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Statement Regarding Posts, etc

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Everyone please be aware of any medical/health advice given by anyone here,  or from any other  sources both on and offline. 

Do your own research from multiple sources before taking any actions. Always think for yourself. 

If you are posting any advice in regards to health that may conflict with local laws, then please add at the beginning of your post that the post is for informational purposes only and encourage people to do their own research. The way you word things makes all the difference. 

Please be aware, posts that even indirectly advocate anything illegal will be deleted. 

Personally,  my own opinion regarding vaccines these days is they are both toxic and dangerous. The high number of cases of autism and other related issues, in my own opinion, result from toxic vaccines. 

Years ago,  vaccines were safe and very effective in wiping out many different diseases. 

The Jews have destroyed the medical services in many different ways.  Jews gravitate towards positions of authority and power. The medical professions have been targeted by Jews for centuries. 

Jews WANT the populace to be in bad health. This is for many different reasons. Cheap cures are discouraged,  while ultra expensive addicting drugs are pushed. Nowadays,  in most cases,  these drugs only treat the symptoms,  as a cure would be counterproductive to the Jewish goal. The side effects can be hideous. 

The Jewish  controlled medical also keeps a tight reign on life sustaining drugs.  People complain they can only obtain metered amounts. 

There are supplements that can heal without the life threatening side effects.  These are much cheaper and are easily available. 

When considering taking any supplements,  it is imperative to do extensive research from multiple sources. 

Sources include customer ratings,  visiting many different websites and studying books. 

Be aware of 5 star ratings though,  as many outlets will post 5 stars and raves about their product to make money. The sad fact is nearly every prominent business is owned and/or controlled by Jews. 

Sadly, supplements are definitely affected. 

The Jews are a vicious,  spiteful,  hateful race. They are bullies by nature. 

Anyone who watches TV I'm sure is aware of the endless pharmaceutical commercials describing the most ugly and hideous symptoms,  side effects and related of the drugs they subliminally push. No different from the subliminals used in the "Holy Bible," the Jewish controlled news and media and everything else the Jews use to destroy Gentiles.

For an example,  iodine comes from kelp. A large portion of that kelp they use comes from the waters near Japan. Radioactive Fukushima.  Cancer.

This also can include sushi and other products that have kelp.

People are taught to have faith and trust. This is the absolute worst. 

Ginseng is another toxic ingredient that at one time was good for one's health.  Not anymore. 

China manufactures an extremely high percentage of supplements,  vitamins and of course pharmaceuticals. The toxic waste level in China is staggering. It is no secret that China has been poisoning the world. 

Fillers such as "rice powder" "rice concentrate" rice bran" etc are a dead giveaway these come from China. 

Toxic waste is often disposed of in these products. "Made in USA" statements are perfectly legal. What this means is the products were put together,  manufactured in the USA. Where the ingredients came from is not usually listed. The Jews are aware of all the legal loopholes. Some products state "Made in USA with foreign ingredients." China again. 

The Jew wants everyone to be in ill health, financially dependent and addicted. The subliminal in that rotten bible is the message of humanity being in debt and always owing. The original sin crap along with many others.

So, it makes all the sense, the spiteful Jews will work to destroy the supplements industry by taking control and adding harmful ingredients. 

There are decent outlets for supplements,  but just make sure to thoroughly read the labels,  especially "other ingredients."

Look to multiple sources such as Amazon.com for ratings,  especially one and two star ratings,  and any complaints. 

Write down any supplements you take, the doses and be especially sensitive to how you feel. Do this daily.

The spiteful Jews have a war going on against supplements.  This can be seen in the mainstream news and other Jewish controlled media. 

I have a very high opinion of supplements,  but I do plenty of research. 

Black Elderberry,  Astragalus Root,  Echinacea and Vitamin C are highly effective in strengthening the immune system. These should be taken before a virus gets a hold.

The Jew wants everyone to be tired. Energy drinks have become another target.  Pay for your own destruction. Pushed on the tired public at supermarket checkouts along with other drinks that contain high amounts of sugar and other toxic ingredients, they make people ill and tired. Especially after continually drinking for a period of time. 

As for what's going on in China,  aside from everything else, just think about it...

The Jewish controlled media is the source of disinformation. The very disinformation they keep warning against. 


The deal is, everything else aside, even with a week or two shutdown of manufacturing,  this has serious impact. 

The damage has already been done. Online trading? The Jewish controlled media has been praising and exalting this. So... what happens when there are no physical goods?

The deal is,  the top Jews and Jews in the know, they know their days are numbered. 

Economic collapse has always been their doom. Hitler came to power when money became worthless in Germany. 

Most people can readily see from news reports,  even if the Coronavirus cases all of a sudden stopped.  China's streets and factories have been desolate. 

Just China digging itself out of the hole is bad enough,  but this will affect the world economy drastically. The USA is not the only country heavily dependent on Chinese manufactured items. Australia,  Japan and many others.

The Jews will try anything and everything to keep any optimism regarding the markets and such at an artificial high. 

The spiteful nature of the Jews is well known.  They will and are taking the Sampson option,  they know their days are numbered. They will try to take out as many Gentiles as they are able to.  Numerous Jewish leaders have stated this openly. Again, do some research. 

Too many people already know about the Jews. Worldwide economic collapse will be the trigger. The Jews are well aware of this.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich 
This is exactly what I was talking about. Vaccines are to make us weak and sick. Its fact, not an opinion.

This is why I push for more in depth conversation on the health forum. I am very aware of the dangers of certain herbs and health "fads" tonics and care and study should be above all. I am not a certified health practitioner but I know enough to want to assist our people in staying well.

Certain herbs shouldnt be taken over a long period of time. As for iodine, the key is getting iodine from different sources which is why I wanted to have an open topic on that in the health forum for detoxing with iodine after one gets a vaccine.

Vaccines today are poison and thats what I wanted to convey, though my mistake was not being clear on it being my "opinion" on my last post...
Anyone can do there research and come to their own conclusions about the dangers of vaccines.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
The spiteful nature of the Jews is well known.  They will and are taking the Sampson option,  they know their days are numbered. They will try to take out as many Gentiles as they are able to.  Numerous Jewish leaders have stated this openly. Again, do some research. 

Too many people already know about the Jews. Worldwide economic collapse will be the trigger. The Jews are well aware of this.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich 

Is this guaranteed then? We can expect the world to get nuked in the end?

Just asking to clarify.

If it is unlikely to be stopped, then all people here must be mentally, physically and spiritually prepared for a worst case scenario.

And never give up, as life after the world is nuked is not impossible. We must persevere regardless of the circumstances that befall us and the world.

At least, even if the world is nuked, it is infinitely better than the jews succeeding in making their global communist dystopia, and transforming the entire planet into a reptilian owned cattle farm.

There is nothing good about a world like that, and no potential for any sort of rebuilding or change. It’s entirely doomed.

But a Sampsoned world, so long as there are those who survive, still has potential, as the spark of life hasn’t left and life hasn’t been enslaved and totally controlled by any nefarious E.T’s.

Like a Phoenix, we can rise again. Because I firmly believe the flames of nuclear fallout are not enough to totally incinerate all of humanity, and all gentile races will have survivors.

We must be resilient, and too stubborn to die or give in, even in a literal apocalypse scenario.

Remember that always.

Hail Satan!
I'm surprised. When I first learned of vaccines and how they were invented, I thought it was a great concept.
By injecting a mostly weakened sample into a person's body, the person's immune system will pre-emptively learn how to deal with the real thing.
It trades a risk of severe symptoms in the future for mild symptoms in the present; and if you ask me, that's worth it if the real disease is dangerous or common enough.
Especially for something that's both dangerous and spreading like wildfire such as the latest Coronavirus, I would assume that vaccinating the general population is a wonderful idea; it'll make people much less likely to die as they won't be affected by the more severe version of the virus, and make it much harder for the virus to spread due to herd immunity.

However, now that you mention it, you have a solid point that the Jews are likely tampering with it in some ways.
It creates a dilemma; at their core, vaccinations are so effective, but is it still worth it with all the side effects caused by all the toxins that are most likely being added?
I've never thought about this before (since the media caused me to brush off anti-vaxxers as delusional), but for now, my preliminary stance is that for the average non-spiritual person it might still be ideal to just get the vaccine and try to cope with any unnecessary side effects (unnecessary as in what's caused by the added toxins; the symptoms from dealing with the weak form of the virus are necessary, as it's part of the trade-off inherent to how vaccines work), but personally I would rather just do a health working than be injected with something that (((they))) have tampered with.

As for why I think it's better for the average person to get toxin-filled vaccines instead of using alternative medicine, it's because I'm sure alternative medicine is at least as full of misinformation as official medicine is. At least with the vaccine, you know that somewhere amidst the toxins, there still is something helpful that will grant immunity. But with alternative medicine, there's no guarantee, and unless you're really good at weeding out things that are legit from things that aren't, you're at risk of not only getting scammed out of your money, but also in serious danger if the product you bought isn't safe; so then you're not only letting toxins into your body (like you would if you got the vaccine), but you're not even getting immunity out of it.
Ideally, I wish vaccines could return to their relatively safe, untampered state. All you need is just a weakened form of the virus and a bit of research. Just what kind of excuses do they use to add various other substances into it?

That said, if people are able to find alternatives which they know work and are safe if used properly (such as colloidal silver, which is discussed in a different thread), then more power to them. I think I'll just stick to spiritual solutions myself, though, unless a God(dess) recommends that I use something.
On second thought, there may come a point where vaccines are worse than just getting infected by the actual disease. What a mess.
HPS Shannon said:
Anyone can do there research and come to their own conclusions about the dangers of vaccines.

This website is garbage. Fitting given that it's as organized as a dump. Might be okay if you want a repo of all of the anti vaxxers' arguments, but it's no good if you're looking for an objective presentation of the facts.

The author argues that vaccination is a racket built on fear mongering and paranoia and uses that presumption to shill for all sorts of supplementations in their place. Ironically, the same argument that he makes against vaccinations can just as well be applied to anti vaxxers. The main difference is rabid pro vaxxers are in bed with the pharmaceutical industry, while rabid anti vaxxers are in bed with the nutraceutical industry, which could be just as bad if not worse given that many pharmaceutical drugs have proven effects in treating their targeted ailments while many nutraceuticals do not, or they're simply made out to be "miracle cures" when they may be completely unrelated to the issues they're purported to cure, or actually make things worse and necessitate the use of more "treatments". Just like pharma.

Essentially, convincing people with debilitating and life threatening illnesses to take alt-health snake oil supplements that either do nothing or cause more issues, just to sell a bottle of pills. What then is the difference between them and the corrupt establishment that they claim to be against?

Many of the sources seem to lead to either another page on the same site, blogs, youtube videos, facebook pages or news articles. Considering this and the obvious biases, is it really a reliable reference?

People who decide to lean on this site should also keep in mind the other views of the author and remain healthily skeptic. He shills all the jew age memes: satanic jews, jewish nazis, marry-jew-anna cures cancer, psychadelics, flat earth, satanic xian church(ROFL), etc.


That said, there do seem to be a few decent pages there, if one is willing to sift through the word salad and bullshit.

HPS Shannon said:
This is exactly what I was talking about. Vaccines are to make us weak and sick. Its fact, not an opinion.

This is why I push for more in depth conversation on the health forum. I am very aware of the dangers of certain herbs and health "fads" tonics and care and study should be above all. I am not a certified health practitioner but I know enough to want to assist our people in staying well.

Certain herbs shouldnt be taken over a long period of time. As for iodine, the key is getting iodine from different sources which is why I wanted to have an open topic on that in the health forum for detoxing with iodine after one gets a vaccine.

Vaccines today are poison and thats what I wanted to convey, though my mistake was not being clear on it being my "opinion" on my last post...

If there are harmfull metals or chemikals added to the vaccine, then why did never someone try to sue thear ass off?
I mean just take some random vaccines take it to a laboratory (only the fluid) let it tested on metals chemikals etc. If they contain these stuff, well then good job this could be a case with penalty payment above billions, compared to this the monsanto case will look like nothing. If someone can sue MC Donalds over there too hot coffee (the more hot the better it taste, the same is the case with the colder things are) so they could sell less expensive coffee/use beans = make more money.
The same argument can be broad into the field: Adding cheap metals/chemikals for more profit to fill up the vaccines. Wich are harmfull for people. I guess the person will need a extra amount of protection from the gods.
curio said:
HPS Shannon said:
Anyone can do there research and come to their own conclusions about the dangers of vaccines.

This website is garbage. Fitting given that it's as organized as a dump. Might be okay if you want a repo of all of the anti vaxxers' arguments, but it's no good if you're looking for an objective presentation of the facts.

The author argues that vaccination is a racket built on fear mongering and paranoia and uses that presumption to shill for all sorts of supplementations in their place. Ironically, the same argument that he makes against vaccinations can just as well be applied to anti vaxxers. The main difference is rabid pro vaxxers are in bed with the pharmaceutical industry, while rabid anti vaxxers are in bed with the nutraceutical industry, which could be just as bad if not worse given that many pharmaceutical drugs have proven effects in treating their targeted ailments while many nutraceuticals do not, or they're simply made out to be "miracle cures" when they may be completely unrelated to the issues they're purported to cure, or actually make things worse and necessitate the use of more "treatments". Just like pharma.

Essentially, convincing people with debilitating and life threatening illnesses to take alt-health snake oil supplements that either do nothing or cause more issues, just to sell a bottle of pills. What then is the difference between them and the corrupt establishment that they claim to be against?

Many of the sources seem to lead to either another page on the same site, blogs, youtube videos, facebook pages or news articles. Considering this and the obvious biases, is it really a reliable reference?

People who decide to lean on this site should also keep in mind the other views of the author and remain healthily skeptic. He shills all the jew age memes: satanic jews, jewish nazis, marry-jew-anna cures cancer, psychadelics, flat earth, satanic xian church(ROFL), etc.


That said, there do seem to be a few decent pages there, if one is willing to sift through the word salad and bullshit.


I never said the site was perfect, Curio.

Just because the website has flaws does NOT mean that it isnt worthy of studying and nor does it mean that it doesnt have valuable information, just like many other things. Thats how we all study.

Furthermore, in my post, I said that information on vaccines can be gathered all over the internet- other sites and sources. I dont rely heavily on the site but I have found that it does carry very valuable information that aligns with other sources I have come across. Use your own judgement.
The thing is these guys that say all that stuff and write the earth is flat have to somehow have credibility because they just say all of science sucks. It makes them cool that way. Science sucks etc, not a fact provided about why it really sucks other than it makes money, etc.

I understand the racket thing and the poison agenda thing as part of a larger scheme of things, but I wouldn't trust a flat earther for guidance on health.

People in three weeks more than likely in an industrial area breathe a lot of heavy metals as it is. Possibly way more than a vaccine can ever have it filled into it, even at the level of the conspiracy claims. Its not like one instantly becomes a vegetable. Much of it has to also go to the brain. Definitely harmful, but one does not become a vegetable or autistic out of nowhere.

People do toxic jobs for 30 and 40 years without turning into vegetables, and they inhale many more metals and traces of metals than people complain about. One such job is miners or construction. It does not turn them to a retard. How this may affect health is related to exhaustion as well.

Applied science on the other hand and applied sciences have quadrupled human population in a few decades by constant application. That is an undeniable fact. Some jewing here and there by the medical or scientific apparatus or some mistakes or even subversive propaganda, should be recognized for what it is, but not all of it can down to the slide all of science in one stroke.

curio said:
HPS Shannon said:
Anyone can do there research and come to their own conclusions about the dangers of vaccines.

This website is garbage. Fitting given that it's as organized as a dump. Might be okay if you want a repo of all of the anti vaxxers' arguments, but it's no good if you're looking for an objective presentation of the facts.

The author argues that vaccination is a racket built on fear mongering and paranoia and uses that presumption to shill for all sorts of supplementations in their place. Ironically, the same argument that he makes against vaccinations can just as well be applied to anti vaxxers. The main difference is rabid pro vaxxers are in bed with the pharmaceutical industry, while rabid anti vaxxers are in bed with the nutraceutical industry, which could be just as bad if not worse given that many pharmaceutical drugs have proven effects in treating their targeted ailments while many nutraceuticals do not, or they're simply made out to be "miracle cures" when they may be completely unrelated to the issues they're purported to cure, or actually make things worse and necessitate the use of more "treatments". Just like pharma.

Essentially, convincing people with debilitating and life threatening illnesses to take alt-health snake oil supplements that either do nothing or cause more issues, just to sell a bottle of pills. What then is the difference between them and the corrupt establishment that they claim to be against?

Many of the sources seem to lead to either another page on the same site, blogs, youtube videos, facebook pages or news articles. Considering this and the obvious biases, is it really a reliable reference?

People who decide to lean on this site should also keep in mind the other views of the author and remain healthily skeptic. He shills all the jew age memes: satanic jews, jewish nazis, marry-jew-anna cures cancer, psychadelics, flat earth, satanic xian church(ROFL), etc.


That said, there do seem to be a few decent pages there, if one is willing to sift through the word salad and bullshit.

No, but many people are just afraid about it. Nuclear is too far. Even if Israel boasts they may not even have half the claimed Nuclear capability.

Given Jewish nature they will definitely try. Try does not mean succeed.

One example is the United States and how they will attempt Communism and are preparing this for a while now.

With the enemy it has only two ways, people do not resist them, we end up destroyed and Borg. This is the worst case scenario. The enemy going without awareness and resistance does not mean there will not be fallout. It will be the biggest fallout.

People resist them, there are casualties, which the sooner the resistance the less these are going to be part of these.

Samson option includes trying to take Gentiles down by any means necessary and is not only a nuclear thing. For example before a final displacement of the enemy, they may go for a last grip to try to re instate brutish xianity or Communism with intensified efforts.

Even what they do to Europe with the mass invasion is not only a plan but a potential Samson. Knowing that people will inevitably wake up, they try to make things chaotic for people again. This is also a last ditch attempt to restore the dead and dying rooted abrahamic programs in Europe.

VoiceofEnki said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
The spiteful nature of the Jews is well known.  They will and are taking the Sampson option,  they know their days are numbered. They will try to take out as many Gentiles as they are able to.  Numerous Jewish leaders have stated this openly. Again, do some research. 

Too many people already know about the Jews. Worldwide economic collapse will be the trigger. The Jews are well aware of this.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich 

Is this guaranteed then? We can expect the world to get nuked in the end?

Just asking to clarify.

If it is unlikely to be stopped, then all people here must be mentally, physically and spiritually prepared for a worst case scenario.

And never give up, as life after the world is nuked is not impossible. We must persevere regardless of the circumstances that befall us and the world.

At least, even if the world is nuked, it is infinitely better than the jews succeeding in making their global communist dystopia, and transforming the entire planet into a reptilian owned cattle farm.

There is nothing good about a world like that, and no potential for any sort of rebuilding or change. It’s entirely doomed.

But a Sampsoned world, so long as there are those who survive, still has potential, as the spark of life hasn’t left and life hasn’t been enslaved and totally controlled by any nefarious E.T’s.

Like a Phoenix, we can rise again. Because I firmly believe the flames of nuclear fallout are not enough to totally incinerate all of humanity, and all gentile races will have survivors.

We must be resilient, and too stubborn to die or give in, even in a literal apocalypse scenario.

Remember that always.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
I'm rather sure that the world will not be nuked. From what I understand, Maxine meant that the Jews are taking this option, and as such trying to wipe us out as they go down. This doesn't mean that they will succeed. As long as we keep going hard on the RTR, all of their large-scale attempts should backfire and fail.
Thanks Maxine for your wonderful sermon. I totally agree with you upon the fact their days are numbered. Fucking kikes they have lost it hence they will try to murder as much as guillible and moronic gentiles as possible they are doing it right away. Once you are with Satan with the Gods and you do your yoga, your meditation for empowering the aura, you cast spell and become a good martial artist you are almost untouchable for the enemy. I have been studying hard from JoS, performing meditations, reading more and more and of course cursing our foes (that filthy thoughtform yhvh the greys the kikes and the thoughtforma on the astral world)

On a side note, I would like to ask you or anyone who is seasoned to astrology (my level of astrology is good but not good enough to foresee things) to talk about the conjungtion between Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in CAPRICORN. Moreover when Mercury retrogrades in Pisces this 17th February Mars will enter in Capricorn which means we will have 4 planets in the sign of the Amaltea goat. Not only that but also in the Idus of March (22/3) when the Sun enters in the sign of the ram Aries which sets the beginning of each year Saturn will enter in Aquarius.
Do I have to remind you that when Hitler came to power back in 1933 Saturn was in Aquarius??? Besides when internet became a household name and became useful for people at their houses Saturn was also transiting Aquarius (1991/92/93) oh the kikes are gonna suffer!!! Nevertheless, I warn you to be on the ball since the jews will use the transit of Aquarius in Saturn to try to restric our freedoms namely freedom of speech in the internet. They will try relentlessly to fuck up with 1st Ammendment to the USA Constitution.
I for one think, due to all the planetary transits regarding Capricorn and Saturn in Aquarius (also Pluto in Aquarius) 2020 is a key year for the destruction of the jewish system
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Tbh eating and inhaling toxic metals vs getting them directly in bloodstream is different. Alcohol when injected can be far more fatal than when drunk. Digestive system selectively absorbs things. Apply the same logic to toxic metals.

anonymous666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Tbh eating and inhaling toxic metals vs getting them directly in bloodstream is different. Alcohol when injected can be far more fatal than when drunk. Digestive system selectively absorbs things. Apply the same logic to toxic metals.


The pore tissue of the inner lungs does absorb things into the bloodstream, which is basic science 101. This circulates and goes into the brain. Oxygen makes it into the lungs and then to the bloodstream, which is how the oxygen is transferred into the body, to the brain etc. In decades, the effects would be the same if not worse.

What about when people cook on fucked up pans that give out traces of metal and people eat this alongside the food? Clearly, metals end up in the body. This doesn't make one a retard if it happens 10 times, which should be sufficient to collect a similar sample as a vaccine in the amount of metals it's claimed to have.

I am not a real fan of the vaccines nor the exaggerated stuff people write against them if there isn't much evidence or they just pull out of their ears randomly. Writing pseudo-science without anything concrete behind it doesn't make one better than a jew who claims pseudo-scientific lies pulled out of their ass.

I am not a fan of pseudo-science, this is what Jews do to science. Gentiles doing this while pretending this somehow fights the Jews is equally dishonest as any other kike.
Some of the Amazon reviews are paid. Some sellers offers money to post a reviews. Be aware

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
