BlackJackal said:Scrolled through thread fast and its is just one giant pile of Ecks Dee. I mean what race am I then since I have brown hair? Are there also 6 gorillion races like there are 6 billlion genders? :lol:
I better go and take those DNA tests from Dr. Schlomo right now where I'll find that I'm like 6% black, 8% asian and 14% native american LOL!
I dunno some self hating whites do the strange stuff and they just believe in Nordic Purism as some sort of religion, and like to kiss the ass of Nordics eventhough Nordics themselves never asked for it (which in some nice butts I can see why this would be the case), calling themselves RAcIaL InFeRRioRs as if they have the Original Sin of having dirty blonde or brown hair color, and they bleach their hair until it turns Platinum in order to amend for their sins. Then they pluck their own brown eye out to amend for their sins and scream AMEN, AMEN while they are at it.
Nordic is the whitest and the seed of our race, but that's it, not sure why people like to go crazy over these things, I guess it's the same way why some girls can go crazy over the shape of a nose or lips, and may obsessively start doing surgery to achieve the "Aesthetic perfect" of cosmopolitan in the current year.
Tesla, Hitler, Von Braun, and essentially half the Nazis were Sand Nog Inferiors guys, believe it, Rabbi Moshewitz said so, and remember to always hate yourself no matter how you look, and be a self hating piece of crap, oh Yeeahss.
In the mind of Nordic Purist Stormfronter some coal burning tool from somewhere is superior to Tesla cause of the color of her hair and blue eyes, which she makes sure to adulterate even more with everything she sees on the street on another heavily drunken night, or something.
This is called being dumb and having a hard self hating theory around it.