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Serpent/Kundalini Question that's driving me crazy, please help this fool.


Active member
Feb 1, 2020
Alright, I postponed this long enough. Gotta ask.

HOW do I know if my Serpent has risen or not??

I'm reading for the millionth time the JoS webpage describing chakras and the three knots/granthi, how the knots (either in the 2nd, 5th or 7th chakras have a blockage if there is a burning sensation in one of the immediately lower chakras).

I don't know if anyone really could have a blocked sexual chakra as it sounds to me kinda unbelievable, and I'm pretty sure I never felt any discomfort or burning in the heart chakra.
As a matter of fact I feel pretty much nothing, least of all discomfort.
I know that the crown chakra when activated (with MAUM) can feel like bliss, and I'm also pretty sure I would have known if I felt something similar.

Best I've ever felt in that area was a light, almost electric, pressure.

So I'm wondering: is there a way to know FOR SURE if someone's raised the Serpent in a past life perhaps?

I read over and over how some people who had just got into Spiritual Satanism and did the training as HP Maxine teaches have 'risen their serpent in under two years'.
I've been doing this for nearly twenty years now, so I'm either a complete idiot who can't do it right or (since I had some rather obvious successes with magick, especially in the healing department) I may have risen the serpent in a past life, forgot all about it and think that I have never done meditation before.

(Almost wish I could do some healing on a Ministry member just to see what they say, if I royally suck or whatever the case is.)

Thanks for the help, I hope someone can give me a straighter answer, or a hint in unblocking myself if I'm still not that good.

(Already tried to use sexual energy and the Elements, Fire included, to unlock all the chakras. Didn't even flinch. Anything else I can do at this point??)
First of all, those who say that they've raised it in 2 years are delusional retards and it's for that reason that you don't hear about them here, we are serious and honest people in this forum.
If you really are asking if you're risen it means you're not, being risen is equal to being incredibly advance, and when I mean incredibly I don't mean someone who doubts hisself or has even the slight doubt about himself. Someone who has a risen kundalini is something else, someone who has a super consciousness that is unachieveble without being very advanced. As a rule of thumb, if someone tells you they are risen, they most likely aren't and they're just delusional and/or ego seeking.
There are good sermons on the Kundalini in Satan's Library, you might want to check them out.
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Alright, I postponed this long enough. Gotta ask.

HOW do I know if my Serpent has risen or not??

I'm reading for the millionth time the JoS webpage describing chakras and the three knots/granthi, how the knots (either in the 2nd, 5th or 7th chakras have a blockage if there is a burning sensation in one of the immediately lower chakras).

I don't know if anyone really could have a blocked sexual chakra as it sounds to me kinda unbelievable, and I'm pretty sure I never felt any discomfort or burning in the heart chakra.
As a matter of fact I feel pretty much nothing, least of all discomfort.
I know that the crown chakra when activated (with MAUM) can feel like bliss, and I'm also pretty sure I would have known if I felt something similar.

Best I've ever felt in that area was a light, almost electric, pressure.

So I'm wondering: is there a way to know FOR SURE if someone's raised the Serpent in a past life perhaps?

I read over and over how some people who had just got into Spiritual Satanism and did the training as HP Maxine teaches have 'risen their serpent in under two years'.
I've been doing this for nearly twenty years now, so I'm either a complete idiot who can't do it right or (since I had some rather obvious successes with magick, especially in the healing department) I may have risen the serpent in a past life, forgot all about it and think that I have never done meditation before.

(Almost wish I could do some healing on a Ministry member just to see what they say, if I royally suck or whatever the case is.)

Thanks for the help, I hope someone can give me a straighter answer, or a hint in unblocking myself if I'm still not that good.

(Already tried to use sexual energy and the Elements, Fire included, to unlock all the chakras. Didn't even flinch. Anything else I can do at this point??)

Ask yourself.

Well it's not really asking but... more like 'looking'. If I want to find out something about myself I stop, quieten my mind, close my eyes and look 'inward' into my soul. Whatever you're wondering about regarding your soul, you turn your attention to it and you get this 'knowing' response. I did this to tell if a chakra I was working to open was open yet so that I could know when to move onto the next. I do it a lot in general to find out where a negative link on my soul might be, if a chakra is dirty or weakened and needs to be cleaned and empowered, how my elemental balance is doing, how my overall power levels are doing after workings and if I need to refuel, etc.

It's using intuition, your soul is the closest thing to you anything will ever get on the astral so the response is almost immediate and very easy to obtain granted you're advanced and open enough to sense, 'see'/'feel' the answer and are familiar with sensing energy responses. Looking into myself trying to look at my kundalini and what it's state is I immediately feel it at the base of my chakra and 'see' that it's not risen yet, all of it's energy is at my base, I feel it and I 'see' it.

Try doing the same with yourself, the longer you objectively look into yourself the more clear and obvious the answer will be. Don't expect anything or try to force an answer, you have to be passive and nonchalant about it; It's hard to explain how this is done exactly because I started doing it naturally on my own a few years ago, I don't know of any particular 'technique' or method, I just do it.

I think having a good third-eye/upper chakras helps as these relate to higher states of mind and perception as well as intuition.
Aquarius said:
If you really are asking if you're risen it means you're not, being risen is equal to being incredibly advance, and when I mean incredibly I don't mean someone who doubts hisself or has even the slight doubt about himself.

Makes perfect sense to me, I guess "if you have you know it, and if you don't then you don't know if you have it" is a good rule to go with. I have no idea how powerful Kundalini feels.
As for the ones who supposedly raised it in two years, I read that somewhere from HP Maxine's pages so I thought.. Wow, wtf have I been doing all this time?
Ghost in the Machine said:
Ask yourself.

Well it's not really asking but... more like 'looking'. If I want to find out something about myself I stop, quieten my mind, close my eyes and look 'inward' into my soul.

I think I know what you mean, I've done something similar (I didn't get it by myself, it was kinda suggested to me in the same period I read about Miyamoto's "looking within versus looking outside"). I don't know if we can call it a version of Void meditation but it works, or worked in a small percentage of the times used. Don't know if you do the same but it's about the only this that allows me to enter a trance state I can call trance.

I'll try this method the way you explained it, thanks Brother.
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Aquarius said:
If you really are asking if you're risen it means you're not, being risen is equal to being incredibly advance, and when I mean incredibly I don't mean someone who doubts hisself or has even the slight doubt about himself.

Makes perfect sense to me, I guess "if you have you know it, and if you don't then you don't know if you have it" is a good rule to go with. I have no idea how powerful Kundalini feels.
As for the ones who supposedly raised it in two years, I read that somewhere from HP Maxine's pages so I thought.. Wow, wtf have I been doing all this time?
Maxine never wrote that, she wrote about an ex hp doing that but the guy was delusional and on drugs, he never did raise his kundalini.
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
You will know if you have raised it, and if you had raised it in a previous life the this would manifest in all sorts of ways such has having very extensive knowledge of this past life, lots of extraordinary talents, insight, power, and so on.
Shael said:
You will know if you have raised it, and if you had raised it in a previous life the this would manifest in all sorts of ways such has having very extensive knowledge of this past life, lots of extraordinary talents, insight, power, and so on.

That's exactly why I'm wondering. I've already done things most people consider advanced and very time consuming when learning, yet it's hard for me to feel any energy, even strong ones. Knowing this, I questioned whether or not I MIGHT have raised the serpent maybe in a number of lifetimes ago and simply don't remember, simply considering all that I am normality. I don't think I have raised anything by more doubts in myself to be honest, I know I have some skills but everything I should be able to discern is just so damn difficult. Starting with my insensitivity with energy (which HAS improved since I started asking about in this forum... especially with Elements).

Guess you're right though, when I will raise it I'll probably know right away.
Aquarius said:
Makes perfect sense to me, I guess "if you have you know it, and if you don't then you don't know if you have it" is a good rule to go with. I have no idea how powerful Kundalini feels.
As for the ones who supposedly raised it in two years, I read that somewhere from HP Maxine's pages so I thought.. Wow, wtf have I been doing all this time?
Maxine never wrote that, she wrote about an ex hp doing that but the guy was delusional and on drugs, he never did raise his kundalini.

Pretty sure I read it lately, I have no idea what HP she referred to.. I know of one that left us in a bad way, a couple who I read from or about and that people now say were delusional. I'll share it if I find the page again, I read so much lately trying to find something I've been missing or ignoring in time, and you know the JoS is a HUGE website. No idea who the amazing "under two year Kundalini" people might be. It did sound way too good to me either, so I just assumed they'd be already pretty evolved from other lives, who knows. Sure it would be great if two years was all that's needed, our work would accomplish so much more.
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Aquarius said:
Makes perfect sense to me, I guess "if you have you know it, and if you don't then you don't know if you have it" is a good rule to go with. I have no idea how powerful Kundalini feels.
As for the ones who supposedly raised it in two years, I read that somewhere from HP Maxine's pages so I thought.. Wow, wtf have I been doing all this time?
Maxine never wrote that, she wrote about an ex hp doing that but the guy was delusional and on drugs, he never did raise his kundalini.

Pretty sure I read it lately, I have no idea what HP she referred to.. I know of one that left us in a bad way, a couple who I read from or about and that people now say were delusional. I'll share it if I find the page again, I read so much lately trying to find something I've been missing or ignoring in time, and you know the JoS is a HUGE website. No idea who the amazing "under two year Kundalini" people might be. It did sound way too good to me either, so I just assumed they'd be already pretty evolved from other lives, who knows. Sure it would be great if two years was all that's needed, our work would accomplish so much more.
Yes, I know, it's here https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Serpent_Yoga_Info.html
She is referring to the ex hp and another guy called kai shit who was as delusional and a fucker like the hp guy.
Even if you were risen in a past life, you still have to rise again in this life. Sometimes, depending on where you’re at, growth can take lifetimes. Patience, it’s not a competition and just enjoy the ride :cool: something that helped me understand a lot is past life regression. If you can get yourself into a real trance and do this to yourself, you will know if you were risen in a past life. You’ll be able to remember what it felt like, more than likely, the further you get with regression. At first you may have fuzzy memories or memories with lack of sensations. I’ve seen this happen a few times. People sometimes report feeling drowsy at first. Not everyone though. But I don’t believe that it’s drastically important to know whether or not you were risen in a past life, what matters is the present. It doesn’t change where you’re at now, so don’t let that knowledge or lack thereof hold you back from working on yourself.
The situation with kundalini awakening is that its actually a very long process of cleaning, empowering and doing certain practices to try to ascend it. It can take years and even decades as HPMageson notes. Your situation as you describe doesn't seem like any kind of awakening to me. Your first priority should be cleaning and empowering your soul continuously. Your purpose should be to be so open that you can communicate freely with your guardian daemon. Then he/she could correctly guide you further. This is a serious transformation to undergo. This shit is no joke. You have to be ready and you need to know what you're doing. People who raise the kundalini generally end up in mental hospitals because their soul is not ready and powerful enough to sustain and be transformed by the kundalini energy rising, and it fries the neurons. You need guidance and your goal should be to first attain that guidance. Kundalini comes later.
Aquarius said:
Sundara said:
Jack said:
I guess these where the people I had read about, yes. The first one I remember well, he had a website on how to develop kinesises type of powers and was very rude generally. The other I read about and his 'writings' which promises a faster way to godhood but failed to deliver.

So far I failed to use trance states efficiently, other than in some very rare occasions, but because I am seemingly working better and getting to feel energy and summon visions, I think I might use this new.. whatever this new skill is to try again with all that didn't work so far, including past life regression. Thanks for the tip.

I read about people raising Kundalini (some even by mistake or unknowingly) finding out first hand how painful and discomforting this can be. To be completely honest, I usually am lead to believe that I have a stronger soul that most but that I have not enough control, so I fail to notice things and such, but right now, as of late (perhaps because I am talking to people in this forum, some of the most spiritually powerful people in the world in my opinion) I feel average and inadequate.

And I ready for Kundalini? I just discovered that I have been made dizzy and uncomfortable by elemental energy (I almost never even felt it before this year), so I imagine Kundalini would be causing some serious shit going on.

You're right, I need to focus on my development more and getting much more friendly with my guardian Demon first. Kundalini, for now, is probably more than I can deal with.
Why are you that worried about it? It rises when it rises, and time means absolutely nothing in these practices.

Just be patient, and work on yourself and it'll happen before you know it. I will not say when, because I don't know.
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
So far I failed to use trance states efficiently, other than in some very rare occasions, but because I am seemingly working better and getting to feel energy and summon visions, I think I might use this new.. whatever this new skill is to try again with all that didn't work so far, including past life regression. Thanks for the tip.

Did you ever try the Dhyani Mudra?

"10. Dhyani Mudra

If your mind is overreactive, this mudra can help tame it down. Also used when you are doing trance work, as this can assist in this endeavor."


Fuchs said:
Did you ever try the Dhyani Mudra?

I've seen this before in many statues, of Buddha, even of Shiva, but since I didn't get much out of mudras when doing the chakra awakenings (not that I felt the rest of it did much to me all those times anyway) I ended up thinking they weren't something I should dedicate too much attention, felt more of a distraction as HP Maxine explains. Especially since I never felt anything in the Third Eye mudra where she says there's an energy channel that will be obvious to more advanced people, I tried over and over but never got that buzz.

This one, I just tried it and somehow it suggests peace. Union with the universe, in a way. Maybe it helps project the energy from the solar chakra, since that's where I think the hands join? A better link to everything else?

Thanks for pointing that out, I'm gonna try this. I'm using Air Element a lot right now and I'm aware it can make one overthink (not that I don't already overthink things very often) but I'm working on developing better control of my mind and this will turn up useful I think. Much appreciated, Brother/Sister Fuchs.
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Fuchs said:
Did you ever try the Dhyani Mudra?

I've seen this before in many statues, of Buddha, even of Shiva, but since I didn't get much out of mudras when doing the chakra awakenings (not that I felt the rest of it did much to me all those times anyway) I ended up thinking they weren't something I should dedicate too much attention, felt more of a distraction as HP Maxine explains. Especially since I never felt anything in the Third Eye mudra where she says there's an energy channel that will be obvious to more advanced people, I tried over and over but never got that buzz.

This one, I just tried it and somehow it suggests peace. Union with the universe, in a way. Maybe it helps project the energy from the solar chakra, since that's where I think the hands join? A better link to everything else?

Thanks for pointing that out, I'm gonna try this. I'm using Air Element a lot right now and I'm aware it can make one overthink (not that I don't already overthink things very often) but I'm working on developing better control of my mind and this will turn up useful I think. Much appreciated, Brother/Sister Fuchs.

You´re welcome, no I don´t have more info then the link and the other link (on the link) there on the bottom. You could ask in a new topic about it maybe someone else has further info. (I still have no answer on my question there ... will maybe also do a extra topic)

About the Air element, you can also use Ether if you want to balance your soul. It will transform into the element you miss.

Greetings Fuchs
Fuchs said:
I still have no answer on my question there ... will maybe also do a extra topic)

About the Air element, you can also use Ether if you want to balance your soul. It will transform into the element you miss.

Greetings Fuchs

Didn't think of the Ether as something that could transform into the lacking Element.. great advice, thanks!

What was your question? Got a link to another topic? I tried searching in your posts but it's crazy to look for something on this phone.


Proud to be a Gentile!
This was a cool read and maybe it can prove helpful

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Fuchs said:
I still have no answer on my question there ... will maybe also do a extra topic)

About the Air element, you can also use Ether if you want to balance your soul. It will transform into the element you miss.

Greetings Fuchs

Didn't think of the Ether as something that could transform into the lacking Element.. great advice, thanks!

What was your question? Got a link to another topic? I tried searching in your posts but it's crazy to look for something on this phone.


Proud to be a Gentile!

Again welcome ;).
Did rethink about your question more info about the Dhyani Mudra.

I think a good position is when the thumbs are on the navel hight level. Like in the following Falung Gong video:

From the topic:
Falun Gong


My question was: What does happen if one does the 3. The Pran Mudra combined with the 6. Kubera Mudra, the Mudra of Wealth? (its the same as all mudras for satanama combined done at the same time)

3. The Pran Mudra

6. Kubera Mudra

Fuchs said:
My question was: What does happen if one does the 3. The Pran Mudra combined with the 6. Kubera Mudra, the Mudra of Wealth?

I tried this Dhyani Mudra the other day and tried to Void meditate while sitting to see if I managed to calm my mind and slow down thoughts. Fell asleep. :lol: Before that thought, I did feel a better inner peace. I'm thinking this Mudra helps in externating something that bothers the meditator and provides more peace (much like I find the RTR removes jewish constant curse and so helps in feeling energy, being more open, etc).
The position of the hands with the thumbs touching at the navel level makes me think the "hole" formed by the hands encircles the sexual chakra (thought it'd be the third initially) and I have a hunch it has something to do with personal issues of sexual nature.

As for your question, I'm no expert but I've generally got a better feeling when using both hands for the same Mudra (in the chakra awakening explanations some mudras can't be even performed without two hands), so I'm guessing their effect would be lowered by limiting the energy flow using only one hand. Also, this Kubera mudra from that topic you linked states "Better done with both hands at the same time", so I'd go for that over one handed mudras. If you use half of each in my opinion you'd only get half the correct energy flow+purpose (as you'd have to split your focus on both purposes.. raising your energy and wealth), while you'd get 100% the effect expected (assuming your performance is overall epic of course) for each time you use double handed Mudras.

Again, don't know how well this would apply to reality, it's how I feel this would happen and my concern would be the limited result. Whenever I try to split my focus to cover more ground I realize I'm actually distracting myself from both the things I'm trying to do, losing power. Hope that at least partially answers your question. :)
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Fuchs said:
My question was: What does happen if one does the 3. The Pran Mudra combined with the 6. Kubera Mudra, the Mudra of Wealth?

I tried this Dhyani Mudra the other day and tried to Void meditate while sitting to see if I managed to calm my mind and slow down thoughts. Fell asleep. :lol: Before that thought, I did feel a better inner peace. I'm thinking this Mudra helps in externating something that bothers the meditator and provides more peace (much like I find the RTR removes jewish constant curse and so helps in feeling energy, being more open, etc).
The position of the hands with the thumbs touching at the navel level makes me think the "hole" formed by the hands encircles the sexual chakra (thought it'd be the third initially) and I have a hunch it has something to do with personal issues of sexual nature.

As for your question, I'm no expert but I've generally got a better feeling when using both hands for the same Mudra (in the chakra awakening explanations some mudras can't be even performed without two hands), so I'm guessing their effect would be lowered by limiting the energy flow using only one hand. Also, this Kubera mudra from that topic you linked states "Better done with both hands at the same time", so I'd go for that over one handed mudras. If you use half of each in my opinion you'd only get half the correct energy flow+purpose (as you'd have to split your focus on both purposes.. raising your energy and wealth), while you'd get 100% the effect expected (assuming your performance is overall epic of course) for each time you use double handed Mudras.

Again, don't know how well this would apply to reality, it's how I feel this would happen and my concern would be the limited result. Whenever I try to split my focus to cover more ground I realize I'm actually distracting myself from both the things I'm trying to do, losing power. Hope that at least partially answers your question. :)

I did not mean to use one hand The Pran Mudra and the other one the Kubera Mudra. I did think of on every hand all fingers touch the thumb. Its like doing the two mudras at the same time.

For the rtr one should benefit if one hand has the fist mudra instead of doing nothing. at least as far as I feel it.

The position is from the falun gong video. it´s used there to empover the falun wich should establish after some time doing the falun gong exercises.

Thanks for your answer so far.
Fuchs said:
I did not mean to use one hand The Pran Mudra and the other one the Kubera Mudra. I did think of on every hand all fingers touch the thumb. Its like doing the two mudras at the same time.

For the rtr one should benefit if one hand has the fist mudra instead of doing nothing. at least as far as I feel it.

The position is from the falun gong video. it´s used there to empover the falun wich should establish after some time doing the falun gong exercises.

Thanks for your answer so far.

Got it now. So you mean actually merging the two mudras into one without switching fingers. I would say I don't think it's a bad idea practically, just that "if the mudras were made like that it probably means the 'raising' and the 'wealth' were supposed to be used in more purer form, not mixed". But that is was theory suggests me. One of the good things in meditation is that we can experiment as much as we like, as long as we feel we're going somewhere. Did you try this already? Tried three RTRs, the first with one mudra, the second with the other, the third with both? Did you notice any differences?

I'd say, give it a shot and see what you feel like. The Final RTR is so powerful even I can feel its energy, even after it (so I use it to meditate and twice, so far, I met our Gods), so I assume you'll definitely feel something from this, good enough to tell what works for you or not. Try linking the hand chakras with the shoulder chakras prior to doing the RTR in order to estaliblish a better/fresh energy link. I find my arms get colder when I forget to use hand chakras for too long, but that's just me.

Hope that answers your question better.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
