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  1. A

    [Trad] La mente del PNG: perché la GdS è erroneamente vista come malvagia

    The NPC Mind: Why The JoS Is Falsely Seen As Evil https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-npc-mind-why-the-jos-is-falsely-seen-as-evil.88481/ Perché la gente è programmata... dagli stessi ebrei che dicono costantemente di non esistere. La morsa della mente del PNG, dovuta alla programmazione...
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    The NPC Mind: Why The JoS Is Falsely Seen As Evil https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-npc-mind-why-the-jos-is-falsely-seen-as-evil.88481/
  3. A

    [Trad] Trattamento equo della conoscenza

    Fair Treatment Of Knowledge https://ancient-forums.com/threads/fair-treatment-of-knowledge.95310/ In generale, uno dei motivi per cui sono quasi dell'idea che la GdS debba essere chiusa al mondo esterno è che gli esseri umani sono molto deboli e non riescono a interiorizzare facilmente certe...
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Fair Treatment Of Knowledge https://ancient-forums.com/threads/fair-treatment-of-knowledge.95310/
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    [Trad] Scrivete i vostri problemi

    Write Down Your Problems https://ancient-forums.com/threads/write-down-your-problems.95337/ Saluti a tutti, Dato che la GdS sta per subire dei cambiamenti strutturali a beneficio di tutti, è importante che voi raccontiate tutti i problemi che avete. O qualsiasi cosa vi sentiate a vostro agio...
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    It’s Satan or YHWH?

    Dedication is essential to establish a connection with Satanas and be protected by Him. "yahweh" is a thoughtform of the enemy, it is a tetragrammaton of jewish letters, with killing the tetragrammaton ritual you will resolve the situation, also with the Final RtR and the Shattering jewish soul...
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    It’s Satan or YHWH?

    At the beginning of the Satanic journey some spiritual and psychic attacks can arrive from the enemy, that is because you are on the right path. It is positive that you are studying Satanism, in the Joy of Satanas you can find everything you need. The Dedication is very important...
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    2025 SS Calendars

    Thank you all for the Calendars!
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    Calendari SS 2025 [TRAD]

    Grazie Aquarius per aver tradotto il calendario, colgo l'occasione per ringraziarti di aver tradotto anche quelli degli anni precedenti.
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Write Down Your Problems https://ancient-forums.com/threads/write-down-your-problems.95337/
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    [Trad] I peccati della guerra tra Israele e Iran

    The Sins Of Israel & Iran War https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-sins-of-israel-iran-war.95628/ Devo riaprire internet e vedere le notizie e ci risiamo, altri ebrei che hanno bombardato i generali iraniani, dopo un intero ciclo di attacchi e uccisioni di bambini e neonati, mentre loro...
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    The Sins Of Israel & Iran War https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-sins-of-israel-iran-war.95628/
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    [Trad] Tutti sono terroristi e Hamas al giorno d'oggi

    Everyone Is a Terrorist And Hamas Nowadays https://ancient-forums.com/threads/everyone-is-a-terrorist-and-hamas-nowadays.95697/ Ci sono molti video in cui sparano a bambini, neonati, persone a caso, come l'altro video in cui hanno ucciso tre bambini di sette anni senza alcun motivo. Tutti...
  14. A

    Third eye

    You can do the Necronomicon Meditation for the Third Eye: https://joyofsatan.org/Necronomicon_Meditations.html You can verify the astrological conditions in https://jos-astro.com/ in the JoS Calendar.
  15. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Everyone Is a Terrorist And Hamas Nowadays https://ancient-forums.com/threads/everyone-is-a-terrorist-and-hamas-nowadays.95697/
  16. A

    [Trad] Unire le nostre comunità russe [орумы Joy of Satan Russia были обновлены! - 17 июня 2024]

    Uniting Our Russian Communities [орумы Joy of Satan Russia были обновлены! - 17 июня 2024]...
  17. A

    House of the Gods: Welcoming New Members

    Beautiful Sermon Guardian.
  18. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Uniting Our Russian Communities [орумы Joy of Satan Russia были обновлены! - 17 июня 2024]...
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    [Trad] Sulla violenza e la conversione della “gente” a “dio”.

    About Violence & Conversion Of "People" To "God" https://ancient-forums.com/threads/about-violence-conversion-of-people-to-god.289521/ Alcuni sembrano ancora pensare che la “violenza” possa essere una soluzione per riportare le persone agli Dèi. Questi Dèi, non sarebbero certamente i nostri...
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    New God Rituals: Nepthys & Sekhmet NOW LIVE [Nov 17 to Nov 23]

    Thank you High Priest for the Rituals! Thank you JG Karnonnos, JG Power of Justice, JG NakedPluto and Arcadia for the important informations!
  21. A

    Adolf Hitler

    He is more than good, He is divine and He saved this world. For more informations: https://ss-reich.com/Adolf_Hitler.html https://www.satanisgod.org/mini_index.html
  22. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    About Violence & Conversion Of "People" To "God" https://ancient-forums.com/threads/about-violence-conversion-of-people-to-god.289521/
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    Sermoni da tradurre

    Grazie SaqqaraNox per aver realizzato questo elenco. Contribuirò con qualche traduzione.
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    Other #882 Vril Society / Thule Society are the same?

    They were secret societies, so there are few informations. Probably in the Vril there were only women, as Maria Orsic, and in the Thule only men. But I don't know if this is true.
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    Joy of Satanas Final Response: About “Jews”, “Hitler”, “National Socialism” & Politics

    This Sermon is very important for understand the truth about world history, thank you High Priest.
  26. A

    #837 the actual purpose of guardian demons

    This Sermon can help you: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/about-guardian-demons.91446/
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    People who achieved immortality, where are they?

    This Sermon can help: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/levels-of-the-magnum-opus-clarified.289396/
  28. A

    [Trad] Bruciare il karma; lavorare come una famiglia

    Burning Karma; Working as a Family https://ancient-forums.com/threads/burning-karma-working-as-a-family.294240/ Nella GdS abbiamo la meditazione di liberazione dell'anima. È estremamente efficace... ma solo per alcuni tipi di karma. Legami, karma auto-inflitto e così via. C'è altro karma. La...
  29. A

    Burning Karma; Working as a Family

    Very beautiful and profound Sermon, thank you HPS Lydia.
  30. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Burning Karma; Working as a Family https://ancient-forums.com/threads/burning-karma-working-as-a-family.294240/
  31. A

    Karma & Working Manifestation

    Very useful informations, thank you High Priest.
  32. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Karma & Working Manifestation https://ancient-forums.com/threads/karma-working-manifestation.294201/
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    Janus Ritual - Now until Nov 12

    Thank you High Priestess Lydia. Hail Janus!
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    #790 I've slept with someone who's slept with a jew.

    It is very important and positive that you can perceive energies. So if you don't feel negative affects, it is all good.
  35. A

    Sexuality #776 Porns negative effect on overall health

    You can read: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/on-porn.280524/ and https://satanslibrary.org/English/HP_Hooded_Cobra/Sexual_Energy_Celibacy_No_Fap_November_-_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666.pdf
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    #701 Did Hitler and Himmler truly kill themselves?

    A lot of no-SS and no-Nazi historians said that there are proof that Hitler did not kill himself, you can search on Internet. Anyway Hitler completed the Magnum Opus.
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    I wish that Trump will stop the wars and stop the global tension, he will be a good president again.
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    It's official - Trump won

    I am happy that Trump will be the new president of the United States.
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    The Gods Will Never Give Up On You: Ups & Downs In Life

    Beautiful words, the faith in the Gods is very important.
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    Your Experience with the Squares: Share your experiences!

    In my experience, I noticed changes immediately with some Squares and not with others. Anyway for all of them there are benefits for inner evolution, in my experience I felt that evolution after 2-3 squares of the same planet. The planet should be in the right astrological sign, you can check...
  41. A

    Other #743 In the Moscow metro, I was attacked by an Orthodox Christian for Halloween paraphernalia on my smartphone.

    During these situations you can connect with Satan and the Gods for help. Ignore christians, they provoke you and it is a trap.
  42. A

    Aura cleaning after FRTR?

    After a FRTR you can do these: https://joyofsatan.org/Returning_Curses.html https://joyofsatan.org/Returning_Curses2.html
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    Workings #728 Cleaning?

    You can also visualize, so you can vibrate and visualize specific areas, as Chakras and Aura.
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    About Prisoners To Negativity - Empathy, Modern World & Mental Health

    Balance of the emotions and happiness are very important. Thank you High Priest for the Sermon.
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    My Guardian Demon

    You can go in Trance and visualize the Sigil of your Guardian Demon.
  46. A

    Samhain: Two New God Rituals - Bastet and Seshat

    2 beautiful Rituals for Samhain! Thank you High Priest! Happy Samhain!
  47. A

    [Trad] Buon Halloween / Samhain! (2024)

    Happy Halloween / Samhain! (2024) https://ancient-forums.com/threads/happy-halloween-samhain-2024.293846/ Buon Halloween, a tutti! Nei tempi moderni la festa di Halloween è sempre più all'insegna dell'orrore e del sangue. Il nemico mette in scena tutto questo per insultare Satana e spaventare...
  48. A

    The Occult Path: "Closed Be The Doors To The Andrapoda"

    Thank you High Priest for this important Sermon.
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Happy Halloween / Samhain! (2024) https://ancient-forums.com/threads/happy-halloween-samhain-2024.293846/
  50. A

    Extremist christian pastor Joel Webbon

    If marxism fail, jews will push christianity. They always promote a program of domination and slavery for the Gentiles, if one fails, the other arrives.
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    Voting trump

    I am not American, anyway I think that a government with the alliance Trump-Kennedy-Musk is better than Harris.
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    #626 Was Hitler really a Satanist? Why do his words point to the contrary?

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    Meditations #618 How do I boost the process of Energy Balancing and Distribution within the Soul?

    You could balance the Elements with this meditation: Circulating The Elements.
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    [Trad] Divinazione e relazioni personali

    Divination And Personal Relationships https://ancient-forums.com/threads/divination-and-personal-relationships.293718/ Un argomento comune che le persone mi raccontano è il seguente: “Ho chiesto se questa persona sarà l'amore della mia vita ed i tarocchi hanno detto di sì. L'ho chiesto a...
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    That is why enemy programs always attack sexuality.
  56. A

    Divination And Personal Relationships

    Very good and important words High Priest, personal experiences and logic are very important.
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Divination And Personal Relationships https://ancient-forums.com/threads/divination-and-personal-relationships.293718/
  58. A

    A Thank You To Lord Valefor

    Hail Valefor!
  59. A

    #593 Anti angel works

    https://josrituals.org/ritual/rtr/final-rtr-killing-tetragrammaton-shattering-jewish-soul-protection.html Avoid contact with angels thoughtforms. You can do the Gods Rituals.
  60. A

    The Gods #604 How to protect yourself when working with Demons?

    You should study the website https://www.satanisgod.org/ Especially the part about the Gods https://joyofsatan.org/AllDemons.html When working with the Gods, you are protected by Them.
  61. A


    You can start with the 40 day meditation program and then the 6 months program. You can do Gods Rituals and RtRs. You can learn gradually, that is normal, and everyday you will know new things, learning new things can generate beautiful emotions, you are doing the process correctly, during the...
  62. A

    A Happy and Growing Community

    JoS is a wonderful Community and It is a gift from the Gods!
  63. A

    Magical Squares

    In the same period of time, yes.
  64. A

    Hitler and Christians

    Hitler was fighting against christianity: https://ss-reich.com/
  65. A

    About The Upcoming JoS Logo & Aesthetic Websites Update

    The attack on the image of Satanas in which He is considered with red horns, was made by pope greogory IX in his papal bull: "vox in rama” in 1233, based on a misinterpretation of the God Pan, this is also a bull that started a brutal inquisition against Pagans and against cats.
  66. A

    About The Upcoming JoS Logo & Aesthetic Websites Update

    Humanity will know the Gods in a perfect way thanks to JoS! Thank you High Priest and thanks to all Brothers and Sisters who make this possible.
  67. A

    The Gods #525 How many forms does Satan have?

    Here you can find a lot of informations about Satanas: https://joyofsatan.org/SATANAS.html
  68. A

    Un dono per Haures

    Mi sono dimenticato di dire che ovviamente puoi anche continuare a pubblicare i disegni in questo Forum Italiano. Quello dell'Arte e della Musica è un'aggiunta perchè lì un maggior numeri di fratelli e sorelle può darti suggerimenti.
  69. A

    Un dono per Haures

    L'arte è parte del Satanismo, continua con la tua creatività. Puoi pubblicare il tuo disegno ed i prossimi nel Forum Joy of Satan Art & Music: https://www.ancient-forums.com/forums/joy-of-satan-art-music.39/
  70. A

    Distaccare una persona

    Questa traduzione del Sermone dell'Alta Sacerdotessa Lydia può aiutare: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/trad-guarire-il-corpo-emotivo-anche-per-gli-uomini-non-ignorate-questa-cosa.292579/
  71. A

    #531 How can I get rid of brain fog?

    You can do void meditation and you can go in trance. You can also read: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-benefits-of-trance.74755/
  72. A

    The Gods #530 The Final Battle

  73. A

    What can I do for bad karma in my birthchart?

    There is: https://jos-astro.com/ You can make your natal chart in JoS Astro. You can start Satan's Magickal Squares in the days indicated in the JoS Calendar, you can find it in JoS Astro. Since you have completed the 40 day meditation program, you should start the 6 months program.
  74. A

    Problemi sito josita.org

    Grazie SaqqaraNox per aver ripristinato i link.
  75. A

    [Trad] Gestire gli andropedi: riguardo le persone che cercano di fermare la vostra evoluzione

    Handling Andrapods: About People That Try To Stop Your Evolution https://ancient-forums.com/threads/handling-andrapods-about-people-that-try-to-stop-your-evolution.293491/ Per coloro che non comprendono la terminologia di “Andrapoda”, questo indica le persone spiritualmente non risvegliate...
  76. A

    The red string bracelet Jews wear?

    If that jew is a problem for you, do the RtRs on him. Try to avoid him as much as you can.
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    #514 Is this normal, or bad? [Trigger Warning: Sexual Description]

    That is normal, your spiritual sexual energy is increasing thanks to the Rituals.
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    Globo luminoso nella mia stanza

    Potresti specificare meglio cosa vedi?
  79. A

    Handling Andrapods: About People That Try To Stop Your Evolution

    Thank you High Priest for those informations about Andrapods, they are very annoying, sometimes they are dangerous but thanks to JoS we have spiritual instruments to defend ourselves and when occure also to make justice.
  80. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Handling Andrapods: About People That Try To Stop Your Evolution https://ancient-forums.com/threads/handling-andrapods-about-people-that-try-to-stop-your-evolution.293491/
  81. A

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Puoi leggere il sito: josita.org Dopo la lettura se hai delle domande le puoi porre in questo Forum in lingua italiana oppure anche nel Forum in lingua inglese.
  82. A

    Ordine di lettura

    Benvenuto nel Satanismo Spirituale! Da satanisgod.org vai a joyofsatan.org , da lì puoi seguire l'ordine predisposto: Welcome, The Truth About Satan, Spiritual Satanism, ecc... Dopo i titoli accompagnati dalle immagini, in basso ci sono altri titoli senza immagini, anche quelli sono...
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    Opening the soul question

    It is better one at a time, because there could be some effects after one opening meditation.
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    16th Centurys German 'oath skull' meaning?

    That is the sator square. It has been found even in Ancient Rome, but I don't know the meaning.
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    #474 Nama

    For every page of the Satan's Magickal Squares it is wrote: "One can replace with NAMA with SVAHA ٠ [S-V-AH-HAH]٠ when working for spiritual goals"
  86. A

    What is the purpose of the demon information in the calendar?

    Yes you can do His Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/lucifius-focalor-power-ritual.html You can do His Ritual also other days of the year, as for every God Rituals.
  87. A

    Jewish Teacher

    Don't trust the jews and avoid them as much as you can. You can do RtRs on that jew. https://josrituals.org/ritual/rtr/final-rtr-killing-tetragrammaton-shattering-jewish-soul-protection.html
  88. A

    #484 air

    It will not be a serious problem. You can do few breaths of earth.
  89. A

    Truth about jews

    You can study the jews here: https://kabbalahexposed.com/ https://www.satanisgod.org/mini_index.html https://satanslibrary.org/English/How_to_Recognize_and_Identify_a_Jew_Part_1.pdf https://satanslibrary.org/English/How_to_Recognize_and_Identify_a_Jew_Part_2.pdf...
  90. A

    Saturn Return – Facts, not Fears

    Thank you for the Sermon High Priestess.
  91. A


    No, but there is a JoS Greek Forum: https://www.ancient-forums.com/forums/%CE%A7%CE%B1%CF%81%CE%AC-%CF%84%CE%BF%CF%85-%CE%A3%CE%B1%CF%84%CE%B1%CE%BD%CE%AC-joy-of-satan-hellas.43/
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    Welcome to Spiritual Satanism! You can study this website: https://www.satanisgod.org/ Then you can start this program meditation: https://satanslibrary.org/hp_hooded_cobra_40_day_meditation_program.pdf and then this one...
  93. A

    How to meditate on feelings?

    This meditation of HPS Lydia may help you: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/healing-the-emotional-body-for-men-too-don%E2%80%99t-disregard-this.292496/
  94. A

    Living in a city crawling with Kikes

    With time, efforts and consistency of doing the RtRs, the Gods Rituals and the meditations of JoS, jews became irrelevant. And remember that you are always protected by Satan and the Gods, so you can remain in a Western Country.
  95. A

    New God Rituals: Raum & Asclepius

    Thank you Guardian Karnonnos for your excellent work about both the Gods! The Temple of Imhotep at Memphis was called Asclepieo, with this inscription: "τὸ πρὸς Μέμφιν μέγα Ἀσκληπιεῖον". But I don't know if They are the same God.
  96. A

    #449 killers and satan?

    https://joyofsatan.org/Satanic-Ethics.html https://kabbalahexposed.com/the-qlippoth-or-empty-husks-explained.html
  97. A

    New God Rituals: Raum & Asclepius

    Thank you High Priest for the Rituals!
  98. A

    The Difference Between Humans and the jew

    You can do damage with: https://josrituals.org/ritual/rtr/final-rtr-killing-tetragrammaton-shattering-jewish-soul-protection.html For more informations about jews and judaism: https://kabbalahexposed.com/
  99. A

    The Difference Between Humans and the jew

    Good article. The jews have a different soul with only 4 chakras, also their religious texts are full of genocides against Gentiles and a lot of verses about the formation of their nation based on massacres of Gentiles.
  100. A

    #440 Communication with a Demon

    In this page you will find informations about the Gods and the Demons: https://joyofsatan.org/AllDemons.html Also: https://kabbalahexposed.com/ and https://exposingchristianity.info/
  101. A

    [Trad] Articolo gratuito dei donatori: riguardo la preghiera agli Dèi

    Free Donor's Article: About Prayer To The Gods https://ancient-forums.com/threads/free-donors-article-about-prayer-to-the-gods.293269/ Tra pregare gli Dèi e chiedere aiuto c'è una piccola differenza di cui tutti dovrebbero essere consapevoli. Poiché molti provengono da ambienti Cristiani o...
  102. A

    FW Murnau's head

    Welcome to Spiritual Satanism. If you study the website: https://www.satanisgod.org/ you will understand that true Spiritual Satanists do not commit those acts.
  103. A

    FRTRs making me feel sick

    Do this https://joyofsatan.org/Returning_Curses.html and this: https://joyofsatan.org/Returning_Curses2.html after the RtRs. Before go to sleep and when you wake up clean your aura and do protection meditation. With time and consistency you will become stronger. I don't know if you have done...
  104. A

    #433 Soul and body's role on intelligence

    It depends by the Natal Chart, by the Karma of previous life and by the education one receive by the parents and by the educational system. Planet Squares can increase intelligence.
  105. A


    Non so se sono stati tradotti.
  106. A

    #419 jewish hollywood and witchcraft

    The jews want the Gentiles enslaved in their programs spiritually, politically, etc...
  107. A

    Free Donor's Article: About Prayer To The Gods

    Thank you High Priest for explaining the difference between the two.
  108. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Free Donor's Article: About Prayer To The Gods https://ancient-forums.com/threads/free-donors-article-about-prayer-to-the-gods.293269/
  109. A

    UFC fighters using Magick?

    Magick can be used everywhere for everything, so also in UFC.
  110. A


    La differenza consiste nell'approccio e nell'obiettivo da conseguire. Gli obiettivi dello Yoga sono di elevata comprensione, perciò non tenere conto della mia risposta, eventualmente usala come minima ispirazione per proseguire i tuoi studi sull'argomento. L'Alta Sacerdotessa Lydia è la massima...
  111. A

    #391 This is an interesting website, but this one part makes me skeptical

  112. A

    #398 My sister fell in love

    You can help her with good comunication for example. You can support her in the relationship. You can also become friend with this guy.
  113. A


    La differenza tra lo Yoga e lo streatching è lo stato di rilassamento. Lo stretching prevede uno sforzo volto ad elastacizzare le articolazioni e le giunture, mentre lo Yoga, specialmente l'Hatha Yoga, prevede uno stato di rilassamento e concentrazione senza sforzo. In tale condizione bisogna...
  114. A

    Satanic landmarks

    You can visit the Ancient Temples of the Gods that are open to tourists.
  115. A

    #376 [Advanced SS please] Can we evoke, program and direct 4 elements like we do with other types of magic,

    You can but first you should have a high tolerance of the element you want to use.
  116. A

    About Threats Done To My Life: And Ritual Schedule

    They don't understand the power of Satan and the power of the Gods. These 7 days will be great with the Power of 3 important Gods.
  117. A

    I observe: Western common people resistance to invasion is weakening. What then?

    That is the point. You must increase spiritually your power, with the JoS knowledge you become stronger, do not feel impotent, because you are with Satan and the Gods..
  118. A

    Element invocation

    https://joyofsatan.org/hailtosatansvictory666.angelfire.com/More_Info_Elements.html I quote: "one should gradually build their tolerance to the elements." If I remember correctly, when you evoke an element, after some time the opposite element returns, with the effects of that element. But I...
  119. A

    #352 Did Wall Street and Rockefeller really support Hitler?

    For more real informations about that period: https://www.satanisgod.org/mini_index.html
  120. A

    40-day HP Cobra program break at work

    You can continue the program and when the program is finished, I suggest you to start the 6 months program: https://joyofsatan.org/hailtosatansvictory666.angelfire.com/Spiritual_Warfare_Training.html
  121. A

    #355 succubi

    https://ancient-forums.com/threads/succubi-incubi-cowardly-bunk.93101/ https://ancient-forums.com/threads/on-porn.280524/
  122. A

    Some advice on whether I should go University or not

    You can analyze your Natal Chart to verifiy if this is the correct way for your life. A University title of study, or Bachelor degree, is important for any kind of job, even the types of job not related to the title of study itself. Finding job is easier. You can also find job and/or gain...
  123. A

    The Gods #349 Worship

    You can do His Rituals: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/satan-absolution-ritual.html and https://josrituals.org/ritual/psalm/satan-psalm-1.html You can also read: https://joyofsatan.org/SATANAS.html
  124. A

    The Gods #347 Where is the satanic temple in kenya

    It is not safe to join pseudo satanic organization. True Spiritual Satanism is here, is the Joy of Satanas.
  125. A

    #345 Reflections

    You can expand the void meditation by going in Trance state, and you can also invoking Akasha/Quintessence/Ether
  126. A

    #341 I wanna to be informed

    You can study this website: https://www.satanisgod.org/ and you can ask specific questions here in the Forums. These links are perfect for starting: https://satanslibrary.org/hp_hooded_cobra_40_day_meditation_program.pdf and...
  127. A

    The Gods #332 Is it possible to have 2 GD'S?

    This Sermon of High Priestess Lydia can help you: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/about-guardian-demons.91446/
  128. A

    Actual Self Love: Drugs & Addictions - Fixing One's Self

    This article is important because it deals with a current topic at this time in history. Thank you High Priest.
  129. A

    Describe the lesser demons.

    https://joyofsatan.org/Lesser_Demons.html https://joyofsatan.org/DEMONSII.html
  130. A


    The important thing is the meaning of the word and the intention of who speak/vibrate that word. English is not a divine language as Ancient Greek or Sanskrit, so there aren't problems in English.
  131. A


    If the headache is related to stress, you can go more time in Trance. Trance has benefits, as High Priestess Lydia explained: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-benefits-of-trance.74755/ Another Sermon of the High Priestess is about school...
  132. A


    They have a soul, but if they don't meditate their soul is weak. NPC are Andrapod and Fallen Andrapod. https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-ranks-of-humans-demons-gods.290657/
  133. A

    Exposing Christianity and Judaism: Symbols of Christianity Part 1

    These Sermons about christianity are very important. Thank you.
  134. A

    #280 Sacral chakra & porn

  135. A

    Would anyone like to be my friend?

    To unlock the conversations you have to post 50 messages in the Forums. Anyway, don't share personal informations.
  136. A

    Exposing Christianity and Judaism: Name of Jesus Christ

    Thank you Guardian for this important Sermon!
  137. A

    #266 I've had obsessive dreams about Jews almost every night since I started practicing RTR

    Clean your aura https://joyofsatan.org/Aura_Cleaning.html and do aura protection https://joyofsatan.org/Protection.html before you sleep. After the RtR, do this https://joyofsatan.org/Returning_Curses.html and this https://joyofsatan.org/Returning_Curses.html
  138. A

    #234 FRTR, I'm doing this right? plz i need some answers

    https://josrituals.org/guide/how-do-rtrs-work.html https://josrituals.org/guide/faq-about-rtrs.html https://josrituals.org/guide/usage-of-the-final-rtr-tetra-and-shattering.html
  139. A

    [Trad] Guerrieri e costruttori

    Warriors and Builders https://satanslibrary.org/English/HP_Hooded_Cobra/Warriors_and_Builders_-_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666.pdf Gli Dèi dell'Inferno ci proteggono. Se volete aiutare in qualche modo altri Satanisti, potete indirizzare ogni giorno energia protettiva ai Poteri dell'Inferno, a...
  140. A

    #229 What is the most powerful crying meditation?

    This Sermon of HPS Lydia can help you: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/healing-the-emotional-body-for-men-too-don%E2%80%99t-disregard-this.292496/
  141. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Warriors and Builders https://satanslibrary.org/English/HP_Hooded_Cobra/Warriors_and_Builders_-_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666.pdf
  142. A

    Satanic Personalities Section: A Community Project [JG Karnonnos + Update]

    It is very important to immortalize the Followers of the Gods, the World must know how many important people were Students of the Gods and how many of them became Gods. Thank you High Priest for this project.
  143. A

    [Trad] Satana ha sconfitto il "dio" ebraico

    Satan Has Defeated the Jewish "god" https://satanslibrary.org/English/H...Jewish_god_-_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666.pdf Noi, come Satanisti, possiamo sconfiggere il nemico. Il nemico cerca di far credere alle persone che in qualche modo si aggrapperanno o cose del genere. Questa è una...
  144. A

    #201 The name Solomon?

  145. A

    #192 Harold Wallace Rosenthal -

    The jews try to appear Satanic only to deceive Gentiles. The jews are not the people of Satanas, Gentiles are the people of Satanas.
  146. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Satan Has Defeated the Jewish "god" https://satanslibrary.org/English/HP_Hooded_Cobra/Satan_Has_Defeated_the_Jewish_god_-_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666.pdf
  147. A

    [Trad] Allora, sei un "Dio"?

    So, Are You a "God"? https://satanslibrary.org/English/H..._You_a_God_-_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666.pdf Quando le persone scoprono presto di avere poteri spirituali o iniziano a dilettarsi con l'occulto, molte volte scoprono che funziona in un certo senso, il che porta molte persone a...
  148. A

    A strange thing happens to me with both Divine and Jewish things...

    It is very important that you have a repulsion against hebrew things and words, so you can avoid them. About your previous life, you can do this meditation: https://satanisgod.org/Past_Life_Meditation.html
  149. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    So, Are You a "God"? https://satanslibrary.org/English/HP_Hooded_Cobra/So_Are_You_a_God_-_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666.pdf
  150. A

    Domande su come risvegliare e potenziare i Siddhi(poteri psichici)

    Nel calendario JoS ci sono alcune date in cui è scritto: "perseguimenti psichici" come domani 16 Settembre 2024. Anche nel sesto chakra, centri di chiarudenza, chakra occipitale ( credo si chiami così il retro del sesto chakra) e sopratutto ghiandola pineale. Aumenta la produzione della...
  151. A

    About Our SS Who Are In Retirement Age

    Beautiful words. I am sure that the Republic of Plato will be an interesting and important topic, especially the 7th book of the Republic that contains the famous "Myth of the Cave". I will be happy to read your words about this topic High Priest.
  152. A

    [Trad] Sul vostro potenziale e sui vostri risultati

    About Your Potential and Accomplishment https://ancient-forums.com/threads/about-your-potential-and-accomplishment.292558/ In certi momenti potrei essere percepito come severo. Lo sono. E questo accade solo perché si è nuovi, si manca di esperienza o non si è sufficientemente avanzati nel...
  153. A

    #167 What was this?

    You can https://joyofsatan.org/Aura_Cleaning.html and https://joyofsatan.org/Protection.html before you sleep and after you sleep.
  154. A

    About Your Potential and Accomplishment

    Thank you High Priest for loving the Community and for making us grow!
  155. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    About Your Potential and Accomplishment https://ancient-forums.com/threads/about-your-potential-and-accomplishment.292558/
  156. A

    Healing the Emotional Body (for men too, don’t disregard this)

    Thank you High Priestess Lydia for these important informations, and especially for the Mantra and the dates.
  157. A

    Satanic Fraternity

    The only Satanic Fraternity is here, It is the Joy of Satanas. https://www.satanisgod.org/ You may be interested to read this topic: https://joyofsatan.org/CovenGuidelines.html
  158. A

    [Trad] Il numero 6, l'olocausto, il karma ed il comunismo

    The Number 6, Holocau$t, Karma and Communism https://satanslibrary.org/English/HP_Hooded_Cobra/The_Number_6_Holocaut_Karma_and_Communism_-_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666.pdf Ora, la maggior parte di voi ha sentito parlare del numero 6. I 6 milioni di ebrei morti nell'olocausto, i 6 giorni che “...
  159. A

    Error in magic square?

    No, it does not affect the work.
  160. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    The Number 6, Holocau$t, Karma and Communism https://satanslibrary.org/English/HP_Hooded_Cobra/The_Number_6_Holocaut_Karma_and_Communism_-_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666.pdf
  161. A

    [Trad] La conquista islamica - Il capitolo più sanguinoso della storia dell'umanità

    La conquista islamica - Il capitolo più sanguinoso della storia dell'umanità https://satanslibrary.org/English/The_islamic_conquest-_the_bloodiest_chapter_in_human_history_-_High_Priestess_Zildar_Raasi.pdf È tempo che il nostro Popolo Gentile sappia esattamente qual è la portata della vile...
  162. A

    3 New Rituals: Heroic Ancestors Ritual, Zepar [Zephyros] & Ose [Eos] Rituals

    Thank you High Priest for the Rituals, thank you for restoring the Divine Knowledge of the Original Gods and thank you for leading the Joy of Satanas!
  163. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    The Islamic Conquest - The Bloodiest Chapter in Human History https://satanslibrary.org/English/The_islamic_conquest-_the_bloodiest_chapter_in_human_history_-_High_Priestess_Zildar_Raasi.pdf
  164. A

    Struggle to visualize the Sixth Chakra color

    https://joyofsatan.org/6thChakra.html I quote: "It is violet-blue/indigo in color" You can search on the internet the color to remember it better, and you can visualize the Sixth Chakra in Trance. You can also work on your Pineal Gland.
  165. A

    Astrology #110 Anxiety about Venus Square

    The anxiety may be related to the fact that they can discover what you are doing. Personally I don't know if there is a feeling about a messed up square. After a square you should concentrate on the energy, in this case of Venus, with tranquility.
  166. A

    [Trad] "Il marchio della bestia"

    "The Mark of the Beast" https://satanslibrary.org/English/H..._the_Beast_-_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666.pdf L'Alta Sacerdotessa Maxine vi ha parlato del microchip e di come questo sia un forte subliminale per cui le persone soccombono a questo. Devo sottolineare alcune cose aggiuntive. I...
  167. A

    #95 The disguise of an alien or strange beings and one question (doubt) .

    I don't fully understand your question, but a lot of jews have very strange faces and behaviors, you should stay away from jews.
  168. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    "The Mark of the Beast" https://satanslibrary.org/English/HP_Hooded_Cobra/The_Mark_of_the_Beast_-_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666.pdf
  169. A

    seeing colors when your eyes closed

    That could be a positive effect because you are opening correctly your third eye.
  170. A

    Satan & Beelzebul - Two As One

    Thank you High Priest for this Highest Knowledge.
  171. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Satan & Beelzebul - Two As One https://ancient-forums.com/threads/satan-beelzebul-two-as-one.292348/
  172. A

    [Trad] Intelligenza artificiale... poi cosa?

    Artificial Intelligence...Then What? https://satanslibrary.org/English/HP_Hooded_Cobra/Artificial_Intelligence..._Then_What_-_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666.pdf L'umanità. Come possiamo definire l'umanità? Un termine ampio. Cerchiamo di essere specifici. Gli ebrei al vertice che guidano...
  173. A

    Agares [Argus Panoptes] Power Ritual

    Fantastic Ritual! The energies of the Ritual are very useful for the spiritual sight. Thank you High Priest for the Ritual.
  174. A

    #68 Directing rtr or other things to a specific thing

  175. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Artificial Intelligence...Then What? https://satanslibrary.org/English/HP_Hooded_Cobra/Artificial_Intelligence..._Then_What_-_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666.pdf
  176. A

    Sermoni vecchio forum da tradurre

    Grazie per questa agevolazione. Provvederò a tradurre alcuni dei Sermoni in questione.
  177. A

    Undoing/Lifting a curse

    You can also do a Binding Spell on the person that you suspect.
  178. A

    #48 Help with mending a mistake

    You can also be near to that person in his life, be his friend. For healing you can do the Ritual of God Valefor. https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/valefor-power-ritual.html
  179. A

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Ti suggerisco di indirizzare le energie di Mercurio o per migliorare te stesso e le tue abilità oppure per attrarre l'oggetto del fine/desiderio. Nel primo caso, al termine della ripetizione giornaliera del quadrato di Mercurio potresti affermare: -Le energie di Mercurio potenziano le mie...
  180. A

    [Trad-IEvil] OOOOOH Armageddon... dal 632 d.c.

    OOOOOH Armageddon… Since 632AD https://islamicevil.com/oooooh-armageddon-since-632ad/ Molti pensatori Europei hanno sostenuto, nel corso dei secoli, che l'Islam è una religione che “afferma la vita” rispetto ai Cristiani e che non si basa sull'odio e sul rifiuto del mondo. Sebbene all'Islam...
  181. A

    Meditations #41 Aura cleaning and frtr

    After every RtR, one should do this https://www.satanisgod.org/Returning_Curses.html and this https://www.satanisgod.org/Returning_Curses2.html
  182. A

    Nuovo sito "Distruggere l'Islam: www.IslamicEvil.com" - Traduzione

    Prenoto: https://islamicevil.com/oooooh-armageddon-since-632ad/
  183. A

    [Trad-IEvil] Terrorismo islamico del ventunesimo secolo - Francia

    21st Century Islamic Terrorism – France https://islamicevil.com/21st-century-islamic-terrorism-france/ Qui sopra c'è una raccolta di immagini provenienti da tutta Europa. Non c'è quasi nazione all'interno dei confini Europei che non abbia avuto un assaggio dell'estremismo Islamico, ma la...
  184. A

    Art: Fighting Degeneracy, Venerating Beauty

    Art is one of the endless and infinite beautiful gift of the Gods for the Humans. Art combines the creativity of the right hemisphere of the brain with the geometric proportion and precision of the left hemisphere giving life and expression to pure human genius. The Third Reich was expression...
  185. A

    I'm frustrated

    Both of your main problems can be solved by following the path of Spiritual Satanism. About your future career you can ask the Gods to guide you. You can consider where would be optimal to apply your capabilities, then you can go in Trance thinking one profession at the time and elaborate what...
  186. A

    Nuovo sito "Distruggere l'Islam: www.IslamicEvil.com" - Traduzione

    Prenoto: https://islamicevil.com/21st-century-islamic-terrorism-france/
  187. A

    [Trad-IEvil] Persecuzione islamica degli Indù in Pakistan

    Islamic Persecution of Hindus in Pakistan https://islamicevil.com/islamic-persecution-of-hindus-in-pakistan/ L'oppressione degli Indù in Pakistan è tanto brutta quanto ignorata sulla scena mondiale. Spesso si sente parlare dell'apparente maltrattamento dei Musulmani da parte dell'India...
  188. A

    My First Spell

    Also, if the person is a Spiritual Satanist, that means that he is of JoS, but the ritual he gaved you it is not in the JoS, so probably he is not a Spiritual Satanist. Who are those beings? You should work only with Satan and the Gods.
  189. A

    My First Spell

    If you don't trust the person who gaved you the spell, you should not do the spell. You can research here https://www.satanisgod.org/Satanic_Magick.html what is better to do.
  190. A

    chart and money

    You must evolve yourself with the meditations of the JoS, with RtR and with the Gods Rituals, stay spiritually and mentally connected with Satan and the Gods. About the Natal Chart, you can do the https://www.satanisgod.org/Satans_Squares.html
  191. A

    Is Vishnu Zeus?

    https://satanisgod.org/Beelzebub.html I quote the page: "He is also known as the Goetic Demon "BAEL", Ancient Greek ZEUS, Norse THOR, Hindu INDRA and Baltic PERKUNAS"
  192. A

    Brazil Bans X

    The president of Brazil Lula is a marxist dictator as the English president Starmer.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
