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Help with persuading somebody from Christianity


New member
Jun 11, 2023
Greetings. I do not like to talk a lot about myself, but I am in need of help.

I have been a Theistic/Spiritual Satanist for the past year and a half and ever since I dedicated my life has changed for the better tremendously. I meditate, partake in rituals, started to dabble in magick and witchcraft and I talk to Father Satan and the Gods on almost a daily basis. Through the powers of Satan and His Demons, I have rid myself of all disease, mental issues and attracted only wealth and abundance into my life. In my personal life, I have worked with my recently unlocked powers in obtaining my desired goals in life, one of them being creating art in Father Satan's name that includes contribution of other people and I have found people willing to help me achieve my goals as they have long wanted to partake in this activity as well. I will not mention what it is I'm talking about, since this is public and I know once we begin word will come out of me being a Satanist and that it is unavoidable, I am mentally preparing myself for that and I will most likely delete this thread once my name is broken out to the public. Now, I will address my concerns.

The newest person I've discovered that I'm planning to involve in this project of mine is a Christian. Me and my colleagues (I'll adress to them as that.) agreed that he is the best one to do his job in our project, considering he has what it takes and is an honest and good person. However, something I have not told them is that I know that he will not feel comfortable around me as a Satanist as long as he is part of this hateful ideology and program. I do not know how honest of a Christian he is, but I can simply feel things will not end well for us if we continue working together. Now, out of respect for my colleagues who see the same potential I first saw in him, I have decided not to leave him for being brainwashed, but rather try to enlighten him.

Even though I have been a Satanist for a while, the majority of my journey has consisted of doing research about it, my primary source being Joy of Satan. Ever since summer I have started to work with the Gods directly, for my first pledge and contact I made with them has been in the name of the manifestation of this project I am partaking in. Ever since then they have helped me in various aspects of my life and I work with runes, crystals, chakras, chant mantras, spend every day in power meditation, have partaken in numerous rituals and tried spellcasting in order to attract love, wealth, abundance, health etc... in other words, while I work with magick and the occult, my experience with it directly is extremely basic stuff, and while all of this has proven successful I am still pretty inexperienced for such a big task that I am in need of help in realizing, preferably a High Priest or simply someone with more experience in magickal workings. I plan on persuading the person I work with from christianity using the gifts Father Satan has left for me.

I know this is an extremely big thing to ask, but I know I simply cannot talk him out of it (as no christian can talk me out of my love for Satan, as I have experienced it first hand) and if I stay silent he will start to feel more and more attacked by our project's obvious Satanic/Pagan theme, developing a victim mindset and eventually abandoning us. That is why I humbly ask for someone to help me construct an extremely powerful spell and/or ritual using runes, mantras, kabbalistic squares, RTRs, etc. (that others from this forum may use also) to destroy the influence of Christianity (or other enemy programs) from a specific person. Similar to the white race/black race awakening rituals on the JoS Rituals page, however directed into one specific person (or smaller number or group of people) as I believe projecting all of my energy into the entirety of my race in this case will not do enough for this specific case.

I do not ask of this person to become a Satanist, as the other two colleagues involved are both atheists (although I am making my nature pretty aparent, so they have no problems with it). I believe everybody should keep their beliefs entitled to themselves and I do not condone mine onto anybody else, and I eagerly await the day that all of Humanity (including my two colleagues, sooner or later) will hear Father Satan's call as I have a year and a half ago, and due to this I wish to help complete His work on this world. Therefore, all I'm asking is that all of this person's christian influence is eradicated.

Anybody interested in helping me achieve this, feel free to lay their email address here so I may contact them (or we can just talk here, however considering I do plan on posting a new thread when the ritual is finished it may be risky to post all of our progress on the internet, as enemies lurk in these forums too... however I believe most of you may know what's better than me in this case.) I sincerely thank anyone who is willing to help and I am sending my Satanic blessings to everyone on here. I forever pledge, here and now, to advance further in my spiritual journey.

Thank you sincerely,
Hail Satan.
This is a very complicated operation. And it doesn't work that way.

Being an atheist, it doesn't mean that person is "okay", because being an atheist is at a conscious level, and it doesn't have much "power." It's like when a person smokes but knows it's not okay. He will continue to smoke.

Atheists are affected in the same way as others.

When they find out that your project is connected to Satan, you may have serious problems. You don't have to tell them that you are Satanists.

If it were that easy, converting people in the way you intend to do, at this point everything would be over and the enemy completely destroyed. If all people performed RTR for 40 days, an extraordinary effect would occur and the enemy would immediately collapse.
If you think that spending your time and energy on such matters is important you can direct various RTRs and the three-part final RTR on the individuals you want to help. Other than that, we all have our paths to walk and there is only so much one can do when trying to make major impacts on fate, let alone someone else's fate. Not saying it's impossible but rather improbable.
This is a very complicated operation. And it doesn't work that way.

Being an atheist, it doesn't mean that person is "okay", because being an atheist is at a conscious level, and it doesn't have much "power." It's like when a person smokes but knows it's not okay. He will continue to smoke.

Atheists are affected in the same way as others.

When they find out that your project is connected to Satan, you may have serious problems. You don't have to tell them that you are Satanists.

If it were that easy, converting people in the way you intend to do, at this point everything would be over and the enemy completely destroyed. If all people performed RTR for 40 days, an extraordinary effect would occur and the enemy would immediately collapse.
I am very well aware of that. I have already spoken with one of the two atheists about my Satanic beliefs and lifestyle as is my intention of projecting those beliefs in our project, and he is very okay with it. The other is not directly confronted but the connotation is obviously there, and knowing him as a person and friend I know there won't be any problems. I never said that them being atheists is okay, but I am no abrahamist and I do not interfere in other people's life choices and worldviews. We respect each other as human beings and work together in achieving a certain goal. Whether they like it or not, that is basically how a Satanic community operates.

The christian, on the other hand, is a bit deeper problem. You see, I would even go as far as to say that I don't care about his beliefs either. Like I said, I sometimes feel like a lot of Satanists are hypocritical when they endorse their worldview on those who are without, because we simply know firsthand that our workings with Father Satan are superior in every way to other religions and I do not think we should be bothered by the choices of the masses, as much as they are in the obvious wrong. The problem here is not him being a christian in it of itself - it is him being a christian in a project that will become more and more obvious is driven by Satanic thought the longer he spends his time in it, and it might stir problems.

That is the only reason why I am spending my time on trying to persuade him away from christianity. Something else is, however, included, that being that I truly do consider him a good human being and a good friend, and I really do think he is a soul worth saving from the horrors of abrahamic religion. However, considering I live in an extremely religious and catholic country, I am no stranger to those cases as I myself was raised in a catholic household. I will forever hold my mother, father, grandparents and all ancestors, christian or not, deeply in my heart, and as I will always feel sorry for their spiritual stagnation, I have accepted that I must focus on advancing myself and others who have seen the truth, whilst keeping my loved ones who haven't seen it safe and protected.

This... is not one of those cases, as it can cause problems. I explained all that can be explained above, which is why I wish to partake in this operation to benefit myself, my other two comrades in the project, and the christian himself, in the end, as he will no longer be a slave (at least not to the point of complete spiritual blockage). I will definitely do the RTRs Henu suggested, and I am also thinking of a combination of using the algiz and sowilo runes (since those have worked miraculously for protection for me in the past). I may look into vedic mantras since I have had powerful experiences with them in the past, even before I was a Satanist, however I do not understand sanskrit and the goal is not that clear (like protection, love, wealth, abundance etc...) so finding the perfect mantra in this case may be difficult. If anyone has suggestions, please respond. Thank you!!!
I think it takes a certain patience to talk to someone like that.
With me. I would probably get all worked up with anger or something..
Trying to convert some stubborn XTIAN. Those people are so up in the air mind set/ Brainwashed ! That it would be IMPOSSIBLE!!# and would make me look ridiculous and feel stupid just for tryin. SO I JUST WOULDN'T go there. I would just let people find out on there own.
As a Satanist I wouldn’t give a xtan the opportunity to make money and work on an important project with me, I’d want someone who shares my beliefs to get that chance, maybe put an add out on the forums for what you need and see if someone is suitable to do it.

If this project is Satanic and you care about the work you produce a xtan is totally unsuitable, the energy they bring to it will be garbage, art is energy and vision manifesting in a physical way so they don’t have the abilities required to work on it even if the technical skill is there. If it’s a corporate client that will pay regardless of what you provide then sure work with the guy if you need him to finish it advertisers don’t have great taste so you’ll still get paid.

I would say perhaps give them a chance by explaining your views to him, if this gentleman is a national socialist there is a chance to win him over by explaining the ways in which Satanism is far more compatible with his beliefs then xtanity and hammer home that jebus is just a jewish version of George Floyd.
Instead of binding someone to leave xianity, why not do a working to inspire them to leave? Such as Uruz or Ansuz, affirm that they now feel free to leave xianity permanently, in healthy ways for them.

However, your relative might not leave, as it is ultimately up to their own soul, so perhaps you might just have to understand that and deal with it in other ways, such as closing off your aura when you go to visit, program your aura to not be affected by your relative, and so on.
Maybe this can help

And of course, you can refer to their natal charts in order to possibly see the root of the problem and just understand more about the people you work with . Also, showing ingenuity will help a lot.
Thank you all wholeheartedly for all your answers!!! I will definitely take these into consideration as soon as possible. To answer some of the questions people asked - yes, I definitely will try having a talk with him first and foremost, explaining my worldview and giving him the free will to either stay or leave. On all the spiritual methods you have kindly layed before me - I plan on constructing a magickal ritual to detach a specific person of christianity, with the best of my abilities and knowledge, and I will then share it here for all the people to use. I too agree with the most of you that it is not worthwhile to spend that much time and energy on changing other people's spiritual pathways, but I believe there are exceptions for everything in life and this is one of the situations where both me, the victim and everybody involved will benefit from their parting away from this abhorrent cult of death. Therefore, I will also lay out specific instructions on how, when and why this ritual should be used. That being said, I believe this is the right thing to do.

Thank you all sincerely. You have been of tremendous help, and I wish to repay you soon.

Hail Satan and His Demons, the Ancient Gods.
May we never forget the ones who created us!
Hail Satan.

I'm late to the party, sorry! (I keep finding interesting posts in 'similar threads.') I'm guessing I'm too late but I figured I should post a reply anyway just for information-sake.

I love Thunderlightnings' quote from Lydia! A direct approach probably isn't a good idea; rather, you should indeed try Uruz/Ansuz runes and energy work to help change his trajectory. A path of least resistance is always best when dealing with these kinds of people. I've lived with Christians my entire life and many are so heavily bred into it to a point that it becomes their entire life, thus questioning it can literally be a complete ego death for them and thusly not possible directly. This is also something that can't be done immediately but rather only over-time. If he is young and newer to Xtianity then your chances are better, yet if the opposite is true and he is heavily involved in church or perhaps even minsters at church then I can guarantee that it won't be easy.

Also, meditating on the project itself with white-gold energy (see Meditation for Protection on the JoS site) and reciting a few affirmations can also help.

As a final tip... don't quote me on this as this is theoretical. I would like to hear from other members if this may or may not work.

The JoS protection ritual. I wonder if performing this ritual with the affirmation changed from 'JoS' to 'name-of-project' would be effective. Any thoughts anyone?

Link here: https://satanslibrary.org/JOS_Protection.html

I hope that it goes (or has gone) well, or at the least as best as it could have.
I'm late to the party, sorry! (I keep finding interesting posts in 'similar threads.') I'm guessing I'm too late but I figured I should post a reply anyway just for information-sake.

I love Thunderlightnings' quote from Lydia! A direct approach probably isn't a good idea; rather, you should indeed try Uruz/Ansuz runes and energy work to help change his trajectory. A path of least resistance is always best when dealing with these kinds of people. I've lived with Christians my entire life and many are so heavily bred into it to a point that it becomes their entire life, thus questioning it can literally be a complete ego death for them and thusly not possible directly. This is also something that can't be done immediately but rather only over-time. If he is young and newer to Xtianity then your chances are better, yet if the opposite is true and he is heavily involved in church or perhaps even minsters at church then I can guarantee that it won't be easy.

Also, meditating on the project itself with white-gold energy (see Meditation for Protection on the JoS site) and reciting a few affirmations can also help.

As a final tip... don't quote me on this as this is theoretical. I would like to hear from other members if this may or may not work.

The JoS protection ritual. I wonder if performing this ritual with the affirmation changed from 'JoS' to 'name-of-project' would be effective. Any thoughts anyone?

Link here: https://satanslibrary.org/JOS_Protection.html

I hope that it goes (or has gone) well, or at the least as best as it could have.
Seems like an interesting angle to apply a reflective aura of protection on your project also known as your effort instead of some person or item. It could work.
You may be right. I'll definitely do it, see what works best. A spell has already been cast, I'll lay down a ritual some time soon.
This plan of yours is so stupid, you think you are the only one who wanted to do this, to help others they know to get in the SS? If he/she, all by himself/herself is not capable to see the greatness of SS and the higher possibility that it gives, then it's a waste of time, we don't convert others we welcome who wants to come here it's all up to them to make a choice, some are ready, some are not ready yet and some will never accept us or come here, why? because they are too broken to become better. I asked someone i knew before to come in SS, was he able to come here? Even if he knew some spiritual stufs, no, he wasn't able, even with psychic ability he wasn't able (he has inborn psychic ability). And even someone i didn't personally knew who had the 6th sense didn't had interest in SS, maybe not now but most people don't come here, and in any case not all of them deserve it, as you can see for now only few deserve it.
This plan of yours is so stupid, you think you are the only one who wanted to do this, to help others they know to get in the SS? If he/she, all by himself/herself is not capable to see the greatness of SS and the higher possibility that it gives, then it's a waste of time, we don't convert others we welcome who wants to come here it's all up to them to make a choice, some are ready, some are not ready yet and some will never accept us or come here, why? because they are too broken to become better. I asked someone i knew before to come in SS, was he able to come here? Even if he knew some spiritual stufs, no, he wasn't able, even with psychic ability he wasn't able (he has inborn psychic ability). And even someone i didn't personally knew who had the 6th sense didn't had interest in SS, maybe not now but most people don't come here, and in any case not all of them deserve it, as you can see for now only few deserve it.
My interest is not to "convert" him, nor guide him to become a Satanist himself. In my life I have gained a Spiritual Satanist friend who became one through me, completely by her own choice, and I find that more than enough. And I agree with what you said. My only interest is to free him from the chains of judeo-christianity, and as I stated above, I am WELL AWARE that it is not my place to intertwine with his path, and it is ultimately his choice to leave christianity if he shall desire to do so. But knowing how much of an influence we as individuals can have on the world around us, and considering me and the fellow are together in this very satanic life-task, I believe I can direct the energies into guiding him towards freedom.

Thing is, I can already sense the jewish energies leaving this person, as he is becoming more individualistic as we speak, in some good and some bad ways... once again it must be his choice, but I have obviously done something...
I may share the ritual I have once I perform it in full force. Just so I can confirm its power.

Best regards, Hail Satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
