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The Power of Letters and Numbers


Jan 27, 2002
I'm sorry if this is out of place, what I'm presenting here is not related directly to astrology per se, but it's
very important and I've wanted to share this for quite some time already. Please let me know
what you think of this, and if I should go further into it.

It's a well known fact that names have power. Giving a name to something is like giving it an
official existence which will, from that moment onward, carry its own purpose and develop its
meaning. Nomen est omen. The names of the gods are vibrated as words of power. In ancient
languages, letters had numerical equivalence; letters and numbers were interchangeable and all
had special significance and power.

More than that, the power of the letters and numbers is based on the fact that they represent
the vibrations of the universe. Each one of them is a concept within itself, and each one is a
part of the whole. Names, mantras, runes, sigils, symbols, letters, numbers - all are
connected. The numbers and letters are tools with which one can understand this process and
shed light on what makes things what they are, what is their basic constitution and what they represent to the rest of the world.

Numerology studies and utilizes these tools to understand and work with the energies of the
univserse. Together with Astrology, it can provide invaluable information about the self, the
others and the future. It's extremely simple and straightforward to use - though very detailed
as well - and can clarify or even reveal trends not easily seen within a chart.

In this post, I will present the numbers, their basic meaning/rulership and relationship for
future reference. Later, I'll show the methods that reveal exactly how they are used in Numerology.

Basic rules and the Numerical equivalence of Letters

In numerology, all the numbers are reduced to one digit that represents a vibration. This is
done through the addition of the digits. For example: 258 is actually 6, because 2 + 5 + 8 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6.

Two tables are used to assign numbers to the letters: the Pythagorean table, which is the most
widely used and the Chaldean table, which is rarely used.

In the Pythagorean table, numbers relate to the letters in a very straightforward way: A = 1, B = 2 and so on.
Also, sets of letters represent vibrational levels of each number and are divided in physical/material, mental/social and spiritual/emotional.

             1    2    3   4    5   6   7    8   9
Physical A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I     
Mental    J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R
Spiritual  S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z     

The Chaldean table does not use the number 9 (supposedly) because it was considered a divine,
sacred number, unrelated to people. The Pythagorean table is the most practical and accurate for general use,
and is the one I prefer, however the Chaldean table is said to hold most closely the real vibrational
qualities of the numbers and letters and thus represents occult meanings and underlying
forces. Choice between the two is free and depends entirely on preference.

 1   2   3   4  5   6   7   8
 A  B  C   D  E  U  O  F
 I   K  G   M  H  V  Z  P
 J  R   L   T   N  W
 Y      S   X

The Meaning of the Numbers

Number 1
Yang, the masculine principle, existence, will, spirit, creation, pure, absolute power.

Assertion, independence, individualism, consciousness, clarity, uniqueness, spontaneity,
bravery, courage, ambition, dominance, leadership, originality, pioneering, potence, drive,
action, agitation, achievement. Agression, selfishness, arrogance, war, separation.

Number 2
Ying, the feminine principle, polarity, reflection, antithesis, complement, union, equality.

Co-operation, association, subtlety, harmony, sensibility, emotion, empathy/sympathy,
intimacy, adjustment, calmness, persuasion, diplomacy, peace. Dependence, passivity,
submission, weakness, depression, sabotage, deception, opposition.

Number 3
Growth, fertility, expression, movement, progress, change.

Joy, fun, youth, demonstration, creativity, activity, brilliance, luck, celebration, sexuality
for expression/reproduction, performing arts, communication, sociability, friendship,
popularity. Immaturity, dispersion, futility.

Number 4
Order, the manifestation of form, reality, substance, matter, solidity, time.

Systems, standards, facts, routine, consistence, stability, structure, incarnation, useful
work, discipline, resilience, patience, engineering, exactitude, logic, maturity, economy,
efficience, conservation. Roughness, restriction, repression, limitation, indifference,
tedium, opposing change, stagnation, the old.

Number 5
Multiplicity, the quintessence, infinite possibilities, freedom, the five senses, experience,

Intelligence, versatility, creativity, understanding, pleasure, excitement, sexuality for
physical/mental experience and pleasure, change, resourcefulness, charisma, shrewd, fluency, breaks the
status quo and mental prisions. Disruption, nervousness, uncertainty, dispersion, shallowness, promiscuity.

Number 6
Hearth, family, justice, duty, service, connection, humanity.

Care, fairness, tact, excellence, harmony, beauty, aesthetics, taste, poise, responsibility,
dedication, devotion, tradition, protection, help, medicine, marriage, exchange, equivalence,
relationships, welfare, community, sociability, society, civilization, social code, rules,
laws, ethics, advice, teaching, guidance, arts. Dependence, abuse, closed groups, oligarchy,
conformism, mafia, indecision, criticism, nitpicking.

Number 7
Wisdom, the occult, mystery, study, science, analysis, magic, philosophy.

The mental realm, truth, metaphysics, higher consciousness, solitude, quietude, detachment,
introspection, search for meaning and perfection, meditation, purification,
physical/mental/spiritual refinement, spiritual knowledge, mental breakthrough, the male-
female union, hermaphrodite, androgyny, symbolism, specialization, dignity, self-reliability,
technique. Anti-social, weirdness, ostracism, paranoia, omission, hides the truth, skepticism.

Number 8
Power, triumph, conquest, extremes, crisis, death.

Ascension, determination, competence, authority, concentrated effort, intensity, control,
focus, reincarnation, recuperation, executive ability, finances, politics, government,
material success, achievement, status, wealth, loyalty, pure logic and reasoning. Cold,
calculating, sadism, wrath, hatred, torture, extreme violence, cruelty, obsession, corruption,
intolerance, destruction, crime.

Number 9
Divinity, immortality, the world/universe, infinite knowledge.

Omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence, illumination, inspiration, comprehension, spiritual
leadership, elevation, perfection, transcedence, universal counsciousness, myths, religion,
broadcasting, fame, idealism, charisma, sacrifice, neverending expansion, foreigners,
enthusiasm, the world at large. Martyrdom, fanatism, victimization, superiority complex,
drugs, alcohool, aberrations, loss, gullibility, madness.

There are also three main (or more, but few people use them at all) so-called "Master Numbers":
11(2), 22(4) and 33(6) which are basically the same as their reduced, single-number
form, only much more powerful. They are rarely realized in full by people who have them in
their makeup, but they nevertheless provide greater-than-average potential to both glory and
downfall. They operate pretty much as the higher octave planets. Usually, whenever they appear
in the numerological chart, they are not reduced because of their special significance.

It's worth noticing that the number 33 had its meaning and potential abused by the enemy,
who called it the number of Christ, "the son of God"/"savior"/"protector", when in fact it
represents our Gentile relationship with the Gods, our humanity. Six is the number of family
bond and connections and we have family bonds with the gods, we descend from them and we will
always be connected to them, also as their family. There are many other ways to see the misuse
of number 33, it's very clear. This also serves to show how the 33 works in relation to the
single number 6: one represents divine, elevated meanings, and the other represents more
common meanings.

Similarly, numbers followed with 0, such as 10, 20, 500 etc. are the same as their single
form, only intensified by the presence of number zero. Number zero, for all practical
purposes, is not used but exists nevertheless and is only considered in a couple of cases,
such as this one.

Numerical Relationships

As shown in the descriptions (and I tried my best to separate them as much as possible), the
numbers have an overlapping spectrum of (rather than mutually exclusive) meanings. Some of
them are directly related to each other, some have similar characteristics, but with different

- The even numbers represent conformity, accordance, permanence. The odd numbers stand alone,
bring change and break the conformity.
- Numbers 3, 6 and 9 are all related, all deal with relationships and connections, in
different degrees: 3 deals with few relationships, friends; 6 deals with larger groups of people, the community;
9 deals with relationships with the world at large.
- 3 is rather superficial, 6 is deeper, 9 is both the ultimate soul commitment and complete
- 2 represents all 1 on 1 relationships.
- 1 represents the head and has to do with the powers of the mind, can represent raw mental
energy, genius, mental prowess.
- 4 and 8 deal with logic and reasoning.
- Number 5, despite being mental, is also very physical; it works through the senses and as
such, is one of the most sexual numbers.
- 2, 6 and 9 are all helpers, humanitarians, sensitive numbers.
- 2 is entirely passive, will give itself entirely; 6 is also passive, but will stand by
itself and its ideals, even if abused sometimes; 9 can give itself entirely to a cause it
believes, but will always act to change a situation and fights whenever necessary.
- 5 and 9 both represent expansion.
- 4 and 8 are very similar, but while 4 maintains the status quo for the sake of simply having
a status quo, 8 does it for personal reasons, to maintain power.
- 6 also seeks permanence, but for the sake of balance and harmony.
- 1 and 8 have abundant energy and can be very sexual, like number 3 and 5, but are usually concerned with other things.

Combined, letters and numbers provide a very fine-tuned energetic signature to whatever they
are attached to.

The numbers also relate to certain signs and planets, though not really directly. Different
authors on the subject offer different ruling planets to each number, and none of them seem to
encompass their meaning entirely, so I'll not go into that. Numbers usually rule a set of
similar characteristics from two or more signs at once:

- 1 relates to both Aries and Leo.
- 2 relates to Libra and Cancer.
- 3 relates to Taurus, Gemini and Leo.
- 4 relates to all the earth signs.
- 5 is most closely related to the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, though it is also related to
- 6 is Cancer, Virgo and Libra.
- 7 is almost entirely related to Aquarius.
- 8 is strongly related to Scorpio and Capricorn.
- 9 is Sagittarius and Pisces.
- 11 is very close to the entire meaning of Pisces.
- 22 has the qualities of Taurus, but of Aries and Pisces as well. Transcendent number 4.
- 33 represents the Virgo-Pisces axis very strongly.

The numbers relate to the tarot cards, runes and chakras as well.

As said in the introduction, the numbers encompass the meaning of many energies and can be
used to understand their interactions and how they work in the world. Though the focus here is
self-knowledge and people, they can be used for pretty much everything, including predicting
the future. I'll go into that in future posts, if you want.

P.S.: If for some reason the tables are screwed up, just do a quick search with their names and you'll find many images of them.
Formatting text on Yahoo is a terrible, painful job.
Following the basic rules presented, similarly to astrology, data is required to check
someone's attributes, and in this case everything that's needed is the birth date and full
name as written in official documents. There are many attributes to extract from this data,
but the most important and revealing are the Destiny Number and its derivatives and the
Expression Number, followed by its very important subdivisions, the Soul and Image numbers.

Sorry if the descriptions are too brief and basic, cookie-cutter-ish, but this is for practical
reasons, since a single number can convey a huge amount of information. Please do your own
research on your numbers and combine the meanings of all the numbers, for they are all
important and are all acting at the same time. The names of the numbers can change quite a
lot, people give them many different names, but that's completely irrelevant. What's important
is knowing how to find them and what they mean, I'll personally use the designation I think
makes easier to remember the meaning.

All these numbers can be calculated not only for people, but for pretty much everything:
countries, cities, corporations, everything that has a name and/or a birthdate.

I'll be using Nietzsche's name and birth date for all examples given. You can check his
astrological chart for comparisons here: http://www.astrotheme.com/astrology/Friedrich_Nietzsche

The Destiny Number (sometimes called Life Path)

Related to the Lunar Nodes, especially the North Node, this number represents the path one
follows through life. It tells of the duties and the purpose of being here and shows the
direction which life will inevitably lead to. As for positive/negative meanings, it's all
relative, because the numbers represent forces, energies and, ultimately, potential. The way
one experiences the number can be changed, and will normally depend entirely on the person,
though there can be difficulties or blockages if there are other conflicting attributes.

This number does not have direct influence in personality immediately, it deals with
experiences and situations, but will shape the person over time. Also, it's just natural that
the person will show some of its qualities, because they're necessary for the fulfillment of
the destiny. This is where one of the difficulties can appear, because if the other attributes
are very different from the vibration of the Destiny, the person, without further
understanding, will all but deny him/herself the fulfillment promised by this number. Such a
case could be characterized by an important planet squaring the Nodes, or conjunct the South

The Destiny Number is calculated using the birth date, adding each number. E.g.: 15 October(10/1) 1844  
6 + 1 + 8 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6  (preferred method, reducing each part: day, month, year then adding them all together)


1 + 5 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 8 + 4 + 4 = 24 = 2 + 4 = 6

Six is the Destiny Number and its energies will rule the overall direction of the life.

Destiny 1
A path of independence and pioneering, bringing the new, causing impact and standing alone
against the world. Possibility of achieving great personal power and autonomy. Everlasting
energy and progress. Many situations dealing with competition and assertion, sometimes
violence. Intense life.

Destiny 2
A path of cooperation and sensibility, can be involved with diplomacy, serving as a bridge to
people and events. There can be situations involving social games, intrigue, manipulation and
sacrifice. Will probably be aided and protected by someone else, likely the marriage partner.
Partnership is important in this path. Likely to prefer behind the scenes work, helping.
Danger of apathy, depression or dependence on other people.

Destiny 3
A path of expression and exposure. Will likely be involved with the public, speaking or
acting. Needs attention, and will seek this throughout the path. Optimism and help, luck with
many affairs. Social life and communication are very important. Can be involved with gossip,
misunderstandings, or situations dealing with appearance or personality.

Destiny 4
A path of security and order. Will build something of value and probably cling to it. Very
practical life, much order, routines, work and effort; wants to be useful. Can become old very
early. Control, stability, accumulation. Slow but steady growth and achievement.

Destiny 5
A life of freedom and variety. Adventure, novelty and exotic experiences. Deep insatisfaction,
always wanting something different, restlessness. Can be involved with learning and developing
talents. Can become many things. Situations dealing with progress, flexibility and change.
Strong sexuality, many sexual experiences and/or issues. Detachment from everything, following
one's own path, probably in an erratic manner. Uncertainty.

Destiny 6
A path of service and responsibility. Can be involved with bureaucracy and social work.
Helping other people, teaching, guiding, healing and protection. Situations involving
teamwork, community, rules, laws. Can become stuck in their own ways and old rules. Great
possibility of raising children, creating a family, attachment to family. Danger of being
abused by others and forced sacrifice.

Destiny 7
A path of refinement and solitude, study and observation. Can be involved with the elite,
those who are refined and learned, science and research. Alternatively, can be involved with
the occult, seeking self-knowledge, discovering truths. Many moments of introspection and
contemplation, little to no involvement with the public or social obligations. Will seek what
others don't, will look where no one looks. Marching to the beat of a different drum. Many
situations involving mysteries, the unknown. Danger of never adapting, never fitting anywhere,
being ostracized.

Destiny 8
A path of power and achievement, survival and crisis. Will likely be involved in power
struggles and manipulation. Fear of losing power and control. Much strength for improvement,
destroys those who are weaker. Situations involving strategy, planning, logic, obscure
dealings, even crime. Very intense life, can go through many challenges, victories and losses,
ups and downs. Deals with wealth and high positions in corporations and/or government.

Destiny 9
A path of understanding and expansion, idealism and humanitarianism. Can be involved with
publishing, broadcasting ideas, propaganda, religion or philantropy. Needs to be good for
others, wants to save the world and give itself entirely to a cause. Can't stand unfairness
and will act to change situations, fight for one's beliefs. Possibility of much travel and
many different experiences, maybe even more than 5. Epiphany, revelations during the life.
Danger of getting lost in confusion, chaos, drugs and alcohool.

A minor but very important number related to the Destiny is the Birthday number (sometimes
called complementary destiny number), for it shows how one utilizes the destiny energies, and
can either help on the path, or bring trouble. The primary focus should be on the birthday
number because it will, whether one likes it or not, influence the path and will be more
easily noticed in life than the Destiny number and because it provides the means to reach the
Destiny. Learning to use this number and integrate it with the Destiny is very helpful and
will eventually bring the full realization of the Destiny.

Using the same example, the birthday number would also be 6. The analysis of the Birthday number
is basically the same of the Destiny number given.

So in this case, for the sake of a simple interpretation, this person would be involved with
helping other people, making them feel safe, taking care of the path for them, teaching and
guiding those who can't do that for themselves. Since the birthday number is also 6, art,
beauty and harmony may play a big part in the realization of the Destiny. Service is
definitely a very strong part of this life path. Also, there's a strong possibility of abuse
in this person's life, being used or deceived.

Mr. Nietzsche was a professor, poet and philosopher, and wrote about art, aesthetics,
the realization of godhood and other important ancient, traditional, almost forgotten at the time
(and still today), aspects of humanity, shaping the path for those who would care to read his works.
He was also very ill and had his work abused by other people, before and after his death.
This is all very clear in his chart, with an emphasis in Libra and Virgo, but most importantly the
chart co-ruler Moon conjunct the North Node in the first house, all representing the qualities of number six.

When the numbers are different, which is most common, the birthday number could represent a
planet aspecting the nodes, influencing the path, giving tools for fulfillment. The Destiny
Number will only be realized through the Birthday Number. When both the Destiny and Birthday
numbers are the same, it could be that the person has a very important planet conjunct the
North Node, or tightly aspecting it. In a case such as that, this person will be inexorably
drawn to the realization of the Destiny, and is likely to have many impactful, positive or
negative life experiences directly related to it.

The Expression Number (also known as Personality Number)

Related to the Sun and the personal planets, this is the main number of personality.
Represents behaviors, personal abilities, reactions to the world. It's easily noticed and will
influence the world around the person, along or against the Destiny number.
Calculated using the full name adding the letters of all the names together, the Expression is
one of the attributes that can be changed. E.g.: Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

6 9 9 5 4 9 9 3 8 = 62/8

5 9 3 8 5 3 4 = 37/10/1

5 9 5 2 8 1 3 8 5 = 46/10/1

Expression Number = 8 + 1 + 1 = 10 = 1   

The Expression Number is a very strong number 10/1 and rules the core personality. Mr.
Nietzsche was not a common Libra guy.

This number can be altered as one wants, but this should be done with much caution because energies
take time to have an effect and normally should only be used if the person is sure of what that
will bring into his or her life, and if it will be compatible with the other numbers. This
includes married names. Many times, marriages don't last very long because the name energies
are extremely different, incompatible, and will cause problems to each other.

An important minor number linked with the Expression is the Personal (or Name) Number, given
by the value of the letters of the first name. It is similar to the Birthday number in its
relationship with the Destiny number. It separates the individual from the generic archetype
ruled by the Expression number, making it unique. In this case, the Personal number would be 8,
and can be analyzed just as the Expression number.

The first letter of the first name represents a volatile energy that will appear immediately
as a first reaction to situations, but is not standard. The other numbers will prevail over
this, unless the number of the letter and the Name or Expression are the same. When they are
the same or harmonic, this adds consistency to the character.

Expression 1
Leader, entrepreneur, pioneer, unique, needs independence and individuality and, more than all,
activity. Very energetic. Straightforward and honest, sometimes rash, belligerent. Can be
extremely self-centered, even childish. Very ambitious, doesn't take loss very well. Feels the
need to express the individuality at all times, at all costs.

Expression 2
Sensitive, happiest with others by the side. Likes to help, very loving and giving. Can be
shy, doesn't do well with competition and prefers to stay behind the scenes. Deep fear of
solitude and rejection, can be overly attached to loved ones and will put up with anything to
maintain relationships. Possibility of having psychic powers, can feel what others feel, read
between the lines.

Expression 3
Lively, fun, warm, entertaining, upbeat, always the life of the party. Love of social contacts
and performing, being the center of attention. Talent with words and the arts, strong
imagination, very good story teller. Can be very lucky and get away with things. On the other
hand, can be extremely superficial, futile, loud, gossipy, repetitive. Annoying.

Expression 4
Practical, realistic, reliable, no-nonsense attitude. Extremely hard working and commited to
whatever they do. Organized, logical, conservative, slow but steady. Innate understanding of
systems, structures, time and rhythm. Talent for making money and keeping it. Can be dull,
unfeeling, act older than the real age, averse to change and the new.

Expression 5
Exremely versatile and changeable, a chameleon, can become many things, shapeshift.
Intelligent, has many talents and abilities. Jack of all trades, could master them all but
usually ends up being master of nothing because 5 lacks focus. Can't stand staying put, needs
excitement and new things to do. Likes to experiment, often with others, and knows how to
present ideas, seduce, impress. Very sexual, also modern and progressive. There may be a fear
of commitment. Instability, irresponsibility, disregard for rules is very common. Trickster,
player, gambler.

Expression 6
Calm, balanced, responsible, kind and caring. Needs warmth and a comfortable place to live,
the home is very important. Six people often take the role of guardian of whatever is
important to them, usually the family. Talent in the crafts, arts and healing. Provides for
those who need, makes others feel better, even if only with words. Can be insecure, feeling
the need to control the lives of those around, being nosey and nitpicking. Worries about
everything, especially what other people think, can also become a doormat.

Expression 7
Thoughtful, reserved, discreet and refined, nothing quite reaches number seven. Seems to be
out of this world, impenetrable, distant. Doesn't stand superficialities, only cares about the
gist of things, the truth. Rationalizes everything. Interest in the occult, can be a mystic,
philosopher, scientist, or a specialist in a specific field. Can be grumpy, anti-social,
pretentious, haughty, very inconsiderate, rude with others.

Expression 8
Life is business, money is God. Confident, serious, fearless, focused, strong-willed, 8 always
shows its power, especially in competitive situations. Strong interest in finances, management
abilities. With much ambition, will claw the path to success and wealth. Clever, knows how to
manipulate and control others. Very intense presence, imposes respect. May be insecure, and
thus seeks security with power, money and position. Can be frightening, cruel, coldhearted,
evil, the archetypal villain. Extreme.

Expression 9
Open, wants to see, know and understand everything. Loves to give, loves to love, loves to
fight for what it believes. A paladin. Knows how to deal with differences in culture and
behavior. Natural talent with languages and expression. Makes easy contact with - and has the
power to influence - the masses, very large groups of people, the world. Very strong
intuition, gathers information out of thin air. Can be selfless, compassionate, giving its
entire being to a cause; often wants to do that, seeking a calling. Alternatively, can be a
fanatic, delusional, escapist, self-righteous. Lying, deceptive, fraudulent, victim.

Now, these descriptions are given entirely by themselves, as the other numbers will modify
or intensify certain qualities. Mixing the meaning of the Destiny and the Expression will give
a more realistic picture of how a person actually is because, again, they all work together.
When the Expression and Destiny are very different, this can cause blockages and problems,
even physical, because these two very strong energies ruling the person are at odds.

As a rule, the more a certain number appears in a person's numerological chart, the stronger
it is, and the more evident its qualities (or debilities) will be. The same can be said for
the numbers of a full name: the more they appear in a name, the more their energies will be
present. When a certain number appears much more than the rest, it is called the Intensity
and it will shape the person's behavior and bits of his or her personality. This excess
can either be helpful, if it brings energies lacking elsewhere, or detrimental, overloading
the life with too much of it. Everything should be taken into account. Also of great
importance is the planes of the numbers given in the last post, because their emphasis within
a name will determine the temperament. E.g.: expression number 7 is very reserved, but with a
lot of 3's will certainly want to show its face once in a while and have some fun, 3 gives
feeling and excitement, which 7 lacks. Even expression 8, serious and cold, will have some
feeling and warmth with 3's behind it. With 2's may be very sensitive despite the cold demeanor.

When a number is completely lacking in a name and/or other attributes, it's called Missing
and the person will either be oblivious to its existence and vibration, forsaking
anything related to it, or will feel it as something to conquer, though that's usually
difficult and requires constant work. Missing numbers may also be something sought in others,
rather than the self, to compensate for its lack. The approach to challenges such as
this will depend on the other numbers and whether they want to fight for it or to just adapt
to the circumstances.

Following the example of Nietzsche's Destiny number, his number 1 Expression is surely very
apparent in his chart, as well as his works and his life as a whole. Being so different from
the energies of the Destiny (what we see in his chart is Pluto and Uranus in Aries exactly
opposite his Sun and Mercury, respectively, in Libra), this may very well have caused some of
his health problems, but also gave him the energy needed to achieve so much in so little time.
He was a professor at age 24, and definitely a genius, a pioneer at his time. Without number 1
and his Personal number 8, his works would probably not have had the same impact and repercussion.

His ideas and philosophy were very strong, innovative and revolutionary, not to mention the
fact that he coined numerous original statements reused by many after him.

The Soul and Image Numbers

Last but not least, these two divisions of the Expression number provide the last two pieces
of the core personality. The Soul Number (also known as Soul Urge or Motivation Number)
represents something that's deeply desired, something one wants to accomplish within life and
will be sought at all times, relates to the Midheaven. The Image Number is directly related to
the Ascendant, but also the Midheaven and represents first impressions and how other people
view and feel about the person, often describes the physical appearance. It can also represent
what the person wants to look like, how he or she wants to be seen by the world, even if
that's not his or her true self - the social mask, the persona.

Identity crises often arise from differences between the Expression, Soul and Image numbers.
People often neglect one or another and end up unhappy with their lives because they're not
being themselves. Integrating and knowing them all is the key to real self-knowledge and inner
peace. Combined, they can show vocations, what the person wants to do or be the most and where
the talents lie.

The Soul Number is given by adding the values of all the vowels of the full name. In
Nietzsche's full name, the Soul number is 56/11(2).

The Image Number is given by adding the values of all the consonants of the full name.
Nietzsche's Image number is 89/17/8.

As such:
Expression Number = Soul Number + Image Number

Soul Number 1 - Independence and freedom are most important. Can't stand being held by other
people, or even being aided. Soul 1 people want to make their own path and make a name for
themselves, and often have more than enough motivation to do so.
Image Number 1 - Wants to be seen as very direct, straightforward, self-assertive, confident,
a pioneer, the first to do anything. Possible agressive exterior.

Soul Number 2 - Desire to be loved, to have others by the side, wants peace, harmony, to
support and be supported. Because of that, may develop diplomatic skills, negotiation and
compromise. Doesn't do well with competition and absolutely hates agression.
Image Number 2 - Looks fragile, sensitive, feminine, calm and collected. May be very shy and
introverted. Wants to be seen as someone who keeps the peace and harmony at all times.

Soul Number 3 - Desires exposure, attention, to be seen, heard and known. Desires to have
expression/speech skills, to know how to cause an impression. Deep appreciation for the arts
and especially the artists.
Image Number 3 - Talkative, friendly, upbeat, energetic, loud, demonstrative, likes to show
off. May be popular, attractive, always up to date with everything, always present at all
social gatherings.

Soul Number 4 - Desire for stability, order, security, especially material/financial. A knack
for dealing with money. May have had problems with money and now feels the need to accumulate
more and more. Needs routine and systems to feel safe, hates complications and futility.
Image Number 4 - Reliable, sober, cares a lot about the social norm and wants to fit. May
appear as too conservative, too inflexible, maybe even uninteresting, dull, too common. Wants
to be seen as competent, a hardworker.

Soul Number 5 - Freedom! Wants variety, excitement, adventure, new and interesting things.
Desires to be flexible, to develop the intellect and as many talents as possible, to be quick
and clever. Will not stand being pinned down by routine and obligations of any kind.
Image Number 5 - Changeable, not one image, but many. May change on-the-go to fit various
environments and different kinds of people. Talent with communication, likes to show
intelligence and to be known as versatile and witty.

Soul Number 6 - Desires family, a home, comfort and warmth. Deeply caring towards others,
wants to protect themselves and those they feel need protection, especially the loved ones.
Wants balance, harmony and beauty, may have talents with aesthetics, arts and healing.
Image Number 6 - Nice, pleasant, conventional, helpful, patient, makes everyone feel at home.
May have a motherly/fatherly air, likes to give advice freely and sometimes may be incovenient
because of that. Wants to be seen as good and traditional.

Soul Number 7 - Desires refinement, improvement in all respects, especially of the self.
Doesn't do well with social contacts, preferring to be alone most of the time. Wants to find
out about what is not known, investigate, ponder, improve, perfect. Will always seek spiritual
or scientific knowledge, and thus has academic talents.
Image Number 7 - Detached, distant, wants to be seen as someone unreacheable, special,
sophisticated, different, mysterious. Likes to be known as someone who knows things most
people don't and usually won't part with such knowledge. An air of nobility and aristocracy.
Alternatively, can be downright weird and awkward, rude, excentric. May have androgynous

Soul Number 8 - Wants power, wealth, status, influence. Wants to feel and have as much as
possible, be on the edge all the times. Much ambition and willpower to act and bring desires
to reality. Doesn't do well at all being in inferior positions, and will always be in
power/authority struggles. May be obsessive and overly demanding of the self and others.
Destructive tendencies are possible.
Image Number 8 - Serious, intense presence. Analytical, controlled, deals with all sorts of
situations without hesitation. Wants to be seen as prestigious, powerful, a winner, inspire
confidence and respect, even fear. Can be very well-mannered, but in a clinical, cold way. Of
all the numbers, this is the one that most often hides a sensitive and insecure nature.

Soul Number 9 - A strong desire for transcedence, perfection. Wants to see many different
things and experience as much as possible. A very deep the need for a calling, a vocation, an
ideal, something or someone to serve or a religion from which it will form its vision of the
world. Very sensitive and easily hurt by the ugliness of the world. Wants to illuminate and
save others, possibly the entire world.
Image Number 9 - Very open and sympathetic, kind with everyone, subtle, knows how to influence
people. May be careless or seem confused, vague. Often wants to be seen as a hero, a savior
and may act as such, with much drama. Expressive, may have talent with the arts, publishing,
spreading ideas.

Mr. Nietzsche's Image and Soul Numbers further corroborate the themes of the chart: a strong
8 Image with Scorpio rising, ruler Pluto in Aries opposing the Sun - certainly a very strong
and intense presence. With the Moon in the first house and Mars in Virgo conjunct the MC, we
have a clear picture of his Soul Number. He was very sensitive, but driven to accomplish what
he wanted, as his Soul worked together with his Destiny. His work was definitely extremely
important to him, and he believed entirely in its power. The service he provided to the world
was something he identified himself deeply with: first house Node, conjunct chart co-ruler
Moon. Also, second chart co-ruler Mars conjunct the Midheaven.

Again, these descriptions are very basic and shouldn't be taken entirely by themselves.

An interesting and important fact about the numbers of the name is that they can be used as
one sees fit: some people use only one name, some people use some of their names but leave one
or two away when signing documents or presenting him/herself, and this all counts to
numerology. The name's energies are summoned when used, and only through constant use they
become something solid. If a person has 3 names and leaves one away, that one may become a
reserve of energy, something that belongs to him/her but is only called when necessary.
Learning to summon one's own energies can help with business, money, work, school, social
contacts, all kinds of things.

If someone creates a pseudonym to use in many different places, to write a book for example,
this will become part of their life too. This pseudonym will have an Expression, a Soul and
Image. The energies will be raised through constant use and can either help or hinder progress
in whatever they're used with. If the energies are compatible with the original name, all the
better, but if not, this can become a source which can be used when necessary in specific
situations. The name is a powerful magickal tool.
Hail Satan!
From: f.follets <f.follets@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2013 2:35 AM
Subject: [JoS_Astrology] Re: The Power of Letters and Numbers
  Following the basic rules presented, similarly to astrology, data is required to check
someone's attributes, and in this case everything that's needed is the birth date and full
name as written in official documents. There are many attributes to extract from this data,
but the most important and revealing are the Destiny Number and its derivatives and the
Expression Number, followed by its very important subdivisions, the Soul and Image numbers.

Sorry if the descriptions are too brief and basic, cookie-cutter-ish, but this is for practical
reasons, since a single number can convey a huge amount of information. Please do your own
research on your numbers and combine the meanings of all the numbers, for they are all
important and are all acting at the same time. The names of the numbers can change quite a
lot, people give them many different names, but that's completely irrelevant. What's important
is knowing how to find them and what they mean, I'll personally use the designation I think
makes easier to remember the meaning.

All these numbers can be calculated not only for people, but for pretty much everything:
countries, cities, corporations, everything that has a name and/or a birthdate.

I'll be using Nietzsche's name and birth date for all examples given. You can check his
astrological chart for comparisons here: http://www.astrotheme.com/astrology/Friedrich_Nietzsche

The Destiny Number (sometimes called Life Path)

Related to the Lunar Nodes, especially the North Node, this number represents the path one
follows through life. It tells of the duties and the purpose of being here and shows the
direction which life will inevitably lead to. As for positive/negative meanings, it's all
relative, because the numbers represent forces, energies and, ultimately, potential. The way
one experiences the number can be changed, and will normally depend entirely on the person,
though there can be difficulties or blockages if there are other conflicting attributes.

This number does not have direct influence in personality immediately, it deals with
experiences and situations, but will shape the person over time. Also, it's just natural that
the person will show some of its qualities, because they're necessary for the fulfillment of
the destiny. This is where one of the difficulties can appear, because if the other attributes
are very different from the vibration of the Destiny, the person, without further
understanding, will all but deny him/herself the fulfillment promised by this number. Such a
case could be characterized by an important planet squaring the Nodes, or conjunct the South

The Destiny Number is calculated using the birth date, adding each number. E.g.: 15 October(10/1) 1844  
6 + 1 + 8 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6  (preferred method, reducing each part: day, month, year then adding them all together)


1 + 5 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 8 + 4 + 4 = 24 = 2 + 4 = 6

Six is the Destiny Number and its energies will rule the overall direction of the life.

Destiny 1
A path of independence and pioneering, bringing the new, causing impact and standing alone
against the world. Possibility of achieving great personal power and autonomy. Everlasting
energy and progress. Many situations dealing with competition and assertion, sometimes
violence. Intense life.

Destiny 2
A path of cooperation and sensibility, can be involved with diplomacy, serving as a bridge to
people and events. There can be situations involving social games, intrigue, manipulation and
sacrifice. Will probably be aided and protected by someone else, likely the marriage partner.
Partnership is important in this path. Likely to prefer behind the scenes work, helping.
Danger of apathy, depression or dependence on other people.

Destiny 3
A path of expression and exposure. Will likely be involved with the public, speaking or
acting. Needs attention, and will seek this throughout the path. Optimism and help, luck with
many affairs. Social life and communication are very important. Can be involved with gossip,
misunderstandings, or situations dealing with appearance or personality.

Destiny 4
A path of security and order. Will build something of value and probably cling to it. Very
practical life, much order, routines, work and effort; wants to be useful. Can become old very
early. Control, stability, accumulation. Slow but steady growth and achievement.

Destiny 5
A life of freedom and variety. Adventure, novelty and exotic experiences. Deep insatisfaction,
always wanting something different, restlessness. Can be involved with learning and developing
talents. Can become many things. Situations dealing with progress, flexibility and change.
Strong sexuality, many sexual experiences and/or issues. Detachment from everything, following
one's own path, probably in an erratic manner. Uncertainty.

Destiny 6
A path of service and responsibility. Can be involved with bureaucracy and social work.
Helping other people, teaching, guiding, healing and protection. Situations involving
teamwork, community, rules, laws. Can become stuck in their own ways and old rules. Great
possibility of raising children, creating a family, attachment to family. Danger of being
abused by others and forced sacrifice.

Destiny 7
A path of refinement and solitude, study and observation. Can be involved with the elite,
those who are refined and learned, science and research. Alternatively, can be involved with
the occult, seeking self-knowledge, discovering truths. Many moments of introspection and
contemplation, little to no involvement with the public or social obligations. Will seek what
others don't, will look where no one looks. Marching to the beat of a different drum. Many
situations involving mysteries, the unknown. Danger of never adapting, never fitting anywhere,
being ostracized.

Destiny 8
A path of power and achievement, survival and crisis. Will likely be involved in power
struggles and manipulation. Fear of losing power and control. Much strength for improvement,
destroys those who are weaker. Situations involving strategy, planning, logic, obscure
dealings, even crime. Very intense life, can go through many challenges, victories and losses,
ups and downs. Deals with wealth and high positions in corporations and/or government.

Destiny 9
A path of understanding and expansion, idealism and humanitarianism. Can be involved with
publishing, broadcasting ideas, propaganda, religion or philantropy. Needs to be good for
others, wants to save the world and give itself entirely to a cause. Can't stand unfairness
and will act to change situations, fight for one's beliefs. Possibility of much travel and
many different experiences, maybe even more than 5. Epiphany, revelations during the life.
Danger of getting lost in confusion, chaos, drugs and alcohool.

A minor but very important number related to the Destiny is the Birthday number (sometimes
called complementary destiny number), for it shows how one utilizes the destiny energies, and
can either help on the path, or bring trouble. The primary focus should be on the birthday
number because it will, whether one likes it or not, influence the path and will be more
easily noticed in life than the Destiny number and because it provides the means to reach the
Destiny. Learning to use this number and integrate it with the Destiny is very helpful and
will eventually bring the full realization of the Destiny.

Using the same example, the birthday number would also be 6. The analysis of the Birthday number
is basically the same of the Destiny number given.

So in this case, for the sake of a simple interpretation, this person would be involved with
helping other people, making them feel safe, taking care of the path for them, teaching and
guiding those who can't do that for themselves. Since the birthday number is also 6, art,
beauty and harmony may play a big part in the realization of the Destiny. Service is
definitely a very strong part of this life path. Also, there's a strong possibility of abuse
in this person's life, being used or deceived.

Mr. Nietzsche was a professor, poet and philosopher, and wrote about art, aesthetics,
the realization of godhood and other important ancient, traditional, almost forgotten at the time
(and still today), aspects of humanity, shaping the path for those who would care to read his works.
He was also very ill and had his work abused by other people, before and after his death.
This is all very clear in his chart, with an emphasis in Libra and Virgo, but most importantly the
chart co-ruler Moon conjunct the North Node in the first house, all representing the qualities of number six.

When the numbers are different, which is most common, the birthday number could represent a
planet aspecting the nodes, influencing the path, giving tools for fulfillment. The Destiny
Number will only be realized through the Birthday Number. When both the Destiny and Birthday
numbers are the same, it could be that the person has a very important planet conjunct the
North Node, or tightly aspecting it. In a case such as that, this person will be inexorably
drawn to the realization of the Destiny, and is likely to have many impactful, positive or
negative life experiences directly related to it.

The Expression Number (also known as Personality Number)

Related to the Sun and the personal planets, this is the main number of personality.
Represents behaviors, personal abilities, reactions to the world. It's easily noticed and will
influence the world around the person, along or against the Destiny number.
Calculated using the full name adding the letters of all the names together, the Expression is
one of the attributes that can be changed. E.g.: Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

6 9 9 5 4 9 9 3 8 = 62/8

5 9 3 8 5 3 4 = 37/10/1

5 9 5 2 8 1 3 8 5 = 46/10/1

Expression Number = 8 + 1 + 1 = 10 = 1   

The Expression Number is a very strong number 10/1 and rules the core personality. Mr.
Nietzsche was not a common Libra guy.

This number can be altered as one wants, but this should be done with much caution because energies
take time to have an effect and normally should only be used if the person is sure of what that
will bring into his or her life, and if it will be compatible with the other numbers. This
includes married names. Many times, marriages don't last very long because the name energies
are extremely different, incompatible, and will cause problems to each other.

An important minor number linked with the Expression is the Personal (or Name) Number, given
by the value of the letters of the first name. It is similar to the Birthday number in its
relationship with the Destiny number. It separates the individual from the generic archetype
ruled by the Expression number, making it unique. In this case, the Personal number would be 8,
and can be analyzed just as the Expression number.

The first letter of the first name represents a volatile energy that will appear immediately
as a first reaction to situations, but is not standard. The other numbers will prevail over
this, unless the number of the letter and the Name or Expression are the same. When they are
the same or harmonic, this adds consistency to the character.

Expression 1
Leader, entrepreneur, pioneer, unique, needs independence and individuality and, more than all,
activity. Very energetic. Straightforward and honest, sometimes rash, belligerent. Can be
extremely self-centered, even childish. Very ambitious, doesn't take loss very well. Feels the
need to express the individuality at all times, at all costs.

Expression 2
Sensitive, happiest with others by the side. Likes to help, very loving and giving. Can be
shy, doesn't do well with competition and prefers to stay behind the scenes. Deep fear of
solitude and rejection, can be overly attached to loved ones and will put up with anything to
maintain relationships. Possibility of having psychic powers, can feel what others feel, read
between the lines.

Expression 3
Lively, fun, warm, entertaining, upbeat, always the life of the party. Love of social contacts
and performing, being the center of attention. Talent with words and the arts, strong
imagination, very good story teller. Can be very lucky and get away with things. On the other
hand, can be extremely superficial, futile, loud, gossipy, repetitive. Annoying.

Expression 4
Practical, realistic, reliable, no-nonsense attitude. Extremely hard working and commited to
whatever they do. Organized, logical, conservative, slow but steady. Innate understanding of
systems, structures, time and rhythm. Talent for making money and keeping it. Can be dull,
unfeeling, act older than the real age, averse to change and the new.

Expression 5
Exremely versatile and changeable, a chameleon, can become many things, shapeshift.
Intelligent, has many talents and abilities. Jack of all trades, could master them all but
usually ends up being master of nothing because 5 lacks focus. Can't stand staying put, needs
excitement and new things to do. Likes to experiment, often with others, and knows how to
present ideas, seduce, impress. Very sexual, also modern and progressive. There may be a fear
of commitment. Instability, irresponsibility, disregard for rules is very common. Trickster,
player, gambler.

Expression 6
Calm, balanced, responsible, kind and caring. Needs warmth and a comfortable place to live,
the home is very important. Six people often take the role of guardian of whatever is
important to them, usually the family. Talent in the crafts, arts and healing. Provides for
those who need, makes others feel better, even if only with words. Can be insecure, feeling
the need to control the lives of those around, being nosey and nitpicking. Worries about
everything, especially what other people think, can also become a doormat.

Expression 7
Thoughtful, reserved, discreet and refined, nothing quite reaches number seven. Seems to be
out of this world, impenetrable, distant. Doesn't stand superficialities, only cares about the
gist of things, the truth. Rationalizes everything. Interest in the occult, can be a mystic,
philosopher, scientist, or a specialist in a specific field. Can be grumpy, anti-social,
pretentious, haughty, very inconsiderate, rude with others.

Expression 8
Life is business, money is God. Confident, serious, fearless, focused, strong-willed, 8 always
shows its power, especially in competitive situations. Strong interest in finances, management
abilities. With much ambition, will claw the path to success and wealth. Clever, knows how to
manipulate and control others. Very intense presence, imposes respect. May be insecure, and
thus seeks security with power, money and position. Can be frightening, cruel, coldhearted,
evil, the archetypal villain. Extreme.

Expression 9
Open, wants to see, know and understand everything. Loves to give, loves to love, loves to
fight for what it believes. A paladin. Knows how to deal with differences in culture and
behavior. Natural talent with languages and expression. Makes easy contact with - and has the
power to influence - the masses, very large groups of people, the world. Very strong
intuition, gathers information out of thin air. Can be selfless, compassionate, giving its
entire being to a cause; often wants to do that, seeking a calling. Alternatively, can be a
fanatic, delusional, escapist, self-righteous. Lying, deceptive, fraudulent, victim.

Now, these descriptions are given entirely by themselves, as the other numbers will modify
or intensify certain qualities. Mixing the meaning of the Destiny and the Expression will give
a more realistic picture of how a person actually is because, again, they all work together.
When the Expression and Destiny are very different, this can cause blockages and problems,
even physical, because these two very strong energies ruling the person are at odds.

As a rule, the more a certain number appears in a person's numerological chart, the stronger
it is, and the more evident its qualities (or debilities) will be. The same can be said for
the numbers of a full name: the more they appear in a name, the more their energies will be
present. When a certain number appears much more than the rest, it is called the Intensity
and it will shape the person's behavior and bits of his or her personality. This excess
can either be helpful, if it brings energies lacking elsewhere, or detrimental, overloading
the life with too much of it. Everything should be taken into account. Also of great
importance is the planes of the numbers given in the last post, because their emphasis within
a name will determine the temperament. E.g.: expression number 7 is very reserved, but with a
lot of 3's will certainly want to show its face once in a while and have some fun, 3 gives
feeling and excitement, which 7 lacks. Even expression 8, serious and cold, will have some
feeling and warmth with 3's behind it. With 2's may be very sensitive despite the cold demeanor.

When a number is completely lacking in a name and/or other attributes, it's called Missing
and the person will either be oblivious to its existence and vibration, forsaking
anything related to it, or will feel it as something to conquer, though that's usually
difficult and requires constant work. Missing numbers may also be something sought in others,
rather than the self, to compensate for its lack. The approach to challenges such as
this will depend on the other numbers and whether they want to fight for it or to just adapt
to the circumstances.

Following the example of Nietzsche's Destiny number, his number 1 Expression is surely very
apparent in his chart, as well as his works and his life as a whole. Being so different from
the energies of the Destiny (what we see in his chart is Pluto and Uranus in Aries exactly
opposite his Sun and Mercury, respectively, in Libra), this may very well have caused some of
his health problems, but also gave him the energy needed to achieve so much in so little time.
He was a professor at age 24, and definitely a genius, a pioneer at his time. Without number 1
and his Personal number 8, his works would probably not have had the same impact and repercussion.

His ideas and philosophy were very strong, innovative and revolutionary, not to mention the
fact that he coined numerous original statements reused by many after him.

The Soul and Image Numbers

Last but not least, these two divisions of the Expression number provide the last two pieces
of the core personality. The Soul Number (also known as Soul Urge or Motivation Number)
represents something that's deeply desired, something one wants to accomplish within life and
will be sought at all times, relates to the Midheaven. The Image Number is directly related to
the Ascendant, but also the Midheaven and represents first impressions and how other people
view and feel about the person, often describes the physical appearance. It can also represent
what the person wants to look like, how he or she wants to be seen by the world, even if
that's not his or her true self - the social mask, the persona.

Identity crises often arise from differences between the Expression, Soul and Image numbers.
People often neglect one or another and end up unhappy with their lives because they're not
being themselves. Integrating and knowing them all is the key to real self-knowledge and inner
peace. Combined, they can show vocations, what the person wants to do or be the most and where
the talents lie.

The Soul Number is given by adding the values of all the vowels of the full name. In
Nietzsche's full name, the Soul number is 56/11(2).

The Image Number is given by adding the values of all the consonants of the full name.
Nietzsche's Image number is 89/17/8.

As such:
Expression Number = Soul Number + Image Number

Soul Number 1 - Independence and freedom are most important. Can't stand being held by other
people, or even being aided. Soul 1 people want to make their own path and make a name for
themselves, and often have more than enough motivation to do so.
Image Number 1 - Wants to be seen as very direct, straightforward, self-assertive, confident,
a pioneer, the first to do anything. Possible agressive exterior.

Soul Number 2 - Desire to be loved, to have others by the side, wants peace, harmony, to
support and be supported. Because of that, may develop diplomatic skills, negotiation and
compromise. Doesn't do well with competition and absolutely hates agression.
Image Number 2 - Looks fragile, sensitive, feminine, calm and collected. May be very shy and
introverted. Wants to be seen as someone who keeps the peace and harmony at all times.

Soul Number 3 - Desires exposure, attention, to be seen, heard and known. Desires to have
expression/speech skills, to know how to cause an impression. Deep appreciation for the arts
and especially the artists.
Image Number 3 - Talkative, friendly, upbeat, energetic, loud, demonstrative, likes to show
off. May be popular, attractive, always up to date with everything, always present at all
social gatherings.

Soul Number 4 - Desire for stability, order, security, especially material/financial. A knack
for dealing with money. May have had problems with money and now feels the need to accumulate
more and more. Needs routine and systems to feel safe, hates complications and futility.
Image Number 4 - Reliable, sober, cares a lot about the social norm and wants to fit. May
appear as too conservative, too inflexible, maybe even uninteresting, dull, too common. Wants
to be seen as competent, a hardworker.

Soul Number 5 - Freedom! Wants variety, excitement, adventure, new and interesting things.
Desires to be flexible, to develop the intellect and as many talents as possible, to be quick
and clever. Will not stand being pinned down by routine and obligations of any kind.
Image Number 5 - Changeable, not one image, but many. May change on-the-go to fit various
environments and different kinds of people. Talent with communication, likes to show
intelligence and to be known as versatile and witty.

Soul Number 6 - Desires family, a home, comfort and warmth. Deeply caring towards others,
wants to protect themselves and those they feel need protection, especially the loved ones.
Wants balance, harmony and beauty, may have talents with aesthetics, arts and healing.
Image Number 6 - Nice, pleasant, conventional, helpful, patient, makes everyone feel at home.
May have a motherly/fatherly air, likes to give advice freely and sometimes may be incovenient
because of that. Wants to be seen as good and traditional.

Soul Number 7 - Desires refinement, improvement in all respects, especially of the self.
Doesn't do well with social contacts, preferring to be alone most of the time. Wants to find
out about what is not known, investigate, ponder, improve, perfect. Will always seek spiritual
or scientific knowledge, and thus has academic talents.
Image Number 7 - Detached, distant, wants to be seen as someone unreacheable, special,
sophisticated, different, mysterious. Likes to be known as someone who knows things most
people don't and usually won't part with such knowledge. An air of nobility and aristocracy.
Alternatively, can be downright weird and awkward, rude, excentric. May have androgynous

Soul Number 8 - Wants power, wealth, status, influence. Wants to feel and have as much as
possible, be on the edge all the times. Much ambition and willpower to act and bring desires
to reality. Doesn't do well at all being in inferior positions, and will always be in
power/authority struggles. May be obsessive and overly demanding of the self and others.
Destructive tendencies are possible.
Image Number 8 - Serious, intense presence. Analytical, controlled, deals with all sorts of
situations without hesitation. Wants to be seen as prestigious, powerful, a winner, inspire
confidence and respect, even fear. Can be very well-mannered, but in a clinical, cold way. Of
all the numbers, this is the one that most often hides a sensitive and insecure nature.

Soul Number 9 - A strong desire for transcedence, perfection. Wants to see many different
things and experience as much as possible. A very deep the need for a calling, a vocation, an
ideal, something or someone to serve or a religion from which it will form its vision of the
world. Very sensitive and easily hurt by the ugliness of the world. Wants to illuminate and
save others, possibly the entire world.
Image Number 9 - Very open and sympathetic, kind with everyone, subtle, knows how to influence
people. May be careless or seem confused, vague. Often wants to be seen as a hero, a savior
and may act as such, with much drama. Expressive, may have talent with the arts, publishing,
spreading ideas.

Mr. Nietzsche's Image and Soul Numbers further corroborate the themes of the chart: a strong
8 Image with Scorpio rising, ruler Pluto in Aries opposing the Sun - certainly a very strong
and intense presence. With the Moon in the first house and Mars in Virgo conjunct the MC, we
have a clear picture of his Soul Number. He was very sensitive, but driven to accomplish what
he wanted, as his Soul worked together with his Destiny. His work was definitely extremely
important to him, and he believed entirely in its power. The service he provided to the world
was something he identified himself deeply with: first house Node, conjunct chart co-ruler
Moon. Also, second chart co-ruler Mars conjunct the Midheaven.

Again, these descriptions are very basic and shouldn't be taken entirely by themselves.

An interesting and important fact about the numbers of the name is that they can be used as
one sees fit: some people use only one name, some people use some of their names but leave one
or two away when signing documents or presenting him/herself, and this all counts to
numerology. The name's energies are summoned when used, and only through constant use they
become something solid. If a person has 3 names and leaves one away, that one may become a
reserve of energy, something that belongs to him/her but is only called when necessary.
Learning to summon one's own energies can help with business, money, work, school, social
contacts, all kinds of things.

If someone creates a pseudonym to use in many different places, to write a book for example,
this will become part of their life too. This pseudonym will have an Expression, a Soul and
Image. The energies will be raised through constant use and can either help or hinder progress
in whatever they're used with. If the energies are compatible with the original name, all the
better, but if not, this can become a source which can be used when necessary in specific
situations. The name is a powerful magickal tool.
<td val[/IMG]The expert on the planet with the English language gematria* (not numerology) is here & he is jew-wise:


*not the perverted Crowley influence.

He also has some general occult knowledge as well. He knows jewsih kabalah, but abhors it. If you search for his name on Youtube & elsewhere, you find much to look at. His name is Dennis Fetcho aka "The Fetch".

Geometry seems to me to be important as well. Seems to me that in the occult, everything boils down to astrology, geometry, numbers, sound & letters.

Once you understand how western occultist constructed the English language & then see how jews are perverting it, you will a whole new avenue of understanding.

Please direct all questions to him, not me.

Your hard angles, 45, 180 & 360 reduce to 9. Any number times 9, the sum of the digits equal nine.

Nine is a number of completion.

Good sample in pain English on this site below. Too bad it on the idiot David Icke's web site:

http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthre ... 1061353043

Secrets in Plain Sight:

Scott Onstott from Secrets in Plain Sight joined after a brief overview of news from Syria. Architecture, measurements, solar numbers, correlational use of numbers, the Egyptian Cubit, IX-XI, and WTC are some of the topics discussed in this fast show!:

http://mp3.oraclebroadcasting.com/denni ... 23_16k.mp3

I call in as David in Texas regarding the number 9. And yes, I do know Dennis.

Numerology of your name:


I am 18 which reduces to 9. I am 9 in all 3 categories. There are even 18 letters in my name. thus "magus_18"

If I get some time in the future I can post some more on this. I also have along piece on the numerology of 9-11.

--- On Mon, 4/29/13, f.follets <f.follets@... wrote:
From: f.follets <f.follets@...
Subject: [JoS_Astrology] The Power of Letters and Numbers
To: [email protected]
Date: Monday, April 29, 2013, 12:59 AM

  I'm sorry if this is out of place, what I'm presenting here is not related directly to astrology per se, but it's
very important and I've wanted to share this for quite some time already. Please let me know
what you think of this, and if I should go further into it.

It's a well known fact that names have power. Giving a name to something is like giving it an
official existence which will, from that moment onward, carry its own purpose and develop its
meaning. Nomen est omen. The names of the gods are vibrated as words of power. In ancient
languages, letters had numerical equivalence; letters and numbers were interchangeable and all
had special significance and power.

More than that, the power of the letters and numbers is based on the fact that they represent
the vibrations of the universe. Each one of them is a concept within itself, and each one is a
part of the whole. Names, mantras, runes, sigils, symbols, letters, numbers - all are
connected. The numbers and letters are tools with which one can understand this process and
shed light on what makes things what they are, what is their basic constitution and what they represent to the rest of the world.

Numerology studies and utilizes these tools to understand and work with the energies of the
univserse. Together with Astrology, it can provide invaluable information about the self, the
others and the future. It's extremely simple and straightforward to use - though very detailed
as well - and can clarify or even reveal trends not easily seen within a chart.

In this post, I will present the numbers, their basic meaning/rulership and relationship for
future reference. Later, I'll show the methods that reveal exactly how they are used in Numerology.

Basic rules and the Numerical equivalence of Letters

In numerology, all the numbers are reduced to one digit that represents a vibration. This is
done through the addition of the digits. For example: 258 is actually 6, because 2 + 5 + 8 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6.

Two tables are used to assign numbers to the letters: the Pythagorean table, which is the most
widely used and the Chaldean table, which is rarely used.

In the Pythagorean table, numbers relate to the letters in a very straightforward way: A = 1, B = 2 and so on.
Also, sets of letters represent vibrational levels of each number and are divided in physical/material, mental/social and spiritual/emotional.

             1    2    3   4    5   6   7    8   9
Physical A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I     
Mental    J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R
Spiritual  S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z     

The Chaldean table does not use the number 9 (supposedly) because it was considered a divine,
sacred number, unrelated to people. The Pythagorean table is the most practical and accurate for general use,
and is the one I prefer, however the Chaldean table is said to hold most closely the real vibrational
qualities of the numbers and letters and thus represents occult meanings and underlying
forces. Choice between the two is free and depends entirely on preference.

 1   2   3   4  5   6   7   8
 A  B  C   D  E  U  O  F
 I   K  G   M  H  V  Z  P
 J  R   L   T   N  W
 Y      S   X

The Meaning of the Numbers

Number 1
Yang, the masculine principle, existence, will, spirit, creation, pure, absolute power.

Assertion, independence, individualism, consciousness, clarity, uniqueness, spontaneity,
bravery, courage, ambition, dominance, leadership, originality, pioneering, potence, drive,
action, agitation, achievement. Agression, selfishness, arrogance, war, separation.

Number 2
Ying, the feminine principle, polarity, reflection, antithesis, complement, union, equality.

Co-operation, association, subtlety, harmony, sensibility, emotion, empathy/sympathy,
intimacy, adjustment, calmness, persuasion, diplomacy, peace. Dependence, passivity,
submission, weakness, depression, sabotage, deception, opposition.

Number 3
Growth, fertility, expression, movement, progress, change.

Joy, fun, youth, demonstration, creativity, activity, brilliance, luck, celebration, sexuality
for expression/reproduction, performing arts, communication, sociability, friendship,
popularity. Immaturity, dispersion, futility.

Number 4
Order, the manifestation of form, reality, substance, matter, solidity, time.

Systems, standards, facts, routine, consistence, stability, structure, incarnation, useful
work, discipline, resilience, patience, engineering, exactitude, logic, maturity, economy,
efficience, conservation. Roughness, restriction, repression, limitation, indifference,
tedium, opposing change, stagnation, the old.

Number 5
Multiplicity, the quintessence, infinite possibilities, freedom, the five senses, experience,

Intelligence, versatility, creativity, understanding, pleasure, excitement, sexuality for
physical/mental experience and pleasure, change, resourcefulness, charisma, shrewd, fluency, breaks the
status quo and mental prisions. Disruption, nervousness, uncertainty, dispersion, shallowness, promiscuity.

Number 6
Hearth, family, justice, duty, service, connection, humanity.

Care, fairness, tact, excellence, harmony, beauty, aesthetics, taste, poise, responsibility,
dedication, devotion, tradition, protection, help, medicine, marriage, exchange, equivalence,
relationships, welfare, community, sociability, society, civilization, social code, rules,
laws, ethics, advice, teaching, guidance, arts. Dependence, abuse, closed groups, oligarchy,
conformism, mafia, indecision, criticism, nitpicking.

Number 7
Wisdom, the occult, mystery, study, science, analysis, magic, philosophy.

The mental realm, truth, metaphysics, higher consciousness, solitude, quietude, detachment,
introspection, search for meaning and perfection, meditation, purification,
physical/mental/spiritual refinement, spiritual knowledge, mental breakthrough, the male-
female union, hermaphrodite, androgyny, symbolism, specialization, dignity, self-reliability,
technique. Anti-social, weirdness, ostracism, paranoia, omission, hides the truth, skepticism.

Number 8
Power, triumph, conquest, extremes, crisis, death.

Ascension, determination, competence, authority, concentrated effort, intensity, control,
focus, reincarnation, recuperation, executive ability, finances, politics, government,
material success, achievement, status, wealth, loyalty, pure logic and reasoning. Cold,
calculating, sadism, wrath, hatred, torture, extreme violence, cruelty, obsession, corruption,
intolerance, destruction, crime.

Number 9
Divinity, immortality, the world/universe, infinite knowledge.

Omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence, illumination, inspiration, comprehension, spiritual
leadership, elevation, perfection, transcedence, universal counsciousness, myths, religion,
broadcasting, fame, idealism, charisma, sacrifice, neverending expansion, foreigners,
enthusiasm, the world at large. Martyrdom, fanatism, victimization, superiority complex,
drugs, alcohool, aberrations, loss, gullibility, madness.

There are also three main (or more, but few people use them at all) so-called "Master Numbers":
11(2), 22(4) and 33(6) which are basically the same as their reduced, single-number
form, only much more powerful. They are rarely realized in full by people who have them in
their makeup, but they nevertheless provide greater-than-average potential to both glory and
downfall. They operate pretty much as the higher octave planets. Usually, whenever they appear
in the numerological chart, they are not reduced because of their special significance.

It's worth noticing that the number 33 had its meaning and potential abused by the enemy,
who called it the number of Christ, "the son of God"/"savior"/"protector", when in fact it
represents our Gentile relationship with the Gods, our humanity. Six is the number of family
bond and connections and we have family bonds with the gods, we descend from them and we will
always be connected to them, also as their family. There are many other ways to see the misuse
of number 33, it's very clear. This also serves to show how the 33 works in relation to the
single number 6: one represents divine, elevated meanings, and the other represents more
common meanings.

Similarly, numbers followed with 0, such as 10, 20, 500 etc. are the same as their single
form, only intensified by the presence of number zero. Number zero, for all practical
purposes, is not used but exists nevertheless and is only considered in a couple of cases,
such as this one.

Numerical Relationships

As shown in the descriptions (and I tried my best to separate them as much as possible), the
numbers have an overlapping spectrum of (rather than mutually exclusive) meanings. Some of
them are directly related to each other, some have similar characteristics, but with different

- The even numbers represent conformity, accordance, permanence. The odd numbers stand alone,
bring change and break the conformity.
- Numbers 3, 6 and 9 are all related, all deal with relationships and connections, in
different degrees: 3 deals with few relationships, friends; 6 deals with larger groups of people, the community;
9 deals with relationships with the world at large.
- 3 is rather superficial, 6 is deeper, 9 is both the ultimate soul commitment and complete
- 2 represents all 1 on 1 relationships.
- 1 represents the head and has to do with the powers of the mind, can represent raw mental
energy, genius, mental prowess.
- 4 and 8 deal with logic and reasoning.
- Number 5, despite being mental, is also very physical; it works through the senses and as
such, is one of the most sexual numbers.
- 2, 6 and 9 are all helpers, humanitarians, sensitive numbers.
- 2 is entirely passive, will give itself entirely; 6 is also passive, but will stand by
itself and its ideals, even if abused sometimes; 9 can give itself entirely to a cause it
believes, but will always act to change a situation and fights whenever necessary.
- 5 and 9 both represent expansion.
- 4 and 8 are very similar, but while 4 maintains the status quo for the sake of simply having
a status quo, 8 does it for personal reasons, to maintain power.
- 6 also seeks permanence, but for the sake of balance and harmony.
- 1 and 8 have abundant energy and can be very sexual, like number 3 and 5, but are usually concerned with other things.

Combined, letters and numbers provide a very fine-tuned energetic signature to whatever they
are attached to.

The numbers also relate to certain signs and planets, though not really directly. Different
authors on the subject offer different ruling planets to each number, and none of them seem to
encompass their meaning entirely, so I'll not go into that. Numbers usually rule a set of
similar characteristics from two or more signs at once:

- 1 relates to both Aries and Leo.
- 2 relates to Libra and Cancer.
- 3 relates to Taurus, Gemini and Leo.
- 4 relates to all the earth signs.
- 5 is most closely related to the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, though it is also related to
- 6 is Cancer, Virgo and Libra.
- 7 is almost entirely related to Aquarius.
- 8 is strongly related to Scorpio and Capricorn.
- 9 is Sagittarius and Pisces.
- 11 is very close to the entire meaning of Pisces.
- 22 has the qualities of Taurus, but of Aries and Pisces as well. Transcendent number 4.
- 33 represents the Virgo-Pisces axis very strongly.

The numbers relate to the tarot cards, runes and chakras as well.

As said in the introduction, the numbers encompass the meaning of many energies and can be
used to understand their interactions and how they work in the world. Though the focus here is
self-knowledge and people, they can be used for pretty much everything, including predicting
the future. I'll go into that in future posts, if you want.

P.S.: If for some reason the tables are screwed up, just do a quick search with their names and you'll find many images of them.
Formatting text on Yahoo is a terrible, painful job.
<td val[/IMG]If I remember correctly, what Maxine says about Enochian mistranslations, Dennis mentions on an interview of him on some internet radio show on the occult. (Not on his own show.) This was thru his own independent research. I will see if I can find the videos.

--- On Tue, 4/30/13, m_18 <magus_18@... wrote:
From: m_18 <magus_18@...
Subject: Re: [JoS_Astrology] The Power of Letters and Numbers
To: [email protected]
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013, 6:50 PM

<td style="font:[/IMG]The expert on the planet with the English language gematria* (not numerology) is here & he is jew-wise:


*not the perverted Crowley influence.

He also has some general occult knowledge as well. He knows jewsih kabalah, but abhors it. If you search for his name on Youtube & elsewhere, you find much to look at. His name is Dennis Fetcho aka "The Fetch".

Geometry seems to me to be important as well. Seems to me that in the occult, everything boils down to astrology, geometry, numbers, sound & letters.

Once you understand how western occultist constructed the English language & then see how jews are perverting it, you will a whole new avenue of understanding.

Please direct all questions to him, not me.

Your hard angles, 45, 180 & 360 reduce to 9. Any number times 9, the sum of the digits equal nine.

Nine is a number of completion.

Good sample in pain English on this site below. Too bad it on the idiot David Icke's web site:

http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthre ... 1061353043

Secrets in Plain Sight:

Scott Onstott from Secrets in Plain Sight joined after a brief overview of news from Syria. Architecture, measurements, solar numbers, correlational use of numbers, the Egyptian Cubit, IX-XI, and WTC are some of the topics discussed in this fast show!:

http://mp3.oraclebroadcasting.com/denni ... 23_16k.mp3

I call in as David in Texas regarding the number 9. And yes, I do know Dennis.

Numerology of your name:


I am 18 which reduces to 9. I am 9 in all 3 categories. There are even 18 letters in my name. thus "magus_18"

If I get some time in the future I can post some more on this. I also have along piece on the numerology of 9-11.

--- On Mon, 4/29/13, f.follets <f.follets@... wrote:
From: f.follets <f.follets@...
Subject: [JoS_Astrology] The Power of Letters and Numbers
To: [email protected]
Date: Monday, April 29, 2013, 12:59 AM

  I'm sorry if this is out of place, what I'm presenting here is not related directly to astrology per se, but it's
very important and I've wanted to share this for quite some time already. Please let me know
what you think of this, and if I should go further into it.

It's a well known fact that names have power. Giving a name to something is like giving it an
official existence which will, from that moment onward, carry its own purpose and develop its
meaning. Nomen est omen. The names of the gods are vibrated as words of power. In ancient
languages, letters had numerical equivalence; letters and numbers were interchangeable and all
had special significance and power.

More than that, the power of the letters and numbers is based on the fact that they represent
the vibrations of the universe. Each one of them is a concept within itself, and each one is a
part of the whole. Names, mantras, runes, sigils, symbols, letters, numbers - all are
connected. The numbers and letters are tools with which one can understand this process and
shed light on what makes things what they are, what is their basic constitution and what they represent to the rest of the world.

Numerology studies and utilizes these tools to understand and work with the energies of the
univserse. Together with Astrology, it can provide invaluable information about the self, the
others and the future. It's extremely simple and straightforward to use - though very detailed
as well - and can clarify or even reveal trends not easily seen within a chart.

In this post, I will present the numbers, their basic meaning/rulership and relationship for
future reference. Later, I'll show the methods that reveal exactly how they are used in Numerology.

Basic rules and the Numerical equivalence of Letters

In numerology, all the numbers are reduced to one digit that represents a vibration. This is
done through the addition of the digits. For example: 258 is actually 6, because 2 + 5 + 8 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6.

Two tables are used to assign numbers to the letters: the Pythagorean table, which is the most
widely used and the Chaldean table, which is rarely used.

In the Pythagorean table, numbers relate to the letters in a very straightforward way: A = 1, B = 2 and so on.
Also, sets of letters represent vibrational levels of each number and are divided in physical/material, mental/social and spiritual/emotional.

             1    2    3   4    5   6   7    8   9
Physical A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I     
Mental    J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R
Spiritual  S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z     

The Chaldean table does not use the number 9 (supposedly) because it was considered a divine,
sacred number, unrelated to people. The Pythagorean table is the most practical and accurate for general use,
and is the one I prefer, however the Chaldean table is said to hold most closely the real vibrational
qualities of the numbers and letters and thus represents occult meanings and underlying
forces. Choice between the two is free and depends entirely on preference.

 1   2   3   4  5   6   7   8
 A  B  C   D  E  U  O  F
 I   K  G   M  H  V  Z  P
 J  R   L   T   N  W
 Y      S   X

The Meaning of the Numbers

Number 1
Yang, the masculine principle, existence, will, spirit, creation, pure, absolute power.

Assertion, independence, individualism, consciousness, clarity, uniqueness, spontaneity,
bravery, courage, ambition, dominance, leadership, originality, pioneering, potence, drive,
action, agitation, achievement. Agression, selfishness, arrogance, war, separation.

Number 2
Ying, the feminine principle, polarity, reflection, antithesis, complement, union, equality.

Co-operation, association, subtlety, harmony, sensibility, emotion, empathy/sympathy,
intimacy, adjustment, calmness, persuasion, diplomacy, peace. Dependence, passivity,
submission, weakness, depression, sabotage, deception, opposition.

Number 3
Growth, fertility, expression, movement, progress, change.

Joy, fun, youth, demonstration, creativity, activity, brilliance, luck, celebration, sexuality
for expression/reproduction, performing arts, communication, sociability, friendship,
popularity. Immaturity, dispersion, futility.

Number 4
Order, the manifestation of form, reality, substance, matter, solidity, time.

Systems, standards, facts, routine, consistence, stability, structure, incarnation, useful
work, discipline, resilience, patience, engineering, exactitude, logic, maturity, economy,
efficience, conservation. Roughness, restriction, repression, limitation, indifference,
tedium, opposing change, stagnation, the old.

Number 5
Multiplicity, the quintessence, infinite possibilities, freedom, the five senses, experience,

Intelligence, versatility, creativity, understanding, pleasure, excitement, sexuality for
physical/mental experience and pleasure, change, resourcefulness, charisma, shrewd, fluency, breaks the
status quo and mental prisions. Disruption, nervousness, uncertainty, dispersion, shallowness, promiscuity.

Number 6
Hearth, family, justice, duty, service, connection, humanity.

Care, fairness, tact, excellence, harmony, beauty, aesthetics, taste, poise, responsibility,
dedication, devotion, tradition, protection, help, medicine, marriage, exchange, equivalence,
relationships, welfare, community, sociability, society, civilization, social code, rules,
laws, ethics, advice, teaching, guidance, arts. Dependence, abuse, closed groups, oligarchy,
conformism, mafia, indecision, criticism, nitpicking.

Number 7
Wisdom, the occult, mystery, study, science, analysis, magic, philosophy.

The mental realm, truth, metaphysics, higher consciousness, solitude, quietude, detachment,
introspection, search for meaning and perfection, meditation, purification,
physical/mental/spiritual refinement, spiritual knowledge, mental breakthrough, the male-
female union, hermaphrodite, androgyny, symbolism, specialization, dignity, self-reliability,
technique. Anti-social, weirdness, ostracism, paranoia, omission, hides the truth, skepticism.

Number 8
Power, triumph, conquest, extremes, crisis, death.

Ascension, determination, competence, authority, concentrated effort, intensity, control,
focus, reincarnation, recuperation, executive ability, finances, politics, government,
material success, achievement, status, wealth, loyalty, pure logic and reasoning. Cold,
calculating, sadism, wrath, hatred, torture, extreme violence, cruelty, obsession, corruption,
intolerance, destruction, crime.

Number 9
Divinity, immortality, the world/universe, infinite knowledge.

Omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence, illumination, inspiration, comprehension, spiritual
leadership, elevation, perfection, transcedence, universal counsciousness, myths, religion,
broadcasting, fame, idealism, charisma, sacrifice, neverending expansion, foreigners,
enthusiasm, the world at large. Martyrdom, fanatism, victimization, superiority complex,
drugs, alcohool, aberrations, loss, gullibility, madness.

There are also three main (or more, but few people use them at all) so-called "Master Numbers":
11(2), 22(4) and 33(6) which are basically the same as their reduced, single-number
form, only much more powerful. They are rarely realized in full by people who have them in
their makeup, but they nevertheless provide greater-than-average potential to both glory and
downfall. They operate pretty much as the higher octave planets. Usually, whenever they appear
in the numerological chart, they are not reduced because of their special significance.

It's worth noticing that the number 33 had its meaning and potential abused by the enemy,
who called it the number of Christ, "the son of God"/"savior"/"protector", when in fact it
represents our Gentile relationship with the Gods, our humanity. Six is the number of family
bond and connections and we have family bonds with the gods, we descend from them and we will
always be connected to them, also as their family. There are many other ways to see the misuse
of number 33, it's very clear. This also serves to show how the 33 works in relation to the
single number 6: one represents divine, elevated meanings, and the other represents more
common meanings.

Similarly, numbers followed with 0, such as 10, 20, 500 etc. are the same as their single
form, only intensified by the presence of number zero. Number zero, for all practical
purposes, is not used but exists nevertheless and is only considered in a couple of cases,
such as this one.

Numerical Relationships

As shown in the descriptions (and I tried my best to separate them as much as possible), the
numbers have an overlapping spectrum of (rather than mutually exclusive) meanings. Some of
them are directly related to each other, some have similar characteristics, but with different

- The even numbers represent conformity, accordance, permanence. The odd numbers stand alone,
bring change and break the conformity.
- Numbers 3, 6 and 9 are all related, all deal with relationships and connections, in
different degrees: 3 deals with few relationships, friends; 6 deals with larger groups of people, the community;
9 deals with relationships with the world at large.
- 3 is rather superficial, 6 is deeper, 9 is both the ultimate soul commitment and complete
- 2 represents all 1 on 1 relationships.
- 1 represents the head and has to do with the powers of the mind, can represent raw mental
energy, genius, mental prowess.
- 4 and 8 deal with logic and reasoning.
- Number 5, despite being mental, is also very physical; it works through the senses and as
such, is one of the most sexual numbers.
- 2, 6 and 9 are all helpers, humanitarians, sensitive numbers.
- 2 is entirely passive, will give itself entirely; 6 is also passive, but will stand by
itself and its ideals, even if abused sometimes; 9 can give itself entirely to a cause it
believes, but will always act to change a situation and fights whenever necessary.
- 5 and 9 both represent expansion.
- 4 and 8 are very similar, but while 4 maintains the status quo for the sake of simply having
a status quo, 8 does it for personal reasons, to maintain power.
- 6 also seeks permanence, but for the sake of balance and harmony.
- 1 and 8 have abundant energy and can be very sexual, like number 3 and 5, but are usually concerned with other things.

Combined, letters and numbers provide a very fine-tuned energetic signature to whatever they
are attached to.

The numbers also relate to certain signs and planets, though not really directly. Different
authors on the subject offer different ruling planets to each number, and none of them seem to
encompass their meaning entirely, so I'll not go into that. Numbers usually rule a set of
similar characteristics from two or more signs at once:

- 1 relates to both Aries and Leo.
- 2 relates to Libra and Cancer.
- 3 relates to Taurus, Gemini and Leo.
- 4 relates to all the earth signs.
- 5 is most closely related to the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, though it is also related to
- 6 is Cancer, Virgo and Libra.
- 7 is almost entirely related to Aquarius.
- 8 is strongly related to Scorpio and Capricorn.
- 9 is Sagittarius and Pisces.
- 11 is very close to the entire meaning of Pisces.
- 22 has the qualities of Taurus, but of Aries and Pisces as well. Transcendent number 4.
- 33 represents the Virgo-Pisces axis very strongly.

The numbers relate to the tarot cards, runes and chakras as well.

As said in the introduction, the numbers encompass the meaning of many energies and can be
used to understand their interactions and how they work in the world. Though the focus here is
self-knowledge and people, they can be used for pretty much everything, including predicting
the future. I'll go into that in future posts, if you want.

P.S.: If for some reason the tables are screwed up, just do a quick search with their names and you'll find many images of them.
Formatting text on Yahoo is a terrible, painful job.
<td val[/IMG]Thank you for the excellent, recent information on numerology/astrology.
I would like to ask a question regarding the Chaldean system: Since many of us were born with a "9" in the date of our birth, and the Chaldeans did not ordinarily use this digit, what is it replaced by when we calculate our Destiny Number? [/TD]
<td val[/IMG]I don't recall offhand. That would require some research. Been a long time since I spent any real time with these topics.

--- On Wed, 5/1/13, Geshteit Pfalzgraf <vesceles@... wrote:
From: Geshteit Pfalzgraf <vesceles@...
Subject: [JoS_Astrology] Re: The Power of Letters and Numbers
To: [email protected]
Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2013, 9:50 AM

<td style="font:[/IMG]Thank you for the excellent, recent information on numerology/astrology.
I would like to ask a question regarding the Chaldean system: Since many of us were born with a "9" in the date of our birth, and the Chaldeans did not ordinarily use this digit, what is it replaced by when we calculate our Destiny Number? [/TD]
I looked up numerology once but i thought it was a big a deal. That was like 3 years ago [before dedicating]or so. Now it sure sounds interesting.

Thank you for posting this.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "f.follets" <f.follets@... wrote:

I'm sorry if this is out of place, what I'm presenting here is not
related directly to astrology per se, but it's
very important and I've wanted to share this for quite some time
already. Please let me know
what you think of this, and if I should go further into it.

It's a well known fact that names have power. Giving a name to something
is like giving it an
official existence which will, from that moment onward, carry its own
purpose and develop its
meaning. Nomen est omen. The names of the gods are vibrated as words of
power. In ancient
languages, letters had numerical equivalence; letters and numbers were
interchangeable and all
had special significance and power.

More than that, the power of the letters and numbers is based on the
fact that they represent
the vibrations of the universe. Each one of them is a concept within
itself, and each one is a
part of the whole. Names, mantras, runes, sigils, symbols, letters,
numbers - all are
connected. The numbers and letters are tools with which one can
understand this process and
shed light on what makes things what they are, what is their basic
constitution and what they represent to the rest of the world.

Numerology studies and utilizes these tools to understand and work with
the energies of the
univserse. Together with Astrology, it can provide invaluable
information about the self, the
others and the future. It's extremely simple and straightforward to use
- though very detailed
as well - and can clarify or even reveal trends not easily seen within a

In this post, I will present the numbers, their basic meaning/rulership
and relationship for
future reference. Later, I'll show the methods that reveal exactly how
they are used in Numerology.

Basic rules and the Numerical equivalence of Letters

In numerology, all the numbers are reduced to one digit that represents
a vibration. This is
done through the addition of the digits. For example: 258 is actually 6,
because 2 + 5 + 8 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6.

Two tables are used to assign numbers to the letters: the Pythagorean
table, which is the most
widely used and the Chaldean table, which is rarely used.

In the Pythagorean table, numbers relate to the letters in a very
straightforward way: A = 1, B = 2 and so on.
Also, sets of letters represent vibrational levels of each number and
are divided in physical/material, mental/social and spiritual/emotional.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Physical A B C D E F G H I
Mental J K L M N O P Q R
Spiritual S T U V W X Y Z

The Chaldean table does not use the number 9 (supposedly) because it was
considered a divine,
sacred number, unrelated to people. The Pythagorean table is the most
practical and accurate for general use,
and is the one I prefer, however the Chaldean table is said to hold most
closely the real vibrational
qualities of the numbers and letters and thus represents occult meanings
and underlying
forces. Choice between the two is free and depends entirely on

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The Meaning of the Numbers

Number 1
Yang, the masculine principle, existence, will, spirit, creation, pure,
absolute power.

Assertion, independence, individualism, consciousness, clarity,
uniqueness, spontaneity,
bravery, courage, ambition, dominance, leadership, originality,
pioneering, potence, drive,
action, agitation, achievement. Agression, selfishness, arrogance, war,

Number 2
Ying, the feminine principle, polarity, reflection, antithesis,
complement, union, equality.

Co-operation, association, subtlety, harmony, sensibility, emotion,
intimacy, adjustment, calmness, persuasion, diplomacy, peace.
Dependence, passivity,
submission, weakness, depression, sabotage, deception, opposition.

Number 3
Growth, fertility, expression, movement, progress, change.

Joy, fun, youth, demonstration, creativity, activity, brilliance, luck,
celebration, sexuality
for expression/reproduction, performing arts, communication,
sociability, friendship,
popularity. Immaturity, dispersion, futility.

Number 4
Order, the manifestation of form, reality, substance, matter, solidity,

Systems, standards, facts, routine, consistence, stability, structure,
incarnation, useful
work, discipline, resilience, patience, engineering, exactitude, logic,
maturity, economy,
efficience, conservation. Roughness, restriction, repression,
limitation, indifference,
tedium, opposing change, stagnation, the old.

Number 5
Multiplicity, the quintessence, infinite possibilities, freedom, the
five senses, experience,

Intelligence, versatility, creativity, understanding, pleasure,
excitement, sexuality for
physical/mental experience and pleasure, change, resourcefulness,
charisma, shrewd, fluency, breaks the
status quo and mental prisions. Disruption, nervousness, uncertainty,
dispersion, shallowness, promiscuity.

Number 6
Hearth, family, justice, duty, service, connection, humanity.

Care, fairness, tact, excellence, harmony, beauty, aesthetics, taste,
poise, responsibility,
dedication, devotion, tradition, protection, help, medicine, marriage,
exchange, equivalence,
relationships, welfare, community, sociability, society, civilization,
social code, rules,
laws, ethics, advice, teaching, guidance, arts. Dependence, abuse,
closed groups, oligarchy,
conformism, mafia, indecision, criticism, nitpicking.

Number 7
Wisdom, the occult, mystery, study, science, analysis, magic,

The mental realm, truth, metaphysics, higher consciousness, solitude,
quietude, detachment,
introspection, search for meaning and perfection, meditation,
physical/mental/spiritual refinement, spiritual knowledge, mental
breakthrough, the male-
female union, hermaphrodite, androgyny, symbolism, specialization,
dignity, self-reliability,
technique. Anti-social, weirdness, ostracism, paranoia, omission, hides
the truth, skepticism.

Number 8
Power, triumph, conquest, extremes, crisis, death.

Ascension, determination, competence, authority, concentrated effort,
intensity, control,
focus, reincarnation, recuperation, executive ability, finances,
politics, government,
material success, achievement, status, wealth, loyalty, pure logic and
reasoning. Cold,
calculating, sadism, wrath, hatred, torture, extreme violence, cruelty,
obsession, corruption,
intolerance, destruction, crime.

Number 9
Divinity, immortality, the world/universe, infinite knowledge.

Omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence, illumination, inspiration,
comprehension, spiritual
leadership, elevation, perfection, transcedence, universal
counsciousness, myths, religion,
broadcasting, fame, idealism, charisma, sacrifice, neverending
expansion, foreigners,
enthusiasm, the world at large. Martyrdom, fanatism, victimization,
superiority complex,
drugs, alcohool, aberrations, loss, gullibility, madness.

There are also three main (or more, but few people use them at all)
so-called "Master Numbers":
11(2), 22(4) and 33(6) which are basically the same as their reduced,
form, only much more powerful. They are rarely realized in full by
people who have them in
their makeup, but they nevertheless provide greater-than-average
potential to both glory and
downfall. They operate pretty much as the higher octave planets.
Usually, whenever they appear
in the numerological chart, they are not reduced because of their
special significance.

It's worth noticing that the number 33 had its meaning and potential
abused by the enemy,
who called it the number of Christ, "the son of
God"/"savior"/"protector", when in fact it
represents our Gentile relationship with the Gods, our humanity. Six is
the number of family
bond and connections and we have family bonds with the gods, we descend
from them and we will
always be connected to them, also as their family. There are many other
ways to see the misuse
of number 33, it's very clear. This also serves to show how the 33 works
in relation to the
single number 6: one represents divine, elevated meanings, and the other
represents more
common meanings.

Similarly, numbers followed with 0, such as 10, 20, 500 etc. are the
same as their single
form, only intensified by the presence of number zero. Number zero, for
all practical
purposes, is not used but exists nevertheless and is only considered in
a couple of cases,
such as this one.

Numerical Relationships

As shown in the descriptions (and I tried my best to separate them as
much as possible), the
numbers have an overlapping spectrum of (rather than mutually exclusive)
meanings. Some of
them are directly related to each other, some have similar
characteristics, but with different

- The even numbers represent conformity, accordance, permanence. The odd
numbers stand alone,
bring change and break the conformity.
- Numbers 3, 6 and 9 are all related, all deal with relationships and
connections, in
different degrees: 3 deals with few relationships, friends; 6 deals with
larger groups of people, the community;
9 deals with relationships with the world at large.
- 3 is rather superficial, 6 is deeper, 9 is both the ultimate soul
commitment and complete
- 2 represents all 1 on 1 relationships.
- 1 represents the head and has to do with the powers of the mind, can
represent raw mental
energy, genius, mental prowess.
- 4 and 8 deal with logic and reasoning.
- Number 5, despite being mental, is also very physical; it works
through the senses and as
such, is one of the most sexual numbers.
- 2, 6 and 9 are all helpers, humanitarians, sensitive numbers.
- 2 is entirely passive, will give itself entirely; 6 is also passive,
but will stand by
itself and its ideals, even if abused sometimes; 9 can give itself
entirely to a cause it
believes, but will always act to change a situation and fights whenever
- 5 and 9 both represent expansion.
- 4 and 8 are very similar, but while 4 maintains the status quo for the
sake of simply having
a status quo, 8 does it for personal reasons, to maintain power.
- 6 also seeks permanence, but for the sake of balance and harmony.
- 1 and 8 have abundant energy and can be very sexual, like number 3 and
5, but are usually concerned with other things.

Combined, letters and numbers provide a very fine-tuned energetic
signature to whatever they
are attached to.

The numbers also relate to certain signs and planets, though not really
directly. Different
authors on the subject offer different ruling planets to each number,
and none of them seem to
encompass their meaning entirely, so I'll not go into that. Numbers
usually rule a set of
similar characteristics from two or more signs at once:

- 1 relates to both Aries and Leo.
- 2 relates to Libra and Cancer.
- 3 relates to Taurus, Gemini and Leo.
- 4 relates to all the earth signs.
- 5 is most closely related to the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, though it is
also related to
- 6 is Cancer, Virgo and Libra.
- 7 is almost entirely related to Aquarius.
- 8 is strongly related to Scorpio and Capricorn.
- 9 is Sagittarius and Pisces.
- 11 is very close to the entire meaning of Pisces.
- 22 has the qualities of Taurus, but of Aries and Pisces as well.
Transcendent number 4.
- 33 represents the Virgo-Pisces axis very strongly.

The numbers relate to the tarot cards, runes and chakras as well.

As said in the introduction, the numbers encompass the meaning of many
energies and can be
used to understand their interactions and how they work in the world.
Though the focus here is
self-knowledge and people, they can be used for pretty much everything,
including predicting
the future. I'll go into that in future posts, if you want.

P.S.: If for some reason the tables are screwed up, just do a quick
search with their names and you'll find many images of them.
Formatting text on Yahoo is a terrible, painful job.
Thank you very much for posting this. These links add a whole other level to the symbolism of the numbers and their relationship, and stays very close to the truth of things, despite the authors' connections to jews and jew sympathizers. Numerology usually works with more practical aspects of the numbers, but seeing this it's extremely clear how much more there is to the whole picture.

"Whole picture", interestingly, with all these connections between geometry, numbers, letters, sounds, reminds me of holograms, which accurately represent "as above, so below". They are images in which every single part is connected to and reflected on the other, in such a way that when one part is separated from the rest, it alone reproduces the whole again. The occult is the study of the universe as the hologram.

Please do share more information about this!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], m_18 <magus_18@... wrote:

The expert on the planet with the English language gematria* (not numerology) is here & he is jew-wise:


*not the perverted Crowley influence.

He also has some general occult knowledge as well. He knows jewsih kabalah, but abhors it. If you search for his name on Youtube & elsewhere, you find much to look at. His name is Dennis Fetcho aka "The Fetch".

Geometry seems to me to be important as well. Seems to me that in the occult, everything boils down to astrology, geometry, numbers, sound & letters.

Once you understand how western occultist constructed the English language & then see how jews are perverting it, you will a whole new avenue of understanding.

Please direct all questions to him, not me.

Your hard angles, 45, 180 & 360 reduce to 9. Any number times 9, the sum of the digits equal nine.

Nine is a number of completion.

Good sample in pain English on this site below. Too bad it on the idiot David Icke's web site:

http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthre ... 1061353043

Secrets in Plain Sight:

Scott Onstott from Secrets in Plain Sight joined after a
brief overview of news from Syria. Architecture, measurements, solar
numbers, correlational use of numbers, the Egyptian Cubit, IX-XI, and WTC
are some of the topics discussed in this fast show!:

http://mp3.oraclebroadcasting.com/denni ... 23_16k.mp3

I call in as David in Texas regarding the number 9. And yes, I do know Dennis.

Numerology of your name:


I am 18 which reduces to 9. I am 9 in all 3 categories. There are even 18 letters in my name. thus "magus_18"

If I get some time in the future I can post some more on this. I also have along piece on the numerology of 9-11.
I unfortunately haven't found any reliable source of information on Chaldean numerology, which is why I didn't give much depth to it in the text. I'll be doing more research though, and if I find anything, I'll be sure to post here.

Nevertheless, since they apparently used an entirely different system, I don't think they had a formula for calculating the Destiny number, such as modern numerology does. If they did, it was probably based on a completely different day/month/year system altogether.

Their system seems to focus entirely on the name, rather than the date of birth.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Geshteit Pfalzgraf <vesceles@... wrote:

Thank you for the excellent, recent information on numerology/astrology.
I would like to ask a question regarding the Chaldean system: Since many of us were born with a "9" in the date of our birth, and the Chaldeans did not ordinarily use this digit, what is it replaced by when we calculate our Destiny Number? 
<td val[/IMG]He has no connections to jews except for having a show & he knows that he may be involved in on a network that is even run by them - at least with their money, if not directly.  He likes doing his show, so what else is he to do? He hates them (jews) & speaks the truth about them & in his shows. He knows a lot about them. He rarely talks about gematria on his shows. He mainly interviews & talks about current events & the politics involved & always mentions the jew issues involved. There are many in the so-called truth & patiotard movements who talk about jews as well. I think jews don't mind this as longs as their agenda(s) moves along & especially where people are still locked into xianity. As long as that is the case, they know they are still under their thumb. It's like propaganda that is still 90% facts.

Direct all questions regarding English gematria to him directly. There should be a way to do that on his blog page. I am not giving out his email address.

I spent time dealing with some of the hosts on that defunct network to pull them away. I had some success. Enough to bring down their stats & put them in the toilet. Within 2 months of certain hosts leaving/being canned, their listenership practically disappeared. I did this by calling in regularly & emailing them. Several of the hosts have moved on to better things more based in reality as a result. Those hosts do not have their archives posted on the network's web site for obvious reasons & the network's web page is simply archives now of course.

I will post more numerology when I get some time. I have to dig up old stuff & reread much of it first. I have professional obligations to deal with & other activism that keeps me from posting here consistently.

--- On Thu, 5/2/13, f.follets <f.follets@... wrote:
From: f.follets <f.follets@...
Subject: [JoS_Astrology] Re: The Power of Letters and Numbers
To: [email protected]
Date: Thursday, May 2, 2013, 9:30 PM

  Thank you very much for posting this. These links add a whole other level to the symbolism of the numbers and their relationship, and stays very close to the truth of things, despite the authors' connections to jews and jew sympathizers. Numerology usually works with more practical aspects of the numbers, but seeing this it's extremely clear how much more there is to the whole picture.

"Whole picture", interestingly, with all these connections between geometry, numbers, letters, sounds, reminds me of holograms, which accurately represent "as above, so below". They are images in which every single part is connected to and reflected on the other, in such a way that when one part is separated from the rest, it alone reproduces the whole again. The occult is the study of the universe as the hologram.

Please do share more information about this!

--- [/IMG][email protected], m_18 <magus_18@... wrote:

The expert on the planet with the English language gematria* (not numerology) is here & he is jew-wise:


*not the perverted Crowley influence.

He also has some general occult knowledge as well. He knows jewsih kabalah, but abhors it. If you search for his name on Youtube & elsewhere, you find much to look at. His name is Dennis Fetcho aka "The Fetch".

Geometry seems to me to be important as well. Seems to me that in the occult, everything boils down to astrology, geometry, numbers, sound & letters.

Once you understand how western occultist constructed the English language & then see how jews are perverting it, you will a whole new avenue of understanding.

Please direct all questions to him, not me.

Your hard angles, 45, 180 & 360 reduce to 9. Any number times 9, the sum of the digits equal nine.

Nine is a number of completion.

Good sample in pain English on this site below. Too bad it on the idiot David Icke's web site:

http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthre ... 1061353043

Secrets in Plain Sight:

Scott Onstott from Secrets in Plain Sight joined after a
brief overview of news from Syria. Architecture, measurements, solar
numbers, correlational use of numbers, the Egyptian Cubit, IX-XI, and WTC
are some of the topics discussed in this fast show!:

http://mp3.oraclebroadcasting.com/denni ... 23_16k.mp3

I call in as David in Texas regarding the number 9. And yes, I do know Dennis.

Numerology of your name:


I am 18 which reduces to 9. I am 9 in all 3 categories. There are even 18 letters in my name. thus "magus_18"

If I get some time in the future I can post some more on this. I also have along piece on the numerology of 9-11.
<td val[/IMG]I found this:

Gematria by Dennis Fetcho The basic elements of the Construction. A primary element is that known as "the Acroamatic Cipher". Says Manley P. Hall in "Secret Teachings of All Ages",     "The religious and philosophical writings of all nations abound with acroamatic cryptograms, that is, parables and allegories. The acroamatic is unique in that the document containing it may be translated or reprinted without affecting the cryptogram. Parables and allegories have been used since remote antiquity to present moral truths in an attractive and understandable manner. The acroamatic cryptogram is a pictorial cipher drawn in words and its symbolism must be so interpreted. The Old and New Testaments of the Jews, the writings of Plato and Aristotle, Homer's Odyssey and Iliad, Virgil's Æneid, The Metamorphosis of Apuleius, and Æsop's Fables are outstanding examples of acroamatic cryptography in which are concealed the deepest and most sublime truths of ancient mystical philosophy... ...The creation myths of the world are acroamatic cryptograms, and the deities of the various pantheons are only cryptic characters which, if properly understood, become the constituents of a divine alphabet." As embodied in Speculative Freemasonry, this search for "the Truth" comprised a search for "the Lost Word".  This "Lost Word" was encoded as a "divine Alphabet". As Manley P. Hall explains, the various "creation myths of the world" abound with "acoamatic ciphers" that are, in turn, concealing a "sacred Alphabet".  In the story of "Adam and Eve", we are able to demonstrate precisely what was meant by a "divine Alphabet". If we use the Letter M and divide it, we create the sequence I V I. This sequence is simply reordered to V-II.  Being "Hebrew", it is read "backwards", wherein the "tale" reveals its Letter. II = PI = 3.141 = 1413 = ADMV = EVE ADM and EVE is an acroamatic cipher for the "Roman" or "Greek" letter M. Since V-II is a form of "crypted M", we note then that the SEVEN is, too, a form of "cipher" for the Letter M.  In this case, we note that when we break the M into its constituent components, M = I V I, it is "Pi" as "ADM" that "surrounds" EVE.  Hence in the word S-EVE-N, we note that S is located at number 3 while N is located at number 14. S-EVE-N simply is another form of presentation for the Letter M. Equally, since EL (L) is, too, located at number 3, the word EL-EVE-N demonstrates clear that EL-EVE-N is a form of cipher for the Letter M. All of these representations and ciphers form "conceptual links" and "anchors" that, through an elevated understanding of the Construct, begin to reveal themselves as representative of "the Word". The Key to "the Word" is Pi. The Precession of the Equinoxes and Freemasonry One of the "Great Keys" to understanding the Speculative Masonic Arts, as well as the larger Western esoteric traditions, to include Esoteric Christianity, is that which is known as "the Precession of the Equinoxes". In short, the Earth wobbles on its axis like a top, shifting one degree every 72 years.  The total time to complete one rotation on its axis is known as "Plato's Great Year".  Says Higgins in "The Beginning of Freemasonry",     "If the ultimate and all-sustaining secret of Freemasonry may be openly expressed in a few words, it will be these:     "The entire course of nature is manifested in cycles.  Some of these are scientifically real, others are but appearances based upon the presence and position of the observer upon the earth, away from which they have no true existence.  For instance, there is no night except we are temporarily on the shadow side of our globe during its diurnal rotation.  There is this movement of the earth on its axis; there is the annual revolution that we term the year; and there is the stupendous cycle called the precession of the equinoxes, which requires nearly 26,000 years for its accomplishment....     "...By careful computation we are able to reconstruct this really divine system, and we find that the exact proportions relating to celestial correlations in question were lavishly and exclusively in the architecture and temples of old, in all the culture lands of the world, both east and west." "The Great Pyramid" of Egypt is, perhaps, the most studied of all ancient architectures relative to Western esoteric traditions, especially as these traditions pertain to Freemasonry.  Some celestial constants that are embed into the Great Pyramid include the following: The length of a base side is 9,131 Pyramid Inches measured at the mean socket level, or 365.24 Pyramid Cubits, which is the number of days in a year [9,131/25 = 365.24, accurate to 5 digits]. The perimeter of the base divided by 100 = 365.24, the number of days in a year. [9 131 Pyramid Inches * 4 / 100, accurate to 5 digits]     The length of the antechamber of the King's Chamber times Pi = length of a sidereal year [116.26471 Pyramid Inches * 3.14159 = 365.25636 days, accurate to 8 digits]     The sum of the pyramid's two base diagonals in Pyramid Inches = length of the Precession of the Equinoxes (25,827 years)     Due to the angle of the sides of the pyramid vs. its latitude, it casts no shadow at noon during the spring equinox.  - Source: Tim Strouse.com When creating the "verbal" component of the larger "philosophical Construction", the "precession number that was/is used is that of Plato, or 25920. When 25920 is divided by 2, this figure enables us to arrive at a "conceptual diameter", or what is known as a "Pi Proportion". The "Precession of the Equinoxes" as a "Pi Proportion" may be viewed simply as two circles squared and divided by 10. (360^2)/10 = (360*360) = 129600/10 = 12,960 Years 12960 Years * 2 = 25920 Years = Platonic Cycle In this case, the operative number is "6^2" or 6*6 or 36. When we sum the digits from 1:11, we show that 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11 = 66. The term "66" is a cryptogram for 6*6. The Great Key remains "Pi", which in this case is being represented by 360 degrees of a circle, or 6*6, or 66 and 11 for short. Anchor Points in the Alphabet - The Number 7 We now turn to the idea of "anchors in the Alphabet".  Another term for "anchors" is "Pi Start Points", but "anchors" is an appropriate conceptual definition. Our primary "anchor" is simply to divide the Alphabet in half. In a 26 digit sequence Alphabet, a division by 2 would arrive at "13".  This is the Letter M.  "M" starts the sequence 131415 which is, of course, Pi (3.1415). The secondary anchor is to simply divide the Alphabet again in half. The homonym code here is "If you got it, do you have it?" In this case, the Letters being encoded are the Letters G and T.  The operative word is "GOT".  In this case, we divided the Alphabet in half and arrived at M.NO.  When we divide the Alphabet in half a second time, we arrive at the Letters of G and T. At the letters "G" and "T", we have exactly 6 Letters to the right and left of each respective letter. ABCDEF - G - HIJKLM-----6------G - ----6---- NOPQRS - T - UVWXYZ-----6-------T ------6----- This "6*6*6*6" encodes the "Precession of the Equinoxes" in that 6*6*6*6 = 1296, while equally encoding the period from Winter Solstice to Spring Equinox to Summer Solstice to Fall Equinox, and so forth. The design of the Alphabet is directly encoding the same "celestial observations" as is hinted at in the design of the Pyramids. The "homonym code" is a play on words.  If we "G-T" the Alphabet, we first divide the Alphabet in "half", and then, when we divide the Alphabet in "half" again, we arrive at the Letters G-T.  The play on words, then, is the coy link of "have" to "halve". If you "G-T" the Alphabet, do you "halve it"? The answer, then, is of course "Yes", if I G-T the Alphabet, I must "halve it".  Set into profane speech, the phrase becomes "If you got it, do you have it?".  With a wink of the eye, an esoteric code set against "truth" reveals itself simply and effectively. More importantly, the Letters "G" and "T" appear on the "7 digit" of each of their respective halves. The way that the "7" becomes a "Pi Start Point", or "anchor point", is through fusing the Letters G and T to the seasons.  T is the Winter and Summer Solstice while G is the Spring and Fall Equinox.  Since each of these days traditionally fell on the 22 day of their respective, the fraction of 22/7 reveals 3.1428571. "7" represents an anchor point for Pi when the traditional dates for the Sun's celestial marking points is invoked.  The Letters B-T and "11" We could not that the Letters B and T have values of 2 and 20 respective, and that the sum of 2+20=22 and thus to divide 22 by 2 we arrive back at 11 shows a relationship of B and T to 11, but this form of logic would not be the design and intent of the Letters B and T. However, just as G and T as the word "GOT" and "GET" hint at a more hidden esoteric code, so too do the Letters B and T as the word BET and BETTER, hints at a more hidden esoteric code. The way this works is through a manipulation of the "Master Number", which is 11. The "Master Number" of "11" reveals that the sum of 1:11 is 66, and 66 is 6*6=36. Manipulations of the Number 36 include the following: 1) The Sum of 1:8 = 36 = 6*62) The Sum of 1:11 = 66 = 6*63) The Square of 36 = 6*64) The Multiple of 4*9=36=6*6 When we use the Letters B and T, aka, the "BT" er way.  This "BT" way, of course, must invoke the Master Number in some way. This is accomplished through setting one start point at T and the other at B.  If we count 4 digits to right of T and 4 digits to the left of B, our end point is X. T - U V W - X - Y Z A - B The Letter X is 11 digits in from the start of the second half of the Alphabet. N O P Q R S T U V W X1  2  3  4 5  6 7 8  9  0  11 When we count 9 from the Left of T and 9 from the Right of B, our end point is the Letter K. B - C D E F G H I J - K - L M N O P Q R S - T The Letter K is the 11th Letter from the start of the Alphabet. Through the Letters BT, using a 4*9 count, we arrive at an 11*11  (K-X) representation of the Master Number. Since 11 is 66, then K-X reveals 11-11, or 66-66, or 6*6*10*6*6 = 12960 years. This is, again, the Pi Proportion to the Precession of the Equinoxes. In this way does 7/11 hide or reveal starting points for "the Word" or "Pi"?

--- On Fri, 5/3/13, m_18 <magus_18@... wrote:
From: m_18 <magus_18@...
Subject: Re: [JoS_Astrology] Re: The Power of Letters and Numbers
To: [email protected]
Date: Friday, May 3, 2013, 2:28 PM

<td style="font:[/IMG]He has no connections to jews except for having a show & he knows that he may be involved in on a network that is even run by them - at least with their money, if not directly.  He likes doing his show, so what else is he to do? He hates them (jews) & speaks the truth about them & in his shows. He knows a lot about them. He rarely talks about gematria on his shows. He mainly interviews & talks about current events & the politics involved & always mentions the jew issues involved. There are many in the so-called truth & patiotard movements who talk about jews as well. I think jews don't mind this as longs as their agenda(s) moves along & especially where people are still locked into xianity. As long as that is the case, they know they are still under their thumb. It's like propaganda that is still 90% facts.

Direct all questions regarding English gematria to him directly. There should be a way to do that on his blog page. I am not giving out his email address.

I spent time dealing with some of the hosts on that defunct network to pull them away. I had some success. Enough to bring down their stats & put them in the toilet. Within 2 months of certain hosts leaving/being canned, their listenership practically disappeared. I did this by calling in regularly & emailing them. Several of the hosts have moved on to better things more based in reality as a result. Those hosts do not have their archives posted on the network's web site for obvious reasons & the network's web page is simply archives now of course.

I will post more numerology when I get some time. I have to dig up old stuff & reread much of it first. I have professional obligations to deal with & other activism that keeps me from posting here consistently.

--- On Thu, 5/2/13, f.follets <f.follets@... wrote:
From: f.follets <f.follets@...
Subject: [JoS_Astrology] Re: The Power of Letters and Numbers
To: [email protected]
Date: Thursday, May 2, 2013, 9:30 PM

  Thank you very much for posting this. These links add a whole other level to the symbolism of the numbers and their relationship, and stays very close to the truth of things, despite the authors' connections to jews and jew sympathizers. Numerology usually works with more practical aspects of the numbers, but seeing this it's extremely clear how much more there is to the whole picture.

"Whole picture", interestingly, with all these connections between geometry, numbers, letters, sounds, reminds me of holograms, which accurately represent "as above, so below". They are images in which every single part is connected to and reflected on the other, in such a way that when one part is separated from the rest, it alone reproduces the whole again. The occult is the study of the universe as the hologram.

Please do share more information about this!

--- [/IMG][email protected], m_18 <magus_18@... wrote:

The expert on the planet with the English language gematria* (not numerology) is here & he is jew-wise:


*not the perverted Crowley influence.

He also has some general occult knowledge as well. He knows jewsih kabalah, but abhors it. If you search for his name on Youtube & elsewhere, you find much to look at. His name is Dennis Fetcho aka "The Fetch".

Geometry seems to me to be important as well. Seems to me that in the occult, everything boils down to astrology, geometry, numbers, sound & letters.

Once you understand how western occultist constructed the English language & then see how jews are perverting it, you will a whole new avenue of understanding.

Please direct all questions to him, not me.

Your hard angles, 45, 180 & 360 reduce to 9. Any number times 9, the sum of the digits equal nine.

Nine is a number of completion.

Good sample in pain English on this site below. Too bad it on the idiot David Icke's web site:

http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthre ... 1061353043

Secrets in Plain Sight:

Scott Onstott from Secrets in Plain Sight joined after a
brief overview of news from Syria. Architecture, measurements, solar
numbers, correlational use of numbers, the Egyptian Cubit, IX-XI, and WTC
are some of the topics discussed in this fast show!:

http://mp3.oraclebroadcasting.com/denni ... 23_16k.mp3

I call in as David in Texas regarding the number 9. And yes, I do know Dennis.

Numerology of your name:


I am 18 which reduces to 9. I am 9 in all 3 categories. There are even 18 letters in my name. thus "magus_18"

If I get some time in the future I can post some more on this. I also have along piece on the numerology of 9-11.

@magus_18 thank you for the wealth of information which you have provided.


From: m_18 <magus_18@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, May 1, 2013 6:50 AM
Subject: Re: [JoS_Astrology] The Power of Letters and Numbers

<td style="font:[/IMG]The expert on the planet with the English language gematria* (not numerology) is here & he is jew-wise:


*not the perverted Crowley influence.

He also has some general occult knowledge as well. He knows jewsih kabalah, but abhors it. If you search for his name on Youtube & elsewhere, you find much to look at. His name is Dennis Fetcho aka "The Fetch".

Geometry seems to me to be important as well. Seems to me that in the occult, everything boils down to astrology, geometry, numbers, sound & letters.

Once you understand how western occultist constructed the English language & then see how jews are perverting it, you will a whole new avenue of understanding.

Please direct all questions to him, not me.

Your hard angles, 45, 180 & 360 reduce to 9. Any number times 9, the sum of the digits equal nine.

Nine is a number of completion.

Good sample in pain English on this site below. Too bad it on the idiot David Icke's web site:

http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthre ... 1061353043

Secrets in Plain Sight:

Scott Onstott from Secrets in Plain Sight joined after a brief overview of news from Syria. Architecture, measurements, solar numbers, correlational use of numbers, the Egyptian Cubit, IX-XI, and WTC are some of the topics discussed in this fast show!:

http://mp3.oraclebroadcasting.com/denni ... 23_16k.mp3

I call in as David in Texas regarding the number 9. And yes, I do know Dennis.

Numerology of your name:


I am 18 which reduces to 9. I am 9 in all 3 categories. There are even 18 letters in my name. thus "magus_18"

If I get some time in the future I can post some more on this. I also have along piece on the numerology of 9-11.

--- On Mon, 4/29/13, f.follets <f.follets@... wrote:
From: f.follets <f.follets@...
Subject: [JoS_Astrology] The Power of Letters and Numbers
To: [email protected]
Date: Monday, April 29, 2013, 12:59 AM

  I'm sorry if this is out of place, what I'm presenting here is not related directly to astrology per se, but it's
very important and I've wanted to share this for quite some time already. Please let me know
what you think of this, and if I should go further into it.

It's a well known fact that names have power. Giving a name to something is like giving it an
official existence which will, from that moment onward, carry its own purpose and develop its
meaning. Nomen est omen. The names of the gods are vibrated as words of power. In ancient
languages, letters had numerical equivalence; letters and numbers were interchangeable and all
had special significance and power.

More than that, the power of the letters and numbers is based on the fact that they represent
the vibrations of the universe. Each one of them is a concept within itself, and each one is a
part of the whole. Names, mantras, runes, sigils, symbols, letters, numbers - all are
connected. The numbers and letters are tools with which one can understand this process and
shed light on what makes things what they are, what is their basic constitution and what they represent to the rest of the world.

Numerology studies and utilizes these tools to understand and work with the energies of the
univserse. Together with Astrology, it can provide invaluable information about the self, the
others and the future. It's extremely simple and straightforward to use - though very detailed
as well - and can clarify or even reveal trends not easily seen within a chart.

In this post, I will present the numbers, their basic meaning/rulership and relationship for
future reference. Later, I'll show the methods that reveal exactly how they are used in Numerology.

Basic rules and the Numerical equivalence of Letters

In numerology, all the numbers are reduced to one digit that represents a vibration. This is
done through the addition of the digits. For example: 258 is actually 6, because 2 + 5 + 8 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6.

Two tables are used to assign numbers to the letters: the Pythagorean table, which is the most
widely used and the Chaldean table, which is rarely used.

In the Pythagorean table, numbers relate to the letters in a very straightforward way: A = 1, B = 2 and so on.
Also, sets of letters represent vibrational levels of each number and are divided in physical/material, mental/social and spiritual/emotional.

             1    2    3   4    5   6   7    8   9
Physical A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I     
Mental    J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R
Spiritual  S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z     

The Chaldean table does not use the number 9 (supposedly) because it was considered a divine,
sacred number, unrelated to people. The Pythagorean table is the most practical and accurate for general use,
and is the one I prefer, however the Chaldean table is said to hold most closely the real vibrational
qualities of the numbers and letters and thus represents occult meanings and underlying
forces. Choice between the two is free and depends entirely on preference.

 1   2   3   4  5   6   7   8
 A  B  C   D  E  U  O  F
 I   K  G   M  H  V  Z  P
 J  R   L   T   N  W
 Y      S   X

The Meaning of the Numbers

Number 1
Yang, the masculine principle, existence, will, spirit, creation, pure, absolute power.

Assertion, independence, individualism, consciousness, clarity, uniqueness, spontaneity,
bravery, courage, ambition, dominance, leadership, originality, pioneering, potence, drive,
action, agitation, achievement. Agression, selfishness, arrogance, war, separation.

Number 2
Ying, the feminine principle, polarity, reflection, antithesis, complement, union, equality.

Co-operation, association, subtlety, harmony, sensibility, emotion, empathy/sympathy,
intimacy, adjustment, calmness, persuasion, diplomacy, peace. Dependence, passivity,
submission, weakness, depression, sabotage, deception, opposition.

Number 3
Growth, fertility, expression, movement, progress, change.

Joy, fun, youth, demonstration, creativity, activity, brilliance, luck, celebration, sexuality
for expression/reproduction, performing arts, communication, sociability, friendship,
popularity. Immaturity, dispersion, futility.

Number 4
Order, the manifestation of form, reality, substance, matter, solidity, time.

Systems, standards, facts, routine, consistence, stability, structure, incarnation, useful
work, discipline, resilience, patience, engineering, exactitude, logic, maturity, economy,
efficience, conservation. Roughness, restriction, repression, limitation, indifference,
tedium, opposing change, stagnation, the old.

Number 5
Multiplicity, the quintessence, infinite possibilities, freedom, the five senses, experience,

Intelligence, versatility, creativity, understanding, pleasure, excitement, sexuality for
physical/mental experience and pleasure, change, resourcefulness, charisma, shrewd, fluency, breaks the
status quo and mental prisions. Disruption, nervousness, uncertainty, dispersion, shallowness, promiscuity.

Number 6
Hearth, family, justice, duty, service, connection, humanity.

Care, fairness, tact, excellence, harmony, beauty, aesthetics, taste, poise, responsibility,
dedication, devotion, tradition, protection, help, medicine, marriage, exchange, equivalence,
relationships, welfare, community, sociability, society, civilization, social code, rules,
laws, ethics, advice, teaching, guidance, arts. Dependence, abuse, closed groups, oligarchy,
conformism, mafia, indecision, criticism, nitpicking.

Number 7
Wisdom, the occult, mystery, study, science, analysis, magic, philosophy.

The mental realm, truth, metaphysics, higher consciousness, solitude, quietude, detachment,
introspection, search for meaning and perfection, meditation, purification,
physical/mental/spiritual refinement, spiritual knowledge, mental breakthrough, the male-
female union, hermaphrodite, androgyny, symbolism, specialization, dignity, self-reliability,
technique. Anti-social, weirdness, ostracism, paranoia, omission, hides the truth, skepticism.

Number 8
Power, triumph, conquest, extremes, crisis, death.

Ascension, determination, competence, authority, concentrated effort, intensity, control,
focus, reincarnation, recuperation, executive ability, finances, politics, government,
material success, achievement, status, wealth, loyalty, pure logic and reasoning. Cold,
calculating, sadism, wrath, hatred, torture, extreme violence, cruelty, obsession, corruption,
intolerance, destruction, crime.

Number 9
Divinity, immortality, the world/universe, infinite knowledge.

Omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence, illumination, inspiration, comprehension, spiritual
leadership, elevation, perfection, transcedence, universal counsciousness, myths, religion,
broadcasting, fame, idealism, charisma, sacrifice, neverending expansion, foreigners,
enthusiasm, the world at large. Martyrdom, fanatism, victimization, superiority complex,
drugs, alcohool, aberrations, loss, gullibility, madness.

There are also three main (or more, but few people use them at all) so-called "Master Numbers":
11(2), 22(4) and 33(6) which are basically the same as their reduced, single-number
form, only much more powerful. They are rarely realized in full by people who have them in
their makeup, but they nevertheless provide greater-than-average potential to both glory and
downfall. They operate pretty much as the higher octave planets. Usually, whenever they appear
in the numerological chart, they are not reduced because of their special significance.

It's worth noticing that the number 33 had its meaning and potential abused by the enemy,
who called it the number of Christ, "the son of God"/"savior"/"protector", when in fact it
represents our Gentile relationship with the Gods, our humanity. Six is the number of family
bond and connections and we have family bonds with the gods, we descend from them and we will
always be connected to them, also as their family. There are many other ways to see the misuse
of number 33, it's very clear. This also serves to show how the 33 works in relation to the
single number 6: one represents divine, elevated meanings, and the other represents more
common meanings.

Similarly, numbers followed with 0, such as 10, 20, 500 etc. are the same as their single
form, only intensified by the presence of number zero. Number zero, for all practical
purposes, is not used but exists nevertheless and is only considered in a couple of cases,
such as this one.

Numerical Relationships

As shown in the descriptions (and I tried my best to separate them as much as possible), the
numbers have an overlapping spectrum of (rather than mutually exclusive) meanings. Some of
them are directly related to each other, some have similar characteristics, but with different

- The even numbers represent conformity, accordance, permanence. The odd numbers stand alone,
bring change and break the conformity.
- Numbers 3, 6 and 9 are all related, all deal with relationships and connections, in
different degrees: 3 deals with few relationships, friends; 6 deals with larger groups of people, the community;
9 deals with relationships with the world at large.
- 3 is rather superficial, 6 is deeper, 9 is both the ultimate soul commitment and complete
- 2 represents all 1 on 1 relationships.
- 1 represents the head and has to do with the powers of the mind, can represent raw mental
energy, genius, mental prowess.
- 4 and 8 deal with logic and reasoning.
- Number 5, despite being mental, is also very physical; it works through the senses and as
such, is one of the most sexual numbers.
- 2, 6 and 9 are all helpers, humanitarians, sensitive numbers.
- 2 is entirely passive, will give itself entirely; 6 is also passive, but will stand by
itself and its ideals, even if abused sometimes; 9 can give itself entirely to a cause it
believes, but will always act to change a situation and fights whenever necessary.
- 5 and 9 both represent expansion.
- 4 and 8 are very similar, but while 4 maintains the status quo for the sake of simply having
a status quo, 8 does it for personal reasons, to maintain power.
- 6 also seeks permanence, but for the sake of balance and harmony.
- 1 and 8 have abundant energy and can be very sexual, like number 3 and 5, but are usually concerned with other things.

Combined, letters and numbers provide a very fine-tuned energetic signature to whatever they
are attached to.

The numbers also relate to certain signs and planets, though not really directly. Different
authors on the subject offer different ruling planets to each number, and none of them seem to
encompass their meaning entirely, so I'll not go into that. Numbers usually rule a set of
similar characteristics from two or more signs at once:

- 1 relates to both Aries and Leo.
- 2 relates to Libra and Cancer.
- 3 relates to Taurus, Gemini and Leo.
- 4 relates to all the earth signs.
- 5 is most closely related to the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, though it is also related to
- 6 is Cancer, Virgo and Libra.
- 7 is almost entirely related to Aquarius.
- 8 is strongly related to Scorpio and Capricorn.
- 9 is Sagittarius and Pisces.
- 11 is very close to the entire meaning of Pisces.
- 22 has the qualities of Taurus, but of Aries and Pisces as well. Transcendent number 4.
- 33 represents the Virgo-Pisces axis very strongly.

The numbers relate to the tarot cards, runes and chakras as well.

As said in the introduction, the numbers encompass the meaning of many energies and can be
used to understand their interactions and how they work in the world. Though the focus here is
self-knowledge and people, they can be used for pretty much everything, including predicting
the future. I'll go into that in future posts, if you want.

P.S.: If for some reason the tables are screwed up, just do a quick search with their names and you'll find many images of them.
Formatting text on Yahoo is a terrible, painful job.

<td val[/IMG]You're welcome. As soon as I get a chance, I will look up some stuff on my computer for numerology.


--- On Mon, 5/6/13, magus_igni <magus_igni@... wrote:
From: magus_igni <magus_igni@...
Subject: Re: [JoS_Astrology] The Power of Letters and Numbers
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Date: Monday, May 6, 2013, 4:39 AM

@magus_18 thank you for the wealth of information which you have provided.


From: m_18 <magus_18@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, May 1, 2013 6:50 AM
Subject: Re: [JoS_Astrology] The Power of Letters and Numbers

<td style="font:[/IMG]The expert on the planet with the English language gematria* (not numerology) is here & he is jew-wise:


*not the perverted Crowley influence.

He also has some general occult knowledge as well. He knows jewsih kabalah, but abhors it. If you search for his name on Youtube & elsewhere, you find much to look at. His name is Dennis Fetcho aka "The Fetch".

Geometry seems to me to be important as well. Seems to me that in the occult, everything boils down to astrology, geometry, numbers, sound & letters.

Once you understand how western occultist constructed the English language & then see how jews are perverting it, you will a whole new avenue of understanding.

Please direct all questions to him, not me.

Your hard angles, 45, 180 & 360 reduce to 9. Any number times 9, the sum of the digits equal nine.

Nine is a number of completion.

Good sample in pain English on this site below. Too bad it on the idiot David Icke's web site:

http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthre ... 1061353043

Secrets in Plain Sight:

Scott Onstott from Secrets in Plain Sight joined after a brief overview of news from Syria. Architecture, measurements, solar numbers, correlational use of numbers, the Egyptian Cubit, IX-XI, and WTC are some of the topics discussed in this fast show!:

http://mp3.oraclebroadcasting.com/denni ... 23_16k.mp3

I call in as David in Texas regarding the number 9. And yes, I do know Dennis.

Numerology of your name:


I am 18 which reduces to 9. I am 9 in all 3 categories. There are even 18 letters in my name. thus "magus_18"

If I get some time in the future I can post some more on this. I also have along piece on the numerology of 9-11.

--- On Mon, 4/29/13, f.follets <f.follets@... wrote:
From: f.follets <f.follets@...
Subject: [JoS_Astrology] The Power of Letters and Numbers
To: [email protected]
Date: Monday, April 29, 2013, 12:59 AM

  I'm sorry if this is out of place, what I'm presenting here is not related directly to astrology per se, but it's
very important and I've wanted to share this for quite some time already. Please let me know
what you think of this, and if I should go further into it.

It's a well known fact that names have power. Giving a name to something is like giving it an
official existence which will, from that moment onward, carry its own purpose and develop its
meaning. Nomen est omen. The names of the gods are vibrated as words of power. In ancient
languages, letters had numerical equivalence; letters and numbers were interchangeable and all
had special significance and power.

More than that, the power of the letters and numbers is based on the fact that they represent
the vibrations of the universe. Each one of them is a concept within itself, and each one is a
part of the whole. Names, mantras, runes, sigils, symbols, letters, numbers - all are
connected. The numbers and letters are tools with which one can understand this process and
shed light on what makes things what they are, what is their basic constitution and what they represent to the rest of the world.

Numerology studies and utilizes these tools to understand and work with the energies of the
univserse. Together with Astrology, it can provide invaluable information about the self, the
others and the future. It's extremely simple and straightforward to use - though very detailed
as well - and can clarify or even reveal trends not easily seen within a chart.

In this post, I will present the numbers, their basic meaning/rulership and relationship for
future reference. Later, I'll show the methods that reveal exactly how they are used in Numerology.

Basic rules and the Numerical equivalence of Letters

In numerology, all the numbers are reduced to one digit that represents a vibration. This is
done through the addition of the digits. For example: 258 is actually 6, because 2 + 5 + 8 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6.

Two tables are used to assign numbers to the letters: the Pythagorean table, which is the most
widely used and the Chaldean table, which is rarely used.

In the Pythagorean table, numbers relate to the letters in a very straightforward way: A = 1, B = 2 and so on.
Also, sets of letters represent vibrational levels of each number and are divided in physical/material, mental/social and spiritual/emotional.

             1    2    3   4    5   6   7    8   9
Physical A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I     
Mental    J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R
Spiritual  S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z     

The Chaldean table does not use the number 9 (supposedly) because it was considered a divine,
sacred number, unrelated to people. The Pythagorean table is the most practical and accurate for general use,
and is the one I prefer, however the Chaldean table is said to hold most closely the real vibrational
qualities of the numbers and letters and thus represents occult meanings and underlying
forces. Choice between the two is free and depends entirely on preference.

 1   2   3   4  5   6   7   8
 A  B  C   D  E  U  O  F
 I   K  G   M  H  V  Z  P
 J  R   L   T   N  W
 Y      S   X

The Meaning of the Numbers

Number 1
Yang, the masculine principle, existence, will, spirit, creation, pure, absolute power.

Assertion, independence, individualism, consciousness, clarity, uniqueness, spontaneity,
bravery, courage, ambition, dominance, leadership, originality, pioneering, potence, drive,
action, agitation, achievement. Agression, selfishness, arrogance, war, separation.

Number 2
Ying, the feminine principle, polarity, reflection, antithesis, complement, union, equality.

Co-operation, association, subtlety, harmony, sensibility, emotion, empathy/sympathy,
intimacy, adjustment, calmness, persuasion, diplomacy, peace. Dependence, passivity,
submission, weakness, depression, sabotage, deception, opposition.

Number 3
Growth, fertility, expression, movement, progress, change.

Joy, fun, youth, demonstration, creativity, activity, brilliance, luck, celebration, sexuality
for expression/reproduction, performing arts, communication, sociability, friendship,
popularity. Immaturity, dispersion, futility.

Number 4
Order, the manifestation of form, reality, substance, matter, solidity, time.

Systems, standards, facts, routine, consistence, stability, structure, incarnation, useful
work, discipline, resilience, patience, engineering, exactitude, logic, maturity, economy,
efficience, conservation. Roughness, restriction, repression, limitation, indifference,
tedium, opposing change, stagnation, the old.

Number 5
Multiplicity, the quintessence, infinite possibilities, freedom, the five senses, experience,

Intelligence, versatility, creativity, understanding, pleasure, excitement, sexuality for
physical/mental experience and pleasure, change, resourcefulness, charisma, shrewd, fluency, breaks the
status quo and mental prisions. Disruption, nervousness, uncertainty, dispersion, shallowness, promiscuity.

Number 6
Hearth, family, justice, duty, service, connection, humanity.

Care, fairness, tact, excellence, harmony, beauty, aesthetics, taste, poise, responsibility,
dedication, devotion, tradition, protection, help, medicine, marriage, exchange, equivalence,
relationships, welfare, community, sociability, society, civilization, social code, rules,
laws, ethics, advice, teaching, guidance, arts. Dependence, abuse, closed groups, oligarchy,
conformism, mafia, indecision, criticism, nitpicking.

Number 7
Wisdom, the occult, mystery, study, science, analysis, magic, philosophy.

The mental realm, truth, metaphysics, higher consciousness, solitude, quietude, detachment,
introspection, search for meaning and perfection, meditation, purification,
physical/mental/spiritual refinement, spiritual knowledge, mental breakthrough, the male-
female union, hermaphrodite, androgyny, symbolism, specialization, dignity, self-reliability,
technique. Anti-social, weirdness, ostracism, paranoia, omission, hides the truth, skepticism.

Number 8
Power, triumph, conquest, extremes, crisis, death.

Ascension, determination, competence, authority, concentrated effort, intensity, control,
focus, reincarnation, recuperation, executive ability, finances, politics, government,
material success, achievement, status, wealth, loyalty, pure logic and reasoning. Cold,
calculating, sadism, wrath, hatred, torture, extreme violence, cruelty, obsession, corruption,
intolerance, destruction, crime.

Number 9
Divinity, immortality, the world/universe, infinite knowledge.

Omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence, illumination, inspiration, comprehension, spiritual
leadership, elevation, perfection, transcedence, universal counsciousness, myths, religion,
broadcasting, fame, idealism, charisma, sacrifice, neverending expansion, foreigners,
enthusiasm, the world at large. Martyrdom, fanatism, victimization, superiority complex,
drugs, alcohool, aberrations, loss, gullibility, madness.

There are also three main (or more, but few people use them at all) so-called "Master Numbers":
11(2), 22(4) and 33(6) which are basically the same as their reduced, single-number
form, only much more powerful. They are rarely realized in full by people who have them in
their makeup, but they nevertheless provide greater-than-average potential to both glory and
downfall. They operate pretty much as the higher octave planets. Usually, whenever they appear
in the numerological chart, they are not reduced because of their special significance.

It's worth noticing that the number 33 had its meaning and potential abused by the enemy,
who called it the number of Christ, "the son of God"/"savior"/"protector", when in fact it
represents our Gentile relationship with the Gods, our humanity. Six is the number of family
bond and connections and we have family bonds with the gods, we descend from them and we will
always be connected to them, also as their family. There are many other ways to see the misuse
of number 33, it's very clear. This also serves to show how the 33 works in relation to the
single number 6: one represents divine, elevated meanings, and the other represents more
common meanings.

Similarly, numbers followed with 0, such as 10, 20, 500 etc. are the same as their single
form, only intensified by the presence of number zero. Number zero, for all practical
purposes, is not used but exists nevertheless and is only considered in a couple of cases,
such as this one.

Numerical Relationships

As shown in the descriptions (and I tried my best to separate them as much as possible), the
numbers have an overlapping spectrum of (rather than mutually exclusive) meanings. Some of
them are directly related to each other, some have similar characteristics, but with different

- The even numbers represent conformity, accordance, permanence. The odd numbers stand alone,
bring change and break the conformity.
- Numbers 3, 6 and 9 are all related, all deal with relationships and connections, in
different degrees: 3 deals with few relationships, friends; 6 deals with larger groups of people, the community;
9 deals with relationships with the world at large.
- 3 is rather superficial, 6 is deeper, 9 is both the ultimate soul commitment and complete
- 2 represents all 1 on 1 relationships.
- 1 represents the head and has to do with the powers of the mind, can represent raw mental
energy, genius, mental prowess.
- 4 and 8 deal with logic and reasoning.
- Number 5, despite being mental, is also very physical; it works through the senses and as
such, is one of the most sexual numbers.
- 2, 6 and 9 are all helpers, humanitarians, sensitive numbers.
- 2 is entirely passive, will give itself entirely; 6 is also passive, but will stand by
itself and its ideals, even if abused sometimes; 9 can give itself entirely to a cause it
believes, but will always act to change a situation and fights whenever necessary.
- 5 and 9 both represent expansion.
- 4 and 8 are very similar, but while 4 maintains the status quo for the sake of simply having
a status quo, 8 does it for personal reasons, to maintain power.
- 6 also seeks permanence, but for the sake of balance and harmony.
- 1 and 8 have abundant energy and can be very sexual, like number 3 and 5, but are usually concerned with other things.

Combined, letters and numbers provide a very fine-tuned energetic signature to whatever they
are attached to.

The numbers also relate to certain signs and planets, though not really directly. Different
authors on the subject offer different ruling planets to each number, and none of them seem to
encompass their meaning entirely, so I'll not go into that. Numbers usually rule a set of
similar characteristics from two or more signs at once:

- 1 relates to both Aries and Leo.
- 2 relates to Libra and Cancer.
- 3 relates to Taurus, Gemini and Leo.
- 4 relates to all the earth signs.
- 5 is most closely related to the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, though it is also related to
- 6 is Cancer, Virgo and Libra.
- 7 is almost entirely related to Aquarius.
- 8 is strongly related to Scorpio and Capricorn.
- 9 is Sagittarius and Pisces.
- 11 is very close to the entire meaning of Pisces.
- 22 has the qualities of Taurus, but of Aries and Pisces as well. Transcendent number 4.
- 33 represents the Virgo-Pisces axis very strongly.

The numbers relate to the tarot cards, runes and chakras as well.

As said in the introduction, the numbers encompass the meaning of many energies and can be
used to understand their interactions and how they work in the world. Though the focus here is
self-knowledge and people, they can be used for pretty much everything, including predicting
the future. I'll go into that in future posts, if you want.

P.S.: If for some reason the tables are screwed up, just do a quick search with their names and you'll find many images of them.
Formatting text on Yahoo is a terrible, painful job.
<td val[/IMG]Fibonacci sequence is a sequence of numbers where each number is obtained from
the sum of the previous two series. Thus, the first 10 numbers of the
Fibonacci sequence are:

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, ...
(first 2 numbers are predefined and the rest are obtained recursively from the
sum of the previous two: 3 = 2 + 1 5 = 3 + 2, also)

Fibonacci sequence has fascinated throughout history on many scientists,
mathematicians, physicists, biologists, and continue to do so even today.

Fibonacci (1170 - 1240) is considered one of the greatest European
mathematicians of the Middle Ages. He was born in Pisa, the Italian city
famous for its leaning tower. His father was a customs officer in the city
called Bougie in North Africa, so the Fibonacci increased among North African
civilization, making, however, many trips around the Mediterranean coasts.

Fibonacci is known as one of the first who introduced Arabic numerals to
Europe, and numbers that we use today: 0, 1, 2, 3, .. 9.

Human body

Human hand has five fingers, each finger with three phalanges, separated by
joints (numbers in sequence). The average size of phalanges are: 2cm, 3cm,
In continuation is a bone of the hand which is on average 8 cm.

Human face is characterized, in terms of aesthetic, through some several main
the main distance between the eyes, distance between mouth and
and the distance between the nose and eyes, and mouth size. The science
aesthetics is estimated to be even considered more pleasing to the eye as
these dimensions better meet the Fibonacci sequence.

Fibonacci numbers are considered to be actually the counting system of nature,
a measure of Divinity. These numbers occur everywhere in nature, from the
arrangement of leaves, up to the human hand, phalanges.

One can do a search on youtube or otherwise on Fibonacci. One of Tool's songs have a Fibonacci sequence in it. You can find it on youtube.

I will post more stuff later when I get some time.


--- On Tue, 5/7/13, m_18 <magus_18@... wrote:
From: m_18 <magus_18@...
Subject: Re: [JoS_Astrology] The Power of Letters and Numbers
To: [email protected]
Date: Tuesday, May 7, 2013, 4:54 PM

<td style="font:[/IMG]You're welcome. As soon as I get a chance, I will look up some stuff on my computer for numerology.


--- On Mon, 5/6/13, magus_igni <magus_igni@... wrote:
From: magus_igni <magus_igni@...
Subject: Re: [JoS_Astrology] The Power of Letters and Numbers
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Date: Monday, May 6, 2013, 4:39 AM

@magus_18 thank you for the wealth of information which you have provided.


From: m_18 <magus_18@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, May 1, 2013 6:50 AM
Subject: Re: [JoS_Astrology] The Power of Letters and Numbers

<td style="font:[/IMG]The expert on the planet with the English language gematria* (not numerology) is here & he is jew-wise:


*not the perverted Crowley influence.

He also has some general occult knowledge as well. He knows jewsih kabalah, but abhors it. If you search for his name on Youtube & elsewhere, you find much to look at. His name is Dennis Fetcho aka "The Fetch".

Geometry seems to me to be important as well. Seems to me that in the occult, everything boils down to astrology, geometry, numbers, sound & letters.

Once you understand how western occultist constructed the English language & then see how jews are perverting it, you will a whole new avenue of understanding.

Please direct all questions to him, not me.

Your hard angles, 45, 180 & 360 reduce to 9. Any number times 9, the sum of the digits equal nine.

Nine is a number of completion.

Good sample in pain English on this site below. Too bad it on the idiot David Icke's web site:

http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthre ... 1061353043

Secrets in Plain Sight:

Scott Onstott from Secrets in Plain Sight joined after a brief overview of news from Syria. Architecture, measurements, solar numbers, correlational use of numbers, the Egyptian Cubit, IX-XI, and WTC are some of the topics discussed in this fast show!:

http://mp3.oraclebroadcasting.com/denni ... 23_16k.mp3

I call in as David in Texas regarding the number 9. And yes, I do know Dennis.

Numerology of your name:


I am 18 which reduces to 9. I am 9 in all 3 categories. There are even 18 letters in my name. thus "magus_18"

If I get some time in the future I can post some more on this. I also have along piece on the numerology of 9-11.

--- On Mon, 4/29/13, f.follets <f.follets@... wrote:
From: f.follets <f.follets@...
Subject: [JoS_Astrology] The Power of Letters and Numbers
To: [email protected]
Date: Monday, April 29, 2013, 12:59 AM

  I'm sorry if this is out of place, what I'm presenting here is not related directly to astrology per se, but it's
very important and I've wanted to share this for quite some time already. Please let me know
what you think of this, and if I should go further into it.

It's a well known fact that names have power. Giving a name to something is like giving it an
official existence which will, from that moment onward, carry its own purpose and develop its
meaning. Nomen est omen. The names of the gods are vibrated as words of power. In ancient
languages, letters had numerical equivalence; letters and numbers were interchangeable and all
had special significance and power.

More than that, the power of the letters and numbers is based on the fact that they represent
the vibrations of the universe. Each one of them is a concept within itself, and each one is a
part of the whole. Names, mantras, runes, sigils, symbols, letters, numbers - all are
connected. The numbers and letters are tools with which one can understand this process and
shed light on what makes things what they are, what is their basic constitution and what they represent to the rest of the world.

Numerology studies and utilizes these tools to understand and work with the energies of the
univserse. Together with Astrology, it can provide invaluable information about the self, the
others and the future. It's extremely simple and straightforward to use - though very detailed
as well - and can clarify or even reveal trends not easily seen within a chart.

In this post, I will present the numbers, their basic meaning/rulership and relationship for
future reference. Later, I'll show the methods that reveal exactly how they are used in Numerology.

Basic rules and the Numerical equivalence of Letters

In numerology, all the numbers are reduced to one digit that represents a vibration. This is
done through the addition of the digits. For example: 258 is actually 6, because 2 + 5 + 8 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6.

Two tables are used to assign numbers to the letters: the Pythagorean table, which is the most
widely used and the Chaldean table, which is rarely used.

In the Pythagorean table, numbers relate to the letters in a very straightforward way: A = 1, B = 2 and so on.
Also, sets of letters represent vibrational levels of each number and are divided in physical/material, mental/social and spiritual/emotional.

             1    2    3   4    5   6   7    8   9
Physical A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I     
Mental    J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R
Spiritual  S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z     

The Chaldean table does not use the number 9 (supposedly) because it was considered a divine,
sacred number, unrelated to people. The Pythagorean table is the most practical and accurate for general use,
and is the one I prefer, however the Chaldean table is said to hold most closely the real vibrational
qualities of the numbers and letters and thus represents occult meanings and underlying
forces. Choice between the two is free and depends entirely on preference.

 1   2   3   4  5   6   7   8
 A  B  C   D  E  U  O  F
 I   K  G   M  H  V  Z  P
 J  R   L   T   N  W
 Y      S   X

The Meaning of the Numbers

Number 1
Yang, the masculine principle, existence, will, spirit, creation, pure, absolute power.

Assertion, independence, individualism, consciousness, clarity, uniqueness, spontaneity,
bravery, courage, ambition, dominance, leadership, originality, pioneering, potence, drive,
action, agitation, achievement. Agression, selfishness, arrogance, war, separation.

Number 2
Ying, the feminine principle, polarity, reflection, antithesis, complement, union, equality.

Co-operation, association, subtlety, harmony, sensibility, emotion, empathy/sympathy,
intimacy, adjustment, calmness, persuasion, diplomacy, peace. Dependence, passivity,
submission, weakness, depression, sabotage, deception, opposition.

Number 3
Growth, fertility, expression, movement, progress, change.

Joy, fun, youth, demonstration, creativity, activity, brilliance, luck, celebration, sexuality
for expression/reproduction, performing arts, communication, sociability, friendship,
popularity. Immaturity, dispersion, futility.

Number 4
Order, the manifestation of form, reality, substance, matter, solidity, time.

Systems, standards, facts, routine, consistence, stability, structure, incarnation, useful
work, discipline, resilience, patience, engineering, exactitude, logic, maturity, economy,
efficience, conservation. Roughness, restriction, repression, limitation, indifference,
tedium, opposing change, stagnation, the old.

Number 5
Multiplicity, the quintessence, infinite possibilities, freedom, the five senses, experience,

Intelligence, versatility, creativity, understanding, pleasure, excitement, sexuality for
physical/mental experience and pleasure, change, resourcefulness, charisma, shrewd, fluency, breaks the
status quo and mental prisions. Disruption, nervousness, uncertainty, dispersion, shallowness, promiscuity.

Number 6
Hearth, family, justice, duty, service, connection, humanity.

Care, fairness, tact, excellence, harmony, beauty, aesthetics, taste, poise, responsibility,
dedication, devotion, tradition, protection, help, medicine, marriage, exchange, equivalence,
relationships, welfare, community, sociability, society, civilization, social code, rules,
laws, ethics, advice, teaching, guidance, arts. Dependence, abuse, closed groups, oligarchy,
conformism, mafia, indecision, criticism, nitpicking.

Number 7
Wisdom, the occult, mystery, study, science, analysis, magic, philosophy.

The mental realm, truth, metaphysics, higher consciousness, solitude, quietude, detachment,
introspection, search for meaning and perfection, meditation, purification,
physical/mental/spiritual refinement, spiritual knowledge, mental breakthrough, the male-
female union, hermaphrodite, androgyny, symbolism, specialization, dignity, self-reliability,
technique. Anti-social, weirdness, ostracism, paranoia, omission, hides the truth, skepticism.

Number 8
Power, triumph, conquest, extremes, crisis, death.

Ascension, determination, competence, authority, concentrated effort, intensity, control,
focus, reincarnation, recuperation, executive ability, finances, politics, government,
material success, achievement, status, wealth, loyalty, pure logic and reasoning. Cold,
calculating, sadism, wrath, hatred, torture, extreme violence, cruelty, obsession, corruption,
intolerance, destruction, crime.

Number 9
Divinity, immortality, the world/universe, infinite knowledge.

Omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence, illumination, inspiration, comprehension, spiritual
leadership, elevation, perfection, transcedence, universal counsciousness, myths, religion,
broadcasting, fame, idealism, charisma, sacrifice, neverending expansion, foreigners,
enthusiasm, the world at large. Martyrdom, fanatism, victimization, superiority complex,
drugs, alcohool, aberrations, loss, gullibility, madness.

There are also three main (or more, but few people use them at all) so-called "Master Numbers":
11(2), 22(4) and 33(6) which are basically the same as their reduced, single-number
form, only much more powerful. They are rarely realized in full by people who have them in
their makeup, but they nevertheless provide greater-than-average potential to both glory and
downfall. They operate pretty much as the higher octave planets. Usually, whenever they appear
in the numerological chart, they are not reduced because of their special significance.

It's worth noticing that the number 33 had its meaning and potential abused by the enemy,
who called it the number of Christ, "the son of God"/"savior"/"protector", when in fact it
represents our Gentile relationship with the Gods, our humanity. Six is the number of family
bond and connections and we have family bonds with the gods, we descend from them and we will
always be connected to them, also as their family. There are many other ways to see the misuse
of number 33, it's very clear. This also serves to show how the 33 works in relation to the
single number 6: one represents divine, elevated meanings, and the other represents more
common meanings.

Similarly, numbers followed with 0, such as 10, 20, 500 etc. are the same as their single
form, only intensified by the presence of number zero. Number zero, for all practical
purposes, is not used but exists nevertheless and is only considered in a couple of cases,
such as this one.

Numerical Relationships

As shown in the descriptions (and I tried my best to separate them as much as possible), the
numbers have an overlapping spectrum of (rather than mutually exclusive) meanings. Some of
them are directly related to each other, some have similar characteristics, but with different

- The even numbers represent conformity, accordance, permanence. The odd numbers stand alone,
bring change and break the conformity.
- Numbers 3, 6 and 9 are all related, all deal with relationships and connections, in
different degrees: 3 deals with few relationships, friends; 6 deals with larger groups of people, the community;
9 deals with relationships with the world at large.
- 3 is rather superficial, 6 is deeper, 9 is both the ultimate soul commitment and complete
- 2 represents all 1 on 1 relationships.
- 1 represents the head and has to do with the powers of the mind, can represent raw mental
energy, genius, mental prowess.
- 4 and 8 deal with logic and reasoning.
- Number 5, despite being mental, is also very physical; it works through the senses and as
such, is one of the most sexual numbers.
- 2, 6 and 9 are all helpers, humanitarians, sensitive numbers.
- 2 is entirely passive, will give itself entirely; 6 is also passive, but will stand by
itself and its ideals, even if abused sometimes; 9 can give itself entirely to a cause it
believes, but will always act to change a situation and fights whenever necessary.
- 5 and 9 both represent expansion.
- 4 and 8 are very similar, but while 4 maintains the status quo for the sake of simply having
a status quo, 8 does it for personal reasons, to maintain power.
- 6 also seeks permanence, but for the sake of balance and harmony.
- 1 and 8 have abundant energy and can be very sexual, like number 3 and 5, but are usually concerned with other things.

Combined, letters and numbers provide a very fine-tuned energetic signature to whatever they
are attached to.

The numbers also relate to certain signs and planets, though not really directly. Different
authors on the subject offer different ruling planets to each number, and none of them seem to
encompass their meaning entirely, so I'll not go into that. Numbers usually rule a set of
similar characteristics from two or more signs at once:

- 1 relates to both Aries and Leo.
- 2 relates to Libra and Cancer.
- 3 relates to Taurus, Gemini and Leo.
- 4 relates to all the earth signs.
- 5 is most closely related to the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, though it is also related to
- 6 is Cancer, Virgo and Libra.
- 7 is almost entirely related to Aquarius.
- 8 is strongly related to Scorpio and Capricorn.
- 9 is Sagittarius and Pisces.
- 11 is very close to the entire meaning of Pisces.
- 22 has the qualities of Taurus, but of Aries and Pisces as well. Transcendent number 4.
- 33 represents the Virgo-Pisces axis very strongly.

The numbers relate to the tarot cards, runes and chakras as well.

As said in the introduction, the numbers encompass the meaning of many energies and can be
used to understand their interactions and how they work in the world. Though the focus here is
self-knowledge and people, they can be used for pretty much everything, including predicting
the future. I'll go into that in future posts, if you want.

P.S.: If for some reason the tables are screwed up, just do a quick search with their names and you'll find many images of them.
Formatting text on Yahoo is a terrible, painful job.
<td val[/IMG]The Precession of the Equinoxes and Freemasonry

One of the "Great Keys" to understanding the Speculative Masonic Arts, as well
as the larger Western esoteric traditions, is that which is known as "the Precession of the Equinoxes".

In short, the Earth wobbles on its axis like a top, shifting one degree every
72 years.  The total time to complete one rotation on its axis is known as

"Plato's Great Year".

Says Higgins in "The Beginning of Freemasonry",  "If the ultimate and all-sustaining secret of Freemasonry may be openly expressed in a few words, it will be these:

"The entire course of nature is manifested in cycles.  Some of these are
scientifically real, others are but appearances based upon the presence and
position of the observer upon the earth, away from which they have no true
existence.  For instance, there is no night except we are temporarily on the
shadow side of our globe during its diurnal rotation.  There is this movement
of the earth on its axis; there is the annual revolution that we term the
year; and there is the stupendous cycle called the precession of the
equinoxes, which requires nearly 26,000 years for its accomplishment....

"...By careful computation we are able to reconstruct this really divine
system, and we find that the exact proportions relating to celestial
correlations in question were lavishly and exclusively in the architecture and
temples of old, in all the culture lands of the world, both east and west."

"The Great Pyramid" of Egypt is, perhaps, the most studied of all ancient
architectures relative to Western esoteric traditions, especially as these
traditions pertain to Freemasonry.  Some celestial constants that are embedded
into the Great Pyramid include the following:

The length of a base side is 9,131 Pyramid Inches measured at the mean socket
level, or 365.24 Pyramid Cubits, which is the number of days in a year
[9,131/25 = 365.24, accurate to 5 digits]. The perimeter of the base divided
by 100 = 365.24, the number of days in a year. [9 131 Pyramid Inches * 4 /
100, accurate to 5 digits]

The length of the antechamber of the King's Chamber times Pi = length of a
sidereal year [116.26471 Pyramid Inches * 3.14159 = 365.25636 days, accurate
to 8 digits]

The sum of the pyramid's two base diagonals in Pyramid Inches = length of
the Precession of the Equinoxes (25,827 years)

Due to the angle of the sides of the pyramid vs. its latitude, it casts no
shadow at noon during the spring equinox.

When creating the "verbal" component of the larger "philosophical
Construction", the "precession number that was/is used is that of Plato, or
25920. When 25920 is divided by 2, this figure enables us to arrive at a
"conceptual diameter", or what is known as a "Pi Proportion".

The "Precession of the Equinoxes" as a "Pi Proportion" may be viewed simply as
two circles squared and divided by 10.

(360^2)/10 = (360*360) = 129600/10 = 12,960 Years

12960 Years * 2 = 25920 Years = Platonic Cycle

In this case, the operative number is "6^2" or 6*6 or 36.

When we sum the digits from 1:11, we show that 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11 = 66.

--- On Wed, 5/8/13, m_18 <magus_18@... wrote:
From: m_18 <magus_18@...
Subject: Re: [JoS_Astrology] The Power of Letters and Numbers
To: [email protected]
Date: Wednesday, May 8, 2013, 5:04 PM

<td style="font:[/IMG]Fibonacci sequence is a sequence of numbers where each number is obtained from
the sum of the previous two series. Thus, the first 10 numbers of the
Fibonacci sequence are:

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, ...
(first 2 numbers are predefined and the rest are obtained recursively from the
sum of the previous two: 3 = 2 + 1 5 = 3 + 2, also)

Fibonacci sequence has fascinated throughout history on many scientists,
mathematicians, physicists, biologists, and continue to do so even today.

Fibonacci (1170 - 1240) is considered one of the greatest European
mathematicians of the Middle Ages. He was born in Pisa, the Italian city
famous for its leaning tower. His father was a customs officer in the city
called Bougie in North Africa, so the Fibonacci increased among North African
civilization, making, however, many trips around the Mediterranean coasts.

Fibonacci is known as one of the first who introduced Arabic numerals to
Europe, and numbers that we use today: 0, 1, 2, 3, .. 9.

Human body

Human hand has five fingers, each finger with three phalanges, separated by
joints (numbers in sequence). The average size of phalanges are: 2cm, 3cm,
In continuation is a bone of the hand which is on average 8 cm.

Human face is characterized, in terms of aesthetic, through some several main
the main distance between the eyes, distance between mouth and
and the distance between the nose and eyes, and mouth size. The science
aesthetics is estimated to be even considered more pleasing to the eye as
these dimensions better meet the Fibonacci sequence.

Fibonacci numbers are considered to be actually the counting system of nature,
a measure of Divinity. These numbers occur everywhere in nature, from the
arrangement of leaves, up to the human hand, phalanges.

One can do a search on youtube or otherwise on Fibonacci. One of Tool's songs have a Fibonacci sequence in it. You can find it on youtube.

I will post more stuff later when I get some time.


--- On Tue, 5/7/13, m_18 <magus_18@... wrote:
From: m_18 <magus_18@...
Subject: Re: [JoS_Astrology] The Power of Letters and Numbers
To: [email protected]
Date: Tuesday, May 7, 2013, 4:54 PM

<td style="font:[/IMG]You're welcome. As soon as I get a chance, I will look up some stuff on my computer for numerology.


--- On Mon, 5/6/13, magus_igni <magus_igni@... wrote:
From: magus_igni <magus_igni@...
Subject: Re: [JoS_Astrology] The Power of Letters and Numbers
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Date: Monday, May 6, 2013, 4:39 AM

@magus_18 thank you for the wealth of information which you have provided.


From: m_18 <magus_18@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, May 1, 2013 6:50 AM
Subject: Re: [JoS_Astrology] The Power of Letters and Numbers

<td style="font:[/IMG]The expert on the planet with the English language gematria* (not numerology) is here & he is jew-wise:


*not the perverted Crowley influence.

He also has some general occult knowledge as well. He knows jewsih kabalah, but abhors it. If you search for his name on Youtube & elsewhere, you find much to look at. His name is Dennis Fetcho aka "The Fetch".

Geometry seems to me to be important as well. Seems to me that in the occult, everything boils down to astrology, geometry, numbers, sound & letters.

Once you understand how western occultist constructed the English language & then see how jews are perverting it, you will a whole new avenue of understanding.

Please direct all questions to him, not me.

Your hard angles, 45, 180 & 360 reduce to 9. Any number times 9, the sum of the digits equal nine.

Nine is a number of completion.

Good sample in pain English on this site below. Too bad it on the idiot David Icke's web site:

http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthre ... 1061353043

Secrets in Plain Sight:

Scott Onstott from Secrets in Plain Sight joined after a brief overview of news from Syria. Architecture, measurements, solar numbers, correlational use of numbers, the Egyptian Cubit, IX-XI, and WTC are some of the topics discussed in this fast show!:

http://mp3.oraclebroadcasting.com/denni ... 23_16k.mp3

I call in as David in Texas regarding the number 9. And yes, I do know Dennis.

Numerology of your name:


I am 18 which reduces to 9. I am 9 in all 3 categories. There are even 18 letters in my name. thus "magus_18"

If I get some time in the future I can post some more on this. I also have along piece on the numerology of 9-11.

--- On Mon, 4/29/13, f.follets <f.follets@... wrote:
From: f.follets <f.follets@...
Subject: [JoS_Astrology] The Power of Letters and Numbers
To: [email protected]
Date: Monday, April 29, 2013, 12:59 AM

  I'm sorry if this is out of place, what I'm presenting here is not related directly to astrology per se, but it's
very important and I've wanted to share this for quite some time already. Please let me know
what you think of this, and if I should go further into it.

It's a well known fact that names have power. Giving a name to something is like giving it an
official existence which will, from that moment onward, carry its own purpose and develop its
meaning. Nomen est omen. The names of the gods are vibrated as words of power. In ancient
languages, letters had numerical equivalence; letters and numbers were interchangeable and all
had special significance and power.

More than that, the power of the letters and numbers is based on the fact that they represent
the vibrations of the universe. Each one of them is a concept within itself, and each one is a
part of the whole. Names, mantras, runes, sigils, symbols, letters, numbers - all are
connected. The numbers and letters are tools with which one can understand this process and
shed light on what makes things what they are, what is their basic constitution and what they represent to the rest of the world.

Numerology studies and utilizes these tools to understand and work with the energies of the
univserse. Together with Astrology, it can provide invaluable information about the self, the
others and the future. It's extremely simple and straightforward to use - though very detailed
as well - and can clarify or even reveal trends not easily seen within a chart.

In this post, I will present the numbers, their basic meaning/rulership and relationship for
future reference. Later, I'll show the methods that reveal exactly how they are used in Numerology.

Basic rules and the Numerical equivalence of Letters

In numerology, all the numbers are reduced to one digit that represents a vibration. This is
done through the addition of the digits. For example: 258 is actually 6, because 2 + 5 + 8 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6.

Two tables are used to assign numbers to the letters: the Pythagorean table, which is the most
widely used and the Chaldean table, which is rarely used.

In the Pythagorean table, numbers relate to the letters in a very straightforward way: A = 1, B = 2 and so on.
Also, sets of letters represent vibrational levels of each number and are divided in physical/material, mental/social and spiritual/emotional.

             1    2    3   4    5   6   7    8   9
Physical A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I     
Mental    J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R
Spiritual  S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z     

The Chaldean table does not use the number 9 (supposedly) because it was considered a divine,
sacred number, unrelated to people. The Pythagorean table is the most practical and accurate for general use,
and is the one I prefer, however the Chaldean table is said to hold most closely the real vibrational
qualities of the numbers and letters and thus represents occult meanings and underlying
forces. Choice between the two is free and depends entirely on preference.

 1   2   3   4  5   6   7   8
 A  B  C   D  E  U  O  F
 I   K  G   M  H  V  Z  P
 J  R   L   T   N  W
 Y      S   X

The Meaning of the Numbers

Number 1
Yang, the masculine principle, existence, will, spirit, creation, pure, absolute power.

Assertion, independence, individualism, consciousness, clarity, uniqueness, spontaneity,
bravery, courage, ambition, dominance, leadership, originality, pioneering, potence, drive,
action, agitation, achievement. Agression, selfishness, arrogance, war, separation.

Number 2
Ying, the feminine principle, polarity, reflection, antithesis, complement, union, equality.

Co-operation, association, subtlety, harmony, sensibility, emotion, empathy/sympathy,
intimacy, adjustment, calmness, persuasion, diplomacy, peace. Dependence, passivity,
submission, weakness, depression, sabotage, deception, opposition.

Number 3
Growth, fertility, expression, movement, progress, change.

Joy, fun, youth, demonstration, creativity, activity, brilliance, luck, celebration, sexuality
for expression/reproduction, performing arts, communication, sociability, friendship,
popularity. Immaturity, dispersion, futility.

Number 4
Order, the manifestation of form, reality, substance, matter, solidity, time.

Systems, standards, facts, routine, consistence, stability, structure, incarnation, useful
work, discipline, resilience, patience, engineering, exactitude, logic, maturity, economy,
efficience, conservation. Roughness, restriction, repression, limitation, indifference,
tedium, opposing change, stagnation, the old.

Number 5
Multiplicity, the quintessence, infinite possibilities, freedom, the five senses, experience,

Intelligence, versatility, creativity, understanding, pleasure, excitement, sexuality for
physical/mental experience and pleasure, change, resourcefulness, charisma, shrewd, fluency, breaks the
status quo and mental prisions. Disruption, nervousness, uncertainty, dispersion, shallowness, promiscuity.

Number 6
Hearth, family, justice, duty, service, connection, humanity.

Care, fairness, tact, excellence, harmony, beauty, aesthetics, taste, poise, responsibility,
dedication, devotion, tradition, protection, help, medicine, marriage, exchange, equivalence,
relationships, welfare, community, sociability, society, civilization, social code, rules,
laws, ethics, advice, teaching, guidance, arts. Dependence, abuse, closed groups, oligarchy,
conformism, mafia, indecision, criticism, nitpicking.

Number 7
Wisdom, the occult, mystery, study, science, analysis, magic, philosophy.

The mental realm, truth, metaphysics, higher consciousness, solitude, quietude, detachment,
introspection, search for meaning and perfection, meditation, purification,
physical/mental/spiritual refinement, spiritual knowledge, mental breakthrough, the male-
female union, hermaphrodite, androgyny, symbolism, specialization, dignity, self-reliability,
technique. Anti-social, weirdness, ostracism, paranoia, omission, hides the truth, skepticism.

Number 8
Power, triumph, conquest, extremes, crisis, death.

Ascension, determination, competence, authority, concentrated effort, intensity, control,
focus, reincarnation, recuperation, executive ability, finances, politics, government,
material success, achievement, status, wealth, loyalty, pure logic and reasoning. Cold,
calculating, sadism, wrath, hatred, torture, extreme violence, cruelty, obsession, corruption,
intolerance, destruction, crime.

Number 9
Divinity, immortality, the world/universe, infinite knowledge.

Omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence, illumination, inspiration, comprehension, spiritual
leadership, elevation, perfection, transcedence, universal counsciousness, myths, religion,
broadcasting, fame, idealism, charisma, sacrifice, neverending expansion, foreigners,
enthusiasm, the world at large. Martyrdom, fanatism, victimization, superiority complex,
drugs, alcohool, aberrations, loss, gullibility, madness.

There are also three main (or more, but few people use them at all) so-called "Master Numbers":
11(2), 22(4) and 33(6) which are basically the same as their reduced, single-number
form, only much more powerful. They are rarely realized in full by people who have them in
their makeup, but they nevertheless provide greater-than-average potential to both glory and
downfall. They operate pretty much as the higher octave planets. Usually, whenever they appear
in the numerological chart, they are not reduced because of their special significance.

It's worth noticing that the number 33 had its meaning and potential abused by the enemy,
who called it the number of Christ, "the son of God"/"savior"/"protector", when in fact it
represents our Gentile relationship with the Gods, our humanity. Six is the number of family
bond and connections and we have family bonds with the gods, we descend from them and we will
always be connected to them, also as their family. There are many other ways to see the misuse
of number 33, it's very clear. This also serves to show how the 33 works in relation to the
single number 6: one represents divine, elevated meanings, and the other represents more
common meanings.

Similarly, numbers followed with 0, such as 10, 20, 500 etc. are the same as their single
form, only intensified by the presence of number zero. Number zero, for all practical
purposes, is not used but exists nevertheless and is only considered in a couple of cases,
such as this one.

Numerical Relationships

As shown in the descriptions (and I tried my best to separate them as much as possible), the
numbers have an overlapping spectrum of (rather than mutually exclusive) meanings. Some of
them are directly related to each other, some have similar characteristics, but with different

- The even numbers represent conformity, accordance, permanence. The odd numbers stand alone,
bring change and break the conformity.
- Numbers 3, 6 and 9 are all related, all deal with relationships and connections, in
different degrees: 3 deals with few relationships, friends; 6 deals with larger groups of people, the community;
9 deals with relationships with the world at large.
- 3 is rather superficial, 6 is deeper, 9 is both the ultimate soul commitment and complete
- 2 represents all 1 on 1 relationships.
- 1 represents the head and has to do with the powers of the mind, can represent raw mental
energy, genius, mental prowess.
- 4 and 8 deal with logic and reasoning.
- Number 5, despite being mental, is also very physical; it works through the senses and as
such, is one of the most sexual numbers.
- 2, 6 and 9 are all helpers, humanitarians, sensitive numbers.
- 2 is entirely passive, will give itself entirely; 6 is also passive, but will stand by
itself and its ideals, even if abused sometimes; 9 can give itself entirely to a cause it
believes, but will always act to change a situation and fights whenever necessary.
- 5 and 9 both represent expansion.
- 4 and 8 are very similar, but while 4 maintains the status quo for the sake of simply having
a status quo, 8 does it for personal reasons, to maintain power.
- 6 also seeks permanence, but for the sake of balance and harmony.
- 1 and 8 have abundant energy and can be very sexual, like number 3 and 5, but are usually concerned with other things.

Combined, letters and numbers provide a very fine-tuned energetic signature to whatever they
are attached to.

The numbers also relate to certain signs and planets, though not really directly. Different
authors on the subject offer different ruling planets to each number, and none of them seem to
encompass their meaning entirely, so I'll not go into that. Numbers usually rule a set of
similar characteristics from two or more signs at once:

- 1 relates to both Aries and Leo.
- 2 relates to Libra and Cancer.
- 3 relates to Taurus, Gemini and Leo.
- 4 relates to all the earth signs.
- 5 is most closely related to the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, though it is also related to
- 6 is Cancer, Virgo and Libra.
- 7 is almost entirely related to Aquarius.
- 8 is strongly related to Scorpio and Capricorn.
- 9 is Sagittarius and Pisces.
- 11 is very close to the entire meaning of Pisces.
- 22 has the qualities of Taurus, but of Aries and Pisces as well. Transcendent number 4.
- 33 represents the Virgo-Pisces axis very strongly.

The numbers relate to the tarot cards, runes and chakras as well.

As said in the introduction, the numbers encompass the meaning of many energies and can be
used to understand their interactions and how they work in the world. Though the focus here is
self-knowledge and people, they can be used for pretty much everything, including predicting
the future. I'll go into that in future posts, if you want.

P.S.: If for some reason the tables are screwed up, just do a quick search with their names and you'll find many images of them.
Formatting text on Yahoo is a terrible, painful job.
I find this interesting and thanks for this. My son who was 20 at the time died 9 4 2011 (8). His birthday 12 31 1990 (8). I have an ancestral association with Azazel (8). My birthdate begins and ends with 8. I don't know if you can answer but did azazel take my son? I dreamed of his death (not the exact death) and I even spoke it out loud to my son as a concern of mine...as a 'mom lecture' not a 'this is going to happen to you'. I guess I just wonder about coincidence and this number and could his death have been prevented? I'm sorry I'm not sure really why I felt the need to respond but here I am :)
Well since this is up here... my numbers 5 and 7 are pretty "coincidental" both of the ones saying related to Aquarius and linked to freedom at the top, and my AC is aquarius aye ... also born on the 7th, on the 5th day of the week. 1995.. 95 is 5. To the person who said Azazel taking your son.... NO. his number 8 is likely not even related to you in my opinion. That's like saying hey my birthday, death day, his birthday, annnd that one day my friend went to band camp!!! Its totally random, doesn't fit, His 8 is on

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
