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  1. S

    Re: Motivation for mediating is becoming a problem for me

    Are you able to vibrate words and mantras? The EZ chakra spin is simple and extremely effective in empowering yourself. Meditation drastically: -increases your intelligence, -heightens your awareness, -expands and elevates your consciousness - makes ur thoughts, desires, and wishes...
  2. S

    vibrating Isis

    ISIS is one of the most powerful mantras i have ever vibrated. Vibrating this mantra drastically empowers your upper chakras. it not only makes you very clairvoyant and overall 'psychic' but also rapidly opens your mind. I was seeing orbs and little beings of light as clear as i am seeing...
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    necronomicon mantras

    Sorry about that. I meant Solar and Crown chakras. The workings are very powerful if u do them on the set dates. I'm not sure about the other names. I've never tried them.
  4. S

    necronomicon mantras

    I did the necro. Sun and Jupiter meditations. But double the amount of numbers required. I really felt energy as very powerful and even lost a night's sleep from the amount of energy. I felt the Sun necro working more so than Jupiter. I would STRONGLY encourage EVERYONE to experiment. Only...
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    past life regression

    I've had a similar experience--being unable to past through a swirling light. But this was an attempt at empowering my mind and opening the psychic centres. In regards to past life regressions, I've had too many visions of my past lives. All of them occurred during the time when i was...
  6. S

    Condensing the elements by sanskrit vibrations

    Wow. Thanks so much, Jhd. I've just recently began the AGNI mantra a few days ago. The energy kept me up all night and was unable to sleep as it overcharged me. I meditate the same way on Sanskrit mantras, as you've described. With belly/abdomen breathing but imagine white-gold instead...
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    Single and Twin serpent meditatiin or vibration?

    I spin all my chakra extensions by visualization and breathing. I personally find it more effective and speedy in empowering than vibrations. I use vibrations for the main middle chakras.
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    Condensing the elements by sanskrit vibrations

    Could you tell us the effects and which words you used?
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    Condensing the elements by sanskrit vibrations

    I've been thinking that invoking/evoking/condensing the elements into one's soul/aura would be extremely effective if done by means of sanskrit vibrations. The Sanskrit language is so vast and there are many words for the same thing. I have been having trouble with finding the correct words...
  10. S


    I believe the rune Thurisaz and the moon have rulership over the weather.
  11. S

    Saturn Square

    I used the Saturn spiritual & material square three times. And had virtually no ill-effects deriving from this planet. For destruction and to "feed" my kundalini and stimulate it's ascension. It made me feel more hardworking, serious, and focused. As for, the kundalini-- twice i had to...
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    George zimmerman and the black community

    Isn't George Zimmerman jewish? That's the only way a jew can get away from cold-blooded murder of a boy. Destroy the vatican and this sociopath in destruction rituals.
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    Gratitude to Lord Satan for looking out for me.

    Your post are very inspiring to me. It makes me want to give back more & more to Father Satan and the Gods everyday. We are truly blessed.
  14. S

    More powerful 3rd eye word of power

    There is much power behind ISIS. I had rapid success with this. For 3rd eye, sixth chakra and crown.
  15. S

    hi I've just joined in today

    I'd like to inform everyone that this scumbag is an infiltrator sending nasty xian messages to other Satanist by private email. He is also "gabrielokey59". Get a life, loser.
  16. S

    need help

    This scum; gabrielokey59@..., is an infiltrator. It has been sending nasty emails to several members. Buzz off u fucking joke.
  17. S

    What element rules over the skin?

    Yes, the Earth element, along with Saturn, rules the skin and bones. The Base chakra is the of the earth element and is ruled by Saturn. To enhance ur skin, u could also use Venus for beautification.
  18. S

    I have a question, please help?

    I would structure the ritual prayer with an extra sentence at the end of the 1st paragraph to encompass ur background : Before the almighty and ineffable God Satan/Lucifer and in the presence of all Demons of Hell, who are the True and the Original gods, I, (state your full name) renounce...
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    AH rhymes with Saw ٠ UUU rhymes with Too or OOZE. AAAAHHH-OO-OO-OO-MMMMMMMM This is the correct/standard way of way of vibrating AUM. You should be able to feel the AH in the stomach, OO in the throat, and MM in the head. Maum, Thaum, Gaum etc. are vibrated similarly.
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    Summer Solstice Workings

    Hello Firestarter. I know the "necromantras" are weak compared to the sanskrit versions. I was referring to the other Necronomicon working which is "Shammash" (to be vibrated 20x) and not "Uddu". I've found the energy beyond exceptional and powerful to say the least. Hail Satan!
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    Summer Solstice Workings

    Thanks. I thought so too. Hope you all join in as well.
  22. S

    Summer Solstice Workings

    Hi Shannon. The sun goes into cancer late Friday night. What would u suggest? Start on the late Friday night/Saturday or on Sunday?
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    Summer Solstice Workings

    I am preparing for solar workings on the Summer Solstice. http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... stice.html In my time zone, the Sun will be in Cancer 0 degrees on Saturday (June 22nd). Should i do solar workings on Saturday or on Sunday (Cancer 1 degree) for more solar power...
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    Spinal Chakras

    I find it a bit challenging and difficult to meditate upon and empower the chakras on my spine. If i focus on the spinal extension of a chakra then my whole spine begins to feel hot. Making it difficult to single the chakras out. Would vibration be the best way to empower them or spinning...
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    Being Tested by Lord Satan.

    Here is a post by HoodedCobra. It really helps me when i am feeling down. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... sage/94904
  26. S

    Re: Can animals like Cats place curses on people?

    This question has been at me for a while? Do cats, dogs, and other animals have a superior energy like humans have the kundalini? If they have chakras and energy meridians, then don't they possess a similar superior power?
  27. S

    Aryan Race, African American Races, Asian Races??? Is One Truly More

    If i die with a strong soul (via power meditation), will i still be reincarnated into the same race/sub-race? Given that power meditation transforms and reconstructs the soul?
  28. S

    I have no clue about satanism

    Here is the home site: www.joyofsatan.org If u need any question, ask here and we will reply.
  29. S

    What is Kundalini Madness?

    Why would ancient humans/civilizations paint such things on their tombs and make figurines out of them(grey and aliens)? It makes me think that perhaps they were worshiped or lived alongside them. That seems very counter-intuitive for a spiritual practicing people. Especially at death. I do...
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    Solar energy effects

    A next interesting observation: On the astral, to make anything happen, it takes will. The stronger your will the more effectively you can do things. Such as flight and teleportation. Just focus & WILL yourself to do so. The Sun rules the will. The solar chakra governs your...
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    Solar energy effects

    Goodnight. I'd like to post my concise experiences with the Sun Square, Swastika visualization, and empowering my main solar chakra with it's Sanskrit vibration; RAUM. I have found that whenever i work with solar energy i *ALWAYS* have dreams about having super-human powers. I dream...
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    Astral plane

    1. Meditate consistently. This will make ur soul vibrate at a higher rate which makes it easier to separate from ur physical body. 2. Empower ur crown chakra. This chakra is the access point to past lives and memories.
  33. S

    heart chakra problem

    Whenever i meditate on my chakras "too much" or sufficiently empower my heart chakra, i wake up in the middle of the nite feeling super overcharged and sleepy at the same time. It feels like a mass of warm energy that is trapped in the middle of my chest and drives me nuts. This usually...
  34. S

    Very qucik quesion which rotation do the chakras spin

    My chakras spin anticlockwise. At times, some anti and clockwise. Absorbing and releasing energy. The chakras naturally spin themselves they way they need to.
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    update chakra info. a query.

    Thank you. You made me get it now.
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    update chakra info. a query.

    Good Morning to all. I hope everyone is staying abreast with the latest updates on JOS. I thank you HPs Maxine and the Powers of Hell for giving us this this information to better ourselves. http://gblt.webs.com/Chakras666.htm There is one statement that confuses me: 'There are 13...
  37. S

    location of the base chackra

    Your Root chakra is ur Perineum chakra. The Base chakra is the extension of the root chakra. Located at the base of the spine. Where the pinky/little finger is: http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-s ... 6167_n.jpg
  38. S

    Hand Chakra meditation problem

    Thank u, EHA & DM777. You both answered questions i had and didnt ask. This is a clear sign of what happens when u abandon meds. its absurd that i cant even form a ball. I shall read the hexadragior. totally forgot abt it and the exercises corresponding with the hands. Thank u...
  39. S

    Hand Chakra meditation problem

    Hi. When i was new, i used to meditate and empower my palm chakras daily. This was extremely easy and i got to a point where even just thinking about them in a slight way would make feel the extreme 'burn' of energy. This was several years ago. Now when i try to imagine the ball of...
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    Tips For Empowering Chakras?

    All meditations work so long as you apply urself and stick to one (or more if u can) daily. The EZ chakra spin is one of the most powerful, EASY, and effective. Have been dedicated since 2004 and that's what i started out with. Many times i had to stop completely as the increase in energy was...
  41. S

    chakra for love

    I am confused. Venus is the (feminine?) traditional planet of love. Venus rules the heart chakra. It's color is green-- corresponding with love. If the throat chakra rules emotions then that would mean Mercury is it's planet ruler. What are the correct planetary correspondences for...
  42. S

    Pastlife meditation

    From my personal knowledge and experience, the Crown chakra stores ur memories from the past life. An easy way to access them is by empowering and focusing on this chakra. Vibrate GURUAVE, the mantra for Jupiter, into this chakra. The memories of ur previous or several lifetimes will...
  43. S

    More on the Fairies Subject...

    You both are very much welcome. I believe this was the true form of the being. I even shook the being's paw and could feel the warm soft fur and paw pads. Then i immediately woke up, full of energy like i had been awake all the while. It was an amazing encounter. The first of its kind for...
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    More on the Fairies Subject...

    Fairies, pixies, "water-women"/Undines, gnomes, elf-like beings etc. are all considered as elementals. And they DO exist separately and independently from the Gods on the astral plane of the Earth. As Bardon states, they vary greatly in intelligence and in 'species'. I say species because...
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    Name Change DamnPlanetSaturn

    I think ur name is fine. Actually a bit funny and reminded me to keep my energies up.
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    Sermon 12/13/12

    Thanks very much. I got it now. Hail Father Satan and the Mighty Powers & Forces of Hell!
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    Sermon 12/13/12

    Im somewhat confused when it comes to vibrating Gaum. Do i vibrate the G as in the word "Gang" but only guttural and stressed back of the throat? Is this what is meant by it being like a stressed Y as in the word 'Year'? (YYYYYYYYYear)
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    12/02/12- Please read as this is long, but serious

    How best do we go about preparing for this situation? What of the underground cities made for the jewish elites?
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    hair color

    have u tried/are u doing the SaTaNaMa chant?
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    Programming your aura

    Visualize however works best for you. Creativity is highly advised. Personally, I imagine myself so bright that only the outline of my body is visible and discernible. This intense energy creates a natural glow/aura of light
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    Satan Spoke

    Did Father Satan have a deep voice? Casting any joke aside, was his voice similar to something like James Earl Jone's? I had a dream about meditating and raising energy for Father Satan's return to earth and a voice spoke "Elevate urself, my son".
  52. S

    Ways To instill financial security.

    In light of the square pronunciations, i would believe that the best way to pronounce/vibrate SHRIM MAHA LAKSHMIYEI SWAHA is: (AUM?) SHREEM MAH-HAH LAHK-SHMEE -YAYEEE NAH-MAH. As Swaha should be pronounced as SVHA-HA, but substituted with Namah for material goals. Also, the wealth God...
  53. S

    Ways To instill financial security.

    I do not think it wise to Hagalaz. As it is a rune of violence and loss. Fehu, Sol, and even Uruz(imo) are the best for money.
  54. S

    Saturn this Saturday

    As mentioned before, I have used the Saturn mantra and experienced nothing negative. Regardless, it is important to clean ur aura and keep ur personal energies/vril high, bright and strong. Especially for Saturn workings.
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    Lack of concern, feelings towards others.

    Vibrate Thurisaz for removing blockages. You can begin rune work anytime. It is extremely effective for removing blockages and for removing bodily pain (musculo-skeletal)as per my experience. Yes. As Paul said, with high bio-electricity, u are apathetic to negativity. I can attest to this.
  56. S

    A big thankyou to our God Volac

    Hail Almighty Volac. He and the Gods are indeed awesome and mighty.
  57. S

    I am Afraid of DARKNESS....

    When i was 15 i was afraid of the darkness too. in my own house. when i dedicated, i actually found it a bit comforting and feared it no more. Ur fear will gradually subside. I guess its a phase we all go thru early in our lives.
  58. S

    Nazi Acquired Buddha Statue with Swastika Possibly 10000-20000 yrs o

    Also note how the swastika is over the solar plexus region. A literally solid message from the Gods on empowering the soul.
  59. S

    To destroy my black book?

    couldn't u tear the pages out and keep it between a the pages of another book? I have been in the same situation as u and had to destroy mine. looking back, there were other ways of handling this.
  60. S

    how's this sound?

    You can. For example i have invoked air, fire and earth into my base chakra. as well as Akasha and other elements into my chakras. Different purposes give different effects. Just be careful and use ur intuition.
  61. S

    Use Uranus To Overcome Saturn

    Ok, even tho the jupiter is in its sign of detriment till next year, sometimes the moon is in its home sign. was curious. thanks for clearing up.
  62. S

    Saturn Square

    I have used the both versions of the Saturn square. With no observable repercussions or recoil. On the contrary, it actually makes me feel hard-working and being able to endure more. i believe its due to my astrological configuration. I have done successful rituals against churches in...
  63. S

    So.. Becareful with Saturn Square..

    I overlooked the link. Thought this was an excerpt from a new-age site. so my apologies for a hasty reply. I am surprised by this new info. I have done the saturn square with great success many times and didnt have any bad effects following the working. Especially with the kundalini.
  64. S

    So.. Becareful with Saturn Square..

    This is he biggest pile of horeshit ive read all month. This "warning" is obviously trying to scare seeking individuals away from a simple solution to better their lives. It's like saying "empowering ur chakras too much will lead to irreversible mental problems". I have used the both...
  65. S

    7 chakras

    There is no best way. Everyone has a their own preffered way. Start with opening ur chakras then the EZ chakra spin.
  66. S

    I want to know more about greys

    I wish to add at this point that a few of our Gods might seem to be mixed with greys. These are the Gods Lucifuge, Valefor, and Clistheret. Hail Satan.
  67. S

    Dreamed of telekinesis

    I also had this dream a while back. I could move things with my hands very easily & effortlessly. My left hand was for attracting and right hand was for pushing. I had to find the right balance to make objects move how i wanted. When i woke up my head felt weird as if my mind was emanating...
  68. S

    The Jewel is in the Heart of the Lotus

    This is mentioned to be an allegory & mantra to activate/empower the pineal gland. AUM MAAN-EE PAAD-MAY HOOM. following the pronunciations of the kab. square mantras, I believe this to be an actual pronunciation.
  69. S

    A Word of Thanks and Praise for the Gods of Hell

    This website proves beyond any doubt that the Nazis were not only anti-xian, but were working relentlessly to destroy xianity and bring Germany back to the Pagan origins and then Satanism. The jews always try to fool their enemies through confusuion and misinformation. The jews are the...
  70. S

    Astral Projection

    Yes, spinning all ur chakras drastically increases the vibration of ur energy bodies. This allows for easier separation from ur physical body as the physical body naturally has a denser vibration. This can be seen when one astral projects and tries to walk through solid objects such as...
  71. S

    question for experianced WOMEN ONLY.

    In my experiences, when i did love spells/sex magick, it caused the girls to dream of me in a positive way. meaning the spells affected them subconsciously and at a "soul level". I believe sex magick connects u with ur goal. In one case, a girl didn't even know me but had dreams of me and...
  72. S

    I don't have the money or equipment for rituals or meditation

    www.joyofsatan.org u dont need any material stuff. check the site above.
  73. S

    Question for those who have completed a sun square for non-spiritual

    Hi brian. did u do the material or spiritual version of the saturn square? could u kindly help me out with affirmations for making/changing one's life for the better? HS.
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    Moon in Scorpio

    I'm in.
  75. S


    Hi. Where can i listen to HP Maxine's sermons? Thanks. HS.
  76. S

    Planetary Energies Influence

    Whenever the moon is in libra, it also says that the moon is in the constellation of virgo. im wondering about the role of the constellations in magick. as libra and virgo are opposing signs in love magick.
  77. S

    Planetary Energies Influence

    9wolf whistle and call at Shannon) hi again, Shannon. Maybe u could help me in understanding astrology more. I understand about the rule of thumb in regards to waxing and waning phases of the moon and its applications in magick. Would a love/money spell be less effective during a...
  78. S

    Planetary Energies Influence

    Hi sweet Shannon. Thanks for the info. I'm new to astrology and know very little about the topic and planetary movements. I was planning to do the jupiter square working and rosary working on sunday too. What source do you use to tell u that jupiter is in gemini or mercury in leo...
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    8th House

    can anyone elaborate on the 8th house? is this a house of misery, since Saturn rules the 8th house? the Chinese view the number 8 as a sign of prosperity and infinity. I have several planets in the 8th house, but i have a relatively good and easy going life. I know other planets...
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    swastika/ black sun help

    1.) What are the properties/attributes of the swastika and black sun? in regards to their use in magick? 2.) Is there any way that i can evoke the energies from the swastika and/or black sun for use in magick? 3.)I am familiar with visualization and 'tracing', but is their something like a...
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    Sa Ta Na Ma

    Were u doing the corresponding mudras for each syllable? Sa- index finger Ta- middle finger etc. Or did u just vibrate it with out the mudras? I remember doing this mantra and i used to have dreams evrynite about beating up ppl that tried bully and get me really upset when i was little.
  82. S

    mantras for square workings

    Everyone could just use the short versions of the mantra. In regards to results, i've been doing this and have gotten exactly what i wanted.
  83. S

    Am I doing the Venus Mantra correctly? (Kabalistic Square question i

    U could have used either the long or short versions of the mantra.
  84. S

    Faries, Elves, etc.?

    Fairies and elves DO exist on the astral plane. They inhabit almost everywhere. I have personally seen gnomes, fairies, short traditional elf-like beings, and numerous nature elementaries. I have also seen negative, monster-looking types beings that are territorial and only inhabit the lower...
  85. S

    Spiritual/physical cure for transexuallity

    Why don't u try to balance the energies in ur soul? Ida and pingala pathways? http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... on_II.html Also try invoking and condensing the electrical fluid into your soul. Read Franz Bardon's "Initiation Into Hermetics" for more info.
  86. S

    sex magic to empower chakras

    U can use sex magick to empower almost anything. Body fluids are life force. normal blood, especially menstrual blood & semen. Imagine the energy through visualization charging ur 3rd chakra by seeing it shining brilliantly and intensely as u masturbate. Seeing ablaze with light energy--...
  87. S

    Love - This Friday

    May i ask for ur thoughts once again? Lets say i have identified someone i want to influence for falling in love/infatuation with me. What all would advise me to do, so as to get the full benefits/force of this friday transit?
  88. S


    on the astral its pretty easy because ur thoughts/focus project and empower whatever u want to achieve. shapeshifting is done when ur mind/astral body is more "attuned" to the "resonance" of a specific animal. its hard to explain but I tried to shapeshift into a wolf(my favorite animal and...
  89. S


    I dont think they wr gone. things were still pretty slum-looking regardless of new buildings and development being done. But the boom in infrastructure = more jobs= a better economy. So i would deduce that the the jewish influence would be fading.
  90. S


    Wait for the money to come. I finished mine sometime ago and it took about 2 weeks after for a huge sum of money to come unexpectedly through my past actions.
  91. S

    Love - This Friday

    If u dont mind me asking, what spell did u use? Would u suggest the venus square working, and if so, which one? material or spiritual for causing love/infatuation? Thank you. Brush off the negative comments and shine.
  92. S


    Hi beautiful Shannon. Sorry for the late reply. i dont usually keep track of my posts. First of all, time travel is VERY MUCH POSSIBLE as i have done it as well as shape-shifting, flight, and something close to teleportation. This is all done on the astral. And all u need is focus and...
  93. S


    I have done time travel in the astral. I went 4-8 yrs ahead. Not sure, but judging on the new buildings & businesses i saw. There are is no set way on how to do this. You have to *WILL* urself on the asrtal to do so. Close ur eyes, take a strong step forward and say to urself that the step...
  94. S

    Word of power for inner meditation (HPs please)

    OHM is pronounced as AUM. a-a-a--u-u-u-m-m-m
  95. S


    Righteously so, Ind Nat. I need help with affirmations, tho. Can you all please help me with some good affirmations? Which ones will you all be using? I was thinking of: "The energies of venus are attracting vast/enormous amounts of money to me. this money is my own to keep and to...
  96. S


    The link, though informative, is very new age and has some serious errors. The image of Fehu is reversed. from my understanding, using a rune when it is reversed will have the opposite effect. Some of the affirmations wont get u anywhere.
  97. S

    fighting themed dreams

    I too have had these dreams. One was where I was escaping in this "Spear tip" shaped craft. I could see huge alien crafts hovering stationeryu above me. I visit other worlds in an attempt to escape but was shot down and crashed on earth. Another one was where I was in Egypt, seeing how...
  98. S

    Its My Birthday

    Happy Birthday, B. It seems ur starting of the year right with lots of good times coming. I like to take walks through a nearby forest around my home undisturbed and relax on my BD. Maybe u'd like the same.
  99. S

    Page For Correctly Aligning The Chakras [666 Chakra]

    Thank you for the info but I am confused. I understand the solar 666 chakra directly behind the naval and not 1 inch above the navel? Should i see the front extension as a swirling vortex at the center of the navel now? I ask because recently i have begun using runes to empower this...
  100. S

    Is Satan Krishna/Vishnu ??

    Thank you HP Don. I am quite taken aback by this info. I understand that the a common man could be given godhead through a ritual? That easy? And is this the same ritual that the templar's did (kissing/blowing of certain part of the body)?
  101. S

    Can you give me some advices?

    You can do ur dedication ritual at night or day. Whenever you have privacy and sufficient time to do it good. Do not bring ur friend unless he is dedicating as well. That is disrespectful and he has no place or need to be their when u do this important ritual. Especially if he is xtian. He...
  102. S

    Questions about so called shadow people.

    It more than likely is a deceased soul. Have u tried talking to it? Simple cleansing and banishment of the area should make it go away. I do this just like cleaning my aura. Visualizing a burning intense white gold over the area and seeing the negative energies turning to steam. Like i...
  103. S

    public notice of true love

    What u say is very true and well-thought of. Congrats to both of u. Wish u the best as a couple. I must say that this is a first and this group is truly growing.
  104. S

    Questions about so called shadow people.

    Kushgod is right. Before i became a SS, i used to see these a lot when in sleep paralysis and being attacked by the enemy. This happened to me almost every night and it reached a point where i was paranoid and intensely afraid of falling asleep. They are of the lower astral planes and mostly...
  105. S

    Jinn demons and ufos

    Satan's Gods ARE the Gods of the Goetia. http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/ABOUT.html www.joyofsatan.org
  106. S

    Pyrokineses Help

    As mentioned, you need to empower yourself-- to learn how to absorb, direct, and handle these energies. Pyrokinesis is done by absorbing the element of fire into ur(one of) energy bodies and projecting it through ur chakra or aura.
  107. S

    Jinn demons and ufos

    Jinn are the Gods of the Goetia. Jinn is one of the many names given to them in the middle east.
  108. S

    Fw: hi !

    I have it. Just send me an email so i can attach it in the reply. It's in pdf format. I also have the black sun pdf if anyone is interested.
  109. S

    Can animals be assisted towards Godhead?

    I dont believe so as I do not believe that they possess a kundalini serpent. I believe the kundalini is only something unique and exclusive to Gentile races. Animals are extremely intelligent and could possibly be made even more so through energy workings.
  110. S

    sex addiction

    The third chakra may be blocked and the energies are pooling in the 2nd chakra. Sounds like what's wrong. Align the main chakra extension so that energy runs freely and properly. Also, do the awakening meditation for the 2nd and 3rd chakra for reinforcement.
  111. S

    Question about Something HP Salem wrote

    It means that what we percieve as mircales- to the Gods is not even close to fraction of what they are capable of. Us gentiles, have untapped potential, and can caused astounding feats that might shock us, if we put our minds to it.
  112. S

    (no subject)

    You are equating a drug experience with Satanism. Take ur act to a rehab group.
  113. S

    Yule Rituals

    Ok. Thanks. that would be great. Was asking because i do 'mock rituals' and rehearse them for when the time comes. so i dont fumble around.
  114. S

    Yule Rituals

    Hi StS. Thank you for ur reply. I am a bit confused in regards to the runes and the black sun. How should i use the black sun in this ritual? And the Runes. should i have images of the runes on hand? should i vibrate them?
  115. S

    Yule Rituals

    I posted this on the JOS egroup but got no replies. So i'm posting here and hope someone can help me out. I was wondering what kind of rituals, specifically, can one do during this time of the year. **The Sun will be in Capricorn. What workings are favored and amplified at this time in...
  116. S

    Yule rituals

    I was wondering what kind of rituals can one do during this time of the year. **The Sun will be in Capricorn. What workings are favored and amplified at this time in regards to a Sun Square working? **Also, can anyone tell me some good affirmations to use when doing Saturn square? money...
  117. S

    Incubus and Succubus

    i believe it applies to all relationships.
  118. S


    Hi ren. You are most welcome here. Feel free to ask questions. www.joyofsatan.org You said ur were dedicated? Which false gods?
  119. S


    Is you uncle some sort of minister or hostile figure in the enemy's system? At some point nearly all of us were xians. A Satanist uses his/her powers to protect their loved ones. There is no rule as to how u use your own powers and energies. Speak to ur Uncle and ask him his opinion on...
  120. S

    Sanatan Dharma

    This is very simple, most effecive and sadly- least practiced: Ask Father Satan yourself and be aware of his reply.
  121. S


    Yes. This is true and also the same for me. If ur a beginner, spin in the direction that feels most natural to u. U may feel that some may spin counterclockwise and clockswise.
  122. S

    when Christians die?

    Working the crown chakra will open memories of ur past lives. The Jupiter square also will do this too. I experience these in dreams happening more and more as i empower this chakra.
  123. S


    Greetings Don. Could go into detail on #1? I know the earth has "seasons" wr it's warm, cold etc on a massive scale every so many years. What is ur take on the hole in the ozone layer and CFCs? It's better to start using alternative sources of energy, and learning how to make them...
  124. S

    Jew 11 11 11 ritual on tv

    They are trying to claim what is not theirs. No one believes the pyramids are theirs of course. They just like asses, hugging what is for Satan. Throughout their history, they steal from other religions and cultures. These symbols and monuments are of the Gods, and that's exactly to whom...
  125. S

    Saturn Mantra- Kundalini

    Do u think that the Saturn mantra can be used to raise the kundalini by itself? Being that Saturn rules the base chakra. Hail Father Satan & the Powers and Forces of Hell!
  126. S

    RE2: Satanic Rosary

    To make a simple and equally effective rosary, just use 108 beads I made my rosary out of a wood xian rosary (ripped out the cross, spat on it & blessed the rosary). It only had 54 beads so i had to repeat it twice to let it sum up to 108.
  127. S


    That is new age nonsense. the number 11 is NOT a negative number. Use this time to begin a working or spell if u wish. Nothing beats a try.
  128. S

    Sexual hang-ups?

    How has it been working out for u?
  129. S

    Problems focusing

    Hi. Sorry for the delay. I dont usually keep track of my posts It's working extremely well. Repeated use of this mantra makes getting into a trance easier. I find my mind wanting "penetrate" objects as if wanting to inhabit them and view from the 1st person. Astral sight, travel...
  130. S

    Astral travel

    The same happens to me from time to time. The 'unhappy' places directly has to do with low energies/ levels of bioelectricity. The more u meditate, the more brighter and day-like the plane will be. If ur energies are low, u will go the lower planes where most of the entities that...
  131. S


    I don't believe it's real at all. Why does it have to be in the USA? The mayans did not inhabit any major par of the US. The famous crystal skull, found in Belize, Central America, was looted by an american woman excavating a ruin and smuggled to the US. I doubt she is any "guardian".
  132. S

    Dream interpretation desired

    The enemy attacks in many different ways. Sometimes they use "reverse" tactics and strategies. I often like to day dream of bombing israel with nukes and watching the city in flames. I do this everyday, and wish for their destruction with delight. Once i was attacked by the enemy, I dreamt...
  133. S

    Problems focusing

    This ISIS mantra works extremely well for empowering(and opening?) the third eye and for clairvoyance. For focus, what helps me a great deal is the Flame Meditation: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html Also, you may have an abundance of the Air element in ur personal...
  134. S

    Sexual hang-ups?

    This maybe be something that happened in a past life. Either way, it's excellent ur aware of it and it can be fixed now. The sacral chakra rules sexuality, sex drive, and relationships and connections/intimacy with another person (along with the heart chakra). It's evident that this...
  135. S

    Bermuda Triangle

    Any thoughts on the disappearances of air & land crafts? Not even rubber dingys make it out. Also how may use this ley line out in sea to some advantage?
  136. S

    Help----- chronic gastritis

    Hi. I had suffered from Gastritis too. I know the pain and the burning. DO NOT ONLY EMPOWER UR SOLAR CHAKRA. BALANCE IT AND *ALIGN* THE ENERGIES. I made mistakes by only focusing and strengthening my solar chakra. This caused the energies to pool greatly in that area and I firmly...
  137. S


    Hi. I think you may have a form of Synesthesia. I have it as well. Sometimes, when watching pictures or films, a scent suddenly hits me like I am actually there and can smell even the furniture up to the person's scent. When i was younger, i could see swirling colors coming from sounds...
  138. S

    Psychic Cleaning House

    That's how it is. Especially when empowering the heart chakra. Each chakra evokes different feelings and sentiments. Don't stop for anything.
  139. S


    Write out the ritual in pen. Sign ur name in blood with a pen that has no ink (aka dry pen). Draw blood from ur left index finger. I personally recommend using a sterile razor. Practically pain free. Goo Luck.
  140. S

    i could use some advice

    Thank You Thank You.
  141. S


    U mean playful tricking? Otherwise, No. That's what jews do. I would only delight and encourage it if ur victims are jewsih and hardwired xtians.
  142. S

    Cleansing The Aura

    I do this as well. I see my room as enclosed space of intense white energy. I visualize myself producing steam as the light burns away any and all negative energies. The important thing to do, as mentioned, is to be creative. How would u like to imagine urself being cleansed?
  143. S


    Thank you very much.
  144. S

    Sex Drive Greatly Enhanced

    Hi. When i have isnomnia or feel overcharged(especially in my heart chakra, i align my main chakras. This does it for me. I think that ur the energies are blocked from reaching the solar plexus. Do u feel a bit shy, opressed, or a bit lacking in self-confidence? Sounds like ur energies...
  145. S

    my expression

    Hello. Your not offending anyone. Ask away.
  146. S


    Hi. Firstly relax. Open ur chakras, one by one. Align them. Spin these chakras by imagining them as vibrantly colored min-tornadoes. www.joyofsatan.org
  147. S

    arcturians and starseeds

    Thank you, Monie. Could u tell me the book?
  148. S

    is it okay

    Use your powers and help them if that is what you feel. It's great that u apply ur energies to resolve real-life situations.
  149. S

    Serpent Meditation

    I as well visualize a an intense white gold snake curving up my spine that is gold too. I visualized it a bit more detailed but because being creative really helps me a lot in my meditations. Ur doing it good and visualize what helps u make it easier.
  150. S

    Hand Chakra Question

    I'd say both. Ur hand chakras sound like they are very strong and as a result u can feel energy more in ur hands. I have worked with my palm chakras to the point where i felt them 24/7 and also feel immense heat and energy the second i think of them. Don't stop! Keep it rolling!! It...
  151. S

    New High Resolution Saturn Picture

    Alrite you guys. Let's stop the BS. Saturn does have positive and negative aspects. It does cause death and hard times. Its also ur choice if u dont use the positives and rather get hung up on the negatives. I will not make any apologies for that statement. It's ultimately ur life and...
  152. S

    New High Resolution Saturn Picture

    Saturn DOES have positive and negative qualities. It strengthens the will, determination, gives patience and endurance in tough times. It does not have to be negative, we can direct its energies for positive uses. How is anyone going to get stronger without going through hardships...
  153. S

    Importance of Ida and Pingala

    Thank You Jb. What happens to me is that, when i am in a trance, i can feel energy curving up and sidewinding from the left sided of my back, around my spine. When it reaches the solar plexus chakra, it would go no further, and results in a strong jolt/spasm/jerk. I just blew it off and...
  154. S

    kinda sorta problem

    Some diseases can be cured by different elements. It's totally dependent on the nature of the illness. This is important to remember. Fungal infections, sores, and boils are best cured by the Fire Element. Visualize each foot covered in fire and completely healthy. SEE, FEEL, AND HEAR...
  155. S

    addiction meditations

    Yes. Focus on the 3rd chakra. Don't forget to align ur other chakras as well. The 12 steps and most self-help material are rubbish. Most if not all, require u to 'submit to a higher force'. I think that speaks for it self. Hope to hear from u soon.
  156. S

    (no subject)

    Spin and empower all ur chakras on a DAILY basis. Breathe energy into them. This is excellent and effective: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... _Spin.html After about a month, u will see and or feel signs of their presence during the summoning ritual. U will know that ur...
  157. S

    addiction meditations

    Addictions are caused when the body's energy(spiritual) levels are depleted. Ur physical self is trying to cope, compensate, and substitute somehow. I have worked tremendously with the lower chakras. The Solar plexus (3rd chakra) deals with addictions and cravings (chemical). There are...
  158. S

    Cottony Clairaudience Chakras.

    It might be ur eardrums vibrating at a higher rate. this would enable u to hear astral sounds or higher frequencies. from my experience, when akasha accumulates in the ears, sounds sound muffled and the inside of ear feels "heavy".
  159. S

    Re: Using the Rune Fehu to help get a job im applying for, need advi

    Can anyone help me with the correct pronunciation to vibrate this rune?
  160. S


    Here there is info on the elements: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html U can tell if you are unbalanced by having too much or too little of a given element. Being too emotional: too much water, lacking air Way too much daydreaming, lazy: too much air, lack of earth...
  161. S

    destroying organizations that help our enemies.

    Use ur mind. Cover the entire building with an aura of gray-black. visualize it being engulfed in flames and being broken down. Similarly, u can imagine bombs dropping and destroying the place. State ur intent while doing this. It is more effective during the hours of saturn, on a...
  162. S

    Teeth, Nauthiz and Saturn

    Hi again. It is advisable to have ur chakras open. IMO, this is just to let the energy flow and to have proper 'venting'. My molar is chipped and looks deep and hollow. I would affirm: "My damaged molar is regenerating and repairing itself" OR more broadly " All my damaged teeth are...
  163. S

    Alignment of chakras : Quick question.

    Could u give the link? It is not necessary to realign ur chakras if you Use this method: Absorb the energy from ur base chakra and move it to each chakra until u reach the heart chakra. Do the same with the crown chakra all the way, to each 1 of ur chakras, until u reach at the heart.
  164. S

    Teeth, Nauthiz and Saturn

    Greetings Siguard. We are in the same situation. A few weeks ago, one my teeth chipped. It pains to eat anything hard. I am reading the on the Nauthiz rune and do not see attributes that would help in this matter. I will use the Saturn square(material) to regenerate and regrow it...
  165. S

    how do i find my chart ruler?

    Can u interpret charts Ms. Shannon? Would u do mine? :( Also, are there any good resources/books to understand better my own personal astrology?
  166. S

    Angels weaknesses

    hi. BLUE fire to be more precise. It's best to ask ur Guardian to protect and teach u how to deal with them. i was attacked by an angel once on the astral. it's aura was orange/red and EXTREMELY & OVERPOWERINGLY HOT.
  167. S

    Can I make a thoughtfrom with my palm chakras?

    Yes. It's easier. Simply imgagine the energy (colored or elemental) accumulating between ur palms. Give it a name and program it. Then send it off to do its task. This way is better because u can really feel & intensify the energy instead of just visualizing. Hail Father Satan & the...
  168. S


    Yeah. His mother is a jew. How else would he be rich and 'lucky'? Look at a picture of him closely. His common features are all messed up and is fuck ugly.
  169. S

    Snake goddess?

    I think "Lamia" might be another name.
  170. S

    White candle painted blue

    Hi. Congrats on your dedication. Also, in the future, don't paint candles. Burning the candle releases toxic fumes that are extremely hazardous and toxic to ur health.
  171. S


    The sushumna is the main pathway/nadi of the kundalini. It is a meditation that facilitates the upward flow of serpent energy up the spine. It does not burn but has because of the energy, it may raise ur temperature a bit and make ur spine and body feel heated and glowing. 110% safe and...
  172. S

    is love magic ethical?

    I disagree. 1.) We should NEVER be afraid of using, practicing, or testing our powers. 2.) Father Satan gives us free will to do as we please, but we must be mindful of the consequences. Every action has a reaction. 3.) Lastly, Xtians and 'those without' are NOT Satan's people. 4.)...
  173. S

    sun magickal square

    Hi. The Sun square does invoke & bestows solar energy. From my experience, for me, it is more effective and easier than breathing in energy from the sun. I feel confident, powerful, and glowing after each session of vibrating. The energy also stimulates the 3rd chakra when using both the...
  174. S

    is love magic ethical?

    Love magic is not forcing someone to love you. This type of magick subtly influences the person to develop feelings for you. The target is free to accept, deny, and questions these developing emotions. Master the manipulation of peoples' minds is a skill, i believe, every Satanist should...
  175. S

    another kabbalistic square question

    I would think that it would mess up the working because, in essence, you are beginning with something new and should be done from the start. An alternative is that u could continue ur working but add the new goal to your current affirmations.
  176. S

    sex magic

    That works too. I visualize stream of liquid gold intensely charging the person, right before and during, climax. Then program the energy severla times. This is best done when u think he person might be sleeping. Go with what feels easy for u.
  177. S


    Here is an archived thread: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... sage/36966
  178. S


    i have had the very same experience when i was newly dedicated. The girl had blonde hair and blue green eyes. Very beautiful with fierce eyes. I would think that this is either ur guardian or a sort of watcher/protector.
  179. S

    mine gold?

    Hi. I would think that it is more allegorical and relates to The Gods 'cultivating gold' as in helping humanity evolve spiritually and acquiring the philosopher's stone. The same for the Goddess Bastet. Besides, there is so much gold in outer-space ( as evident in asteroid samples), why...
  180. S

    I'm getting a strange surge of energy through my body

    sounds like an increase in bioelectricity and kundalini energy. Why don't u try focusing on it? These are positive signs.
  181. S

    Chakra days

    Hi. Day Chakra Hour Saturday root chakra Saturn Sun 3rd/ solar plexus chakra Sun Monday 6th chakra/third eye Moon Tuesday Sacral Chakra Mars Wednesday Throat chakra...
  182. S


    At nite, light a single candle infront of u and close ur eyes. Now imagine that the light given off is actually a sphere of gold-white energy engulfing u and cleaning ur aura. Feel it.
  183. S

    satan has forsaken me

    You don't beg for 'permission' to empower ur life. You do it. Sounds like ur at one of the many points in ur life, where u find that power/will to breakthrough and make things happen, or stay in a dark hole. Clean your aura, spin ur chakras, and actively do something to make ur life better.
  184. S

    palm chakras thought form

    Yes u can. Working with the palm chakras is the best way to make thoughtforms and physically direct/gather energy.
  185. S


    Relax. This is normal and signifies an active base chakra.
  186. S

    magick squares

    When working with the squares, your goal may manifest during the period of your working or after you have completed the square. Sometimes, depending on what it is you want, you may need to repeat the entire working to have a "snowball effect". A 'bigger' goal takes more energy for it to...
  187. S

    runic magic, will this work?

    Where exactly is he blocked? I guess you are referring to the pathway along the spine. The rune Ansuz works very well in opening up blocked pathways. 1.)Vibrate the rune, 2.)visualize energy freely flowing in the affected region while programming. Also, in the files section is pdf...
  188. S


    Are u staring at the flame from an angle? You should center your vision at the flame. In the beginning the flame strays to wherever your eye is following. Don't move your eyes, stare straight ahead and the imprint will saty in place. This is one of the big ways it helps really in...
  189. S

    >> selling soul to the Satan/Devil in return for favour

    No u cannot. This is blasphemy and disrespect to Father Satan and the Forces of Hell. The jews push their agendas on celebrity puppets, because famous people have the most influence. Their "success" is caused by the jews throwing them a lousy few dollars for furthering the jewish agenda...
  190. S

    Azazel's Day

    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... iving.html You can follow this ritual or you can do your own personalized ritual expressing your gratitude to a God/Goddess. IMO, all "personal" rituals should be personalized.
  191. S

    I want to confront the entity that is harming me, how

    Hi. 1.) Demons DO NOT siphon energy like parasites or vampires. They are KINGS, LORDS, DUCHESSES, & QUEENS. Nuff' said. You are being harassed and scared as a result of your interest in Satan. This happens a lot to newcomers and to those of us who have low personal energies. This is the...
  192. S

    Xian Mandatory Circumcisions

    Forcing their religion upon the gentiles. Slowly, surely, and evidently- systematically. This is akin to the situation in Africa where women are being heavily 'influenced' into removing their clitoris. Controlling the sex organs = control over spirituality.
  193. S

    The Healing Name

    Should the traditional mudras for this mantra be applied? Are they necessary or preferential?
  194. S


    Visualize your third eye as a vibrant vortex or brightly colored spinning disc. 3rd person. When ur third eye is open, active and being empowered, you will see a swirling purple light when ur eyes are closed. Focus on this swirling light and the feeling in your third eye. Hail Father Satan...
  195. S


    Don't be fooled and lulled into a false sense of security in OBL's 'death'. The jews' made him their scapegoat. Until the jewish race burn and pay for their for their atrocities, then the USA and rest of the world can TRULY celebrate.
  196. S


    Yo. When one is dedicated, you accept Father Satan and he accepts you. It is not a 1-way street. Accept urself as you are, whomever you may be. A lack of meditation results in low bioelectricty and vibrational frequencies. This opens you up to negativity and to be easily influenced by...
  197. S


    Greetings Don. Not to debate but the thymus gland may be ruled by the heart chakra, it is in fact the solar chakra that governs vitality and overall health of the physical body. The solar chakra is the "healing" chakra. An empowered solar chakra will make one resistant to diseases by directly...
  198. S


    Thank you all for ur replies. And a special thanks to u Davide for sharing with us. This is what Father Satan wants- us coming together and uniting in ridding the world of these fatal systems of the enemy. AIDS is the progression of HIV. To prevent AIDS from developing we must have a...
  199. S


    Hi everyone. HIV/AIDS is a jewish invention that is designed to be a death grip on the gentiles. The complete and total elimination of such diseases should be on our lists. As Satanists, we ALL should fight EVERY jewish program and systems of enslavement. We now have very important occult...
  200. S

    Delta Sigma

    A trance is simply being in a relaxed state. The more relaxed you are, the more of the dormant left-side of the brain you are using. Signs that you are in a trance: - feeling your body 'bigger' - a sensation of hovering above your head - Sensitive hearing. Every external sound (no matter...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
