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More Information On The Coronavirus

Black5 said:
HPS Shannon said:
Black5 said:
I have strong belief in Modern Medicine. I have seen its miracles before my eyes and that is why I'll always be a proponent. Also, I am oh so very acutely aware of the hebraic influence in the matter.

Let us take for example, HIV. What was a death sentence 25 years ago, now, with modern medicine, HIV positive patients live completely normal life. Even the virus itself becomes completely undetectable and also non transmittable. This is the the type of miracles I talk about. Of course one can talk about prices of medications and so on....... But the fact that it happened is amazing.

I do believe in strongly that had the world never been attacked and humanity was spiritually high, we wouldn't see much of the horrible diseases we see before us today. I do believe in natural remedies strongly. However, sadly in today's world, things are as they are.

When it comes to vaccines, there is such a phenomena known as "Herd Immunity". This is where many people are vaccinated to a certain disease to the point where that disease is heavily suppressed in society, so that many individuals don't need to get vaccinated to not catch the disease. The disease is still there, but because so many are vaccinated, it doesn't affect us.

Also, vaccines come in mainly 2 forms, "Live Attenuated" vaccines and "Killed" vaccine. Difference is pretty clear. Live vaccines shouldn't be taken by anyone who is immunocompromised (weak immunity).

I would strongly advise any parent to keep up the vaccination schedule for their child/children. At least in Europe we have seen extreme improvements. From the things I have witnessed and heard about, better a syringe filled with so called "toxins", than a defenseless, innocent baby dead from a Haemophilus influenzae (bacteria) sepsis (blood poisoning) because the parent has a "feeling" or read an interesting article online. Some diseases ARE PREVENTED by vaccines. This is fact.

I know that the jew has a monopoly over the pharmaceutical industry, but regardless, some great achievements have been reached, thanks to very bright minds.

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!

This discussion was about harmful and clearly unneccessary vaccines and epidemic lies, not about one's belief modern medicine. Obviously modern medicine is needed and important. The links posted on this thread already show why 98 percent of vaccines of today are not needed. Its an enemy agenda. They degenerate.

And the HIV topic needs to be revisited.[/quote

Everyone has a right to his/her own opinion. From many years of experience and seeing the effects of vaccinations first hand, I can tell you that most vaccines mentioned are absolutely necessary for everyone. Especially for health care workers and those working in long term institution. Needlessly to say for children too. What happens without these vaccinations? I think the third world is a good enough example.

My boyfriend has his vaccinations schedule extremely up to date and is doing perfectly fine, health and social wise. In Germany, the health system pays special attention to vaccinations.

Its my very strong opinion that for anyone who has children, to vaccinate them according to their pediatricians schedule. Do not be stupid. Better safe than sorry.

I am also of the opinion that the jew pushes for this anti-vaxxing agenda, especially in White countries, to just wipe out more or of course, make completely preventable disabilities, of the White race. One of the main vaccines being attacked is the MMR (Measles Mumps Rubella). Mumps causes infertility in boys and Rubella causes deformations in fetuses etc............

Again, each to his own.


I understand everyone has a right to their own opinion but like I said, the discussion was on fake viral epidemics and the well known dangers of vaccines. You still dont understand the situation. You think the Jews are part of the anti-vax movement when its well known and obvious that it is used to slowly poison us and or cause death or infertility as a way to thin and dumb down the population.

Thats good you know the importance of modern medicine, but you do not know nearly enough about the dangers and countless cases of people dying and getting sick from vaccines. Like you didnt know that polio wasnt a virus but you mentioned earlier that vaccines for polio are absolutely meeded to save people's lives. Viruses have never been isolated...

Again, I'm not talking about bacterial infections and antibiotic usage...

Also, you say vaccinations are an absolute must in the third world, I'd like to challenge you on that. Please give some examples of vaccines being an absolute must in third world countries (and not for health issues that can be fixed with basic sanitation, proper nutrition and the riddance of poverty.)

Also, tell me why drugs, heavy metals, unidentifiable substances, mercury, animal tissue, substances that disrupt the hormones and cause sterility (as was found in vaccines given to Kenyan women) are in vaccines.

You can keep getting your vaccines from anything under the sun. It will be very interesting to see what you will do when a coronavirus vaccine comes out. May Satam bless you on that. Good luck.
Usthepeople666 said:
HPS Shannon said:
Manofsatan said:
Well HPS Shannon everyone here has to appreciate your efforts and there’s a big twist and logic to what is happening and i think your information should be taken by everyone and added to what is already known. The Gods are always right and it’s our duty to be logical.

So why don’t everyone one start stocking up medications too and avoid the immediate administration of the vaccine. Self medicate and be safe

No one here says trash. The Joy Of Satan is filled with so much talents

Secondly the tactic explained by Shannon should explain why Africa is always the last to experience these and some not at all. Africans have higher immune power, infact common flus have little or no effects without medications so i wonder and see why Shannon could be right.

I dont know about Africans having stronger immune systems. It depends on how healthy the culture is, whatever the race.

Black Africans have also been harmed by vaccines and disease of course...

Greetings HP Shannon
I am sorry in advance if some of what i say here is not up to date or not true as i still have a lot of reading to do.
But all races were created in ways where they could be immortal or what is known as Gods.
All races have been cursed by the enemy by doing things which lower their life force(vril,chi,biolectricity).
All races orginally were very strong . Aryans, blacks, orientals, all satanic races.
That is the reason Each have their own Yoga practices to make the bodies stronger to be able to bear this life force.
This Virus is very real and it threatens the SR.
Vaccines are made to stop the viruses already made by the enemy for feeding of and destroying our life force.
Vaccines are necessary as is modern medicine.
But depending fully on medicines in the sense of being addicted to anti depressants and everything of that sort is harmful.
Indulgence is necessary i feel to understand how much of the things we dont need in life . But people have made indulgence a lifestyle and not following the same makes people appear to the world as crazy or backward.
Lots of diseases have been cured just by increasing your vril. But again raising your vril with mental disorientations only worsens the problem.

Hi. You have not read all of my posts in this thread, if you did, you would not have had the need to write what you did. Its fine, I mean. What Im trying to say is nowhere did I say that it wasnt real. Please read my responses because it seems you misunderstood my point.

I also made my case about the dangers of vaccines and how the enemy lies about viral epidemics.

Anyone here is free to get the coronavirus vaccine. Just think hard about what you are doing. Be safe...
HPS Shannon said:
dragon bleu 666 said:
funding agencies:

You're wrong. Vaccination is a 50+billion dollar industry and Pharma and related corporations make a profit off of it. The CDC and WHO are on board and knows it.
Even other vaccines are proven (tested) to be dangerous.
Above is children vaccines containing Monsato carcinogenic erbicides (glyphosate)
*MMR II (Merk) vaccine had 2.671 parts per billion (ppb) of glyphosate
*DTap Adacel (Sanofi Pasteur) vaccine had 0.123 ppb of glyphosate
*Influenza Fluvirin (Novaris) 0.331 ppb of glyphosate
*HepB Energix-B (Glaxo Smith Kline) 0.325 ppb of glyphosate
*Pneumonoccal Vax Polyvalent Pneumovax 23 (Merk) had 0.107 ppb of glyphosate
HPS Shannon said:
Black5 said:

This discussion was about harmful and clearly unneccessary vaccines and epidemic lies, not about one's belief modern medicine. Obviously modern medicine is needed and important. The links posted on this thread already show why 98 percent of vaccines of today are not needed. Its an enemy agenda. They degenerate.

And the HIV topic needs to be revisited.[/quote

Everyone has a right to his/her own opinion. From many years of experience and seeing the effects of vaccinations first hand, I can tell you that most vaccines mentioned are absolutely necessary for everyone. Especially for health care workers and those working in long term institution. Needlessly to say for children too. What happens without these vaccinations? I think the third world is a good enough example.

My boyfriend has his vaccinations schedule extremely up to date and is doing perfectly fine, health and social wise. In Germany, the health system pays special attention to vaccinations.

Its my very strong opinion that for anyone who has children, to vaccinate them according to their pediatricians schedule. Do not be stupid. Better safe than sorry.

I am also of the opinion that the jew pushes for this anti-vaxxing agenda, especially in White countries, to just wipe out more or of course, make completely preventable disabilities, of the White race. One of the main vaccines being attacked is the MMR (Measles Mumps Rubella). Mumps causes infertility in boys and Rubella causes deformations in fetuses etc............

Again, each to his own.


I understand everyone has a right to their own opinion but like I said, the discussion was on fake viral epidemics and the well known dangers of vaccines. You still dont understand the situation. You think the Jews are part of the anti-vax movement when its well known and obvious that it is used to slowly poison us and or cause death or infertility as a way to thin and dumb down the population.

Thats good you know the importance of modern medicine, but you do not know nearly enough about the dangers and countless cases of people dying and getting sick from vaccines. Like you didnt know that polio wasnt a virus but you mentioned earlier that vaccines for polio are absolutely meeded to save people's lives. Viruses have never been isolated...

Again, I'm not talking about bacterial infections and antibiotic usage...

Also, you say vaccinations are an absolute must in the third world, I'd like to challenge you on that. Please give some examples of vaccines being an absolute must in third world countries (and not for health issues that can be fixed with basic sanitation, proper nutrition and the riddance of poverty.)

Also, tell me why drugs, heavy metals, unidentifiable substances, mercury, animal tissue, substances that disrupt the hormones and cause sterility (as was found in vaccines given to Kenyan women) are in vaccines.

You can keep getting your vaccines from anything under the sun. It will be very interesting to see what you will do when a coronavirus vaccine comes out. May Satam bless you on that. Good luck.

As with every drug used in medicine nowadays, Vaccines have side effects. How these side effects appear is individual. We all have liver enzymes (Cytochrome P450) that break down and metabolise drugs.

Every race has more or less of these enzymes. This explains why a Japanese man needs less general anesthetic before surgery than a German man. Also why certain drugs work more on Whites than Blacks.

That could be why these Kenyans are having problems.

Also, honestly speaking, I haven't the slightest clue what other chemicals are in vaccines. What I do know is that they aren't that bad, otherwise, we would see some serious effects everywhere around us, which isn't the case.

You are right, a lot of third world nations would benefit from cleaner environments, however, as clean as you can get, there will always be Tetanus, Diphtheria, Tuberculosis, E-coli and so on and on. There is even still Plague (Black Death) in the southern USA (New Mexico if I can remember).

I highly doubt they'll make a vaccine for this new Coronavirus, as like HIV, it seems to mutate very quickly. Even if they did, so long as the countries I live in or travel to aren't badly affected, then there is no point for vaccination.

And finally, I know Polio is a real virus, as Polio has been seen under Electron Microscopy. HIV, Rabies, Influenza, Coronavirus, etc etc etc All these viruses have been seen and photographed. Viruses can be cultured, however not like bacteria. Viruses are parasitic so they are cultured on living cells.

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!
IreneSo said:
Hola a todos, soy nueva aquí, he iniciado mi camino en el satanismo, pero quiero hacerlo bien, soy de México, mi familia es una católica pero me importan poco sus creencias, con respeto y amor a Satán les pido su apoyo, quiero hacer esto bien, quiero comenzar deshaciéndome de cualquier clase de creencia que no sea Satán, si alguien puede apoyarme, lo agradecería eternamente. Haré mi ritual de inicio apenas sienta que nuestro Señor Satán me acepta con los brazos abiertos.

Hey there, we're mainly an english forum, though other languages are spoken in respectively to their subforums.
Myself, I do not speak spanish.
But it is not recommended to post your living place, or personal stuff, from what I can understand, it is a brief introduction of those.. and a word that I think means 'eternal'?
But what do you want to know about the Ritual to Satan for New Satanists?
(Like I said I don't speak spanish and didn't put anything through a translating program)
Its a little concerning to see High Priests/Priestesses disagree on certain things. I know they're not suppose to all think the same and there's no mediators and all that, but still.

I'm hesitant to ask, but why can't HPs get a more detailed answer from the gods about things, especially like this? I get that the Gods are busy but it sounds like even the HPs have a limited relation with them. My goal this year is to establish clear communication with my Guardian and the Gods, which is a big reason why I ask.
HPS Shannon said:
Usthepeople666 said:
HPS Shannon said:
I dont know about Africans having stronger immune systems. It depends on how healthy the culture is, whatever the race.

Black Africans have also been harmed by vaccines and disease of course...

Greetings HP Shannon
I am sorry in advance if some of what i say here is not up to date or not true as i still have a lot of reading to do.
But all races were created in ways where they could be immortal or what is known as Gods.
All races have been cursed by the enemy by doing things which lower their life force(vril,chi,biolectricity).
All races orginally were very strong . Aryans, blacks, orientals, all satanic races.
That is the reason Each have their own Yoga practices to make the bodies stronger to be able to bear this life force.
This Virus is very real and it threatens the SR.
Vaccines are made to stop the viruses already made by the enemy for feeding of and destroying our life force.
Vaccines are necessary as is modern medicine.
But depending fully on medicines in the sense of being addicted to anti depressants and everything of that sort is harmful.
Indulgence is necessary i feel to understand how much of the things we dont need in life . But people have made indulgence a lifestyle and not following the same makes people appear to the world as crazy or backward.
Lots of diseases have been cured just by increasing your vril. But again raising your vril with mental disorientations only worsens the problem.

Hi. You have not read all of my posts in this thread, if you did, you would not have had the need to write what you did. Its fine, I mean. What Im trying to say is nowhere did I say that it wasnt real. Please read my responses because it seems you misunderstood my point.

I also made my case about the dangers of vaccines and how the enemy lies about viral epidemics.

Anyone here is free to get the coronavirus vaccine. Just think hard about what you are doing. Be safe...
Thank you :)
Kind of rushed out
txg said:
inject vaccines into us via electrowaves

a vaccine carrying microbes couldnt be carried through carrier waves it physically impossible, also it would be bizarre and pointless. and if it were true, it would be the healthiest known way to deliver a vaccine.

interesting theory but im not sold

When technology gets advanced enough the physically impossible becomes possible. The Source Field Investigations mentions an experiment where an exact replica of dna is recreated by beaming a laser through water with dna into another container with just water in it so who knows exactly what is possible.
Grimryper7 said:
I get that the Gods are busy but it sounds like even the HPs have a limited relation with them.

You need to understand differently what a relation is and also what are our own responsibilities and what means to live your own life with your own consciousness and to take and be a role to the others.
Maybe that's all you need to know, if necessary be very content that individually you will receive the guidance, and most of the time by unseen means.

If there are differences between HP's it is amazing, diference is necessary to all things, even in truth. But think the difference as a perspective not as a contrary. Everything that the HP's say is justified on a lot of foundational truth so different outcomes are for different purposes and times of concepts.
Grimryper7 said:
Its a little concerning to see High Priests/Priestesses disagree on certain things. I know they're not suppose to all think the same and there's no mediators and all that, but still.

I'm hesitant to ask, but why can't HPs get a more detailed answer from the gods about things, especially like this? I get that the Gods are busy but it sounds like even the HPs have a limited relation with them. My goal this year is to establish clear communication with my Guardian and the Gods, which is a big reason why I ask.


Where does it show that any of the clergy are disagreeing on thia subject matter?
You have to understand that we clergy are still open to error, or have our own opinions and more or less limites information on the situation. I never disagreed with HP Maxine on the plague situation and just because I have my own take on it doesnt mean that I am disagreeing.

Even though the gods mention plague, we know and can see that so far all these viral infections epidemics were lied about, conflated or artificially created.

So understand that even the clergy doesnt have ALL of the details and I like to think for myself and put two and two together without having to rely on the gods every time.

My stance on the situation is this is more than likely an artificially created situation mixed with scare tactics.

You dont need to get concerned over minor things when no one has the complete full detail,and if they do, then they do not want to or cannot share it.

The gods are the ones you can be 100 percent sure on to rely on if you really feel concerned because some clergy have very minor disageements...
Grimryper7 said:
Its a little concerning to see High Priests/Priestesses disagree on certain things. I know they're not suppose to all think the same and there's no mediators and all that, but still.

I'm hesitant to ask, but why can't HPs get a more detailed answer from the gods about things, especially like this? I get that the Gods are busy but it sounds like even the HPs have a limited relation with them. My goal this year is to establish clear communication with my Guardian and the Gods, which is a big reason why I ask.

You understand that there are ranging levels of ability, development, years, experiences, knowledge, and other things between everyone? That aside, there are other differences. Not everyone is also a HP based on the same grounds.

To name one difference here, where one lives also affects this question of the Coronavirus being a danger etc. The interdependence between China and US is not the same as the interdependence between some other country and China.

If China goes down the drain, those living in the US [again, not everyone, but many people, it is all up to chance after this] may experience issues.

The Gods have communicated to me about plague also, and this is why I have elaborated on the reasons why on many posts. There will be more than that in the future, rest reassured. The reasons why are explained and well known to many medical personnel worldwide also, who live their life expecting and combatting the phenomenon.

Communication takes place on the level of consciousness of receivers, their knowledge etc. It's not like it's someone giving us telephone conference calls. The perspective level of advancement, and other matters, are always related to this.
AsianStar said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
I really don't think it's a hoax. Satan and our Gods have been stating "plague" to me for a long time. Satan Himself even spoke to me at length about future plague and how a lot of people are going to die. This was several years ago. The Gods have elaborated about this to me for years.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Perhaps the plague the Gods are warning us about is about the one that will come after the coronavirus? Because something in me believes what some people are saying which is that coronavirus is just the enemy testing people's preparedness.

There will be a lot of plagues and this is not a hoax. It is absolutely real, and it is way worse than SARS in 2003. It happened, and it brought China to it's knees. It is also not even close to being done yet. Ebola was another similar plague, but the media buzz died off because the fear started mount too high, so they stopped the news but the issues still remain. Ebola exists somewhere and it's not unlikely to resurface, and it hasn't been defeated.

It's scientifically proven beyond any doubt that said plagues not only do exist, and will continue, but they are on danger of formulating on their own in nature at any given time. Then, any of these can be engineered.

I also personally know and have been communicated to about the above, and I related the reasons how on posts made. How we will fare through globally, it will be seen as we go. What is a fact that all these and more alien diseases do actually exist and others appear frequently.

Other major plague that is coming, is what will emerge if humanity does not quickly find new antibiotics for new strains of micro-organisms, since, promiscuity, lack of hygiene, and other things, have made many present day anti-biotics useless for newer evolving strains. People in some cases are given war level anti-biotics and infections do still survive or are barely killed. If this is not found in time, huge plagues are going to emerge. Scientists give this anywhere from 10 to 20 years, and this is not a joke.

The Syphilis epidemic came randomly in Europe from what researches assume was just a few promiscuous people who just fucked around somewhere in some Latin country. Then one goes to a brothel if they don't care, and so it begins.

People who think these are "hoaxes" need to get their heads out of their asses and go visit a hospital or talk to some experts. Much of this is also silent and in the background, since it doesn't have a big death toll.

China is very greedy and races to become world power, and they aren't going to self destruct over a mere "Hoax". They have been covering this for months now, ignoring the victims, not giving advice to people, and pretending they had no clue what happened. Until people started dropping dead on the street and infections started bringing hospitals to their knees. They also put out fake broscience for people to brush it off, and that drinking garlic water and other similar shit will defeat the "Seasonal flu", and tried to prolong the closing until it reached inner city epidemic status.

Only after the situation became probably grave, they gave warnings and told people. But by then it was too late so they had to quarantine and close numerous towns and routes.
nakedhill said:
You need to understand differently what a relation is and also what are our own responsibilities and what means to live your own life with your own consciousness and to take and be a role to the others.
Maybe that's all you need to know, if necessary be very content that individually you will receive the guidance, and most of the time by unseen means.
Yeah I often think about what a relation with the Gods would be like, and I have so much to learn and I want too. And I definitely believe that I've experienced guidance by unseen means.
nakedhill said:
If there are differences between HP's it is amazing, diference is necessary to all things, even in truth. But think the difference as a perspective not as a contrary. Everything that the HP's say is justified on a lot of foundational truth so different outcomes are for different purposes and times of concepts.
I accept their differences. But sometimes I guess I slip into a sheeplike mindset and worry when they have differing opinions, not knowing who to trust and rely on, when I should rely on my self.
HPS Shannon said:

Where does it show that any of the clergy are disagreeing on thia subject matter?
You have to understand that we clergy are still open to error, or have our own opinions and more or less limites information on the situation. I never disagreed with HP Maxine on the plague situation and just because I have my own take on it doesnt mean that I am disagreeing.

Even though the gods mention plague, we know and can see that so far all these viral infections epidemics were lied about, conflated or artificially created.

So understand that even the clergy doesnt have ALL of the details and I like to think for myself and put two and two together without having to rely on the gods every time.

My stance on the situation is this is more than likely an artificially created situation mixed with scare tactics.

You dont need to get concerned over minor things when no one has the complete full detail,and if they do, then they do not want to or cannot share it.

The gods are the ones you can be 100 percent sure on to rely on if you really feel concerned because some clergy have very minor disageements...
I meant differing opinions. I guess sometimes the reality that I've put so much belief into what you HP's say, who'm I've never met and perhaps never will, is a little worrying sometimes. And if it was all a lie I would be totally lost. I'm still at the stage where sometimes I don't know who I can trust, and sometimes I feel like I'm being tricked. So when little inconsistencies appear to me, I flash back to when I learned what christianity truly was and the truth of the state of this world, the jews ect. It was like everything I knew was a lie and worse. It was kind of traumatic seeing the truth the way I did. I was hesatent to ask, but I had to and I appreciate your response.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You understand that there are ranging levels of ability, development, years, experiences, knowledge, and other things between everyone? That aside, there are other differences. Not everyone is also a HP based on the same grounds.

To name one difference here, where one lives also affects this question of the Coronavirus being a danger etc. The interdependence between China and US is not the same as the interdependence between some other country and China.

If China goes down the drain, those living in the US [again, not everyone, but many people, it is all up to chance after this] may experience issues.

The Gods have communicated to me about plague also, and this is why I have elaborated on the reasons why on many posts. There will be more than that in the future, rest reassured. The reasons why are explained and well known to many medical personnel worldwide also, who live their life expecting and combatting the phenomenon.
I imagined such when it comes to ranging levels of ability and all that. But still like I stated above, I have doubts being at the level i'm at right now and its a struggle sometimes. I see a minor contradiction or something and my mind starts to rethink everything and try to disprove everything I've learned for the sake of truth.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Communication takes place on the level of consciousness of receivers, their knowledge etc. It's not like it's someone giving us telephone conference calls. The perspective level of advancement, and other matters, are always related to this.
This is interesting, I kind of brushed passed this when I thought about it on my own before.
Sometimes I wonder why cant it be like a phone call or something :)
Hopefully this year I will find out on my own.
Anyways thanks for your response.
Grimryper7 said:
Its a little concerning to see High Priests/Priestesses disagree on certain things. I know they're not suppose to all think the same and there's no mediators and all that, but still.

I'm hesitant to ask, but why can't HPs get a more detailed answer from the gods about things, especially like this? I get that the Gods are busy but it sounds like even the HPs have a limited relation with them. My goal this year is to establish clear communication with my Guardian and the Gods, which is a big reason why I ask.

The gods communicate everything but its the level of understanding and reading that one does to understand the information.
My GD often used terms i didn'teven know were words . This happens when you are open. And i kept bothering her :p
They can always lead you to where you can get the knowledge and develop your understanding about it.
On top of that without the rtrs their messages do get mistaken or altered sometimes.
HPs study a lot. It takes hours and hours of study to come to a conclusion and give it words that everyone here is able to understand.
They are attacked a lot as is everyone here.
Not everyone specialises in all fields. It is about the interest one naturally has as time in a day is limited and it is always better to read something which you have a better grasp on .
Hail Satan
Black5 said:
HPS Shannon said:
Black5 said:
This discussion was about harmful and clearly unneccessary vaccines and epidemic lies, not about one's belief modern medicine. Obviously modern medicine is needed and important. The links posted on this thread already show why 98 percent of vaccines of today are not needed. Its an enemy agenda. They degenerate.

And the HIV topic needs to be revisited.[/quote

Everyone has a right to his/her own opinion. From many years of experience and seeing the effects of vaccinations first hand, I can tell you that most vaccines mentioned are absolutely necessary for everyone. Especially for health care workers and those working in long term institution. Needlessly to say for children too. What happens without these vaccinations? I think the third world is a good enough example.

My boyfriend has his vaccinations schedule extremely up to date and is doing perfectly fine, health and social wise. In Germany, the health system pays special attention to vaccinations.

Its my very strong opinion that for anyone who has children, to vaccinate them according to their pediatricians schedule. Do not be stupid. Better safe than sorry.

I am also of the opinion that the jew pushes for this anti-vaxxing agenda, especially in White countries, to just wipe out more or of course, make completely preventable disabilities, of the White race. One of the main vaccines being attacked is the MMR (Measles Mumps Rubella). Mumps causes infertility in boys and Rubella causes deformations in fetuses etc............

Again, each to his own.


I understand everyone has a right to their own opinion but like I said, the discussion was on fake viral epidemics and the well known dangers of vaccines. You still dont understand the situation. You think the Jews are part of the anti-vax movement when its well known and obvious that it is used to slowly poison us and or cause death or infertility as a way to thin and dumb down the population.

Thats good you know the importance of modern medicine, but you do not know nearly enough about the dangers and countless cases of people dying and getting sick from vaccines. Like you didnt know that polio wasnt a virus but you mentioned earlier that vaccines for polio are absolutely meeded to save people's lives. Viruses have never been isolated...

Again, I'm not talking about bacterial infections and antibiotic usage...

Also, you say vaccinations are an absolute must in the third world, I'd like to challenge you on that. Please give some examples of vaccines being an absolute must in third world countries (and not for health issues that can be fixed with basic sanitation, proper nutrition and the riddance of poverty.)

Also, tell me why drugs, heavy metals, unidentifiable substances, mercury, animal tissue, substances that disrupt the hormones and cause sterility (as was found in vaccines given to Kenyan women) are in vaccines.

You can keep getting your vaccines from anything under the sun. It will be very interesting to see what you will do when a coronavirus vaccine comes out. May Satam bless you on that. Good luck.

As with every drug used in medicine nowadays, Vaccines have side effects. How these side effects appear is individual. We all have liver enzymes (Cytochrome P450) that break down and metabolise drugs.

Every race has more or less of these enzymes. This explains why a Japanese man needs less general anesthetic before surgery than a German man. Also why certain drugs work more on Whites than Blacks.

That could be why these Kenyans are having problems.

Also, honestly speaking, I haven't the slightest clue what other chemicals are in vaccines. What I do know is that they aren't that bad, otherwise, we would see some serious effects everywhere around us, which isn't the case.

You are right, a lot of third world nations would benefit from cleaner environments, however, as clean as you can get, there will always be Tetanus, Diphtheria, Tuberculosis, E-coli and so on and on. There is even still Plague (Black Death) in the southern USA (New Mexico if I can remember).

I highly doubt they'll make a vaccine for this new Coronavirus, as like HIV, it seems to mutate very quickly. Even if they did, so long as the countries I live in or travel to aren't badly affected, then there is no point for vaccination.

And finally, I know Polio is a real virus, as Polio has been seen under Electron Microscopy. HIV, Rabies, Influenza, Coronavirus, etc etc etc All these viruses have been seen and photographed. Viruses can be cultured, however not like bacteria. Viruses are parasitic so they are cultured on living cells.

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!

I was busy yesterday so couldnt respond. There are a couple things that you still dont seem to understand.

I was going to send some links but decided not to. We all have our thoughts on the situation, and I wont sit here trying to change your mind. The information is on this thread and everyone here can get to their own conclusions. Just be safe
The Alchemist7 said:
HPS Shannon said:
dragon bleu 666 said:
funding agencies:

You're wrong. Vaccination is a 50+billion dollar industry and Pharma and related corporations make a profit off of it. The CDC and WHO are on board and knows it.
Even other vaccines are proven (tested) to be dangerous.
Above is children vaccines containing Monsato carcinogenic erbicides (glyphosate)
*MMR II (Merk) vaccine had 2.671 parts per billion (ppb) of glyphosate
*DTap Adacel (Sanofi Pasteur) vaccine had 0.123 ppb of glyphosate
*Influenza Fluvirin (Novaris) 0.331 ppb of glyphosate
*HepB Energix-B (Glaxo Smith Kline) 0.325 ppb of glyphosate
*Pneumonoccal Vax Polyvalent Pneumovax 23 (Merk) had 0.107 ppb of glyphosate
Glyphosphate is Roundup Weed Killer. The same weedkiller that just lost a lawsuit for hundreds of millions of dollars because it causes like 100 different kinds of cancer. So what is the official excuse for injecting all the babies with the most dangerous weed killer ever invented? Glyphosphate also directly attacks the brain cells and causes brain damage, even the smallest trace level of glyphosphate in the [parts per billion] level amounts is enough to cause bad brain damage. This is where the idea comes from that says vaccines cause autism, because the glyphosphate does cause mental damage. Which may affect different children in a more or less drastic magnitude. And the rates of childhood mental illnesses goes up drastically every year.

Vaccines are also filled with silver nitrate, which causes blindness. The only thing it does is cause blindness. Around 20 years ago, they highly increased the amount of silver nitrate they put in each vaccine, and at the same time (((cohen-cidentally))) the rate of children needing glasses went up exponentially. They inject all these young children with chemical that causes blindness, and now something like 70% of young children need glasses. And glasses industry makes hundreds of billions of dollars every year, and there's only a small handful of glasses companies who are getting all that money.

Also the Vitamin K vaccine that they inject into babies the moment they are born. It is classified as a vitamin not a vaccine so they are allowed to inject it the moment they are born, unlike those classified as vaccines where they need to wait a few weeks. The Vitamin K vaccine has a main ingredient that is derived from the peanut plant, in addition to all the poisons and garbage in there. So the infant baby so small you can fit it in your hand, gets flooded with all these harsh and dangerous chemicals and poisons, and it's immune system sees the peanut ingredient in there. So they build up all these immune reactions and antibodies against peanut and they recognize peanut as that same poison that hurt them when they were a baby, and this creates the peanut allergy. When they started doing this is the same time when so many children started being allergic to peanuts.

These vaccines cause:
Drastically weakened immune system.
Weakened eyes, mild blindness, dependence on glasses.
Mental illness, or exacerbation of pre-existing mental illness.
And peanut allergy.

And the rates of all 4 of these things go up higher and higher in children every single year.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
These vaccines cause:
Drastically weakened immune system.
Weakened eyes, mild blindness, dependence on glasses.
Mental illness, or exacerbation of pre-existing mental illness.
And peanut allergy.

And the rates of all 4 of these things go up higher and higher in children every single year.
Very good information. Also the propaganda about vaccines is so extreme that most people would consider one a brainwashed primitive monkey if he refuses any vaccines, while these "normal" people have no idea of what is inside these vaccines and they accept them with no question, apprently the doctors who administrate them have no idea neither.
The Alchemist7 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
These vaccines cause:
Drastically weakened immune system.
Weakened eyes, mild blindness, dependence on glasses.
Mental illness, or exacerbation of pre-existing mental illness.
And peanut allergy.

And the rates of all 4 of these things go up higher and higher in children every single year.
Very good information. Also the propaganda about vaccines is so extreme that most people would consider one a brainwashed primitive monkey if he refuses any vaccines, while these "normal" people have no idea of what is inside these vaccines and they accept them with no question, apprently the doctors who administrate them have no idea neither.
My friend has a daughter, and when she was born the doctor was talking about her needing to get all the vaccines, so he asked the doctor what would happen if he did not agree to let them do it, because he knows how dangerous they are. The doctor said that if he refuses to let them do the vaccines on the baby, the doctor would legally be forced report him as being a bad parent and not taking good care of his daughter and the government might take her away. So he had to let them do the vaccines to his baby, and just hope and pray that it wouldn't cause any harm, when he knows what is in them and how dangerous they are. Such a horrible situation, there is no way to do the right thing. So much more of a problem than most people ever realize. And all of this is built into the law in the US, the doctor would be legally forced to report him if we didn't let it happen. I hope she isn't developing any of those problems as she grows up, but who knows, most children do and it all comes from the vaccines.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The Alchemist7 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
These vaccines cause:
Drastically weakened immune system.
Weakened eyes, mild blindness, dependence on glasses.
Mental illness, or exacerbation of pre-existing mental illness.
And peanut allergy.

And the rates of all 4 of these things go up higher and higher in children every single year.
Very good information. Also the propaganda about vaccines is so extreme that most people would consider one a brainwashed primitive monkey if he refuses any vaccines, while these "normal" people have no idea of what is inside these vaccines and they accept them with no question, apprently the doctors who administrate them have no idea neither.
My friend has a daughter, and when she was born the doctor was talking about her needing to get all the vaccines, so he asked the doctor what would happen if he did not agree to let them do it, because he knows how dangerous they are. The doctor said that if he refuses to let them do the vaccines on the baby, the doctor would legally be forced report him as being a bad parent and not taking good care of his daughter and the government might take her away. So he had to let them do the vaccines to his baby, and just hope and pray that it wouldn't cause any harm, when he knows what is in them and how dangerous they are. Such a horrible situation, there is no way to do the right thing. So much more of a problem than most people ever realize. And all of this is built into the law in the US, the doctor would be legally forced to report him if we didn't let it happen. I hope she isn't developing any of those problems as she grows up, but who knows, most children do and it all comes from the vaccines.
For SS parents that are forced to vacinate their Kids, use a lot of protection, cleaning and healing spells on them. This should be done from the moment they are born.
luis said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The Alchemist7 said:
Very good information. Also the propaganda about vaccines is so extreme that most people would consider one a brainwashed primitive monkey if he refuses any vaccines, while these "normal" people have no idea of what is inside these vaccines and they accept them with no question, apprently the doctors who administrate them have no idea neither.
My friend has a daughter, and when she was born the doctor was talking about her needing to get all the vaccines, so he asked the doctor what would happen if he did not agree to let them do it, because he knows how dangerous they are. The doctor said that if he refuses to let them do the vaccines on the baby, the doctor would legally be forced report him as being a bad parent and not taking good care of his daughter and the government might take her away. So he had to let them do the vaccines to his baby, and just hope and pray that it wouldn't cause any harm, when he knows what is in them and how dangerous they are. Such a horrible situation, there is no way to do the right thing. So much more of a problem than most people ever realize. And all of this is built into the law in the US, the doctor would be legally forced to report him if we didn't let it happen. I hope she isn't developing any of those problems as she grows up, but who knows, most children do and it all comes from the vaccines.
For SS parents that are forced to vacinate their Kids, use a lot of protection, cleaning and healing spells on them. This should be done from the moment they are born.

Yes and if one has no choice but to get their child vaccinated, take the proper precautions with supplements to heal the child's brain and nervous system and to safely transport the toxins out of the body.
HPS Shannon said:
Yes and if one has no choice but to get their child vaccinated, take the proper precautions with supplements to heal the child's brain and nervous system and to safely transport the toxins out of the body.
What should those supplements be? What should he do? I'll tell him about it. He is dedicated, but he doesn't read this website very often. And he doesn't have much money to spend on it.
HPS Shannon said:
Yes and if one has no choice but to get their child vaccinated, take the proper precautions with supplements to heal the child's brain and nervous system and to safely transport the toxins out of the body.
Which are these suplements? Or they depend on the type of vaccine? Also probably everybody who gets vaccinated will need to take such supplements in order to reduce any risk.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HPS Shannon said:
Yes and if one has no choice but to get their child vaccinated, take the proper precautions with supplements to heal the child's brain and nervous system and to safely transport the toxins out of the body.
What should those supplements be? What should he do? I'll tell him about it. He is dedicated, but he doesn't read this website very often. And he doesn't have much money to spend on it.
Does he at least meditate and do the F-Rtr? If yes at least he could do protection/cleaning and healing spells.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HPS Shannon said:
Yes and if one has no choice but to get their child vaccinated, take the proper precautions with supplements to heal the child's brain and nervous system and to safely transport the toxins out of the body.
What should those supplements be? What should he do? I'll tell him about it. He is dedicated, but he doesn't read this website very often. And he doesn't have much money to spend on it.
Does he at least meditate and do the F-Rtr? If yes at least he could do protection/cleaning and healing spells.
HPS Shannon said:
luis said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
My friend has a daughter, and when she was born the doctor was talking about her needing to get all the vaccines, so he asked the doctor what would happen if he did not agree to let them do it, because he knows how dangerous they are. The doctor said that if he refuses to let them do the vaccines on the baby, the doctor would legally be forced report him as being a bad parent and not taking good care of his daughter and the government might take her away. So he had to let them do the vaccines to his baby, and just hope and pray that it wouldn't cause any harm, when he knows what is in them and how dangerous they are. Such a horrible situation, there is no way to do the right thing. So much more of a problem than most people ever realize. And all of this is built into the law in the US, the doctor would be legally forced to report him if we didn't let it happen. I hope she isn't developing any of those problems as she grows up, but who knows, most children do and it all comes from the vaccines.
For SS parents that are forced to vacinate their Kids, use a lot of protection, cleaning and healing spells on them. This should be done from the moment they are born.

Yes and if one has no choice but to get their child vaccinated, take the proper precautions with supplements to heal the child's brain and nervous system and to safely transport the toxins out of the body.

I'll make a small post about negating the effects of vaccination in the health forum today.

Sorry for the late response.
Department of Defense: The military has mass quarantine camps set up in the U.S.

HPS Shannon said:

Dear HPS Shannon, I need to take my time in reading all your links and the posts from others (it'll take up some time), but I fully agree on the vaccines being completely harmful of course. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to do the math, observe facts happening, talk to parents of dead children and inform ourselves. Some of the already deadly stuff included (like Mercury as the main heavy metal included in ALL vaccines and completely unneeded/damaging for our body and especially the brain) are also listed in the information sheet CONTAINED IN THE VACCINE BOX. I encourage any pro-vaxxer here to ask their doctor to give them the paper and read it all before accepting a vaccine in their bloodstream (and brain). That alone should easily convince anyone vaccines are, simply put, poison.

To be completely honest about the Coronavirus, (I'm an Italian living overseas and keep in touch with family, friends and watch the Italian news) I see how this may be a huge scare tactic with no real biological threat to pose a real danger. There's people that are dying, yes.. but not from Coronavirus: there is a martial state right now in a lot of the Italian territory that prevents people from living the house for any reason, so many could not stock up enough food and died of starvation (this, the news will not mention). The shops are closing down not to be reopened until at least the month after and people with no food reserve just can't get enough. Also, human contact has been "prohibited" (1/2 meters apart, no hugs or kisses, yada yada yada) so people tend not to help each other at all or share unless their are strictly family and choose to (wisely) ignore these foolish "safety protocols".

My guess is that the plague we will face does not come (yet) from the infected people (especially while everyone is under lockdown like this) but from the ginormous amount of people who will have been terrified enough being spoonfed scary information for too much (death tolls in primis) and will go for the vaccine right away, ENSURING they get sick and eventually die (unless they have a strong immune system.. but pro-vaxxers tend to already have been severely weakened, so there's not much of a possibility for these people to have a strong and effective immune system).

BTW, I'm talking from the point of view of a completely unvaccinated person. I got the diseases all kids in school are SUPPOSED to get and didn't bat an eye through any of them, it was just good to get some days off school. I'm super healthy and I can't even remember last time I was sick for at least the past 20 years. Barely even a cold, and I chop wood in winter with only a T-shirt on. I'm physically stronger than most even if I'm apparently thin and small. I "know" I'm never getting Coronavirus or any kind of sickness, if that makes sense to you or anyone else here.

As for the nanotechnology being the carrier of vaccines through electrowaves, I'm not familiar with this topic much but I wouldn't exclude it at all. There's a LOT of technology we don't know about that the damn jews have kept hidden for too long (over just the past century there's been more technological advancement than in the last millennia, so I'm not surprised if something that would sound "fictional" to most were to be 100% true), but I strongly believe in the power of our bioelectricity being even ready (when trained enough) to face something like that, and turning the body immune to even nanotechnological attacks.

In conclusion, thank you for your opinion (which to me has been a fact for so long already) and sharing your knowledge, especially after I read posts which I felt as an attack to you personally for sharing what you know.
In fact, we should all take precautionary measures
Protect yourself and your family with everything you have with meditation and demons, as well as money and tools
Speaking of children building immunity. I think some people (adults too) who get really sick like with the flu, which when I first moved to florida, I ended up getting sick with the flu or at least with something really bad, I was sick for a month and I didn't even go to the doctor, I recovered. During that time I had a horrible time breathing, fever, it was bad. I also recall one other incident a few years ago when I was homeless I got sick really bad and ended up with whooping cough, no doctor but recovered. So I realize looking back on all of this, my immunity probably built because I been doing pretty good since last year, and want to keep it that way, with being healthy and that sort of thing. My point in this, I think those of us who have gotten sick tend to build immunity.
HPS Shannon said:
 I'd like to know what all of you think about this situation. Of course you all can come to your own conclusion but do share your thoughts.

I have been doing research these past days and what I am seeing about this coronavirus situation is that it is at the least, partly a hoax and that it is part of a bigger agenda which is to administer deadly and harmful vaccines that will harm our health, DNA as well as cause diseases that will mimic being infected with the coronavirus. Death is also a huge side effect.

We all know that during these so called flu like epidemics over the course of history going back to the Spanish flu swine flu, etc, 95 percent of those who caught the disease were the ones vaccinated.

The Bill Gates foundation already has a patent on this "virus". As you may know, Bill Gates is a big forerunner of the depopulation agenda and is linked to harmful vaccines that have been tested in places like Africa and such and they have been found to cause infertility and other issues. There is a huge amount of information on this online. This Coronavirus scheme was already planned. The corporations such as Pirbright and Inovia are working for a vaccine and are the ones financed and "in bed" with the Gates foundation. Gates is also linked to Ebola.

This all corresponds to the Jewish Georgia Guidestones...

We also know that the swine flu, for example was also fabricated and blown out of proportion, and such was the case with the other epidemics.

In this event, we all should be doing what we can to stock up on essentials and such but when this entire thing broke out, I always had the feeling that the economic consequences and a supposed vaccine for this will be far more grave as I see many Chinese gentiles dying regardless of what the main cause is thus effecting the economy. Hopefully not too bad and longterm.

If a "vaccine" comes out within the next couple of months, DO NOT take it.

There is information from alternative news and medical practitioners that have always said that this isn't a virus situation at all--that flu like symptoms occur normally in humans with a toxin overload, and that the body creates viruses and somatids that are naturally cleaners and solvents of the body and they cannot be transferred from humans to animals and vice versa.

This natural phenomenon is being capitalized off of and people are being fed drugs and vaccines for nothing, but that is something I'll get into another time when I know a bit more but what I do know is this-- since I have been eating clean and natural I have never ever had a cold or flu or anything for many YEARS which makes me fully believe this information. It makes sense to me as I also never have caught a cold or flu even when near those "infected". 

The body's health and terrain is everything. Not the microbe. A strong immune system, gut and body protects against disease.

Many medical practitioners have also put up valuable information solidifying the case of false virus infection. Who knows... but it makes sense. There is a book called "Goodbye Germ Theory" that also covers this. "The Private Sciences of Louis Pasteur" also goes into the false virus hype notion...

 About China, according to some articles and videos I have reviewed, the situation with China, Wuhan to be exact, is from the recent 5G activated stations and  heavy pollution that has been happening in Wuhan, and that the people were getting out of hand and rebelling. There have been protests against 5G and on the incinerators being built that is heavily polluting the air, water and animals nearby. This has been causing respiratory disease and flu like symptoms for a while in the people. Because China is so restrictive of information, we all can't be too sure of what is exactly happening.

Its being suggested that instead, the communist party is using the virus agenda as a way to lock down, control and shut up the people and collectives in Wuhan and the rest of China. People are being shut in, without food supplies and ways to travel and with this, people are suffering and dying. I also read that they are trying to use this "crisis" to bring about martial law and restrict more of our freedoms in the western world. 

They are also saying that the 5G waves from the hundreds of 5G towers activated a couple months ago in Wuhan have caused this increase in sickness and that they are using the electrowaves to causes disease and weaken the people.

I think that whatever the case, many Chinese gentiles will die and this will effect the economy. However, at this point I am not concerned about this coronoavirus or catching anything because from what I am seeing, its not what it is made out to be.

More information here on 5G and how they are said to create sickness, a way to alter our genes and inject vaccines into us via electrowaves:


Also, here is a video that goes into why the coronavirus is a hoax to scare and control the populace. Please watch all of it. The important part starts at 106:00


There is a lot of information out there and whether this thing was bioengineered, or doesn't really exist much at all but to be a scare tactic, all I know is that if vaccines are being administered, I would stay away from them completely as that is the real danger as it would contain the real killer.

Please tell me, what are we supposed to do if these vaccines are enforced? For example if a job requires it. Maybe it would get to the point of some grocers not allowing you to purchase. It is easy for me to say I won't take a vaccine, but realistically speaking. What if they come to my home and try to force me? Do we just go down?
BrightMorningStar said:
HPS Shannon said:
 I'd like to know what all of you think about this situation. Of course you all can come to your own conclusion but do share your thoughts.

I have been doing research these past days and what I am seeing about this coronavirus situation is that it is at the least, partly a hoax and that it is part of a bigger agenda which is to administer deadly and harmful vaccines that will harm our health, DNA as well as cause diseases that will mimic being infected with the coronavirus. Death is also a huge side effect.

We all know that during these so called flu like epidemics over the course of history going back to the Spanish flu swine flu, etc, 95 percent of those who caught the disease were the ones vaccinated.

The Bill Gates foundation already has a patent on this "virus". As you may know, Bill Gates is a big forerunner of the depopulation agenda and is linked to harmful vaccines that have been tested in places like Africa and such and they have been found to cause infertility and other issues. There is a huge amount of information on this online. This Coronavirus scheme was already planned. The corporations such as Pirbright and Inovia are working for a vaccine and are the ones financed and "in bed" with the Gates foundation. Gates is also linked to Ebola.

This all corresponds to the Jewish Georgia Guidestones...

We also know that the swine flu, for example was also fabricated and blown out of proportion, and such was the case with the other epidemics.

In this event, we all should be doing what we can to stock up on essentials and such but when this entire thing broke out, I always had the feeling that the economic consequences and a supposed vaccine for this will be far more grave as I see many Chinese gentiles dying regardless of what the main cause is thus effecting the economy. Hopefully not too bad and longterm.

If a "vaccine" comes out within the next couple of months, DO NOT take it.

There is information from alternative news and medical practitioners that have always said that this isn't a virus situation at all--that flu like symptoms occur normally in humans with a toxin overload, and that the body creates viruses and somatids that are naturally cleaners and solvents of the body and they cannot be transferred from humans to animals and vice versa.

This natural phenomenon is being capitalized off of and people are being fed drugs and vaccines for nothing, but that is something I'll get into another time when I know a bit more but what I do know is this-- since I have been eating clean and natural I have never ever had a cold or flu or anything for many YEARS which makes me fully believe this information. It makes sense to me as I also never have caught a cold or flu even when near those "infected". 

The body's health and terrain is everything. Not the microbe. A strong immune system, gut and body protects against disease.

Many medical practitioners have also put up valuable information solidifying the case of false virus infection. Who knows... but it makes sense. There is a book called "Goodbye Germ Theory" that also covers this. "The Private Sciences of Louis Pasteur" also goes into the false virus hype notion...

 About China, according to some articles and videos I have reviewed, the situation with China, Wuhan to be exact, is from the recent 5G activated stations and  heavy pollution that has been happening in Wuhan, and that the people were getting out of hand and rebelling. There have been protests against 5G and on the incinerators being built that is heavily polluting the air, water and animals nearby. This has been causing respiratory disease and flu like symptoms for a while in the people. Because China is so restrictive of information, we all can't be too sure of what is exactly happening.

Its being suggested that instead, the communist party is using the virus agenda as a way to lock down, control and shut up the people and collectives in Wuhan and the rest of China. People are being shut in, without food supplies and ways to travel and with this, people are suffering and dying. I also read that they are trying to use this "crisis" to bring about martial law and restrict more of our freedoms in the western world. 

They are also saying that the 5G waves from the hundreds of 5G towers activated a couple months ago in Wuhan have caused this increase in sickness and that they are using the electrowaves to causes disease and weaken the people.

I think that whatever the case, many Chinese gentiles will die and this will effect the economy. However, at this point I am not concerned about this coronoavirus or catching anything because from what I am seeing, its not what it is made out to be.

More information here on 5G and how they are said to create sickness, a way to alter our genes and inject vaccines into us via electrowaves:


Also, here is a video that goes into why the coronavirus is a hoax to scare and control the populace. Please watch all of it. The important part starts at 106:00


There is a lot of information out there and whether this thing was bioengineered, or doesn't really exist much at all but to be a scare tactic, all I know is that if vaccines are being administered, I would stay away from them completely as that is the real danger as it would contain the real killer.

Please tell me, what are we supposed to do if these vaccines are enforced? For example if a job requires it. Maybe it would get to the point of some grocers not allowing you to purchase. It is easy for me to say I won't take a vaccine, but realistically speaking. What if they come to my home and try to force me? Do we just go down?

I rarher die before taking the vaccine. There will be bloodshed and war as it will be mandated and millions of people will not accept it.

I dont know what will happen but the gods told me that is their goal months ago. They are working to help us with that but well see.

This vaccine will contain something in it that will react with our genes and be used as a tracking that will hook us up to the AI they are working on..

Yes, I do believe they will make it mandatory to have if you wont to work, travel, go to stores, etc.

Its going to be bad. Just keep working on yourself and stock up on food, essentials.

Be well.
HPS Shannon said:
BrightMorningStar said:
HPS Shannon said:
 I'd like to know what all of you think about this situation. Of course you all can come to your own conclusion but do share your thoughts.

I have been doing research these past days and what I am seeing about this coronavirus situation is that it is at the least, partly a hoax and that it is part of a bigger agenda which is to administer deadly and harmful vaccines that will harm our health, DNA as well as cause diseases that will mimic being infected with the coronavirus. Death is also a huge side effect.

We all know that during these so called flu like epidemics over the course of history going back to the Spanish flu swine flu, etc, 95 percent of those who caught the disease were the ones vaccinated.

The Bill Gates foundation already has a patent on this "virus". As you may know, Bill Gates is a big forerunner of the depopulation agenda and is linked to harmful vaccines that have been tested in places like Africa and such and they have been found to cause infertility and other issues. There is a huge amount of information on this online. This Coronavirus scheme was already planned. The corporations such as Pirbright and Inovia are working for a vaccine and are the ones financed and "in bed" with the Gates foundation. Gates is also linked to Ebola.

This all corresponds to the Jewish Georgia Guidestones...

We also know that the swine flu, for example was also fabricated and blown out of proportion, and such was the case with the other epidemics.

In this event, we all should be doing what we can to stock up on essentials and such but when this entire thing broke out, I always had the feeling that the economic consequences and a supposed vaccine for this will be far more grave as I see many Chinese gentiles dying regardless of what the main cause is thus effecting the economy. Hopefully not too bad and longterm.

If a "vaccine" comes out within the next couple of months, DO NOT take it.

There is information from alternative news and medical practitioners that have always said that this isn't a virus situation at all--that flu like symptoms occur normally in humans with a toxin overload, and that the body creates viruses and somatids that are naturally cleaners and solvents of the body and they cannot be transferred from humans to animals and vice versa.

This natural phenomenon is being capitalized off of and people are being fed drugs and vaccines for nothing, but that is something I'll get into another time when I know a bit more but what I do know is this-- since I have been eating clean and natural I have never ever had a cold or flu or anything for many YEARS which makes me fully believe this information. It makes sense to me as I also never have caught a cold or flu even when near those "infected". 

The body's health and terrain is everything. Not the microbe. A strong immune system, gut and body protects against disease.

Many medical practitioners have also put up valuable information solidifying the case of false virus infection. Who knows... but it makes sense. There is a book called "Goodbye Germ Theory" that also covers this. "The Private Sciences of Louis Pasteur" also goes into the false virus hype notion...

 About China, according to some articles and videos I have reviewed, the situation with China, Wuhan to be exact, is from the recent 5G activated stations and  heavy pollution that has been happening in Wuhan, and that the people were getting out of hand and rebelling. There have been protests against 5G and on the incinerators being built that is heavily polluting the air, water and animals nearby. This has been causing respiratory disease and flu like symptoms for a while in the people. Because China is so restrictive of information, we all can't be too sure of what is exactly happening.

Its being suggested that instead, the communist party is using the virus agenda as a way to lock down, control and shut up the people and collectives in Wuhan and the rest of China. People are being shut in, without food supplies and ways to travel and with this, people are suffering and dying. I also read that they are trying to use this "crisis" to bring about martial law and restrict more of our freedoms in the western world. 

They are also saying that the 5G waves from the hundreds of 5G towers activated a couple months ago in Wuhan have caused this increase in sickness and that they are using the electrowaves to causes disease and weaken the people.

I think that whatever the case, many Chinese gentiles will die and this will effect the economy. However, at this point I am not concerned about this coronoavirus or catching anything because from what I am seeing, its not what it is made out to be.

More information here on 5G and how they are said to create sickness, a way to alter our genes and inject vaccines into us via electrowaves:


Also, here is a video that goes into why the coronavirus is a hoax to scare and control the populace. Please watch all of it. The important part starts at 106:00


There is a lot of information out there and whether this thing was bioengineered, or doesn't really exist much at all but to be a scare tactic, all I know is that if vaccines are being administered, I would stay away from them completely as that is the real danger as it would contain the real killer.

Please tell me, what are we supposed to do if these vaccines are enforced? For example if a job requires it. Maybe it would get to the point of some grocers not allowing you to purchase. It is easy for me to say I won't take a vaccine, but realistically speaking. What if they come to my home and try to force me? Do we just go down?

I rarher die before taking the vaccine. There will be bloodshed and war as it will be mandated and millions of people will not accept it.

I dont know what will happen but the gods told me that is their goal months ago. They are working to help us with that but well see.

This vaccine will contain something in it that will react with our genes and be used as a tracking that will hook us up to the AI they are working on..

Yes, I do believe they will make it mandatory to have if you wont to work, travel, go to stores, etc.

Its going to be bad. Just keep working on yourself and stock up on food, essentials.

Be well.

Thanks for responding sister. I had a feeling in my gut, soul or as intuition that told me they were using nanoBot technology in this vaccine and maybe connect it to some virtual AI globalization using 5g. Also the use of facial recognition and China's social credit score is ingredients for their plan to destroy humanity, to destroy Satans children. I believe by you speaking of the AI they are working on helps confirm my beliefs. I don't have direct contact with the Gods but I believe you do, and you forsee the same future. Also, when I started seeing Bill Gates talk about that shit I knew it was part of their agenda. I won't put energy into believing they will force that shit, especially in America. This is a bit off topic but I have heard xians saying this is the mark of the beast. I try to tell them the only reason the buyBull stories are taking place is because THEY WROTE IT!! And the fact that they believe it is predestined makes people more compliant. Ugh, it's infuriating. Anyway, all I can say is I am getting fit physically. I think a hands on war is coming and I will be prepared. Everyone that knows Satan's truth will survive! Stand strong.
Hi HPS Shannon, can you please advise on what to do if one of us is joining the military and they make you take the vaccine? Please advise, this is a huge concern for me. One of my sons is going to be joining the navy.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
