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Question about Freeing the Demons

[email protected]

New member
Apr 17, 2013
I was wondering if someone could explain some things to be, maybe an advanced member or one of the high priests. I read the sermon and watched the youtube video about it, but I don't really understand some things. One of the biggest questions is: why couldn't other demons free those demons? Was there something stopping them? and why do some demons transform after the high priests do energy work on them? I'm a little confused and I don't know how this works, can someone explain please? Thank you
Hail Satan!
Attachments :
<ol>The-Creation-of-Adam-Michelangelo-631.jpg</ol>Yes, this can be confusing. I'll try to explain as I understand it:
What other Demons? Satan and His Demons were bound. There wasn't anyone else to help. A Demon who is neutral, or not of Satan, or an enemy, Isn't Family, won't give a shit and isn't going to help. HPS Maxine and a few others did.
Satan and His Demons were never physically subjugated by the enemy. That is, as in physically overpowered and slapped into bindings. They were outnumbered and forced to physically withdraw when the enemy attacked but they're very powerful, they could still be here astrally. So, to counter this the enemy astrally created some kind of barrier between them and us, that would astrally 'bind' them, should they try, in order to keep them from us, their human captives. 

Satan and His Demons were not truly astrally 'bound' by the enemy, not in the sense we might understand, as in that when they physically withdrew, they were all messed up astrally/psychically and made impotent. They are far too powerful! The enemy wishes! While there is no One All Omnipotent Being that exists as the enemy preaches, our Gods are still, FAR more powerful than most of us can even comphrehend.
Being bound refers to astral/spiritual bindings, kind of like being wrapped up in something, astrally. But really it was US who were wrapped up....Imagine the earth wrapped up so that the light or energy of our Gods (Satan and the Demons) can't penetrate through it to reach us (we experience this time as a kind of Dark Ages). So when that portion of their total overall awareness should astrally approach and try to reach us, this gets entangled in this 'fence' or 'bound' by it. And also like the proverbial Tar Baby, once caught, that portion is trapped and cannot withdraw.

It was that portion of themselves (the Gods) they extended out to us, that was interfered with and kind of like a phone line is full of static, interference created by this barrier made by the enemy prevented contact or most communication between our Gods and US. Think of that famous painting by Michelangelo where the reclining male figure is reaching out to touch his fingertip to that of Gods outstretched fingertip. This is actually a good visual if you consider that the reclining figure of the man on the Earth is US as in HuMANity and the God Figure is really (Satan), the others behind/with Him are Our Demons. Note: the female figure is depicted as a white Aryan woman....He's literally depicted the (Gods) astrally reaching out to us (astrally is symbolized as you will note, they are free floating like a cloud) 
Michelangelo was actually a Satanic Soul. He had to disguise the Satanic Truth in the Xianity that was smothering people at the time...). 
Michelangelo's vision is rather prophetic when you consider that in fact, it took US in the form of HPS Maxine and the others - huMANity - reaching back to The Gods. An effort from both sides. Which is fitting, as we are Family. Family helps Family. 
This 'fence/barrier' of negative energy acted like a black hole to drain that portion of the Gods Awareness they were projecting to us, to drain its Light. To prevent their Light from reaching us. The Demons have stated Light is Energy/Life. The Sun (Light) is the most powerful way to charge up and to clean the aura. Sexual Energy is a most powerful Life Force (Light) Energy, hence when freeing the Demons this Energy was used to help them. 
(Having said all this, it is also possible that some of our Gods were in astral form only, and that these Beings would have been caught by the barrier and perhaps, after a great deal of time, they passed away from lack of Light.....I don't know for sure on that, but I suspect this may be the case)
The transformations as the Gods were freed as described by HPS Maxine is a visual of that portion of the (physical) Gods selves that were caught up in that barrier being freed, their real astral forms emerging through the barrier to her (huMANity) from the wrappings that were 'binding' them. 
One last thought that came to me right after I hit send:
I mean, just imagine: Michelangelo depicted, on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, an edifice to the enemys false god, where they utilized the best of the Gentiles Talent, Michelangelo, to decorate it with their BS....and he was a slave to them, he had no choice but to do it for them.... Michelangelo paints there as the  focal point of the entire composition, a prophetic depiction of the pivotal moment in our history when huMANity, in the form of our HPS and the Founder of the Joy of Satan, HPS Maxine Dietrich, reached BACK to Satan and the Gods, and freed them, and we began to work from this side of the barrier to free all of humanity! (remember Satan has said we have won - as in on HIS side of the barrier, the Gods have defeated the enemy. It's only on this side, the Earthside, that we still must struggle)
How this is tickling me.....to think.....that pivotal moment, when huMANity reached back to help Satan and the Gods, that moment we freed the Demons, the moment that will eventually lead to and literally spell the END of the enemy, Michelangelo paints it LARGER THAN LIFE on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel! 
LOL! Thats fucking awesome! 
Yeah, I think it was like a block between us here on Earth and them there in Orion which is the binding. A disconnection, interruption, non-communication. When you bind either a non-Spiritual Satanist, a jew (if weaker than you), or another SS who is weaker than you, you are causing them to not be able to be near you, bother you, etc. (Binding is not cursing, and is MUCH easier than cursing; cursing another SS is a very bad idea, if you could do that at all).

Our Daemons are fewer in number than the enemy, despite there being MANY of them, so they were overpowered regarding us here by our mutual enemies. The enemy can't curse our Gods either 1) well or 2) at all, and certainly not Satan Himself; the best that all of these innumerous enemies could do is bind them from us, cut us off from them.

The other Daemons/Daemonesses elsewhere could still communicate with and interact with each other, both physically and astrally. They have a better-than-Subspace Communication connection with each other, while we had crappy 56K dial-up. I think we're past 128K now. Maybe home broadband speeds in communication and interaction with our Gods of Old.
Yeah, I once read somewhere (can't remember though) that the ley lines that run across the earth as well as the pyramids of giza have something to do with this energy barrier that envelopes the earth, put in place by the enemies.
In most places, if not all places, there tend to be many churches along the ley lines, planted by the jew deliberately. I don't know about mosques, but I suspect they also play a part
Wow Zola this allegory you made with the painting is so awesome!!
Also I saw sometime ago someone pointed out that the shape the astral beings together looks like a brain.
I know, right? I'm glad you see that too! I just want to elaborate some on this great artist and man, to put his achievement into perspective:
After I'd sent that first post, I was sitting there thinking about Michelangelo....How he HATED that job, didn't want to do it! But, being a slave to the church, (he had to eat), he took the job.
This isn't just ANY artwork....the focal painting, THAT painting, is considered the finest achievement, the apex and pinnacle of Art in the History of Western (Aryan) Culture, which is the finest in the world...and THIS painting, and no other, ironically enough, as I stated, turns out to illustrate the pivotal moment in OUR Satanic History, when HPS Maxine reaches out to and back to Satan as He reaches for US (because you know, He never stopped struggling to reach us, to help us, never gave up on us) and helps Him and the other Gods!
She wrote that when she met Satan, He hugged her and thanked her, saying: "No other human being has tried to help me before...."
So, this is truly an AMAZING moment in our Satanic History! Maxine will be recognized someday as the Hero for Humanity she really is. That moment, when huMANity in the form of herself and a few other people, is an incredibly big deal....and The Gods want me to point this out.
Michelangelo paints THIS moment (it was HIS inspiration, HIS vision – given by a God, perhaps?) symbolically as I say, in larger than life figures as THE pivotal focal piece of his total composition! I'll say it again: This painting is not just any old painting! It's considered the greatest in the WORLD. Talk about the biggest EVER middle finger to the enemy! It really IS awesome!
When the Gods pointed all this out to me, I laughed my fucking head off! Thats how we Gentiles roll, they think they squash us, we give them the middle finger! We fight back!
Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling is one of the most influential artworks of ALL TIME and a foundational work of Renaissance Art.
It took him 4 years to complete (1508-1512). The ceiling measures about 40 meters (131 feet) long by 13 meters (43 feet) wide. Although these numbers are rounded, they demonstrate the enormous scale of this nontraditional canvas. Michelangelo painted well over 5,000 square feet of frescoes!
Michelangelo Buonarroti is arguably the most famous artist of the High to Late Italian Renaissance, and inarguably, one of the greatest artists of ALL time -- along with fellow Renaissance men Leonardo DiVinci and Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio).
Pope Julius II (also known as Giulio II and "Il papa terribile"), 'asked' Michelangelo to paint the Sistine Chapel's ceiling....well, in reality, it wasn't so much as asked – he eventually stopped asking and ordered him to do it. He held total power over Michelangelo, as the guy who had the final say on if an artist gets a job or not – as ALL the jobs that paid anything worthwhile were from the Church, I don't doubt for a moment Michelangelo was eventually given the ultimatum: "You do this job, or I'll see to it you never get another one again!" Julius was, after all, adamant that Michelangelo — and no other — should paint the Chapel's ceiling.

As a side note: Julius offered as reward and incentive to do the Sistine Chapel Ceiling to Michelangelo the wildly lucrative commission of sculpting 40 massive figures for his tomb, a project that appealed much more to Michelangelo given his artistic style. After accepting the original commission in 1505 (which shows Julius had to have been on his case to do the ceiling for at least 4, 5 years), Michelangelo spent more than a year designing the monument, selecting and transporting marble from Carrara, only for the project to be abandoned due to lack of funds. Then he does the Sistine Chapel Ceiling so that he can get his sculpture project back online, as I'm sure this carrot was held out to him...well, so much for THAT. Julius dies in 1513.
In 1545, the designs for the tomb, some of which still exist, were realized on a much smaller scale. I believe that Michelangelo fought for that comission, and managed to pry that much of what was originally promised (he ended up getting paid for 8 sculptures) out of the jews hands. But he had to fight for it, and it took years and years (32 years) to get anything at all out of the Church. This just illustrates how the jews keep their word to a Gentile. They don't, they screw him over.
Michelangelo thought of himself as a sculptor and preferred working with marble to almost any other material. Imagine, prior to the ceiling frescoes, the only painting he'd done was during his brief stint as a student in Ghirlandaio's workshop! He didn't consider himself a painter, and (justifiably) complained throughout four straight years of the work. As an artist myself, I totally get it: I HATE doing comissions! Any real artist does; its the worst, being forced to sell your talents like a whore (because you got to eat) to execute somebody elses vision...though, in this case they actually wanted stars on a blue background and he was like: you want a painting? I'll give you a fucking painting! It was his way to fight back, to do it HIS way.
The work suffered numerous setbacks, including mold and miserable, damp weather that disallowed plaster curing. The project was further stalled when Julius left to wage war and again when he fell ill. The ceiling project, and any hope Michelangelo had of being paid, were frequently in jeopardy while Julius was absent or near death.

Michelangelo conceived and constructed a unique scaffolding system sturdy enough to hold workers and materials.The scaffolding curved at its top, mimicking the curvature of the ceiling's vault. Michelangelo often had to bend backward and paint over his head — an incredibly awkward position that caused permanent damage to his vision!
Michelangelo had never painted frescoes before and was learning the craft as he worked! What's more, he chose to work in buon fresco, the most difficult method, and one normally reserved for true masters. He had to learn wickedly hard techniques in perspective, namely painting figures on curved surfaces that appear "correct" when viewed from nearly 60 feet below and executed in candle/lantern light, truly horrible conditions. I mean, you are always within arms reach of the painting, you never get to step back for a clear view to check perspective. In a sense, he was kind of painting blind. So, to pull this work off, was/is a testament to a genius and a fucking miracle, really! As a painter myself, I can appreciate how fucking HARD this had to be. The scale is truly monumental. He IS the Greatest Master Artist there ever was.

The sketches and cartoons for the frescoes were all of his hand and he executed the vast bulk of the actual painting himself. There are more than 300 painted figures on the ceiling.
His output was, quite simply, stunning, in quality, quantity, and scale. His most famous statue is the 18-foot David (1501-1504), which was completed before he turned 30. His other sculpture pieces included elaborately decorated tombs.
Michelangelo, because of the Greatness of his Art, earned the nickname Il Divino or "The Divine One."
As an old man, he was tapped by the Pope to complete the half-finished St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. Not all of the plans he drew were utilized but, after his death, architects built the dome still in use today. His poetry was very personal and not as grand as his other works, yet is of great value to those who wish to know Michelangelo.
Accounts of his life portray Michelangelo as a prickly-tempered, mistrusting and lonely man, lacking in both interpersonal skills and confidence in his physical appearance. Perhaps this is why he created works of such heartbreaking beauty and heroism that they are still held in awe these many centuries later.
Hail Satan!Heil Hitler!666! 88! 
Omg, Zola you're truly awesome! I perfectly agree with your post (especially the part in regards of comissions, I hate it too), I can clearly see your passion for art! I've never heard someone speaking about art as you do :) and I would really like to see more works of yours! ♡

Hail Satan!
Hail Anubi!
Hail Samigina!
Hail all Gods!

TO THE SUPREME BEING by: Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564)
The prayers I make will then be sweet indeed, If Thou the spirit give by which I pray: My unassisted heart is barren clay, Which of its native self can nothing feed: Of good and pious works Thou art the seed, Which quickens only where Thou say'st it may; Unless Thou show to us Thine own true way, No man can find it: Father! Thou must lead.
Do Thou, then, breathe those thoughts into my mind By which such virtue may in me be bred That in Thy holy footsteps I may tread; The fetters of my tongue do Thou unbind, That I may have the power to sing of Thee, And sound Thy praises everlastingly.
This poem was translated into English by William Wordsworth (1770-1850).
My note: Yes, he was no doubt immersed in Xianity, who wouldn't have been at that time? However, he doesn't title this to Jewsus or 'G-d' as in Yehovah: No, he says:
To The Supreme Being. Father.
He was talking to his Father, whom he knew instinctively he has one. A REAL one. He was really writing this to Satan (though he probably was not consciously knowing this) in essence saying (in more modern english for those who are poetry challenged):
“You give me the words, the knowledge of what to say, without you I am but clay, you are the source of all goodness and life for me, you fill my heart, breath your thoughts into my mind, truth, wisdom and understanding, so that it quickens in me! No one can find the way without YOU, Father! (I lead to the straight path without a revealed book) Thou must lead! (I will not give my rights to other gods) Keep me strong in my faith and service, I want to be like you, and I follow in your footsteps, unbind my tongue that I may give you praise, honor and sing of your glory, to sound your praises everlastingly.”
He has said and I quote:
I live and love in God's peculiar light.”
The jews call Satan the 'strange' God.
It could only be accomplished through the power of sex magic between the union of a human and a god.
Wow!!!!, thanks a lot for sharing all this!^-^

I had only little knowledge of Michaelangelo before reading your post.
Now, saying I admire him is quited underated, this man is a legend!!

Reading your earlier post I had a feeling that the Gods pointed out this picture to you. 
There was so much sheer knowledge in how you described the importance of this finest piece of art.

The part where you talked about Hps Maxine and quoted Father Satan made me cry.
Its hard to describe how I felt when I read that.

I can't say how much I have pity for all those huMANs passing before my eyes everyday
that will never get to know Father Satan, all the beautiful Gods/Godesses, all the Powers of Hell,
Hps Maxine, all our beautiful Clergy and dedicated brethren, their REAL family!

Hail Father Satan!卐

I, too, thought this very informative. Thank you so much for sharing this.

Hail Father Satan/Lucifer!


On Fri, 9/8/17, alex_123456789@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Question about Freeing the Demons
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Friday, September 8, 2017, 6:21 AM


Wow!!!!, thanks a lot
for sharing all this!^-^

had only little knowledge of Michaelangelo before reading
your post.
Now, saying I admire him is
quited underated, this man is a legend!!

Reading your earlier post I had a feeling that
the Gods pointed out this picture to you. 
There was so much sheer knowledge in how you
described the importance of this finest piece of art.

The part where you talked
about Hps Maxine and quoted Father Satan made me cry.
Its hard to describe how I felt when I read

I can't say how
much I have pity for all those huMANs passing before my eyes
that will never get to know Father
Satan, all the beautiful Gods/Godesses, all the Powers of
Hps Maxine, all our beautiful Clergy
and dedicated brethren, their REAL family!

Hail Father Satan!卐

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Michelangelo Buonarroti was a Satanic Soul. There is NO WAY that his great work could have been that of a jew. The jews are cockroaches. They don't create; they destroy! There is no way they could have concieved and made into reality what Michelangelo created. He is an Aryan, and He should be recognized as such. And HPS Maxine is the most amazing woman. What she has done, creating Joy of Satan, is wonderful and should be venerated! She is a Goddess! And she will be recognized for all she has done! I love you Maxine! You are awesome!

Hail Satan!

This was an excellent post. Maybe he was like Leonardo Davinci. 

 Aldrick Strickland  Hail Father Satanas Forever 
 LGBT Website: http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.com/about/
 LGBT Group: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Satanicgaycommunity/info
 LGBT YouTube Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPNQBm0fmA7G949VelTaLtg

I'm sorry if I seem really angry. Its just that I feel so passionate about this man. 
He has always been my guiding light and the person/artist that I look up to more than any other. And when I saw he died at the age of 88.....it lifted the hairs on my head and made me realize that I wasn't wrong; about Him or what I said.
you must be an artist as well, as you understand. You get it. It's easy to see between the lines. I mean, come on! The fucking POPE suddenly is out of funds. That is a LIE. He is the head Mafia person. That was a lie so that Michelangelo would do what he wanted; ie: do the sistine chapel ceiling. I see the jew in this, and it's disgusting! He was coerced to do it. 
 My works of art are nothing compared to his, But yes, I'm really passionate about art, and about this man. I really think what he accomplished is amazing. I saw a quote where he described trying to deal with the fucking jew "patrons' was such a nightmare. i wanted to post it here but it is gone. I can't find it now.
I just really think that what our HPS Maxine did is a really big deal, and that Satanists don't recognize it. And we should. It's important.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
