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Mass Evacuation of "European" Jews

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Many people have actually have understood what is going on right now in Europe. Which is actually a 'transformation' of Europe into a forced multicultural state. As all Rabbis admit this is a necessary step to fullfill Messianic "prophecy".

If you pay attention, the jews have been intensifying their messages for a while now. The propaganda about race mixing and the such are not in anyway the same as they were some years ago. One would look at matters years ago and they understood the enemy was walking nicely and without anything rushing them. Actually a lot of their propaganda tricks took decades to pull off. Intensive as it were, it is reaching past the level of extremely obvious at this point. They were taking it easier before.

Now if one pays attention the enemy is not only largely unmasked, but they have ceased giving a fuck. They have tried in 5 years to inflate Europe with more Kalergi Breeder migrants than in the last 25 years combined. It's like they got a panic alert, "FILL THE EUROPE WITH KALERGI'S CHILDREN RIGHT NOW! OPEN THESE FUCKING BOATS RIGHT NOW!".

Especially in the late years they have also upped the assaults that are racial. Back then you still had some 'messages', silent migrations, but now these are violently enforced all over the place. The only thing they haven't done yet is put a global law to enforce race mixing marriage or something, that or death. Sort of like a law for the goyim to die quickly, too quickly.

One goes to major European capitals and they can readily see this is just a wet dream manifested, and they are enforcing it to go by quicker. They would just let it go to cataclysmic speed but this would wake up the goyim. So they are like doing this at a maximum rate, but one step before everything breaks down. They are not hiding anything anymore either. Look at the recent "Eurovision" contest and one can understand this. Not only it has an enforced Marxist Queer agenda, this year it literally had an "US vs the Kalergi Mixed Goyim" agenda.

One is not in such of a rush if one doesn't know if a tidal wave is coming on them. Actually, they are trying to prevent an inevitable tidal wave. The details of which seem to be not very obvious at this point. As Amdusias stated though, the enemy will reveal themselves when we are reaching towards the climax of our cause. And this process is advancing very quickly at this point.

Last year in Jew-Rovision, the last 3 finalists were literally a fat kike whale talking about mutliculturalism, a mixed white and black woman, and lastly one black guy who supposedly represented Austria. Hitler was born in Austria this was more like a message to the world that "This is what you get". These kinds of events are like what Israel does to brainwash individuals as some sort of ritualistic cult event that is plated into messages meant to humiliate their racial opponents.

If Europe becomes the 'Arabo-Whitey' paradise the jews envision and push for. What is going to happen, is that both will turn to cut all jewish heads in their reach. The jews are well aware of this fact, but they can't not do it. Migration solely from Africa is insufficient to turn Europe brown in the fastest pace possible, so people are also required from the Middle East both for local depopulation and also to further cause a "melting pot of cultures" in Europe.

The end result of the melting pot they hope will be an Islamic centered, ape like culture, in particular to keep the local Europeans suppressed as in the times of the Ottoman empire.

Deterioration of the European continent has been very quick as well. Nothing has yet collapsed but the enemy knows this is coming at some point. And jews have been evacuating Europe at the time since the rapefugee crisis began. Many Rabbis are urging jews to leave Europe immediately. Rest reassured, they aren't going to 'leave' at once, they cannot forego the luxury of living on the necks of their eternal enemies and opponents, all while killing them at the same time. Life in Israel is a piece of crap compared to what they get almost anywhere else.

Not until they have exhausted every last moment, stolen the very last shekel, and jumped on the very last boat, while the continent is exploding in civil war or something. But some of them may actually be packing up as they cannot deal with this situation when it will reach cutting edge. Which means like they evacuated the Twin Towers in 9/11 that something is simply coming up on the larger scale.

Below I will post some related links:

'Not Surprising' Jews Mull Leaving Germany, New anti-Semitism Envoy Says - https://www.haaretz.com/world-news/europe/not-surprising-jews-mull-leaving-germany-anti-semitism-envoy-says-1.6035171

HERE AND THERE: Jews, get the hell out of Europe – taste freedom! - https://www.jpost.com/Opinion/HERE-AND-THERE-Jews-get-the-hell-out-of-Europe-taste-freedom-544527

Economic Catastrophe awaits if jews leave Europe, Jewish Leader Warns (this one was taken down and it was on: - https://www.jpost.com/Diaspora/Economic-catastrophe-awaits-if-Jews-leave-Europe-Jewish-leader-warns-393456 ). Here is the archived link: https://web.archive.org/web/20160317130140/https://www.jpost.com/Diaspora/Economic-catastrophe-awaits-if-Jews-leave-Europe-Jewish-leader-warns-393456

From the above, now deleted article...

"I think out of three million Jews that are living in Europe at least one million, very active part or young part, self-sufficient part are going to leave and it will be a disaster, an economical disaster for Europe in general because first of all some supporters, non-Jewish supporters will come with Jews. It's a lot of cash and money currents are going to leave Europe and also businesses," Kantor explained.

"We should react on the level of gestures and intentions, visible intentions, not to wait until it's on the level of murdering people; this is the key point just now. We are in front of a strong demand from civil society to modify the legislation fighting against racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism," he added.

From the above. Europe is literally threatened with financial collapse if the European Legislators do not babysit the jews from the effects of the multicultural paradise they are creating. Actually the more they fill Europe with Arabs, the more jews will be entering a permanent danger zone. However everyone knows the jew, they are parasites, they will not just pack up and leave for their chosen land. Some will stay in Europe until the situation goes red alert, while demanding from the goyim to protect them while they make the planning to make them go extinct.

One simply knows this is NOT about businesses. But about what the Elders of Zion will attempt as retaliation against Europe...

'Time for Jews to leave Europe?' Is Barcelona's chief rabbi right? - http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/08/23/time-for-jews-to-leave-europe-is-barcelonas-chief-rabbi-right.html

"Hitler destroyed most everything. But the story Europeans tell themselves—or told themselves, until the proof became too obvious to ignore—is that Judenhass, the hatred of Jews, ended when Berlin fell 70 years ago.

Events of the past 15 years suggest otherwise.

We are witnessing today the denouement of an unusual epoch in European life, the age of the post-Holocaust Jewish dispensation.

The Shoah served for a while as a sort of inoculation against the return of overt Jew-hatred—but the effects of the inoculation, it is becoming clear, are wearing off. What was once impermissible is again imaginable. Memories of 6 million Jewish dead fade, and guilt becomes burdensome. (In The Eternal Anti-Semite, the writer Henryk Broder popularized the notion that “the Germans will never forgive the Jews for Auschwitz.”) Israel is coming to be understood not as a small country in a difficult spot whose leaders, especially lately, have (in my opinion) been making shortsighted and potentially disastrous decisions, but as a source of cosmological evil—the Jew of nations."

Aka, our RTR's have ripped their hoaxes apart. In the same article it says that for 70 years it was going smooth up until things got really fucked up in the last 15 years.

What happened in the last 15 years? Did someone meet any of the Demons goyim? I sense something goes off! My holocau$† pendant is not working...

Barcelona's chief rabbi urges Jews to move to Israel because 'Europe is lost' - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/barcelona-terror-attack-chief-rabbi-meir-bar-hen-jews-move-israel-europe-is-lost-a7903111.html

“I tell my congregants: Don’t think we’re here for good. And I encourage them to buy property in Israel. This place is lost. Don’t repeat the mistake of Algerian Jews, of Venezuelan Jews. Better [get out] early than late.”

He went on to say the attacks had exposed the presence of "radical fringes" within the Muslim community, a problem he said applied to Europe as a whole.

"Europe is lost," he added.

Is It Time for the Jews to Leave Europe? - https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/04/is-it-time-for-the-jews-to-leave-europe/386279/

Senior European rabbi: Jews could flee UK if Corbyn elected PM https://www.timesofisrael.com/senior-european-rabbi-jews-could-flee-uk-if-corbyn-elected-pm/

Here is some example on why the Jews want to evacuate Europe. This is because it's being created into Detroit 2.0 on steroids, that's all.

Somali Parents Sending Their Kids Back to Africa to Escape London Knife Crime Epidemic - https://www.infowars.com/somali-parents-sending-their-kids-back-to-africa-to-escape-london-knife-crime-epidemic/

People in Europe think the situation is "Not that bad" simply because there are EU directives that are to suppressed news reporting on migrant crimes by law right now. If they had the true perspective of what is going on, they would all have revolted five years ago. This is important to maintain the septic tank of Europe slowly "Going ahead" while poisoning the tank even further. People somehow be walking in London and seeing no locals and they are like "Ey mate, it ain't that bad mate. The feelings of muslims mate, cup of tea mate?".

Let us say that this spell is about to collapse soon under the weight of the new reality of vibrant multiculturalism. Egoistic boomtardism and fake hopefulness through putting one's head into the sand about this reality is going to change nothing either.

And it goes on and on. These are only few articles on the matter.

Jews know shit is about to hit the fan. They are far more well informed than the "Goy" which spends more time in Netflix locked in a small apartment and saying that "Everything is good mate" to itself to escape one more day of mental breakdown.

Bottom line the jews are entering a danger zone here, and so does Europe. Because of their own maniacal agenda, manifesting as per usual their own destruction because they cannot stop it. Leading jews know that many "Normal jews" will be destroyed because of this, but they aren't going to stop it. And the elders of Zion don't care how many of their own will go down. So that leaves us to the conclusion that their plan is only going to get pushed. At this pace of unfolding events with their agenda, this will not go peacefully. They have filled Europe with ISIS militants and people whom they are raping in the Middle East.

The jews are again creating a hellhole for themselves.

The thing is the people are watching and many are gradually losing their mind over what is happening. The race mixing meme is done with more force than ever to the point even stupid people have been awakening to it. It has reached a point where the asleep goyim are looking at a play where the stage is burning and it has collapsed.

Soon things will reach a point of climax where people will literally have to choose sides. This may be in the upcoming years. And where there are 'sides', there is also a accumulating climate for war.

To those who know jewish psychology they know the jew is internally a very weak and debilitated creature. How the jew has survived in that point is by the adage when you are weak, appear strong. They actually try to boss around the planet right now, try to shove it on people's faces that no matter what, they will get their way, that everything goes according to plan etc. Some messages are subtle some are not. They are bragging too much, way above the normal, and that is to hide weakness.

We cannot clearly know what they are aware of that is coming for them. But to evacuate a whole continent what does that tell us. Trumps compromise and domination, the move of the embassy of Jerusalem, intensification of Israeli policy and aggression over all other states in the region as in Syria, a full blow bastardization attack towards Europe. Such as putting a brown jewess princess and a white colored jewboy to marry in front of the goyim, as their "Kings".

Jews naturally have access to a lot of data the Goyim don't. Such as google. People may be saying nice things in Jimmy Falon's shows and acting like good white goyim, but many people in the private they have woke. And jewtube may be using millions of bots pretending to be stupid people, but apparently the reality is different. Jewtube's popular opinion and google's unbiasedness is faker than pamela anderson's tits right now.

In other words the enemy knows in high exactitude that popular hatred (according to them of course) or let's say Levels of Goyim knowing are off the roof.

They know this is because of what they are doing, but as per usual "anti-semitism" is a mental illness of their opponents, and not a natural drawback of what they have been reaping for centuries, and of specific behaviors that they never change and never will, resulting in hatred.

The enemy is pushing this world in a transformation that will ultimately be their own end. In Europe there is no resistance to their works in any meaningful level simply because many people still follow a jewish narrative that doesn't reverberate in Europe, but this has been giving in now.

Surveys done in Germany do show that 8 out of 10 Germans is afraid to talk of their opinions and does feel suppressed. The top topics of said suppression are this: Islam, Migration, Replacement. This never ends up well. When Germany and other places will be confronted by what happens when you turn your own civilization into ape-land, this is bound to get worse for the jews in extreme speed. (https://www.newswars.com/study-only-18-per-cent-of-germans-think-they-are-free-to-express-their-opinions-in-public/)

There is a greater awakening at the door which will be way more ancient, way more real, and it will have the blueprint of the Gods on it. However this doesn't change the fact of waking up to the jews massively which is happening. And this right here is the door from where jews are going to collapse worldwide, they are on their own, as if by mistake, killing the systems that have kept them alive, like a parasite without concern.

Lastly there is the new generation growing up now. The jew pushes the knives of a rootless life, interracial admixture as the new forced law, brainwashing, a meaningless life, drugs, whatever have you, into their head. They are putting too much fire on everyone of their enemies. If Gentiles affected somehow escape this psycho-spiritual and mental stranglehold this time, the jew will be permanently removed from our cultural. The jews are creating their own worse nightmares by what they are doing.

What's for sure is that the future will be trying and even chaotic for this world. While the enemy tries to maintain this system like an aquarium of poisoned fish, that 'runs smoothly', they are using all their means for it. But at some point the pond will start getting poisoned and will break. We need to keep up the RTR's to ensure everything turns out in the best possible way for us.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It’a so funny, they are literally exposing themselves by their own words.
Yesterday I was in a online game where people don’t kill each other casually but this guy would constantly kill me for no reason,keep in mind my name online is : search “kalergi plan” on google
This guy after a while called me racist out of the blue, so I called him jew cuck, so after a while of calling him a jew he literally said How the white race will be exterminated and it’s just a matter of time, so after that he literally exposed himself and i made people think about what he said and a guy who at first didn’t care now was insulting as a jew. He was votekicked at the end lmao
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We must seriously do a ritual to speed up the awareness of all the Gentiles on the Jews globally. All Gentiles must be aware of the Jewish problem and must do their part. They must not be unaware of useless and worthless cattle. The Gentiles are not races of defenseless animals in danger of extinction ... they must fight .... they must not continue to be ignorant cattle in human form. They must be aware of reality necessarily ... with good or bad manners. We must work spiritually to change this once and for all. Jews curse Gentiles to be ignorant and unaware of reality ... we must bless our people to be aware of enemies and reality. It is truly an excellent idea to bless our people for specific things. Global ignorance must end. I wouldn't know how to explain myself better than this ... the important thing is that you understand what I mean. :cool:
Aquarius said:
It’a so funny, they are literally exposing themselves by their own words.
Yesterday I was in a online game where people don’t kill each other casually but this guy would constantly kill me for no reason,keep in mind my name online is : search “kalergi plan” on google
This guy after a while called me racist out of the blue, so I called him jew cuck, so after a while of calling him a jew he literally said How the white race will be exterminated and it’s just a matter of time, so after that he literally exposed himself and i made people think about what he said and a guy who at first didn’t care now was insulting as a jew. He was votekicked at the end lmao
Lol, i wanted too to apply this kind of ideea, to change my name in ''ancient forums'' when i play games, but i guess the kalergi one will be more efficient i think, idk
I've always thought that the main goal of the rapefugee crisis is to initiate a civil war. It's well known that most of the rapefugees are former Islamic State and al-Nusra militants, and other jihadists... And also, this explains why 95+ percent of the rapefugees are men. If the main goal of the 'refugee crisis' is racial bastardization why are nearly all 'refugees' men? Very few white women would lower themselves to the level of sleeping (willingly) with a rapefugee who smells of sweat and dirt and barely knows how to read. But men are far less selective than women in their intimate partner choice, if the majority of the 'refugees' were young women, many desperate for sex white men would be praising the government for the 'refugee crisis'. If the main goal was miscegenation they would infest Europe with women 'refugees', not jihadist men. Of course, i'm not saying that the racial bastardization of Europe is not a goal of theirs, but i think with the current 'refugee crisis' is more of a secondary goal, the primary goal is having an irregular army of jihadists in Europe.
DiscipleOfSatan said:
I've always thought that the main goal of the rapefugee crisis is to initiate a civil war. It's well known that most of the rapefugees are former Islamic State and al-Nusra militants, and other jihadists... And also, this explains why 95+ percent of the rapefugees are men. If the main goal of the 'refugee crisis' is racial bastardization why are nearly all 'refugees' men? Very few white women would lower themselves to the level of sleeping (willingly) with a rapefugee who smells of sweat and dirt and barely knows how to read. But men are far less selective than women in their intimate partner choice, if the majority of the 'refugees' were young women, many desperate for sex white men would be praising the government for the 'refugee crisis'. If the main goal was miscegenation they would infest Europe with women 'refugees', not jihadist men. Of course, i'm not saying that the racial bastardization of Europe is not a goal of theirs, but i think with the current 'refugee crisis' is more of a secondary goal, the primary goal is having an irregular army of jihadists in Europe.

The main goal is taking over and extincting Whites. Whether this will be through miscagenation, war, civil war, heating up the water slowly, or a combination of all of the above, it's all the same to them. What makes you think men would like to mate with said women? Also, if these came in any percent anymore than 5%, they would be forcibly or whatnot married and kept into their muslim ingroup.

Why they bring men is because they also want to use them as cheap labor, criminal conglomerates, and related things. These cannot be made on women. Women are also not as resilient as to take the big trips all of these people are forced to take in order to come in "The Promised Land".

The Kalergi bastardization plan is not going exactly as expected, as no matter how much you advertise BBC and how much Gud Chocolate is, not many people want to try chocolate except of some trailer trash and related of the White race, and a few good candidates with the brains of fish in between.

So yea, the phase two will probably be that, Civil war. Most mosques are heavily armed and they are recruit stations for ISIS and related militants. This will be the plan two, war takeover and at the same time increasing Muslim birthrates to heights never seen before for more rights/militia, in either cases, usurping said countries from the hands of their builders and rightful inheritors, through "Voting" and sheer force of numbers, or a combination of the two and so forth.
DiscipleOfSatan said:
I've always thought that the main goal of the rapefugee crisis is to initiate a civil war. It's well known that most of the rapefugees are former Islamic State and al-Nusra militants, and other jihadists... And also, this explains why 95+ percent of the rapefugees are men. If the main goal of the 'refugee crisis' is racial bastardization why are nearly all 'refugees' men? Very few white women would lower themselves to the level of sleeping (willingly) with a rapefugee who smells of sweat and dirt and barely knows how to read. But men are far less selective than women in their intimate partner choice, if the majority of the 'refugees' were young women, many desperate for sex white men would be praising the government for the 'refugee crisis'. If the main goal was miscegenation they would infest Europe with women 'refugees', not jihadist men. Of course, i'm not saying that the racial bastardization of Europe is not a goal of theirs, but i think with the current 'refugee crisis' is more of a secondary goal, the primary goal is having an irregular army of jihadists in Europe.
Read the book called easy meat which details the child sex ring run by Moslems in UK. Its called Love Jihad where they coerce young girls into sex. There have been thousands of victims till now.

DiscipleOfSatan said:
I've always thought that the main goal of the rapefugee crisis is to initiate a civil war. It's well known that most of the rapefugees are former Islamic State and al-Nusra militants, and other jihadists... And also, this explains why 95+ percent of the rapefugees are men. If the main goal of the 'refugee crisis' is racial bastardization why are nearly all 'refugees' men? Very few white women would lower themselves to the level of sleeping (willingly) with a rapefugee who smells of sweat and dirt and barely knows how to read. But men are far less selective than women in their intimate partner choice, if the majority of the 'refugees' were young women, many desperate for sex white men would be praising the government for the 'refugee crisis'. If the main goal was miscegenation they would infest Europe with women 'refugees', not jihadist men. Of course, i'm not saying that the racial bastardization of Europe is not a goal of theirs, but i think with the current 'refugee crisis' is more of a secondary goal, the primary goal is having an irregular army of jihadists in Europe.
What kind of friends do you have? Where did you get the idea white men are much more prone to be intimate with mixed women? Its pretty equal and men are even more vocal in mocking and downgrading each other when they date below.
Weassel said:
Aquarius said:
It’a so funny, they are literally exposing themselves by their own words.
Yesterday I was in a online game where people don’t kill each other casually but this guy would constantly kill me for no reason,keep in mind my name online is : search “kalergi plan” on google
This guy after a while called me racist out of the blue, so I called him jew cuck, so after a while of calling him a jew he literally said How the white race will be exterminated and it’s just a matter of time, so after that he literally exposed himself and i made people think about what he said and a guy who at first didn’t care now was insulting as a jew. He was votekicked at the end lmao
Lol, i wanted too to apply this kind of ideea, to change my name in ''ancient forums'' when i play games, but i guess the kalergi one will be more efficient i think, idk
Many people are curious about it and will search about it on google, some are very suprized by it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"I think out of three million Jews that are living in Europe at least one million, very active part or young part, self-sufficient part are going to leave and it will be a disaster, an economical disaster for Europe in general because first of all some supporters, non-Jewish supporters will come with Jews. It's a lot of cash and money currents are going to leave Europe and also businesses," Kantor explained.

At HP. Cobra I believe in one sermon a long while back either 2017 or early 2018. I can't seem to find it but you mentioned that the entire jewish population World wide at the current time as of that date is ~350 million.

This Kantor hannukah states "3 million population in Europe, 1 million leaves". Obviously he states it'll crush the economy which is "BULLSHIT".

So genuinely speaking in your opinion how much hannukahs exist in Europe?

The six million hoax has been pushed since the late 1800s, I mean hell I remember in the old Pro-php forums even some inklings into the Crimean-Russo War of 1830s whereby six million jews in danger. At least what one of our members posted in a memetic enforcement picture(M.E.P.).

So exactly how many of the sheenies are we dealing with Europe and World-Wide?

Reminds me of your Icelandic sermon whereby 38 Icelandic jews and 2 external U.S. and European jews control the circumcision in Iceland to be mandatory. A total of 40 jews control a tiny but substantial white kernel of Aryanicity.
I remember years ago were still a vast amount of info, sites, etc. regarding the problems aroused by race-mixing.
As time went, less and less info is available online.


When I was young I didn't see anything wrong with race-mixing, I lack any superior perspective, thinking about multicoloured kids was cool to think about. I was seeing myself ten years ago some sort of Angelina of those times. It is only fair to say it as it was.

People need more education on the matter, and this kind of info should be aggressively spread, so people can understand we are not talking about any 'supremacy' or homogeneity just for the sake of it.

It is unfortunate that wanting to preserve who you are is taken as an offence those days.

I had an English pure breed friend; he started dating an Asian and I explained to him all the implications he can expect if he will have kids with her, elegantly, giving him sources, etc., what he ultimately did after years and years of true friendship was recording my shit in order to go at the police with it. Lol.- calling me racist etc. and I SAID, NO, YOU ARE RACIST, YOU WANT THE RACES TO DIE, NOT ME, I LOVE THEM, I AM FOR PRESERVING THEM, YOU ARE FOR FUCKING THEM UP, WHO THE FUCK IS THE RACIST HERE? After this supposedly dangerous situation, I decided to stop talking to him at all; The possibility to get my life ruined over a simple chat was something unbelievable to me, I mean, we live insane times. People are not even open to discussion anymore. They scream 'social construct' like monkeys - end of the debate.

What happened with the guy actually, he got fucked by a french and Russian woman whatever, failed relationships, so he went to something more 'submissive'.

The same is happening with Indians or Arabs males in the West; they are charming, kind and attentive with women, not afraid to speak with them anywhere, etc., a trait that whites are frightened to do randomly, and voila, they win women over.

The fact that Arabs got a traditional mindset IS ANOTHER THING, when it comes to women, (for some), this trait is attractive, they would treat them better than a princess to win them over; While men in the West are expecting equality, etc. Let's be fair when they hear about 'family' they run away as far as possible,

In conclusion, both sides are profoundly affected. Men and white women being bombarded by 'more traditional' races, more submissive, etc.

Overall people's interests TODAY are different, all 'modern people' want to travel endlessly, do things, no obligations, all this 'the earth is overpopulated' plays another damaged part for the European mindset, etc.

I also had another friend dating a black man, and they were both undergoing physical and behavioural changes, easy for me to observe in not after such long periods. Herself confessed a sort of 'inner transformation'.
She kept on fucking my brain, 'i want a black kid, black kid, black kid', I got a brain seizure while listening to this, what black kid delusion can happen in some people's head? 'Bitch your kid will be BROWN, not black, put yourself together.'

I am not talking about some zombie transformation here, but merely mating with other races, not necessary having kids, is involving subtle changes, a change of the DNA. In a more obvious way, I saw this at one of my family members, who is with a gipsy for more than a decade. THIS GUY DOESN'T LOOK LIKE NOTHING AS HE USED TO, not to mention his behaviour, strictly speaking about his physical appearance - is like a different breed. We outcast him, of course, and lucky, they don't have kids.

I once had a chat with a black guy openly after a night out asking him why this obsession over the white ladies, what about your preservation? He said he doesn't care. There are plenty of blacks in Africa anyhow, and he is having fun. Funny, like coming in another home and you don't mind shitting in their living room, you have your own home anyhow.
(Black people are more open to discuss race matters, whites are infuriating at the question lol). We are so empathetic to the point of total idiocy,

If we don't start taking care of our own home, others will come only to make a mess, free the fridge, disturb the neighbours and eventually go home if the things get bad. We lost this feeling of belonging, the sense of PROPRIETY. We are worse than a brothel at this given time.

Maybe the same happened with my English friend, his loyalty to his European brothers was merely dead, after such a short period of time, he wasn't himself anymore, anyhow; because I could have sworn, I couldn't believe it to trigger such reactions for only speaking openly and respectfully about race-mixing.
FigliodiThor said:
video games are a Jewish creation, they should be eliminated absolutely
I don't agree. There are video games that are trash and other that just shows the ammount of creativity a gentiles can have. If anything they need to be better and not some money machine that the jews use to make money...
FigliodiThor said:
video games are a Jewish creation, they should be eliminated absolutely
I don't agree. There are video games that are trash and other that just shows the ammount of creativity a gentiles can have. If anything they need to be better and not some money machine that the jews use to make money...
FigliodiThor said:
video games are a Jewish creation, they should be eliminated absolutely
What hobbies do you prefer?
Bull Gotze said:
What kind of friends do you have? Where did you get the idea white men are much more prone to be intimate with mixed women? Its pretty equal and men are even more vocal in mocking and downgrading each other when they date below.

Probably not many of my friends would do that... I guess I am under this impression because of the so called "Nice Guys" online. Every average or above average looking girl on social media gets tons of comments and messages from random sex/porn addicts on each of her photos. But for example, the fitness and fashion model David Laid, even though he is the most perfect looking man I have ever seen, he doesn't seem to get that much attention from girls, at least from what I've seen in the comments on his youtube videos. Not that girls don't like him, but I guess male and female sexuality just works differently. But maybe social media and Youtube etc doesn't represent real life correctly...

About the 'refugee crisis' I just think that this is the most logical explanation why they bring men only, they probably plan to use them as an irregular army.
Aquarius said:
It’a so funny, they are literally exposing themselves by their own words.
Yesterday I was in a online game where people don’t kill each other casually but this guy would constantly kill me for no reason,keep in mind my name online is : search “kalergi plan” on google
This guy after a while called me racist out of the blue, so I called him jew cuck, so after a while of calling him a jew he literally said How the white race will be exterminated and it’s just a matter of time, so after that he literally exposed himself and i made people think about what he said and a guy who at first didn’t care now was insulting as a jew. He was votekicked at the end lmao
That's another tally for the jew being excluded from a country/community! There could be a meme made out of it, then it could be done sarcastically - someone's avatar being a jew, jewing around in an online game with the deliberate aim of being kicked/banned.
FigliodiThor said:
video games are a Jewish creation, they should be eliminated absolutely
First this is not the thread for this. Second, don't be retarded making assumptions like that, Jews can't come up with "creating" anything, only perverting what exists. Video games or games in general like table games are a form of entertainment and culture, but there are already topics dealing with that.
sunrise said:
I remember years ago were still a vast amount of info, sites, etc. regarding the problems aroused by race-mixing.
As time went, less and less info is available online.


When I was young I didn't see anything wrong with race-mixing, I lack any superior perspective, thinking about multicoloured kids was cool to think about. I was seeing myself ten years ago some sort of Angelina of those times. It is only fair to say it as it was.

People need more education on the matter, and this kind of info should be aggressively spread, so people can understand we are not talking about any 'supremacy' or homogeneity just for the sake of it.

It is unfortunate that wanting to preserve who you are is taken as an offence those days.

I had an English pure breed friend; he started dating an Asian and I explained to him all the implications he can expect if he will have kids with her, elegantly, giving him sources, etc., what he ultimately did after years and years of true friendship was recording my shit in order to go at the police with it. Lol.- calling me racist etc. and I SAID, NO, YOU ARE RACIST, YOU WANT THE RACES TO DIE, NOT ME, I LOVE THEM, I AM FOR PRESERVING THEM, YOU ARE FOR FUCKING THEM UP, WHO THE FUCK IS THE RACIST HERE? After this supposedly dangerous situation, I decided to stop talking to him at all; The possibility to get my life ruined over a simple chat was something unbelievable to me, I mean, we live insane times. People are not even open to discussion anymore. They scream 'social construct' like monkeys - end of the debate.

What happened with the guy actually, he got fucked by a french and Russian woman whatever, failed relationships, so he went to something more 'submissive'.

The same is happening with Indians or Arabs males in the West; they are charming, kind and attentive with women, not afraid to speak with them anywhere, etc., a trait that whites are frightened to do randomly, and voila, they win women over.

The fact that Arabs got a traditional mindset IS ANOTHER THING, when it comes to women, (for some), this trait is attractive, they would treat them better than a princess to win them over; While men in the West are expecting equality, etc. Let's be fair when they hear about 'family' they run away as far as possible,

In conclusion, both sides are profoundly affected. Men and white women being bombarded by 'more traditional' races, more submissive, etc.

Overall people's interests TODAY are different, all 'modern people' want to travel endlessly, do things, no obligations, all this 'the earth is overpopulated' plays another damaged part for the European mindset, etc.

I also had another friend dating a black man, and they were both undergoing physical and behavioural changes, easy for me to observe in not after such long periods. Herself confessed a sort of 'inner transformation'.
She kept on fucking my brain, 'i want a black kid, black kid, black kid', I got a brain seizure while listening to this, what black kid delusion can happen in some people's head? 'Bitch your kid will be BROWN, not black, put yourself together.'

I am not talking about some zombie transformation here, but merely mating with other races, not necessary having kids, is involving subtle changes, a change of the DNA. In a more obvious way, I saw this at one of my family members, who is with a gipsy for more than a decade. THIS GUY DOESN'T LOOK LIKE NOTHING AS HE USED TO, not to mention his behaviour, strictly speaking about his physical appearance - is like a different breed. We outcast him, of course, and lucky, they don't have kids.

I once had a chat with a black guy openly after a night out asking him why this obsession over the white ladies, what about your preservation? He said he doesn't care. There are plenty of blacks in Africa anyhow, and he is having fun. Funny, like coming in another home and you don't mind shitting in their living room, you have your own home anyhow.
(Black people are more open to discuss race matters, whites are infuriating at the question lol). We are so empathetic to the point of total idiocy,

If we don't start taking care of our own home, others will come only to make a mess, free the fridge, disturb the neighbours and eventually go home if the things get bad. We lost this feeling of belonging, the sense of PROPRIETY. We are worse than a brothel at this given time.

Maybe the same happened with my English friend, his loyalty to his European brothers was merely dead, after such a short period of time, he wasn't himself anymore, anyhow; because I could have sworn, I couldn't believe it to trigger such reactions for only speaking openly and respectfully about race-mixing.
It is completely useless to argue with the ignorant. If a computer has a hardware problem, it cannot be accommodated with a software solution. We must spiritually direct Gentiles on a global scale, all Gentiles completely ... to do what they have to do. A small example ... spiritually influencing with a group ritual, all the gentiles to inevitably study our information without the possibility of choice. Truth is one. There is nothing to choose from. The enemy spreads the lie ... 1 + 1 = 6 with terror and disnformation ... We are telling the truth to people ... 1 + 1 = 2 and we are offended along with the truth by the ignorant. We inform people ... which is a wonderful thing. It is better to work in an advanced way ... make the information available and magically direct the gentiles to study our information inevitably and then ... once they see the truth, they cannot be deceived anymore. Discussing and reasoning with the ignorant about reality is useless ... the key is to use themselves for their own good. Wear is a good thing ... both good and bad. Enemies can be used to destroy themselves and so on.
Yes, im curious about real jewish numbers in europe and world-wide aswell. Its definetly more than 3 million. Regarding the video games, time will come when nobody will play games simply becouse we will have no reason to. But right now i dont think that 1 hour a day will RUIN you.
brothers, you should know: video games program the subconscious in a subliminal and negative way.
Do you think playing video games of war or violence in general is healthy?

rather it is better to learn a musical instrument, devote oneself to building a strong body, draw, go out with friends, meditate, do yoga.

I honestly believe that the world of cinema and the world of entertainment is corrupt to the core.
FigliodiThor said:
brothers, you should know: video games program the subconscious in a subliminal and negative way.
Do you think playing video games of war or violence in general is healthy?

rather it is better to learn a musical instrument, devote oneself to building a strong body, draw, go out with friends, meditate, do yoga.

I honestly believe that the world of cinema and the world of entertainment is corrupt to the core.

Corrupt yes, "corrupt as a thing in itself", no.
DiscipleOfSatan said:
Bull Gotze said:
What kind of friends do you have? Where did you get the idea white men are much more prone to be intimate with mixed women? Its pretty equal and men are even more vocal in mocking and downgrading each other when they date below.

Probably not many of my friends would do that... I guess I am under this impression because of the so called "Nice Guys" online. Every average or above average looking girl on social media gets tons of comments and messages from random sex/porn addicts on each of her photos. But for example, the fitness and fashion model David Laid, even though he is the most perfect looking man I have ever seen, he doesn't seem to get that much attention from girls, at least from what I've seen in the comments on his youtube videos. Not that girls don't like him, but I guess male and female sexuality just works differently. But maybe social media and Youtube etc doesn't represent real life correctly...

About the 'refugee crisis' I just think that this is the most logical explanation why they bring men only, they probably plan to use them as an irregular army.
I went and see this David laid guy... Looks like a total soy boi that resorted to steroids. No idea how you could perceive him as perfect looking. Womens sexuality is no mistery its just some of you are completely ungrounded, hang out with retarded people and get sucked into this vortex of confusion. The few women I witnessed that Race mixed have always been some low tier specimens with serious insecurity problems.
sunrise said:
I remember years ago were still a vast amount of info, sites, etc. regarding the problems aroused by race-mixing.
As time went, less and less info is available online.


When I was young I didn't see anything wrong with race-mixing, I lack any superior perspective, thinking about multicoloured kids was cool to think about. I was seeing myself ten years ago some sort of Angelina of those times. It is only fair to say it as it was.

People need more education on the matter, and this kind of info should be aggressively spread, so people can understand we are not talking about any 'supremacy' or homogeneity just for the sake of it.

It is unfortunate that wanting to preserve who you are is taken as an offence those days.

I had an English pure breed friend; he started dating an Asian and I explained to him all the implications he can expect if he will have kids with her, elegantly, giving him sources, etc., what he ultimately did after years and years of true friendship was recording my shit in order to go at the police with it. Lol.- calling me racist etc. and I SAID, NO, YOU ARE RACIST, YOU WANT THE RACES TO DIE, NOT ME, I LOVE THEM, I AM FOR PRESERVING THEM, YOU ARE FOR FUCKING THEM UP, WHO THE FUCK IS THE RACIST HERE? After this supposedly dangerous situation, I decided to stop talking to him at all; The possibility to get my life ruined over a simple chat was something unbelievable to me, I mean, we live insane times. People are not even open to discussion anymore. They scream 'social construct' like monkeys - end of the debate.

What happened with the guy actually, he got fucked by a french and Russian woman whatever, failed relationships, so he went to something more 'submissive'.

The same is happening with Indians or Arabs males in the West; they are charming, kind and attentive with women, not afraid to speak with them anywhere, etc., a trait that whites are frightened to do randomly, and voila, they win women over.

The fact that Arabs got a traditional mindset IS ANOTHER THING, when it comes to women, (for some), this trait is attractive, they would treat them better than a princess to win them over; While men in the West are expecting equality, etc. Let's be fair when they hear about 'family' they run away as far as possible,

In conclusion, both sides are profoundly affected. Men and white women being bombarded by 'more traditional' races, more submissive, etc.

Overall people's interests TODAY are different, all 'modern people' want to travel endlessly, do things, no obligations, all this 'the earth is overpopulated' plays another damaged part for the European mindset, etc.

I also had another friend dating a black man, and they were both undergoing physical and behavioural changes, easy for me to observe in not after such long periods. Herself confessed a sort of 'inner transformation'.
She kept on fucking my brain, 'i want a black kid, black kid, black kid', I got a brain seizure while listening to this, what black kid delusion can happen in some people's head? 'Bitch your kid will be BROWN, not black, put yourself together.'

I am not talking about some zombie transformation here, but merely mating with other races, not necessary having kids, is involving subtle changes, a change of the DNA. In a more obvious way, I saw this at one of my family members, who is with a gipsy for more than a decade. THIS GUY DOESN'T LOOK LIKE NOTHING AS HE USED TO, not to mention his behaviour, strictly speaking about his physical appearance - is like a different breed. We outcast him, of course, and lucky, they don't have kids.

I once had a chat with a black guy openly after a night out asking him why this obsession over the white ladies, what about your preservation? He said he doesn't care. There are plenty of blacks in Africa anyhow, and he is having fun. Funny, like coming in another home and you don't mind shitting in their living room, you have your own home anyhow.
(Black people are more open to discuss race matters, whites are infuriating at the question lol). We are so empathetic to the point of total idiocy,

If we don't start taking care of our own home, others will come only to make a mess, free the fridge, disturb the neighbours and eventually go home if the things get bad. We lost this feeling of belonging, the sense of PROPRIETY. We are worse than a brothel at this given time.

Maybe the same happened with my English friend, his loyalty to his European brothers was merely dead, after such a short period of time, he wasn't himself anymore, anyhow; because I could have sworn, I couldn't believe it to trigger such reactions for only speaking openly and respectfully about race-mixing.
You have a childish and unrealostic perspective on social and love dynamics. And you seem to blame everything and everyone but yourself regarding this matter. Too much sketchy friends there it seems... theres totally nothing wrong with you and the fact you seem to accept these people into your social circle.
And then you chicks wonder where are the white guys and why they dont talk to you. They stay the hell away from you. Fucking dumbasses. The all "guys will bang anything" myth is just jewish hollywood culturalism or whatever. A chick that lacks the strenght to kick darkies to the curb is not worth a dime.
Now let me keep things real. The only reason Im adressing these issues here and keeping you clowns firm is because you are polluting the paradigm on this forum with your pathetic perspective on social themes.

The other problem is many people had to grow with spiritual blockages and this causes identity problems.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FigliodiThor said:
brothers, you should know: video games program the subconscious in a subliminal and negative way.
Do you think playing video games of war or violence in general is healthy?

rather it is better to learn a musical instrument, devote oneself to building a strong body, draw, go out with friends, meditate, do yoga.

I honestly believe that the world of cinema and the world of entertainment is corrupt to the core.

Corrupt yes, "corrupt as a thing in itself", no.

this is true, but that does not mean that we have to make use of it, I don't think a God wastes time at a console to shoot people online
FigliodiThor said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FigliodiThor said:
brothers, you should know: video games program the subconscious in a subliminal and negative way.
Do you think playing video games of war or violence in general is healthy?

rather it is better to learn a musical instrument, devote oneself to building a strong body, draw, go out with friends, meditate, do yoga.

I honestly believe that the world of cinema and the world of entertainment is corrupt to the core.

Corrupt yes, "corrupt as a thing in itself", no.

this is true, but that does not mean that we have to make use of it, I don't think a God wastes time at a console to shoot people online

On these matters, what is one's man time waste, it's another man's recreation.

I agree with you on the point of wasting one's time, this is beyond saying. The whole gaming thing has evolved to where some people waste 12 hours solid on them daily. It's just freaking pathetic. No better than any destructive habit like drugs in anyway, shape or form.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jews know shit is about to hit the fan. They are far more well informed than the "Goy" which spends more time in Netflix locked in a small apartment and saying that "Everything is good mate" to itself to escape one more day of mental breakdown.

I was thinking about the above, what mental breakdown is this about? As far as I see, the said people, even if they realise the problems of this planet, they do not give a shit about them. They are not stressed about it. They don't mind about the useless and boring life they have now. They just enjoy being lazzy asses, doing nothing with their lives and waste it on Netflix and videogames. Is not like their mind is so disturbed or affected by the existing problems because in general either they don't care, either they don't even consider them as problems.
The Alchemist7 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jews know shit is about to hit the fan. They are far more well informed than the "Goy" which spends more time in Netflix locked in a small apartment and saying that "Everything is good mate" to itself to escape one more day of mental breakdown.

I was thinking about the above, what mental breakdown is this about? As far as I see, the said people, even if they realise the problems of this planet, they do not give a shit about them. They are not stressed about it. They don't mind about the useless and boring life they have now. They just enjoy being lazzy asses, doing nothing with their lives and waste it on Netflix and videogames. Is not like their mind is so disturbed or affected by the existing problems because in general either they don't care, either they don't even consider them as problems.

It doesn't matter what they do as much as it matters what they don't do.

Those who are in this state of mind are ought to lose everything. This is ignorance and nature does not bless the ignorant, but the wise.
Weassel said:
Aquarius said:
It’a so funny, they are literally exposing themselves by their own words.
Yesterday I was in a online game where people don’t kill each other casually but this guy would constantly kill me for no reason,keep in mind my name online is : search “kalergi plan” on google
This guy after a while called me racist out of the blue, so I called him jew cuck, so after a while of calling him a jew he literally said How the white race will be exterminated and it’s just a matter of time, so after that he literally exposed himself and i made people think about what he said and a guy who at first didn’t care now was insulting as a jew. He was votekicked at the end lmao
Lol, i wanted too to apply this kind of ideea, to change my name in ''ancient forums'' when i play games, but i guess the kalergi one will be more efficient i think, idk

lol I created a Dragon Ball Xenoverse human character called "Eva Braun" (blue eyes, red hair and white skinned) and curiously my character contained "offensive characters" but I did not get that notice days later and now I can play online, again.
Bull Gotze said:
I went and see this David laid guy... Looks like a total soy boi that resorted to steroids. No idea how you could perceive him as perfect looking. Womens sexuality is no mistery its just some of you are completely ungrounded, hang out with retarded people and get sucked into this vortex of confusion. The few women I witnessed that Race mixed have always been some low tier specimens with serious insecurity problems.

This is a little of topic, but when you look at art of the Third Reich, the perfect Aryan Man is exactly the David Laid type of man. But yes, some girls consider him not manly enough, which is unbelievable for me, that's exactly what I meant when I mentioned him. Just take a look at Arno Breker's sculptures and you will see absolutely identical physique and face traits that David Laid has. I don't know what is your definition of masculinity, but being good looking doesn't make you soy boy, or gay, or anything.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Barcelona's chief rabbi urges Jews to move to Israel because 'Europe is lost' - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/barcelona-terror-attack-chief-rabbi-meir-bar-hen-jews-move-israel-europe-is-lost-a7903111.html

Imagine what that headline looks like for us...

Barcelona's chief [ETHNORELIGION NOT FOUND] urges Whites to move to [COUNTRY NOT FOUND] because 'Europe and America and Australia and South Africa are lost'
Bull Gotze said:
sunrise said:
I remember years ago were still a vast amount of info, sites, etc. regarding the problems aroused by race-mixing.
As time went, less and less info is available online.


When I was young I didn't see anything wrong with race-mixing, I lack any superior perspective, thinking about multicoloured kids was cool to think about. I was seeing myself ten years ago some sort of Angelina of those times. It is only fair to say it as it was.

People need more education on the matter, and this kind of info should be aggressively spread, so people can understand we are not talking about any 'supremacy' or homogeneity just for the sake of it.

It is unfortunate that wanting to preserve who you are is taken as an offence those days.

I had an English pure breed friend; he started dating an Asian and I explained to him all the implications he can expect if he will have kids with her, elegantly, giving him sources, etc., what he ultimately did after years and years of true friendship was recording my shit in order to go at the police with it. Lol.- calling me racist etc. and I SAID, NO, YOU ARE RACIST, YOU WANT THE RACES TO DIE, NOT ME, I LOVE THEM, I AM FOR PRESERVING THEM, YOU ARE FOR FUCKING THEM UP, WHO THE FUCK IS THE RACIST HERE? After this supposedly dangerous situation, I decided to stop talking to him at all; The possibility to get my life ruined over a simple chat was something unbelievable to me, I mean, we live insane times. People are not even open to discussion anymore. They scream 'social construct' like monkeys - end of the debate.

What happened with the guy actually, he got fucked by a french and Russian woman whatever, failed relationships, so he went to something more 'submissive'.

The same is happening with Indians or Arabs males in the West; they are charming, kind and attentive with women, not afraid to speak with them anywhere, etc., a trait that whites are frightened to do randomly, and voila, they win women over.

The fact that Arabs got a traditional mindset IS ANOTHER THING, when it comes to women, (for some), this trait is attractive, they would treat them better than a princess to win them over; While men in the West are expecting equality, etc. Let's be fair when they hear about 'family' they run away as far as possible,

In conclusion, both sides are profoundly affected. Men and white women being bombarded by 'more traditional' races, more submissive, etc.

Overall people's interests TODAY are different, all 'modern people' want to travel endlessly, do things, no obligations, all this 'the earth is overpopulated' plays another damaged part for the European mindset, etc.

I also had another friend dating a black man, and they were both undergoing physical and behavioural changes, easy for me to observe in not after such long periods. Herself confessed a sort of 'inner transformation'.
She kept on fucking my brain, 'i want a black kid, black kid, black kid', I got a brain seizure while listening to this, what black kid delusion can happen in some people's head? 'Bitch your kid will be BROWN, not black, put yourself together.'

I am not talking about some zombie transformation here, but merely mating with other races, not necessary having kids, is involving subtle changes, a change of the DNA. In a more obvious way, I saw this at one of my family members, who is with a gipsy for more than a decade. THIS GUY DOESN'T LOOK LIKE NOTHING AS HE USED TO, not to mention his behaviour, strictly speaking about his physical appearance - is like a different breed. We outcast him, of course, and lucky, they don't have kids.

I once had a chat with a black guy openly after a night out asking him why this obsession over the white ladies, what about your preservation? He said he doesn't care. There are plenty of blacks in Africa anyhow, and he is having fun. Funny, like coming in another home and you don't mind shitting in their living room, you have your own home anyhow.
(Black people are more open to discuss race matters, whites are infuriating at the question lol). We are so empathetic to the point of total idiocy,

If we don't start taking care of our own home, others will come only to make a mess, free the fridge, disturb the neighbours and eventually go home if the things get bad. We lost this feeling of belonging, the sense of PROPRIETY. We are worse than a brothel at this given time.

Maybe the same happened with my English friend, his loyalty to his European brothers was merely dead, after such a short period of time, he wasn't himself anymore, anyhow; because I could have sworn, I couldn't believe it to trigger such reactions for only speaking openly and respectfully about race-mixing.
You have a childish and unrealostic perspective on social and love dynamics. And you seem to blame everything and everyone but yourself regarding this matter. Too much sketchy friends there it seems... theres totally nothing wrong with you and the fact you seem to accept these people into your social circle.
And then you chicks wonder where are the white guys and why they dont talk to you. They stay the hell away from you. Fucking dumbasses. The all "guys will bang anything" myth is just jewish hollywood culturalism or whatever. A chick that lacks the strenght to kick darkies to the curb is not worth a dime.
Now let me keep things real. The only reason Im adressing these issues here and keeping you clowns firm is because you are polluting the paradigm on this forum with your pathetic perspective on social themes.

The other problem is many people had to grow with spiritual blockages and this causes identity problems.

what the hell did I just read? are you being bored, trying to pick up an argument for nothing? I just see that you are angry or something but doesn't make any sense? I didn't understand SHIT out of your message. Have the decency to never again reply to me, I do not have time, nor patience for idiots. Thank you
It should be noted that Netanamechangeryahu and the zionist jews would need a mass influx of jews to form the "greater israel" for their overall scheme.
Bull Gotze said:
You have a childish and unrealostic perspective on social and love dynamics. And you seem to blame everything and everyone but yourself regarding this matter. Too much sketchy friends there it seems... theres totally nothing wrong with you and the fact you seem to accept these people into your social circle.
And then you chicks wonder where are the white guys and why they dont talk to you. They stay the hell away from you. Fucking dumbasses. The all "guys will bang anything" myth is just jewish hollywood culturalism or whatever. A chick that lacks the strenght to kick darkies to the curb is not worth a dime.
Now let me keep things real. The only reason Im adressing these issues here and keeping you clowns firm is because you are polluting the paradigm on this forum with your pathetic perspective on social themes.

The other problem is many people had to grow with spiritual blockages and this causes identity problems.

I don't know if my perspective on social and love dynamics is childish and unrealistic or not, but this is how things are going with the "normies" out there in society. White men are much more willing to race mix than white women are. Especially the ones who are not good looking and tall, or wealthy, because white women will always play it hard to get for them. That's why the average and below average men are much more willing to accept a genetic downgrade. And the statistics confirm this, the most common pairing in interracial marriages are white man / latina woman and white man / asian woman. I don't know how pointing this out makes me "clown".
RoyBatty91 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Barcelona's chief rabbi urges Jews to move to Israel because 'Europe is lost' - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/barcelona-terror-attack-chief-rabbi-meir-bar-hen-jews-move-israel-europe-is-lost-a7903111.html

Imagine what that headline looks like for us...

Barcelona's chief [ETHNORELIGION NOT FOUND] urges Whites to move to [COUNTRY NOT FOUND] because 'Europe and America and Australia and South Africa are lost'

I have a book from a rabbi that I found that legitimately talks about keeping jews alive as a race and the importance of this. Normally published, ISBN, quite famous book.

Now if this was in Amazon by a White what would this be?

If we replaced Jews with Whites, Judaism with Satanism, and Torah with JoS material, then this would be called by the media as Oy Vey Mein Kampf 2.0.

Instead since these three words are different the words of the rabbi are perfectly acceptable and normal.
FigliodiThor said:
brothers, you should know: video games program the subconscious in a subliminal and negative way.
Do you think playing video games of war or violence in general is healthy?

rather it is better to learn a musical instrument, devote oneself to building a strong body, draw, go out with friends, meditate, do yoga.

I honestly believe that the world of cinema and the world of entertainment is corrupt to the core.

I do agree with you to a certain point, but video games are benefiting your memory and brain activity overall. I know it sounds weird, but it is true. Especially for older people is/or should be a great exercise
The only downfall is the addictive matter, like any enjoyable thing.
But I agree, there are better alternatives for people to do, or do along with this, as many are sitting too much indoors those days or lacking any other activities except for videogames.

And what's wrong with violence? Violence is cool if directed properly and where needed.
DiscipleOfSatan said:
Bull Gotze said:
You have a childish and unrealostic perspective on social and love dynamics. And you seem to blame everything and everyone but yourself regarding this matter. Too much sketchy friends there it seems... theres totally nothing wrong with you and the fact you seem to accept these people into your social circle.
And then you chicks wonder where are the white guys and why they dont talk to you. They stay the hell away from you. Fucking dumbasses. The all "guys will bang anything" myth is just jewish hollywood culturalism or whatever. A chick that lacks the strenght to kick darkies to the curb is not worth a dime.
Now let me keep things real. The only reason Im adressing these issues here and keeping you clowns firm is because you are polluting the paradigm on this forum with your pathetic perspective on social themes.

The other problem is many people had to grow with spiritual blockages and this causes identity problems.

I don't know if my perspective on social and love dynamics is childish and unrealistic or not, but this is how things are going with the "normies" out there in society. White men are much more willing to race mix than white women are. Especially the ones who are not good looking and tall, or wealthy, because white women will always play it hard to get for them. That's why the average and below average men are much more willing to accept a genetic downgrade. And the statistics confirm this, the most common pairing in interracial marriages are white man / latina woman and white man / asian woman. I don't know how pointing this out makes me "clown".

What statistics? From what I've read White men and women outmarry at approximately equal rates.
DiscipleOfSatan said:
Bull Gotze said:
You have a childish and unrealostic perspective on social and love dynamics. And you seem to blame everything and everyone but yourself regarding this matter. Too much sketchy friends there it seems... theres totally nothing wrong with you and the fact you seem to accept these people into your social circle.
And then you chicks wonder where are the white guys and why they dont talk to you. They stay the hell away from you. Fucking dumbasses. The all "guys will bang anything" myth is just jewish hollywood culturalism or whatever. A chick that lacks the strenght to kick darkies to the curb is not worth a dime.
Now let me keep things real. The only reason Im adressing these issues here and keeping you clowns firm is because you are polluting the paradigm on this forum with your pathetic perspective on social themes.

The other problem is many people had to grow with spiritual blockages and this causes identity problems.

I don't know if my perspective on social and love dynamics is childish and unrealistic or not, but this is how things are going with the "normies" out there in society. White men are much more willing to race mix than white women are. Especially the ones who are not good looking and tall, or wealthy, because white women will always play it hard to get for them. That's why the average and below average men are much more willing to accept a genetic downgrade. And the statistics confirm this, the most common pairing in interracial marriages are white man / latina woman and white man / asian woman. I don't know how pointing this out makes me "clown".
Women dont play hard to get. If that is a sincere interest in a man they will leave the door wide open for him to enter her life. And They do many times make the first move in indirect ways. Of course there is a natural process in the begining of sensing the chemistry but thats just natural relationship dynamics. Like sunrise you seem to project alot. You people hang out with friends who are deeply into this norm and then of course there are natural reasons why life wont favour getting an insight into others perspectives. You get sucked into a life norm. Sunrise was claiming white guys are becoming too shy to approach girls and expect "equality" in relationships. All the while telling stories of a bunch of textbook npc friends. Never even crossed her mind that the fact she led a life and accepted this people into hers acts as a repellant for more valuable guys. Its not even a councious thing. These people just dont mingle in many cases. Tastes interests everything is different as an extension of distinct mindsets.
Which totally explains why there are clear cut lines in society.

The other crucial point is people naturally feel more confortable in the dating game when they lead organized lives and have their things going for them. And that relates to the state of our world. So why this obsession with romantic associations when people are not even ready to offer their best selves to others??
DiscipleOfSatan said:
White men are much more willing to race mix than white women are.

I don't agree with this :?
From what I was able to see (face to face), there are WAY more white women who race mix themselves than white men. I feel like women are more opened to accept multiculturalism and globalism while men are more opened to mantain their own traditions and to preserve their society.

Maybe our differences in opinion is due to different geographic areas, maybe where you live the mindset relating multiculturalism and racial mix is different.

Another thing that I believe it might apply is that people who rely more on the feminine side of the brain are more likely to be influenced by the subliminal crap of the jews because the feminine side of the mind is the unconscious mind and it can be programmed. If women in general rely more on the feminine side of their brain, then they might be more opened to the subliminal grid of the enemy. This doesn't mean that all men rely more on the masculine side of the brain and women rely more on the feminine side as everybody is different. I'm not sure about this and it's only a theory to try to explain why there are more white women who are race mixing than man, at least in the area where I live.

Also keep in mind that I speak only about white men and women, not about man and woman in general.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
