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Astral Projection Experience 12 years ago That FREAKED me OUT


New member
Nov 9, 2024
In 2012, I had an Astral Projection experience that made me stay away from it until just recently when I got interested in it again. I was eager to be able to astral project, so I did daily meditations. Occasionally, I felt the buzzing sensations and practiced breathing exercises to reach a trance-like state, which I got pretty good at.

To help me astral project, I also listened to nighttime hypnosis audio by Steve G. Jones, a hypnotherapist, who would hypnotize you as you went to sleep. I did this every night for three weeks until one night, I woke up around 3 a.m. with an intense crackling noise and electric buzzing sound inside my crown chakra. The next thing I noticed was that it felt like a huge magnet was pulling me out of my body through my crown chakra. Feeling this, I was really excited to finally experience astral projection, to explore the world outside my body, and maybe even another dimension.

But as I was being pulled out of my body (that’s what it felt like), I started hearing what Christians would call “demonic” voices speaking in a language I couldn’t understand. All I knew was that I had to get out, fast, because if I kept going, I felt I was headed for something bad. As I continued being pulled out and hearing the voices, I sensed the presence of at least five or six beings around me, almost as if I were being ritually summoned somewhere. In that instant, I managed to use my willpower to pull myself back, jolted awake out of the trance, and thought, “Okay, that’s enough; I’m never doing that again.”

This experience has stayed with me 12 years later, and I’m still not sure what to make of it. Were these reptilian or grey entities trying to block my spiritual progress, or was it something else? If anyone has had a similar experience or has any ideas about what this could have been, I’d love to hear them.
It sounds to me like what you experienced was as a result of previous negative mental programmings. Fear is a powerful thing, and it can manifest in these ways if we have subconscious hangups towards something.

Enemy "religions" extensively attack spiritual practices like Astral Projection, telling all sorts of ridiculous lies about it being dangerous. All in an effort to prevent people from growing spiritually. They essentially are trying to frighten people away from their own advancement. Hollywood has pushed this agenda endlessly as well, with stupid movies like "Insidious" (pile of jewish garbage) and others, that have ingrained in peoples minds and created an intense subconscious fear of these spiritual practies that in truth, are actually really beautiful.

My initial thoughts is that as you started to experience the "exit symptoms", it triggered these subconscious programmings and fear set in, resulting in this negative experience. Astral Projection is also very profound, and it can come as a bit of a shock the first time it actually starts to work for you.

I would advise you to keep Meditating, and work slowly towards freeing your mind from such subconscious hangups. As you progress, these sorts of enemy lies wont be able to affect you.

I also want to add here - be very careful what "hypnosis" videos you make use of. You don't know what kind of hidden messages they actually contain or what the real intention behind them is, and this also could contribute to negative experiences. Who knows, maybe the person who created them imbedded something not so positive in them. I don't know that person from a bar of soap, to be honest. But I still would be very cautious putting my subconscious mind in the hands of someone else. I think I remember High Priestess Maxine mentioning something about this once, and she urged NEVER to allow anyone to hypnotise you.

Of course, it could also be as a reult of enemy entities / psychic attack. Just make sure you are keeping up your Aura of protection as well as Aura cleansing.

I hope this helps.

Hail Satan!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
