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  1. I

    Twin souls/ soul groups/ Homosexuals

    I dont know if this phenomena is our souls being split upon reincarnation. It could be possible Satan does this purposely after one gets to a higher level but ultimately fails to achieve the magnum opus for some reason, maybe to help us remember quicker, or if there are two of us to help spread...
  2. I

    Twin souls/ soul groups/ Homosexuals

    Another coincidence. I log in for the first time in months and find you guys discussing twin flames. I recently finally got to the point in Satanism where the Gods, specifically Agares, helped me end my abusive marriage to a closet xtian who as it turns out was cheating anyway. Shortly after I...
  3. I

    Reason I'm leaving the group

    I completely agree and it's gotten worse in the last few years. All I can say is contact the Gods yourself and empower yourself to learn. They are not stingy with information and although they do encourage your own initiative to persue strength and research the knowledge yourself, the facts are...
  4. I

    Important Truths about Nutrition [Part 3]

    This is amazing information that is glossed over in a great cook book I have called Nourishing Traditions. I highly recommend it.
  5. I

    It's All Real They're Real

    After 5 years with Satan, and without revealing too much about my experience so you guys don't censor me for my own safety, this year it came to one thing: In my life, everything changes or nothing at all. I'm not sure if this message was of my own self or of Satan. All of the meditations I...
  6. I

    About Supermoon

    I don't know about you but personally I'm just going to use the supermoon's ridiculous energies to further my own personal goals and give you guys and the Gods a bunch of energy to use however you want. I'm not advanced enough to be cursing the shit out of Israel right now as I'm in a...
  7. I

    The Gods at it again

    Just thought I'd share with you what I've witnessed recently concerning the Gods' trying to communicate with me using more energy than what is needed to direct me to numerical signs. I'm talking more physical manifestations. I chime in every now and again here whenever something I can't...
  8. I

    Native Americans, Where They Satanists?

    Obviously the natives of the americas were Satanists. They lived at one with nature, which if I recall correctly is extremely important that we do on behalf of the Gods. Waging war on one another is completely normal, and a spiritual experience for many ancient cultures. Not to the extend the...
  9. I

    UK Voted To Leave the Jewish EU, Jew Cameron Quits As PM

    I'm not trying to be negative here, but the Rothschild's banking HQ is in London. The joos still control arguably the entirety of Europe. Same with China. There is no free market, there is only the jew market. As long as they control the market and the concept of money they will still oppress...
  10. I

    Desperate to get back into Satanism..

    This is seriously the tenth+ time I have randomly gotten the urge to check the groups and found someone posting and describing something nearly completely identical to my current problem. A month or two ago someone was worried about being a jew. I was also being attacked in the same way. It...
  11. I

    Curses/Astrological questions

    Wow thank you guys, I was about to try a curse again. Thanks for that link too. gonna investigate Saturn in my chart right now thank you
  12. I

    Curses/Astrological questions

    Hello everyone. I have two questions I hope you can help me with. The first regards the first curse I felt safe enough doing without overpowering enemy retaliation in my 5 years with Satan, and despite the fact that according to my natal chart black magic is the only thing I'm really, really...
  13. I

    Aura of Deception

    Well thanks for the advice guys. I truly have to push hard to get through this stage. It's like my soul is struggling to climb over a giant wall of enemy energies for months
  14. I

    Aura of Deception

    Yeah. Even with the runes I am still spotted. Example: Day one of new job. Coworker across from me starts mentioning how she got a total on a receipt for $6.66. She then later is continually drawn to bug me, mentioning how she baptized someone. This has been happening lately where on day 1 some...
  15. I

    Aura of Deception

    "The entirety of my behavior, personality, appearance, and spoken words blend completely with (my coworkers, my xtian family, etc.) so that the enemy is helpless to maneuver and manipulate those without against my desires. All of (people you are surrounded by) are completely oblivious to my...
  16. I


    Yeah, I am beginning to think that the majority of the meaning of these numbers is based on what you may subconsciously associate it with, or the meaning the Gods guide you too but I'm unsure. I'm still getting a ton of signs, my meditation visuals are getting better and my affirmations stronger...
  17. I

    YES! I am finally free!

    Fake I ask out of pure curiosity, are you a Scorpio born in the late 80's, and does your chart show you are exceptionally skilled in black magic?
  18. I

    Anti-jew anime Magi gets a prequel

    The first Matrix has these similar allegories. Possibly one of the reasons it was so popular. Robot race enslaving mankind physically, mentally, and spiritually to feed off their bioelectricity? Greys. Simulated reality perpetually stuck in the 90's? Arguably we here in america have been ''stuck...
  19. I


    My friends had a kid and went with an all-natural at home birth. They somehow lucked out and didn't get a doula that was a jew or a totally brainwashed yuppie dipshit. They also did not give their child vaccinations, and this is in a town not a city yet when they had to have the child registered...
  20. I

    Meanwhile In Israel......

    Damnit, Mageson.
  21. I

    My first contact with "supernatural"

    Hmmmm....That is very interesting. On one hand, ''it'' sucked the life out of you, and on the other then returned it? When it sucked the life out of you are you sure it wasn't just fear of the unknown? Did it feel like your blood was being drained from your body leaving you cold, and was there a...
  22. I

    How does one thank a Demon?

    Step 1: Meditate Step 2: Visualize yourself breathing in white-gold energy Step 3: After each inhale of energy, exhale through your outstretched hands and begin forming energy ball Step 4: After it is of sufficient size, affirm that it is a gift for Clauneck to do with as he pleases Step 5...
  23. I

    Joy of Satan mirror - josmirrors.cf

    Thank you!
  24. I

    My cat goes crazy when I do the breath of fire!

    My old cat always came up and rubbed against me whenever I did yoga, getting in the way. Same with meditating. I am convinced that they also meditate, and their purrs are the cat version of a healing Mantra for humans.
  25. I


    Tons, and tons, and TONS AND TONS of practice. Every single day, try laying down as well. You WILL fall asleep most of the time but eventually it will happen. You also need to focus on concentration, especially resisting fear or you wont last long once you're out.
  26. I

    Neo-Atheism Is Jewish

    Oooooooh yes it is. I know by having been around atheists during my time in school. I thought we were friends, but they dropped me INSTANTLY when I started having the courage to speak my political and spiritual beliefs rather than submit to their constant bullshit and teasing. They act JUST like...
  27. I

    scary nightmares

    very cool experiences, but I have to say here that you'd KNOW if you were astral projecting IMO it takes a conscious effort. An extreme effort involving trance, somehow not falling asleep, and the actual experience of your 'soul leaving your body' is brutal. If it's anything like my experience a...
  28. I

    Magicians Of The Gods

    Greetings brothers and sisters! A new book by Graham Hancock has been released and I highly recommend it for all of you. "Magicians of the Gods" is a sequel to his controversial book "Fingerprints of the Gods", and goes into the theory Mageson did a great write up about on these groups a few...
  29. I

    scary nightmares

    David, the only way to tell for sure what the experience is....is to learn how to lucid dream. Once you get your mental foot in the door of the dream world you will be able to determine the subtle differences behind enemy attacks, your subconious( which can and WILL purposely scare the shit out...
  30. I

    hypocrisy I see

    yeah Zola and Fake, you guys seem to be tryin to digest the realization that there really is no winning with the majority of the population regardless of country. Backwoods is right, they're more like soulless zombies now than people. At least you guys have us, don't expect any understanding...
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    The face of a JEWISH infiltrator (Brian Ruhe)

    Dunno about what's going on exactly but I have to agree about the nose thing.... his nose looks like mine, and a lot of my friends who have northern french/irish/Viking ancestry. Look for the hook nose my friend, a true kike nose is like double that size, droopy and bulbous.
  32. I

    scary nightmares

    I wouldn't rule out your subconscious trying to tell you something. It can't be taken literally, you need to think about what the meanings are for you behind the images you see. It could just be something about how your perception of the world is being destroyed after realizing the truth of...
  33. I

    Re: Conversation with Satan and Amdusias?

    it is really hard to believe at first that the Gods would set aside time to answer questions for us, but it's true. I think your experience was legit, ESPECIALLY if you didn't get a horrible negative feeling and their answers actually made sense/didn't frighten you. The Gods don't think like...
  34. I


    This made me simultaneously happy to see, and filled with the desire to beat the shit out of those fuckers myself. They're taking a picture together and those fucks can't even control themselves. I'd honestly have lost it and found something nearby to bash their heads in.....and wind up in...
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    about psychedelic trance

    well 'succeed' is a relative term in the music industry. I was just listening to a cool song I believe has SS messages in it: Pierced From Within by Suffocation. The title pretty much says it all, it's a reference to the kundalini rising.
  36. I


    Very very interesting insights and interpretations, brothers. That information did help and I think I get the messages slightly clearer. I'll have to see what communication I have today with the Gods/ my guardian Agares. I'll keep ignoring that enemy caused "doubt voice" demanding I never ask...
  37. I

    The Aryan Race

    so true about white diversity! it's maybe our greatest weakness as the joos have taken advantage of it to try to appear white! also, I have always thought the Japanese were different then other Asians, and wen I did foreign exchange I got the strange idea that perhaps they're more white than...
  38. I


    thanks you moderators/high priests for putting my message on this thread! fake name and everyone else, if you are interested in finding out I'd love to hear of any coincidences you experience when you see this cause I'm seeing 333 an 11:11 a lot too as I stated before. let's record our...
  39. I

    How to interpret how many children you can have using your 5th house

    you're going to maim yourself and you think you'll be able to have children?you should consider accepting the fact you are a man, instead of risking this kind of harm to your body. you have a feminine side, embrace it naturally without becoming a science experiment. you'll have a much better...
  40. I


    I have been seeing this number, and sadly the search function for the groups is entirely useless....how am I supposed to magically know the message number of any topics relating to this? My intuition is good but it's not THAT good. Anyway.... On my journey to the realization of Satan's truth...
  41. I

    Sex Magick, Willpower, Concentration and Communication

    100% of the time that my spells work is when I do them correctly, worded very solidly, and then forget about it. Like...sometimes literally forget I did it until a few months down the line it manifests and I remember. If you keep doing it over and over it wont work unless you are doing a 40 day...
  42. I

    Malcolm X was an Anti-Semitist

    For the love of Satan, just read the fucking website and stop derailing this thread!
  43. I


    I see "coincidences" all the time. just recently I got a ton of warnings about impending termination from my Jew infested former new job.... mainly "222" which means a new path. also signs warning me about xtians, and sure enough right after those some coworkers blatantly approached me and asked...
  44. I

    Help with trance state

    I haven't tried it too many times but the one time I did and achieved the trance was laying in my backyard on my hammock during the day. I did times breathing, 4 seconds inhale, pause 4 seconds, exhale 4, pause 4, rinse repeat and imagined myself climbing down a ladder in the blackness of my...
  45. I

    Happy Imbolc to all

    well, this explains the intense experience I had meditating. my body tensed up but I was flooded with an extremely powerful good feeling. now I've got a "third eye headache"!
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    The Protocols in Solid form

    I kinda feel like this could draw way too much attention to you, especially if you're handing them out revealing your face to kikes. 98% of people will also dismiss you as being crazy, sending negative energies your way. personally I'd use subterfuge when disseminating this info
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    Spoke With A Raven....?

    was meditating on something extremely important that has been causing me extreme distress. thought I knew what to do, whAt the path was. but I go and meditate last week and a raven coincidentally perches outside my window and starts calling. as my normal, not extraordinary meditation session...
  48. I

    The Pacific Ocean is dead?

    don't forget the years of nuclear detonation within the Pacific Ocean in the mid 20th century. I'm sure that did more damage than Fukushima, not to mention the detonations in the atmosphere that tore a gaping hole in our ozone with which the jews have allowed even more wonderful murderous space...
  49. I

    Japan rejected 99% of "refugee" claims last year

    which is why it the only safe place to turn to now
  50. I

    New Year Resolutions

    I believe Satan and largely Agares has been guiding me since I chose to marry because I was emotional abused and brainwashed by this woman into deciding I couldn't do any better. right after that satan and the gods went from very gently hinting at their presence when I was a teen with 'ghost'...
  51. I

    A life that shouldnt have been

    I chose to make the people who cause me to feel suicidal suffer instead of allowing them to win by dying. I chose to fight the slave reality we live then submit quietly. don't kill yourself like a coward, fight until you die instead. use your anger, destroy! and in so destroying you will create...
  52. I

    There appears to be a rise in xian troll activity

    Yes, it's like a hive mind but there are greys everywhere and they can subconsciously influence atheist sheep as well. It's the 4th dimension so it doesn't matter where you are, thus the internet fucks. I recently had to tone down the spiritual warfare because I was getting too bombarded with...
  53. I

    Planets Aligning

    Hah, we both made the same topic. Hopefully someone knows...
  54. I

    Planetary Alignment from Jan 20 - Feb 20 Effects

    I, and I'm sure many others here lurking on the forums from time to time would like to know what effects will this alignment have? So far the thing to be out of the ordinary to my limited inter-dimensional perception is I'm having an unusually good day, while everyone else is in this weird funk...
  55. I

    My partner is cheating on me. What spell should I do?

    wow. wish mine was blatantly cheating on me so I can get out of this psychotic relationship. anyway....is it openly known to both of you that they are cheating? if so I'd just end it seems like a good reason to me! other than that you can use the affirmation I posted on another thread. Google...
  56. I

    Seperation Affirmation?

    updating in case anyone searches for this: Tried an additional affirmation/different one. just using the "My aura is repelling all of X's interests affection and attraction in every way. I am revolting and repulsive to X" while putting a black aura around myself (for X) and imagining the Uruz...
  57. I

    LOL jews take one look at me and piss their pants!

    kikes and normal people react this way to me. they get silent are seem wary of me even though I'm acting like them. or if I stand near them too long they start to get confused or nervous like they're being distracted by some thought. but I also program my aura of protection so that it reflects...
  58. I

    Seperation Affirmation?

    yeah thus my avoiding it. I do this for another reason to- to provide myself with unquestionable proof in the face of any enemy attack that my affirmations really change things. I have had other experiences, but I think this coming to fruition would be a pretty big 'coincidence' too hard to...
  59. I

    Seperation Affirmation?

    I guess I should be more specific as to what advice with the spell I'm tryin to get from you guys. I know on JoS it says to program an aura of repulsion around myself, but what color do I use? white to reflect or red? i am especially bad at timing these with the stars. agares is my guardian...
  60. I

    Seperation Affirmation?

    Greetings my fellow Satanists. I come to you with a question again. I need to be rid of my significant other. I have been trying a very basic affirmation every day, it has been nearly a month but I do not think I am doing it right. I need this person to chose by their self to finally get the...
  61. I

    This was posted once before but is still relevant

    I think the topic of tesla needs more attention because as you know he got into the occult after science an his technologies improved
  62. I

    More Satanic Allegories in games

    Are you surprised a lot of media from Japan has some of its creators putting satanic themes in it? The Japanese were the last truly satanic people's still to succumb to the jews! I doubt their racial memory will allow them to become too brainwashed. I have been there as foreign exchange and can...
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    race mixing

    Do we not take into consideration the tales of native Americans claiming there are in fact 4 races? Black, white, yellow(Asian), and red(Native American)? And what of the Jews taking extensive efforts to destroy the Incan/Aztec races, and their history? Were they not their own seperate, powerful...
  64. I

    White Women Are Getting Fed Up

    Nice! See we need to be making videos like this (if one o us DIDNT make this one....)! It's presented in a way where the sheep will understand without it being abuseable ie someone saying it's racist, a conspiracy, etc.
  65. I

    This was posted once before but is still relevant

    On top of that, he also developed laser weaponry so devastating that it would end all wars according to him and supposedly he fell for the allied propaganda and did not offer to sell it to Germany :/. When you learn about Nikola tesla you realize the Jews have been sitting on some intensely...
  66. I

    Awesome way to end the night...THANKS JEWS

    We all do Zola :(
  67. I

    The truth about Hitler

    Two videos that really made me question the truth behind WW2: most importantly the "hitters declaration of war on America with ACCURATE ENGLISH SUBTITLES" on YouTube. And if that isn't enough: greatest Story Never Told, also on YouTube. There was an amazing video Maxine posted about a year...
  68. I


    Worst case scenario shoul be Jews bought them all, the. Are going to continue buying them and make it into a big new problem that Germans are taking such an interest in hitler, and use it as an excuse to take more of their rights. I truly hope this is NOT the case because as soon as the 4th...
  69. I

    1,000+ Mudslims mass rape women in German Train Station

    This really really sucks. My heart goes out to Europe
  70. I

    A New Day is Coming!! (IMPORTANT)

    Of course we will win, it is only a matter of time before mankind recovers from the invasion of a few thousand years ago. We are formed of evolution, made even better by our Gods who were also granted immortality more or less by the graves of survival of the fittest. Jews are poorly made...
  71. I


    I am fortunate in that I have great control over anger and can summon it rather quickly. There's a ton of it and the energy of it is overwhelming, like a pit of destructive will just there for my use in curses whenever I need it. If it gets overwhelming though I imagine who or whatever causing...
  72. I

    bad day

    Okay I keep getting better and better aura of protections from people postin on here. I get attacked 24/7 for all the hatred I nuke israel with daily. Use thurisaz, Algiz AND sowilo my friend. It'll help a TON.
  73. I

    WOW! Last night was amazing!

    That sounds exactly like the beginning stages of astral projection for me, you start leaving your body during or after the trance and the incredibly loud noise starts. I always get partially stuck in my body though but I haven't tried since 2012, as I'm concentrating on the basics first cause...
  74. I

    Questioning Love

    I am so glad you got out of that relationship as in still tryin to 'fix' the abusive one I am in. But I have to say almost exactly what S.S. 666 said....you can't go back to that loser. Just think about it, it's a terrible idea. If I were you I would move on and try to find someone better. Why...
  75. I

    Happy Yule Solstice Dayyyy satanic brothers and sisters!

    My resolution is to get rid of all the emotional parasites in my life holdin me back and telling me that I'm wrong for being myself or thinking the way I do. My resolution is to avoid becoming irreversibly psychologically addicted to weed, advance myself spiritually and crush the enemy. I also...
  76. I

    Star WHORES episode 7 is just a multicultural rehash of original

    Kyle I think it's more of an issue with how obvious they are attacking people like us, but also you have to consider the sheer amount of people who will see this. Because of the satanic elements in the series it appeals to everyone on a subconcious level but they ultimately slander it, and now...
  77. I

    A little problem with void meditation

    I've got a related question for everyone. If I do void and stare at something, regardless of whether or not it's a light source, if I keep my eyes completely still and focused my vision starts to slowly go black starting from my outer vision going in. Physical or spiritual? I never let it go all...
  78. I


    High Inquisitor Trump shall perform exterminatus on the brown skinned, and free America from the horrors of guaranteed minimum wage. For how else can we as a nation better serve our benevolent corporate masters? Trust in Trump. He shall construct a wall to rival that of China, so that we may...
  79. I

    Star WHORES: Return of the jew

    EXACTLY Sam!
  80. I

    Star WHORES: Return of the jew

    Yea if they weren't randomly killing each other, there's no doubt about it they'd crush all opposite....much like we will do, very very soon in reality. George Lucas wishes he could've come up with a nemesis as terrifyingly anti-monotheism as us.
  81. I

    Star WHORES: Return of the jew

    "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me." Conflict forces one to better oneself. It forces change, growth, adaption, evolution…...
  82. I

    White Supremacy And Black Slavery

    Where would Africa be without us? Who is 'us', the kike? Because whites sure as fuck don't own any nations, and it was joo control of white nations and religions that began the slavery and wars in Africa, destroying their ways of life like they do to all nonjews!!! They are starving and shit...
  83. I

    Star WHORES: Return of the jew

    There's always been this anti nazi stuff in it if you ask me I mean they're called storm troopers for fucks sake.... Also, love how the main characters are SHOCKINGLY A WHITE GIRL AND A BLACK MAN! How original, right? I mean it's not like any of us here have seen this theme over and over...
  84. I

    Need help with torrent downloads to expose christianity judaism isla

    If you did your research you would know why everyone here hates jews. Or if you have even been here long enough to read one of the many posts proving beyond logical doubt that they are in control of western society and have been for thousands of years. Also, if you even meditated regularly or...
  85. I

    cool hitler picture

    I don't like the part advocating xtianity.
  86. I

    If you live in USA they're trying to take our guns away again

    Police aren't cowards most of them are just brainwashed but they can't do anything. Those who are awake in government jobs can't speak out because they'll loose their jobs, they're slaves just like us. When shit goes down and martial law is declared no police officer with a good heart will turn...
  87. I

    Austria: School girl group raped in front of class mates by six non-

    Don't let your anger get misplaced Yagami. Everyone in this situation is brainwashed. The mudslimes and the Europeans. WW3 would result in the utter annihilation of humankind via nuclear holocaust while the kike wait it out beneath Denver airport and other such bunkers. No one will win except...
  88. I

    A Thousand reasons To Hate the Jews

    Here's my reasons: they murdered my ancestors, blamed them like they blame everyone for human sacrifice, and wiped nearly all traces of them and all of their culture from the face of the Earth. Here's another reason: their disgusting inability to see past the material and how they worship...
  89. I


    If you can gather the strength can you try to be homeless? Maybe try to escape to another country. I hope you find a way
  90. I

    Weed effects

    Just want to add one more thing. If it isn't psychologically additing, why even after having not smoked for almost a month am I craving it? Also, whenever I try to meditate it feels like my mind is filled with with a giant rock preventing energy from being absorbed and from visualization to be...
  91. I

    Weed effects

    You want to know the effects of weed? It is psychologically addicting and takes the place of meditation when done any more frequently than once a month in my personal experiences. It makes you unpredictable emotionally and when you are off of it, turns you into an insufferable bitch during...
  92. I

    Severe Financial Bind

    Strange, I too had to quit the best paying job I had recently because of the xtian harassment. I've gotten two interviews so far and fortunately I have a little more time than you until I'm fucked. But I feel the same way about bugging Satan concerning this. It makes me wonder, is our shame or...
  93. I

    Equality, The Slothz'in Perspective

    I completely agree. Thanks for giving another clearly worded description of the race 'issue'. Races seperated, yet in their seperation more united. Races with different strengths and weaknesses. We aren't equal but in our individual inequality as a whole our species is strong. It's in our...
  94. I

    Don't Ignore The Coincidences

    Yes, my coworkers are mostly obvious jews and literally every single one of them is at least xtian. Unfortunately before I found this out my actions may have betrayed my beliefs and exposed me. I tend to have a strong sense of pride and feel lying is a waste of energy. But, we all know Satan...
  95. I

    Subtitles in English- Very Important- The forced collective suicide

    This video pisses me off. I was hoping to move to Germany, Sweden, Denmark or Norway to escape the bullshit of America. Now it seems like those countries are pretty much ruined, and it's worse in Europe than the states. It's sad and worrying. Especially how they are brainwashing white women to...
  96. I

    One minute cure

    It is impossible in the U.S. to have legitimate 35% food grade mailed to you, and if you order it you are sent two 17.5% food grade bottles that don't do anything for your health. If you guys do this seriously make sure your sources are trustworthy. I myself have not attempted this as I have...
  97. I

    Don't Ignore The Coincidences

    In the last few days I had thought "There must be some monotheist holiday or something!" because at work, at least one customer a day had not only made it very clear they were xian or catholic, they also made my job very difficult including job threateningly difficult with liability claims for...
  98. I

    The Black Hebrew Israelite Movement Part 1

    This is ridiculous. I literally laughed out loud when I read this, I had no idea this was even a thing. The enemy is always trying to convince everyone they're magically jewish! Next they'll claim native Americans in fact sailed from pissrael thousands of years ago and are 100% Hebrew. The...
  99. I

    Can't believe this honestly

    FOR THE LOVE OF SATAN DO NOT DO WHAT FAKE NAME SUGGESTED! That doesn't work in the real world and makes you a huge target! Do what livingforsatan said. May I also add you should do one of my personal favorite techniques - reflecting everything they throw at you everyday with an appropriate...
  100. I

    Satanic Musicians and Artists

    Hey! I'm pretty sure Satan and the other Gods won't get offended. I've been thinking about doing this for a few years now and for all I know it was their idea to use the kike's techniques against them. I've ran it past them in meditation and even attempted to run it past the spirit of Hitler, to...
  101. I

    Re: worried (opinions asked)

    Your friends will be easier to manipulate if they are truly taking heroine and whatnot. Be patient and wait. An opportunity will present itself where if you play it fake like them, you'll have a chance to reclaim what is yours. When you confront them visualize at the same time. Try to meditate...
  102. I

    Throat chakra

    It sounds like you've got some blocked up emotions in there. Either that or you're over thinking the phenomena of feeling energy entering it? I personally have never felt a CRUSHING sensation on my throat chakra. For me the throat chakra is the most sensitive and easiest to detect. If I felt a...
  103. I

    strange experience

    Ildar that is a textbook grey attack. They always try to convince you Satan is some super angry asshole that doesn't want to help you, or try to seduce you posing as a goddess making satanism look like its about the material and whatnot. They feed on fear and can feed on sexual energy too...
  104. I

    Why Jews, and can there be...?

    Forsaken when you really really think abou and research it unbiasedly it always comes back to the church/jews! Always! Don't just take our word for it please. Research it yourself and come to the same conclusion yourself. Also....everything fake name said. Everything.
  105. I

    Its that time of year again! Happy Samhain!

    This Halloween I'm portraying one of the most terrifying monsters ever created- jewsus nailed to a cross. I'm going to be trolling the shit out of the enemy walking around moaning like a zombie and saying things like "WORSHIP ME OR DIE, MORTAL! MUAHAHAHAHAH!" Or "BURN IN THE HELLFIRE I CREATED...
  106. I


    I completely agree Cobra. I fight every day, even if my eagerness to spread and consume knowledge has exposed me to some degree I only thrive under their added attacks. The enemy has gotten weaker I can feel it and the time I too agree is coming very soon when we will prove who is a true human -...
  107. I

    Satanic Musicians and Artists

    I plan on creating an EP disguised as a satirical metal band. In reality it won't be, but most people will take it as a joke and I will present it as such while including actual evidence and direction to sources in the lyrics. Band name: Krematorium. Album title will be Protocols of the Learned...
  108. I

    Stupid STUPID dream interpretations!!!

    I want to contribute to this by adding this bit of advice: There is a huge difference between a nightmare and an enemy attack. A nightmare may be scary stressful and whatnot, but it's normal. An attack dream has all of that and more but you'll most likely notice no matter your spiritual level...
  109. I

    underground base employee speaks out

    The only positive thing about Greys is that if it wasn't for their constant hunger for human suffering and weakness to feed off, I'd have never had seen them and experienced the horrific events that led me to JoS, and specifically this group where I was helped even though I was an outsider. You...
  110. I

    What do I do when I just found out my friend of ten years dad is a j

    Hey OP. All of my friends were joos when I was growing up. I thought they were just nerds like me, but they brainwashed me through their peer pressure and tactics to act like a total asshole like them. Selfish, parasitic. It was only after finding a woman who called me out on it did I sit and...
  111. I

    Are most Whites partly mixed?

    It seems like the Irish were a huge threat to them spiritually in ancient times and even in recent history Irish immigrants were supposedly slaves in the U.S.!!! They went through a lot of effort to destroy their history. I'm Irish and French so I think of the Gaul and their Druids. It's...
  112. I

    Never stop meditation.

    A while ago I was incredibly intoxicated on alcohol and weed. After the initial enjoyable part, my aura pretty much disappeared and I was under attack. The Greys and whatever else wanted to try to convince me that I'm schizophrenic. I burned then with spiritual hellfire more vivid and intense...
  113. I

    Bernie Sanders is Jewish.

    Yeah he is just like Ron and Rand Paul. Political actors portraying BAIT for the dissidents of the holy American inquisition. He won't change shit when elected except help FEMA prioritize its targets among the populace. Do not buy into or participate in this game. Bernie sanders is a huge...
  114. I

    Half of the Warriors Were Female

    Light Algur is right in that this clearly a kike website. But you forget that women generally have a higher tolerance to pain an by birth are slightly more in touch with the spiritual. Generally, they have a lighted build so a smaller target. Females are arguably more inclined to be more agile...
  115. I

    Blame Shifting

    HAHAHAHA HOLY SHIT! That's amazing, next they're going to blame Iran for the holocaust when it comes to exterminating them like the Palestinians because "oh you know that one time when the Iranian leader visited hitler and told him over a cup of coffee that he should really consider killing...
  116. I

    How do I tell if I am cursed?

    It's either you're acting this way because of some sort of burried subconscious trauma from the past, your xtian brainwashing, or just Greys. It doesn't sound like from that info that you're cursed, just sounds like the Greys whispering in your ears or just being around your family because...
  117. I

    "White" race

    There was no liberal guilt trip bullshit in my post. I'm just saying that the Gods want separation of race so each one can stay pure, and become perfect like them. why would they expend this amount of energy and only focus or prioritize the fate of one race ? It's all of humanity here and I of...
  118. I

    "White" race

    I disappoints me to see brothers and sisters linking to websites with comment sections flooded by the image and subculture the enemy created to demonize national socialism- that being hilariously over the top racist goons. It saddens me to see brothers and sisters on here give advice about our...
  119. I

    The One Minute Cure

    So I couldn't find a legit looking website to buy this from, and it's a felony for USPS to ship it. Are you guys just trying to weed out the infiltrators or something...? No but seriously, if anyone has a trusted source? The only health foods I've found around my area rarely sell any legitimate...
  120. I

    Jew Threatens To Kill You For Being Bad Goyim

    We humans are created of the seed of the Gods and the beasts that walk this Earth. We have survived far longer than the KIKE has invaded our planet. We all have the inherent ability to tap into our DNA when threatened and channel the instincts that helped our ancestors overcome 3rd dimensional...
  121. I

    I feel like i'm being attacked.

    One thing to remember when you're feeling attacked is that if you have any thoughts or hear any voices saying anything nonsensical, ignore it because it's an attempt to distract or frighten you. If you suddenly get an idea, there's a possibility it wasn't yours especially if when you think about...
  122. I

    Thanks Jews! A Public Service Announcement

    Thanks Jews! [Public Service Announcement]
  123. I

    Facebook Race Mixing

    Dude. There's a new "Visit Hawaii!" commercial. The story it portrays? A hot young blonde white woman falling for a black guy. I see this shit on TV in america all the fucking time, specifically blonde white women with black guys. Give it a rest already jews, for fuck's sake! I don't want to see...
  124. I

    Do I Have To Hate Jews

    If you trace every problem in this fucked up world back, it always comes down to the church. Where did the church originate? Oh yeah, the jews. What have the jews been preaching in their ficticious 'religious' texts loaded with corruptions of the original religions of man? That they're THE...
  125. I

    very VERY strange day

    I tend to just go with my intuition on who is a kike bastard. Mainly because of it being so hard to tell sometimes. My landlord looks like a tall, well built aryan man.....and then you get close to him and get that immediate "there's something wrong with this person" feeling. Then he opens his...
  126. I

    Answers to Questions Regarding the Reverse Torah Rituals

    Thank you for trying to enlighten and help us despite the fact you don't know us, Maxine. Seriously!!
  127. I

    How widespread are the microchipped flu shots?

    Woah woah WOAH! We need sources for this kind of claim. I'm about to go do some digging as this is the first I heard about it being official. Not good!
  128. I

    Ah SHIT! Jew media is blaming US for that fake college shooting!

    Yep. Some xians in work who have been trying to expose me tried to trigger me by starting this conversation. All I reminded them of was the historical fact of governments slaughtering millions of civilians after gun confiscation. That shut them up. Also my aura of protection bouncing all their...
  129. I

    memes no xian can ever refute:HAIL SATAN!

    If only someone would.
  130. I

    Spiritual Music

    Did you actually read the lyrics in gateways to annhilation? For example in Opening of The Gates. It is clearly about xians opening their chakras without the protection of Satan, then being consequently consumed by insanity upon seeing themselves and others surrounded by parasitic Greys and...
  131. I

    What books are worth buying?

    Thanks Teloc that's exactly what I'm looking for!!
  132. I

    The sun truly does empower the soul

    What about the moons energy? It seems like for me if I try to meditate in the sun it's unpleasant. First of all I'm white as hell, Irish ancestry, and I just start melting. Secondly it feels like it's TOO MUCH energy for my soul and instead of overcharging it makes me feel like my soul is...
  133. I

    Spiritual Music

    For one of the most blatantly obvious spiritual satanist bands look at what morbid angel has to say in their gateways to annhilation album.
  134. I

    feels confuse about it when comes to race

    You guys are forgetting the "Red" races. It's red, yellow, black, and white. Generally. But it can get a little more complicated. Japanese are their own race now (which is a slight mix of white and yellow, due to native Japanese having been white people.) Germans used to be their own race too...
  135. I

    Northern California Help

    I'm just going to parrot what the older members did to me: don't give out your location to people on this group. Look no offense to the HP's or anything as its out of their control, but this group is heavily infiltrated by non-satanist trolls who will go out of their way to harm you. I'll tell...
  136. I

    New member on our side

    Some of us do not just blindly accept Satan despite our political or spiritual beliefs matching up, which IMO is the trait of a true satanist. Truly superior beings don't need us to worship them, and I view blind acceptance of them worship. I believe our Gods encourage those of us who first need...
  137. I

    Is ww 3 coming

    Alex jones has some good info but yeah, he can't be trusted because he's xian, and his totally hypocritical recitation of mainstream WW2 history.
  138. I

    WhoisMrRobot on USA dangerous new kike propaganda

    I'm just going to get straight to the point. Watch the first episode on twitch, link here: WhoisMrRobot   Now tell me you DON'T have problems with the way, from just one episode, they're painting anonymous and anyone who opposes society as morphine addicted recluses with severe emotional...
  139. I

    Affirmation Advice?

    Hello there. I was just wondering if anyone else has had some problems with affirmation wording causing unsuspected results, mainly bad ones, and how they stopped that? Well what is the force directing the energy to the goal? Because I have worded some things ending with "...in the most...
  140. I

    I got a question about souls...

    My experience with insect souls is completely different. I see them as superior in many ways, just as I see plants as superior. They are much, much more evolved. All of them are capable of conscious observation and you CAN communicate with one another, but not if you're not first willing to try...
  141. I


    THIS is the clearest explanation of the jew race I have ever read. This needs to be put on Joy of Satan under an article addressed to people who are wondering if they've got kike blood in them. A lot of us are getting attacked with the thought of "am I a Jew?!" and sadly as some of us know the...
  142. I

    I want to encourage caution,

    I completely agree, you must never give any evidence. You have to keep yourself in shadow. I made the mistake of HINTING at my spiritual beliefs, completely with my political and my (already shitty) family abandoned me. I am not exagerating, and these people were atheists. Even talking about my...
  143. I

    I am new here

    The brainwashing you've been subject to has left you mentally and spiritually crippled. The others have their own opinions, but once a kike worshipper, always a kike worshipper IMO. You'll always have trauma from the dogma of the slave. It'd be a very difficult if not IMPOSSIBLE task to...
  144. I

    internet trouble

    How did this get approved? Why don't you fucking research it, don't bother this group with questions like this! This group is specifically for answering questions ad giving advice concerning Spiritual Satanism. Not what the best internet deal is fucking michigan!!!!!!!
  145. I

    Weird Enemy Attacks?

    Yes, that's exactly how they manipulate the sheeple, intrusive thoughts disguised as your own. Do what Yog Sothoth said. When you get better at the void you'll recognize junk thoughts in your mind and attacks. I would suggest looking into lucid dreaming to protect yourself from attacks on your...
  146. I


    It's sleep paralysis. You need to try to remain calm even though it's terrifying. It can be a gateway into astral projection, although that could open you up to attack.
  147. I

    how important is it to dedicate

    It's pretty much impossible for new people, even for some experienced. To answer the question I'd say it's pretty important. I've been experimenting with the teachings here for almost three years, not meditating regularly 90% of the time and I'm STILL attacked by angels and whatnot. Just having...
  148. I

    increasing grey activity?

    Greys can seriously fuck with your mind, I speak from experience. They aren't harmless so it's cool you can keep them away without a guardian demon . Just them being around you for long enough will start to hurt you and drive you towards insanity.
  149. I

    Beginning lucid dreaming?

    It's pretty difficult, much like meditating. Also like meditating if you stop practicing good luck going lucid. It took me a year of logging scarce bits of details from dreams until I went lucid for the first time, so have some patience. Something as potentially useful as lucid dreaming isn't...
  150. I

    Meeting Astaroth for the first time (and my first time meeting a spi

    That is so awesome congratulations!
  151. I

    Study on the Effects of Race mixing shows negative health effects.

    This is really interesting, thanks for clearing this up for me. I have to ask though, can the gods actually interfere with an SS who is pure white trying to breed with a mix-race?
  152. I

    What does Satan think about hallucinogenic drugs like mushrooms?

    I just want to agree with everyone, as I am living proof of what they have said. When I was a teenager, I always said alcohol, pot, and other drugs are to compensate for weakness. I always had satanic beliefs without realizing it till a few years ago. But I caved in, in an attempt to have people...
  153. I

    Making someone UNafraid of you?

    Thank you.
  154. I

    Making someone UNafraid of you?

    Straight to the point without any unnecessary details: Here's the scenario. I'm almost completely certain my wife has fallen out of love with me. I'm almost completely certain she is also secretely christian. Her mother who she thinks very highly of and talks to daily is RETARDEDLY christian...
  155. I


    Yeah pretty much everything is heavily Jewish. But my mindset, which the Gods have never really been bothered by or insulted by, is that in Jewish games an shows they depict demons and magicians as evil. The anti-thesis to the "good guys" very Christian way of life and morals. The world is run...
  156. I

    Where did you dedicate?

    I finally after over two years have the opportunity to dedicate to Satan the way I want (in the flesh) with complete privacy. No neighbors that are also my possibly devout Christian landlords with a birds eye view of my tiny backyard, no wife to get freaked out or judge. I'm out of town for a...
  157. I


    I too have been attacked and am attacked DAILY. Some days it's worse than others and Greys have a real gift at brainwashing people or making you think their thoughts are yours. They are absolutely relentless when it comes to harassing people like us! The sleep paralysis episode that led me to...
  158. I

    Sermon 9/17/14

    Thanks for spending a lot of time to help us all, Maxine.
  159. I


    I think everyone needs to take any mental health diagnosis from a trained "medical professional" with a GARGANTUAN grain of salt. Ask yourself....do you feel disabled in any way? Do you honestly feel like something is wrong with you, or has years of being told you're ''diseased'' caused you to...
  160. I

    Psychic Attack , Astral Projection and Clairaudience Experiences !

    A few nights ago during one of the full moons I felt something similar to my experience in sleep paralysis that led me to you guys. I was laying with my arm on my wife super relaxed when I started to loose the ability to move. I felt the intense fear I felt the first time only I DIDN'T feel it...
  161. I

    Potentially embarassingly stupid rune question

    Woah wait a second, why 9 exactly for Fehu?
  162. I

    Potentially embarassingly stupid rune question

    Thank you both and may Satan continue to watch over you!
  163. I

    Potentially embarassingly stupid rune question

    "The Runic Kabbalah" and "Using the Runes" link don't work. There's several other links on the site that are broken which I'll inevitably get around to notifying you guys about. I did find the kabbalah in Satan's library, although I'm having trouble finding out the numbers associated with runes...
  164. I

    Astrology Is Not Happening

    There's a very old astrology book called Tetrabiblos. I'm not 100% sure if it's helpful. I recall something about some of the astrology info being from Christianity somehow, so I guessing Jew astrology.
  165. I

    For Those of Us Who Are Severely Out-of-Shape to the Point Even Yoga

    How is it that when I'm thinking about a certain subject enough that it's bugging me, you guys are posting about it when I check these boards on a whim? Thank you all for having the answer to my current problem of unacceptable physical shape!! The isometrics is genius. It reminds me of this guy...
  166. I

    (no subject)

    Troll senses.....tingling.....
  167. I

    10 Rules of Dealing with Jews

    It's harsh, it's offensive, straight to the point.....But when you really get down to why the world is the way it is, it's the truth. Makes me sad when I think of what the REAL WW2 era germany was trying to accomplish and how the world could've been by now.
  168. I

    How to be happy! :D

    Thanks for this!
  169. I

    Saturn going into Sagittarius

    All I have to say on this subject is to look up books on Native American survival skills for your area, or go ask around at the Rez for someone who knows how to survive. There isn't a very good chance you'll find someone knowledgable in the ways of their ancestors but you have to try. I was...
  170. I

    Meaning of my dreams, and astaroth appearance?

    I've been seeing 9:11 a lot too, which I thought meant destruction which freaks me out. You need to try to lucid dream. That could be Astaroth but it could be the enemy. The reason I say this is because I am always getting an enemy impersonating Satan when I am sleeping or laying in bed...
  171. I

    40 days of Power Meditation Programm re-uploaded!

    Thanks man, glad you out it back up for everyone it's a great way to get into things.
  172. I

    Aura of Protection = Sheeple Being Jerks??

    I actually have another question. Where is a reliable source of actual silver athames? I can't find anywhere online that seems reliable for genuine handmade silver athames. I want one made from raw materials, I've been debating whether or not to seek out this blacksmith in a small town near mine...
  173. I

    Aura of Protection = Sheeple Being Jerks??

    It's frightening to realize that the average person is so spiritually defenseless that the enemy has no problem influencing their thoughts. No one realizes what we do when you meditate, that lots of bad thoughts aren't actually yours. No one takes the time to just THINK anymore!!! Well thanks...
  174. I

    Aura of Protection = Sheeple Being Jerks??

    So this week I say to myself " I'm going to be healthy, I'm going to meditate every day, work out, develop my art skills and be happy!". Then I start doing it. Putting the aura of protection on me. Now when I do this, I know it's working because I can feel energy going into me, it kinda feels...
  175. I

    Any tips on visualization...?

    Learn to focus while lucid dreaming. Attempt to astral project by going into a trance. I've gotten better just by trying this.
  176. I

    "The devil worshipers of Iraq" being attacked

    This is absolutely disgusting! We can't allow the Yezidi to be killed off!!
  177. I

    High Priest Hooded Cobra's PDFs

    Attachments : <ol>Joy of Satan Ministries-120735.pdf</ol>I just wanted to let you guys know that HP Hooded Cobra's self empowerment pdf and his sermons are gone from Satan's Library. The links are bad. Fortunately I downloaded the empowerment one before it vanished and I've attached it to this...
  178. I

    Shadow people attacking me help!

    Something very similar happened to me. It was my first and only sleep paralysis episode and it led me to joy of Satan and these forums for help. It changed my life, it was terrifying. It was before I knew really anything about the occult so I had no defense, and it was two greys, a shadow blob...
  179. I

    Using blood magic to affect another person's body?

    This is a potentially infuriatingly stupid question so I apologize in advance. Honestly I didn't see much about using blood on JoS!! My wife's hair almost completely fell out after getting off of antidepressants and starving herself to loose weight. She is *incredibly* depressed. She was forced...
  180. I

    For all Satanists

    Some of us may be afraid of the answers.
  181. I

    I asked the Gods for undeniable proof...

    So a few weeks ago I was thinking of Satan, the Gods, you guys and what you have told me and what the site says. I've been really not meditating or anything, and despite my recent positive paranormal experience at my now former Jewish employers, I thought to myself a true Satanist doesn't just...
  182. I

    Thoughts VS Seeing Through Third Eye Question

    I just wanted someone to clarify something for me. During meditation I get flashes of random thoughts that aren't mine, lots of times which don't make any sense. But they're definitely in the part of my brain where one would fantasize or imagine a scenario etc. Occasionally though I actually see...
  183. I

    Re: Recklessness

    When I first started doing the kundalini yoga like in HP Hooded Cobra's program, even after physical yoga I felt HOT. Like I just drank an intense cup of coffee or something and it lasted probably an hour. I'm not obese or anything and it was still that intense. So yeah, great warning for...
  184. I

    Satanic music?

    I listen to extreme metal all the time, and I love Nile and Behemoth. But I'm going to have to disagree with you, I think they are aware of the truth, they just have to disguise it as them thinking it's fantasy to avoid being targetted. Much like Slayer. In their interviews they said it's all...
  185. I


    Read the previous messages in this thread and go check out the websites. But in short "Angels" are actually agents of the hostile extraterrestrial races who have created and control christianity among the other slave religions and are constantly about in the astral fucking with human beings and...
  186. I

    Need help... Scared and feeling alone.

    I had this experience when first seriously reading up on the occult. I thought my friend and coworkers were somehow aware of what I was thinking to a degree and were trying to put thoughts in my head. Turns out that isn't true. the majority of people do not think the occult is real let alone...
  187. I

    Need help... Scared and feeling alone.

    Hey man my opinion is that they may not be reading your mind. Do you realize how rare that is for someone to be able to do? Greys can use people to influence you. When you meditate you learn lots of "thoughts" you thought were yours aren't. When you still your mind you realize there's lots of...
  188. I

    This world is getting better... :) And it's not just you...

    I would also just like to say that I have felt this way too, but it turned me into a total douche. Instead of trying to help people, myself, or the Gods I made a fool of them and I by lashing out with anger at anyone who opposed my opinion of the truth. I lost most my family and friends...
  189. I

    The insulting image made of Satan and the Demons by the video game "

    Why don't we all try to come up with a sci-fi fantasy RPG that follows the same guidelines of other popular video game RPG's, except the subliminal occult messages and inspiration is CORRECT. By that I mean the portrayal of Gods, the magic system, etc. Instead of having it bastardized like the...
  190. I


    Well it took me about a year of writing every dream I could remember in my journal before I had one. Meditating also helps because it increases awareness, concentration and mental clarity. Which makes it easier for you to realize your dreaming. Also, the more you "dabble" in spiritual satanism...
  191. I


    Nearly every time I go lucid in dreams I'm attacked by the enemy that takes various forms. They make me lose lucidity and often times make me kill dream characters, I imagine some of them are probably other people dreaming, because the way they react is horrifying and life like. But anyway last...
  192. I

    Lucid dreams

    I've been trying to get better at lucid dreaming- and have. But when you start getting into the lucid state being able to completely concentrate like void meditation is what you need to do to keep the dream from fading. ALSO, prepare to get attacked by the enemy if you are going lucid more.
  193. I

    The Raw Diet

    My wife and I started the raw diet with a short juice fast, first, after a few months of slowly converting to eating anything other than fake foods like corndogs, taquitos, etc. (The things most widely available, and affordable to the american public as most of you know). The I only realized too...
  194. I

    How to rid myself of Jewish managers?

    I will definitely be adding that to my aura of protection affirmation. Magus, I'm glad that did. I used to read about things happening like this on these boards and find it a little hard to believe, but it's true. The demons actually DO go out of their way to help you. We all just need to keep...
  195. I

    Vivek the homeless satanic prophet

    This is awesome. the douchebags behind the camera sum up exactly how 100% of the people I know act, and they view me as crazy now since I even mentioned a little bit of this. But I had the same experience Vivek did that led me here: Realizing that you know NOTHING for certain. Most people can't...
  196. I

    How to rid myself of Jewish managers?

    Something crazy happened today at work. First a quick update: I was forced, from fear of loosing my job, to admit to them I was wrong for wanting overtime and I apologized (despite that being bullshit) and they arrogantly accepted it and told me I don't need to worry about loosing my job. But I...
  197. I

    How to rid myself of Jewish managers?

    Alright that's great news! How do you all know when the planets are in certain signs? I downloaded the program that tells you planetary days an hours, but I don't think it gives me that info.
  198. I

    How to rid myself of Jewish managers?

    Thank you all, if I still can I'll do the jupiter squares. I wish I could summon a demon but I'm not spiritually aware enough so I probably wouldn't even know they're there, and it could be a waste of their time so I'd rather not. The never working for jews suggestion is good but I'd probably...
  199. I

    New guy here, I hope someone can answer two questions for me.

    Alright I apologize for derailing this thread by responding to Richard. but man, that sounds EXACTLY like what I'm going through, except due to constant harassment I haven't had the motivation or time to truly meditate as much and as disciplined as possible. When I do though, things actually go...
  200. I

    How to rid myself of Jewish managers?

    Let me explain. I got hired to work at a new local deli. The owners seemed alright although I couldn't read them at all, and they were obviously incredibly fake. Being too excited at their promises of 40 hours and eventual management due to my deli experience, I took the job and left my higher...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
