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  1. F

    Having Saturn Retrograde in 4th house Aries

    These things are not so set in stone. People with retrograde chart rulers are sometimes considered "late bloomers" because they are kinda retracted, have trouble being "out there" and it takes some time for them to learn how to deal with this in a good way. The issue with this person you...
  2. F


    It's been quite some time since I've posted something here, but since this is a very interesting topic, there's something I'd like to share about Palmistry as well. I've studied the books that HP Shannon mentioned some years back and for a long time they were my only source of (mostly)...
  3. F

    Magia para acabar com espinhas!

     Acredito que isso se encaixaria num trabalho de cura. Usando energia verde de cura, circule a energia por todo o seu corpo enquanto afirma que está tudo definitivamente normal e saudável no seu sistema várias vezes por dia, em múltiplos de 2 ou 6. Trabalhos de cura normalmente...
  4. F

    Spiritual Blockages

    Thank you for your advice. I've been vibrating that mantra for a few days already, so I guess I'll just keep doing that.
  5. F

    Spiritual Blockages

    The title is self-explanatory and it seems to be exactly what I've been going through. I really need some advice but for that I need to give some background information for clarity, it's long but I hope someone will be able to help me: My main element is Water. My astrological chart has a...
  6. F

    My Chart & Current Situation

    Well, I could say for sure that new beginnings are in order just by the progressed New Moon (I've been thinking about writing a small article about progressed moon phases these days, this seems right about time) but there are so many other things converging to that, not to mention all this...
  7. F

    "Some of" the Numerology of 9/11

    Lots of interesting info there. Whenever I think about the "coincidences" that happen around important events, their numerology and astrology, I wonder how exactly do people plan that. Seems like an absurd amount of information for just a handful of people to plan and for everything to happen...
  8. F


    Well, I guess I should have said that in a private message haha... Sorry for putting my finger on this. Mercury trine Pluto, I do this all too easily. From what I've seen of those Renegade folks, you're really better off without them at this point. The content of your shows cover what's really...
  9. F

    Israel to pay students to defend it online

    Wow hahahahahahahahahaha That's really great. Right in his face.
  10. F


    Speaking of which, I (kinda) accidentally found your radio show a few days ago and I must say it's pretty neat! Kudos on the show and keep it going.
  11. F

    Maybe a silly question

    1. Nope. Things don't work like that. He can show you ways and there are certain demons who can help you with that but you'll still have to go after it yourself. 2. Many dedicated satanists do that as they really don't have any other choice. It's not a problem as far as Satan/Satanism is...
  12. F

    Israel to pay students to defend it online

    Kind of old news, but totally expected at this point. We'd better prepare to see a whole lot more of spies and intruders, not only here but everywhere on the internet. This has always happened, but now it's official cyber warfare. It seems they really are desperate watching the truth escape...
  13. F

    Israel to pay students to defend it online

    Kind of old news, but totally expected at this point. We'd better prepare to see a whole lot more of spies and intruders, not only here but everywhere on the internet. This has always happened, but now it's official cyber warfare. It seems they really are desperate watching the truth escape...
  14. F

    How to find find my saturn?

    When you were born, Saturn was standing at a specific point in space, which in your case would be 10 degrees of Capricorn. In the birth chart, the sky and the planet's positions are all taken in relation to the constellations of the zodiac. There are 12 zodiac signs for a 360 degree circle...
  15. F

    Moon conjuct Pluto is self-destructive?

    I have quite a few personal stories about hard Moon-Pluto aspects and lack/excess of an element. My mother died when I was three from a sudden heart attack (or something, her death was not really investigated). Literally, one day she was there and in the next she was not. I went to live with...
  16. F

    O Brasil como pais sem raca e as implicacoes para o futuro

    Sei que nem todos aqui são brasileiros, mas os questionamentos que farei servem de incentivo a um pensamento mais aprofundado sobre as terras colonizadas da América Latina, bem como, acredito eu, de todo o mundo. (Com a exceção óbvia dos EUA e Canadá, uma vez que são países legitimamente...
  17. F

    Respostas aos topicos

    http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joyo ... ics/107454 Não só você, como eu e vários outros membros também querem essa mudança. Por algum motivo (que não consigo compreender), há muita resistência.
  18. F


    Those are some extremely intense transits and progressions. I can't even imagine how a hard Pluto transit really hits, despite having strong natal aspects to Pluto.  My first hard Pluto transit is arriving though, as it slowly begins to square my Aries Sun. Not only that, I will have Uranus...
  19. F

    Respostas aos topicos

    Há muito tempo tenho tentado postar aqui e minhas mensagens simplesmente não aparecem nos tópicos. Realmente não tinha visto que é possível mudar o destinatário, espero que resolva o problema. Nos outros grupos tenho o mesmo problema, em que algumas das minhas mensagens somem, nunca são...
  20. F

    Yahoo! problems? Why not switch to something else?

    The Yahoo Groups don't work as they are, with the new layout or not, as there have always been bugs everywhere. I myself have experienced many of my replies never even showing on the groups, because it simply does not work. I don't see how leaving for something better is admitting defeat. I...
  21. F


    Well, this is way out of topic lol, but I have to disagree. Though I agree that a degree that was never used does not make a career, the career is a much broader concept than just having a job, or even having a job and being compensated for it. Rather, the career is a path one follows in life...
  22. F


    I really haven't studied enough of mundane astrology and countries' charts to give explanations, but I do feel that, in the case of the Declaration of Independence, it really takes the role of birth rather than conception. Just like an intercourse (reflected in the pre-natal epoch chart), the...
  23. F


    I believe that when dealing with countries, the time of signing of the first document declaring the existence of the country (like an individual) is what counts as the "birth" of the country. The same could be said for marriages and other contracts. Conception, in this case, happens on the mind...
  24. F


    I used the Declaration of Independence with the 2:13 AM time since that's what Maxine recently mentioned she uses for her predictions in a sermon from the JoS Newsletter. Here's the excerpt, and it really does seem accurate: "In the year 2020-2021, the USA solar return has a Mars/Saturn...
  25. F

    Yahoo! problems? Why not switch to something else?

    Yahoo, I'm 100% sure, is not the safest place for the groups to stay and with this new system it has become practically unusable. Yahoo Groups (and similar public services) is frowned upon by the internet as whole because not only it has terrible design and usability, it's completely unsecure...
  26. F


    I'm not experienced in mundane astrology, but the USA will indeed have an exact Sun-Pluto opposition in next year's solar return. Not only a simple opposition, there will be in fact a grand cross (two oppositions connected with squares) between Sun, Pluto, Mars and Uranus. Though not exact, I...
  27. F

    Premature birth

    There's really very little information on that matter. I believe (this is a personal theory that may only work in my head) that the astrological scenario for a given point in time and space binds the soul to the body. The soul that best synchronizes with this energetic scenario will be born in...
  28. F

    Suma-Sacerdotisa Pandora Arcana

    Lembro que alguns anos atrás havia um grupo do JoS oficialmente brasileiro e que este era moderado pela Suma-Sacerdotisa Pandora Arcana, também brasileira. No entanto (literalmente de um dia para o outro) o grupo sumiu, bem como a Pandora. Desde então tenho me perguntado o que pode ter...
  29. F

    Neptune Square?????????????????????????????

    The Outer Planets' energies are overwhelming by nature, you do not want to "make them stronger". This is especially true for Neptune, the planet of self-undoing. What one should do with them is ATTUNE to their energies, and use them for one's benefit, so that they don't run unchecked. For...
  30. F

    Retrograde Planets

    Pisces rules your 4th house, only Capricorn and Aquarius have influence over your 3rd house. Saturn is strong in your chart, and in Pisces it weakens your 3rd house, so that's definitely a big part of the problem. If Saturn squares your ascendant, then the case is pretty much solved. I...
  31. F

    Retrograde Planets

    Well, everything indicates it is. Not only the signs are intercepted, but Mercury as well, since it's in Aquarius. Mercury is exalted in Aquarius, but it is known to cause disruptive thought patterns and early schooling situations. Traditional learning processes usually don't work in this case...
  32. F

    Lunar perigee (also known as "black moon", "oscular Lilith" on astro

    Thanks for sharing this, I really had not seen any good descriptions or analyses for the Black Moon, but these seem on point. Very interesting insights, both from your post and the website. Explains and strengthens themes already strongly represented in my chart.
  33. F

    I just found out, my mom has a yod?!?!

    You're not stupid for not knowing that, but a simple one-word Google search would answer your question. That's so common around the JoS groups that I have to say, for all of you who do things like this: do yourselves a favor and try to find some info by yourselves before asking and spurting...
  34. F

    I just found out, my mom has a yod?!?!

    The Yod is an uncommon but relatively abundant combination. Many people have it, and their "purpose" can be many things, most of them are unrelated to Spiritual Satanism. The planet at the tip of the Yod is where the energies will focus and is the direction the person will inevitably follow...
  35. F

    Understanding the Signs through real world examples [short videos/mu

    I haven't watched the movie but that was certainly very Pluto-Saturn, even the name. Add a pinch of 12th house and we're done. I was listening to this the other day and realized it sounded extremely Mars-Saturn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZ94E6oqvrE Well, she should know. She has...
  36. F


    Like all the outer planets, Saturn affects the personal planets more directly. All transiting aspects of Saturn have the potential to be negative, even the trine and sextile, though that's not always the case and depends on other aspects. As Maxine said, the worst happens when Saturn aspects...
  37. F

    Progressed charts and Combustion

    Progressed charts are used for prediction. They only work through combining the progressed positions and the natal positions, the progressed chart by itself can only inform so much. Combustion isn't that bad, usually conjunctions to the Sun are relatively good, but because they are combust...
  38. F

    13th Zodiac sign?

    Serpentarius, or Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer. It's not used in astrology because the 12 sign Zodiac stands for a whole meaning, a very tight system that has to do with time (seasons, months) and the energies ruling our lives, which is not exactly related to the constelations of the ecliptic...
  39. F

    Retrograde Planets

    Depends on your 3rd house in general, not only Mercury. I'm fairly sure, with the information you've given, Mercury and Mars are not the cause. Saturn in the 3rd house, Saturn in Gemini, challenging aspects to Mercury or Jupiter can cause trouble in learning. Some astrologers believe that...
  40. F

    Retrograde Planets

    Virgo doesn't deal much with learning as Gemini does. Mars gives energy and in Virgo it focuses on work and health. The only issues you could have with Mars retrograde there (and probably only because it's so prominent) are health related. Planets in signs don't affect their rulers unless, of...
  41. F

    A question about nodes.

    Location doesn't change the Node position. The Nodes move very slowly through the year, the only thing that can change with location is their house position. If you have the NN marked at Capricorn, then believe it, it's really there. It would take many years for the nodes to reach...
  42. F

    Neptune in retrograde

    Retrograde motion doesn't reverse the planet's common meanings. Retrograde planets usually mean that their energies will be turned inwards, i.e. they will be felt more internally than externally. Retrograde outer planets are very rarely noticed at all, unless they are chart rulers or conjunct...
  43. F


    Tínhamos um grupo brasileiro, e uma Sacerdotiza brasileira também, mas ele foi fechado há alguns anos, infelizmente. Sei como é difícil ter acesso a essas informações em português, mas nesse caso não há muito o que fazer, senão tentar aprender o idioma e procurar brasileiros que saibam mais...
  44. F

    the natal chart

    It actually falls within the last sentence: it's all potential. I'm pretty sure Hitler wasn't the only person born that day in the same place or nearby, yet we heard nothing about those other people. There are levels of expression for each chart. To see what will really come out of...
  45. F

    the natal chart

    This is my theory, as I don't believe that anything is really random in Astrology or the Occult: The nature of the soul is to grow in power and evolve. We reincarnate in the most opportune moment, when the planets are in all the right places for we to evolve. It's not that our souls can...
  46. F

    how to input natal charts in "match-making"?

    Synastry isn't that simple. There are many layers of compatibility between charts, and a relationship often needs a strong combination of that to work out. The Ascendant is obviously important, because it's a huge part of personality, but in relationships what you seek is the opposite sign...
  47. F

    Regarding Tarot Cards

    They can. The future is predictable through many means, and the Tarot is one of them. It doesn't work with everybody, though. You need practice and skill to discern what's your influence on the cards and what's reality. Some people just can't disconnect their energies from the cards and keep...
  48. F

    So how would you interpret fixed stars?

    No, I'm not haha. Maxine and I guess a few other high priests moderate the group. I'm just very enthusiastic about astrology and sharing what I know. I've started on astrology around four years ago, kinda got addicted to studying everything and still haven't stopped.
  49. F

    Pluto and Mars in Scorpio

    Power doesn't come from nowhere. If you are born gifted at certain aspects of magick or can easily deal with energies etc, it's extremely likely that you've done this before in another life. There are ways to tap into past life knowledge, you can end up finding out that you are more powerful...
  50. F

    So how would you interpret fixed stars?

    Oppositions aren't as important/evident as conjunctions, which is the main reason why I only use almost-exact conjunctions. Keeps things simple and more accurate. Besides, Pluto is a very slow planet. The general rule with these things is that the slower the planet is, the weaker the effects...
  51. F

    So how would you interpret fixed stars?

    Well, yes, as I said the interpretations are too fatalistic and shouldn't be taken literally most of the times. When something is really bad, there usually are other supporting aspects in the chart that can lead to that. About 22 Degrees of the signs: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoS_Astro...
  52. F

    So how would you interpret fixed stars?

    Soft aspects aren't considered because they are weaker, passive in nature, even the major ones (trine and sextile). Conjunctions and Oppositions are very compelling forces and are almost always visible. I personally only count 1-1/2 degree conjunctions to fixed stars. There aren't guidelines...
  53. F

    The Future is Shaping Up

    I understand the sentiment, and it's important to keep the morale up, however it was only a warning. We will win, but we have not yet won. Until we reach victory, the danger is very real and the world is still controlled by them and for all that's worth, we're doomed. There's no half-victory or...
  54. F

    The Future is Shaping Up

    Glad you found it useful, because that's really where things are going from what I can see. I honestly feel that christianity is a minor problem compared to the jews themselves and the power they have globally. Satanists should really focus on them, who are the source of all problems, including...
  55. F

    Gods and Humans

    Well, they obviously have had thousands, if not millions of years more than us to develop their culture, science and wisdom not to mention their bodies and minds. So in this sense, yes, they are better. They existed much before humans, and one can only imagine how it must be like to live for...
  56. F

    The Future is Shaping Up

    I've been following the news (especially tech/science news) very closely these past months, and after doing a little research I could see some very clear patterns in the way things are going, and it concerns me. Before anything, I would just like to state that these are my thoughts on this...
  57. F

    Gods and Humans

    We are not the same race as the gods, as far as I'm informed. We have their DNA, but not entirely, as they mixed their own genetic code with the prehistoric (Cro-Magnon) humans. That gave us superior intelligence and the ability to reach their state of perfection (though not completely, and...
  58. F

    Time To Wake Up

    Even though I'm not american, frustration for being homosexual these days is something I need to deal with pretty much daily, as this issue is world large. Christians can babble all they want for all I care, and I may be extremely selfish for saying this, but I don't feel sorry anymore for...
  59. F

    The Future is Shaping Up

    I've been following the news (especially tech/science news) very closely these past months, and after doing a little research I could see some very clear patterns in the way things are going, and it concerns me. Before anything, I would just like to state that these are my thoughts on this...
  60. F

    Understanding the Signs through real world examples [short videos/mu

    It's really good to try and read other people's charts, you learn a huge lot doing that. Saturn: a lot is said about it, and there's a lot of conflicting information about it, but I personally say it's a "necessary" evil. Necessary in the sense that it puts people and things in their places...
  61. F

    Understanding the Signs through real world examples [short videos/mu

    That conjunction is interesting because the last time it happened was so long ago that only time can tell how exactly it will act out in each person. A Uranus-Neptune conjunction is something really big, as is any major aspect between the outer planets, especially when they are both sextile...
  62. F

    Understanding the Signs through real world examples [short videos/mu

    I have a very strong emphasis in Pisces, which explains the extremely strong effect music has over me. I live of music, haha. My Uranus is conjunct Neptune in the 8th house, both squaring my Aries Sun. All this confers a very strong interest in the occult, and astrology as well, but then I...
  63. F

    Understanding the Signs through real world examples [short videos/mu

    It was a big leap on my understanding about the signs and planets and how they interact when I started linking them with things I saw/read/listened. It really helped give some honest, real background to what I read in astrology books, besides being fun. Astrological influence is everywhere...
  64. F

    Hello, all

    I understand your position in all this, but if I could give you an advice, it would be to break your mental prisons as soon as possible when dealing with Satanism. Unfortunately, on JoS the only proof of anything that we can give is that Christianity is false and that the Jews are the enemies...
  65. F

    Hello, all

    First of all, welcome to the group. Satanism can be confusing at first because there are so many people saying so many different things, but soon you'll learn how to filter information and judge for yourself. Don't really take what anyone says, even in the groups, that seriously. The High...
  66. F

    Identical Twins with Identical Charts

    Congratulations on your twins! Aries I suppose? I myself don't know how exactly it would work to differentiate their charts or discover hidden differences between them (some astrologers do), but one thing for sure will be different: their names. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoS_Astro ...
  67. F

    question about reading birth chart

    I don't know if I understood... She gave all the info there. In a chart, the visual indication of a planet within a sign is given by its symbol. If a planet is in a sign, it just is, there's nothing related to its house position. If she was born roughly between january 20 and february 20, the...
  68. F

    The Power of Letters and Numbers

    I unfortunately haven't found any reliable source of information on Chaldean numerology, which is why I didn't give much depth to it in the text. I'll be doing more research though, and if I find anything, I'll be sure to post here. Nevertheless, since they apparently used an entirely...
  69. F

    The Power of Letters and Numbers

    Thank you very much for posting this. These links add a whole other level to the symbolism of the numbers and their relationship, and stays very close to the truth of things, despite the authors' connections to jews and jew sympathizers. Numerology usually works with more practical aspects of...
  70. F

    22 Degrees

    From a quick search on the net about that, Maxine seems to be the sole astrologer suggesting that 22 degrees is bad. Incidentally, there are way too many sites copying her degrees page without changing a single word. Some claim that only 22 degress of fixed signs are bad and that this comes from...
  71. F

    The Power of Letters and Numbers

    Following the basic rules presented, similarly to astrology, data is required to check someone's attributes, and in this case everything that's needed is the birth date and full name as written in official documents. There are many attributes to extract from this data, but the most important...
  72. F

    The Power of Letters and Numbers

    I'm sorry if this is out of place, what I'm presenting here is not related directly to astrology per se, but it's very important and I've wanted to share this for quite some time already. Please let me know what you think of this, and if I should go further into it. It's a well known fact...
  73. F

    Re: Rahu and Ketu [North & South Nodes]

    North Node conjunct the SR ascendant can bring many developments. This pretty much confirms the big changes predicted by your transiting Uranus you mentioned the other day. Often the Solar Returns prepare the ground for what's to come. The events may begin while they're active, but the...
  74. F

    Satan and the Gods Are Our Teachers?

    I believe there are more answers to your questions than you might imagine. A few: 1. The gods aren't always available. 2. People usually can't contact them right away, they need to develop astral hearing/sight. 3. Gods offer guidance, but other's peoples advices are good as well. We seek...
  75. F

    Re: Uranus Transits?

    Transit refers to the movement of the planets in the sky at a given moment. For example, Uranus is transiting Aries right now, so everyone with planets in Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn will be directly affected because Uranus will aspect these planets. Any natal planet in a sign which...
  76. F

    Re: Uranus Transits?

    Uranus like all the outer planets brings big changes, but because it's Uranus, the changes are sudden, unexpected, and lead to unknown situations. Are Jupiter and the Sun conjunct or are they opposite? This can change the overall picture a lot, but in any case I would say your view of the...
  77. F

    SV: [JoS_Astrology] Re: "Owning" your planets (LONG BUT IMPORTANT)

    By what little I know about my past lives, you're entirely correct. I have been told that my soul is very old, that I lived during the times of the original religions and also that I was prosecuted, tortured and killed at least once by the enemy. It sure brings suffering, but the feeling I...
  78. F

    Re: Fixed stars calculator

    Very nice tool, kudos! Maxine should link this to her fixed stars and degrees page. It would be nice to have the angles as well, these are very important points in conjunction with the stars.
  79. F

    SV: [JoS_Astrology] Re: "Owning" your planets (LONG BUT IMPORTANT)

    I have done some extensive studying but I honestly feel that my knowledge is still very limited, especially since I haven't had enough direct experience with it. I know quite a lot about what I have in my chart, of course, because I experience it every day. But I'm always very glad to share...
  80. F

    "Owning" your planets (LONG BUT IMPORTANT)

    To put it simply, just as tjs4satan said, it's like you're cut off from the spiritual world. This can get worse if Saturn is in a spiritual house, like the 8th, 9th or the 12th, but the feeling is generally the same. You *can* advance spiritually with Saturn in Pisces, it will just take more...
  81. F

    "Owning" your planets (LONG BUT IMPORTANT)

    Well, there may be other ways of interpreting Saturn in Pisces, but I need to be totally honest with someone who also has it: by itself, it's very bad. Of course, Saturn is bad for everyone, but there are very good reasons why Pisces is the sign of defeat, the 12th house is the house of ruin...
  82. F

    "Owning" your planets (LONG BUT IMPORTANT)

    Was that for me? I didn't even understand what he said tbh. I've seen you posting nonsense for a long time here, tappozumaki. I don't know if you think this is funny or if this is just you being yourself but in any case that doesn't prove your point, much less makes for a good discussion...
  83. F

    A few questions

    1. Depends greatly on other factors, but only if they are conjunct it should be a problem. 2. The answer is not simple, especially in this case, but I have heard a theory about people with an overemphasis in a certain sign or element that made me change how I look upon this. *Some* people (I...
  84. F

    "Owning" your planets (LONG BUT IMPORTANT)

    I did the square of Saturn twice while it was in Libra, a couple of years ago, right when it was opposing my Sun. The results were... debatable. I was hoping that it would give me focus and endurance for what was to come and to achieve what I wanted during that year. I don't know if I somehow...
  85. F

    "Owning" your planets (LONG BUT IMPORTANT)

    Vedic astrology has its good points, but I find it way too fatalistic by itself. I remember Maxine and other HPs mentioning it was corrupted through the ages, much more so than western astrology. From what I've seen, peoples' restrictions and possibilities based on their internal/external...
  86. F

    "Owning" your planets (LONG BUT IMPORTANT)

    You're correct. Saturn rules these very aspects of physicality you mentioned, and no wonder it also rules the base chakra, the foundation. The point is, no matter how attuned you are to it, it will still be restrictive because that's its nature. It restricts, creates boundaries and imposes...
  87. F

    "Owning" your planets (LONG BUT IMPORTANT)

    The message you conveyed is true, and I subscribe to it, but it's not that simple, especially with Saturn. I may be completely missing the point, but I think it's worth sharing what I think: The planets' functions within the framework of a being present themselves in many levels, the most...
  88. F

    Planet houses?

    You may have noticed that your chart is a circle divided in 12 sections, with the zodiac wheel around it (this is standard for natal charts). Each of these sections is a house, and they begin in the ascendant, which is the left part of the line cutting your chart horizontally, right in the...
  89. F

    Re: Orbs for houses

    It's very common for astrologers to consider a planet as part of the next house when it's close to its cusp. 2 or 3 degrees is about the perfect orb for that and, as you can see, it really does make sense. It works just like a planet conjunct any one of the angles (which are house cusps, albeit...
  90. F

    star positions in the chart?

    Some softwares generate lists of Planet/Point-Fixed Star conjunctions, but check this: http://www.constellationsofwords.com/st ... _order.htm A list of stars in longitude order (zodiacal degrees), you can check which planets or points in your chart fall in the same degree of a star. Some...
  91. F

    The Jewish Feeling

    This is mostly an account of something that has happened ever since I dedicated, some 5 years ago. My dedication was nothing as extraordinary as many people seem to experience, probably because of my own spiritual obstructions, but since that day I've started noticing many things differently...
  92. F

    kabalistic square for the outer planets

    With the squares, we do not influence the planets, we influence their energies upon us. The thing is: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto's energies are general, they work in a higher realm, that of events, trends, underlying motives for a big number of people and only affect us directly if they're...
  93. F

    Sun Signs/ Cusp Signs

    This can be true, but mostly with the personal planets. Some astrologers believe that the sign's characteristics vary in intensity along its extension. The first 10 degrees of a sign are the strongest, anything within these degrees will express the qualities of the sign most strongly, and...
  94. F

    connection between strong planets and deceases?

    The balance of the elements in the chart can indicate weaknesess and/or predispositions to certain illnesses, but the planets and signs themselves rule specific parts of the body and related diseases. For instance, an air emphasis might bring problems in the nervous system; with fire, there...
  95. F

    One day for a year?

    As explained in the last post by Sss D., one day for a year is another way of saying "secondary progression". The planets progress as you age and their progression is based on their daily motion after you are born. This progression, along with the birth chart, can be used to foretell events...
  96. F

    day for year ephemeris

    The year you were born, one day after the birthday per year of life.
  97. F

    Moon's Nodes in Solar Returns

    I don't have much knowledge on that, but according to Celeste Teal's book on lunar nodes, they can be analyzed the same way they are in the natal chart, but their influence lasts only for the one year period covered by the return chart. The author comments that prominently placed nodes in the...
  98. F

    Why does Saturn always win?

    Oh, but I know that, I don't see the point of suffering at all. I sincerely got the best out of this, but it won't happen again. I'll be working to avoid Saturn's issues in the future. I just wanted to show that Saturn is very efficient in having its way, answering the question in topic "why...
  99. F

    Why does Saturn always win?

    That's the funny part of Saturn. I hate the whole prospect of going to college, spending a lot of my time learning some things what I will probably disagree with and having to put up with all kinds of unwanted people. Yet I feel it in my gut that I need that to do something of my life, Saturn...
  100. F

    Saturn (capricorn) in the first house

    You need to watch your transit chart and an ephemeris. Ephemeris are tables that show the position of the planets in a given time. Saturn transits are long, thus fairly easy to keep track. For instance, Saturn has just entered the sign of Scorpio and will stay there for 2 years and some...
  101. F

    Re: T-Saturn Conjunct N-Mars?

    All by itself, increased self-confidence doesn't sound like Saturn conjunct Mars... quite the contrary in fact, by hindering the drive to do things (or actively hindering your energies in general), this should be a low self-confidence, somewhat lethargic period in which you will have to fight...
  102. F

    venus retrograde

    With the majority of planets in the lower part of the chart you do have a stronger introspective nature, the constrast is understandable. However, Mars does counterbalance that, so it's possible that, when in a situation where assertion is necessary, you won't fail even being so introspective...
  103. F

    intercepted sign and other questions

    1. An intercepted sign is a sign that's completely inside a house, not a cusp. It happens when some houses are bigger than 30 degrees, and others are much smaller. As a consequence, a chart with intercepted signs will also have "double" signs, which are signs that emcompass two house cusps at...
  104. F

    venus retrograde

    It really depends on the house positions and other aspects. Having Venus conjunct the Sun is very good all by itself and should help at that. Do you have more retrograde planets? Which houses do your retrograde planets rule? Is Saturn in the 5th or 7th house? If Venus rules any of the...
  105. F

    I have some questions about my birth chart

    There are many positives. Neptune rules high art, music, fantasy, imagination; compared to Venus who creates common art, Neptune's creations are superior, they appeal not only to the senses but emotions and all kinds of energies. Neptune, as well as Jupiter (your co-ruler), rule idealism, they...
  106. F

    do you think sagittarius are tricksters, pranksters, or liars?

    Well, the Gemini-Sagittarius axis is known for this, but lying and tricking are more common with Gemini than Sagittarius. I guess Gemini does it as part of its own nature and Sagittarius tends to do it for fun, though Gemini does seem to enjoy this as well. All mutable signs, however, will...
  107. F

    sexual problem; do i deny myself? look at my chart 0_o

    Jupiter conjunct Pluto, squaring Mars and Saturn can be a big problem. Anyone with Mars-Pluto squares NEED to practice self-control, it's too much explosive energy together, especially with Jupiter. Jupiter exaggerates, and your Sagittarius Sun/ASC doesn't help at that. Lickily Saturn should...
  108. F

    sexual problem; do i deny myself? look at my chart 0_o

    I wouldn't say you're denying yourself, but only controlling self-destructive impulses which are common with Scorpio, Pisces and Aries combined. Self-destructive tendencies are a constant problem to anyone with Saturn in Pisces, which I also have, but by no means should this be let run...
  109. F

    solar return question

    In addition, you return's Midheaven is 0 degrees Virgo. Zero degrees of any mutable sign in prediction means beginnings that are likely to change or will not last. Important, strong (sometimes sudden) beginnings are given by 0 degrees of cardinal signs, and permanent beginnings by the fixed...
  110. F

    Question. :)

    When a planet conjuncts itself in the natal chart (in your case, both the Sun and the Moon), their energies itensify for a period and everything they rule also gets stronger. I don't know the spiritual implications of that per se, if not, obviously, the Moon (consequently, the 6th chakra) being...
  111. F

    do people with Venus in Pisces have foot-fetishes?

    I don't think it's common but Pisces does rule the feet so I guess it's possible. Venus in Scorpio is generally kinky, the aspect probably acted as a trigger.
  112. F

    A Void Course of Moon

    There are Moon calendars on the internet. You can check your birth date and hour to see if the Moon was void of course then. http://www.lunarium.co.uk/calendar/universal.jsp They give a very good calendar on this site.
  113. F

    Natal Chart

    Yes, basically. Though your soul is the same, the personality changes every lifetime. We do carry, however, energy and memories from past lives in our souls. Some inborn abilities, fears and desires are actually past life memories. We are different yet the same. In astrology, the Lunar Nodes...
  114. F

    Natal Chart

    If you're having a problem with terms, then you might want a glossary: http://www.astrologycom.com/glossary.html Hope that helps.
  115. F

    relationships question

    Venus has more to do with what kind of people you're attracted to, rather than the partner him/herself, but there's obviously a correlation since you would normally be attracted (physically or otherwise) to your partner. The nature of the life/marriage partner is better indicated by the sign...
  116. F

    Chart Reading Game

    In the books, astrologers have always used clients' charts to teach analysis and techniques. Of course, all charts are anonymous and people usually agree with that beforehand, which is one of the reasons why everyone must apply before sending the charts. This isn't just for those who want to...
  117. F

    Chart Reading Game

    The game's email address is chartreading.game AT yahoo.com Yahoo Groups apparently can't show full email addresses on the messages.
  118. F

    Chart Reading Game

    This group has been pretty idle lately, and as I always find myself with lots of free time at the end of the year, I tried to come up with a way to learn more, improve my chart reading skills while helping others and increasing group activity as well. I don't know if something similar has been...
  119. F

    what exactly do vertex(s) do?

    It is said that the Vertex and Anti-Vertex work as the other angles in the chart. Any planet or point tightly aspecting or, more importantly, conjunct the Vertex assumes special importance on the chart and the life of the native. The Vertex has to do with fate, like the Lunar Nodes, but...
  120. F

    Vedic vs Western - Important.

    I was misunderstood twice. I don't think the sidereal zodiac provides accurate descriptions for anyone, it's not good for practical use, it's only more _technically_ correct because it uses the real positions of the planets in the sky. I had already said that I use the tropical zodiac as well...
  121. F

    Vedic vs Western - Important.

    I understand (and agree with) what you're saying, but that's not the point. The topic here is the system which, in the case of the tropical zodiac, is considered flawed according to what we currently know. It's evident that the true astrologer is the one who gives the right answers regardless of...
  122. F

    Vedic vs Western - Important.

    For some people, systems do have to make sense if they are to learn and use them. He asked the same questions many competent astrologers still ask, and while it's true that the tropical zodiac does give accurate results (which is why I use it myself, like most of us) it's also true that there's...
  123. F

    Some thoughts

    In traditional astrology, the signs and planets follow some patterns that expand the themes of the Zodiac and are very interesting. Everything begins with the Luminaries (Sun and Moon) and ends with Saturn. Starting from Cancer/Leo, the rulers of the next pairs of signs follow the natural...
  124. F

    Re: Types of aspects

    In a natal chart, it's basically the same thing. However, the faster planet will always be the one aspecting the slower, so it would be more correct to write Mars/Pluto aspects. Pluto takes many years to cross a single sign, while Mars crosses the entire Zodiac in 2 years. It is Mars that...
  125. F

    Re: Types of aspects

    Conjunctions, oppositions, trines, squares and sextiles are the traditional aspects and are usually considered "major". Quincunxes, sesquiquadrates, semi-squares and semi-sextiles are considered minor. Some say the sextiles and quincunxes are "intermediate" aspects, not as important as the...
  126. F

    George Bush

    This is a bit controversial. Many astrologers use fixed orbs for each aspect (usually 10 degrees for the conjunctions and oppositions, 8 degrees for squares and trines, 4 degrees for sextiles and so on) but some of them use different orbs depending on the planets involved and the aspects...
  127. F

    George Bush

    His chart ruler, the Sun, which is already influential in its nature, is conjunct Sirius, a very powerful fixed star that brings honours and high positions in government. He was marked to be powerful. I don't know how he was seen within his country, but for many of us who watched it from...
  128. F

    Birth Charts

    Most automated interpretations from astrology websites and softwares are extremely rudimentary. I strongly advise you to keep studying your chart with the correct birth time. It will make sense if you're sure of your birth time. However, there's the possibility that Virgo is intercepted in...
  129. F

    Saturn: A Verdict On Everyones Favorite Planet?

    I believe Saturn's so-called evil influences are just necessary. A world without boundaries and restrictions wouldn't sustain itself as it currently is. Capricorn represents the necessary structure to improve and reach the higher level of power and awareness, which is represented by Aquarius...
  130. F

    Aspects To House Rulers

    Yes, the houses are directly connected to their rulers. That's how we can tell the nature of unoccupied houses and how their affairs will go. This is especially important in transits, for the transits to each natal planet will affect not only the house they are in but also the houses they rule...
  131. F

    Horary Astrology

    This branch of astrology has been keeping me very busy these days. My interest in this grew very quickly but there aren't many reliable resources out there. For those who don't know, Horary Astrology is a very ancient practice that uses charts for divination. A chart is cast for the moment...
  132. F

    Saturn Conjunct Pluto Transit

    Is Saturn making any aspects to Mercury and/or, to a lesser extent, Mars? Mercury is the ruler of your 7th house and hard aspects to Saturn may bring problems to your relationship and/or your significant other. Mars rules men in general and can give some important data. Do you have any...
  133. F

    Signs & Elements

    There are many layers of information when planets, signs and houses are given traits. Also, remember there's always negative and positive traits. There are traits shared among the signs, but they're all expressed differently. Complementary (opposite) signs rule over similar affairs. This is...
  134. F

    Bad things gonna happen to me?

    Transiting and Natal planets are different. When Transiting planets are in aspect with Natal planets, where they are in the Natal Chart, they trigger events in your life. Transiting planets in aspect with other Transiting planets (i.e. in aspect right now in the sky) aren't personal; but while...
  135. F

    Chiron - What's the deal with it?

    Great info on Chiron, siguard. I always take Chiron into consideration. It's important to notice that Chiron, being the "bridge" between Saturn and Uranus, the first transcendental planet, represents the path to transcendence itself through the healing/perfection of the soul. Chiron is the...
  136. F

    New to Astrology

    What exactly are you struggling with? What do you know already? One can always begin by learning about the signs of the zodiac themselves, the planets and their characteristics. Then, start learning about the chart: the angles (AC, MC, DC, IC) and the houses, the elements, modalities...
  137. F

    Transiting Planets in Houses...?

    You're almost correct. Say your hypothetical ascendant is at 10 degrees of Taurus and the 2nd House begins at 10 degrees of Gemini. This 30-degree space between Taurus and Gemini is your "first house". A planet will be transiting your first house only when it reaches 10 degrees of Taurus, and...
  138. F

    Figuring out the stalium

    The stellium by definition is a conjunction of three or more planets in a sign. Even if there are three planets in a sign, but they aren't all conjunct, it's not really a stellium. Of course said sign will influence the chart heavily, more than the others, but it still isn't a stellium. The...
  139. F

    Astrological Talisman

    Some of them have hebrew writing around the magical squares. Other than these ones specifically, I don't see anything wrong with them. By the way, talismans won't change anything. You still need to do power meditation, even if you keep them with you. They are mere pieces of metal engraved...
  140. F


    The fifth house is the house of children. The planets therein and the house ruler can give an idea of a person's fertility or lack thereof — Saturn in the 5th House being the most common indicator of infertility. I believe the Moon is also very important regarding fertility, as it rules family...
  141. F


    People who don't feel the need to socialise usually have the majority of planets on the northern hemisphere and/or the oriental side of the chart. It really depends primarily on the house positions. The position of Venus and the Moon are common indicators of a person's social life. I believe...
  142. F

    satanic planetary influence

    Yes, that's it. Most of us came to Satanism through the interest in the occult, mystical and the truth. This can come from many planetary placements, such as planets in the 8th, 9th and 12th Houses, planets in the signs of Scorpio, Pisces, Sagittarius or Aquarius, planets in aspect with...
  143. F

    Answering some questons from several posts

    The nature of the obsession depends on the planets that make up the stellium and the house it is in. Scorpio is the sign of extremes and intensity, so anything in this sign or the 8th house feels the need to go to extremes, great depths and heighs, and sex is something intense on many levels...
  144. F

    Sun leo on june 22 to 22 aug

    Once you start working with a magickal square, don't stop until you finish the square. That's the rule. The planetary timing should be right at the beginning, not the entire time of the working; i.e. begin when the Sun is in Leo or Aries, but don't worry when it enters the next sign.
  145. F

    combust question

    Actually, your Mercury is exactly conjunct the Sun, which makes it cazimi, i.e. in the "heart of the Sun" which some astrologers believe to greatly strengthen the planet in question instead of weakening it. As for Jupiter, it can also be weakened by the Sun, though this is much less...
  146. F


    I just wanted to thank you for creating this group. It's been quite a while since I was looking for a place to discuss astrology and learn more, and this is just perfect. Thanks!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
