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China creates a A brain virus that has a 100% kill rate.

any thoughts on this?

I remember hps maxine stated that Lots of plagues were going to come, and lots of people were going to die due to it. This Is probably What she was talking about is what she was talking about.

Be careful everyone.
A deadly virus can't spread far as it kills it's hosts. A virus to survive will always develop to a less deadly version or it goes extinct. Sending big amount off it around the world and releasing it at the same time is rather unlikely, as we have people working to protect there countries, can be traced back, leads to revenge which they don't like. There is a game called plague inc if you watch some gameplays or play it your self you will understand ( It is rather reality based from the effects on the populace). It was also banned in china at the start off covid pandemic 2020.
any thoughts on this?

I remember hps maxine stated that Lots of plagues were going to come, and lots of people were going to die due to it. This Is probably What she was talking about is what she was talking about.

Be careful everyone.

Caution is advised for everyone.

It appears that challenging times may lie ahead, reminiscent of the difficulties experienced during the COVID times.

This seems to be an opportune moment to prepare by engaging in physical exercise and stocking up on vitamin C.

It's known that the WEF is Jewish. Should we be concerned? It's also true that China is under tight control. Could their intention be to divert attention from other discoveries, preventing the exposure of a synagogue or something similar? Additionally, it's worth noting that Klaus, who is Jewish, has a statue of Lenin in his house.

Regardless I suppose it may be high time for a warfare schedule to prevent this from going any further than they plan to.

There may be subtle subliminals in the future, possibly linked to dates favorable to their cause.

It's best to work on the AOP even more than before at this time to counter anything bad that could come out of this.
It may pose a real threat because it is "in line" with upcoming changes at the astrological level. Particularly with Pluto in Aquarius, it could be a manifestation of the lower octaves of Pluto in Aquarius.

The enemy's agenda, will probably try to "sink its foot" in a very pronounced way. After the many failures they have had, "pandemics," chips, "vaccines," World War 3, destruction of the economy, could through astrological alignment, they may try anything, or try to "reconfirm" what they failed to do previously.
I want to write an answer in this post regarding epidemics, but in fact the information is much more frightening than it might seem at first glance. When we talk and think about medicine, specifically epidemics and everything else, the first thing that comes to our minds is the view of medicine originally from the 19th century. These epidemics, such as cholera, and the plague earlier, then the Spanish virus (and there are already questions here) - we are told that the conductor of these deadly diseases (like covid lol) is something like a “virus”, ultra-small 0.03-1 micrometer (μm) particle with its own “code” that gives programs to other cells, etc. Those who know medicine well will understand this phenomenon better. You can find many popular science videos on the Internet that explain most of these things in simple terms.

However, as for other parts of the phenomenon, it is likely that the enemy has already gone much further in the development and implementation of these technologies for military and medical purposes. I'm talking about the possibilities of creating "frequency" viruses and diseases that manifest themselves by distorting and transmitting information directly to the aura without the participation of any physical media. According to my own research, Covid, at least some part of what we consider and call “Covid-19” was not just a virus in the usual sense of the word, originally from the 19th century, but a mutation that occurs in the human body under the influence of radiation.

In Russia there lived one very interesting person named Garyaev Petr, despite the fact that on the main page of his wiki there is a “title” that he is “pseudoscience” and “pseudoscientist”, in fact his research into the wave and light nature of the radiation of our body is amazing. I'm not sure if there is any translated information about this into English, but I'll try to summarize his idea. Using a laser, it is possible to read the radiation and vibration of any cell in our body, forming a stream/radio wave from the information received, attuned to anything: healthy body tissue, cancer cells, a virus, vibration of pain, etc. - you can directly direct the frequencies received and converted into sound or light wave - to the recipient - and cause effects inherent in the carrier frequency. This may sound complicated, but it is essentially the same thing a mantra does on some level. A mantra is a sound wave of a given shape that we ourselves direct into ourselves and achieve changes with the help of this.

Now think about the fact that this can be used technologically at different levels of impact on people, and those who burned 5g towers no longer seem such crazy people. Garyaev was killed exactly in 2020, when the “fake pandemic” was gaining momentum. The intelligence services were not interested in a person who, from a scientific point of view, could explain what was happening and give a new look at the situation. The enemy wants us to be in the paradigm of “small particles inside our bodies,” while they already have the technology and knowledge to “record a virus on a microphone” and disseminate information about its radiation through various sources. The good news is that like all radiations, our aura of protection works very well against such things.
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Caution is advised for everyone.

It appears that challenging times may lie ahead, reminiscent of the difficulties experienced during the COVID times.

This seems to be an opportune moment to prepare by engaging in physical exercise and stocking up on vitamin C.

It's known that the WEF is Jewish. Should we be concerned? It's also true that China is under tight control. Could their intention be to divert attention from other discoveries, preventing the exposure of a synagogue or something similar? Additionally, it's worth noting that Klaus, who is Jewish, has a statue of Lenin in his house.

Regardless I suppose it may be high time for a warfare schedule to prevent this from going any further than they plan to.

There may be subtle subliminals in the future, possibly linked to dates favorable to their cause.

It's best to work on the AOP even more than before at this time to counter anything bad that could come out of this.
Actually covid was not very deadly, It had a 99.8 % survival rate. 20 Times .2 percent is still only 4%, which makes a 96% survival rate. Most of the deaths were due to fraudulent counts to cash in on bonuses for each covid death they could count, and bad protocols are what actual killed people, not the virus. Documents came out that they actually paid some hospitals in the UK to have a minimum death count per week or lose their subsidies. then you have to look back on WHO started the medical system. the rockefellers back in the 1930s. the whole idea of viruses is just a theory and there are other theories of health that say viruses are not contagions at all. there are some good videos that tell alternate points of view besides the invisible boogey man of allopathic medicine that they use to cash in on. Some universities studied 5000 supposed covid people with an electron microscope and they found ZERO Covid 19 viruses, all they found were influenza. Notice there is almost no flu anymore, they just renamed it covid. So they can collect big bucks. the entire covid plandemic is a huge scam that has nothing to do with health or disease. and everything to do with control and loss of rights and freedom. Mask dont do anything based on over 100 studies I have found. the shots however are bad news, full of all sorts of death dealing stuff. So they can come up with whatever they want to and you can take care of it yourself at home with your own health protocols. Just stay far away from any offering of the medical system and dont take medical advice from a television set as all the new media is owned by the same people that make vaccines and own big pharma. All Jews. the whole thing is a genocide operation to depopulate the earth. Just stay away from tests and shots and you are good to go.


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Why do they created this virus? :)

What is reason?!?
As always, the aim of these filthy spirits is to destroy humanity and drag it back spiritually and physically. Taking control. Do RTR whenever you can. It would be nice to have a new collective ritual.
Why do they created this virus? :)

What is reason?!?
It's pretty obvious because there area abunh
As always, the aim of these filthy spirits is to destroy humanity and drag it back spiritually and physically. Taking control. Do RTR whenever you can. It would be nice to have a new collective ritual.
It's pretty obvious because they're a bunch of *sick* psychopathic kikes That probably want to take as much of us out before. People see them for what they are.😀
As always, the aim of these filthy spirits is to destroy humanity and drag it back spiritually and physically. Taking control. Do RTR whenever you can. It would be nice to have a new collective ritual.
This I understand. But I mean, what is their reason they gonna tell to populace? :D clearly they have to make nice reason where goyim has to consider this is good thing.

What do they tell to everyone not of their own, for what is that virus? I mean.
Should we be concerned about bio-weapons? How can we protect ourselves in the event of outbreaks? Are auras of protection enough?

This .pdf found on JoS says that hydrogen peroxide can prevent and cure many illnesses, including HIV/AIDS & cancer. Does this mean we can use hydrogen peroxide to be 'immune' to bacteria, virus, & fungus attacks?
This I understand. But I mean, what is their reason they gonna tell to populace? :D clearly they have to make nice reason where goyim has to consider this is good thing.

What do they tell to everyone not of their own, for what is that virus? I mean.
Of course, there are parts and purposes that we cannot see. But I think the reason for this is to create fear in people. Fear is one of the strongest emotions, and people look at the state of the world and are driven to despair. Or they just failed to hide it. Or they don't have the strength to do this and they just aim to divert attention... There are many possibilities.
So they come up with some fucking virus that fucking kills huh? There are so many things out there that can fucking kill people laugh out loud! And then Chinese sucking up to the stupid jews! Anything for money and anything for power laugh out loud.. and you would think the Chinese would know better? But then people nowadays love to play Both Sides anything for the money! The so-called Mercenaries whatever side pays the most they don't even care what kind of trouble they get into and what they're up against! And of course the Jews would be behind that anything for their power just to get rid of people like us just because of who and what we are killing hundreds and thousands of people? And yet they boohoo and cry about their holocaust? That they made up and created for a hoax! Do they not realize how many gentile people were killed by the jews? You would think that the Chinese would have an understanding? A lot of their people were killed off as well by the hands of the Christians and the Jews so a lot of this just boils down to just killing people just to kill people

any thoughts on this?

I remember hps maxine stated that Lots of plagues were going to come, and lots of people were going to die due to it. This Is probably What she was talking about is what she was talking about.

Be careful everyone.
Following the recent events around this wide spread "covid pandemic", it should be evident by now that this may be yet another manufactured hoax in the making to be scheduled for release in the near future.

Same as "disease X" which is not a natural disease that came out of nowhere and has been introduced way back in 2018 by the WEF. If you research the term you should be able to find an interview regarding that. They always proclaim these "diseases" way before they get released.

You may ask: why do they do this to us? Well, just hear out what Bill Gates has to offer as a solution for example. He wants the entire world population vaccinated with these MRNA "vaccines". The same guy who was responsible for millions of Africans to be injected with HIV through the needle (formally known as Hepatitis "vaccines").

Covid-19 along with the vaccine and its highly toxic spike protein was lab made and patented way back in 2019 (There are plenty of related interviews which can be found online). The same gentlemen are behind this new highly lethal disease, you can count on it.

Anyway, I suggest you do not take any of the so called "vaccines" which will be offered to you under any circumstances.
It is outdated and the team behind the study made it clear that it was nothing like the media made it look like.
Just like they did with Covid, they do it now. People should not be alarmed in a negative way, rather use the fact that they are alarmed to avoid going in some contaminated areas and also prepare stocks of food and water and avoid unnecessary walks in aglomerated space.

I frankly look at how the media doesn't present things they way they should be presented and mediatically tell us that "everything is alright" "we have a lot of vaccines" etc. Etc. NO!!! The Cov vaccine was proven to be the worst type of vaccine due to the fake rapid development of it and also its devastating effects.

And, let's also not forget that the globalist at JWHO (Jewish World Health Organization) discussed about the "Disease X" the scenario which should prepare people in case of another pandemic
Kike made front CCP right now:

And Maxine Detrich was right. Yes a lot of this may scare the shit out of people!
So why does not surprise me? That when it actually comes out with the warning in people all over the place they're freaking out!? And it's because people choose not to believe? The warning!.. or they think that it's just all an act and propaganda? Until it all comes out and slaps everybody in the face. When people actually get the facts. A wake up call and knocking on your front door when you begin to notice your neighbors getting sick acting weird or ending up in the hospital? And when it hits home that is when people wake up and really get serious about this shit and take action? And maybe that explains why Maxine Dietrich took the time to get into these conversations with the clergy back in the days and taking the time to put the message out there in her audio recordings and posting up messages on here to get people to pay attention and wake up to what is about to happen in this world. It is a shock! And yes it is scary to know the truth laugh out loud I would rather know the truth and hear the truth than to be misled with lies and propaganda! The enemy throws out there just to confuse people! At least getting the word out and the truth! You're getting an idea of what is about to happen and that people should take it serious and take action! Maxine Dietrich wouldn't be wasting her time if it was a lie? Laugh out loud! Even listening to her audio recordings! I knew the woman was making sense next! And it made sense to me especially when she posted it here on the JOS
The woman knew what she was talking about! And she knew the whole time! But she also had father Satan there and his gods and demons helping her!
So YES!! It is the truth and it is a warning! And it is something to take to consideration! If people want to know the truth? Whether to be Satanism?
Or getting a warning of what is about to happen in the future! And a lot of this shit is coming true now! So Maxine Dietrich is right on with all of it.
Actually covid was not very deadly, It had a 99.8 % survival rate. 20 Times .2 percent is still only 4%, which makes a 96% survival rate. Most of the deaths were due to fraudulent counts to cash in on bonuses for each covid death they could count, and bad protocols are what actual killed people, not the virus. Documents came out that they actually paid some hospitals in the UK to have a minimum death count per week or lose their subsidies. then you have to look back on WHO started the medical system. the rockefellers back in the 1930s. the whole idea of viruses is just a theory and there are other theories of health that say viruses are not contagions at all. there are some good videos that tell alternate points of view besides the invisible boogey man of allopathic medicine that they use to cash in on. Some universities studied 5000 supposed covid people with an electron microscope and they found ZERO Covid 19 viruses, all they found were influenza. Notice there is almost no flu anymore, they just renamed it covid. So they can collect big bucks. the entire covid plandemic is a huge scam that has nothing to do with health or disease. and everything to do with control and loss of rights and freedom. Mask dont do anything based on over 100 studies I have found. the shots however are bad news, full of all sorts of death dealing stuff. So they can come up with whatever they want to and you can take care of it yourself at home with your own health protocols. Just stay far away from any offering of the medical system and dont take medical advice from a television set as all the new media is owned by the same people that make vaccines and own big pharma. All Jews. the whole thing is a genocide operation to depopulate the earth. Just stay away from tests and shots and you are good to go.
I have since this post actually found some good information on how the whole covid thing works. This is a video that explains it all with full documentation and also a remedy for the whole thing, and any of the other things they might come up with. https://thedrardisshow.com/the-antidote It is well worth your time as the whole video is jam packed with good information to help yourself and protect yourself. We want all the SS to make it through this genocidal agenda strong and resistant to anything they can try. Start the new age well armored.
I have since this post actually found some good information on how the whole covid thing works. This is a video that explains it all with full documentation and also a remedy for the whole thing, and any of the other things they might come up with. https://thedrardisshow.com/the-antidote It is well worth your time as the whole video is jam packed with good information to help yourself and protect yourself. We want all the SS to make it through this genocidal agenda strong and resistant to anything they can try. Start the new age well Thank you!!❤️
I would also consider that the enemy may tell us they have “super deadly virus” just to scare us, their latest bio-weapon covid was a flop.

They killed/weakened people with a direct injection of a massive amount of virus they called a vaccine but they were hoping the virus would be able to spend on its own

This Brian virus may be “100 percent deadly” if a full needle of it is injected directly into a humans spine but if you’re exposed to a small amount of it the immune system will fight it off.

jews want us to think they could kill us all at any time, even launching all nukes would kill about 20 percent of the people on earth only, and it would kill the city residents who are often times diverse and or jews. They aren’t big and bad as people think they are.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
