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#626 Was Hitler really a Satanist? Why do his words point to the contrary?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
The Joy of Satan claims Hitler was a Satanist and yet Hitler reffered to Satan directly in negative terms like at one point equating the jews with Satan.

The examples are all over Mein Kampf which i understand was written for xian audience, however if he was a satanist this should still be unacceptable, he could have called out jewish evil without associating Satan with them if he truly was a Satanist:

Quotes are taken from here:

“The black-haired Jewish boy waits, with Satanic delight on his face, for the hour when he can corrupt the unsuspecting girl with his blood, and in seducing her, steal her from her people. The Jew will attempt to undermine the racial foundations of the nation to be conquered using every means possible.”

“ The struggle against the Jewish effort to convert the world to Bolshevism requires that we clarify our attitude toward Russia. After all, we cannot drive out Satan by using Beelzebub.”

“The role the German princes played is just as disgraceful as that of the Jews themselves. These rulers became the punishment of God on their dearly beloved people and we can still find their kind among the various government ministers of today. It is because of the German princes that the German nation could not free itself from the Jewish troublemaker. Unfortunately, this never changed, so they received a reward from the Jew that they had earned a thousand times over for the sins they committed against their people. They associated with the devil and later found themselves in his power.“

For that one some translations say Satan others say devil I haven’t reqd the german version so i can’t be sure.

Another claim is that when Hitler referenced the word god he really meant Satan. Now if he really meant that why would he throw Satan under the bus by associating him with the jews?

Furthermore he seemed to have meant yahweh when he said god even if he wasn’t a christian. To fully prove my point i’ll lay out what Hitler thought the ideal Aryan religion was which he thought was Christianity according to Mein Kampf since he saw it as fullfilling Aryan ideals of an afterlife and striving for a greater purpose in contrast to the jewish religion which was only for this life:

“According to the Aryan concept, no religion could be conceived that lacks a belief in some form of life after death. In fact, the Talmud (the record of Jewish Law, ethics, customs, and history) is a book that explains how to prepare for a practical and prosperous life in this world and it says nothing about preparation for the hereafter.
The Jewish religious teachings consist mainly of rules to keep the blood of Jews pure and to regulate the dealings of Jews among themselves and even more with the rest of the world, with the non-Jews. Even here, their rules consist of extremely petty economic guides and are not concerned with ethical problems. For a long time, there have been very detailed studies made which reviewed the moral value of Jewish religious teachings. These studies were certainly not made by Jews because the Jews twist their statements to suit their own purpose. The Aryans who conducted these studies found this kind of "religion" to be detestable. The clearest indication of what this religious education can produce is the Jew himself. His life is only concerned with this world and his inner spirit is as foreign to true Christianity as his nature was two thousand years ago to the great Founder of the new teaching Himself, Jesus Christ. Jesus made no secret of His feelings toward the Jewish people, and even used the whip to drive this rival out of the Lord's temple. Even then, the Jewish religion was just a means to make money as a business. Christ was nailed to the cross for his intolerance of the Jews, while our present Christian political parties lower themselves in elections by begging for Jewish votes. Afterwards, they try to hatch deceitful political plots with the Jewish atheist parties and against its own nationality.”

If Hitler was truly a Satanist, why would he praise Christianity and insult Satan by associating him with jews? Was he lying for his xian audience? why would he do that? Was it necessary?
Was he lying for his xian audience? why would he do that? Was it necessary?
The examples are all over Mein Kampf which i understand was written for xian audience, however if he was a satanist this should still be unacceptable, he could have called out jewish evil without associating Satan with them if he truly was a Satanist:

Remember, Hitler was trying to secure an election. And Germany was hardcore Christian at that time. Do you think he would do that if he openly opposed xianity or remained neutral? The jews would get them to support the jews. He had to get them to their side.

For a normal person this is unacceptable, but not for a politician who is trying to get the masses, and especially xians to support him. And back then it wasn't a time where there was much freedom of religion and someone could say something "lets put race first regardless of religion" like many do now.

The way he uses the words "Satan" and "Satanic" are simply ways of telling the xians that the jews are evil by using the expressions they understand. Nothing more than that. You can clearly see it by the context that you provided. He mentioned nothing about Satan as a being, his references to "Satanic" are all metaphorical.

Furthermore he seemed to have meant yahweh when he said god even if he wasn’t a christian.
No, he didn't. Are you aware that he also mentions the word "goddess" a lot of times in the Mein Kampf as well? No xian would do that. If he mentions goddesses, then he mentions "god" in generic terms as well, not referring to the jew god.

Watch this video

An important note is the Mein Kampf was written when Hitler was in his 20's. Some also say that he was sympathetic to xianity when he was young, but later began to hate it.

As Goebbels said in 1939 after he talked with Hitler "The Führer is deeply religious, but entirely anti-Christian. He sees in Christianity a symptom of decay. Rightly so. It is a strata deposited by the Jewish race".

In his "Second Book", the sequel to Mein Kampf, he is being openly anti-Christian.

And I don't really know any xian who would celebrate the holidays in a Pagan way, using Runes and without any references to Jesus. See an official SS book translated here:

Another important article (written by a xian) that explains how he pretended to be a xian in public to gain the public support and not offend the public like someone else did before him:

"Plenty of evidence suggests Hitler was concerned lest he offend the religious sensibilities of the German public. In a lengthy passage in Mein Kampf, he warned against repeating the disastrous course that caused Georg von Schönerer’s Pan-German Party to nose dive. Schönerer was an Austrian politician in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries who wanted to unite all Germans in a common empire. His fervent German nationalism brought him into conflict with the multi-ethnic Austro-Hungarian Empire, which would dissolve if Schönerer had his way. He also promoted a biological form of anti-Semitism, wanting to purify the German people by getting rid of this allegedly foreign race. In 1941, Hitler told his colleagues that when he arrived in Vienna in 1907, he was already a follower of Schönerer. By the time he wrote Mein Kampf, he agreed fully with Schönerer’s Pan-German ideals, affirming, “Theoretically speaking, all the Pan-German’s [Schönerer’s] thoughts were correct.” However, he blamed Schönerer for not recognizing the importance of winning the masses over to Pan-Germanism and harshly criticized him for launching the Los-von-Rom (Away-from-Rome) Movement, which called on Austrians to abandon the Roman Catholic Church. Schönerer opposed Catholicism because he considered it an internationalist organization that undermined nationalism."

While Hitler faulted Schönerer for alienating the masses through his anti-Catholic campaign, he was not thereby endorsing Catholicism. Overall, he supported Schönerer’s ideological goals and only objected to his inopportune tactics: “[The Pan-German movement’s] goal had been correct, its will pure, but the road it chose was wrong.” What Hitler learned from Schönerer’s tactical mistake was that political parties should steer clear of interfering with people’s religious beliefs or attacking religious organizations: “For the political leader the religious doctrines and institutions of his people must always remain inviolable; or else he has no right to be in politics, but should become a reformer, if he has what it takes! Especially in Germany any other attitude would lead to a catastrophe.” Hitler thus warned any anticlerical members of his party to keep their antireligious inclinations private, lest they alienate the masses.

So, Hitler agreed with an anti-Christian and praised him, but only disagreed with his tactics. And he wrote that in the Mein Kampf. No surprises here.
Under God he meant Wodanaz, who is Satanas but he might wasn't aware of this at that time.
Furthermore on many occasion he used the word devil, and this was translated as Satan, and many of his words were translated with words associated with Christianity, or to fulfill it's docrines.

But yes there were occasions when he actually called Jews Satanic. Again he might have not been completely aware of the pagan origins of the Name Satan, but he was a pagan who believed in Pagan Gods, and specifically in Wodanaz, "Odin", who is actually Satanaz.
And furthermore, this was a good way to hide his pagan, (which is Satanic for Christians and they are right) identity from the Christian Germans. At that time everyone was Christian basically. But he also said a lot of times and Nazi generals that Christianity needs to be rooted from Germans. Proof of these are on our sites. https://satanisgod.org/mini_index.html
It doesn’t take much to see how Hitler and the National Socialists of the time were overwhelmingly pagan.

The Swatsika symbol is a deeply powerful pagan symbol, the Black Sun, the Nigredo skulls, etc. everywhere and everything that Hitler was close too had spirituality, paganism, and the Gods all over.

He studied and had exhibitions in Egypt, India, Tibet, Japan and everywhere that had pagan roots deep and was studying the ancient history of these places like Ancient Egypt and had a picture beside a statue of Pharaoh Ramses II.

And he also had relations with the most initiated of Tibetan monks.

Also Hitler was initiated into the party that later became the NSDP by Dietrich Eckart who was already a prominent occultist (alongside other things) of the time.

It’s also important to remember you’re reading Mein Kampf but it’s not the one Hitler himself wrote, it’s a translation and if Hitler didn’t translate it himself how would you know what he meant?

Any of these books should be taken with a grain of salt and read with an SS mindset. Even if it’s written by Hitler or Goebbels for example.
It doesn't matter if he was a SS or not. All that matters is that he was right.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
