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Preparing for Another Lockdown - Covid-19 Update

Ghost in the Machine

Well-known member
Nov 17, 2018
We are the future gods of our people. Start acting
Anyone who's been keeping up with the news lately is well aware of the apparent inevitable push into a full lockdown again for the coming winter season. Colder regions are already seeing their fair share of spikes in the number of people tested positive for Covid-19 and with the FLU well on it's way to overlap this whole mess we're headed for quite the unpleasant winter to put it lightly. It's best to mentally prepare and plan for all of this while we still can.

This will of course be another chance however to take full advantage of accommodations the government will have no choice but to instate once more and to utilize the amount of free time for RTRs, personal spiritual workings among other matters. For those in non-essential jobs who will find themselves out of work, when the lockdown hits, apply for financial coverage.

For those in Canada there is the Canada Emergency Response Benefit also known as CERB that came into effect this year in response to the pandemic. It is required to presently have a job in the first place and to have been forced out due to the pandemic lockdown in order to apply for coverage. In truth I don't know if CERB will be reinstated as such again as it had some stricter terms in it's extension earlier this year as it is an extended relief despite generating billions of dollars in losses, the economy is suffering a lot through all of this and the coming winter is likely going to be taking another huge bite out of it. If you haven't been bracing yourself for the coming economic struggles ahead it's best you start as soon as possible.

I'm sure those in the US and such can share related means of government support, many acts have come into effect through this year in response to the pandemic and I've seen some efforts that were made by the USDA, but all in all just make sure you are supported and if assistance is being given, take it.

The social strain is yet another factor to be accounted for in the whole struggles of another quarantine. Many were just starting in recovering mentally from not being able to see families, loved ones and not being able to go outside and do the things they typically love and enjoy from the first lockdown. It's a hard time for parents as well especially and with daycares and schools inevitably going to be among the things to be closed and cancelled first and with pressures of the FLU going around with symptoms exact as Covid-19 putting on a layer of confusion, stress itself is going to be stressed.

Now is the time to brace and prepare yourself for everything to come. When the lockdown comes, hold to a daily routine, don't sleep in or stay up late every day of the week you will make yourself depressed, wake up all the same as if you were going to work or school, eat a good breakfast, keep up with a solid productive regime throughout your weekdays, prepare to schedule your days to keep yourself busy and occupied with things to do such as an exercise routine, starting a spiritual working you never had enough time to devote to, cleaning around your home, sorting through that storage you keep ignoring, starting a personal project in that maybe you'd like to interest yourself with studying something of interest or refining/practicing a skill such as writing stories, learning a language, researching plants, drawing, there's lots of things online that will still be available for you to research, study and find many other things to do.

Give yourself a sense of purpose and keep to a good routine, there's also always something that can be done around the forum or for Satan and the gods, if there's a job or role you'd like to help fulfill, any tasks to be done, or just helping around with other members and updating information going on in the world.

Keep yourself sane, plan and find means to keep in touch with loved ones before you won't be able to, generally just think ahead and brace for every possible thing that may happen. Any medications you require ensure you have full accessibility and any refills to be done before a lockdown happens, keep your shelves stocked with food where you can, even just a single extra purchase at a time to add to a reserve pantry or storage can go a long ways. Keep stocked on things like masks, gloves, hand sanitizers, cleaning products, other people are going to start getting the same idea and you will eventually start struggling to find this stuff on store shelves again in the next month or so just like around the beginning of the year, so start as soon as you are able to but within reason of your financial situation among other ilk, it's good to prepare as you can but you don't have to put all your eggs in one basket if it's going to seriously screw you over. Do what you can a little at a time if you have to.

It's also going to be the winter season, you never know what can happen, a blizzard could knock out power and you'd have no source of heat and no places open for resources. Get yourself lip balm and things for dry skin, anything you may suffer and have to deal with from the cold, prepare for the worst as you can, extra blankets, extra sweaters, coats, mittens, hats, socks, cold medicine for children, brace for anything like fevers, chills, rashes. Keep stocked on hygiene products and always have an emergency first aid kit complete with bandages, antibiotic ointments, pain relievers, emergency vitamins, sanitizing agents like rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide, cotton swabs and such, there are many articles you can find online telling you what you should have in your first aid kit. A couple of booklets and such on first-aid-training, CPR, how to respond to and treat poisoning and emergency numbers are also an asset, especially if you have children and/or are living with others, prepare for the unexpected.

Have flashlights, emergency candles, lighters, matches, batteries, emergency blankets even, remember this isn't a lockdown in the beautiful warm green days of summer this is the cold harsh winter coming up and it's going to be the whole way through until practically next summer, though even people who live in regions where winter is practically non existence you should be preparing all the same regardless.

Keep on the up and up and keep your eyes on the news, stay informed of what's going on and just prepare as best you can as you can when you can. Satan and the gods can give assistance to those in desperate situations but remember to also rely on your own powers as this makes things easier for them too, the Aura of Prosperity is but one of many means to helping yourself spiritually. So many others in the ministry as well here can give advice, help with ideas, magical workings and astrological timings for things along with information and updates.

Additionally, and this is going to be a very important one, stay positive. Hold onto optimism and hope no matter what as best you can. A negative mindset can spiritually draw you towards negative things and you only end up inundating your very soul even with negative energies by dwelling on such, focus on positive things if you must, a good happy movie, some nice upbeat music, positive sun runes, white-gold energy and cleanings, do what you can to stay out of a negative train of thought and keep hopeful and positive. There is no benefit to making yourself dreadful through this and it only ever brings you down and drains you. There is always light through the darkness no matter what, always assure yourself you're not going to be alone with this, we're all going to be pushing through the same things and this is not going to be permanent.

All this garbage, all these terrible things that go on and happen around in the world are strictly temporary including such things as these lockdowns in response to a pandemic. The very presence of wickedness on this planet is a temporary disturbance, we fight every day for the inevitable future where all of this nonsense is obsolete and there's no going back from that progress as we continue to make it every single day.

Nobody here is alone for but one second in any of the struggles to come, we're each looking out for one another with guidance, advice and much more not just for practical support but also for moral support. We have a home here with one another and with Satan and our gods and that is a very real thing.

Be prepared, keep open to opportunities and benefits and always remember no matter what happens, stay strong, stay positive and have faith.
so Holodomor is loading ,disease and hunger .
The vaccine is also ready. I think they will also use the second house arrest for restrictions and then close this chapter with the vaccine.
This inst hard for people like me and my partner. We have been enjoying things way more than we ever did when we had to do a bunch of pointless things in the world. A lot of other people feel the same way. Families are better off people have more time to do things together. In general a lot of people are more positive and better off financially than they were before this.

I say a dream come true to be able to actually stay home not a nightmare. Plus we can do cool things together that doesnt take a lot of money and there is always the parks and traveling if they dont totally shut it down.

But both me and my partner had years we stayed at home mostly not hard at all. Actually more fun than taking part in the world.
Master said:
The vaccine is also ready. I think they will also use the second house arrest for restrictions and then close this chapter with the vaccine.

Any vaccine that comes out that fast is going to be the most half-assed disaster humanity will have seen of one yet. As far as I'm aware there is no vaccine and there isn't going to be one for a long time and that's not me being pessimistic that just me being realistic from what I'm gathering.

This virus is chaotic and until a recognizable pattern in it's mutations and such is made and it settles into some kind of rhythm, there's no true predictability and it's all just conjectures at the moment. For all it's worth I hope we don't have to end up in a full lockdown but, again realistically speaking, the enemy has been pushing for this the moment everything opened up.

Every 'prediction' they claim is not just some empty theory, it's a plan.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Master said:
The vaccine is also ready. I think they will also use the second house arrest for restrictions and then close this chapter with the vaccine.

Any vaccine that comes out that fast is going to be the most half-assed disaster humanity will have seen of one yet. As far as I'm aware there is no vaccine and there isn't going to be one for a long time and that's not me being pessimistic that just me being realistic from what I'm gathering.

This virus is chaotic and until a recognizable pattern in it's mutations and such is made and it settles into some kind of rhythm, there's no true predictability and it's all just conjectures at the moment. For all it's worth I hope we don't have to end up in a full lockdown but, again realistically speaking, the enemy has been pushing for this the moment everything opened up.

Every 'prediction' they claim is not just some empty theory, it's a plan.
If there are more pandemics, life will be horrible.

I agree that their predictions and especially their prophecies are nothing but secret plans and projects.
slyscorpion said:
This inst hard for people like me and my partner. We have been enjoying things way more than we ever did when we had to do a bunch of pointless things in the world. A lot of other people feel the same way. Families are better off people have more time to do things together. In general a lot of people are more positive and better off financially than they were before this.

I say a dream come true to be able to actually stay home not a nightmare. Plus we can do cool things together that doesnt take a lot of money and there is always the parks and traveling if they dont totally shut it down.

But both me and my partner had years we stayed at home mostly not hard at all. Actually more fun than taking part in the world.
I would like to confirm what you said, but unfortunately things are different. The enemy is not giving us liberties. The enemy wants us to work like slaves and get half the wages we owe for the work we do, while they steal and plunder all wealth and literally swell like ticks. The lockliving is neither freedom nor well-being, but it is imprisonment and poverty combined.
Master said:
slyscorpion said:
This inst hard for people like me and my partner. We have been enjoying things way more than we ever did when we had to do a bunch of pointless things in the world. A lot of other people feel the same way. Families are better off people have more time to do things together. In general a lot of people are more positive and better off financially than they were before this.

I say a dream come true to be able to actually stay home not a nightmare. Plus we can do cool things together that doesnt take a lot of money and there is always the parks and traveling if they dont totally shut it down.

But both me and my partner had years we stayed at home mostly not hard at all. Actually more fun than taking part in the world.
I would like to confirm what you said, but unfortunately things are different. The enemy is not giving us liberties. The enemy wants us to work like slaves and get half the wages we owe for the work we do, while they steal and plunder all wealth and literally swell like ticks. The lockliving is neither freedom nor well-being, but it is imprisonment and poverty combined.

It depends on the person kind of and what their situation was to begin with. I am not promoting a lock down but if this gives a segment of the population more time to study things and meditate or whatever that's cool they may feel more happy too that means its backfiring on the jews cause they wanted everyone to be unhappy.

I remember reading a survey or something where it said it did improve some peoples lives. This is mainly those in the min wage and low wage sector and those who never had time to do anything before. That was about 20 percent of the population according to that.

These are the people obviously I empathize with the most cause I think they are most unfairly treated out of all people. So if this is positive for them there is a silver lining in this. Hopefully some of them find the truth.

No one wants to work like slaves or be locked down neither condition is ideal.

Me hope in the future all people will have something to do in society (what we call a job today but if everyone was allowed to gravitate towards something they are good at and like it wouldn't feel like a job or being a slave) and be fairly compensated and no one will be a slave or treated like one.

I am not promoting either just stating not everyone seems to be effected negatively and maybe that is a mindset thing more so in some cases.
If you in any way are eligible for government assistance: always always take it! Have no shame, as this money is going to the best possible source - a Satanist! This does not mean to be greedy and have a big ego, but think about how you will be the future elite of your community. It would be wise for a community to empower and nurture its elite, whether or not they are aware!

This same money would readily fund an immigrant family of future Marxist soldiers or other Marxist plans, so do not feel bad about taking what otherwise amounts to a very small amount. People throw away money at Twitch streamers, strippers, and other impractical means, but imagine the return on the investment one would get by funding the future Satanic elite in their country!

It worries me to see those without the financial means to even cover the basics. I implore you to take advantage of all possible methods. Do not feel shame for it in the slightest.
slyscorpion said:
Master said:
slyscorpion said:
This inst hard for people like me and my partner. We have been enjoying things way more than we ever did when we had to do a bunch of pointless things in the world. A lot of other people feel the same way. Families are better off people have more time to do things together. In general a lot of people are more positive and better off financially than they were before this.

I say a dream come true to be able to actually stay home not a nightmare. Plus we can do cool things together that doesnt take a lot of money and there is always the parks and traveling if they dont totally shut it down.

But both me and my partner had years we stayed at home mostly not hard at all. Actually more fun than taking part in the world.
I would like to confirm what you said, but unfortunately things are different. The enemy is not giving us liberties. The enemy wants us to work like slaves and get half the wages we owe for the work we do, while they steal and plunder all wealth and literally swell like ticks. The lockliving is neither freedom nor well-being, but it is imprisonment and poverty combined.

It depends on the person kind of and what their situation was to begin with. I am not promoting a lock down but if this gives a segment of the population more time to study things and meditate or whatever that's cool they may feel more happy too that means its backfiring on the jews cause they wanted everyone to be unhappy.

I remember reading a survey or something where it said it did improve some peoples lives. This is mainly those in the min wage and low wage sector and those who never had time to do anything before. That was about 20 percent of the population according to that.

These are the people obviously I empathize with the most cause I think they are most unfairly treated out of all people. So if this is positive for them there is a silver lining in this. Hopefully some of them find the truth.

No one wants to work like slaves or be locked down neither condition is ideal.

Me hope in the future all people will have something to do in society (what we call a job today but if everyone was allowed to gravitate towards something they are good at and like it wouldn't feel like a job or being a slave) and be fairly compensated and no one will be a slave or treated like one.

I am not promoting either just stating not everyone seems to be effected negatively and maybe that is a mindset thing more so in some cases.
I understand, I would like to add something related, even meritocracy has been ruined by jewish corruption. In some countries, more intensely than others.
Blitzkreig said:
If you in any way are eligible for government assistance: always always take it! Have no shame, as this money is going to the best possible source - a Satanist! This does not mean to be greedy and have a big ego, but think about how you will be the future elite of your community. It would be wise for a community to empower and nurture its elite, whether or not they are aware!

This same money would readily fund an immigrant family of future Marxist soldiers or other Marxist plans, so do not feel bad about taking what otherwise amounts to a very small amount. People throw away money at Twitch streamers, strippers, and other impractical means, but imagine the return on the investment one would get by funding the future Satanic elite in their country!

It worries me to see those without the financial means to even cover the basics. I implore you to take advantage of all possible methods. Do not feel shame for it in the slightest.
Well said!
Blitzkreig said:
If you in any way are eligible for government assistance: always always take it! Have no shame, as this money is going to the best possible source - a Satanist! This does not mean to be greedy and have a big ego, but think about how you will be the future elite of your community. It would be wise for a community to empower and nurture its elite, whether or not they are aware!

This same money would readily fund an immigrant family of future Marxist soldiers or other Marxist plans, so do not feel bad about taking what otherwise amounts to a very small amount. People throw away money at Twitch streamers, strippers, and other impractical means, but imagine the return on the investment one would get by funding the future Satanic elite in their country!

It worries me to see those without the financial means to even cover the basics. I implore you to take advantage of all possible methods. Do not feel shame for it in the slightest.

Yeah go for it in some cases the more right thing to do is get these benefits and try to go for part time so you have time for yourself and family and bettering yourself.

Also the government gladly gives billions to trillions to help Israel each year. I mean the government could actually make conditions more fair for all people and override the Jews on this kind of like Hitler did giving people a place to stay and resources the winter he came to power even helping people with his own money. The government could use this to force better working conditions and do something where they train the low income people for Jobs or at least make life fair for more people in some way.

Truth is we don't need to live in a dystopian slave society where people work to exhaustion all the time and still can't even afford some of the basics of life eaisly.
AcademicScholar said:
Attention everyone
Maxine Dietrich was Banned
She can no longer access the JOS Forum

Oy vey, nice try Troll 3/10 points,


Academic Scholar
you are so great the enemy does create fake accs with your name slightly changed ;) .
Ghost in the Machine said:
Master said:
The vaccine is also ready. I think they will also use the second house arrest for restrictions and then close this chapter with the vaccine.

Any vaccine that comes out that fast is going to be the most half-assed disaster humanity will have seen of one yet. As far as I'm aware there is no vaccine and there isn't going to be one for a long time and that's not me being pessimistic that just me being realistic from what I'm gathering.

This virus is chaotic and until a recognizable pattern in it's mutations and such is made and it settles into some kind of rhythm, there's no true predictability and it's all just conjectures at the moment. For all it's worth I hope we don't have to end up in a full lockdown but, again realistically speaking, the enemy has been pushing for this the moment everything opened up.

Every 'prediction' they claim is not just some empty theory, it's a plan.

Human testing of a vaccine is on its way here in Canada. They are paying volunteers $6000 to be a human guinea pig. They will give the person very small doses of the virus, quarantine them, and give them the vaccine. I smell a whole nother case like what happened with the MKUltra and the "volunteers" who agreed to be tested on lightly, were not tested on lightly at all. Who knows how the side effects of the vaccine may end up taking place... could've been developed that it may take years for certain side effects to even start showing up. Here goyim, take this vaccine - it's good for you! ...2 years later - hooray, we're not sick! 10-20 years later... oh fuck, what have we done
Hearsync said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Master said:
The vaccine is also ready. I think they will also use the second house arrest for restrictions and then close this chapter with the vaccine.

Any vaccine that comes out that fast is going to be the most half-assed disaster humanity will have seen of one yet. As far as I'm aware there is no vaccine and there isn't going to be one for a long time and that's not me being pessimistic that just me being realistic from what I'm gathering.

This virus is chaotic and until a recognizable pattern in it's mutations and such is made and it settles into some kind of rhythm, there's no true predictability and it's all just conjectures at the moment. For all it's worth I hope we don't have to end up in a full lockdown but, again realistically speaking, the enemy has been pushing for this the moment everything opened up.

Every 'prediction' they claim is not just some empty theory, it's a plan.

Human testing of a vaccine is on its way here in Canada. They are paying volunteers $6000 to be a human guinea pig. They will give the person very small doses of the virus, quarantine them, and give them the vaccine. I smell a whole nother case like what happened with the MKUltra and the "volunteers" who agreed to be tested on lightly, were not tested on lightly at all. Who knows how the side effects of the vaccine may end up taking place... could've been developed that it may take years for certain side effects to even start showing up. Here goyim, take this vaccine - it's good for you! ...2 years later - hooray, we're not sick! 10-20 years later... oh fuck, what have we done

I read about that, made me cringe and in addition $6,000 is way too fucking low, that is trash money to test something like that in comparison to the value of human life and health.

Our Prime Minister is fucking garbage, but Harper wasn't any better really. Looking along the historical line of PMs here you can see all the kikes that played this country as the global 'immigrant' dump. So damn fucking colourful in die-versity I don't even know what our actual fucking culture is anymore or what it even used to be. Toronto is going to be the first city to go out in a chaotic mess and then all that trash of immigrants is going to start flowing up north to escape it and the smaller cities won't be able to sustain anything.

This country is going to get eaten alive if all this shit isn't put to a screeching halt in the next 3 to 4 years. I'm almost jokingly considering bolting up to the northern tundras to have the Inuit people show me their ways of "Staying the fuck out of dodge" and then just survive up in the frozen wastelands for the next 10 years.
To add to this, these “spikes” right before election season were nicely timed with the regular flu season. Doctors recently told my mom she had covid when her test was in fact negative and placed her in the system as positive while her husband tested positive and did not get sick. I was around her a couple weeks prior to coming down with cold like symptoms and I did get tested which came out to be negative as well. No one else got sick that was around me but I was told to quarantine anyway and I did not. Resulting in zero sicknesses.

It’s unfortunate many businesses are back under lockdown and schools are further pushed back. Fortunately fewer people are minding the restrictions and the hype, carrying about their own lives. Amidst the election, hopefully the governor of jay inslee isn’t put in for another term but it is appearing like he will be. He made a blatant fool of himself on the recent debate between he and Loren Culp. Loren Culp would be a savior for Washington if he were put in. Jay inslee is playing a major role with the jwo and overstepping his bounds with Bill Gates. I looked at the charts of these guys a while back, and as predicted their stepping over bounds is beginning to play a role in their downfall. I’d highly recommend watching the debate between inslee and Culp.

The restrictions over here are far more overkill than other parts of the country and the people really are being pushed against a wall, they cannot financially or emotionally handle any more of this garbage. If more people in Seattle and surrounding areas woke up and/or fell harder, I truly believe this would have a great national impact. On a spiritual level, the mass consciousness of the people on the west coast is globally detrimental and it’s an enemy hotspot. The pandemic has turned many people away from the enemy and the RTR’s are working. Many leftists are becoming aware of how deep rooted the social problems are, and how unnatural it is, and how this was coming on before the pandemic. With the RTR’s even misfortunes will be turned against the enemy to work in our favor.

The social isolation has brought a lot to light about issues that previously existed on personal levels like dating and family, and just how fragile the jewish systems are. The negative effects of social media, ect. The isolation is causing rebellion.

There are very few well funded organizations for those in bad financial positions either, the left has this pro human rights facade and they make blatant lies about how charitable and good they are. All of the money is peddled into keeping people blind and pandering to social media/jew movements. Jay Inslee took 167,000$ per week out of taxpayer money to pay someone to tell him what to do and say that could’ve been peddled into helping the economy. In his debate, he sounds like a broken record repeating the lies he’s paid somebody to teach him to do. He doesn’t even respond with a proper rebuttal against culp.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Username said:
To anyone who's reading this:

Stock on Aspirin and honey.

That's oddly specific with no context. Care to clarify why?


I am not saying that it is really the cure but I am saying as in last resort.
Like you could try it if you got infected and even if it didn't work then there's not much loss anyways.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
