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Well-known member
Dec 16, 2018
It is given as a preventive measure and for the treatment of covid 19
Keep in mind the false positive covid tests! (around 15%)


"The massive, disproportionately frequent death of Covid-19 patients with dark skin colour and from southern countries is apparently also the result of a medical mal-treatment

Affected are people with a special enzyme deficiency, which occurs mainly in men whose families come from regions where malaria was or is endemic. They are currently being treated with hydroxychloroquine, a drug that they do not tolerate, which is now being used all over the world to fight Covid-19. If this does not stop quickly, there is a risk of mass mortality, especially in Africa."

"Also from England, where mortality data from Euromomo show an increasing death rate since the beginning of April, it was reported that 35% of about 2000 seriously ill people, twice as many as expected, came from ethnic "minorities" ("black, Asian or other ethnic minority"), including doctors and medical staff."



"A tip from New York

On March 31, I received an important tip: The New York intensive care physician Dr.Cameron Kyle-Sidell
had provided his colleagues with an astonishing observationhttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...e-saving-ventilators-actually-deathtraps.html
alarmed. He reported https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9GYTc53r2o

"What I experienced, they were not Covid-19 patients. They didn't have the signs of pneumonia, but looked like passengers on a plane that suddenly lost pressure at high altitude."

So it had to be a disruption in the transport of oxygen in the blood. I researched and ticked off the various known causes of such symptoms one after the other, if they were out of the question because of the progression of the disease. The most probable cause seemed to me to be rapid hemolysis, a destruction of the erythrocytes (red blood cells) that exchange oxygen in the lungs for Co2 to be breathed in order to transport the oxygen to every corner of our body. Patients then feel suffocated, breathe very quickly and exert themselves.

We know what to do in such a case because it is demonstrated to us before every take-off in the airplane: Oxygen masks fall from the ceiling and bring relief until everything is back to normal. This is exactly what helped the patients in New York the best. Intubation and ventilation, on the other hand, were wrong and killed people in many places.

The Nigerian dead in Sweden

I was aware of one such case with the same puzzling symptoms, which had been described in 2014 by Swedish pneumologists in a young patient from Nigeria who had died of the disease. At that time, an enzyme deficiency was suspected and actually found to be a possible cause after death, which occurs in many regions of Africa in 20 - 30% of the population.

It is the so-called glucose-6-dehydrogenase deficiency, or "G6PD deficiency", one of the most common genetic peculiarities, which can lead to a threatening haemolysis (dissolution of red blood cells), mainly in men, if certain drugs or chemicals are taken. The following map shows the distribution of this deficiency

(Source and explanations here).https://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article?id=10.1371/journal.pmed.1001339


This hereditary trait is particularly common among ethnic groups living in areas with malaria. The modified G6PD gene offers advantages in the tropics. It makes its carriers resistant to malaria pathogens. However, G6PD deficiency is also dangerous if those affected come into contact with certain substances found in, for example, field beans, currants, peas and a number of medicines.

These include acetylsalicylic acid, metamizole, sulfonamides, vitamin K, naphthalene, aniline, malaria drugs and nitrofurans. The G6PD deficiency then leads to a disruption of the biochemical processes in the red blood cells and - depending on the dose - to mild to life-threatening haemolysis. The debris of the burst erythrocytes subsequently leads to microemboli, which block small vessels throughout the organs. What had caused the illness and death of the young man from Nigeria remained unclear at the time.
A frightening discovery

I looked at the drugs that can cause severe hemolysis in G6PD deficiency and got a big scare. One of the substances that is called very dangerous in all forms of this enzyme deficiency is the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ).

But this is precisely the substance that Chinese researchers in Wuhan have been recommending against SARS since 2003. From Wuhan, HCQ with the virus now came back to us as one of the therapeutic options and was accepted as such. At the same time, HCQ was recommended as a promising agent against Covid-19 for further clinical trials with the support of WHO and other agencies. https://academic.oup.com/cid/advance-article/doi/10.1093/cid/ciaa237/5801998

According to reports, production of this drug is to be increased in Cameroon https://www.voanews.com/science-health/coronavirus-outbreak/cameroon-begins-large-scale-chloroquine-production, Nigeria and other African countries. India is the largest producer of HCQ and exports it to 55 countries. Werner Baumann, Chairman of the Board of Management of Bayer AG https://www.aerzteblatt.de/nachrichten/111733/Bayer-legt-grossen-Vorrat-an-Chloroquin-Tabletten-an, announced at the beginning of April that "various investigations in laboratories and clinics" had provided first indications that chloroquine might be suitable for the treatment of corona patients. The company then provided several million tablets.

There are now hundreds of trials worldwide, planned or ongoing by different sponsors, in which HCQ is used alone or together with other drugs. When I looked at some large trials to see if patients with G6PD deficiency were excluded, I found no evidence of this in most study plans. In the USA, for example, a large multicenter study with 4,000 subjects from healthy medical personnel is being prepared https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04303507. Here, however, the term "hypersensitivity" is only used in general terms, as is the case with all drugs with regard to allergic reactions. A chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine study by Oxford University (NCT04303507) with a planned 40,000 participants also makes no mention of the risk of G6PD deficiency. In another large study by the Pentagon, however, there is an explicit warning to exclude G6PD deficiency patients from the study.

The following graph, based on information from the WHO database, shows how many studies on Covid-19 and HCQ have been initiated - and how few of them take enzyme deficiency into account.


Mostly only the cardiac complications of chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine are mentioned, which in Brazil led to the termination of a study with 11 deaths of 81 subjects. It seems, however, that worldwide little attention is paid to this further serious side effect. In addition, due to a lack of alternatives, HCQ has been tolerated and massively used in many countries since the beginning of the year as part of a so-called "compassionate use". In medicine, compassionate use refers to the use of not yet approved drugs in emergency situations.

Noticeable clusters

During this research, more and more results on more precise evaluations of the deaths in particularly affected cities were received. In New York and other cities in the USA, it was reported that the vast majority of the fatalities were "African Americans" https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/doh/downloads/pdf/imm/covid-19-deaths-race-ethnicity-04242020-1.pdf - twice as many as would be expected based on the proportion of the population.

Also from England, where mortality data from Euromomo show an increasing death rate since the beginning of April, it was reported that 35% of about 2000 seriously ill people, twice as many as expected, came from ethnic "minorities" ("black, Asian or other ethnic minority") https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/apr/08/coronavirus-black-people-ethnic-minority-deaths-pandemic-inequality-afua-hirsch, including doctors and medical staff.

A major doctor's death in Italy remains in urgent need of clarification. The death of about 150 doctors and only a few female doctors is associated with Covid-19. Although age may have played a role in many of these cases, it should be noted that a high prevalence of G6PD deficiency has also been described for some regions of Italy https://www.medsci.org/v10p1907.htm and that in Italy up to 71% of those who tested positive with PCR, as well as the staff, had a prophylactic high level of HCQ. The same applies to Spain. Among the first 15 Covid-19 deaths in Sweden, 6 were among younger migrants from Somalia.

Deadly combination

So the frightening result of my research is Typical severe courses with haemolysis, microthrombi and shortness of breath without typical signs of pneumonia occur more frequently where two factors come together:

Exactly this is to be expected in Africa and exactly this is already the case everywhere where migration has caused a large proportion of the population to migrate from malaria countries. The following diagram shows the process schematically.


Cities such as New York, Chicago, New Orleans, London, or even large cities in Holland, Belgium, Spain and France are such centers. If the test is widely used in these migration hotspots and is expected to be positive in about 10 to 20% of the population, many people from the G6PD countries will be among them. If they are then treated with high-dose HCQ, either prophylactically or as part of a "compassionate" use, as planned, then those severe clinical pictures will also be evoked in young people, as we have been presented with by the sensational press, and which keep our fear of Covid-19 alive.

How often this deadly combination has already led to victims is unknown. There has been no discussion of the issue among those responsible in the WHO and in governments. There is also a frightening lack of knowledge and responsibility among doctors who are responsible for the treatment of Covid-19 patients or for the staff treating them.

Once again, this connection applies not only to Africa, but also to large parts of Asia, South and Central America, Arabia and the Mediterranean.

The cases mentioned have nothing to do with Covid-19 disease. A PCR test result leading to the prophylactic prescription of HCQ is sufficient to cause severe disease in up to a third of the people from high-risk populations treated in this way.

HCQ treatment for G6PD deficiency is a dangerous professional error

This could be remedied immediately if all treating physicians worldwide were informed about the contraindication of HCQ. However, the WHO, the CDC, the ECDC, the Chinese SARS specialists, the medical associations, the drug authorities and the German government and its advisors are criminally neglecting to inform the public. In view of the ongoing programmes, this appears to be gross negligence.

It is a malpractice to treat people with G6PD deficiency with high-dose chloroquine derivatives or other drugs known to be dangerous for them. Under the WHO label "'Solidarity' clinical trial for COVID-19 treatments", healthy people are hastily exposed to approved, life-threatening experiments. Hundreds of clinical trials, mostly worthless observational studies with parallel approaches, very often also run with HCQ as one of the alternatives.

German drug legislation prohibits the use of unapproved drugs, but the government still encourages this. A non-validated test that is not approved for diagnostic purposes provides the pretext for the use of life-threatening medication - and all this in the case of an infectious disease for which there is still no evidence that it poses serious risks beyond the risk of the annual flu epidemic.
Full speed ahead into the disaster

The dangers of this epidemic are presented with the help of scientific imposture. An unsuitable test from Berlin provides the pretext for deadly measures all over the world. The consequences of these mistakes lead to emergencies in many regions, which are attributed to an epidemic. This creates the very wave of fear on which so many in business and politics are now riding, and which threatens to bury our fundamental rights under itself.

The public, the media and the experts seem hardly surprised that in New York and other centres more than twice as many "African Americans" die than would be expected because of their population share. Even in the studies of deaths in the USA and elsewhere, the risks posed by G6PD deficiency are almost always hidden or forgotten.

When sought-after virologists and other experts have been announcing for a long time that there will be a wave of deaths in Africa and terrible conditions in the cities, do they know about these connections? Or are there other provable reasons that justify such momentous prophecies? Finally: Are these all just topics for science or also for public prosecutors and courts?"

SOURCE: https://www.heise.de/tp/features/Covid-19-ein-Fall-fuer-Medical-Detectives-4713219.html
The disease occurs more frequently in men, we remember the news that more often male asians did "die from covid 19".

It´s crazy, Dr Wodarg who did expose this, said in Germany every doctor-to-be in 4th semester learns not to treat people with G6PD-M ENZYME DEFICIENCY meds or food like:

Field beans, currants, peas and a number of medicines.

These include acetylsalicylic acid, metamizole, sulfonamides, vitamin K, naphthalene, aniline, malaria drugs and nitrofurans. The G6PD deficiency then leads to a disruption of the biochemical processes in the red blood cells and - depending on the dose - to mild to life-threatening haemolysis. The debris of the burst erythrocytes subsequently leads to microemboli, which block small vessels throughout the organs. What had caused the illness and death of the young man from Nigeria remained unclear at the time.

also to note human trials without excluding these people are made again.

"That was an apparent reference to a study of hundreds of patients treated by the Department of Veterans Affairs in which more of those in a group who were administered hydroxychloroquine died than among those who weren't."

Kaballah number

"But the drug has not been shown to combat the virus in a multitude of other studies as well. Two large observational studies, each involving around 1,400 patients in New York, recently found no COVID benefit from hydroxychloroquine. Two published last week in the medical journal BMJ reached the same conclusion.

No large, rigorous studies have found the drug safe or effective for preventing or treating COVID-19."

It shouldn´t be used at all if some one has the enzyme illness...

"The Food and Drug Administration warned health professionals last month the drug should not be used to treat COVID-19 outside hospital or research settings because of sometimes-fatal side effects. Regulators issued the alert, in part, based on increased reports of dangerous side effects called in to U.S. poison control centres.

Calls to centres involving hydroxychloroquine increased last month to 96, compared with 49 in April 2019, according to data from the American Association of Poison Control Centers provided to the AP. It was the second month of elevated reports involving the drug, following 79 calls in March. The problems reported included abnormal heart rhythms, seizures, nausea and vomiting."

"As research started to emerge that hydroxychloroquine was not helpful, and even potentially harmful, in battling COVID-19, the president's public rhetoric in support of the drug had faded. But his private hopes had not, according to three White House officials and Republicans close to the White House not authorized to speak publicly about private discussions."


I don´t say Trump is responsibel for this, it was passed by most doctors who work on behalf of WHO advice without thinking (which they ought to know better).
From a offical medical study from The Lancet a medical jornal:

"Nevertheless, the increased incidence of ventricular arrhythmias is intriguing. Chloroquine,(8)
hydroxychloroquine,(9) and azithromycin(10) have sodium channel blocking properties that might contribute to proarrhythmia (11) and heart failure in the context of myocardial injury and hypoxia present in COVID-19.(12)
This hypothesis remains to be tested.

The findings from Mehra and colleagues' study add to preliminary reports suggesting that regimens of chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine, alone or with azithromycin, are not useful and could be harmful in hospitalised patients with COVID-19."


"Fatal risk instead of cure: Ministry of Health returns donated drug chloroquine to manufacturer

Tobias Heimbach
27 Mai 2020

At the beginning of the corona crisis, the malaria drug chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine was considered a possible cure for covid-19 disease. Researchers now assume that it even increases mortality.

A pharmaceutical company had donated eight million tablets to the federal government, which are now being returned to the manufacturer, according to the Ministry of Health at the request of Business Insider.

France has now banned doctors from treating Covid-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine. The World Health Organization also stopped all tests with the drug. [Has again started testings like before ]

The Federal Ministry of Health has returned donated tablets of the drug chloroquine to a pharmaceutical company. At the request of Business Insider, the ministry stated: "Based on current knowledge, a part of the drugs provided was returned to the manufacturers. These are then again available for the treatment of other diagnoses."

In mid-April, the pharmaceutical company had provided the German government with eight million tablets of the drug, as chloroquine and the closely related preparation hydroxychloroquine were still considered promising drugs for Covid-19 at the beginning of the crisis. In the meantime, however, the drug is being evaluated radically differently.
US President Trump also trusted the remedy

Chloroquine was developed over 80 years ago and has been prescribed as a preventive measure against malaria ever since. In the meantime, however, scientific studies have shown that the drug can increase the mortality rate and lead to cardiac arrhythmia when used in Covid-19 patients.

The Ministry of Health announced that the development and risk assessment of the use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine-containing drugs in Covid-19 patients is being closely monitored and is in close contact with the responsible higher federal authority.

The Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) has meanwhile warned of a "risk of serious side effects when used for the treatment of Covid-19". Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) has stopped all tests with the drug. [Has again started testings like before ]"


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
