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I just wanted to say, reading HPHC’s posts is like a breath of fresh air, intellectually speaking

Seeker in the Dark

Active member
Jul 8, 2024
So i’ve read a lot of things politically, from a leftist perspective, a right-wing (xian) perspective. Stupidity, stupidity everywhere, even tho the right make more sense usually, anytime they brought out the xian bs, there we go again…

Leftists are suicidal, i wonder what exactly motivates them to do anything at all since their ideal life is just endless pleasure, thinking the xians are here to take that away from them.

Xians… well according to them “Satan” rules this world and it’s all evil, so again, why bother.

Two anti-life ideologies who then accuse the other side of being anti-life, it’s like an animal that can’t recognise itself in the mirror.

The absolute hate but also pity i feel for these clowns when i hear them argue or read what they say is abundant. How can they be that retarded?

I’ve read quite a bit of HPHC’s posts on Satan’s library and I have to say, his perspective, the Satanic, Pagan perspective is pro-life(not the other kind of pro-life) but actually has life and the progress of humanity in mind. Xians/leftists would gladly watch the world burn as long as they feel they’re vindicated somehow, they don’t give two shits about the human race.

I’d like to highlight one particular post in regards to this:

For once in my life i actually read a post on how to run a male and female friendly society for the sake of the collective race/group and the development of the individual. No bullshit about “Eve”, “Jezebel spirit” or race not existing so it doesn’t matter or some other insane shit that should send the person directly to a mental institution.

So yeah, to keep your sanity, i suggest you frequent Satan’s library often and read common sense for a change.

I also suggest this tome that i fully read earlier today:

Thank you HPHC for all your work and wisdom. We all appreciate it.

Hail Satan,
Hail the Gods,
Hail Humanity
speaking of mirrors, do you believe the mirrors we are using today are also a stupid Jewish thing? I've been playing with an obsidian mirror, and I remember I read here that the obsidian mirror is the true mirror. Also, when you were talking about “ animal looking in the mirror and not recognising itself,” do you think humans are like that too? And what does that do to a human? im assuiming we will start to belive we are just our looks, right?
speaking of mirrors, do you believe the mirrors we are using today are also a stupid Jewish thing? I've been playing with an obsidian mirror, and I remember I read here that the obsidian mirror is the true mirror. Also, when you were talking about “ animal looking in the mirror and not recognising itself,” do you think humans are like that too? And what does that do to a human? im assuiming we will start to belive we are just our looks, right?
You’re taking what I’m saying way to littlerally. There’s nothing wrong about any type of physical mirror. Many humans have been narcs about their looks since the dawn of time.

The animal analogy was about the lack of self awareness from both xians and lefties when they accuse each other of being anti-life whilst being anti-life themselves.
You’re taking what I’m saying way to littlerally. There’s nothing wrong about any type of physical mirror. Many humans have been narcs about their looks since the dawn of time.

The animal analogy was about the lack of self awareness from both xians and lefties when they accuse each other of being anti-life whilst being anti-life themselves.
Like an animal who attacks its reflection in the mirror. It signifies a lower type of consciousness to not be aware of yourself.

The conclusion of a leftist society is death. Leftists don’t see it though. They’ll understand soon enough when islam gains enough power in Europe to do things seriously. It might be the kick the white lefties need to wake the fuck up from their idealistic bullshit. Diversity is not a strength, even lefties understand that at some level when they try to ban any true opposition to them.

Xianity is a literal death cult that tells you to “store treasures in heaven” which means not to care about anything on earth as pleasing super-jew is what you need to do to go to heaven. That involves at its deepest level celibacy, begging for mercy every day and repressing everything that it means to be human as that is “evil”. Paul told christians marriage was a concession, not a command. Ideally, all christians should be celibate as that is “holy”, which would lead to human extinction.

The fact neither of them see that is simply inner dishonesty within themselves.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
