AskSatanOperator said:
You guys say Satanism originated in the far east and has connections to Hinduism, forgive me but to me Hinduism seems like a jumbled pile of traditions thousands of gods and strange concepts, how does Hinduism and Satanism connect? And what part of Hinduism is allegory and what is worth knowing I'm not about to read all the vedas or the upanishads
Addressing the "jumbled pile of traditions of gods and strange concepts" - this is because there is no such thing as "one God fits all bullshit" as Christians and other enemy programs preach, and all mainstream understandings of SAtan and Satanism is infested with enemy garbage, like the Halloween monster bullshit, dark and scary spooky shit. If one actually reads the Bible, it would make a PERFECT horror movie hypocritically. Being a former Christian, I too, used to think that Paganism as "alien and evil", but it all makes sense once you read in-depth of how the enemy infilitrated Pagan societies and destroyed them from within.
The knowledge of existence of many Gods/Goddesses for certain issue and "strange concepts" isn't just in Hinduism, but also Taoism, Shintoism, Early Buddhism, Greco-Roman and Nordic religion and etc., however many stories interpreted as "Gods going to war against one another" were all allegorical and describing energies. You'll also come to notice hos the pantheons of one civilization seem nearly identical to another in their roles, properties and specialities and etc, even to the furthest of non-related races like the Chinese and the Greeks.
Also realize that the Gods of all ancient Gentile religions were/are our Demons. Shiva is Satan for example.
Now the "Hinduism" of today isn't the same original Vedic religion that the people of South Asia followed. Yes, it has it's origin in Vedic religion, but its followers today have taken some concepts literally, and engage in some harmful and corrupted practices - namely slavish worship. The same can be said of all "neo-Pagan" religions. We normally prefer the term "Vedic" over "Hindu".
In China, they have many so-called "societies" that claim to worship and honor the Gods, but come to think about it - China wouldn't be communist if they actually were being contacted by the real Gods, and not enemy imposters as had been done with the Aztecs. Same with Hinduism and India, India wouldn't have been plunged into poverty and corruption if the "Hindus" of today were truly following Vedic religion.
As for many "differing traditions" - different cultures just have a tendency to naturally adopt spirituality to their own culture, no different than the many variations of Christianity that exist (GErmanic Lutheranism, Latin Catholicism, Greek/Slavic Orthodox and etc.,) while being aware of a common spiritual origin/goal (a common enemy goal in the case of Christianity).
Shintoism for example, didn't originate from Japan, but from China, and its original name was "Shen-Daoism" but has been Japonized. Balinese Hinduism too, isn't going to be the same as South Asian Hinduism and etc.
Also do understand that the term "Satan" has existed LONG before whatever Judeo-Christian shmo definition existed, namely in the terms "Satya" (Truth) and "Satanama". There "Satan" in reality means "Truth", until the Judeo-Christians fucked it up and distorted its meaning to mean "enemy"....well yeah, "enemy of OUR enemy".