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Brown Eyes and Brown Hair

BlackJackal said:
Scrolled through thread fast and its is just one giant pile of Ecks Dee. I mean what race am I then since I have brown hair? Are there also 6 gorillion races like there are 6 billlion genders? :lol:

I better go and take those DNA tests from Dr. Schlomo right now where I'll find that I'm like 6% black, 8% asian and 14% native american LOL!

I dunno some self hating whites do the strange stuff and they just believe in Nordic Purism as some sort of religion, and like to kiss the ass of Nordics eventhough Nordics themselves never asked for it (which in some nice butts I can see why this would be the case), calling themselves RAcIaL InFeRRioRs as if they have the Original Sin of having dirty blonde or brown hair color, and they bleach their hair until it turns Platinum in order to amend for their sins. Then they pluck their own brown eye out to amend for their sins and scream AMEN, AMEN while they are at it.

Nordic is the whitest and the seed of our race, but that's it, not sure why people like to go crazy over these things, I guess it's the same way why some girls can go crazy over the shape of a nose or lips, and may obsessively start doing surgery to achieve the "Aesthetic perfect" of cosmopolitan in the current year.

Tesla, Hitler, Von Braun, and essentially half the Nazis were Sand Nog Inferiors guys, believe it, Rabbi Moshewitz said so, and remember to always hate yourself no matter how you look, and be a self hating piece of crap, oh Yeeahss.

In the mind of Nordic Purist Stormfronter some coal burning tool from somewhere is superior to Tesla cause of the color of her hair and blue eyes, which she makes sure to adulterate even more with everything she sees on the street on another heavily drunken night, or something.

This is called being dumb and having a hard self hating theory around it.
I don’t hate my self. Quite the contrary. I love the way I look.

Following my own perception. I’ve separated my self from the term “white”.

Makes it easier for future use in magic, in my opinion.

It’s a waste of time to argue with a High Priest.

Soul empowerment and RTRs are more worth my time for now.

I see information as useful or useless, nothing personal, Commander HC.
LightAlgur said:
I don’t hate my self. Quite the contrary. I love the way I look.

Following my own perception. I’ve separated my self from the term “white”.

Makes it easier for future use in magic, in my opinion.

It’s a waste of time to argue with a High Priest.

Soul empowerment and RTRs are more worth my time for now.

I see information as useful or useless, nothing personal, Commander HC.

More pointlessness.

Of course it's a waste of time, and this is why nobody argues with you in the form of pointless bicker, for example. I do not intend to argue, I relate to you some facts - if you think you're not White cause you have darker hair, that is your own cognitive dissonance on the subject, but nature can do without.

From a natural perspective beings which have a sameness of traits up until a point, classify into one particular category.

Like, you have some strange standard based on the Gods and try to compare it to men, but in this case, the whitest whites on the world, are only midgets and inferiors compared to them, too. This does not make them less white.

My post will be out soon explaining this.
Hahaha cognitive dissonance...

Oh how I love to be underestimated. Even by my own peers.

At least I’m being honest with my SS in this open forum.

Out of deep respect of course.

Which means i have yet to lose my noble spirit.

I must admit I enjoy the twilight of this age

and I shall happily face the music one day.

With utmost pleasure, I sing and dance till the twilight ends.
I don't think anyone underestimates you, you're just making all these weird statements which are in contrast to logic, and this is why people are cringing, that's all. It has happened before also, in particular because you don't relate things clearly, or care to.

So it's gonna happen, that's all.
You’re correct. I clearly remember.

My mistake was to participate in the forums again

I overstepped the boundaries of my spiritual position in Hell’s army.

And that, is the only reason I apologize for.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I don't think anyone underestimates you, you're just making all these weird statements which are in contrast to logic, and this is why people are cringing, that's all. It has happened before also, in particular because you don't relate things clearly, or care to.

So it's gonna happen, that's all.
It's more cringy how he says it than what he's saying. It looks like he think he's writing the Mein Kampf when in fact it's just a chapter of the Bible.
Heinrich Himmler said
《Many people whose hair and eye color comes from the south still have
most of their blood from Nordic fathers. And many that appear forgotten in the
last two thousand years they have light hair and blue or gray eyes only as a mask
deceptive, because their blood has no trace of their fathers from the Northern Lands》
SS66610888 said:
Heinrich Himmler said
《Many people whose hair and eye color comes from the south still have
most of their blood from Nordic fathers. And many that appear forgotten in the
last two thousand years they have light hair and blue or gray eyes only as a mask
deceptive, because their blood has no trace of their fathers from the Northern Lands》

where did He say that?

Thank you posting this by the way!
SS66610888 said:
Heinrich Himmler said
《Many people whose hair and eye color comes from the south still have
most of their blood from Nordic fathers. And many that appear forgotten in the
last two thousand years they have light hair and blue or gray eyes only as a mask
deceptive, because their blood has no trace of their fathers from the Northern Lands》

Not sure where and if Himmler said this or from where this is, but regardless.

The thing is if hair and nails and eye color had to go with being Nordic or White, we would be extinct by now.

A lot of jews have all the facial feautures and blonde hair and blue eyes, but they are fully jewish. The same goes for a some others. They behave and are entirely jews, and this is observable in their hybrids.

Physically only a few things would see as off, things easily dismissable by those who do not have a proper knowledge.

Hair and eyes are not viable reasons of judgement. Even an albino can have light colored eyes and light colored skin and blonde hair.

Racial background, behavior, ancestry, and a lot of other factors are to be put in consideration.

The whole blonde blue eyed is always Aryan is a meme. Take a stroll around Israel and you will find endless of these loomimg around, they aren't white nor Nordic. They only harbor a stolen phenotype which has the jewish essence and bloodline in it.

Boris Johnson, a jew with turkish lineage also masquerades as a white Briton. But he is a jew easterner and not White. He is just albinized because of the British blood.

The problem is when one promotes foolishness on these subjects.

A brown eyed brown haired person can be 100 times more Aryan than Boris who appears on the surface to be a seemingly White Briton with "off features" but in reality is a whitewashed jewish filth, for example. It has to do with more factors than appearance.
So, LA, when you do race awakening ritual, do you do for white or black race? Or you do both just in case?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SS66610888 said:
Heinrich Himmler said
《Many people whose hair and eye color comes from the south still have
most of their blood from Nordic fathers. And many that appear forgotten in the
last two thousand years they have light hair and blue or gray eyes only as a mask
deceptive, because their blood has no trace of their fathers from the Northern Lands》

I apologize for not having published the font, I read it here in the library of Satan in Italian.

Anyway, I very much agree with hp cobra.
there are blond Jews this and proof of how it is not enough to be blond to be white.
like when you did that sermon on yezidis who are blond but not white.
and of course having brown hair does not mean being non-white.
otherwise for example Benito Mussolini would be a non-white thing that makes you laugh.
but even if I am not blond I believe that the Nordic trait is to be preserved.
for this reason I have always tried to couple myself with people of my own phenotype.

I take this opportunity to thank you hp I have a great memory but the most precious things it contains I read from you
LightAlgur said:
You’re correct. I clearly remember.

My mistake was to participate in the forums again

I overstepped the boundaries of my spiritual position in Hell’s army.

And that, is the only reason I apologize for.


You didn't do a mistake, you got to improve on that one.

It's all fine by me, so don't beat yourself over it.
Larissa666 said:
So, LA, when you do race awakening ritual, do you do for white or black race? Or you do both just in case?

Ol argedco luciftias said:
If y'all haven't noticed, the most recent ice age has ended, and our forest homelands have been cut down. We aren't living in the dark cold shadows anymore the way we have for a very long time. In the extreme bright environment that most of the world is now, blue eyes would be blind. Blue eyes are made for night vision, not for bright places. Brown eyes are somewhat worse night vision, but so much better than blue in brightness. I have very dark brown eyes and it is still too bright for me a lot of times. The darker hair is the same kind of thing. In constant dim environment, you need the lightest eyes and hair so you can absorb every bit of light. But in a very bright place you need the opposite, you need shade from the sun so it doesn't harm you. You need darker eyes to not get blinded, and darker hair helps so the skin on the head doesn't have sunburn. You should fit with your environment. A black person in Sahara and a white person in Norway obviously have totally different environment, and they are both adapted to fit in their environment in the most perfect way.
It could be an evolutionary factor, as you say. Or it could be a racial crossing.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
If y'all haven't noticed, the most recent ice age has ended, and our forest homelands have been cut down. We aren't living in the dark cold shadows anymore the way we have for a very long time. In the extreme bright environment that most of the world is now, blue eyes would be blind. Blue eyes are made for night vision, not for bright places. Brown eyes are somewhat worse night vision, but so much better than blue in brightness. I have very dark brown eyes and it is still too bright for me a lot of times. The darker hair is the same kind of thing. In constant dim environment, you need the lightest eyes and hair so you can absorb every bit of light. But in a very bright place you need the opposite, you need shade from the sun so it doesn't harm you. You need darker eyes to not get blinded, and darker hair helps so the skin on the head doesn't have sunburn. You should fit with your environment. A black person in Sahara and a white person in Norway obviously have totally different environment, and they are both adapted to fit in their environment in the most perfect way.

My friend. Two points

1. There was no ice age. This was stated by an HP previously.

2. I have extremely dark hair and a lot of it. My head is a constant inferno when going outside. I do agree that the pigment in the eye restricts light from harming our eyes more in bright area but I have to disagree that darker hair blocks sunlight. It most certainky attracts it if anything
Syntax said:
1. There was no ice age. This was stated by an HP previously.

2. I have extremely dark hair and a lot of it. My head is a constant inferno when going outside. I do agree that the pigment in the eye restricts light from harming our eyes more in bright area but I have to disagree that darker hair blocks sunlight. It most certainky attracts it if anything
1. There have been extreme and drastic shifts in weather and climate patterns several times before in history. Including flooding, fires, and climate changes over a huge percent of the Earth. There have been several small ice ages before. Things like a big volcano putting enough smoke and dust to block out the sky for a few years to make it cold and dark. And anyway, these light hair and eyes are for light, not necessarily for cold. The angle of the sunlight hitting the top and bottom of the earth make it very scattered and low density dim light, so light needs to be carefully absorbed whatever small amount is there.

2. The hair gets hot, but it blocks the sunlight from all hitting your skin on your head. Have you ever gotten sunburn on your scalp? If your hair is light enough, that can happen.
L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology:


Blue eyes + reddish-blonde hair, yet very jewwy facial appearance.
The ice age theory was created by a former lawyer back in the 19th century and used to push away from the other theory that showed the planet was hit by a catastrophe that was global. The ice age is pushed as the dogma not to be question by the establishment.

Some ice age we had when we know the south pole only started to freeze over a couple of thousand years ago. The fact is the climate changes to earth happened in the last ten thousand years due to the effects of the fall out from Phaeton being destroyed.
LightAlgur said:
Hahaha cognitive dissonance...

Oh how I love to be underestimated. Even by my own peers.

At least I’m being honest with my SS in this open forum.

Out of deep respect of course.

Which means i have yet to lose my noble spirit.

I must admit I enjoy the twilight of this age

and I shall happily face the music one day.

With utmost pleasure, I sing and dance till the twilight ends.

I fail to see any respect here. Regardless of what you claim all of us Satanist are moving in one direction together even if at different paces. Your comments aren't enlightening anyone and only cause conflict. How noble truly. If one was so noble and wise they surely would never need to claim such but rather their peers would unless we are all as clueless as you seem to believe.

As for this eye/skin debate I have seen my fair share of blond haired blue eyed morons so their hidden potential much be stored quite deep.

Also why does each post of your need some victory dance at the end as if a child who wants to voice an opinion but covers their ears afterwards to have the last word. Ever heard the saying less is more? Just state your opinion without the celebratory fanfare at the end and at least one person here would take you more seriously.
Vx36 said:
Also why does each post of your need some victory dance at the end as if a child who wants to voice an opinion but covers their ears afterwards to have the last word. Ever heard the saying less is more? Just state your opinion without the celebratory fanfare at the end and at least one person here would take you more seriously.
He's too deep for us.
Allison Stokke, the pole vaulter gone viral:

Dark brown hair + eyes, yet as Aryan as it gets.
Must be all these people that one can see drinking their guts and knocking themselves on festivals like Coachella are essentially all Risen Maha Siddhas with about 100000000 Serpents on their disposal, and not meth fiends that essentially shit their own pants.

After all, they have a specific hair and eye color.

Also, don't doubt this goy as clearly this isn't the "jew trad hair color eye color demeaning of national socialism to make everyone feel excluded by use of stupid excuses based on hair and eye color and nothing deeper so as to therefore let the Nordic minority die off in a sense of divisive hate, lul" meme.
There was an attempt to claim only red haired people have Fairy magic ability and such because of some gene they are claimed to carry. I must admit after reading the Rainbow Kabballah by Kylee Hunt, I am like a believer or something.
Too deep and too big for you eh.

If I caused you such discomfort,

Why not let me know ahead of time?

I’ve must have stroke a nut though.

Still, I was not aware you were falling in love with me.

TopoftheAbyss said:
He's too deep for us.

yawn what conflict? Lol enlightenment.

I’m just having a little fun in the forums.

I work my ass off to pay bills and then 5-7 hours of spiritual work.

I think I deserve to have some fun.
Vx36 said:
too many words

I’ll make sure to bring lube for the next one TopoftheAbyss.
LightAlgur said:
Too deep and too big for you eh.

If I caused you such discomfort,

Why not let me know ahead of time?

I’ve must have stroke a nut though.

Still, I was not aware you were falling in love with me.

TopoftheAbyss said:
He's too deep for us.

yawn what conflict? Lol enlightenment.

I’m just having a little fun in the forums.

I work my ass off to pay bills and then 5-7 hours of spiritual work.

I think I deserve to have some fun.
Vx36 said:
too many words

I’ll make sure to bring lube for the next one TopoftheAbyss.
Cringy and pointless. You're embrassing so I had to tell you your posts are dumb because you clearly lack self awareness.
I'm late to the topic and I just want to address one thing here and I'll do it quickly. Some users have being off-topic for most of the discussion. Here the subject was about certain physical traits in WHITE PEOPLE. Bringing in the discussions Jewish people and non-White Gentiles in the attempt of going against Light Algur's points only shows you don't really know how to counteract his opinions efficiently and is laughable for any smart people who reads this. If you are against someone's ideas, bring relevant points of why you think they're wrong. Bringing stuff that is irrelevant and out of topic doesn't look from inside or outside.
Stormblood said:
I'm late to the topic and I just want to address one thing here and I'll do it quickly. Some users have being off-topic for most of the discussion. Here the subject was about certain physical traits in WHITE PEOPLE. Bringing in the discussions Jewish people and non-White Gentiles in the attempt of going against Light Algur's points only shows you don't really know how to counteract his opinions efficiently and is laughable for any smart people who reads this. If you are against someone's ideas, bring relevant points of why you think they're wrong. Bringing stuff that is irrelevant and out of topic doesn't look from inside or outside.
Algur deludes his own posts with cringy remarks and anyone can simply go outside to see that most people with blonde hair and blue eyes have the same faults as anyone else. The idea that hair/eye or even skin color is a sign of superiority is simply a lazy claim to power without having earned it.
Same... same.

It’s going alright. I’ve become more independent. Gotta keep moving forward you know.

Working on a little something hope the gods like it.

Stormblood said:
LightAlgur said:
Storm blood, it’s been while eh. How you been

Doing great, thanks. Moving forward in other areas of life. Been really busy with work. I have some days off until September. How about you?
JoS says that some gods have black eyes some have blue, or some gods are black etc etc. So would you say they are not gods becuz they don't have blonde hair and blue eyes :roll: :roll:
I think soul matter not the physical form, if you look good and you have a satanic soul then it doesn't matters if you are white or black and remember incarnation. If you reincarnate into black race(due to some unknown reasons :roll: ) but you were white, it doesn't means anything :lol:
DarkShadow said:
JoS says that some gods have black eyes some have blue, or some gods are black etc etc. So would you say they are not gods becuz they don't have blonde hair and blue eyes :roll: :roll:
I think soul matter not the physical form, if you look good and you have a satanic soul then it doesn't matters if you are white or black and remember incarnation. If you reincarnate into black race(due to some unknown reasons :roll: ) but you were white, it doesn't means anything :lol:
That makes no sense, you can’t reincarnate in a black body if you’re white, just wont happen. However the Gods can do that to people, I remember HPS Maxine talking about an acquaintance of her who liked race mixing then she died and Maxine asked a God to reincarnate her and the God reincarnated her (well deserved) into a black body.
Aquarius said:
DarkShadow said:
JoS says that some gods have black eyes some have blue, or some gods are black etc etc. So would you say they are not gods becuz they don't have blonde hair and blue eyes :roll: :roll:
I think soul matter not the physical form, if you look good and you have a satanic soul then it doesn't matters if you are white or black and remember incarnation. If you reincarnate into black race(due to some unknown reasons :roll: ) but you were white, it doesn't means anything :lol:
That makes no sense, you can’t reincarnate in a black body if you’re white, just wont happen. However the Gods can do that to people, I remember HPS Maxine talking about an acquaintance of her who liked race mixing then she died and Maxine asked a God to reincarnate her and the God reincarnated her (well deserved) into a black body.
Father reincarnated a human soul (white I think) in Lavey's body.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Aquarius said:
DarkShadow said:
JoS says that some gods have black eyes some have blue, or some gods are black etc etc. So would you say they are not gods becuz they don't have blonde hair and blue eyes :roll: :roll:
I think soul matter not the physical form, if you look good and you have a satanic soul then it doesn't matters if you are white or black and remember incarnation. If you reincarnate into black race(due to some unknown reasons :roll: ) but you were white, it doesn't means anything :lol:
That makes no sense, you can’t reincarnate in a black body if you’re white, just wont happen. However the Gods can do that to people, I remember HPS Maxine talking about an acquaintance of her who liked race mixing then she died and Maxine asked a God to reincarnate her and the God reincarnated her (well deserved) into a black body.
Father reincarnated a human soul (white I think) in Lavey's body.

Species, race, sex, sexual orientation and many other traits are embedded in the soul. Only masters like the Gods can force a reincarnation into an alien body — and by "alien" I just mean a body that has traits that are not matching to the soul nature — and they would do such an abomination for the right reasons in very rare cases. Mortals can't reincarnate in a body that doesn't match them on their own.

Both the spiritual and physical are important, as the sermons rightfully suggest: two parts of the same equation. Without a physical body, there's no spiritual advancement; without a soul, there is no life. I suggest you go back to studying. Someone else will sure be able to point to some resources, but I leave the research to you.
Aquarius said:
DarkShadow said:
JoS says that some gods have black eyes some have blue, or some gods are black etc etc. So would you say they are not gods becuz they don't have blonde hair and blue eyes :roll: :roll:
I think soul matter not the physical form, if you look good and you have a satanic soul then it doesn't matters if you are white or black and remember incarnation. If you reincarnate into black race(due to some unknown reasons :roll: ) but you were white, it doesn't means anything :lol:
That makes no sense, you can’t reincarnate in a black body if you’re white, just wont happen. However the Gods can do that to people, I remember HPS Maxine talking about an acquaintance of her who liked race mixing then she died and Maxine asked a God to reincarnate her and the God reincarnated her (well deserved) into a black body.

This is a form of punishment and not a natural reincarnation process. What HPS Maxine stated here is one example. The case here was a prolific race mixer and livid abomination. And yes, the Gods can punish people that way.

There is also worse forms of punishments relating to the above, and these are rare and case specific. All these race traitors and general scum you see around, will not be living happily for a long time, doing their bong, race mixing, and being total biohazards. They will be punished, and these things have their own time.

The above does not happen by natural circumstances. It is a directed punishment.

We stay in the same race every reincarnation we have.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
DarkShadow said:
JoS says that some gods have black eyes some have blue, or some gods are black etc etc. So would you say they are not gods becuz they don't have blonde hair and blue eyes :roll: :roll:
I think soul matter not the physical form, if you look good and you have a satanic soul then it doesn't matters if you are white or black and remember incarnation. If you reincarnate into black race(due to some unknown reasons :roll: ) but you were white, it doesn't means anything :lol:
That makes no sense, you can’t reincarnate in a black body if you’re white, just wont happen. However the Gods can do that to people, I remember HPS Maxine talking about an acquaintance of her who liked race mixing then she died and Maxine asked a God to reincarnate her and the God reincarnated her (well deserved) into a black body.

This is a form of punishment and not a natural reincarnation process. What HPS Maxine stated here is one example. The case here was a prolific race mixer and livid abomination. And yes, the Gods can punish people that way.

There is also worse forms of punishments relating to the above, and these are rare and case specific. All these race traitors and general scum you see around, will not be living happily for a long time, doing their bong, race mixing, and being total biohazards. They will be punished, and these things have their own time.

The above does not happen by natural circumstances. It is a directed punishment.

We stay in the same race every reincarnation we have.
That’s a very well deserved punishment.
Aquarius said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
That makes no sense, you can’t reincarnate in a black body if you’re white, just wont happen. However the Gods can do that to people, I remember HPS Maxine talking about an acquaintance of her who liked race mixing then she died and Maxine asked a God to reincarnate her and the God reincarnated her (well deserved) into a black body.

This is a form of punishment and not a natural reincarnation process. What HPS Maxine stated here is one example. The case here was a prolific race mixer and livid abomination. And yes, the Gods can punish people that way.

There is also worse forms of punishments relating to the above, and these are rare and case specific. All these race traitors and general scum you see around, will not be living happily for a long time, doing their bong, race mixing, and being total biohazards. They will be punished, and these things have their own time.

The above does not happen by natural circumstances. It is a directed punishment.

We stay in the same race every reincarnation we have.
That’s a very well deserved punishment.

I think what you guys are referring to only goes for the white race. If a black or asian person lives their life in a similar fashion as the woman mentioned, I doubt the gods would reincarnate them into a different race, unless you both care to clarify.

And Aquarius, this is the second time you state "a well deserved punishment" like if being a different race in itself and other than white is some sort of punishment or problem on its own...

Maxine said she was reincarnated into a non whote, not a black gentile and the case was that there are not enough whote bodies to go around because of the situation with the white race's numbers.
HPS Shannon said:
Aquarius said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is a form of punishment and not a natural reincarnation process. What HPS Maxine stated here is one example. The case here was a prolific race mixer and livid abomination. And yes, the Gods can punish people that way.

There is also worse forms of punishments relating to the above, and these are rare and case specific. All these race traitors and general scum you see around, will not be living happily for a long time, doing their bong, race mixing, and being total biohazards. They will be punished, and these things have their own time.

The above does not happen by natural circumstances. It is a directed punishment.

We stay in the same race every reincarnation we have.
That’s a very well deserved punishment.

I think what you guys are referring to only goes for the white race. If a black or asian person lives their life in a similar fashion as the woman mentioned, I doubt the gods would reincarnate them into a different race, unless you both care to clarify.

And Aquarius, this is the second time you state "a well deserved punishment" like if being a different race in itself and other than white is some sort of punishment or problem on its own...

Maxine said she was reincarnated into a non whote, not a black gentile and the case was that there are not enough whote bodies to go around because of the situation with the white race's numbers.
I didn’t mean it as an insult to the black race. I have pride in my race, and I believe it’s beautiful to be white, and that bitch was just being a disgusting cockroach by mixing, so she likes to mix that much? Let her reincarnate in a non white. Also, not to start an argument, but is there really need to chime in everytime someone mentions the black race in a tone that sounds negative? My intention wasnt even that, but this would easily start an angered discussion like the one there was just a week back.
I don't think it's necessary to specify wheter or not it was Black or Asian etc. The person could have been reincarnated in China in a very shitty situation or in Liberia as Black or whatever, if the person didn't care about the "privilege", using the enemy terms, of being White living in a 1st world country and threw it into the trashcan.

The same can be applied to a race-traitor Black or Asian and this has nothing to do with demeaning this or that race. For example I could speculate a Black person born with virile and healthy traits in the US who spent his/her days mudsharking and being a degenerate could be born a malnourished Chinese child forced into slave labor and so forth. That's my opinion.

HPS Shannon said:
Aquarius said:
That’s a very well deserved punishment.

I think what you guys are referring to only goes for the white race. If a black or asian person lives their life in a similar fashion as the woman mentioned, I doubt the gods would reincarnate them into a different race, unless you both care to clarify.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
