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  1. Hs666

    China creates a A brain virus that has a 100% kill rate.

    It may pose a real threat because it is "in line" with upcoming changes at the astrological level. Particularly with Pluto in Aquarius, it could be a manifestation of the lower octaves of Pluto in Aquarius. The enemy's agenda, will probably try to "sink its foot" in a very pronounced way. After...
  2. Hs666

    Aspects through a sign?

    Yes, this may pose a greater problem than conjunction in the same sign, because the "affinity/expression" you are trying to "blend" is not the same. The results will depend on the rest of the synastry.
  3. Hs666

    Negative thoughts

    It is very important to have control of your mind, because during the process of moving forward it will be crucial. During the cleansing process, memories, "visions," feelings, sensations, present in your chakras and soul will emerge. These thoughts can create "little" problems for you if you...
  4. Hs666

    Lavori magici più volte al giorno

    La scelta migliore rimane, ripetere la mattina e la notte, a prescindere dalle ripetizioni. Come per pulizia e aura di protezione. Questo è dovuto al fatto che noi, lavoriamo principalmente con il lato destro del cervello, che ci "collega" alla parte femminile dell'anima. La notte "stimola"...
  5. Hs666

    Energy work is underrated

    I had sent the response, but it seems that something went wrong, you will have a "double" response in case of bugs or whatever. The problem is that you, you focus on the conscious action(Male part), and consider only that as the "only action". During the day and over the course of your life...
  6. Hs666

    Question #3703: Lost count

    In addition to the above, this is only if you have not programmed the energy; if you have, you have to start the work again.
  7. Hs666

    Periodo di malattia

    Tutti i progressi non "sigillati" sono persi. Bisognerebbe avere programma di meditazione "sostitutivo" nel caso di emergenze che porti alla dispersione, annullamento, dei propri progressi, e indebolimento della propria protezione. Questo verrà mitigato dagli Dei, ma i progressi verranno persi...
  8. Hs666

    I Got Severe Side Effect From Antibiotics

    This sounds like a karmic event, check your birth chart and observe if your mercury is afflicted in any way, or if you have a bad transit. Check your Pluto, for one thing, this planet is undergoing a sign change, and it will bring changes, permanent, in people's lives, for better or worse...
  9. Hs666

    Energy work is underrated

    It is necessary to act, to make it work. If "magic" did not act, in your feminine part, you would have no real results. During the manifestation phase, rituals, spells, a positive effect on work, and "Feeling" that "grows" the desire, the will, to get there. The "magic" will lead you to take...
  10. Hs666

    Question #3692: Astrology: Mercury square aspect to Uranus

    No. You will not go crazy if you perform the mercury square. "Loose/medium/strong," determines the influence on the predisposition the person may have in life. The stronger it is, the more influence will be present. For me it was enough, to study the basics, on jos, and then, test the...
  11. Hs666

    Question #3688: Pytamids and sphinx

    The Egyptian Pyramids
  12. Hs666

    Question #3689: Talking with the gods.

    With practice, you will be able to figure it out.
  13. Hs666

    Question #3694: Doubt regarding standard destruction ritual

    Until you see the result.
  14. Hs666

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Assolutamente no. Anche se sono "gemelli" il loro "destino" è diverso. Ho seguito astrologicamente alcuni casi di "gemelli", tra cui, un caso erano in 3, 2 maschi e una femmina. Le somiglianze ovviamente ci sono, ma hanno delle sfumature diverse, e vengono esaltate diverse qualità dell'energia...
  15. Hs666

    Burning feet following a mantra and misplaced pressure over another one

    When you work on your chakra, you will also have a stimulation of its extensions. As for the third eye, you may also feel pressure on the pineal gland and the seventh chakra, because they will also be stimulated. The burning sensation is a symptom of "blockage." Energy does not flow freely. The...
  16. Hs666

    People In Our Life: Cases To Avoid

    Nadi are 144,000. 72,000 for "each part." The 144 also has a meaning of "right part" and "left part" of the body. 72x2. The Baphomet appears to be a fusion of the "Devil" of the Taroth Charter and the Goat of Mendes in ancient Egypt. A History of the Baphomet Yes, the enemy's history is full...
  17. Hs666

    Question #3684: Apparent wholesomeness of Christians

    I recommend this reading, including the various links.
  18. Hs666

    Is That Normal ?

    Yes, they can be taken as signs.
  19. Hs666

    Question #3685: Thoughts on Becky Haag (New Age to Jesus testimony)

    This person was "swallowed up" by the lower octaves of Neptune. He has gone through different forms created by the enemy. There is no positive experience. He started using drugs, believing things that do not exist, distorting reality, creating a false image of himself, his "power," etc., etc...
  20. Hs666

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Si riesce a generare più "potere" in quel modo. Si, può essere usato per lavori specifici se si vuole, come nel caso che dici tu. Si, va bene. Puoi eseguire la tua routine ed aspettare il "coordinamento" per lavorare sul chakra specifico.
  21. Hs666

    Burning feet following a mantra and misplaced pressure over another one

    As for the third eye, the feeling is okay, the third eye is an extension of the sixth chakra and the temple chakras, and "behind" are other extensions. But the foot chakras are not extensions of the third chakra. This could be an energy circulation problem. You should add physical yoga to open...
  22. Hs666

    On Vibrating

    Yes, you can.
  23. Hs666

    People In Our Life: Cases To Avoid

    Regarding the question of good and evil, one must first understand the "function" of things. Good and evil are "connected" to the number 2, to duality. This "law" is present in this life. This makes me think of Maat (Good) and Apopi (evil). And to the number 144, Light and Darkness. You...
  24. Hs666

    About RTR

    In your routine program, you must have: cleansing and protection. This must also be applied when using black magic, such as RTRs.
  25. Hs666

    People In Our Life: Cases To Avoid

    This is normal. It is well known that we attract what we focus on. Generally, meditation among its functions, "blocks" connections with things that are negative for us. The more advanced you are, the more control you will have in your life. Knowledge has extraordinary power.
  26. Hs666

    People In Our Life: Cases To Avoid

    In some cases the family can be a problem and you have to "cut" the "ties." I have seen some people "destroyed" by their parents. This doesn't mean "abandoning" them, but having "empathy" toward oneself, sometimes this is karmic. This is very underestimated. There are many wrong "beliefs" that...
  27. Hs666

    Help with persuading somebody from Christianity

    This is a very complicated operation. And it doesn't work that way. Being an atheist, it doesn't mean that person is "okay", because being an atheist is at a conscious level, and it doesn't have much "power." It's like when a person smokes but knows it's not okay. He will continue to smoke...
  28. Hs666

    How can I discover my Guardian Demon?

    About Guardian Demons
  29. Hs666

    Giulio cesare alleato o nemico?

    Dalle informazioni che ho, il suo assassinio era dovuto al fatto che il "gruppo" di bruto non accettavano il potere in mano ad una persona, o a qualcosa di simile, come figure di imperatori, dittatori o cose che si avvicinavano a questo. Rimozione della libertà, Potere Dispotico. Gli ebrei...
  30. Hs666

    Question #3661: Can I do both at the same time?: Freeing Venus in the 11th House & Venus Square for Beautification?

    -Yes, you can use both. -The effect is direct with your affirmation to achieve your chosen goal. Additional: -Venus. Good planetary hours are those of Venus, Sun or Jupiter, but it depends on the type of work. -You need to program energy with affirmation. - Yes, the more "complex" it is...
  31. Hs666

    Question #3664: Relaciones. [Relations]

    This seems to be karmic, check your birth chart and any transits.
  32. Hs666

    Giulio cesare alleato o nemico?

    Sapeva che avevano molto potere, ma non credo sapesse tutta la dietrologia.
  33. Hs666


    Work on your 3rd chakra, which governs your will. Do this, but without neglecting everything else.
  34. Hs666

    Purificazione chakra

    Si, si può usare anche "Agni", ma userei i mantra solari per questo scopo. Il lavoro con gli elementi è comunque per i più avanzati, in quanto si possono creare svariati complicazioni se non si ha la giusta "conoscenza" e "controllo".
  35. Hs666

    About attracting someone

    About Guardian Demons For thanks
  36. Hs666

    Question #3645: Kundalini Yoga

    It is not "necessary" to combine it with breathing exercises. For the last exercise, don't worry, then you will be able to maintain it for a long time.
  37. Hs666

    About attracting someone

    For spells you need to know how to coordinate it, I recommend reading/studying, Here For repetitions try using x10, and see how it goes.
  38. Hs666

    Giulio cesare alleato o nemico?

    Era reciproco, l'alleanza si forma perché c'è vantaggio da entrambi le parti, di norma. Giulio Cesare attraverso gli ebrei acquisì potere, gli ebrei attraverso Giulio Cesare acquisivano maggiore controllo, benefici, e potere.
  39. Hs666

    Question #3649: Spell restriction?

    There are no limits on this, but it depends on your goal, ethically speaking. If you want to create "harm" to animals or children, for example, I don't recommend it. But if your intention is good, that's great, you are using your power to give help, your "relationship" with "power" is healthy.
  40. Hs666

    Question #3646: Coldness

    No. That's normal, you "felt" the energy that meditation produces.
  41. Hs666

    A lot of planetary squares?

    If you mean the same square, it is not possible to do so. If you mean different squares, yes, it is possible.
  42. Hs666

    About attracting someone

    Yes, you can use them.
  43. Hs666

    Splitting and doubling a working?

    That depends on how the operation is going. You are on day 20. If you are not getting results you need to rvision the work. During this phase you should manifest a "result" this needs to be analyzed to figure out how to proceed. Since you were talking about increasing power, I thought you...
  44. Hs666

    Purificazione chakra

    I mantra solari e l'elemento fuoco sono il metodo migliore per questo. Se hai bisogno di un lavoro specifico su un chakra, puoi iniziare un lavoro specifico su di esso aumentando il tuo lavoro. Puoi aumentare le ripetizioni o le sessioni giornaliere. Ma non esagerare, perché questo ti creerà...
  45. Hs666

    33 Letters

    The "fall" is a term/concept copied from the enemy, such as the use of numbers to "identify" or to "manifest" The "fall" indicates the "Kundalini" "coming" to humanity in the first chakra, dormant.
  46. Hs666

    Question #3642: First religion

    All religions are "founded" on Satanism. Except those created by the enemy. Humanity is created by Satan. All go "toward" spiritual ascent, "toward" the Serpent. Egypt, for example, was the "headquarters" of alchemy. Process that purifies the whole soul and prepares for the rise of the Serpent.
  47. Hs666

    Giulio cesare alleato o nemico?

    Giulio Cesare non era ebreo. Il loro "pianto" quando mori, deriva dal fatto che la sua scalata era dovuta all'appoggio che lui cerco dagli ebrei. La loro "alleanza" permise di avere vantaggi da entrambi le parti. La loro influenza era molto forte e disponevano ingenti quantità di risorse e...
  48. Hs666


    There is always a way, you just have to find it and want it. Start studying the Jos, perform the "dedication," when you are ready, and start meditating. Rituals can also be performed mentally. The "dedication" can also be performed in the "astral temple," if there are privacy or other...
  49. Hs666

    Splitting and doubling a working?

    If you see that you need more power, you need to increase the repetitions, after raising your own energy as in the RTR. So, you can perform the first session x216 in the morning and the second session in the evening x216. This is ideal and very powerful.
  50. Hs666

    Laguz Shiddis

    Runes help you, but it is necessary to be a "minimum open" spiritually.
  51. Hs666


    Yes, it is possible. But in case of complications, one can perform the "Dedication" in the astral temple. To then do the "Standard Ritual."
  52. Hs666

    New member need help

    For this it is necessary to be "open." You must work on yourselves to achieve this. Your upper chakras must be "open" and functioning. If you are not in this situation, the gods will communicate with you through signs, synchronicities, dreams, feelings, emotions, intuitions and more.
  53. Hs666

    What is the main difference between Necronomicon and Sanskrit mantras? / Mantra suggestion for the Wings of the Soul

    The difference is "the energy." Use the one you find most suitable for you. Theoretically Sanskrit is more powerful. But it also depends on the kind of work you need. And not all "respond" in the same way. For example, to "open" the chakras, "Necromonicon" is stronger than other methods because...
  54. Hs666

    Coeliacs disease some help needed!

    Because this is "permanent." If not specified, the energy will can make this only temporary.
  55. Hs666

    Concerning “who dares deny”

    Through meditation and cleansing your soul, you will solve your problem. Don't worry too much, if you have this reaction it is "normal." During the process you will enter an "inner conflict," but everything will be resolved, just keep moving forward.
  56. Hs666

    Where is the base chakra located?

    It is located at the base of the spine.
  57. Hs666

    Pineal Gland doesn't give me pleasure

    I tuoi chakra superiori non sono aperti se non "vedi". E la ghiandola pineale non può attivarsi completamente se i chakra superiori non sono aperti. Lavora sul terzo occhio, sul sesto chakra e sul settimo chakra. Chiedi consiglio al tuo GD.
  58. Hs666

    Programming the energy during sex

    It is necessary to study how magic works. The waning moon is not the best time for this love spell. Studia qui
  59. Hs666


    Start with this when you are ready: https://satanisgod.org/SATANIC.html You can start with this program: https://satanslibrary.org/hp_hooded_cobra_40_day_meditation_program.pdf
  60. Hs666

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    "Chiudere", inteso come concludere la tua sessione di meditazione. Si, 40 giorni vale anche per il progresso personale quindi anche per i chakra. Se HP lydia ti ha detto cosi, va bene. Il numero 40 è un numero di permanenza e va preso in considerazione in questi casi. Personalmente non faccio...
  61. Hs666


    1)Nessun problema, è molto comune che molte SS, sono arrivate, andate via e poi ritornate. 2)Puoi rifare la dedica se ne senti il bisogno. La prima dedica è comunque valida. 3)Otterrai tutto ciò attraverso il lavoro sulla tua Anima.
  62. Hs666

    Question #3626: HP Cobra's post about delusion and reality

    Through progress and knowledge. Experience will help you for this. Yes, the gods can "call" you, to continue your path.
  63. Hs666

    Question #3629: Can ASTAROTH be anyone’s SS ?

    Yes, all gods can be our "D.G."
  64. Hs666

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Si, se riesci a chiudere la meditazione escludendo le respirazioni, va comunque bene, invece di usare "Satanas" in una sessione che coinvolga tutti i chakra. L'importante è apportare energia ai chakra nell'arco della giornata, in modo da non interrompere il ciclo di "suggellamento" che...
  65. Hs666

    about Father Satan & My GD

    This: https://josrituals.org/ Read Here: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=91446&hilit=Guardian
  66. Hs666

    About seeing your aura & chakras

    This is subjective and your abilities develop gradually. With practice it will be easier, going into trance, feeling your chakras and all that. Keep working at it. The gods will guide you in this, don't worry ecessively.
  67. Hs666

    About seeing your aura & chakras

    If you do not feel your chakras or "see" them, it is because your chakras are blocked, closed, dirty. You will see your chakras and feel them when you are ready. You will understand. No, there is no problem with the Hatha. Trance, read here: https://satanisgod.org/Determining_Trance.html
  68. Hs666

    Question #3602: How to use candles for white magic and black magic?

    Read here: https://satanisgod.org/Candle.html
  69. Hs666

    Question #3593: Сатана [Satan]

    Because they are in total mental entropy, it is like saying that 2+2 makes 5. In some cases they are "schemes" of the enemy to "divert" knowledge.
  70. Hs666

    Question #3590: Pluto transit 8th house

    Read here: https://satanisgod.org/Trpluto.html
  71. Hs666

    About Returning Curses Part 2

    Yes, it is possible to use it. To increase your energy. Then, when you have increased your energy, proceed to the next steps.
  72. Hs666

    Question #3583: Feeling warm

    Yes, the energy is warm.
  73. Hs666

    Question #3568: Квадрат Луны [Moon square.]

    It depends on what you want to achieve.
  74. Hs666

    Question #3571: The 144 Rules

    You talk about Seth. Maat (justice/order) is "connected" to Seth. It is the ancient laws of Egypt.
  75. Hs666

    Question #3537: A Question about Orion

    Read Here: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=12363&p=42894&hilit=orion#p42894
  76. Hs666

    How important are personal planetary transits in spells?

    You can do this. If you also "coordinate" the spells with personal transits, you will have more power of manifestation. In this case, with the conjunction , you can perform love spells, for a serious, long-term relationship, to attract an older partner, etc...
  77. Hs666

    Question #3565: Esperienza con il pendolo [Experience with the pendulum]

    Yes, it is positive. If it was him. It has no particular meaning, he simply answered your request.
  78. Hs666

    Question #3563: Praying to Father Satan

    Yes, you can ask for help, on how to solve your problem.
  79. Hs666

    Question #3560: How to get rid of negative Pluto karma?

    You eliminate karma through soul purification. Use the Solar mantras to eliminate it. Pluto retrograde can bring this. But it is necessary to look at the whole birth chart.
  80. Hs666

    Question #3559: Hypnosis

    Read here: https://satanisgod.org/Hypnosis.html
  81. Hs666

    Planetary square and telekinesis?

    The square of the Sun and Moon can be used. But siddhi must be trained to be achieved.
  82. Hs666

    Question #3549: pluto saturn square

    Read here: https://satanisgod.org/Trpluto.html
  83. Hs666

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    "Utilizzare" è una cosa diversa. Per usare la telepatia, non sarà solo sufficiente un 6° e 3°chakra forte, ma servirà allenare tale abilità. Tu puoi essere molto avanzato e non riuscire ad andare in astrale. Sono due cose differenti. Quando tu provi ad andare in astrale non fai le affermazioni...
  84. Hs666

    Question #3541: Eva Braun's 7th and 8th house

    No, that is not correct. The time is 5:30 AM.
  85. Hs666

    Opening crown chakra

    Yes, go ahead. The "feelings" are different, not everyone feels the same, this depends on your "level." After opening, sometimes the chakra does not remain "open." For most people, only the first chakra is. It is necessary to meditate on it after opening. When your chakra is clean and active...
  86. Hs666

    chakra spinning questions

  87. Hs666

    Opening crown chakra

    No. Actually, you should open the chakras sequentially. You start with the third eye, then the 6th chakra and then the 7th chakra. This will help you a lot. Opening the 6th chakra and the 3rd eye will facilitate the opening of the 7th chakra. The 6th chakra is the most difficult to open. When...
  88. Hs666

    About skipping

    Your progress that has not been "fixed" is lost. Every 40 days progress is permanent, if you stop earlier your progress goes back to the first day. And doing this, it can cause other problems, whit your discipline, mentality, "value scale", subconscious etc...
  89. Hs666

    chakra spinning questions

    Read here: https://www.joyofsatan.org/EZ_Chakra_Spin.html The verse is not important. The chakras have pyramidal shapes. Pyramids are "representations" of the chakras. They can also be visualized as small shining suns.
  90. Hs666

    Influencing a person through a photo?

    You can use it as an aid to your visualization.
  91. Hs666

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Si, l'affermazione è corretta. Le meditazioni sul vuoto e sul suono sono "tecniche di allenamento mentale/psichico", Non servono le affermazioni. Ma la pratica. La ghiandola pineale ad esempio una volta attiva, bisognerà avere tempo per saperla utilizzare perché "attivazione/potenziamento" non...
  92. Hs666

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Guide effettive, non esistono, ed è normale trovarsi spiazzati quando si incomincia qualcosa di nuovo, ci vorrà tempo per assimilare tutte le informazione. Riguardo i transiti, trovi qualcosa su internet, che può aiutarti a comprendere più o meno come "funziona". Bisogna praticare come tutte le...
  93. Hs666

    About bad transits

    For this it is necessary to study and understand astrology. It depends on many factors, planets, houses, aspects, degrees, etc....
  94. Hs666

    Question #3517: Числа [Numbers]

    Read Here: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=74710&hilit=numerology
  95. Hs666

    Question #3513: Suicide is not an option for me

    The routine program is personal and different for everyone. The basis is: -AoP -Cleansing -Work on the main chakras For the moment focus on the present, then you will see later, now you can do it. Carry out your personal program, participate in spiritual warfare and heal yourself. The gods...
  96. Hs666

    Question #3510: Solar Asc in conjunction with natal Saturn

    This depends on multiple factors, you need to look at the whole graph and what you are doing in your life, to understand.
  97. Hs666

    Question #3509: Hyperventilating

    You probably have an anxiety problem or other underlying factors. Body and "soul" are connected. But this is not "closely" connected with a "blockage" on the chakra.
  98. Hs666


    D'ont worry, it is ok.
  99. Hs666

    Opening crown chakra

    Read here: https://satanisgod.org/Open_Blocked_Chakras.html Don't be in a hurry. Overstimulation and lack of balance will not bring advancement but regression.
  100. Hs666

    Question #3503: 365 keys

    Abrasax is a God "connected" to the Sun and represents the power of the entire astrological circle, "360°." 365 is connected to it. 365 are the days of the year. Abrasax governs "life." Abrasax in Greek forms the number 365. Keys represent "control" over universal power and forces.
  101. Hs666

    Spinal injury and kundalini

    Treat your problem and continue to practice meditation. Don't worry.
  102. Hs666

    Opening crown chakra

    Pressure is a symptom of "blockage." There is not "defenite time" for opening. This is subjective.
  103. Hs666

    Visualization vs imagination question.

    Imagination is an "action" not "real." "Visualization" is a "real action." The difference is that imagination does not have an "influence" on the female part of the astral body. "Visualization" does. The "touching," "feeling," "seeing," with visualization and your astral senses, you have an...
  104. Hs666

    Question on Balzebul

    Yes you can.
  105. Hs666

    Question #3496: Runic meditation with the 40 day programme

    It starts after the end of the program.
  106. Hs666

    Rituali e luna

  107. Hs666

    Question #3482: Планетарные квадраты . [Planetary squares .]

    It depends on the type of work. If you use it for material things, for example, after you finish doing it, if you haven't achieved the goal, keep working on it.
  108. Hs666

    Question #3481: an important astrological doubt

    The eighth house is always ruled by pluto; your Ac does not change its nature. Those who have planets in the eighth house, for example, will always have a Scorpio influence, regardless of their Ac.
  109. Hs666

    Am I being posessed by angels? + other symptoms & questions related to the 3rd eye + past life.

    Yes, use the indicated color. You already have curses, but it is not easy to understand because you are "blind." Based on the curses the symptom is different. Enemy curses are present in all humanity. Some symptoms are: vision of a numerical repetition preceding negative events, during mental...
  110. Hs666

    Getting rid of bad neighbour

    Study/read all here: https://satanisgod.org/Satanic_Magick.html
  111. Hs666

    Question #3472: Saturn ruler of 10th house

    Sorry, I don't understand what you really mean. But if you have transiting Saturn in your Tenth House or in aspect to your Tenth House ruler, and you have some problems, you can use the Sun Square, or the Runes of Protection such as, Algiz or Berkano.
  112. Hs666

    Question #3478: Asking about curses

    Start with this: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=92611 Then: https://josrituals.org
  113. Hs666

    Am I being posessed by angels? + other symptoms & questions related to the 3rd eye + past life.

    Both. If your mother prays for you, she functions as a "channeler" for enemy energy. Your AoP is not strong because you don't have higher power than psychic attack. And you will not be for a long time. Some very advanced SS, had problems with them and without the help of the gods, they could...
  114. Hs666

    Question #3476: Some creepy entities coming when I sleep

    These Are psychic attacks. Keep control, and use blue fire or ask the Gods for help. Strengthen the AoP and cleanse the soul. This will eliminate the problem.
  115. Hs666

    Question #3466: thought forms lesser souls

    No. If the owners who control the thought form lose "control," for whatever reason, according to the programming on the thought form, they will either be an independent entity or die.
  116. Hs666

    Question #3465: malefic planet influences

    Not necessarily.
  117. Hs666

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Io uso astro.com semplicemente perchè sono abituato ad usarlo, ma vanno bene entrambi.
  118. Hs666

    About meditation

    No. Meditation should be performed every day.
  119. Hs666

    Getting rid of bad neighbour

    Try to use runes: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Odin.unlisted.html
  120. Hs666

    How does astral sight work?

    The magnetic part, when trying to move the astral body, is the connection between the two bodies. This is natural. Projection out of the body requires willpower action, or the astral body goes back, due to its nature and "protection." To see the astral dimension clearly, it is necessary to open...
  121. Hs666

    Question #3462: Astrology being thought superstition

    This is installed by the enemy's program, in their "books," astrology is forbidden for people because it is connected with occultism and spirituality, and those who practice it will be punished. But those who forbid it, use it. Corruption, lying, is a typical tactic of the enemy to keep...
  122. Hs666

    Am I being posessed by angels? + other symptoms & questions related to the 3rd eye + past life.

    This is a psychic attack. The "sounds" like a "radio" are an attempt at telepathic communication. The sequences of this psychic attack are: - When the right side of the brain is most active, during the night - Growth of one's fear through telepathic communication, visions, or "sensations,"...
  123. Hs666

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Si, è come usare esercizi di pranayama, o utilizzare mantra, come Satanas, per aumentare le energie nello stesso modo che facciamo prima degli RTR. SI, essere concentrati su un lavoro alla volta porterà inevitabilmente a risultati più "rapidi" rispetto a chi ne fa di più, stando allo stesso...
  124. Hs666

    Question #3455: Wings of the Soul

    Focus on the energy points, behind the back and then visualize the wings.
  125. Hs666

    Question #3454: Void Meditation and Chakras

    In the meditative state your sensitivity "changes," if you do not focus on your chakra during meditation, it is the "change", that "causes it". The energy is warm. In some cases, if the chakra is not vibrating, it is a sign of blockage.
  126. Hs666

    Question #3452: Multiple AoP

    AoP, it already does this. you d'ont need to repeat it. Doing the same AoP several time is very good, and stronger, than doing three different ones.
  127. Hs666

    Question #3446: a question regarding planetary transits

    Both. Your birth chart and transits will manifest events in your life.
  128. Hs666

    Question #3459: About human sacrifice

    This is an enemy ritual. "Moloch" is a "title" for say "King". "Moloch" changes according to the operator's "Action/Will" on the ritual project.
  129. Hs666

    Thoughts in the head

    It is possible. But generally telepathic communication is difficult if you are not experienced or not "open" enough. It is probably an effect of your upper chakras that manifests itself through "intuition."
  130. Hs666

    What are the effects of cat's breath

    These are breathing techniques, which can be used on particular meditation exercises or vibrations. In "Satanas" Meditation, the "S" is made to vibrate through this technique.
  131. Hs666

    The 13th and the 19th runes are so similar in enunciation yet...

    They are similar but not the same. "Three" and "Tree" are also similar, but different.
  132. Hs666

    Freeing demons

    Demons are not "stuck." They are on a higher dimension, where the enemy cannot reach. Gods are immune to them. You can offer the energy you have Demons, for example by creating a ball of energy, or accumulate the excess energy and donate it. But the best thing is to perform the Power Rituals...
  133. Hs666

    Question #3433: Connecting the Chakras, Advanced Members Please

    It is "the expansion" of your "astral body"
  134. Hs666

    Planetary hour and ritual related to sex?

    Read here: https://satanisgod.org/Timing.html Planetary hour: Jupiter, Sun, Mars.
  135. Hs666

    Rituali e luna

    Leggi qui: https://gioiadisatana.com/X%20MAGIA%20SATANICA/MAGIA%20E%20LUNA.html
  136. Hs666

    Question #3439: Мантра munka [The munka mantra]

    The mantra "munka" does not increase your karma. It is used to free the soul from "hostile energies," "blockages," "paradigms," in areas where you experience problems.
  137. Hs666

    Question #3432: Why still Beelzebub instead of Beelzebul?

    "Belzebù" is the Greek form of the name Baal-zebub.
  138. Hs666

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Bhanda: https://gioiadisatana.com/X%20SEZIONE%20INTRO%20MEDITAZIONI/BANDHAS.html Non si può hackerare questa cosa. Lavori splittati "rendono meno" di avere focus su uno solo. No, è la "percezione" che cambia, la tua famiglia la tua casa, come tutti hanno le loro influenze astrologiche, che se...
  139. Hs666

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Questo è molto personale, non esiste una routine meditativa specifica, per ognuno è diverso. E nell'arco della vita la routine subirà dei cambiamenti che verranno per via dei progressi, questo accade per via delle nuove conoscenze/comprensione delle cose, stato di avanzamento, o anche per...
  140. Hs666

    Question #3421: relazione [relationship]

    Read here: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Incubus.html
  141. Hs666

    Distortions of JoS TRUTH?

    I would avoid eating poison, or cutting body or eating "seeds" to get rid of karma and other bullshit. This looks like a manifestation of the lower octave of Neptune. it is very dangerous.
  142. Hs666

    Question #3393: What should we do when someone disrespects our Father?

    The problem is the reaction of people. The "effects" may be different, depending on the people who know about it. In more cases you will be associated with negative things. Beacause the enemy programm has completely changed the "concept" of Satan, Gods and Satanism.
  143. Hs666

    Question #3392: Is this astral vision?

    More persons have experienced this. For some people it was just only "phosphenes", for other it is a "vision of the energy", sometimes i see the gold energy in my vision field.
  144. Hs666

    Question #3379: chakra opening

    It is the energy, it is normal.
  145. Hs666

    Changing rising sign in natal chart

    "Changing" in this sense is fine. But it is not possible to change the position of planets or angles.
  146. Hs666

    Aiuto su RTR (quali fare)

    Alla fine del programma che stiamo eseguendo nelle attese che vengono esposti i nuovi, sono consigliati quotidianamente, i "Final RTR" e i Rituali di potere. Se si vuole fare di più i rituali possono essere ripetuti più volte durante la giornata e/o aumentare le ripetizioni in modo da...
  147. Hs666

    Question #3356: christianity and its anti life teachings

    In this case it is not the position of the "bad" planets, which leads to this. The enemy system is "designed to go beyond," there is no birth chart "immune" to this.
  148. Hs666

    Question #3353: Fixed stars doubt

    Read here: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Degrees.html
  149. Hs666

    Changing rising sign in natal chart

    No. One cannot "change" one's Ac or birth chart.
  150. Hs666

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Tieni presente che più fai lavori simultaneamente meno potere avranno. Funziona alla stessa maniera dei lavori "fisici" se ti concentri su una cosa sola, rispetto a più cose, ottieni risultati "maggiori" impiegando "meno tempo". "L'esaurimento" energetico , o bassa energia/bioelettrica si può...
  151. Hs666

    Question #3365: Does this mean anything?

    Read here: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=74710&hilit=Numbers
  152. Hs666

    Question #3363: I was dedicated on my birthday

    Try to see your chart and observe if it is correct. If not, you can request your birth certificate with the time of birth.
  153. Hs666

    Question #3360: Do the enemy alien entity knows the natal chart of all gentiles !?

    Yes, the enemy uses the power of the planets for his goals. Sometimes the psychic attack happens during specific transits, such as Neptune, or at the time when we are most "vulnerable," but through the AoP and the Gods, everything is "mitigated/rejected."
  154. Hs666

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Puoi anche iniziare subito se la situazione non te lo "permette": https://josita.org/X%20SEZIONE%20MEDITAZIONI/USO%20AURA.html Devi trovare una soluzione per questo, devi trovare il tempo. Cerca prima di "modificare" la tua routine prima di inserire cose nuove. Alcuno cose non si possono...
  155. Hs666

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Vuol dire coordinare il lavoro con le tempistiche "planetarie/lunarie". Esegui il rituale di Valefor, e quando ti concentri sul suo sigillo alla fine, chiedi la sua assistenza. Il programma meditativo è strettamente personale, quindi non c'è la cosa "corretta". Personalmente faccio entrambi, e...
  156. Hs666

    Planetary squares and the next lives?

    If you use it for spiritual works, generally yes.
  157. Hs666

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Saltare per un giorno lo yoga fisico non porta "problemi" anche se è meglio non farlo. Si, puoi utilizzare "Satanas" anche sensa fare un chakra alla volta, avvolgendoti completamente con la luce bianco-oro e farli contemporaneamente in una sessione, ma questo riduce drasticamente gli effetti...
  158. Hs666

    Some questions

    This message is proof that you actually did not read. Or rather you have only read, but not understood. Read it all over again and again. Take your time. The answers are all there. I don't have time to give you the whole "sermon" also because it's already there.
  159. Hs666

    New member need help

    Don't worry if you don't feel anything, this is subjective and depends on more than one thing. Start with the meditation program, for example with this: https://satanslibrary.org/hp_hooded_cobra_40_day_meditation_program.pdf
  160. Hs666


    It is a sign of "imbalance" on the planet that forms the "Tip." The planet manifests its energy in "excess" in ruled matters and also in those of the House and sign. In some cases it can also bring you "problems" because "of the excess."
  161. Hs666

    Influenza negativa di nettuno

    "Essere fuori dallo schema astrologico", è molto complesso ed estremamente avanzato. La meditazione sublima "naturalmente" Nettuno. Prendi coscienza della sua influenza. Attraverso la meditazione e l'avanzamento si riuscirà a mitigare la sua energia.
  162. Hs666

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Si avvolgi il chakra prescelto con il colore bianco-oro. Questa meditazione non "sostituisce" il lavoro dello yoga fisico. Ma quello meditativo come il lavoro sui chakra. Puoi usare l'affermazione, ad esempio: "Il mio 3 chakra è pulito/purificato/potenziato in maniera sana e positva".
  163. Hs666

    Question #3335: Question about Saturn Returns & Accomplishments

    About Saturn return: https://satanslibrary.org/English/HP_Hooded_Cobra/About_Your_First_Saturn_Return_Updated_-_How_to_Manage_This_and_the_Good_News_-_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666.pdf
  164. Hs666

    Some questions

    Read the jos, please, you are very confused. Read here: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/HOME.html
  165. Hs666

    Question #3333: Holiday?

    Read here: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/HOLIDAYS.html
  166. Hs666

    Question #3329: Curse

    Use the Runes.
  167. Hs666

    Question #3325: good healing mantras for teeth?

    You can use the rune "Wunjo".
  168. Hs666

    AMON RA DEMON POWER RITUAL NOW LIVE! - Dec 2 to Dec 6 2023

    Focus on the seal, relax and try to feel its energy. D'ont worry, if you don't feel it, it depends on your sensitivity, concentration and more. Meditade on yourself = Meditate/Work on your soul through spritual work...
  169. Hs666

    AMON RA DEMON POWER RITUAL NOW LIVE! - Dec 2 to Dec 6 2023

    It is normal to feel positive energy. They are the Gods. Whether it will be your GD you will know at the right moment.
  170. Hs666

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    La meditazione Satanas può essere usata anche per Potenziare/Pulire i chakra. Nel caso non si possono eseguire le respirazioni non le esegui finchè non si è in grado di ri-eseguirle.
  171. Hs666

    AMON RA DEMON POWER RITUAL NOW LIVE! - Dec 2 to Dec 6 2023

    Because the gods are called differently. But, in this case, I make them both vibrate in the same way. Yes, as far as "stew" and "It" are concerned.
  172. Hs666

    Which chakra rules over teeth?

  173. Hs666

    AMON RA DEMON POWER RITUAL NOW LIVE! - Dec 2 to Dec 6 2023

    "Amon Ra" and "Amun Ra" and "Ha-Amon". They both vibrate in the same way. Except for "Ha - Amon ", which has the "HHAA" first and not have "RA". AAHH-MMUU-NN RR-AA (this pronunciation comes from an Egyptian Kabbalistic meditation, where Amon vibrates in the third eye and Ra in the 4thchakra)...
  174. Hs666

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Se la narice è completamente chiusa, non può essere eseguita. Altrimenti dovresti forzare ma non e mai buono, anche perché potrai notare che si rimane senza respiro durante l'esecuzione. Si, puoi diminuire nelle sezioni di yoga. Se hai poco tempo puoi utilizzare la "Meditazione SATANAS" in...
  175. Hs666

    AMON RA DEMON POWER RITUAL NOW LIVE! - Dec 2 to Dec 6 2023

    Yes, it can be done, in any way. Although it should be done out loud. It can be done, in a low voice or mentally.
  176. Hs666

    Question #3322: Revenge ritual over your enemy

    People who do not meditate regularly go through "de-generation." That includes the weakening of the entire soul. You can further attack their chakras by using runes. Or enhance the negative influence of their planets on the charts. Turning Jupiter from "positive," into "negative" is not easy...
  177. Hs666

    Question #3321: Relationship between Saturn and Christianity

    Nothing. Saturn has nothing to do whit them. But the tranits of Saturn in the first house/Ac is not positive time in your life. Saturn can "connect" you whit the "negative" to manifest events, or "manifest" your "karma" present in your soul. In this case, Saturn "uses" the enemy program to...
  178. Hs666

    AMON RA DEMON POWER RITUAL NOW LIVE! - Dec 2 to Dec 6 2023

    Don't worry, you can do this until December 7. It is normal for some people to have a "different time zone."
  179. Hs666

    AMON RA DEMON POWER RITUAL NOW LIVE! - Dec 2 to Dec 6 2023

    "Amon Ra," it is "Ra" who is connected to the Sun. "Ra" is connected with "the God of Heliopolis," "the God of the Sun." "Amon" can also be used as a "title" to indicate a spiritual power.
  180. Hs666

    Question #3302: Hinduism and satanism

    Use the "search" function the discussion is large/long. Jos has already expounded on this.
  181. Hs666

    Question #3299: Vaincre la solitude [Overcoming loneliness]

    If you are dedicated, you already have "helpers", the Gods are busy, look for other ways to pass to time.
  182. Hs666

    Question #3305: Chart Ruler Square & Sick

    This could be a cleaning effect, due to the magic square.
  183. Hs666

    Question #3307: The future of this war

    Our war is already won. Continue whit spiritual warfare. The manifestation of this, will come in due time.
  184. Hs666

    Question #3301: Astral entity's

    Astral entities are real.
  185. Hs666

    Question #3300: Does rrt help in opening the chakras?

    Time is needed to open the chakras, continue with meditation and spiritual warfare.
  186. Hs666

    Question #3295: Black magic?

    Is not important where a person is.
  187. Hs666

    How to start?

    Here: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/SATANIC.html And Here: https://satanslibrary.org/hp_hooded_cobra_40_day_meditation_program.pdf
  188. Hs666

    How much time should we allocate to cast a spell?

    Until the result is achieved. Time is individual, as is the time to reach it.
  189. Hs666

    Question #3283: Saturn in different houses

    In the concept of "dualism", is the "negative" part.
  190. Hs666

    Assorbire energia dai pianeti

    Prendi come "guida" questo: https://josita.org/X%20MAGIA%20SATANICA/ENERGIA%20DALLE%20STELLE.html
  191. Hs666

    Question #3283: Saturn in different houses

    1)This depends on the whole birth chart, Saturn is not only "negative", the some very rich people have saturn in the first house or second, for example, other people whit Saturn in tenth house are "people of powers" through their careers, their works, etcc... 2)Yes, the enemy program...
  192. Hs666

    Question #3279: 2023/24

    It depends on several things. But in general it is a very important "aeon." Read here: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/666.html I recommend reading/deepen about this topic. Use the "search" function, this topic is very broad.
  193. Hs666

    Question #3278: 40 day working and runes

    It Depends on the kind of work you want to do.
  194. Hs666

    Question #3274: Problems caused by retrograde Saturn in 4th house

    Observe the carreteristics of saturn and merge it whit the meaning of the 4° house. Saturn in 4°house has various effects, poor family, Problems whit parents, family Severity, death of a parent, bad relationships, negative influences/conditions , psychological problems, in some cases violence...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
