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How to stay strong in the face of mistakes?


New member
Nov 19, 2017
I can already tell you that I know I will overcome this and move on

But... how can you stay hopeful and have faith when things go wrong in your life? And sometimes it seems like you're the one who puts yourself in these situations (shit!)

There are times when I feel kind of abandoned when I see that things are going wrong... I've had moments when I felt a strong energy coming from the gods, but when faced with some mistakes and setbacks in life, there are those moments that make you question whether you're really alone...

If I'm writing this forum right now, it's because I believe in Satan and the gods, and I've read a lot of sermons about how the gods relate to us and even that life is really going to be this twisted. But, I don't know, when faced with a difficult moment, especially when you don't have your astral means open, you feel a bit without guidance, questioning things...

But I would like to talk about what happened, maybe I'm just writing this to vent and really listen to some friendly advice...
Anyway, there was something I really wanted in my life, I even asked the gods for help, I performed magic to achieve it, I actually overcame many obstacles to be able to act and I recognize my effort and learning during the process. However, today I understand that what I wanted will not happen and I don't know if it is possible to reverse it. I know it is not something irreplaceable or unique, but I specifically wanted that, I know that at the same time it was a mistake on my part for having high expectations. But knowing that I didn't succeed and starting to see thousands of scenarios that you could have done "right", makes me question the whole process.

This is not the first time this has happened, but it is the first time I have tried to use my best as a Satanist. But I wanted to know how to overcome this, how to know that I'm really not alone, that I'm not doing everything wrong, that, in the end, maybe things will get better...
I'm coming back here because I was embarrassed about being judged, and I wrote a very "mysterious" text above, but that's how I felt at the time.

I've been writing about love lately. I think I've read every post on the forum related to the subject, including how this feeling of love was hurting me.

The fact is that I became obsessed with a specific woman and I want her no matter what. The funny thing is that I'm not necessarily looking for a new relationship or anything like that, but this woman captivated me and made me obsessed with her in a way that I really can't explain.

The fact is that I really want her, at least to kiss her, so I asked the gods for help, I performed love spells and overcame obstacles like fear, shyness, lack of courage, lack of confidence... anyway...

Overcoming these obstacles, I had the courage to ask her out and she refused. This refusal didn't surprise me... but it really hurt, not because of the "no", but because of all the effort and desire that went into it, because if it was something I did wrong, why didn't I receive at least a sign not to do it... we end up feeling lost when faced with a failure.

Man, at the same time I want to accept this as the end of a cycle, but I don't want to forget her, I don't want to give up even in the face of this, I want to continue my magic. WHAT THE FUCK!! Why do I still want to insist? Sometimes I just want a little voice in my head to just say "you can stop" or "you can keep going"

But if I keep going and it goes wrong again, all the questions, feelings of weakness, of abandonment will come back... so, honestly, I have no idea what to do, really, I just wanted some friendly advice.
There is no need to worry about being judged as everyone is on their own path towards advancement. Actually, you need some praise by posting here and asking for help as this is one of the signs you see there is a problem, and you want to get it resolved.

Probably, no one of us can guarantee an accurate answer for you (you will need to find it yourself), but it seems that your best interest would be to erase this obsession over that woman. I know a couple of men who were obsessed with some women in their lives and got very shitty love lives themselves, and were ignoring women who were willing to give them everything they actually deserved. A couple of them even did not have their own decent relationships, families over that obsession. And only getting very old they understood how useless their obsession was. This is not a life you probably want.

Obsession over some woman is actually like an addiction to drugs, like smoking, alcohol. Not the same definitely, but there are some similarities. One of those similarities are the following:
1. Having difficulties quitting.
2. Having difficulty understanding what it is and why this happens.

In my opinion, you first need to resolve this obsession, then heal your own psyche. So I would like to propose the following working for this. But if you intend to perform it, please wait for someone of higher rank to confirm or deny it as I did not have this problem myself in my life, and I am not yet a master of such workings when problems of other people are included. @Blitzkreig [JG] I would like you to review this work and check if there are no mistakes (or if there are, please point them out) as I see in lots of topics you are basically a master of runes here.

1. Start your working on a waning Moon.
2. Vibrate the following: ANSUZ x 40
3. Affirm 9 times: "In the most positive and healthy way for me, I am totally and completely free and absolved from any obsession towards X woman" ("X woman" would be replaced by your subject of obsession). This affirmation would directly work to get you absolved from the current subject of obsession.
4. Perform 1-3 for 40 days. For better results, you might want to perform this in the morning and in the evening, thus twice a day.

Also, you can read here for more ideas about freeing your soul: https://satanisgod.org/Words-of-Power.html . Finally, I would emphasize that consistent meditations, spiritual hygiene, and empowerment routines are absolutely necessary as those workings have effect
There is a saying that says you learn through your mistakes or failing that a true saying

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
