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  1. Y

    How to sell your soul

    First of all you don't "give freely" either. Your Soul is YOURS. You DEDICATE. The Soul is always YOURS. Study the JoS website if you haven't yet. www.joyofsatan.org
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    Help for Artwork

    https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=12233 If you didn't yet. ;)
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    Laitman says rabbies ordered liberals to annulate Europe

    Can I subtitle it in italian?
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    Ho bisogno di un aiuto

    C'è il gruppo italiano sul forum: https://www.ancient-forums.com/index.php Puoi trovare le risposte che cerchi. _____________________ There's the italian group on the forum: https://www.ancient-forums.com/index.php You can find the answers you're looking for.
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    This female's rude behaviour towards an HP and her ignorance are embarassing.
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    Pact sign

    I agree with Sable Wolf. This is definitely a troll that spread misinformations as the above example. People will think that this troll is a real satanist and this is not good. Hail Satan! 88 666
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    Amazing as always Zola! Very beautiful. The shadows on the face and the colors are perfect, I'm impressed, very very beautiful! Good work! Hail Satan! Hail Andras!
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    A serious question needs an answer!

    Ezra this place is not for you.
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    New to this have so many Questions

    You don't dedicate for such silly things and favors. No Demon will "bring" you things, They are Gods not servants. Read www.joyofsatan.org
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    i would like to talk to the one in charge

    As there is a season for going to the beach, making snowmen, there is also this season for trolls. They never learn. Go play blind man's buff on a highway please.
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    Tried summoning God

    What did you expect in 10 days of meditation? Obvious you couldn't feel anything. In order to see and hear a Demon, one should fully open and empower the chakras that allow sight and hearing. In the JoS there are instructions but people are individuals, some open their chakras in 10 days...
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    Who is " Morpheus "?

    Exactly what I think (I also made a personal review+explanation of Matrix movies but never shared). That movie is too satanic :P
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    Who is " Morpheus "?

    I didn't know Matrix is j00ish...
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    Re: sell my soul to lucifer

    "lordmahannew" No one puts you chains. Go ahead, you will find more misery in your already empty life. You're a troll, so evident. Lately there are tons of posts with this title: "how can I sell my soul to Lucifer" repeated over and over. It seems like the enemy is pushing all this...
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    3rd Eye is not opening !

    I would like to add something that could help you. I didn't open my 3rd eye with the meditation on JoS because I didn't have privacy for vibrations so I worked with visualization, breathing white energy into the 3rd eye and affirmations. It took me around 4 months, working on it every single...
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    Can we put tattoo...is it against Satanism???

    No, it's not against satanism. I myself love tattoos a lot :D Welcome, take your time to read and study here: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... wbies.html
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    a gift for maxine

    Yes but why people do videos of thousands of visualizations just saying that they went in the deep web and found the Joy of Satan? I saw more than one on j00tube speaking about it. :( The JoS is visible in a normal search engine. But people, seeing these videos about the deep web could think...
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    Any Information Concerning YOD's in Natal Chart?

    Check this :) https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... opics/1358
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    Natal Chart Help!

    Theyallfloat666 thanks, I already have an idea of what my Saturn means... I've been disappointed in the relationship field many times. That's why I've always preferred to be alone, now I just need it all the time (Sun in 12th). Like you, I have 3 planets in 12th house aries. And my chart ruler...
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    Natal Chart Help!

    Ops, I confused my retrograde Jupiter with Saturn, my Saturn is direct ^^ By the way, I didn't understand, what do you mean by avoided? Do you mean your chart attachment? If so, I think a HP or moderator could delete it if you can't/don't know how. Everyone's chart is different, it's not...
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    Natal Chart Help!

    We don't share our personal info, there are infiltrators here so I suggest, if you can, to remove your chart from here. By the way, don't worry too much about retrograde planets, if you check again or download the pdfs of Azazel Astrology you can understand what those retrograde planets...
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    Natal Chart Help!

    Hey man, are you my twin? LOL. I'm impressed at how much we have in common! O.O My chart is almost identical as yours. :P By the way, on the JoS on the Astrology section if I remember well there are links to some sites, like Astrodienst. You can try search there for informations. But I...
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    A working to remove the desire for a relationship

    Hi, maybe you can try to do some working to focus on other things, goals or whatever you need. Affirmations, magickal squares or just void meditate when you have these thoughts. I'm still going through awful thoughts and I can say that they are quite strong but as soon as they come, I try to...
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    Agares artwork

    I love this one very much! 
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    My sculpture of Satan

    To: ttf5wlth7 etc. I know. This sculpture is not 100% like on JoS, not even 100% what I saw. But also, what I saw is not 100%like on JoS. You can't expect me to be like a printer... LOL.If you look better they say " His appearence is almost exactly as in the pictures", so you can expect blonde...
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    My sculpture of Satan

    Zola, I'm speechless. Thank you very much, really. In my entire life I've never met someone that encouraged me to keep going on. Everyone who did it were brothers and sisters in Satan. I feel this is my home, with people who I like to talk with. Now I know that when I create something, there are...
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    My sculpture of Satan

    Thank you Aldrick, this means a lot to me. :) And for the similarities with celebrities I don't know what to say... lol. I only focused and concentrated on the images in my mind. At a certain point in the sculpture I saw the shapes of a woman... I thought about Astaroth but I've never saw...
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    My sculpture of Satan

    Voiceofenki woooow, thank you so much xD I'm not that used to receive such compliments! Thank you very much Brother :)
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    My sculpture of Satan

    Thank you Zola! You're amazing and everytime I see your comments or topics I smile and enjoy reading your opinions, I appreciate you so much, really! Thank you! ♡
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    My sculpture of Satan

    Attachments : <ol>Satan_side2-min.jpg</ol><ol>Satan_side-min.jpg</ol><ol>Satan1-min.jpg</ol><ol>Satan front1-min.jpg</ol>Hello everyone. After I made a portrait of Thoth (https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=261), I've started to have an intense desire to do something for Satan...
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    About the Forums

    Thank you for this post Commander, yesterday night I panicked a bit when I've realized that I couldn't go on the forum. I hope it will be fine from now on! Hail Satan! 88
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    Prayers of Satan

    U did it again, I see my previous comment under your reply; I thought u were saying something to me. Well, nevermind then :)
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    New forum

    I can't visualize anything. It says: Service Unavailable The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later. Additionally, a 503 Service Unavailable error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to...
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    Prayers of Satan

    Magus why you cited my comment? XD
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    Our New Forums Are Now Live

    Thanks. Finally I can submit to the italian forum TTuTT I don't know why but I couldn't on the other platform. It's beautiful, thanks a lot :)
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    Prayers of Satan

    I think it's still necessary the ritual with your left index blood in your signature on the paper. But I think you can use your prayer instead of the standard one. Wait for some other advices :)
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    For italians

    Ed8874 There are hebrew translations? Omg I didn't know :'D At this point, I think than the chances he's a jEW (or mixed) are high! Ci sono traduzioni in ebraico? Oddio non lo sapevo :'D A questo punto, penso che le probabilità che lui sia ebreo (o mischiato) sono alte!
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    something I found online

    @viceofenki Suuure, no problem! I didn't felt offended or anything :D I like joke a lot too! :'D Btw, I would like to try that... But we live far away from each other, we will try it when we'll move and live together :)
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    something I found online

    @voiceofenki I'm a woman and I already have a (proud SS NS) boyfriend, I said that because I really appreciate Zola, she's amazing, an artist, very friendly and I guess truly beautiful ♡ ? But yeah, if I was a man I wouldn't have chances :'D
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    something I found online

    Zola, this is official: I love you :') ♡
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    For italians

    Yeah Gerecht Ror! Y'know, when there still was the italian forum, I couldn't subscribe to it, I could just open some posts through links I saw here, I couldn't visualize anything else. I would like an italian group here on yahoo or somewhere I can subscribe because speaking in english I can't...
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    Nooo Gerecht Ror XD It's for the other member (I can't remember the name), I thought that if I replied under his post it would have been visible that I replied to him! I'm sorry, I don't know much about forums et similia XD
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    Thank you Zola! Yeah, hands are the worst! Btw yeah, I'll try to watch shapes in black and white! I forgot to try it, it's easier actually :'D Once I'll finish the hand I just have to adjust some little things and it's done :D Thank you for your support, it means a lot to me :)
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    So we are safe? Speaking for myself, I don't think I have bad ancestors, actually it's good XD I was just wondering and trying to understand this thing about south italians and whites, non-completely-whites thing.
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    Gerecht Ror Don't worry, I'll search there, thanks :)
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    Well, I'm not the type of person that likes to fight, flame etc (even though I'm Aries and a lot of fire is exalted in me LOL). Even if I don't perfectly agree with your post it's okay, I respect your opinion. By the way, you said something very good. I don't know much about blood and a...
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    For italians

    It would be very kind of you to speak english and share your thoughts with others since this is mainly an english forum. Do not misunderstand my words, I'm italian too but it looks a bit bad seeing a post where the majority don't understand and that can't comment. :/ Sarebbe molto gentile...
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    Zola, this is truly Beautiful! I love it, I love the shadows on the body ♡ I wish I could be this good! :D And those wings! This is awesome, I could stare at this pic for hours! :D You're very talented! :) About my painting, I'm actually working on His hand and I'm having hard time with the...
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    Our Love for Our Leaders

    Wow! That's beautiful! :'D
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    Oh yeah, I think I remember that! I'll search for it and read again, it will surely help. Thank you :)
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    **[ITA]** full package RTR Translated in Italian

    Oh okay, I'll try those links since I don't have a computer. Thanks a lot :)
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    I'm from south Italy. What are you saying? That I'm not white? XD
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    ouiji board

    About the OuijA board, as you have already understood, everything you have to do is to go the Joy of Satan in the "Satanic Witchcraft" section and then see through "Divination" list and click on "Ouija boards". It's too simple... By the way, if you're new and not dedicated yet, I suggest you...
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    **[ITA]** full package RTR Translated in Italian

    Hello, I tried but it says "impossible to open in your browser, install our app". What's wrong with it?
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    Mercury square Uranus

    Thank you very much :) It helps me a lot, I'll study more about it :)
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    Mercury square Uranus

    Hello, I've read that this placement is common in geniuses. I have this placement, a square, but it's not a 90° degrees, is at 80°. Does it change if the degrees aren't at 90°? Or it has to be a perfect square? Hail Satan! 88
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    Question about Freeing the Demons

    Omg, Zola you're truly awesome! I perfectly agree with your post (especially the part in regards of comissions, I hate it too), I can clearly see your passion for art! I've never heard someone speaking about art as you do :) and I would really like to see more works of yours! ♡ Hail Satan...
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    Re: for join

    What you need if you want to walk this path is to read and study this: www.joyofsatan.org You don't need contacting privately anyone, this is my advice.
  59. Y


    Zola I'm sorry I didn't saw your reply! Btw, thank you, you just helped me, today I've started to draw again Thoth but this time on the canvas, for painting it. But I was frustrated because I see mistakes everywhere. Now I see your post, what a coincidence! Thank you very much, I appreciate...
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    how to trust in Satan?

    @Denadhena In fact I said that one should understand that trusting Him is important. I didn't said that one HAS to trust Him immediatly after the dedication. ^^ I'm sorry if it seemed like that. Hail Satan! Hail Anubi! 88!
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    Apollyon in my dream?

    "ABADDON Abbadon is also known as Apollyon Rank: Prince of War Abaddon is an Advisor. He is Lord of the Abyss and King of the Demons. High Priestess Persephone relates her experience with Abaddon: He is quite large, I would say at least 8 ft tall. He is stocky, wears a type of battle garb...
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    A "woman" cursing me.

    I didn't dreamt anything bad, but since the day after the eclipse I was heavily attacked, well, it was more like an attempt to scare me. I saw grey's faces whenever I tried to meditate. Even with my eyes open. I'm glad that I'm not scared like I was in the past, I used to be easily scared but as...
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    how to know that it was a Demon??

    Well. This is a bit hard to answer, at least for me it is. Did you heard the voice in your mind or through your ears, like someone was talking as if was really there next to you? Because I don't know how to discern my mind's thoughts from real messages from Gods, that's why I'm empowering my...
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    how to trust in Satan?

    This doesn't make much sense ^^' I think that when a person dedicate, he/she should already have understood that trusting Satan is the most important thing. Otherwise why one should dedicate? Why dedicate if one doesn't trust his/her God?
  65. Y


    Hello. What you need to know about dedication is written here: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/SATA
  66. Y

    Apollyon in my dream?

    What I can say is that you could try and search more about Appollyon, it's the first thing I would do :) maybe there are informations related to this that could help you. It's just an advice, for the rest of the dream I don't know how to read it because dreams are highly personal, what a...
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    Portrait of Father Satan

    Uhm... Yeah it doesn't represent Him correctly but, because I'm a painter, I can say that it's not that easy to put on paper (or whatever material) an image that's in the mind. So it could also be this factor that contributed to the result of this portrait. I had some images in my mind of our...
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    Joy of Satan PDF archive(meditations and witchcraft)

    Even if something would happen, most of us have a pdf of the whole JoS + meditations + RTRs ;) I have almost everything, + a lot of sermons ♡ Nothing will stop us!!!
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    how to trust in Satan?

    Both. Satan is real and He helps His children. Are you dedicated? Just because you can't see or hear or feel, it doesn't mean that He doesn't see, hear, feel you. I was looking for answers too and I found them even if I couldn't see or hear Gods. When sometimes you read "answers may come...
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    Little advice ?

    I was wondering what could I use, thank you! :)
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    A dream about Mercury squares

    Thank you guys for the answers. :) I'm so unsure when it comes to my abilities, I struggle and get angry with myself a lot, I admit. I know patience is important but I can't change it, it's like I'm in a hurry :/ Btw, yeah I looked at the Mercury squares on JoS and the only one that could...
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    A dream about Mercury squares

    It's not a part of me to be insistent but any clue, advice or opinion is welcome, because I really want to understand what was it. I hope someone can help me! Hail Satan! Hail Anubi! 88!
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    Wierd ?

    It happened to me too and still I don't know why sometimes topics don't appear. But few days ago I finally could post a topic, so I don't really know what could it be.
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    Agares on another planet with an astral tiger ready to do battle

    I love it, you are really good! Thanks for sharing! Hail Satan! Hail Anubi! 88!
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    How can i know????

    If you had read well the Joy of Satan you would probably ended up here to ask, instead, how the meditation works, what could you expect to happen now, what you should do to spiritually advance etc. Because almost everyone I know, me too, didn't know -at first- if JoS was true, if Satan was...
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    dear satanists

    Hello. If you came here and still didn't read the Joy of Satan website, then I link it here: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/HOME.html If you aren't dedicated yet, I recommend you to do it before doing any ritual, summoning et similia...
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    A dream about Mercury squares

    Hello everyone. This is not my first topic I write but I don't know why the others I wrote never appeared ^^' I hope this topic will be visible. Recently I had a dream of a guy with short blond hair. He seemed very young and was very beautiful (even though I can't remember his face very...
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    HELP, Feeling Alone & PinealGland Questions

    Hi, what I can say from my own experience is that if you truly believe in Satan, you're not alone. You could feel like that but surely you're not alone. I know that feeling very well because I'm a spiritual satanist since 2012 but only few months ago I've started to go deeper and grow...
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    You're so amazing, zolaluckystar! :D I love your works, I love art! (I'm kinda new here but I follow this forum from a while now. This is my first appearence lol) I want to paint Gods too, I had some images that comes in mind but it's hard for me to transfer images from my mind to the...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
