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Why is pork forbidden in judaism and islam?


New member
Apr 27, 2019
Why do (religious) jews have a taboo on pork (as well as shellfish)? I suppose islam just copy-and-pasted judaism, I've heard it being referred to as "discount judaism" before. But what is it about pig meat that makes jews avoid it? Is there something spiritually negative about pork that they aren't telling us?

And how safe is it to consume pork products in the modern age? If pigs are regarded as unclean, I'd think that jews would have no qualms with poisoning pigs the hardest since they assume only goyim will eat their flesh.

Though a lot of nonobservant hipster jews eat bacon these days, to the point I think the whole retarded baconmania is being pushed primarily by jews. Anyone wonder why?
They don’t wanna eat their own species. Lol
Aquarius said:
They don’t wanna eat their own species. Lol

Lol, true. fact, it is written in their filthy book can be looked up online

The curious fact is that I, myself didn't ate pig for about 2 years, nothing at all containing pork what so ever, and then when I included again in my diet felt like the most disgusting thing, the taste was BITTER, it took me some time to get back used to it, and now I enjoy it and even crave it at times. But what I insist upon is the horrible taste after some years of absence
Because they do not want people to eat meat and have any demands. They just want people to eat grass as I have been saying for years to the dislike to many veganoids. This is because less health equals less aggression from the populace, less demands, etc.
Because pigs are sensitive and demand a lot of hard work and dedication to raise in order to not die early, not profitable if you're the kind of tribe who'd just pack them in small cages. Hard work and care ≠ Jews. Also Jewsish strange biology do not allow them to eat a lot of stuff.

Well and comparing innocent pigs to disgusting kikes is offensive. :x
sunrise said:
Aquarius said:
They don’t wanna eat their own species. Lol
Lol, true. fact, it is written in their filthy book can be looked up online
I was speaking with someone who has seen TGSNT.tv and is semi-awake (but their life/job/environment has to keep them bound with things) and they said that they saw a video on the j00t00bz which said that pork contains worms and things and is not healthy, with the pigs rolling around in muck (and muck!) all the time, which can give you worms. They said that put them off from eating pork.

There was a sarcastic joke/dig at the j00 which might still be online somewhere which said "god" said you can't eat pork but you can eat bacon.

Aquarius said:
They don’t wanna eat their own species. Lol
Damn, that's cold! No insulting our beautiful pigs, please!



(You do not want to do a jewgle images search for "pig in make-up"! :shock: )

Srsly - saying the j00 doesn't want to eat its own species is an insult to our pigs!

Egon said:
Well and comparing innocent pigs to disgusting kikes is offensive. :x
I don't tell to call the enemy a pig, because I feel like I demean pigs to draw this parallel.
Egon said:
Because pigs are sensitive and demand a lot of hard work and dedication to raise in order to not die early, not profitable if you're the kind of tribe who'd just pack them in small cages. Hard work and care ≠ Jews. Also Jewsish strange biology do not allow them to eat a lot of stuff.

Well and comparing innocent pigs to disgusting kikes is offensive. :x
sunrise said:
Aquarius said:
They don’t wanna eat their own species. Lol
Lol, true. fact, it is written in their filthy book can be looked up online
Yeah mine’s a joke, kind of like the fat capitalist pigs joke, pigs are pretty cute, and the abuse they are taking is disgusting.
Aquarius said:
Egon said:
Because pigs are sensitive and demand a lot of hard work and dedication to raise in order to not die early, not profitable if you're the kind of tribe who'd just pack them in small cages. Hard work and care ≠ Jews. Also Jewsish strange biology do not allow them to eat a lot of stuff.

Well and comparing innocent pigs to disgusting kikes is offensive. :x
sunrise said:
Lol, true. fact, it is written in their filthy book can be looked up online
Yeah mine’s a joke, kind of like the fat capitalist pigs joke, pigs are pretty cute, and the abuse they are taking is disgusting.

Indeed, actually, any kind of animal abuse is absolutely disgusting.even if they look 'sweet' or not
Egon said:
Because pigs are sensitive and demand a lot of hard work and dedication to raise in order to not die early, not profitable if you're the kind of tribe who'd just pack them in small cages. Hard work and care ≠ Jews. Also Jewsish strange biology do not allow them to eat a lot of stuff.

Well and comparing innocent pigs to disgusting kikes is offensive. :x
sunrise said:
Aquarius said:
They don’t wanna eat their own species. Lol
Lol, true. fact, it is written in their filthy book can be looked up online

Another good perspective as well, indeed.
Aquarius said:
Egon said:
Because pigs are sensitive and demand a lot of hard work and dedication to raise in order to not die early, not profitable if you're the kind of tribe who'd just pack them in small cages. Hard work and care ≠ Jews. Also Jewsish strange biology do not allow them to eat a lot of stuff.

Well and comparing innocent pigs to disgusting kikes is offensive. :x
sunrise said:
Lol, true. fact, it is written in their filthy book can be looked up online
Yeah mine’s a joke, kind of like the fat capitalist pigs joke, pigs are pretty cute, and the abuse they are taking is disgusting.
Ickle piglets are soooooo cyoot!
FancyMancy said:
I was speaking with someone who has seen TGSNT.tv and is semi-awake (but their life/job/environment has to keep them bound with things) and they said that they saw a video on the j00t00bz which said that pork contains worms and things and is not healthy, with the pigs rolling around in muck (and muck!) all the time, which can give you worms. They said that put them off from eating pork.
There was a sarcastic joke/dig at the j00 which might still be online somewhere which said "god" said you can't eat pork but you can eat bacon.

Aquarius said:
They don’t wanna eat their own species. Lol
Damn, that's cold! No insulting our beautiful pigs, please!



(You do not want to do a jewgle images search for "pig in make-up"! :shock: )

Srsly - saying the j00 doesn't want to eat its own species is an insult to our pigs!

Egon said:
Well and comparing innocent pigs to disgusting kikes is offensive. :x
Sometimes I wonder were you get all these memes,do you have them jam packed in your library lol
Egon said:
Because pigs are sensitive and demand a lot of hard work and dedication to raise in order to not die early, not profitable if you're the kind of tribe who'd just pack them in small cages. Hard work and care ≠ Jews. Also Jewsish strange biology do not allow them to eat a lot of stuff.

Well and comparing innocent pigs to disgusting kikes is offensive.
My sentiments exactly. Actually, pigs are smart animals and they keep themselves pink and clean if conditions (your hard work and care) allow.
The so-called pig plague recently moved through Europe. Feral hogs went nearly extinct. For small pigfarmers it was tough. The state demanded the farms have to conform to certain costly conditions (fencing, disinfection measures for workers etc) or stop farming. Healthy pigs got slaughtered by the thousands and buried in the woods. This was a sick and disgusting affair, run by state veterinary department. It was very similar to UK-s foot and mouth disease where many farmers lost their livelihood just like that, overnight.
My opinion is that it was engineered to drive the small players out. Maybe they also try to make pork unavailable since those pisslam rapefugees hate pork. The price of pork is going north ATM because allegedly China has been hit hard by pig plague and is buying from Europe.
I always suspected that the taste of pork would send them into an untimely urge or frenzy... since I heard that cannibals had explained in a documentary that the taste of human flesh was very akin to the taste of pork... human flesh is nicknamed "long pork" among some cannibal tribes. Just a thought.
Thanks for the answers, even if there isn't one concrete opinion agreed upon. I do wonder why jews are okay with eating beef and chicken though and not pork.
Further still, I wonder why they've also been pushing the (in my opinion extremely retarded) bacon craze for the past 10 years.

And if anyone could tell me, why did islam ban pork but not christianity (there's something in the bible along the lines of it matters not what goes into the mouth, but into the heart)?
shinninglight said:
Sometimes I wonder were you get all these memes,do you have them jam packed in your library lol
No, lol. Some of them I just google quickly, others I remember from ages ago, from before I started saving them, and hope I find the same ones I want.

PanStellar said:
I always suspected that the taste of pork would send them into an untimely urge or frenzy... since I heard that cannibals had explained in a documentary that the taste of human flesh was very akin to the taste of pork... human flesh is nicknamed "long pork" among some cannibal tribes. Just a thought.
If I am not mistaken, sometimes skin grafts are taken from pigs and/or Animal testing which affects Human skin is done on pigs/pig skin, as well.
FancyMancy said:
If I am not mistaken, sometimes skin grafts are taken from pigs and/or Animal testing which affects Human skin is done on pigs/pig skin, as well.
Muslim tries to Aloha Snack Bar, doesn't work he survives, but very injured himself. Gets grafted over with pig skin!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sometimes people who had a lot of heart attacks get a valve put in them from a pig's heart.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
FancyMancy said:
If I am not mistaken, sometimes skin grafts are taken from pigs and/or Animal testing which affects Human skin is done on pigs/pig skin, as well.
Muslim tries to Aloha Snack Bar, doesn't work he survives, but very injured himself. Gets grafted over with pig skin!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: Oh, yeah! (For those who don't know, TNT contains pork...! :roll: :lol:) Maybe that's what prophet Achmed was trying to say - his "virgins".



Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
