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Day Added: Wealth/Money Group Ritual For Friday 10th/11th/12th May 2019

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
*Notice: One additional day has been added to this for those who may not have time during Friday or Saturday. This can be done during all these three days.

It's time to go big on this. I have understood as I have said again the situation of many in regards to this and we will do what we can to turn this around. This is beneficial to everyone. Nobody should abstain from doing this ritual under any circumstances. Everyone also deserves better and help, especially the people who serve Satan's Agenda by heart. There is no need for any doubts or second thoughts.

Just do this Ritual for the two days aside the RTR's for gains and that's it. Satan and the Gods want their people who assist them and do what is required of us helped. Those who are not into this, change your ways and hop right now to the big WINNER train and stop being a LOSER train.

Loser train is depression, weakness, no purpose, doing evil by your own ignorance to yourself and others. Winner train is happiness, strength, purpose for better deeds, and doing good to one's self and environment.

There will be some other Rituals also to help around and do positive things for us. Embrace positivity in your lives, don't be lazy, do the necessary work, profit. It's really that easy. Everyone deserves a better world of our people here and more profits. Stay focused on the greater objective, trust in Satan, do the homework required, that's it.

Below this is the Ritual we have done and we will be re-doing.

Below are the Links to the Ritual:

Website - https://www.satanisgod.org/ProsperityRitual.html
Backup - https://archive.fo/O2Nmn
PDF- https://www.dropbox.com/s/2dul8ympchcoqnf/2%20Ritual%20of%20Protection%20Wealth.pdf?dl=1

Wealth And Prosperity Ritual

One can either begin this Ritual with the formal Standard Ritual, or just instantly recite the following prayer and proceed with the Runic Vibration and then the affirmation.
This ritual is extremely simple. The power of it will be cumulative and it will manifest over time, as we will repeat it on power dates.

As such the steps are simple:

1. Recite the prayer either aloud or in your mind.
2. Vibrate the Runes given.
3. Call your Guardian Demon or Satan by mentally asking them to come to you.
4. Say the Ritual Affirmation 10 times with powerful intention.
5. Close the Ritual with a big Hail Satan.

The Prayer:

"In the Presence of the Almighty and All-Powerful Satan, His loyal Demons, our one and only family in the Gods. We humbly request your attention, we request your assistance, we request your guidance, your power and wisdom, now and for all eternity. Pour your blessings on us all, your loyal followers and dedicated followers, bonded by blood, shower us with your power and eulogies!

On this most important night, the Night which belongs to you, O Satan, our loyalty is tried and tested. Our Loyalty is true. We fight against your enemies, we revile those who blaspheme your Name and the Names of your Demons. We anathematize their curses, reverse their benedictions, as today the long darkness gives in, for your spiritual light to return, so do our enemies collapse, and your Kingdom Arises!

Lord Satan, and our Loyal Demons of Hell, on this Greatest Night, hear our request: assist us in the direction of this blessed energy on your dedicated people linked by bond of blood, and the whole Joy of Satan members, of all ranks and levels in accordance to your Will and Power, and Service!"

After this one can call into their Guardian Demon to help them guide the energy (Whether they know whom it is or not, do not stress over this, just do this mentally) and proceed with the runic vibrations.

The Runic Vibrations:

We will vibrate the following Runes:

[The amount of vibrations can be either 10, or 40 both are equally effective, one can increase the numbers, but cannot fall to less than 10. The vibrations can be shorter and don't need to be perfect, they just to be vibrated and intended powerfully. After 40 times you can do it 60 vibrations, 80 vibrations, or 100 vibrations if one wants this]:

*This is to be done in succession - one does all the runes and then proceeds to the affirmation.

Othal - 40 or 10 times. [OOOOO-DH-AAAAAA-LLLLLLLL]
Ansuz- 10 times [AAAA-NNNN-SSSS-UUUU-ZZZZ]

The Affirmation:

When one is done with the total of the vibrations, they can focus intensely on the energy, and then say the following affirmation: The following is to be affirmed 10 times. [Aum - Affirmation - Aum is one time. This has to be repeated 10 times.]

Vibrate AUM

"All the members of the Joy of Satan Ministries, Dedicated to Lord Satan by blood, advancing in this Spiritual Path, are now growing in material wealth and power, and are permanently protected and prosperous in all ways, NOW, CONTINUOUSLY , AND FOREVER!"

Vibrate AUM

Close Ritual with a big HAIL SATAN!!!
This is coming at an absolutely 666% perfect timing for me :D
How exciting!!!!
Here is another organization of the instructions for the Wealth And Prosperity ritual and the Awakening ritual, with the runes that were re drawn by Dafassss .
I think it looks neater this way and it might help people. :D The main problem was the old drawings of the runes that were all small and red on black backgrounds were hard to see clearly if you print it out, but these ones from Dafassss show up great on the paper. Same runes that are in my signature so that's what they look like. He made them all individually then I stuck them together into one picture.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Here is another organization of the instructions for the Wealth And Prosperity ritual and the Awakening ritual, with the runes that were re drawn by Dafassss .
I think it looks neater this way and it might help people. :D The main problem was the old drawings of the runes that were all small and red on black backgrounds were hard to see clearly if you print it out, but these ones from Dafassss show up great on the paper. Same runes that are in my signature so that's what they look like. He made them all individually then I stuck them together into one picture.

It looks neater but lacks instructions, so this is for those who know what to do beforehand.
Gear88 said:
:!: @H.P. Cobra you mean "May" not "March".

Thank you, it was a little mistake there.
This is excellent timing. I have been rather stressed concerning finances and have been looking into the possibility of getting another fulltime job, though that would be exhausting.

May our rituals bring us prosperity and continuing financial gain for now and evermore!

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gear88 said:
:!: @H.P. Cobra you mean "May" not "March".

Thank you, it was a little mistake there.


HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The power of it will be cumulative and it will manifest over time, as we will repeat it on power dates.

Is there a specific reason why May 10th/11th; power date during these two days?

Also BTW the first time I did this ritual when I did 100 reps of each even ansus. I know it states just 10 vibrations but what the hell the more, the merrier. I noticed to my senses as someone who is perfectly normal not advanced into spiritual spectrum of visibility. Two entities a short entity with burning eyes about the size of 4 or so feet, at first I thought it was a grey but it wasn't scaring me or doing anything negative. The next a really tall entity, I prefer calling over Satan not to disrespect my Guardian Demon but perhaps Satan might have better plans for me doing the W, P, & P ritual but this really tall entity was behind me floating in the air perfectly still with the only thing I can describe is black shamanistic spiritual clothing.

Is that normal for someone who isn't even open to the spiritual world? It only happened once during the almost 12 repetitions(two 100s, two 60s, three 40s, three 10s, and perhaps one or two more after that) of the ritual I performed back in the Yuletide season.

I mean I find it weird I could sense these entities to my normal human sensory levels.
There is a particular, very precise, and in-order set of 3 words I have decided to use in affirmation, and those 3 words are "now, continuously and forever" and I have been using them for a while. I have not told this to anyone, and then you go and mention it here! If I weren't as informed about Spiritual things as I am currently, I would call that freeky-deekily-spooky!

In the football/jew thread, I mentioned a coincidence of the Simpsons being on regarding fantasy football; today the Simpsons episode is about the Simpsons having their own business and trying to make money. For anyone who doubts or doesn't believe me, go to the Channel 4 website and check the channel guide for the recent episodes' descriptions. There might be a limit as to how far you can go back in the guide, so do it now!

Call it coincidence or call it connectedness.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Close Ritual with a big HAIL SATAN!!!

Now I know that doing this at anytime is fine but do you recommend that it should be done during the hours of the Sun and/or Venus and maybe Jupiter just to give it that extra boost? :?:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It's time to go big on this.

Whats the perfect number of repetitions or is there no limit?
And if i was doing this back to back how long should i wait before repeating?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
1. Recite the prayer either aloud or in your mind!
On this most important night, the Night which belongs to you, O Satan, our loyalty is tried and tested. Our Loyalty is true. We fight against your enemies, we revile those who blaspheme your Name and the Names of your Demons. We anathematize their curses, reverse their benedictions, as today the long darkness gives in, for your spiritual light to return, so do our enemies collapse, and your Kingdom Arises!

Lord Satan, and our Loyal Demons of Hell, on this Greatest Night, hear our request: assist us in the direction of this blessed energy on your dedicated people linked by bond of blood, and the whole Joy of Satan members, of all ranks and levels in accordance to your Will and Power, and Service!"

After this .............
The prayer mentions night as the time of day, Should this be only done at night?

& I used to do an shit ton of rtr's "back then" during the old forums time. But i missed all the previous prosperity rituals. Will this bring back ALL that's owed from back then or did i miss it all?
FancyMancy said:
There is a particular, very precise, and in-order set of 3 words I have decided to use in affirmation, and those 3 words are "now, continuously and forever" and I have been using them for a while. I have not told this to anyone, and then you go and mention it here!

People have been using such for a long time it's nothing of a secret or anything. Might as well expand it to be constantly, continuously and forever/eternally/permanently. And also now can be debatable as it might not be necessary for some affirmations.

In fact it gets into debates of which is the best for some permanent, for others eternal, and others forever. Also if I remember correctly we've gotten into debates about what is better to imprint into the soul permanent, many lifetimes, eternal/forever, many, many lifetimes. So permanent produces effects of a number of lifetimes; while eternal/forever produce longer lifetimes.
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gear88 said:
:!: @H.P. Cobra you mean "May" not "March".

Thank you, it was a little mistake there.


HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The power of it will be cumulative and it will manifest over time, as we will repeat it on power dates.

Is there a specific reason why May 10th/11th; power date during these two days?

Also BTW the first time I did this ritual when I did 100 reps of each even ansus. I know it states just 10 vibrations but what the hell the more, the merrier. I noticed to my senses as someone who is perfectly normal not advanced into spiritual spectrum of visibility. Two entities a short entity with burning eyes about the size of 4 or so feet, at first I thought it was a grey but it wasn't scaring me or doing anything negative. The next a really tall entity, I prefer calling over Satan not to disrespect my Guardian Demon but perhaps Satan might have better plans for me doing the W, P, & P ritual but this really tall entity was behind me floating in the air perfectly still with the only thing I can describe is black shamanistic spiritual clothing.

Is that normal for someone who isn't even open to the spiritual world? It only happened once during the almost 12 repetitions(two 100s, two 60s, three 40s, three 10s, and perhaps one or two more after that) of the ritual I performed back in the Yuletide season.

I mean I find it weird I could sense these entities to my normal human sensory levels.
Tomorrow is Friday and the Moon in Leo wich is a good day to start a money working. This is why its a power date.
Egon said:
So the rule for Ansuz just being vibrated 10 times wheter or not the person choses to multiply the other runes still apply here right?

Yes like last time. This is not the central rune here, it's just a rune to push the others.
Lordbaphamet666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Vibrate AUM

Close Ritual with a big HAIL SATAN!!!
It's saying "invalid file selected" when I try to open it.

You need a PDF reader for this. The problem is related to your phone or pc.
Don't forget to avoid the Void Course of the Moon, as well.
FancyMancy said:
Don't forget to avoid the Void Course of the Moon, as well.

This is of no importance as this ritual has been begun sometime ago and it's already there. Group rituals do work that way. Do not worry about the void moon. Good to avoid, but even if you do not, it doesn't really matter.

Onwards for the gibs and the $$$ bags, just do it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FancyMancy said:
Don't forget to avoid the Void Course of the Moon, as well.

This is of no importance as this ritual has been begun sometime ago and it's already there. Group rituals do work that way. Do not worry about the void moon. Good to avoid, but even if you do not, it doesn't really matter.

Onwards for the gibs and the $$$ bags, just do it.
Yeah. I didn't see the other post where you just said it was begun already.
lmfao i was about to tie the noose tbh

timing is spooky xd
Boy I love doing this ritual it's really very powerful, I love to bless everyone here so about nows the time... Can't wait to bless everyone of you a life of luxury again... I'm going to do this all day this is very important to me what I do is buy herbs in bulk but a lot of the time don't have enough money.. A given we do this stuff why the Jews take money away wealth from us, health is a way to curb curses, so they also have us the hostess store and little Debbie's lol and soda wtf not... Gross
I'm all in on that one. Self-employed, hardworking people around me have been struggling lately. That includes my family business. Wonder if it is caused by filthy kike constructs on the astral we are working to destroy.

Heil Satan!
Should this ritual be done during the hours of Venus or the Sun ? Or does it matter?
Thanks for the help.
Hail Father Satan.
victory666 said:
Should this ritual be done during the hours of Venus or the Sun ? Or does it matter?
Thanks for the help.
Hail Father Satan.

Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Moon, all good hours in that order.

If not, then any hour will do. No need to stress on the details too much.
Should we only do it one time each day as if this was like the personal money workings or can it be done multiple times in these two days? Which if the latter is okay I would say waiting 45 minutes to an hour would be good, yeah?
muriceias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Close Ritual with a big HAIL SATAN!!!

I am already doing a working with fehu.Won't doing more vibrations mess my working?

Not at all, so do not worry on this whatsoever.
hailourtruegod said:
Should we only do it one time each day as if this was like the personal money workings or can it be done multiple times in these two days? Which if the latter is okay I would say waiting 45 minutes to an hour would be good, yeah?

This is a group working, it doesn't abide to personal working rules.

Multiple times is a good goal to set, but not a necessity. Doing this just once does the job in full.
That makes sense. Thank you. :)
Lordbaphamet666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Vibrate AUM

Close Ritual with a big HAIL SATAN!!!
It's saying "invalid file selected" when I try to open it.

I wasn't able to open the PDF either last winter when this ritual was last done when I tried on my phone. I think Android/Google automatically blocks it for some reason, obviously what they are doing is really weird, I don't know they would have an issue with just a PDF. The PDF opened fine when I later tried to open it on my computer.
Bruh I just LOVE these kind of workings where we can bless and support each other as a family. It fills me with joy. Especially knowing that you are acting towards the benefit of these awesome people here, who deserve everything good in life. Always remember that!
May riches, big money, and prosperity fall on you all my brothers and sisters.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
hailourtruegod said:
Should we only do it one time each day as if this was like the personal money workings or can it be done multiple times in these two days? Which if the latter is okay I would say waiting 45 minutes to an hour would be good, yeah?

This is a group working, it doesn't abide to personal working rules.

Multiple times is a good goal to set, but not a necessity. Doing this just once does the job in full.

That's a relief, seeing as I have to work and finish up the Sun square.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
