I've just been stressnegative dealing with the same people every day at my job. They're all so fake, I have these made personas so cliche , and then when I'm serving all these people coming in, they don't even care about me they're only there for the product.. And I'm daily Listening to all these people saying, the brainwashed stuff the media drills into them day after day, knowing that I know better and I can't say anything about it, I'm feeling discouraged knowing that I am living in a slave state I'm being paid, but I'm a paid slave part of this way the enemy wants the world where we are their slaves and they can lay back and relax . I have a lot of talents that I can't even use I want to do so much more in this world and put my talent to use but I'm stuck in this job where I can't leave because I need money to live in my apartment. I'm glad I have a job for money but I wish things were better. The state of the world disgusts me. The way the people are the way that things are being run. I've always hated injustice and I know that things can be better but I'm so sad that it may never be in my lifetime. But I'll work and do what the Gods want us to do to fight the enemy so the future can be better. It's just depressing with the way things are now. I try to fight against feeling this way, at least we're not helpless, but things just seem so heavy right now with this virus going on and how so many people are ignoring it's existence. The only advice I ask, I'm tired of feeling like this, is there any other way I can look at things in a more positive way so that I don't have to feel so down. And disgusted. I don't want to be so negative...