaeases like cancer, artritis etc.

Since the baby is recieving nutrients from the mother it was also said that it could be possible to also pass on some of the toxins to the child (hence no alcohol / drugs advice) most of which was said would go into the eldest.

It was also said that once you're in cat 4, normal reactions like those on the flu may not be observed, or they might make you feel off but you may not have enough strength to carry it to the end thus you wont have a (high) fever or simply not long enough but you may still not feel great after the fever ia down.
This disease outbreak is caused by an infectious virus, not toxic substances or harmful radiation. The complete genome of the Wuhan coronavirus is publicly available.

Wuhan Coronavirus Genome

Wuhan coronavirus infections are confirmed via real time PCR of samples from a suspected infected person. (source: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2001191 ) Infection is confirmed by detection of the coronavirus genetic material.

The pattern of spread of the disease indicates a contagious agent that spreads from person to person, not a static source of illness such as a toxic incinerator or towers releasing harmful radiation. The first illnesses were strongly linked to Huanan seafood market. The disease subsequently spread to people with no links to Huanan seafood market (source: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2001316 ) The number of infections has been growing exponentially because one infected person spreads the disease to multiple healthy people. Infections outside of China are people who had recently traveled to Wuhan or had close contact with an infected person (source: https://bnonews.com/index.php/2020/01/the-latest-coronavirus-cases/ )

HPS Shannon said:
We all know that during these so called flu like epidemics over the course of history going back to the Spanish flu swine flu, etc, 95 percent of those who caught the disease were the ones vaccinated.

The Spanish flu occurred in 1918. The influenza virus was not isolated until 1933. The first influenza vaccines were not developed until the late 1930s.

HPS Shannon said:
and that the body creates viruses and somatids that are naturally cleaners and solvents of the body and they cannot be transferred from humans to animals and vice versa.

Zoonotic (animal to human) transfer of viruses occurs very frequently and is the source of many diseases. Viruses are essentially packets of genetic material in a protein capsule. Viruses mutate very quickly via random errors when copying their genome during replication. These mutations lead to new strains of a virus. Viruses are also capable of reassortment where two viruses infecting the same cell exchange genetic material. The H1N1 swine flu pandemic was the result of a porcine influenza virus reassorting and picking up genetic material that enabled it to cause disease in humans.
(source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4957980/ ) The transfer of viruses is a two-way street and humans can pass viruses to animals. (source https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6069171/ ) .
I would like to mention something on the matter..

While I do not in anyway trust those things they say, and I always triple think everything mentioned by the enemy every where around us, I have to admit that vaccinations in some cases aren’t bad, but on the contrary, life saving.

I come from an extensive medical background, being a medical student myself and a child of doctor parents. My parents are vaccinated every year with the flu vaccine and I actually opted to have it a coupe of years ago.

My experience is that I did feel a bit dizzy after the injection, and I had a sore deltoid muscle for weeks (the muscle pain is usual with intramuscular injections).

However, the flu hasn’t touched me at all, same goes for my parents, who are exposed heavily from patient contact through out the year. Thai resistance has been continuing till today. I live in a country that has closed down its schools for the past weeks due to a flu epidemic.

Historically speaking, medical history I mean, vaccines have been an absolutely life saving and essential technique. BCG vaccine (Tuberculosis), DPT vaccine (Diphtheria Tetanus Pertussis), Measles, Polio etc etc etc..... half of the human race would not make it past the age of 15 without these vaccines. An example would be poor countries who don’t vaccinate or those dumb antivaxxers.

It appears to me too that this new virus is going to be a deadly one. Knowing the biology of this virus and it’s viral family, the secrecy of the jew bolshevik government of China and the extent of the downfall of the enemy in recent years, one could only feel how bad the situation is.

I definitely feel that this is some form of enemy attack. I FEEL how panicked they are, and this is especially since November last year. They are brutal, ugly, EVIL. Never have I thought that such EVIL and HATE can exist.

Well, we’ll show them then......

And if the reports are true that this virus is mixed and morphed with the HIV virus, any hopes of a vaccine are very low.

THIS IS NOT A POST TO SUPPORT ANY IDEA OF VACCINATIONS. Merely my own personal experience.

The Georgia monument was put up on a date that numbers 322 the Skull and Bones which is well known to be run by Jews the most well known members being John Cohen who's pretend Gentile name is John Kerry and Bush who is pictured carrying a Talmud around with him and who's family was originally listed as being Jewish. The other Bush daddy used Talmud quotes in his speeches as President.
As I stated personally in all the replies I have done [who knows, I answered over 50 questions or more over the board going into many details] the major risk is not that people are going to die by the virus itself at the rate things are going now. But there are very valid dangers which I will explain below.

However, if China is lying, and given viruses can spread exponentially just with a few people escaping screening, that is a valid danger. Still, 2.5% mortality rate is not that much. SARS had 10% people affected death rate.

Misinformation is real. Also, the regular flu, as I wrote in my original topic, kills 167 Americans per day. Now, everyone is losing their minds over 200 or 300 people who died over the course of weeks.

That stated, we may be lied to completely as for governments to avoid social panic. What is true is that this is not yet a big explosive issue elsewhere but in China. In the first post I wrote, I explained also, that we will see "After" the fuss dies out what this thing was about. Now it's all fuss. For one, jews are reasonably testing the viability of bio-attack and which countries are prepared and which are not.

Everyone is eager to believe that we are being lied about in regards to vaccines etc, but we aren't lied about the victim toll and death toll? If this virus let's say has a 5% of 10% death toll, and we are being bullshitted, this means viably that mistake of spreading it will wipe out 10% of affected people. These videos in Wuhan display people just dying in the middle of the street, and from reports, the infected have to be around 90,000+ for now. And who knows how many dead.

Another thing we saw, is that countries do not give a single fuck, and they have very slow response to bio-warfare agents. It took like 10 days for people to figure out this could remotely pose a danger. In an actual bio-warfare scenario, with a very potent virus, 10 days is enough for chaos to break loose.

I mean, China has had camps with millions of people and it was found out by the public through google maps by coincidence, and after a few decades with leaked documents. Millions of people locked in them for years. China is clearly a lying and dishonest country, that does not care for citizens.

I discard the scenarios about THIS specific virus being a population control tool that will slay us all or something, but bio-warfare as population control is real, and as I explained, this may come in the future at play. But in order to do this, one first has to do some testing to see how the situation would emerge. Testing reactions, testing how and what people rush to buy, and checking how many are actually informed and how many not.

Satanists have to always be prepared and know preparation advice. Don't become mad preppers and go for the mountains waiting for the apocalypse in a cave. Just be reasonably prepared at all times of your life in case some shit hits the fan. If it may not come from this, situations sometimes, such as random weather phenomena, may come hitting. It's low cost and efficient. Most people are NEVER prepared to ANY extent. They expect to be helped and that the state is going to handle everything.

Well in most cases, especially in bio-attacks, most Nations worldwide are extremely slow and incapable of dealing with anything like that.

This specific outbreak may be 'timid', but another situation is, if the Coronavirus is now out in the loose, this will add just another flu like pathogen people may have to go through every year. Adding a death toll of 2.5% yearly in every Nation in which it may become "Mainstream", if theoretically the virus spreads or it becomes "Regular". This is no different than the spread of HIV and other similar plagues, which little by little, thin out mankind and kill people. So that is a plague in that sense and a big tragedy. What if the death toll is actually at 5% or more?

People who contact this Coronavirus also suffer immensely and it's not like a regular flu.

If this Coronavirus becomes "Mainstream" and is not contained, people every so often will fall from it, until contained. Tuberculosis, Measles, and other things, are also in that category. Then, the aspect of potential mutation can either make it weaker, or make the virus really bad.

As I also stated personally, I believe the virus wasn't really "Engineered" on purpose. If someone wanted to make a virus, it would be at least a 30 or 50% mortality virus. However, many viruses that come from animals are contained in laboratories, both for research on them, and other purposes. And they are also actively altered in laboratories if not created.

The HIV link connection and controversy with this specific one is really something that requires inspection. The mainstream media dismissed it all as "Conspiracy Theory", and sent endless shills online so that people stop questioning that. Should put a thought in our heads or two as to why, or as to what will happen in the case they push a potent virus out.

The good news is that the enemy has been getting extreme exposure, that the public got a shake, and that people have become increasingly aware of this garbage. The enemy only loses from this, everyone else wins.

In regards to regular, seasonal flu's, these are also yearly evolving, and they can become stronger and stronger by the year. As such, learning to protect one's self and also to improve the immune system, is paramount.

The question or not whether vaccinations are good or bad is a huge debate, and scientists have to be heard on that one, not only random people who believe in anti-vaxxing as some sort of religious cult. Bad vaccines can also be deadly or highly problematic, because they are new. In regards to what is put in vaccines, the problem is anti-vaxxers see this as a religion and people who are scientists on that don't take one question because they feel like they are on the highest moral ground.

Everytime they are questioned they just throw the line "Oh, this doesn't mean that this caused this to you" or something, and they are done. Then the anti-vaxxers take it from there and spread extreme rumors, which to be honest, I sometimes think are REALLY worthwhile for us to look into. Not sure why scientists so emphatically refuse to check into that. Where is the care?

The rushed creation of vaccines, and untested ones, are better to be avoided until they reach a percent of perfection and proven sanity. Wait others out first.

Another interesting fact is that Israel appears not only largely unaffected but they may have instated quarantine instantly, compared to other countries where they put random bullshit over people's public safety.
Children are building immunity. This is why they are all sick. This is science 101, and absolutely normal. Children actually have to get sick in order for their systems to be empowered. It is standard and natural procedure.

Children who are overly protected from this grow up to become extremely sickly.

Lunar Dance 666 said:
So if the disease or all diseases are due to a toxic overload, how do you explain children getting ill?

Children shouldnt be having serious illnesses.
If you follow the aystem of Reckeweg - has a toxicity scheme, children are said to be in 1-2 which is clean/normal and the occasional inflammation or cold.
Then you have 3/4 where more toxins are stored and loss off organ function can be observed.
It is said that people of about age 40 and above are into this category.
Then you have 5 - serious diseases and 6 - chronic diaeases like cancer, artritis etc.

Since the baby is recieving nutrients from the mother it was also said that it could be possible to also pass on some of the toxins to the child (hence no alcohol / drugs advice) most of which was said would go into the eldest.

It was also said that once you're in cat 4, normal reactions like those on the flu may not be observed, or they might make you feel off but you may not have enough strength to carry it to the end thus you wont have a (high) fever or simply not long enough but you may still not feel great after the fever ia down.
HPS Shannon said:
Also, we know that tens of thousands of people die from the flu every year, how many of those people died after taking the vaccine?

Thank You HPS
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
I really don't think it's a hoax. Satan and our Gods have been stating "plague" to me for a long time. Satan Himself even spoke to me at length about future plague and how a lot of people are going to die. This was several years ago. The Gods have elaborated about this to me for years.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

I know exactly that I was shocked when this new virus came out because I truly remember how you warned us in several sermons about plague.

Satan Himself told me a few years ago that "A lot of people are going to die." Both Satan and Lilith told me a plague is coming. Some of you here may have also heard this from Satan or Lilith or from our other Gods.

This is stated in 2018: [url]https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=12110&p=40826&hilit=plague#p40826[/url]
Yes obviously. That was also the argument that on the west side of the wall (cold war era) there were more children that developed allergies as opposed to the east side of the wall..
They gave reasons such as staying inside more and cleaning more/better on the west side..
And this was in a history book for the education system so you never really know the truth with em.

Also, without the knowledge of bacteria and virusses people would still be dying to simple diseases, inflammations, abcesses.
Because hygiëne standards have also went up, the spread is less, less people get sick and die, which is a good thing.

However, some things are simply taken too far nowadays, breaking natural law in unnatural ways, and pushing for life even though people suffer to enlongate their stay, and might be better off dead instead of crippled and suffering.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Children are building immunity. This is why they are all sick. This is science 101, and absolutely normal. Children actually have to get sick in order for their systems to be empowered. It is standard and natural procedure.

Children who are overly protected from this grow up to become extremely sickly.

Lunar Dance 666 said:
So if the disease or all diseases are due to a toxic overload, how do you explain children getting ill?

Children shouldnt be having serious illnesses.
If you follow the aystem of Reckeweg - has a toxicity scheme, children are said to be in 1-2 which is clean/normal and the occasional inflammation or cold.
Then you have 3/4 where more toxins are stored and loss off organ function can be observed.
It is said that people of about age 40 and above are into this category.
Then you have 5 - serious diseases and 6 - chronic diaeases like cancer, artritis etc.

Since the baby is recieving nutrients from the mother it was also said that it could be possible to also pass on some of the toxins to the child (hence no alcohol / drugs advice) most of which was said would go into the eldest.

It was also said that once you're in cat 4, normal reactions like those on the flu may not be observed, or they might make you feel off but you may not have enough strength to carry it to the end thus you wont have a (high) fever or simply not long enough but you may still not feel great after the fever ia down.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Children are building immunity. This is why they are all sick. This is science 101, and absolutely normal. Children actually have to get sick in order for their systems to be empowered. It is standard and natural procedure.

Children who are overly protected from this grow up to become extremely sickly.

Lunar Dance 666 said:

I hope no members take this as any kind of go-ahead to say "Get the novel corona virus, heal, become immune and boom no worries". I've already heard this a couple of times from people in person. There is zero information yet on any possible affects the virus may have had, if any, to those who have recovered.

It's best to not get the virus at all to the best of ones ability.
HPS Shannon said:
More information here on 5G and how they are said to create sickness, a way to alter our genes and inject vaccines into us via electrowaves:


If a vaccine comes out I would wait to see how others respond to it rather than become a guinea pig. And also if it is created by the enemy remember that the jews create the problem and then offer "a solution" that's most likely just more problems in the long run.

Also anyone who plays Plague Inc. knows the effective method for beating the game on hard mode is not only creating a virus & keeping it under the radar, but starting off with high infections and low mortality then increasing its lethality with mutations later on.
HPS Shannon said:
You know HP Maxine, I do remember back in 2013 on the yahoo groups, you did make a sermon from Satan telling everyone that many many people will die in the future because of ingredients coming in from China and that to stay away from Chinese food and ingredients, etc.

I'm wondering if this is it, or related. So is this a plague caught through infection or caught from eating certain tainted foods from China? I do believe details on the nature of such a catastrophe should eventually come out.

Its a bit obscure.

If this entire thing is indeed a virus and not plague bacterium, then it is a mutated and highly engineered one very different from all the other "flu epidemics" the enemy has put out, which could explain the supposed Wuhan lab experiments. You did mention something like "mutated version of whooping cough" years ago.

Strangely, things have been falling into place when it comes to preparing. Our Gods have been helping definitely, in the way of many of us stocking up, learning new survival techniques and so forth. Even a month before this outbreak occurred, our Gods were revealing things to me, like new cooking skills that relate to preserving food. Back in November, I started reading up on these topics out of interest. There's a lot more as well.

There's just too many signs as well as verbal communications from our Gods. Others here experienced the same.

Given the signs and of course the verbal communications from our Gods, I take this real seriously.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


The question or not whether vaccinations are good or bad is a huge debate, and scientists have to be heard on that one, not only random people who believe in anti-vaxxing as some sort of religious cult. Bad vaccines can also be deadly or highly problematic, because they are new. In regards to what is put in vaccines, the problem is anti-vaxxers see this as a religion and people who are scientists on that don't take one question because they feel like they are on the highest moral ground.

Everytime they are questioned they just throw the line "Oh, this doesn't mean that this caused this to you" or something, and they are done. Then the anti-vaxxers take it from there and spread extreme rumors, which to be honest, I sometimes think are REALLY worthwhile for us to look into. Not sure why scientists so emphatically refuse to check into that. Where is the care?

The rushed creation of vaccines, and untested ones, are better to be avoided until they reach a percent of perfection and proven sanity. Wait others out first.

Another interesting fact is that Israel appears not only largely unaffected but they may have instated quarantine instantly, compared to other countries where they put random bullshit over people's public safety.

I am an anti-vaxxer but I am realistic about it because there is too much evidence, lawsuits and such from the dangers of vaccines today. I am am anti-vaxxer in this wolrd dominated by Jewish pseudo "medicine." We need real and true gentile doctors and holistic practitioners.

There are very real dangers in vaccines and dangerous harmful and unneccessary chemicals that cause real issues.
The CDC has been found to be lying and inflating the flu death numbers and admitted that they arent much effective.

I just came out of a cold that kept me indoors for two days. It was the first one in four years, and I can attribute it to my lately nutrient-lacking diet.

Why is your diet lacking in nutrients? It is very easy to make a nutrient complete meal. Do what I do: have frozen protein, frozen veggies, and potatoes, and fry them all up in a pan. Buy in bulk, and then cook it in bulk, and now you have prepped like 3 or 4 meals to eat that are large and full of nutrients. Pan-fried veggies, such as broccoli, taste amazing, compared to steamed, and you can easily scarf down copious amounts. Additionally, kale and spinach, bought as chopped and frozen, can be heated in a pan within minutes, and you can add butter, salt, and pepper, making it taste amazing. Just my advice.

Additionally, for upper respiratory colds, such as that one, and the coronavirus, supplement with zinc, vitamin C, and echinacea, and do so every few hours or so. Vitamin C can be taken in very large doses, and the body uses up the zinc and vitamin C for the immune response, hence why you can supplement it frequently to help fight the infection.

Like HP Maxine wrote in the last announcement, stocking on dry foods is a smart move, but we should also have our fill of fresh meat, dairy and, eggs for as long as we can. Feast then Fast should be the preferred plan. I would gladly fast for three days after eating a carton of eggs and a pound of beef than rely on instant cereal for breakfast, supper, and dinner.

Fresh may be a problem long term. Cheeses may keep longer term, and for meat you may have to salt them or something. You can also vacuum pack meat filets and freeze them. Last, but not least, you can buy dehydrated beef and what not. I wonder about the nutritional content after it has been dehydrated, but it might be better than nothing.

I am a big fan of fasting, like you mention. Fasting is great for bodily repair and fighting infections. Your body is good about retaining most nutrients during a fast, so when you have a need to do it, such as a cold, you can spend a little body fat and knock that cold out super quick. That's what I am doing if I ever get close to these shitty plagues. Just make sure to keep up your electrolytes, salt and potassium. Do so by adding them to a bottle of water and chugging it. Morton Lite salt is a salt product that is half sodium, half potassium.

Anyway, I ranted enough, hope it is useful.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
There's just too many signs as well as verbal communications from our Gods. Others here experienced the same.

Given the signs and of course the verbal communications from our Gods, I take this real seriously.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

I received direct signs too, before this and after, it is real serious.
Anybody have tips on what to do to protect ourselves from 5g? I have a tower going up pretty close to my house.
johnson_akemi said:
This disease outbreak is caused by an infectious virus, not toxic substances or harmful radiation. The complete genome of the Wuhan coronavirus is publicly available.

Wuhan Coronavirus Genome

Wuhan coronavirus infections are confirmed via real time PCR of samples from a suspected infected person. (source: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2001191 ) Infection is confirmed by detection of the coronavirus genetic material.

The pattern of spread of the disease indicates a contagious agent that spreads from person to person, not a static source of illness such as a toxic incinerator or towers releasing harmful radiation. The first illnesses were strongly linked to Huanan seafood market. The disease subsequently spread to people with no links to Huanan seafood market (source: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2001316 ) The number of infections has been growing exponentially because one infected person spreads the disease to multiple healthy people. Infections outside of China are people who had recently traveled to Wuhan or had close contact with an infected person (source: https://bnonews.com/index.php/2020/01/the-latest-coronavirus-cases/ )

HPS Shannon said:
We all know that during these so called flu like epidemics over the course of history going back to the Spanish flu swine flu, etc, 95 percent of those who caught the disease were the ones vaccinated.

The Spanish flu occurred in 1918. The influenza virus was not isolated until 1933. The first influenza vaccines were not developed until the late 1930s.

HPS Shannon said:
and that the body creates viruses and somatids that are naturally cleaners and solvents of the body and they cannot be transferred from humans to animals and vice versa.

Zoonotic (animal to human) transfer of viruses occurs very frequently and is the source of many diseases. Viruses are essentially packets of genetic material in a protein capsule. Viruses mutate very quickly via random errors when copying their genome during replication. These mutations lead to new strains of a virus. Viruses are also capable of reassortment where two viruses infecting the same cell exchange genetic material. The H1N1 swine flu pandemic was the result of a porcine influenza virus reassorting and picking up genetic material that enabled it to cause disease in humans.
(source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4957980/ ) The transfer of viruses is a two-way street and humans can pass viruses to animals. (source https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6069171/ ) .

My mistake, I was referring to something else on that subject. Evidence strongly shows that the Spanish flu wasn't a virus but brought on by a bacteria that cause pneumonia like symptoms. The millions of people dying from it were more than likely because the Jewish company Bayer had prescribed drugs to these people who were sick and those who were healthy and thought they were going to get sick.

There are no isolated viruses. Many virologists know this. Any isolation is through a medium such as cellular tissue, stressed cells, blood, fecal matter, etc and then injected in you like how engineered vaccines are. That is why people who are vaccinated get sick with other diseases like cancer, fever, flu like symptoms (detox and the body trying to expel the foreign and unwanted substance) death and everything in between.



This goes back to what to me also believing that whatever is causing people to get sick is an engineered and mutated form of a sickness possibly found in animals. SARS, Coronavirus, Ebola, Swine Flu, Bird flu and HIV to name a few are all patented.  Natural occurrences such as these do not get patented. Swine flu, for example, was patented before it even broke out in 2009. The circumstances surrounding epidemics and vaccines are disproportionate and the end result being a pushing of vaccinations and fear. Even with the Swine flu outbreak, the CDC inflated and lied about the infection and how it spread and the actual number of cases...

I do not fully believe that these viral epidemics are what they are put out to be and that they are caused by animal to human contact. I believed they are mutated and/or  engineered to be infectious. Looking at so called viral diseases such as HIV, Bayer was caught shipping tainted blood to certain countries under the guise of other drugs. 

Also, another false viral epidemic is that of Polio. There is no such thing as a polio virus at all.


With the Wuhan situation, the evidence is more in favor of this being an engineered virus and if truly from bats, it is unnatural. For example, Bats are "unsanitary" and live in certain unclean conditions and they have numerous viruses. These viruses are unique to them and to help them survive. I do not believe the theory the Chinese caught this just from eating bats and such, as they have been eating bats and other exotic animals for quite sometime. I find it bizarre that a health issue from that would break out of the blue. It makes more sense for this to be an engineered bioweapon-- the communist Chinese are known for their  unnatural experimentation.

Only time will tell, all I am saying is it is a coincidence that with all the increased protests in Wuhan, heavy pollution and recent activation of numerous 5G towersw, I am wondering if it is just a coincidence or linked.

This plague that the gods are mentioning are more than likely artificially created super bug virus, and of course because of the damn enemy. 

HPS Shannon said:
Quote HPS Shannon

Post by HPS Shannon » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:32 pm

Personally i don't agree,

here is some ressources for me to think that vaccine can save lives:

Measles ( source : United State Census Bureau)







Diphteria :


Pertussis :


Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) :


Hepatitis B :


Varicella :


And so on ...

Vaccine not only protect you but those who can't get vaccined ( old people , pregnant women) so they don't get contaminated...
Black5 said:
I would like to mention something on the matter..

While I do not in anyway trust those things they say, and I always triple think everything mentioned by the enemy every where around us, I have to admit that vaccinations in some cases aren’t bad, but on the contrary, life saving.

I come from an extensive medical background, being a medical student myself and a child of doctor parents. My parents are vaccinated every year with the flu vaccine and I actually opted to have it a coupe of years ago.

My experience is that I did feel a bit dizzy after the injection, and I had a sore deltoid muscle for weeks (the muscle pain is usual with intramuscular injections).

However, the flu hasn’t touched me at all, same goes for my parents, who are exposed heavily from patient contact through out the year. Thai resistance has been continuing till today. I live in a country that has closed down its schools for the past weeks due to a flu epidemic.

Historically speaking, medical history I mean, vaccines have been an absolutely life saving and essential technique. BCG vaccine (Tuberculosis), DPT vaccine (Diphtheria Tetanus Pertussis), Measles, Polio etc etc etc..... half of the human race would not make it past the age of 15 without these vaccines. An example would be poor countries who don’t vaccinate or those dumb antivaxxers.

It appears to me too that this new virus is going to be a deadly one. Knowing the biology of this virus and it’s viral family, the secrecy of the jew bolshevik government of China and the extent of the downfall of the enemy in recent years, one could only feel how bad the situation is.

I definitely feel that this is some form of enemy attack. I FEEL how panicked they are, and this is especially since November last year. They are brutal, ugly, EVIL. Never have I thought that such EVIL and HATE can exist.

Well, we’ll show them then......

And if the reports are true that this virus is mixed and morphed with the HIV virus, any hopes of a vaccine are very low.

THIS IS NOT A POST TO SUPPORT ANY IDEA OF VACCINATIONS. Merely my own personal experience.


I disagree with you when you say that half the world wouldnt make it past 15. You meantion polio, tetanus and measles, vaccines arent neccesary. Polio doesnt exist, it was never a virus. Measles and tetanus are remedied and aided with natural cures and a strong constitution.

Just because you and your family get unneccesary and flu shots every year doesnt mean that is why you dont get the flu. Many healthy people dont get the flu shot and still dont get the flu.

The CDC admitted flu shots arent much affective and blows the flu case numbers out of proportion.
Brea said:
Anybody have tips on what to do to protect ourselves from 5g? I have a tower going up pretty close to my house.

I wouldn't say what I say here is 100%, but there are things you can put on the wall, such as a copper covering, that can keep the signals out. With that stated, I am not an EMF expert, and you may need to look into actual scientific EMF insulation.

Be careful as there are many kikes and con artists who promise that it's alternative my ass type of stuff, which doesn't block anything at all.
HPS Shannon said:
Black5 said:

And if the reports are true that this virus is mixed and morphed with the HIV virus, any hopes of a vaccine are very low.

THIS IS NOT A POST TO SUPPORT ANY IDEA OF VACCINATIONS. Merely my own personal experience.


I disagree with you when you say that half the world wouldnt make it past 15. You meantion polio, tetanus and measles, vaccines arent neccesary. Polio doesnt exist, it was never a virus. Measles and tetanus are remedied and aided with natural cures and a strong constitution.

Just because you and your family get unneccesary and flu shots every year doesnt mean that is why you dont get the flu. Many healthy people dont get the flu shot and still dont get the flu.

The CDC admitted flu shots arent much affective and blows the flu case numbers out of proportion.
I only ever got vaxxed as a kid, apparently there’s vaccines that have to be done when you’re a teenager but I believe I never done them(unless I just forgot) I never even got chicken pox. Other than getting some flu 1-2 times a year I don’t have major health problems.
dragon bleu 666 said:
here is some ressources for me to think that vaccine can save lives
Before anything do a deep research about what company is developing a vaccine for a certain virus. If is a pharma corporation linked to Rothschid, Rockefeller, Bill Gates, then you can be sure that they don't give a shit for people's health and they have other interests.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
