From that site HP HC posted in another thread, Adolf Hitler's personal copy had Runic inscriptions and Pagan imagery in the cover, how "christian" of him...
Dugdale's translation highly abridged. The reason HPS Maxine keeps it is because it's the oldest translation to English, but I suggest reading the pdf "Mein Kampf: A Translation Controversy", specifically the chapter about the known translations...
HPS Maxine on how Azazel was extremely pissed with her deceased ex-friend who not only mocked her beliefs but was a mudshark whore, and he reincarnated this friend into a non-White.
I can't find the message because Yahoo's search function is not showing any message of this year, only if it's...
Você pode tentar isso, só substituir por uma afirmação que sirva para essa situação e substitua a oração principal por uma falando dessa situação para os Deuses.
1. Não tem tempo mínimo de dedicação para isso, use quando sentires que está pronta.
2. Que "exercício de reversa" é esse?
3. Não...
Nothing was misinterpreted. You know you specifically pointed to the forms of punishment I mentioned for race traitors and then wrongly assumed the Gods "wouldn't do something so sadistic" as well as the later reply with the "social engineering" excuse for them (having nothing to do with the...
That's what punishment is supposed to be, there's nothing sadistic about that. With all types of degenerates around like people who impregnate women of the opposite race for fun (not to mention rapists), do you think it's too much? Just well deserved irony.
I don't think it's necessary to specify wheter or not it was Black or Asian etc. The person could have been reincarnated in China in a very shitty situation or in Liberia as Black or whatever, if the person didn't care about the "privilege", using the enemy terms, of being White living in a 1st...
Sobre o Tratamento a Nossos Deuses
A realidade da situação é que as pessoas frequentemente presumem que quanto mais próximo alguém é de si, mais iguais a si elas são.
Isso é muito observável quando as pessoas estão na presença dos Deuses e, em particular, porque nossa era consiste em...
The Final RTR indeed buffed the effects my meditations. I feel a lot more cool minded, mature and able to make better decisions than ever before.
While reversing the enemy curses I can feel the sexual energy flowing, which gives me motivation to keep a consistent program.
A sua resposta emocional prova o meu ponto. Primeiro não coloque palavras na minha boca, eu deixei claro que eles usam a DESCULPA de cuidar do meio ambiente para sua agenda comunista. Igualar a ação de cuidar o meio ambiente com o que eu critiquei na mensagem é falácia, uma coisa não tem nenhum...
Eu conheço bem o conteúdo desses alarmes, "18 MESES para ser SALVO!" como diz o título do post, as (((conferências))) para tomar medidas comunistas como "Cidades Inteligentes" sob o pretexto de salvar o meio ambiente, e minha resposta continua a mesma. Isso não tem nada a ver com o seu post em...
O que esses "cienteiros" (não cientistas de verdade) e as testemunhas de jeová têm em comum? Ambos gostam de ficar alarmando sobre o "fim dos tempos". As vezes é um "novo meteoro", as vezes buraco negro que pode destruir a Terra à partir do acelerador de partículas. Sinal de desespero que em...
There's been positive and negative things about Jojo's. The most positive being they show one of the characters in Fascist Italy being best friends with a National Socialists good guy, not to mention the Third Reich is in the side of the main characters to begin with. Also Hamon breathing =...
It doesn't have to do with age, many Gentiles look awesome in old age. Just that for Jews their Jewishness makes it even more aparent despite plastic surgery. I kind of know where you're coming from, it's like you get that disgusting feeling at looking at a filthy ass old kike face and you...
Same lol. I'm recently reading Fist of the North Star and I came to this part where there is a gang called (((Golan))) (Golan heights in pissrael?) that practice sex slavery and want to create a nation for "god's chosen":
I like the SoulsBorne franchise a lot but I don't think there's much...
In Google translate as well. The change is subtle but I found here and there by trying that thy change the translation for terms or even invert the meaning of a whole sentences if it's bad for xtianity and Jews in general. Such as "Gentiles" for goyim, "The Lord" for YHVH, "Devil" for Satan...
Circulação dos Elementos [Meditação Avançada]
Essas meditações são muito avançadas. As instruções devem ser óbvias sem ter que entrar em detalhes desnecessários.
Essas meditações são o que é conhecido como alquimia/hermetismo. Elas limpam os chakras e queimam os selos, livrando-os da sujeira...
Eu vejo várias pessoas aqui fazendo perguntas sobre a minha declaração sobre a limpeza da aura.
Quando limpamos nossas auras, apesar de direcionarmos a energia ruim para o chão, e com a ajuda de nossos Demônios Guardiões (eles às vezes têm assistentes que a tiram), ainda não é seguro ter...
I'm really enjoying to watch/read Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. The way the characters strive for bravery rather than slave morality and they don't have an issue about taking revenge. Basically the story starts when the patriarch of the Joestar family shows "xtian compassion" for the ungrateful...
Culto Diabo e o caminho certo e Mão Esquerda
[Em breve eu vou corrigir a tradução deste artigo]
Este artigo não é um comentário sobre ideologias atuais, os termos e as reações dos quais os termos acima são agora consumidas. Tampouco é um comentário sobre o sexo biológico e as ideologias...
Ele pode ter defeitos mas a eleição dele foi resultado de nossos rituais, e ainda foi a melhor opção para este momento. A figura dele apareceu num momento de iluminação em massa sobre a popularização do "nacionalismo" a iluminação sobre os perigos do comunismo. Uma coisa leva a outra e por mais...
Ritual p/ Consciência Racial dos dias 1 a 4 de Agosto
De hoje até o dia 4 (domingo) faça o ritual de Despertar a Consciência Racial de acordo com a sua raça.
Back in the old forums in a time when her husband and she pretended to be promoting NS Paganism I was following her channel and introduced her to the JoS and it was all going well and Renegade even talked some nice things about Spiritual Satanism, this was so untill the tribe that feed their...
Assuming either extremes is not good. If someone can use the experience to move on positively and then asked through Satan, and is able to be positive about themselves it most likely is not an enemy. If it keeps revolving around pushing self-blame then you're most certanly right.
From your family issues to problems at work to women, your whole testimony about your Succubus sounds exactly like what I've also experienced. Do you have issues pointed on your chart of over-worrying or overthinking matters? (You don't need to answer this here just think about it). A lot of...
Nope you are just being open on your anti-White BS in response for not liking the facts he wrote.
Your nose-nigger masters said so on a TV show then it has to be true lol.
However, as a Greek saying has it: “A nasty dog never dies”
It was falsely reported that Turkish president Rediep Tayyip Erdogan died following a heart attack on Monday reports Alraees News. He is currently 65 years...
Está fora do ar. Por enquanto, use:
RTR Final:
He spent time trying to post criminal BS though he can't read one single page from the JoS or he would have his "doubt" answered, he's not trying to learn anything.
This troll's questions is on the level of idiocy and self-inflicted retardation some "Aryan" christards I've seen in Stormfront or Daily Sormer do in order to accuse Aryan civilization (cause they're so "pro-White") of being jewish 'cause their anti-White Jewish rabbi said so.
Repost Mercury Retrograde, here we go with the Errors and Accidents
Bem, o mercúrio agora está retrógrado e eu continuo recebendo um erro na maioria das vezes quando tento entrar nos fóruns, o erro 521 ou o que quer que seja. Certifique-se de manter teus aparelhos eletrônicos seguros e...
I don't know what it has to do with my answer since you didn't ask about story of Martial Arts but practicing suggestions, I told in pratical reallity what actually works today and now.
MMA gets 99% from Muay Thai and BJJ. I suggest practicing these 2 independent of the nationality, they're also useful in real life situations. If you go to a Kickboxing class because it's "Western" anyway, it's just Muay Thai but without elbows.
A virus is terrestrian. The Jews are historically documented to be detrimental to any living being on Earth. If they were just another terrestrian species, would it be any better...
A biblioteca em inglês tem muito mais porque eles colocam cada página de sermões em pdf enquanto no site da AdS em português esses ficam reservados para páginas de web. Basta postar aqui os textos que tenhas interesse em traduzir que eu digo se não existe ainda ou está em processo de tradução...
Por que não? Sim deves começar a trabalhar nos chakras o quanto antes.
Este é um bom programa físico mas não substitui yoga:
The normal anime without all the filler stuff that was cut by fans is still too long, 72 eps of 1 hour (216 eps in lenght of normal episodes) in "Naruto Kai". There are shorter entertainment with nice spiritual allegories in it that our brothers put in the movies thread, or this thread I did for...
People who are spiritually advancing can have plenty of random disturbing thoughts, they are not necessarily "your" inner desires or self. Besides cleaning your aura daily, aknowledge "this is not me" so you can tune it off more easily.
It's as much painful or even more painful than getting a tattoo and expensive. I'd suggest trying photodepilation instead once in a while (few months in between) but I haven't tryied this second option myself, only with laser. It didn't last you'll have to suffer and pay a lot of money for...
Are you aware of it? The critics are hating this Shaft movie, it's kinda the new Alita Battle Angel case but for blacks:
Nature's Eternal Religion is awesome, but Little White Book has a lot of pseudo-historical nonsense writen by someone who does not understand Hitler or NS at all. That was writen by someone of the Creativity Movement but most of it not by Ben Klassen I believe. IMO that is a 3rd class book you...
Ritual p/ Consciência Racial no Solstício dos dias 20 a 22 de Junho
Saudações a todos os nossos guerreiros satânicos.
Como pode ser visto estamos em um ciclo com este ritual e deve ser mantido assim. O RTR Final também deve ser feito diariamente durante estes dias e todos os dias em geral...
Tua pergunta não é boba, só que é uma coisa individual, e o que funciona para alguém pode não funcionar para outro, então tens que descobrir com a própria experiência.
I use this online tool to make my memes, it's very easy to use:
Such as:
Yeah why would an oncologist doctor try to get rid of all the cancer in someone's body, doesn't he know a cancer is made up of many individual cells and they didn't chose to be a cancer... Guess what it doesn't matter if the doctor is retarded enough to try to save the good cancer cells, they're...
7º = topo da cabeça.
6º = centro do cérebro.
5º = centro da garganta.
4º = centro do peito, do lado do coração.
3º = centro do plexo solar, poucos centímetros abaixo do coração.
2º = acima da bexiga.
1º = no meio do períneo.
The other hilarious thing that poped up is some of them being drunk in their own reverse-liberalism trying to get off the suicidal insanity of their own tribe members like this guy naming every israeli crimes (I just checked the headlines, they demand payment for most articles)...
No because the act itself is not detrimental while the drug is detrimental to both the mind and body wheter it gives you a good feeling or not. I personally don't feel "bad for coming back to reality" after playing a game, I like to play because the mechanics and immersion are cool and they play...
Bibi's Iran Dilemma: Getting the Goyim in the Frontline While The Chosen are Safe
Even if Trump's...
I also thought another interpretation could be the Eldians being Whites but that seems like a stretch. I don't think the author choose the ghetto and star brand imagery thinking anything else than Jew allegory, how else did he think his readers would interpret this symbology if not this? As for...
They are the creators of the SoulsBorne franchise which are my favorite games.
All this conversation about games is actually about adictions that can be anything from porn to gambling, the mental stimulation of games can be too much for people who already have adictive tendency.
Also not all...
A Suástica de Satan
A palavra “suástica” vem do sânscrito e se relaciona com o conceito de “Visão Auspiciosa” na língua antiga, a letra gama é dada à suástica, que é chamada de Cruz Gamada, pois é formada a partir da letra gama. A visão auspiciosa é a mente iluminada, o terceiro olho desperto...
You're being fallacious here. There are indeed different levels of Gods but that person's weird post about the Gods or spiritual development in some edgy magickal talk to pretend it was deep has nothing to do with it, then pretend it was completly normal and he was called out for nothing. How...
O RTR foi dado por Azazel e deve ser feito daquela forma, ninguém tem que inventar nada.
Simplesmente siga as instruções, não tem mistério.
Thanks I will probably drop the show then. I've got that quote from:
There could another interpretation for this mess but it's really very weird, also if they try to play the "good jews vs. bad jews"...
Imagine if you'd follow people's advice instead of poluting the thread with over 9000 paragraphs of batshit crazy stuff about spirituality and the Gods, while pretending it's the opposite after being called out.
Unless off course you're wasting people's time on purpose then it's another matter.
What you said doesn't make sense. No one, woman or man needs to lose virginity in order to masturbate and have orgasms. Poke their himens with a dildo? That sounds insane, women can use vibrators in their clits instead, external stimulation is more effective for most women, though that's besids...
Virgin was supposed to have a spiritual allegory to it as you can see in many sermons, but since the arrival of xtianity and sex being sinful this has gotten another connotation of "having unwed sexual relationship = sinful". My two cents on it is that since the "sexual liberation" backlash a...
Imagine what else don't the yids use on the population:
EA Has FRIGHTENING Patent Exposed!
"Electronic Arts has long been accused of a lot of scummy things but this new patent might take the cake as they basically control the players mind to maximize...
Is it enough for an investment on Solar Panel-generated energy? Living estates for rent?
Maybe you should be getting something like a wealth reading according to your own chart instead of people's individual opinions.
Or you could simply grow up and stop putting words in my mouth while blame-shifting on me the ridiculous sci-fi fanfic about the Gods you wrote yourself.
"So there is some equality to a small, smidge of a degree in terms of Soul propagation.
But when it comes to power: Your literally a...
This documentary not only caught Jewish "survivors" in their lies, as showcase inmate Jews who comfirm there was no "death camps" but only detention camps:
Spielberg's Hoax - The Last Days Of The Big Lie
So without any disrespect, your post is pure fantasious bullshit. You're just making up poetic gossip about the Gods to pretend it's some deep information and this is already disrespect. Nope they're not "lower citizens of the Empire" or whatever pseudo-spiritual sci-fi you meant by that.
Nope sorry to disappoint you but Satan has nothing to do with your Jehovah fantasies.
The Pointlessness Of Fake Satanism
The fake Satanism were they just worship the biblical devil, think they are edge lords and being dark and spooky, you can call it Luciferians or whatever its just a waste of...
They are the same as other Gods with the only difference of wanting a love/sexual relationship with still mortal humans for a variety of reasons. Only trustworth way of knowing more is through personal experience.
Ritual Para Incitar Consciência e Ação Negra:
Este ritual deve ser feito por satanistas negros.
Foque na imagem acima do Udjat. Este é o olho que tudo vê de Hórus. Este olho é simbólico de ver e saber a...
Ritual p/ Consciência Racial no Solstício dos dias 20 a 22 de Junho
Saudações a todos os nossos guerreiros e família satânica.
Devido a estar ocupado com o trabalho e o trabalho relacionado à AdS, vamos manter isso breve, pois todos entendem que o Despertar das Raças é de suma importância...
Verdade Sobre “Buscadores da Verdade”
Não existem cristãos “buscadores da verdade”, a Bíblia inteira é construída sobre atacar o ser metafísico que de facto disse à humanidade a verdade na Bíblia, a serpente no Jardim. O conto de Gênesis é sobre a serpente dizer aos ignorantes Adão e Eva que se...
Se entendes então caso encerrado, eles continuarão com o seus devidos trabalhos de acordo com as ordens de Satan e as datas planetárias adequadas, na ordem que tiver que ser feito, quando tiver que ser feito.
Já tem os sermões no link que eu indiquei e nos grupos, só isso já é mais que ótimo...
First this is not the thread for this. Second, don't be retarded making assumptions like that, Jews can't come up with "creating" anything, only perverting what exists. Video games or games in general like table games are a form of entertainment and culture, but there are already topics dealing...
Right within the first article there was this suggested article:
Russia to Investigate If Last Tsar Was Shot in 'Ritual Killing'
Funny part, nowhere in it says Jewish Ritual Killing, or...
Nunca existiu nenhum projeto de 'mineração' e nenhum desacordo entre os Deuses, essas são mentiras que o judeu Sitchin escreveu. Todos os aliens que atacaram a Terra pertencem a outras raças e civilizações, a intenção dos Deuses era nos avançar para o nível deles desde o princípio...
Suma Sacerdotisa Maxine Dietrich:
Eu li o mesmo sobre os judeus serem imunes à influências astrológicas. Sim, alegado por rabinos, e não são poucos, mas esse não é o caso.
A destruição do primeiro e segundo templos, a expulsão da Espanha (que foi devastados pra eles) e mais, tiveram...
I have, I was very excited about this game. Now pay attention to the catch phrases. Don't they give a vibe of "we must all be as One as a human race, look what happened after the Trumpocalypse divided us"... Then as villains you have these yellow vesting "terrorists" who are described as...
What is more telling is the pope demanding prayers of the believers to fill his powers while blabbering about "god's justice" while it can't do shit without the believers' own energies. Also it's funny these episodes being aired right now when real life pope is doing the exact same.
Como eu avisei aqui sobre o site:
Podes fazer o download dos mp3 no site principal:
Qual precisas?
Sim, PRINCIPALMENTE por isso! Se for o caso de ataque inimigo a aura de protecção/retorno de maldições, sem contar a ajuda dos Deuses vai, vai sanar o problema.
Actually I enjoyed it up to the point of Daenerys leaving brownland, ie up where there was material writen by the book's author.
I wonder if in their reptilian brains they thought "well we have had enough human behavior classes now with our fellow Zuckerberg, I know what the goyim want to see...
Sim, é o mesmo que a limpeza da aura com bola de luz que a SS Maxine postou, com o diagrama para animais no final:
Blade of the Immortal will get a new anime adaptation:
To end his eternal suffering, he must slay one thousand enemies! Manji, a ronin warrior of feudal Japan, has been cursed with immortality. To rid himself of this curse and end his life of...
There is no "Abrahamic mythology", Jews don't have any mythology, only Alien programatic agenda. Hence why they have to pick as their adversaries the original Heathen Gods aka Daemons and their chief God Satan-Odin in order to reverse and make any semblance of "culture".
Satan is the Head-God...
You're saying the obvious here, nobody who posted their songs believe they are dedicated Spiritual Satanists nor at least Nazi occultists. The level of their ideological trolling however is epic, they trigger both "muh white xtianity" types as well as lefties. Being well paid I would also tell...
Do you mean some enemy humanoid aliens gave up? I didn't quite understood this part.
If in our level we get upset with the amount of dumbasses we had to deal with in our lives since we learned the truth about Satan, I can't imagine how the Gods feel...
Eu sempre soube nunca me esconder informações importantes. Levá-lo para o público. Se tu és novo, muito disso pode não fazer sentido. Se tu és um membro da Alegria de Satan há muito tempo, a maior parte fará. Simplesmente estude
Eu raramente volto para responder perguntas...
Yeah that's old news here, still funny how they go there saying lyrics that say kill the fictional Isaac to reset the history of the world or erase the root of Judah.
Alguém esqueceu de fazer o dever de casa:
Sentimento de arrependimentos e "amor" incondicional são a fórmula certa para te fazer alguém vulnerável às maldições do inimigo. Esse truque é velho, desde a criação do cristianismo.
*Aviso: Um dia adicional foi adicionado a este para aqueles que podem não tem tempo durante a sexta-feira ou sábado. Isso pode ser feito durante todos esses três dias.
Está na hora de dar um grande passo nisso. Eu entendi, como disse novamente, a situação de muitos em relação a isso e faremos o que pudermos para mudar isso. Isso é benéfico para todos. Ninguém deve se abster de fazer este ritual sob nenhuma circunstância. Todos também merecem o melhor e ter...
I like how in Bloodborne there is a hive mind grey boss called "Living Failures". They have one health barr in contrast to other multiple bossess with a health barr for each one, meaning the greys don't have individuality.
Basically this is a cosmic horror game of the Souls franchise, about an...
Because pigs are sensitive and demand a lot of hard work and dedication to raise in order to not die early, not profitable if you're the kind of tribe who'd just pack them in small cages. Hard work and care ≠ Jews. Also Jewsish strange biology do not allow them to eat a lot of stuff.
Well and...
Well it should work if you have opened the link online at least once to load the letters, then it's saved on cache. You can download the link like a html document. It works just fine in the PC for me.
Não precisa de nenhum ritual especial, é só limpar a aura/fazer aura de proteção todos os dias com a bola de luz percorrendo o corpo como a SS Maxine postou, todos os dias depois do RTR.
First I was like, nah another Isekai show, but with all the SJW attacking this anime like with Goblin Slayer, I thought it gotta be good. :lol: And it surely damn is.
Kaguya-sama is hilarious, besides the Orion reference, it's a wholesome show to sit through and relax once in a while (you...
You're being too strict with this definition, they've also accused Black channels that call out against their bullshit as "White-supremacist/White-nationalist fake Blacks" lol
Recommending Attack on Titan in one SJW rant:
“Yeah, Attack on Titan's whole 'Jews used to rule and brutally oppress the world and fled after losing a war and are the only people who can turn into Titans and literally eat people' thing is, y'know, pretty gross and maybe a reason not to...
1. O RTR Final remove todas as maldições do inimigo sobre a humanidade, destruindo diretamente sua fonte de poder, as letras hebraicas. Ao mesmo tempo serve como meditação de poder individual, já que a maioria das palavras hebraicas são uma inversão de mantras em sânscrito.
2. O teu programa...
From the same tribe that makes hundreds of hollywoodian movies and publishes books slandering Satan and his Demons to scare people away from the truth. Outdated joke. See:
One person dead? lol
"Damn those JoS nazis, have been difficult to raise energy lately... Better not kill too many of our own this time or we'd have problems going to toilet for lack of toilet prayer energy."
30 Years Special,
Berserk - More than Blood and Guts
Also the link with the artwork of Schiercke teaching witchcraft to Farnese was broken:
If you have time to do any other kind of ritual whatsoever, they should do another repetition of the RTR instead, its energy will uplift in itself by repeating it. Every other kind of rituals are way weaker.
Judeus sabem que são almas alienígenas
Isaac Luria, um dos mais importantes rabinos judeus da história, afirma:
"Israel possui os três níveis da alma: nefesh, ruach, neshama - da santidade... Os gentios, no entanto, possuem apenas o nível de nefesh do lado feminino das cascas... Porque as...
The Shabad, the top ranked Jewish organization put the Talmud openly online for their fellow Jews. They aren't even trying to fake:
From the above:
"If, by contrast, a Jewish male enters into relations...
LEMBRETE: Nós temos que continuar os Rituais da Torá Reversa DIARIAMENTE. Podes matar as letras hebraicas através da visualização. Não há necessidade de imprimi-las. Apenas destrua cada uma das letras, visualizando-as sendo apagadas.
Larping w/ enemy terminology is detrimental and not funny at all. Wheter or not this term was at some point "Gentile" it's of no use for us, just like calling Hitler or Satan as "Christos" or such is absurd and only connects to the enemy.
Eu já respondi dezenas de vezes a mesma coisa no outro grupo e já digo que não dou apoio a nenhuma tentativa de recrutar pessoal para fazer "ativismo secreto" etc. Se não gosta de discutir online, então não o faça, só poste links com informação e deixa as pessoas descobrirem. Ao invés de ficar...
One of my favorite parts, the previously fanatic christian Farnese learning the basics of visualization and about the Light Body, in ep. 251 (vol. 29):
Unhapilly as you see there's some hebrew and wiccan BS here and there in this arc, but that's understandable given the mainstream sources the...
I made a Behemoth playlist to do the RTR with the songs Daimonos, Ov Fire and the Void, and God = Dog, and I noted their duration is exactly the Satanic numbers of 13:40 long, which is more or less what takes to do the RTR.
Para aqueles que querem "Apropriar" o RTR um pouco mais, depois que terminares com ele durante as datas de 19 a 27 de abril, você pode imaginar o seguinte, fora quebrar as letras, também quebrar a energia que eles juntaram por sacrifícios feitos nestes dias, suas energias elevadas saindo pela...
Both the director Ari Aster and this actress with evident genetic deceases, Milly SHAPIRO, are kikes. Now the blasphemy and the focus on ugliness in both "Hereditary" and this upcoming film Midsommar makes much more sense.
Yeah I mixed that up, I meant that. Yes I was planning to repost according to the new mantras, but I forgot the Yaum. The other mantras above except Crown and Sixth are updated, so Yaum for child's pose or Thaum in a separate routine such as the Headstand that HPS Maxine posted.
More "White Horror" movies?
Trailer for "Midsommar" movie, maybe another "Whites are horror monsters" kinda thing (they put a few people of color in a 100% White Pagan inviroment), but studio A24 did some interesrinting stuff with "The Witch" (2015) which was a 100% White movie with some...
I was just recommended this song that was posted a few days ago, lol at the title:
BELZEBUBS - Cathedrals Of Mourning
IMO he doesn't sound like a delusional person (at least he had enough enough self-awareness to question it), he just seem like a super anxious overreactive person who needs to chill out.
Não tem como você ser branca e negra ao mesmo tempo lol. Os trabalhos conectam com a tua própria alma racial coletiva, as orações de ambos os rituais já deviam deixar isso claro. Como uma pessoa branca vai se conectar com o colectivo da alma negra e vice-versa?
9 é um número de finalizações...
Reposting due to the broken links.
18 MAUM in crown chakra + Headstand. Note that you put the weight on your elbows:
I personally do not recommend ever doing like the below or else you will be putting the weight on your neck...
I've writen quite a few things about some manga/animes and the messages behind them, such as Saint Seiya and Berserk. HP Hooded Cobra has writen about Japanese culture and anime as well.
What's in a story: BERSERK
Why Asians Don't Whine...
The small talk of my co-workers today was about the Rothschilds, the (((Global Elites))), how Israel has nukes all over the place and how it created ISIL. What more proof that the RTRs has effects even in the most common people around the planet.
Wonder Woman is from DC Comics not Marvel. But yeah both are heavily kikish since their inception.
"Wonder Woman, created by American psychologist William Moulton Marston, may not have had a Jewish formation, but she was given her start by Jewish comics entrepreneur Max Gaines (née Ginzberg)...
IMO he's ment to be a sympathetic connection to Stalin, his initial concept and the looks. "Thanos genocided half of the Universe but he was a nice guy, it was for the greater good."
Also those superhero movies (actually Jewish Hollywood in general) can make several fronts in the same plot, for...
Now this is hilarious to say the least. The new Joker movie is now supposedly to turn White men into violent terrorists loool
I only knew the Nicholas Cage 2006 version. After watching the original I got very good feelings from the scenes of Whites practicing Paganism as a community and even teaching it in school, it's like a vision of the future for the initial steps of Paganism into our new society before we enter a...
There are two animes for those who like combat sports/martial arts that I can't recommend enough. Hajime no Ippo is a more realistic anime about boxing while Baki The Grappler is about several martial art styles with a very unique and bizarre approach if you're looking for insane fight antics in...
Because many people have genuine concerns and doubts regarding this subject as well. A lot of people come from sexually repressive backgrounds and it's just natural they have interest in Astral Sex etc.
Lol just yesterday I was watching some videos about Muhammad Ali, his boxing style, career etc., and I was watched some eps of Hajime no Ippo, an anime about boxing which I highly recommend by the way.
Alguém perguntou sobre isso mas a mensagem foi desaprovada por engano.
Eu gostaria de observar que o Führer falou mais favoravelmente do Islão do que do cristianismo.
Não dizendo que ele concordou com o Islão, mas ele entendeu que este era a melhor das duas escolhas.
I've seen College Professor Ricardo Felicio debunk the global warming agenda, not only that he said a second Ice Age would much more likely to happen than the hoax of the gradual warming of the planet or the so called destruction of this "ozone layer" which is a pillar of the hoax.
Estou reiterando que vencemos totalmente. Azazel disse-me para deixar todos saberem que haverá eventos muito assustadores e catastróficos, especialmente em relação às mudanças climáticas e condições meteorológicas extremas. Haverá tempestades sérias e ferozmente destrutivas, inundações...
Xtians watching news:
"Thank God those natural disasters are happening, the end is near."
Also xtians, when natural disasters knock their door:
"Help God!! I still haven't won lottery to fulfill all my earthling desires!"
Senta, e limpa teus pensamentos. A comunicação com Satan significa que tu falas abertamente com ele, não quer dizer que se não és aberto espiritualmente, terá uma resposta literal, mas acontecimentos no teu dia a dia até que estejas aberto para o astral.