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Satanic Symbology Explanation Needed


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Zoroastrism is jewish bullshit, it just precedes xianity. No Satan isn't an angel. And he doesn't necessarily wear white all the time lol
You believe that those colours and symbols are evil because your mind is still plagued by xianity, xians would say the same stuff you would say, there's nothing evil about colours, and the goat is a sacred animal to Satan. You should actually start reading the website instead of getting stopped by your mind on these matters.
Philips said:
If satanism is a good thing, why in the joy of Satan website you have this inverted pentagram with the Satan goat and the black background? Isn't Satan a beautiful angel who wears white? This goat symbol looks like one of the most evil symbols to me.

I'm not a christian actually I believe the God of the bible is the actual devil. I sympathize with Zoroastrism.

The color black is symbolic for the transformation of the soul to a higher state. That´s the reason sometimes Satan is reffered as the "Dark Lord". The pentagram the 5 peaks represent the 5 elements. Fire, water, earth , air , ether. Point down means the raised powers are used for development, point upwards is called pentacle the energy is used outwards non invards for development.

"The Point Down Pentagram symbolizes energy entering our crown chakra from above. The Satanic Lightning Bolt symbolizes Satan as our True Creator God. The lightning bolt is the life force- the bioelectricity. All point down symbols in Satanism represent energy from above descending and giving life to, and empowering the human soul."

"The colors RED, WHITE, and BLACK date back not only to Ancient Egypt, but to their origins in the Far East. Egypt was known as the "Black and Red Land" and was the center of Alchemy. Alchemy is the transformation of the human soul into the godhead. Through this transformation, we complete Our Creator Satan's unfinished work. The colors red, white and black are of the three major nadis of the human soul. The Ida is black, the Pingala is red, and the Sushumna is white."

"The goat symbolizes fertility- fertility in multiplying the life force, vril, which activates and raises the serpent. The "Goat of a Thousand Young" is referring to the crown chakra, "Sahasrara" in Sanskrit which means "Thousand Petaled Lotus.""

"The Black Sun, the Raven, the Crow, and the color black also symbolize the Nigredo [transformation] stage. The Black Sun is the astral Sun."

You problably have hang ups regarding the goat symbol and the color.

About Zoroastrism see:

"It’s not a books about Zoroastrianism, which is indeed one of the most ancient forms of judaism/christianity.

For Nietzsche, Zaratnurstra, Jesus and Socartes are symbols and counter-examples to be emulated.

Jesus and Zarathustra destroyed the ancient pagan religions as prophetic figures. Nietzsche was a anti-christ like f and anti Zararhustra who did the same thing for christianity and other slave programs.

Socrates is the one who subverted and destroyed philosophy.
Nietsche wanted to be a counter-Socrates, who destroyes the utterly jewed, modern philosoohy and return to the roots of true ancient wisdom, such as Heraclitus.

Just imagine a Business Manual titled thus spome George Soros, which would teach Gentiles how to destroy jews financially and how to destroy the jewish economic system." Savitar

Philips said:
If satanism is a good thing, why in the joy of Satan website you have this inverted pentagram with the Satan goat and the black background? Isn't Satan a beautiful angel who wears white? This goat symbol looks like one of the most evil symbols to me.

I'm not a christian actually I believe the God of the bible is the actual devil. I sympathize with Zoroastrism.
There is no "if", satanism is the best. Inverted pentagram? Did you even read what s on the website?
The Point Down Pentagram symbolizes energy entering our crown chakra from above. The Satanic Lightning Bolt symbolizes Satan as our True Creator God. The lightning bolt is the life force- the bioelectricity. All point down symbols in Satanism represent energy from above descending and giving life to, and empowering the human soul.
also about the point up pentagram
Fools don't know what they are doing, the energies should go into earth and replenish her.
And when did the goat become evil?
The christian/muslim/jewish god is inexistent. It s people and doctrines are the source of evil. Zoroastrism is jewish bullshit just like xianity.
If you want to know the truth and be here I suggest you deprogram yourself from all that jewish bullshit and start reading the material that is here on the forums and on the website.
Its not an "evil" symbol.

I currently cannot access it, mirror failed, but go to the satanic symbols section on JoS and it will explain the baphomets symbolism. I'd also suggest reading up on other Satanic symbols while you are there since it will explain a lot of symbolism. Take care, and good luck on your journey.
Philips said:
inverted pentagram with the Satan goat and the black background?

Because Satan is represented in Indian mythology as the Goat of a thousand young. Or the thousand Goat as a representation of the Sahasrara chakra.

Inverted pentagram represents spiritual energy drawn down the sahasrara chakra like a mechanism to draw in the cycle of external and internal energies in a circuit continuously throughout the soul.

"Fools do not know what they are doing. Energy is being sent up. It should go into the earth to replenish her. The overuse of the point-up pentagram is throwing the energies into space,causing a number of problems, and draining the earth of her ability to defend herself against these problems."

This has to do with the soul and how the New Age movement keeps urging followers to focus solely on the higher chakras. Each chakra has a male and female pair and both work together. There must be balance in both the higher and lower chakras.

Philips said:
Isn't Satan a beautiful angel who wears white? This goat symbol looks like one of the most evil symbols to me.

Again the Goat has multiple meanings behind it many are alchemical, some are mental, and some are physical.

Also what does "wears white" have to do with anything changing your clothing is something done by any entity. You probably think he wears white all the time he probably changes his clothing at points whether it be physical or astral clothing. Angel comes from Angelos or messenger from Greek.

Also just because the goat looks evil it just means it's Satanic or more specifically natural universal symbol. Usually under jewish logic evil = gentile things that we hate cuz muh heb 'n' god is superior cuz we r kikes 'n' shiet.

You can also make the argument the Pentagram is a representation of the Universe in shape due to the Yoonir symbol of the Seere people from Africa. As can be found in http://www.BlacksforSatan.org. Their cosmology mentions the pentagram as such it fits in line with Thoth who states the Universe is like a triangle or what he means a pyramid as the Unverse is 3-dimensional in directions.

Philips said:
I'm not a christian actually I believe the God of the bible is the actual devil. I sympathize with Zoroastrism.

Your actually doing exactly what atheist and other people who move away from mainstream polythiestic, anti-religions or judeo-bolshevism as it should be called. It seems you still are a xtian deep in your operating system and never truly moved away from the paradigm of Shehameforash. You maintain ties to xtianity and thus this is why you sympathize with it.

Also Devil from Deva of Sanskrit is merely a name we give to the Kundalini or an alternative like "Raising the devil". It's just silly euphemisms we have for the serpent/dragon of fire cause it burns like hell but for positive reasons despite the negativity in feeling the burn it's cleansing/empowering the soul.

Think of it like a a safe-form of Satanism. Your doing exactly what many idiots have done and play Satanism within the confines of a kosher dialect.

Zoroastrianism is a kosher dialect Safe Satanism with a tinsel of kosher dialect just enough to hide over and people gloss over the details. The fact of the matter is, that so-called religion was destroyed by Alexander the Great. He studied in great detail and just had it destroyed. I believe one of the sermons or kaballahexposed has the article but can't find it simply Alexander destroyed it cause it's a bunch of non-sense.

Non-the less I'd rather see Zoroastrianism popular again in Iran at least it segways people to Satanism. It might be a bunch of kosher non-sense but at least it's not Pislam.
I suggest you read ALL of our websites before making assumptions on what's already answered hundreds of time in there. You can find all of our websites through the portal and the ministry page.


You may want to start from here: https://www.satanisgod.org/dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Satanic_Symbols.html

Stop relying on brainwashing and start developing critical thinking, because all you stated is just abrahamic mumbo jumbo that has nothing to do with reality.
That's a subliminal they have put in your head. It's called Pavlovian conditioning. This goes back 1600 years or more.


The goat is depicted as evil as far back as this. This is embedded into your subconscious whether you like it or not.


Watch it. Ask yourself: what's actually 'evil' about a goat? Goats are independent minded, smart and fearless animals.

Black and red are colours of INHERENT POWER. The meek fear POWER.
Philips said:
If satanism is a good thing, why in the joy of Satan website you have this inverted pentagram with the Satan goat and the black background? Isn't Satan a beautiful angel who wears white? This goat symbol looks like one of the most evil symbols to me.

I'm not a christian actually I believe the God of the bible is the actual devil. I sympathize with Zoroastrism.
In my opinion you should be banned.

If other new members with real interest in Spiritual Satanism have the same questions, you can find the answers on

The Point Down Pentagram symbolizes energy entering our crown chakra from above. The Satanic Lightning Bolt symbolizes Satan as our True Creator God. The lightning bolt is the life force- the bioelectricity. All point down symbols in Satanism represent energy from above descending and giving life to, and empowering the human soul.

The goat symbolizes fertility- fertility in multiplying the life force, vril, which activates and raises the serpent.
Also, drawings of Satan can be found under the section on him such as this one.


Ol argedco luciftias said:
Read all this guy's other posts. Don't waste any time on this clown.

Wish I did that sooner. Oh well at least it helps other people who may inquire to such things and finds it on our site.

Sometimes as strange as this sounds I think it's good to have trolls around as they help propagate our information. At least that's my guess why the HPs allow the post to go through.

At the end like I said maybe it helps a real newcomer and not a troll.
It's precicely because you guys spoil everyone that people don't feel like they need to activate their brain and actually apply it and find the answers. Let people find the things for themselves and stop wasting your time.

This is Satanism. In Satanism, you enable other people to do things by educating them, not by babysitting them like in xtardanity. This is one of several examples of babysitting in the forum.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Everything you ever wrote on this website always reminds me of this crazy guy with the pink hat.

Oh wow I'm an idiot lmao. Sad boi hours ;(

I figured "he only has 5 posts they can't be that bad right?". Thought they were all replies.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
