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  1. MarsUltor666


    Welcome! Happy to hear. It will feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. And awesome choice in music! I love Dimmu Borgir.
  2. MarsUltor666

    The Difference Between Humans and the jew

    Ol argedco luciftias has posted it a couple of times. It's not pleasant to look at, at all. It really is the most cursed thing you can see. I believe their chakras are shaped like spheres, too, and seem to be associated with planets. It's really weird.
  3. MarsUltor666

    Free Donor's Article: About Prayer To The Gods

    Thank you, High Priest. I oftentimes pray to the Gods to thank them, for everything I've learned and been blessed with. I don't necessarily hear a response there and then, but I know I'm heard. I do have to admit though, that I tend to be a bit reserved when asking them for help. Like, I don't...
  4. MarsUltor666

    About Threats Done To My Life: And Ritual Schedule

    I have to say it again: thank you, High Priest. For everything you do for us, and for your levels of dedication with helping Humanity. I feel like we are truly blessed to have a High Priest like you. I think it is fair to say that israel has bitten off more than it can chew. They are trying so...
  5. MarsUltor666

    Hitler AI English Speech Hits 1 Million Views

    I even remember seeing the media complaining about this. The jews are really beginning to panic. Even in a Daily Mail article, which tried to claim that Hermann Goering was keeping human skulls buried under the Wolf's Lair or something, there were people in the comments section questioning it...
  6. MarsUltor666

    BREAKING Iran has attacked "israel" within the last 25 minutes

    Big news. I had a feeling when I saw this on the news, that this is it. I can just feel it. There is going to be a big conflict coming. We must stay on top of the Rituals, no matter what. And of course, we have the US condemning Iran for the attack, completely ignoring what israel have done...
  7. MarsUltor666

    Israel bombs Lebanon

    It's also worth noting the mind-boggling amount of comments that are being deleted on YouTube. I've had a feeling that it suddenly it seems very pro-israeli on there recently, with a lot of comments being supportive of their recent actions, commending the pager attacks, etc.. However, I went on...
  8. MarsUltor666

    #272 What should I do about hunting, and the ethics of treating wild animals?

    I think hunting is fine, but so long as it's justified, necessary and humane. For example: hunting for meat, pest/population control, etc. Don't be like that guy I saw on YouTube hunting squirrels with a crossbow... If you hunt, make sure it's as quick and painless as possible.
  9. MarsUltor666

    #275 live in another country

    I used to be the same when I was younger. I wanted to move to another country, because I fell in love with the culture, etc. I was making plans to move there, learn the language, and so on. But as I got older, I started to appreciate and learn about my own ancestry and culture more. Now, I am...
  10. MarsUltor666

    Exposing Christianity and Judaism: Name of Jesus Christ

    Great article. I've come to the realization that trying to wake christians up to what their "religion" is, is identical to someone trying to give a lecture on quantum physics to preschoolers. When one really is deep in that filth, it's impossible to get them out. You tell them that their bible...
  11. MarsUltor666

    Void Meditation and Lucid Dreams

    Good post. Yes, I think I've discovered the same thing as you. Void meditation was also something I was heavily neglecting until recently. I overlooked it in favor of working on chakras, AoP, etc. Of course, all power meditation is important, but it is indeed the case that void meditation is...
  12. MarsUltor666

    Satanic Personalities Section: A Community Project [JG Karnonnos + Update]

    This is such a fascinating topic. I just happened to be reading about the Founding Fathers yesterday. All these great names, which I would never have suspected as being with the Gods due to the enemy corruption and lies (i.e., Wikipedia), are truly an inspiration to us all. An example of how...
  13. MarsUltor666

    Life's Difficulties & Spiritual Satanism

    I have suffered from some setbacks of recent, and there have been problems and frustrations. Times have been emotionally challenging. Yet, at the same time, I have been blessed in many ways, and things could be far, far worse. And despite unfortunate things happening, I have also been learning...
  14. MarsUltor666

    3 New Rituals: Heroic Ancestors Ritual, Zepar [Zephyros] & Ose [Eos] Rituals

    Wow, these are huge changes. I feel like this is the beginning of a new era, and the world is getting closer to knowing the Truth about the Gods, and with this, the corrupted lies from the enemy are withering away. Let their empire of lies crumble once and for all. All of the stereotypical and...
  15. MarsUltor666

    Hitler AI English Speech Hits 1 Million Views

    Awesome. Yes, the comments section is really something, too. You can see people are waking up, and are coming to realize that he wasn't just a "ranting madman" or whatever. People are realizing that he was right about everything.
  16. MarsUltor666

    Satan & Beelzebul - Two As One

    Fascinating Sermon, thank you. I have been thinking it more and more these days, how the power of Father Satan and Lord Beelzebul is beyond my understanding, or my conceptual thinking of the universe. Given that even the lower order Demons are very powerful, I can't even imagine the extreme...
  17. MarsUltor666

    Quick Rundown on Linux

    Yeah, that's always put me off, to be honest. It seems a bit... suspicious. Especially out of the box, where the home screen/new tab page feels like a gigantic advertisement. I don't like that feel, at all. It's very cryptocurrency-focused. And the Leo AI assistant thing that keeps appearing...
  18. MarsUltor666

    Quick Rundown on Linux

    GNU/Linux is very much a serious OS, and I think people should not underestimate it. Too many people have the mentality that it's only meant to be used on servers, etc., or that it's only for programming, specialized purposes, or whatever. This is simply false. Nowadays, I don't have a single...
  19. MarsUltor666

    Agares [Argus Panoptes] Power Ritual

    Yes!!! I'm so happy and excited for this Ritual! I was thinking recently how awesome it would be to have a Ritual for Agares, because I've had a feeling that She's my GD (although, I had always believed Her to be female). If She really is my GD, then this would be amazing for me to do. The...
  20. MarsUltor666

    Are b/w mixed raced children always of the non-white race?

    It's also worth noting that men's hair products, such as hair cream, can make hair look darker. Given that he combed and styled his hair, this could be one of the reasons it looked like it was black, despite being brown.
  21. MarsUltor666

    Are b/w mixed raced children always of the non-white race?

    Wow, the situation with race-mixing in recent years has made everything so complicated. If I ever get into dating, I have to know which women to reject for being racially-incompatible, potential jews, etc. I feel like it's a bit of a minefield out there. I can only hope/assume my GD could help...
  22. MarsUltor666

    [CoVID] Did you ever feel this way?

    The funniest thing is, that all you had to do is say "I'm exempt", and they would leave you alone for not wearing a mask. Not sure if it was that way in all countries, but yeah...
  23. MarsUltor666

    Serenity Or Self-Suffering?

    Wow, the timing of this Sermon is incredible for me. Because I have been suffering recently for these exact reasons. Things haven't been going my way for several months now, and I've been getting very, very angry, miserable and bitter about it. The other day, I nearly snapped in public, because...
  24. MarsUltor666

    About Enemy Symbols

    I understand that the hexagram has been stolen by jews and corrupted, but put it this way: could you imagine wearing it around your neck, with the justification that it never belonged to jews in the first place? I couldn't. If people saw it in public, they would think you're jewish, right? Or...
  25. MarsUltor666

    Art: Fighting Degeneracy, Venerating Beauty

    I agree with you completely here. Not only is it ugly and disgusting, but it has a pure evil and hostile feeling to it.
  26. MarsUltor666

    Art: Fighting Degeneracy, Venerating Beauty

    Thank you, High Priestess. This Sermon hit home a bit for me, because I had been drawing for years. Every day I was drawing, drawing, drawing... But I have to confess, that after coming to Father Satan, and as I began to meditate more and more, I started to become disgusted with my work, and...
  27. MarsUltor666

    Satanic guide to Weight Training

    Very informative post - thanks for sharing. It's quite interesting how you've related meditations to the gym - I would never have thought about cleaning my aura and chakras before going, for instance. Ultimately, I have to admit that physical exercise is something I've neglected; "I don't have...
  28. MarsUltor666

    Nearly astral projected for the first time, but chickened out...

    Thank you. Yes, I feel like the fear I was feeling was a result of old fear mongering from years back, and it would be an odd experience for anybody doing it for the first time, too. When I nearly came out of my body, I felt calm and relaxed, so the fear was very irrational. I haven't actually...
  29. MarsUltor666

    Nearly astral projected for the first time, but chickened out...

    I've always struggled with astral projection my entire life; I've been fascinated by it, and I have been trying to do it since I was a kid. But, I've never had any luck. That was, however, until around a couple of nights ago. I woke up at around 3 AM, and for some reason, I was unable to go...
  30. MarsUltor666

    How To Advance Faster: Example of Cleaning The Soul

    Thank you, High Priest. I've always had a tendency to be a bit hard on myself. Recently, I've been "beating myself up" a bit, telling myself that I need to do more, more, more... But at my level, I've been beginning to think it's important to stick to my current abilities, and let myself...
  31. MarsUltor666

    Question #5700: Why call Covid a hoax?

    Okay, perhaps my take on this might be considered an "unpopular opinion", but here goes... It has been said that "covid" never existed at all, and I will personally believe it. I don't believe that there was ever a pandemic. There was a surgeon who said that effectively, the "virus" was just...
  32. MarsUltor666

    Are Satanic Youtube meditation videos good or bad?

    When you see circles and hebrew letters, "enns" etc., you should avoid it at all costs. People who claim to be in contact, or even in good relationships with our Gods via these means, are being deluded by the enemy. When you see these, you know it's corrupted, fake Satanism; HPS Maxine's "Safe...
  33. MarsUltor666

    Þorn 🙵 Ƿynn: Reviving Runes in the English Language

    All this is doing is just making your posts incredibly difficult to read.
  34. MarsUltor666

    Is it okay to progress slowly??

    I would say that's normal. Some people advance at a faster rate than others, but a mountain is climbed step by step. Even if it seems uneventful at first, we get to the top eventually, and we can see the view. I have read a few times now, that a lot of members who are advanced and have many...
  35. MarsUltor666

    The Joy of Satan Donor Platform Is NOW LIVE! [Update 4: Voting System in place for JoS Donors.]

    Every day since reading this announcement, I have been thinking about the Donor Platform. It has been at the back of my mind, constantly. More and more, I feel like I am growing and truly advancing. And then last night, I re-read Queen Astarte's Ethics and did Her Ritual, and almost burst into...
  36. MarsUltor666

    Israel is collapsing, economy collapsed

    Wow, I get really, really bad vibes from that picture. It's hard for me to look at it. It looks cursed, alright...
  37. MarsUltor666

    Israel is collapsing, economy collapsed

    Leaders have tried to find peaceful solutions like this in the past, and they have failed. These beings are not interested in peace, at all, nor are they interested in reasoning or being educated. They were created for only one purpose: to try and enslave and ruin the entire world. They have...
  38. MarsUltor666

    Israel is collapsing, economy collapsed

    Ha! Brilliant news!
  39. MarsUltor666

    American Job Market in a Recession?

    Yes, you are absolutely correct. You and I sound like we are in a similar boat, then. Tech is indeed so competitive, with everything evolving so fast; it's hard work staying on top of things. Years ago, getting a degree and becoming a developer was all the rage. Now, so many people have done...
  40. MarsUltor666

    American Job Market in a Recession?

    It's not just you; I am in a similar situation right now. The market is bad. Not just in America, but globally. Job applications can be in the hundreds for a single vacancy, easily, so unless you really stand out from the crowd and meet the requirements at least 100%, it's unlikely you'll be...
  41. MarsUltor666

    Israeli protesters rally for 'the right to rape' prisoners

    It's events like these which are making people wake up to the true nature of these vile beings. More and more countries and people are turning against them; I was watching a video today on various hotels and businesses around the world, refusing service to israeli customers. The more vile and...
  42. MarsUltor666

    Retrograde mercury

    It just so happens that I've started studying astrology more as of recent, and guess what: some relatives of mine have just gone on holiday, and they've been having problems, almost to the extent of ruining the vacation. Not only that, but when they tried to get me to do something to help them...
  43. MarsUltor666

    UK Government going Full Orwellian

    Ha, good to see nobody taking them seriously. The UK government is an absolute joke. Kier Starmer is choosing to meet with muslims over the indigenous people of the UK, which speaks volumes... A real leader would be with his people and work with them.
  44. MarsUltor666

    UK Government going Full Orwellian

    These bastards would start building gulags, if they could. But yeah, they are trying so desperately to censor and shut down any free discussion. It's funny how all of the social media sites they complain about, are actually social media sites they can't control (TikTok, X, etc.). They never...
  45. MarsUltor666

    Astral Projection, Area 51 and Bohemian Grove

    To be honest, I have no experience yet, either, so I'm not the best person to answer on this. I am not really knowledgeable about astral projection. I just thought I'd share what I remembered reading some years ago. I don't know what would actually happen if you tried to enter on the astral; if...
  46. MarsUltor666

    Riots in UK

    It's funny how the media seems to have also switched their focus to the counter-protestors. I think they want us to think that the """far-right""" (everyday British citizens), are losing, or that they're being outnumbered. I've seen a couple of people who attended say now however, that the...
  47. MarsUltor666

    Ufo video I filmed and uploaded on X

    You're right. I'm not seeing a strobe light, nor am I seeing any navigation lights. You would expect to see a flashing red light, and red and green lights on the port and starboard wingtips. Also, it doesn't appear to be moving at a consistent speed. That is a very interesting video, and I...
  48. MarsUltor666

    Israel - Palestine & Iran War: Why I am Evil With Statistics

    It makes me laugh when idiots say: "jews are peaceful! Look at them walking down the street without problems! They integrate just fine!!!". Or perhaps they still think israel is the innocent victim, and blame everything on the Arabs, instead. Some even claim that they've made "contributions" to...
  49. MarsUltor666

    Astral Projection, Area 51 and Bohemian Grove

    I remember reading many years ago, that there is apparently technology in place to stop people astral projecting into Area 51. But, I'm not sure if it's true. It might be dangerous to try. Given that the US Government is aware of remote viewing (Stargate Project), I would not be surprised if...
  50. MarsUltor666

    Enemy Planning Update: About Things That Are To Come

    Ahhh - I did not realize this. I "just felt" like doing it, but there wasn't really any rationality behind it. And now that you mention it, if nobody else is doing it... Thank you - I didn't think of these things. I have learned something new.
  51. MarsUltor666

    Enemy Planning Update: About Things That Are To Come

    I did the Restoring Gentile Power RTR yesterday, in addition to the schedule; it felt like it would be a good ritual to do, in light of the riots in the UK. They absolutely cannot be allowed to run our nations for any longer, or have any say in our affairs. Afterwards, the Ritual felt good...
  52. MarsUltor666

    Riots in UK

    Indeed; police are doing nothing about the muslim gangs, whilst brutally cracking down on indigenous Whites protesting... I'm pretty sure Starmer and his cabinet are full of jews, which would explain things. There's a video of somebody being arrested for posting "offensive" comments on Facebook...
  53. MarsUltor666


    Interesting, because I've felt the same doing it. His Sigil feels very powerful to me, for some reason.
  54. MarsUltor666

    Enemy Planning Update: About Things That Are To Come

    Thank you so much, High Priest. I don't know if this sounds strange, but I'm personally feeling an odd combination of unease and anxiety, but also, excitement and optimism. The current events of the world are very unnerving, and what you've described is definitely concerning. But, there is also...
  55. MarsUltor666

    Riots in UK

    I've been thinking this for a while now. I've known that there will be a time when the people will finally snap and say that they've had enough, and here it is. The involvement of children this time has made people lose their shit. People are sick and tired of what is happening, and they're sick...
  56. MarsUltor666

    Leaving JOS and my reason

    Did you really think that was HPS Maxine? You're leaving based on what she supposedly said to you, even though you admit that you're "not necessarily sure" it was her? With all the recent announcements and discussions about her, in addition to those regarding her Ritual, you should know well...
  57. MarsUltor666

    Hamas leader.

    "Hamas" seems to be israel's excuse for bombing the crap out of Gaza, so that they can claim they are fighting "Hamas terrorists", whilst proceeding to demolish civilian architecture with heavy artillery and F-16s, bomb schools and hospitals, and slaughter children and innocent civilians. The...
  58. MarsUltor666

    2024 Paris

    It's exactly as others have mentioned here. One of the ways christianity is promoted is by deliberate, engineered outrage. "Muh christian persecution", is a myth which is actually helping the so-called "religion". People are effectively outraged into it, so to speak. I mean, this is what all...
  59. MarsUltor666


    Thank you as always, HPHC, for your work and for these Rituals. It always is so fascinating to learn more about our beautiful and wonderful Gods.
  60. MarsUltor666

    It's not a conspiracy anymore - Links and Pics/Memes

    Hah, they took it down, then. How cute... I guess it was too "based and redpilled" for them, huh.
  61. MarsUltor666

    NEW SITE - Destroying Islam: www.IslamicEvil.com

    It looks awesome! Thank you for the great work! Islam is so disgusting and barbaric beyond words; the fact that it is considered even worse than christianity, speaks volumes. I have always hated it, but I never realized it was that bad until recently. This new website will not only help to...
  62. MarsUltor666

    re: Assassination Attempt upon Trump | A coincidence, cohencidence or trollage for media being played?

    Interesting. I noticed the date adds up to 11 (7/13, 7 + 1 + 3), but I didn't notice the time of the shooting was actually 6:11, too. That's probably why they didn't shoot the guy on the roof for a long time: because the plan was to wait for that specific time, before taking the shot. This...
  63. MarsUltor666

    Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

    Do you think the date might also have had something to do with this? 7 + 1 + 3 = 11 I've been reading HPS Maxine's writings on numerology, and how all of the terror attacks in the past have had things in the date etc., adding up to, or being, 11, as the number the jews use for destruction and...
  64. MarsUltor666

    Bes Dwarf Demons

    Wow, I was just this second reading the page about the Lower Order Demons, after re-reading HPS Lydia's Sermon about Guardian Demons, and then I see this topic! Maybe that could be a sign.
  65. MarsUltor666

    Encounter with Dark Smoke: Guardian Demon or Another Entity?

    Do you have strange encounters in your home, in general? I knew somebody who's house was rumored to be haunted, years before I dedicated, and I saw similar things back then. Black clouds of mist/smoke which would appear/disappear and move quickly, and at one time there was a black shadowy...
  66. MarsUltor666

    Dating: Lies Told to Men [part 1]

    Thank you, High Priestess. I feel that I could do with taking many notes from this Sermon. A low self-esteem/caring what people think about me has always been a weakness of mine, in addition to a lack of confidence. Somebody in the past, I believe it was High Priest Hooded Cobra in a Sermon...
  67. MarsUltor666

    It's not a conspiracy anymore - Links and Pics/Memes

    Man, look how angry they are, lol. Christards get so mad when people try to wake them up, which only proves our point further. They don't understand, because they are under a very powerful curse and spell, and lack the spiritual knowledge to understand. All they have to do is actually read that...
  68. MarsUltor666

    About Disease And Healing

    Thank you! I have noticed that people with negative mindsets seem to get sick very often, and a lot of them with more severe problems turn out to be christians, too. I myself have gone through at least two periods of feeling extremely stressed and angry in the past (like, for days on end)...
  69. MarsUltor666

    Can the enemy make you believe in delusions?

    I think this is what is driving me crazy. I have no idea if it's my own decision or will, or if something negative is influencing me, or perhaps, I'm the one being negative. My mind is flooded with thoughts about the relationship with society I have, and whether it's a good or a bad influence on...
  70. MarsUltor666

    Question #5165: Analog horror

    HPS Maxine had written in Her Sermons at least a few times that She likes horror movies, so I would not worry. This analog horror seems to be a different genre, but I think the same principle applies. And if you really don't like it, you can of course, just not watch it.
  71. MarsUltor666

    Can the enemy make you believe in delusions?

    Hey, that's a coincidence, because I think I'm in a similar situation. I asked for help, and ended up getting the urge to quit something I had enjoyed for years, becoming under the impression that it was bad for me or unhealthy, and the Gods did not approve. But I closed some online accounts...
  72. MarsUltor666

    Alien Races, Reptilians, Greys, Kooky People etc

    Thank you, High Priest. I am very grateful for everything Father Satan and the Gods do to help us, and to protect us. I'm fortunate to say, that apart from some negative thoughts now and then, and objects falling down twice in the period of months, I haven't really encountered anything I think...
  73. MarsUltor666

    man confront race mixing couple

    In general, yes. But I think on the Ancient Forums, we should keep our names as respectful and/or Satanically-themed as possible. Or at the very least, a normal name. I myself could come up with some rather silly names, on a site like YouTube, and I probably would (because I can be a bit silly...
  74. MarsUltor666

    man confront race mixing couple

    Yes, that is true, and very disturbing. I forgot that promotion of race-mixing is a large component of the porn industry.
  75. MarsUltor666

    Church bells

    They're incredibly annoying, more than anything else.
  76. MarsUltor666

    man confront race mixing couple

    It makes me so sick and angry to see young White women mixing with Blacks, or any other race. "I'm a scientist". Bullshit. She's indoctrinated, that's what she is. And like a lot of these morons, they just walk away, shout "racist" or whatever. Because they have no argument whatsoever in their...
  77. MarsUltor666

    The Recycle Bin Of Life & Excuses

    I've been thinking about Lady Astarte's Ethics a lot, of recent. In particular, the part regarding creation. I think every day, that we should create, create, and create, and build and elevate ourselves as much as possible. I've been beginning to understand this, I think, even with studying...
  78. MarsUltor666


    Interesting. If this is the case, then the jews likely stole the name, as they always do. They really have nothing of their own, so I wouldn't rule it out.
  79. MarsUltor666

    Accepting Lack Of Knowledge: To Not Spread Confusion

    Great Sermon! I am perfectly happy to be "young". This being in the sense that it's only been less than a year and a half since my Dedication, and there is a lot I don't know, and haven't yet experienced. This is simply my place and position in the path, in the same way that the position of...
  80. MarsUltor666

    How Dedicated Are You?

    Void meditation and entering a trance are definitely two things I need to work on. Trance to me is very exciting, as I have seen and heard some interesting things when on the boundary of sleep, which I'm assuming is related in some ways. I remember once in meditation, I heard a man and a woman...
  81. MarsUltor666

    Oklahoma dept. of education to require bible-studies and bible-based education in public schools

    Exactly. They're trying so desperately to cling on to their filth, and it's pathetic of them. It's the same with the "ten commandments" rule in Louisiana: nobody wants that crap, except the bible-thumping idiots in the south who can barely read, and the woman in a TV interview for that even...
  82. MarsUltor666

    Israeli "ultra-orthodox" now to be drafted to war.

    Excellent news! This is another big victory for us, in addition to the recent good news about Assange. And they're so angry and upset over it! Bwahaha! They don't like it when they actually have to do something, instead of just cursing humanity and being useless parasites. There's something so...
  83. MarsUltor666

    Heritage party UK

    Ah, well, that's the thing. I have to admit that I don't. I'm in two minds when it comes to voting. On one hand, I know any party which gets elected will serve the same master, and in that sense, it makes no difference. But on the other hand, I would rather have a "nationalist" party in power...
  84. MarsUltor666

    Heritage party UK

    Just seen the following in the manifesto: "our armed forces defeated National Socialism" "The original ECHR is a good convention which was drafted in 1950 by British lawyers to help restore human rights to a continent devastated by Hitler’s National Socialism." "Our Common Law based on...
  85. MarsUltor666

    Terror Attack in Russia

    I think Putin knows what's going on. He is very intelligent, which makes him a threat (he is after all, a former KGB agent). Yes, he is jewish, so he isn't really bothered about christianity's little brother, islam. On the other hand, as people have mentioned here, he is apparently working to...
  86. MarsUltor666

    Dietrich Eckart and Hitler

    I read Mein Kampf about four years ago. However, this was the James Murphy translation, which is most probably corrupted. I must check out that Stalag version. The Table Talks are also very important, and some people have said that they could be considered even more significant than Mein Kampf...
  87. MarsUltor666

    Tunnel Jew: Stain Seen on Mattress Is Blood From Corpse

    My goodness... That is disgusting. This whole Brooklyn synagogue tunnel incident has helped to expose them for what they are, to the whole world. The Rituals are definitely working.
  88. MarsUltor666

    Happy Summer Solstice!

    Happy Summer Solstice! Yes, I heard about this, too, and it made my blood boil. They've managed to remove the paint in time, at least.
  89. MarsUltor666

    What if Hitler was actually a God sent in human form to advance the Satanic agenda.

    I don't know if He was fully a God when He arrived, but He definitely was becoming of one when He left. In pictures and videos of Him around 1940-1941, you can definitely see something in his eyes. They look so beautiful, deep and powerful, like He has just realized or attained something. It is...
  90. MarsUltor666

    New Rituals & Schedule Now Live: HPS Maxine's Ritual & Lord Balaam's Ritual

    A night or so ago while doing the Grand Ritual, something fell off one of my shelves for no reason, and landed near my hand. Luckily, it was lightweight. I said "Excuse me?" out loud, and just put it back and continued. lol I wonder if that was the enemy harassing me, or perhaps some energy...
  91. MarsUltor666

    Woke Agenda-Enemy’s Tool?

    The way I see it, is that "woke" or "wokeism", is effectively the marxist/jewish agenda of completely turning everything upside down, turning the peoples on each other, and attempting to ruin and destroy everything. That, and of course, pure anti-White hatred (loxism). They made up this "woke"...
  92. MarsUltor666

    Babies, Lies Told to Women

    Beautiful sermon. Thank you, High Priestess. When I was younger, I never really cared about having kids, or even having friends. But as I started to get older, I've found myself wanting to start a family of my own, and to be more sociable. Truth be told, low self-esteem, worrying what others...
  93. MarsUltor666

    Rabbi wants to bring "Messianic Times" by defeating Lilith and "Demonic Forces" - Goes horribly wrong

    I couldn't help but laugh out loud at the "goes horribly wrong" part of the title. Attempting to curse or "bind" the Gods, or to even try to "defeat" them, is just suicidal, and only these foolish jews could ever think of attempting such a thing. That rabbi got exactly what was coming. I think...
  94. MarsUltor666

    The beginning - My Journey and story as a Spiritual Satanist

    I really love reading beautiful stories like these. They truly show how wonderful Our God and the Gods are, and how blessed we are by them. Thanks for sharing.
  95. MarsUltor666

    New Rituals & Schedule Now Live: HPS Maxine's Ritual & Lord Balaam's Ritual

    I too, am at a loss for words for what I'm feeling right now. This is so beautiful, and very exciting, to hear. When I was new, before I became an SS, I didn't really appreciate or understand Her teachings, and there was some doubt and skepticism at first. But as I started to advance and study...
  96. MarsUltor666

    Updates: New JoS Guardian, JoS Donors System, Site Updates, Outreach etc

    Exciting news! Congratulations, JG Karnonnos! This also motivates myself to do more, in both my own personal efforts and meditation, and to contribute in any way I can here in the future. Thank you HPHC, and everybody else, for everything.
  97. MarsUltor666

    Group & Teamwork First: How The Gods Work With Us

    This sermon spoke to me on a rather personal level. Thank you, HP. As it happens, I have been struggling with feelings of loneliness as of recent, so the timing of your post is quite interesting. I mean, I have things I enjoy doing alone, but generally speaking, I spend far too much time on the...
  98. MarsUltor666

    6 Million is a lie. So how many Jews died in the holoco$t?

    Oh, yes. Don't forget the soap bars! :ROFLMAO: Also, that swimming pool in Auschwitz? Nah, it wasn't a pool at all. It was just a cistern for the fire hydrants, shaped and disguised as a swimming pool. Oy vey. And the display cabinets showing the shoes? No, that's not a wooden board that's...
  99. MarsUltor666

    The Truth About the Palestine-Israel War

    Truly disgusting. I honestly think the bible is the most sickening and depraved book to have ever been written, or at least, one of the most. I learn more and more everyday about how depraved and full of filth that book is; the most recent Ritual Schedule gave me quite a bit to think about (re...
  100. MarsUltor666

    Question #4728: Matrix trilogy

    I've heard that they didn't even write that story themselves, but stole it from a (potentially Gentile) author. There was a court case against it, which, surprise surprise, ruled in favor of the jews. I haven't researched into it much, but given the story of Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook, it...
  101. MarsUltor666

    The Truth About the Palestine-Israel War

    I've noticed christianity being pushed relentlessly as of recent. Even in the area where I live, which has been very quiet for years, there are suddenly christian fools with their loudspeakers blaring at max volume, trying to shove leaflets in people's faces, putting shit through people's...
  102. MarsUltor666

    Your Relation With The Gods & Communicating Properly

    Thank you, High Priest. This was a beautiful read. I've been thinking about this recently, actually. I still struggle with communication with the Gods, although, I suspect with me only being over a year since my Dedication, it's to be expected. But regardless, I do sometimes receive messages...
  103. MarsUltor666

    6 Million is a lie. So how many Jews died in the holoco$t?

    It's also worth mentioning that the supposed German atrocities at Nordhausen (and most probably other camps too), were in fact caused by allied bombing, allied aircraft strafing inmates, etc... It was reportedly due to false/outdated intelligence, as the camp was previously a factory, and the...
  104. MarsUltor666

    What has being SS changed in your life

    So far: I've been learning what true spirituality actually is, instead of just staring at a wall all day and "becoming nothing". The first time I did the FRTR and I did my Power Meditation afterwards, there was so much energy in my body that I actually cried. I was so moved by how powerful I...
  105. MarsUltor666

    U.S. House Passes Antisemitism Bill

    They really are getting so desperate. It's yet as always another pathetic attempt from them to cover their own asses, and perpetuate the holohoax myth. Well, as always, this will only succeed in making people even more angry, and the protests will become even more violent. They can't stop the...
  106. MarsUltor666

    Happy New Satanic Year: 2024

    Beautiful! I was so excited when I saw it was a video! Thank you, HPHC. Hearing your voice fills me with strength and comfort. I feel a big change in the world coming. Definitely. Hail Satan.
  107. MarsUltor666

    Popular and Successful Jewish Screenwriter Goes Mask-Off

    The more they do this, the more they show their true colors, and of course, they have no plans to stop their atrocities. So basically, they're on a course to self-ruin. But anyway, they really are manifesting blatantly right now. They are squirming and seething big time, because they know their...
  108. MarsUltor666

    Funny jewish theory on a TV show

    lol, every day they have to have at least one program to remind you about "ze evul nutzis". That straight up sounds like some Wolfenstein crap. *yawn* Even when it's a documentary about Ancient Egypt, you know it's going to be full of biased and false bullshit (claims of animal sacrifices...
  109. MarsUltor666

    Early signs of this path

    A few things, since I was a kid: 1. Intense hatred of christianity, and abrahamic "religion". 2. Obsession with the "paranormal", Ancient Egypt, and the Third Reich. 3. Communication with the Demons, albeit in a limited way (this was back before I came to Satan, so back then, I thought it was...
  110. MarsUltor666

    RTR Fuel: Israel retaliates against Iran, US and UK issue sanctions against Iran

    I like how these governments don't seem to be bothered about sanctioning israel, and continue to supply and support them with weapons, even after they target innocent aid workers and their own civilians. But when Iran fights back, immediately there are sanctions, and the government wants us to...
  111. MarsUltor666

    I finally heard satan voice in my dream

    I'm sure I've heard His voice too, a couple of times. Again, it was when I was near the boundary of sleep. The first was when I was tired during my Power Meditation once, but I just wanted to keep on going. I said out loud "I don't want to go to sleep", and heard "You need to", in a deep and...
  112. MarsUltor666

    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    I did these Rituals last night, and wow, it feels powerful. It's like: my hatred for israel and the jews being even stronger than before, but in a positive way, with the knowledge that their time is coming to an end, and very empowering. And it's like the hatred will grow more and more amongst...
  113. MarsUltor666

    Thomas Leroy

    The enemy never ceases to corrupt the image of Satanism, and turn it into something gory or vile, or just downright ridiculous. Look at the "church of Satan", and the media coverage that follows. It's an attempt at both gatekeeping and controlling things, and also making people like us out to be...
  114. MarsUltor666

    Irreversible hebrew letters?

    I have been wondering this too. This is entirely my own understanding, so I could be wrong, but I think the key is the "feel and know" part. That is, to truly feel and know that the letters are being reversed, even if it sounds the same for some of them in reverse as the original. The...
  115. MarsUltor666

    Incredible Advances in AI-Generated Music (And how we can utilize it...)

    Any "art" made by AI has such an empty and dead feeling to it, which is directly in-line with what seems to be the majority of its developers and promoters (hint: 'key people' section in the Wikipedia article for OpenAI). Not to mention that it is all the same generic garbage, to the point where...
  116. MarsUltor666

    Black hats

    Not a top hat, but here is a nice picture of Otto Rahn wearing a black fedora: Pretty cool. I have also seen Hitler Himself wearing a black hat and suit in a video, in His earlier years. But whichever hat, dress the way you want; I wouldn't let those bastards stop you from looking good. ;)...
  117. MarsUltor666

    Performed a Masonic Ritual - Iron Ring

    I don't understand why you would even do this. You have strayed into enemy territory by doing so. In the past, sure. And by "in the past", I mean back in the day of the Founding Fathers of the US. But today? No. There is nothing of value to us in masonry. It has been thoroughly corrupted by the...
  118. MarsUltor666

    Agares Pictures

    She's beautiful. I've heard the same female voice consistently, whenever I am close to the boundary of sleep, or in meditation. One time, this voice called my name out as I was falling asleep at work, and it sounded so loving and caring (sort of a "Oh, you! Don't fall asleep!" type feeling...
  119. MarsUltor666

    All that matters is Joy of Satan

    I can understand where you are coming from. As an example: there are a lot of political parties rising up recently, which claim to be against things like mass immigration. They seem promising, but then, they defend christianity, and even claim that it is our "heritage". It makes me wonder if...
  120. MarsUltor666

    ✡︎Rothschild✡︎ Has Died

    I just happened to be thinking of this thing/creature recently, for some reason. And sure enough, I heard the news! It seems more and more that their empire is crumbling to pieces. As HP HoodedCobra has mentioned, many people were not even aware of him until now. So with this being in the...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
