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Snake goddess?


New member
Mar 18, 2010
I had a dream the other night (it was strange, like a vision or a dream within a dream) about this woman who had a human head and upper body but her whole lower body was that of a snake.

Not sure what this means, I googled it but have yet to figure out if she's real or a demon or what.

Was strange, for sure.

Hail Satan and the Gods of Hell
A Naga it was.

The kosher teaching present Lilith this way, but it didn't have to be Her, so forget it.

Anyway, the Hindu Nagas look like that - maybe investigate in this direction?

Siguard Draconis.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "outlaw393" <outlaw393@... wrote:

I had a dream the other night (it was strange, like a vision or a dream within a dream) about this woman who had a human head and upper body but her whole lower body was that of a snake.

Not sure what this means, I googled it but have yet to figure out if she's real or a demon or what.

Was strange, for sure.

Hail Satan and the Gods of Hell
Cool. I have yet to find any decent resources on the Naga, or the individual gods/goddesses of this pantheon.

This goddess I saw, I knew she was a goddess the second I saw her. She was real pale, like she was made of porcelain. I don't remember what color her hair was though.


Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "siguarddraconis" <siguarddraconis@... wrote:

A Naga it was.

The kosher teaching present Lilith this way, but it didn't have to be Her, so forget it.

Anyway, the Hindu Nagas look like that - maybe investigate in this direction?

Siguard Draconis.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "outlaw393" <outlaw393@ wrote:

I had a dream the other night (it was strange, like a vision or a dream within a dream) about this woman who had a human head and upper body but her whole lower body was that of a snake.

Not sure what this means, I googled it but have yet to figure out if she's real or a demon or what.

Was strange, for sure.

Hail Satan and the Gods of Hell

About the The Arya Serpents Of The Ancient America's
After the destruction of the Aryan Homeland a branch of the Arya Serpents moved into the America's.

-In 1994 I saw a newspaper article that showed a photograph of a "huaco" (ancient pot usually made of clay, from the Inca culture or older). The sign that appeared on this "huaco" was a big svastika with four dots inside.-

Viracochas: Race of White Gods

"The conquistador, Pedro Pizarro, reported in his account of the great Spanish invasion of South America in the 1500s, that while the masses of Andes Indians were small and dark, the members of the ruling Inca family were tall and had whiter skins than the Spaniards themselves. He mentions in particular certain individuals in present day Peru who were White and had red hair. (Heyerdahl,
ibid., page 351).

Heyerdahl reported that this is reflected in the mummies found in South America - on the Pacific coast, in the desert sand of Paracas, there are large burial caves in which numerous mummies have been perfectly preserved.

Some of the mummies were found to have the stiff black hair of the Indians, while others, which have been kept in the same conditions, have red, often chestnut-colored hair, "silky and wavy, as found amongst Europeans, they have long skulls and remarkably tall bodies. Hair experts have shown by microscopic analysis, that the red hair has all the characteristics that ordinarily distinguish a Nordic hair type from that of Mongols or American Indians."
(Heyerdahl, ibid., pages 351, 352).

"Pizarro asked who the white skinned redheads were. The Inca Indians replied that they were the last descendants of the Viracochas. The Viracochas, they said, were a divine race of White men with beards. They were so like the Spanish that the Europeans were called Viracochas the moment they came to the Inca Empire. The Incas thought they were the Viracochas who had come sailing back
across the Pacific. (Heyerdahl, ibid., page 253).

According to the principal Inca legend, before the reign of the first Inca, the sun-god, Con-Ticci Viracocha, had taken leave of his kingdom in present day Peru and sailed off into the Pacific with all his subjects."

"The entire American land mass was anciently known as Amaraka, the "Land of the Immortals" or "The Land of the Wise Serpents." The title is derived from the Quechuan-Sanskrit word Amaru, meaning snake or serpent." Quechuan is descended from the Sanskrit language.

-Professor Raman Mena, curator of the National Museum of Mexico, said that the general appearance of Maya's writing is considered of oriental origin. According to scholar Orozco V. Berra, Maya and other languages are of Sanskrit origin.-

[Sanskrit is the original language of the Aryan Race and the root languages of all Indo-European Languages' today]

"H.P Blavatsky maintains in "The Secret Doctrine" that America is referred to in the Hindu Puranas as Potala, the Kingdom of the Nagas(Serpents)."

"According to the principal Inca legend, before the reign of the first Inca, the sun-god, Con-Ticci Viracocha, had taken leave of his kingdom in present day Peru and sailed off into the Pacific with all his subjects."

Guess who built all the ancient Megalithic sites like the famous Machu Picchu, the Aryan Viracochas.

"When the Spaniards came to Lake Titicaca, up in the Andes, they found the mightiest ruins in all South America - Tiahuanaco. They saw a hill reshaped by man into a stepped pyramid, classical masonry of enormous blocks, beautifully dressed and fitted together, and numerous large statues in human form. They asked the Indians to tell them who had left these enormous ruins. The well known chronicler, Cieza de Leon, was told in reply that these things had been made long before the Incas came to power. They were made by White and
bearded men like the Spaniards themselves. (Heyerdahl, ibid., page 253).

The White men had finally abandoned their statues and gone with the leader, Con-Ticci Viracocha, first up to Cuzco, and then down to the Pacific. They were given the Inca name of Viracocha, or "sea foam', because they were white skinned and vanished like foam over the sea.
More on the Inca Royal houses:

The Spaniards recorded that the ruling Inca families called themselves Orejones, or Long Ears, in contrast to their subjects. Pizarro pointed out that it was especially the Long Ears who were white skinned. (Heyerdahl, ibid., page 253).

"Bernardo de Sahagun, a Franciscan monk, who arrived in Mexico following the Spanish conquest and became the official historian for his people. Through numerous conversations with the Nahuatl "old people" he learned that the forefathers of the Mesoamericans were Serpents who "came (east) from the direction of Florida, (they)came sailing along the coast and disembarked in the port of Panuco…" In their colonizing party were "wiseold men" who had all the
writings, the books, the paintings' which they had carried with them from their homeland. These Serpents proceeded to build a city called Tamoanchan"(the place where the People of the Serpent landed)
Edward Thompson a United States consul and archaeologist who was sent to Mexico, was able to elaborate on the arrival of the early Mesoamerican Serpent colonists. The source of which came from certain Mayan Brotherhoods….Thompson learned that the meaning of Tamoanchan was the "place where the People of the Serpent landed." And as Sahagun had recorded many years earlier, the ancient city had been built along the banks of the Panuco river, the entrance to which was near Tuxpan on the Veracruz coast. The founders of the port city Thompson learned were the "Chanes" or "People of Serpents" who arrived in vessels possessing sides which shone like the scales of serpents' skins and to simple natives who saw them appeared to be great serpents coming swiftly towards them." Upon disembarking these Serpents appeared to be "clad in strange garments and they wore about their foreheads emblems like entwined serpents. The wondering natives who met them at the shore saw the manner of their coming with the symbol of the Sacred Serpent, which they[Viracochas]wore upon their brows…"

"Tamoanchan also means in the Mayan vernacular "The land of the Plumed Serpent" these Serpents became the priest kings and spiritual masters and fore bearers of the Mayan Olmec, Toltec and Aztec civilians."

Another Mexican port-of-call of the ancient Serpents was Valum Votan. According to he Spanish chroniclers, this was where Pacal Votan, "he of the Serpent lineage" disembarked with his crew after sailing down the Usumacinta River of the Yucatan Peninsula. Apparently Pacal's arrival occurred at such an early period in the history of Mexico that later historical texts remembered him as one of the first patriarchs' in the Americas. In reference to him, for example,
he was called the "First man on the Yucatan whom God hath sent to parcel out he land which is now known as America"

"After coming ashore at Valum Votan, Pacal and his roved Serpents entourage traveled inland to a specially selected site and constructed the holy city of Palenque. After installing himself as the priest king of a new empire Pacal Votan served his Mexican subjects for many years both as a teacher and monarch. When he died he was honorably interred in a pyramid which known today as the
Temple of Inscriptions Pacal authored an autobiography within which he included a detailed description of his obscure origins. The text survived for thousands of years, but was finally destroyed in a fire in 1691A.D by the fanatic Christian Bishop of Chiapas, Nunez de la Vega. Fortunately, salient pints of the manuscript were preserved by a certain Brother Ordonez would later record in his diary that Pacal Votan had com from the land of Valum Chicim and arrived in
Mexico ca the "Dwelling of the Thirteen Serpents."

"The long suppressed White origins of much of what has been regarded as "Native American Indian" culture is apparent from the finds in the Paracas burial ground in Peru. One of the most famous ancient wonders of the South American continent are the huge emblems on the Nazca plains in Peru , which have been dated at approximately 500 BC. The emblems, many only properly visible from the air, are usually attributed to the "Nazca Indians" but in fact the well preserved bodies of the Nazca upper classes and priests have been uncovered in the neighboring Paracas region - and of the 400 odd mummies uncovered so far, virtually all of them are clearly White in racial origin, with red hair being prominent."

"Another famous Serpent colonist of the Yucatan remembered in the historical records of Mesoamerica is Itzamna, a name which means dragon and "Iguana House." Also known as "the Serpent of the East," Itzamna was the ancient patriarch of the Itza Mayas and the Son of Hunab Ku, the Great Spirit. His symbol was the Tau cross, symbol of the breath of life, and the Serpent Son of God."

"According to the Mayan Books of Chilam Balam and the History of Zodzil by Juan Darreygosa, a work which is based upon a text entitled The Unedited Documents relating to the Discovery and conquest of New Spain (Mesoamerica) Itzamna and his people, the Ah-Xanule,the "People of the Serpent," were "the first to populate the Ucatan after the flood (Atlantis?)." Itzamna and the Ah-Canule first settled on the island of Cozumel before migrating to the Yucatan mainland and constructing the citites of Chichen Itza, Izamal, Ake, and Uxaml.
Of Itzamna it is remembered he was the one "who gave names to all the rivers and divisions of the land; he was the first priest and taught them the proper rites wherewith to please the godes and appease their ill will; he was the partron of the healers and diviners and had disclosed to them the mysterious virtues of plants… it was Itzamna who first invented the characters ofr letters in which the Mayas wrote their numverous books…'

"Quetzlcoatl[Thoth] or Kuklcan a culture bearer whose name means "Plumed Serpent" and whose symbol, like Itzamna's is the Tau cross and his band of missionaries left a trail of megalithic cities and pyramids' . When his work was accomplished, Quetzalcoatl is reputed to have boarded a dragon-shaped vessel covered with snake skins and left Mexico in the direction from which he had

"The evidence of a Serpent dynasty perhaps even more ancient then Tomoanchan was discovered in Mexico by a Frenchman ,Augustus Leplongeon the first Western archaeologist to study the Mayan culture and ruins of Mesoamerican. Leplongeaon claims to have been led by Mayan natives thought the jungles of Mexico to a mausoleum near Chichen Itza within which the remains of King Coh, and ancient
king of the Can or "Serpent" dynasty. Covering the mausoleum walls were serpentine motifs of the chronology of the long history of the archaic Can dynasty. One such motif depicted King Coh engulfed within the protective coils of a twelve headed serpent, Nonoca Can, the totem animal of the Can dynasty."

"An archeologist named Niven on excavation in an area between Texcoco and Haluepantla, Niven found over 20,000 stone tablets which were covered with unusual symbols, some of which were identical to the ones Churchward had seen on the Nacccal Tablets in India. Since the Mexican tablets were found in conjunction with the remains of three buried rooms, the first of which was estimated by Niven to have belonged to a civilization which had existed at least 50,000 years ago, they were apparently synchronous with, and perhaps relics of
the ancient Can Dynasty."

One direct culture that descended directly form the Aryan Viracochas where the Maya:
"According to the notes of Edward Thompson of the Tamoanchan[Viracochas] traveled to the Yucatan [where interbreeding with the mongoloid races over time] produced the Mayan culture. The city-states it thus engendered were administered by priest kings and sages known as Serpent Priests or Kukulcans (Plumed Serpents)."

"The Mayan Serpent Priesthood was made up of a hierarchal ladder wre tow classes of priests intimately involved with Mayan sacrifices, the Nacoms and Chascs. These priests superintended the sacrifice of plants, minerals, and animals.

Above the two were the Balams, the Jaguar priest. The Balams were keepers of the sacred records; their historical recollections were compiled into a series of sacred texts known as the Books of Chilam Balam. Near the top of the Mayan sacerdotal ladder were the chief priests known both as the Ahua Kan Mai or "Serpent" Priests and the Ak Kin Mii or "Solar" Priests. They were the main officiates of Mayan religious ceremony and oversaw all sacrifices and initiations.

At the pinnacle of the Mayan spiritual hierarchy was the priest king, a descendant or official representative of the lineage of Kukulcans which stretched back to Tamoanchan and. Perhaps, Atlantis. The Mayan ruler was an Dragon King, a unifier of Heaven and Earth and an embodiment of the serpent power of Spirit. To symbolically designate himself as the androgynous union of the Twins, the pries king wore representations of Hunapu and Xbalenque, the mythical Mayan twin s whose polar opposite principles he had merged within himself. Upon his head sat the colorful quetzal feathers symbolic of Hunapu, the
spiritual twin, wile covering his hands wre the distinctive jaguar gloves of Xbalenque, the jaguar and material tiwn.

Initiation into the Order of Kukulcans was administered within the
Temple/pyramids' and occurred during the solstices and equinoxes or other holyday determined by the Tzolkin or sacred calendar.. The candidates would be escorted between the monstrous dragons and or gaping serpent mouths which flanked the entrance of an initiation temple. Upon arriving within the edifice's inner sanctums they would be taken before an image of the World/comic tree, the
road connecting Heaven and Earth, which would rise up above or in back of the main altar. Then following the recitation of mantic chants and rites by the Kukulcan priests, the candidates' inner K'ulthanilni(Mayan for Kundalini) would awaken. As it moved up the spine the fire serpent would pierce the seven choklahs (Mayan for Chakras). When it finally reached its destination at the the top of the head, the K'ulthanilni would merge into the crown choklah and fully awaken within the initiate the enlightened consciousness of the Kukulcans(Plumed Serpents)"

This is similar to what happened to the Aryans in the East, Near East and Egypt who over time race mixed with the dark races leaving a identical situation of a mainly White upper caste and culture but with a mainly mixed and non-White populace as a whole.

More Eastern Links:
Worship - The archaeologists found many Hindu deities like Shiva, Shiva linga,Ganesh, Kali, Sun, Buddha etc. (in similar or slightly different forms) which were worshiped in ancient America. The Hindu God of luck, Ganesh, was worshiped in Central-South America. Images of Ganesh have been excavated in plenty in Mexico. This god with the elephant's trunk is frequently depicted in Mexican
manuscripts and in the temple ruins in Central America as the god with a proboscis-like horn, whence water is squirting and his head is most frequently portrayed on the corners of temple walls, which are always built with reference to the original points. And image of 'Ekadant Ganesh' was noticed in the temple
at Kopan by great Indologist late Dr. W.S. Wakankar.An image of Hanuman called by the name 'Wilka Huemana' and measuring 50 feet in
height and 12 feet in breadth was found in Guatemala. Similar one was found during an excavation of an Aztec temple in Mexico City and was known as 'Euhectal', a wind God, a monkey God.
Both the Hindus and Americans used similar items in their worship rituals. They both maintained the concept of four Yuga cycles, or cosmological seasons, extending over thousands of years, and conceived of twelve constellations with reference to the sun as indicated by the Incan sun calendar. Royal insignias,
systems of government and practice of religious dance and temple worship all showed remarkable similarities, pointing strongly to the idea that the Americas were strongly influenced by the Aryans. The theory is found in the Vedic literature of India. The ancient Puranas (literally "histories") and the Mahabharata make mention of the Americas as lands rich with gold and silver.
Argentina, which means "related to silver", is thought to have been named after Arjuna (of silver hue).

Another scholar, Ramon Mena, author of Mexican Archaelogy, called the Nahuatl, Zapoteca, and Mayan languages "of Hindu origin." He went to say, "A deep mystery enfolds the tribes that inhabited the state of Chiapas in the district named Palenque... their writing, and the anthropological type, as well as their personal adornments... their system and style of construction clearly indicate the remotest antiquity... (they) all speak of India and the Orient."

Still another scholar, Ambassador Miles Poindexter, a former ambassador of the United States to Mexico, in his two-volume 1930s treatise The Arya-Incas, called the Mayan civilization "unquestionably Hindu." He proposed that primitive Aryan
words and people came to America by the island chains of Polynesia. The Mexican name for boat is a South Indian Tamil word, Catamaran, and Poindexter gives a long list of words of the Quichua languages and their analogous forms in Sanskrit. Similarities between the hymns of the Inca rulers of Peru and Vedic hymns have been pointed out. A. L. Krober has also found striking similarities
between the structure of Indo-European and the Penutian language of some of the tribes along the northwestern coast of California. Recently, an Indian scholar, B. C. Chhabra, in his "Vestiges of Indian Culture in Hawaii", has noticed certain resemblances between the symbols found in the petroglyphsfrom the Hawaiian Islands and those on the Harappan seals. Some of the symbols in the
petroglyphs are described as akin to early Brahmi script.
Indeed, the parallels between the arts and culture of India and those of ancient America are too numerous and close to be attributed to independent growth. A variety of art forms are common to Mexico, India, Java, and Indochina, the most striking of which are the Teocallis, the pyramids with receding stages, faced
with cut stone, and with stairways leading to a stone sanctuary on top. Many share surprisingly common features such as serpent columns and banisters, vaulted galleries and corbeled arches, attached columns, stone cut-out lattices and Atlantean figures; these are typical of the Puuc style of Yucatan. Heine-Geldern and Ekholm point out that temple pyramids in Cambodia did not become important until the ninth and tenth centuries, a time coinciding with the beginning of the Puuc period. Vedic Culture in Peru
Guru-vrata Das
In 1994 I saw a newspaper article that showed a photograph of a "huaco" (ancient pot usually made of clay, from the Inca culture or older). The sign that appeared on this "huaco" was a big svastika with four dots inside. This is a Vedic sign that you can see on the top of the gates of ancient temples. (Of course, the archeologists did not know what that symbol meant and maybe they
still don't know it).

The earliest record of any human race in North America on record is that of the White Race.

Whites of North America:


Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom. Pinkham, mark

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "outlaw393" <outlaw393@... wrote:

Cool. I have yet to find any decent resources on the Naga, or the individual gods/goddesses of this pantheon.

This goddess I saw, I knew she was a goddess the second I saw her. She was real pale, like she was made of porcelain. I don't remember what color her hair was though.


Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "siguarddraconis" <siguarddraconis@ wrote:

A Naga it was.

The kosher teaching present Lilith this way, but it didn't have to be Her, so forget it.

Anyway, the Hindu Nagas look like that - maybe investigate in this direction?

Siguard Draconis.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "outlaw393" <outlaw393@ wrote:

I had a dream the other night (it was strange, like a vision or a dream within a dream) about this woman who had a human head and upper body but her whole lower body was that of a snake.

Not sure what this means, I googled it but have yet to figure out if she's real or a demon or what.

Was strange, for sure.

Hail Satan and the Gods of Hell
I have seen her. I have transformed into her as well during meditation. Wudjo is her name, I believe. And those type of beings also have another name, can't remember.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "outlaw393" <outlaw393@... wrote:

I had a dream the other night (it was strange, like a vision or a dream within a dream) about this woman who had a human head and upper body but her whole lower body was that of a snake.

Not sure what this means, I googled it but have yet to figure out if she's real or a demon or what.

Was strange, for sure.

Hail Satan and the Gods of Hell
I had a dream after reading this post but it was a woman with a centipede body! I'm pretty sure it's all in the psychology of dreams when you read something and your brain retains it and later it comes up in your subconscious. At least I hope so! I thought I would just share that just in case!

-Allyson Ford 
On Jul 2, 2011, at 9:54 AM, "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@... wrote:
  I have seen her. I have transformed into her as well during meditation. Wudjo is her name, I believe. And those type of beings also have another name, can't remember.

--- [/IMG][email protected][/email][/url], "outlaw393" <outlaw393@... wrote:

I had a dream the other night (it was strange, like a vision or a dream within a dream) about this woman who had a human head and upper body but her whole lower body was that of a snake.

Not sure what this means, I googled it but have yet to figure out if she's real or a demon or what.

Was strange, for sure.

Hail Satan and the Gods of Hell
I think "Lamia" might be another name.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@... wrote:

I have seen her. I have transformed into her as well during meditation. Wudjo is her name, I believe. And those type of beings also have another name, can't remember.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "outlaw393" <outlaw393@ wrote:

I had a dream the other night (it was strange, like a vision or a dream within a dream) about this woman who had a human head and upper body but her whole lower body was that of a snake.

Not sure what this means, I googled it but have yet to figure out if she's real or a demon or what.

Was strange, for sure.

Hail Satan and the Gods of Hell
So is there really enitys with human upper bodies and snake lower bodies?
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sherilynishott" <sherilynishott@... wrote:


About the The Arya Serpents Of The Ancient America's
After the destruction of the Aryan Homeland a branch of the Arya Serpents moved into the America's.

-In 1994 I saw a newspaper article that showed a photograph of a "huaco" (ancient pot usually made of clay, from the Inca culture or older). The sign that appeared on this "huaco" was a big svastika with four dots inside.-

Viracochas: Race of White Gods

"The conquistador, Pedro Pizarro, reported in his account of the great Spanish invasion of South America in the 1500s, that while the masses of Andes Indians were small and dark, the members of the ruling Inca family were tall and had whiter skins than the Spaniards themselves. He mentions in particular certain individuals in present day Peru who were White and had red hair. (Heyerdahl,
ibid., page 351).

Heyerdahl reported that this is reflected in the mummies found in South America - on the Pacific coast, in the desert sand of Paracas, there are large burial caves in which numerous mummies have been perfectly preserved.

Some of the mummies were found to have the stiff black hair of the Indians, while others, which have been kept in the same conditions, have red, often chestnut-colored hair, "silky and wavy, as found amongst Europeans, they have long skulls and remarkably tall bodies. Hair experts have shown by microscopic analysis, that the red hair has all the characteristics that ordinarily distinguish a Nordic hair type from that of Mongols or American Indians."
(Heyerdahl, ibid., pages 351, 352).

"Pizarro asked who the white skinned redheads were. The Inca Indians replied that they were the last descendants of the Viracochas. The Viracochas, they said, were a divine race of White men with beards. They were so like the Spanish that the Europeans were called Viracochas the moment they came to the Inca Empire. The Incas thought they were the Viracochas who had come sailing back
across the Pacific. (Heyerdahl, ibid., page 253).

According to the principal Inca legend, before the reign of the first Inca, the sun-god, Con-Ticci Viracocha, had taken leave of his kingdom in present day Peru and sailed off into the Pacific with all his subjects."

"The entire American land mass was anciently known as Amaraka, the "Land of the Immortals" or "The Land of the Wise Serpents." The title is derived from the Quechuan-Sanskrit word Amaru, meaning snake or serpent." Quechuan is descended from the Sanskrit language.

-Professor Raman Mena, curator of the National Museum of Mexico, said that the general appearance of Maya's writing is considered of oriental origin. According to scholar Orozco V. Berra, Maya and other languages are of Sanskrit origin.-

[Sanskrit is the original language of the Aryan Race and the root languages of all Indo-European Languages' today]

"H.P Blavatsky maintains in "The Secret Doctrine" that America is referred to in the Hindu Puranas as Potala, the Kingdom of the Nagas(Serpents)."

"According to the principal Inca legend, before the reign of the first Inca, the sun-god, Con-Ticci Viracocha, had taken leave of his kingdom in present day Peru and sailed off into the Pacific with all his subjects."

Guess who built all the ancient Megalithic sites like the famous Machu Picchu, the Aryan Viracochas.

"When the Spaniards came to Lake Titicaca, up in the Andes, they found the mightiest ruins in all South America - Tiahuanaco. They saw a hill reshaped by man into a stepped pyramid, classical masonry of enormous blocks, beautifully dressed and fitted together, and numerous large statues in human form. They asked the Indians to tell them who had left these enormous ruins. The well known chronicler, Cieza de Leon, was told in reply that these things had been made long before the Incas came to power. They were made by White and
bearded men like the Spaniards themselves. (Heyerdahl, ibid., page 253).

The White men had finally abandoned their statues and gone with the leader, Con-Ticci Viracocha, first up to Cuzco, and then down to the Pacific. They were given the Inca name of Viracocha, or "sea foam', because they were white skinned and vanished like foam over the sea.
More on the Inca Royal houses:

The Spaniards recorded that the ruling Inca families called themselves Orejones, or Long Ears, in contrast to their subjects. Pizarro pointed out that it was especially the Long Ears who were white skinned. (Heyerdahl, ibid., page 253).

"Bernardo de Sahagun, a Franciscan monk, who arrived in Mexico following the Spanish conquest and became the official historian for his people. Through numerous conversations with the Nahuatl "old people" he learned that the forefathers of the Mesoamericans were Serpents who "came (east) from the direction of Florida, (they)came sailing along the coast and disembarked in the port of Panuco…" In their colonizing party were "wiseold men" who had all the
writings, the books, the paintings' which they had carried with them from their homeland. These Serpents proceeded to build a city called Tamoanchan"(the place where the People of the Serpent landed)
Edward Thompson a United States consul and archaeologist who was sent to Mexico, was able to elaborate on the arrival of the early Mesoamerican Serpent colonists. The source of which came from certain Mayan Brotherhoods….Thompson learned that the meaning of Tamoanchan was the "place where the People of the Serpent landed." And as Sahagun had recorded many years earlier, the ancient city had been built along the banks of the Panuco river, the entrance to which was near Tuxpan on the Veracruz coast. The founders of the port city Thompson learned were the "Chanes" or "People of Serpents" who arrived in vessels possessing sides which shone like the scales of serpents' skins and to simple natives who saw them appeared to be great serpents coming swiftly towards them." Upon disembarking these Serpents appeared to be "clad in strange garments and they wore about their foreheads emblems like entwined serpents. The wondering natives who met them at the shore saw the manner of their coming with the symbol of the Sacred Serpent, which they[Viracochas]wore upon their brows…"

"Tamoanchan also means in the Mayan vernacular "The land of the Plumed Serpent" these Serpents became the priest kings and spiritual masters and fore bearers of the Mayan Olmec, Toltec and Aztec civilians."

Another Mexican port-of-call of the ancient Serpents was Valum Votan. According to he Spanish chroniclers, this was where Pacal Votan, "he of the Serpent lineage" disembarked with his crew after sailing down the Usumacinta River of the Yucatan Peninsula. Apparently Pacal's arrival occurred at such an early period in the history of Mexico that later historical texts remembered him as one of the first patriarchs' in the Americas. In reference to him, for example,
he was called the "First man on the Yucatan whom God hath sent to parcel out he land which is now known as America"

"After coming ashore at Valum Votan, Pacal and his roved Serpents entourage traveled inland to a specially selected site and constructed the holy city of Palenque. After installing himself as the priest king of a new empire Pacal Votan served his Mexican subjects for many years both as a teacher and monarch. When he died he was honorably interred in a pyramid which known today as the
Temple of Inscriptions Pacal authored an autobiography within which he included a detailed description of his obscure origins. The text survived for thousands of years, but was finally destroyed in a fire in 1691A.D by the fanatic Christian Bishop of Chiapas, Nunez de la Vega. Fortunately, salient pints of the manuscript were preserved by a certain Brother Ordonez would later record in his diary that Pacal Votan had com from the land of Valum Chicim and arrived in
Mexico ca the "Dwelling of the Thirteen Serpents."

"The long suppressed White origins of much of what has been regarded as "Native American Indian" culture is apparent from the finds in the Paracas burial ground in Peru. One of the most famous ancient wonders of the South American continent are the huge emblems on the Nazca plains in Peru , which have been dated at approximately 500 BC. The emblems, many only properly visible from the air, are usually attributed to the "Nazca Indians" but in fact the well preserved bodies of the Nazca upper classes and priests have been uncovered in the neighboring Paracas region - and of the 400 odd mummies uncovered so far, virtually all of them are clearly White in racial origin, with red hair being prominent."

"Another famous Serpent colonist of the Yucatan remembered in the historical records of Mesoamerica is Itzamna, a name which means dragon and "Iguana House." Also known as "the Serpent of the East," Itzamna was the ancient patriarch of the Itza Mayas and the Son of Hunab Ku, the Great Spirit. His symbol was the Tau cross, symbol of the breath of life, and the Serpent Son of God."

"According to the Mayan Books of Chilam Balam and the History of Zodzil by Juan Darreygosa, a work which is based upon a text entitled The Unedited Documents relating to the Discovery and conquest of New Spain (Mesoamerica) Itzamna and his people, the Ah-Xanule,the "People of the Serpent," were "the first to populate the Ucatan after the flood (Atlantis?)." Itzamna and the Ah-Canule first settled on the island of Cozumel before migrating to the Yucatan mainland and constructing the citites of Chichen Itza, Izamal, Ake, and Uxaml.
Of Itzamna it is remembered he was the one "who gave names to all the rivers and divisions of the land; he was the first priest and taught them the proper rites wherewith to please the godes and appease their ill will; he was the partron of the healers and diviners and had disclosed to them the mysterious virtues of plants… it was Itzamna who first invented the characters ofr letters in which the Mayas wrote their numverous books…'

"Quetzlcoatl[Thoth] or Kuklcan a culture bearer whose name means "Plumed Serpent" and whose symbol, like Itzamna's is the Tau cross and his band of missionaries left a trail of megalithic cities and pyramids' . When his work was accomplished, Quetzalcoatl is reputed to have boarded a dragon-shaped vessel covered with snake skins and left Mexico in the direction from which he had

"The evidence of a Serpent dynasty perhaps even more ancient then Tomoanchan was discovered in Mexico by a Frenchman ,Augustus Leplongeon the first Western archaeologist to study the Mayan culture and ruins of Mesoamerican. Leplongeaon claims to have been led by Mayan natives thought the jungles of Mexico to a mausoleum near Chichen Itza within which the remains of King Coh, and ancient
king of the Can or "Serpent" dynasty. Covering the mausoleum walls were serpentine motifs of the chronology of the long history of the archaic Can dynasty. One such motif depicted King Coh engulfed within the protective coils of a twelve headed serpent, Nonoca Can, the totem animal of the Can dynasty."

"An archeologist named Niven on excavation in an area between Texcoco and Haluepantla, Niven found over 20,000 stone tablets which were covered with unusual symbols, some of which were identical to the ones Churchward had seen on the Nacccal Tablets in India. Since the Mexican tablets were found in conjunction with the remains of three buried rooms, the first of which was estimated by Niven to have belonged to a civilization which had existed at least 50,000 years ago, they were apparently synchronous with, and perhaps relics of
the ancient Can Dynasty."

One direct culture that descended directly form the Aryan Viracochas where the Maya:
"According to the notes of Edward Thompson of the Tamoanchan[Viracochas] traveled to the Yucatan [where interbreeding with the mongoloid races over time] produced the Mayan culture. The city-states it thus engendered were administered by priest kings and sages known as Serpent Priests or Kukulcans (Plumed Serpents)."

"The Mayan Serpent Priesthood was made up of a hierarchal ladder wre tow classes of priests intimately involved with Mayan sacrifices, the Nacoms and Chascs. These priests superintended the sacrifice of plants, minerals, and animals.

Above the two were the Balams, the Jaguar priest. The Balams were keepers of the sacred records; their historical recollections were compiled into a series of sacred texts known as the Books of Chilam Balam. Near the top of the Mayan sacerdotal ladder were the chief priests known both as the Ahua Kan Mai or "Serpent" Priests and the Ak Kin Mii or "Solar" Priests. They were the main officiates of Mayan religious ceremony and oversaw all sacrifices and initiations.

At the pinnacle of the Mayan spiritual hierarchy was the priest king, a descendant or official representative of the lineage of Kukulcans which stretched back to Tamoanchan and. Perhaps, Atlantis. The Mayan ruler was an Dragon King, a unifier of Heaven and Earth and an embodiment of the serpent power of Spirit. To symbolically designate himself as the androgynous union of the Twins, the pries king wore representations of Hunapu and Xbalenque, the mythical Mayan twin s whose polar opposite principles he had merged within himself. Upon his head sat the colorful quetzal feathers symbolic of Hunapu, the
spiritual twin, wile covering his hands wre the distinctive jaguar gloves of Xbalenque, the jaguar and material tiwn.

Initiation into the Order of Kukulcans was administered within the
Temple/pyramids' and occurred during the solstices and equinoxes or other holyday determined by the Tzolkin or sacred calendar.. The candidates would be escorted between the monstrous dragons and or gaping serpent mouths which flanked the entrance of an initiation temple. Upon arriving within the edifice's inner sanctums they would be taken before an image of the World/comic tree, the
road connecting Heaven and Earth, which would rise up above or in back of the main altar. Then following the recitation of mantic chants and rites by the Kukulcan priests, the candidates' inner K'ulthanilni(Mayan for Kundalini) would awaken. As it moved up the spine the fire serpent would pierce the seven choklahs (Mayan for Chakras). When it finally reached its destination at the the top of the head, the K'ulthanilni would merge into the crown choklah and fully awaken within the initiate the enlightened consciousness of the Kukulcans(Plumed Serpents)"

This is similar to what happened to the Aryans in the East, Near East and Egypt who over time race mixed with the dark races leaving a identical situation of a mainly White upper caste and culture but with a mainly mixed and non-White populace as a whole.

More Eastern Links:
Worship - The archaeologists found many Hindu deities like Shiva, Shiva linga,Ganesh, Kali, Sun, Buddha etc. (in similar or slightly different forms) which were worshiped in ancient America. The Hindu God of luck, Ganesh, was worshiped in Central-South America. Images of Ganesh have been excavated in plenty in Mexico. This god with the elephant's trunk is frequently depicted in Mexican
manuscripts and in the temple ruins in Central America as the god with a proboscis-like horn, whence water is squirting and his head is most frequently portrayed on the corners of temple walls, which are always built with reference to the original points. And image of 'Ekadant Ganesh' was noticed in the temple
at Kopan by great Indologist late Dr. W.S. Wakankar.An image of Hanuman called by the name 'Wilka Huemana' and measuring 50 feet in
height and 12 feet in breadth was found in Guatemala. Similar one was found during an excavation of an Aztec temple in Mexico City and was known as 'Euhectal', a wind God, a monkey God.
Both the Hindus and Americans used similar items in their worship rituals. They both maintained the concept of four Yuga cycles, or cosmological seasons, extending over thousands of years, and conceived of twelve constellations with reference to the sun as indicated by the Incan sun calendar. Royal insignias,
systems of government and practice of religious dance and temple worship all showed remarkable similarities, pointing strongly to the idea that the Americas were strongly influenced by the Aryans. The theory is found in the Vedic literature of India. The ancient Puranas (literally "histories") and the Mahabharata make mention of the Americas as lands rich with gold and silver.
Argentina, which means "related to silver", is thought to have been named after Arjuna (of silver hue).

Another scholar, Ramon Mena, author of Mexican Archaelogy, called the Nahuatl, Zapoteca, and Mayan languages "of Hindu origin." He went to say, "A deep mystery enfolds the tribes that inhabited the state of Chiapas in the district named Palenque... their writing, and the anthropological type, as well as their personal adornments... their system and style of construction clearly indicate the remotest antiquity... (they) all speak of India and the Orient."

Still another scholar, Ambassador Miles Poindexter, a former ambassador of the United States to Mexico, in his two-volume 1930s treatise The Arya-Incas, called the Mayan civilization "unquestionably Hindu." He proposed that primitive Aryan
words and people came to America by the island chains of Polynesia. The Mexican name for boat is a South Indian Tamil word, Catamaran, and Poindexter gives a long list of words of the Quichua languages and their analogous forms in Sanskrit. Similarities between the hymns of the Inca rulers of Peru and Vedic hymns have been pointed out. A. L. Krober has also found striking similarities
between the structure of Indo-European and the Penutian language of some of the tribes along the northwestern coast of California. Recently, an Indian scholar, B. C. Chhabra, in his "Vestiges of Indian Culture in Hawaii", has noticed certain resemblances between the symbols found in the petroglyphsfrom the Hawaiian Islands and those on the Harappan seals. Some of the symbols in the
petroglyphs are described as akin to early Brahmi script.
Indeed, the parallels between the arts and culture of India and those of ancient America are too numerous and close to be attributed to independent growth. A variety of art forms are common to Mexico, India, Java, and Indochina, the most striking of which are the Teocallis, the pyramids with receding stages, faced
with cut stone, and with stairways leading to a stone sanctuary on top. Many share surprisingly common features such as serpent columns and banisters, vaulted galleries and corbeled arches, attached columns, stone cut-out lattices and Atlantean figures; these are typical of the Puuc style of Yucatan. Heine-Geldern and Ekholm point out that temple pyramids in Cambodia did not become important until the ninth and tenth centuries, a time coinciding with the beginning of the Puuc period. Vedic Culture in Peru
Guru-vrata Das
In 1994 I saw a newspaper article that showed a photograph of a "huaco" (ancient pot usually made of clay, from the Inca culture or older). The sign that appeared on this "huaco" was a big svastika with four dots inside. This is a Vedic sign that you can see on the top of the gates of ancient temples. (Of course, the archeologists did not know what that symbol meant and maybe they
still don't know it).

The earliest record of any human race in North America on record is that of the White Race.

Whites of North America:


Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom. Pinkham, mark

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "outlaw393" <outlaw393@ wrote:

Cool. I have yet to find any decent resources on the Naga, or the individual gods/goddesses of this pantheon.

This goddess I saw, I knew she was a goddess the second I saw her. She was real pale, like she was made of porcelain. I don't remember what color her hair was though.


Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "siguarddraconis" <siguarddraconis@ wrote:

A Naga it was.

The kosher teaching present Lilith this way, but it didn't have to be Her, so forget it.

Anyway, the Hindu Nagas look like that - maybe investigate in this direction?

Siguard Draconis.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "outlaw393" <outlaw393@ wrote:

I had a dream the other night (it was strange, like a vision or a dream within a dream) about this woman who had a human head and upper body but her whole lower body was that of a snake.

Not sure what this means, I googled it but have yet to figure out if she's real or a demon or what.

Was strange, for sure.

Hail Satan and the Gods of Hell
Lol Allyson!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Allyson Ford <dectotaku34@... wrote:

I had a dream after reading this post but it was a woman with a centipede body! I'm pretty sure it's all in the psychology of dreams when you read something and your brain retains it and later it comes up in your subconscious. At least I hope so! I thought I would just share that just in case!

-Allyson Ford

On Jul 2, 2011, at 9:54 AM, "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@... wrote:

I have seen her. I have transformed into her as well during meditation. Wudjo is her name, I believe. And those type of beings also have another name, can't remember.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "outlaw393" <outlaw393@ wrote:

I had a dream the other night (it was strange, like a vision or a dream within a dream) about this woman who had a human head and upper body but her whole lower body was that of a snake.

Not sure what this means, I googled it but have yet to figure out if she's real or a demon or what.

Was strange, for sure.

Hail Satan and the Gods of Hell
Glad you got a kick out of it as well :) 

-Allyson Ford 
On Jul 3, 2011, at 7:47 AM, "lydia_n_666" <liddynavillus@... wrote:
  Lol Allyson!

--- [/IMG][email protected][/email][/url], Allyson Ford <dectotaku34@... wrote:

I had a dream after reading this post but it was a woman with a centipede body! I'm pretty sure it's all in the psychology of dreams when you read something and your brain retains it and later it comes up in your subconscious. At least I hope so! I thought I would just share that just in case!

-Allyson Ford

On Jul 2, 2011, at 9:54 AM, "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@... wrote:

I have seen her. I have transformed into her as well during meditation. Wudjo is her name, I believe. And those type of beings also have another name, can't remember.

--- [/IMG][email protected][/email][/url], "outlaw393" <outlaw393@ wrote:

I had a dream the other night (it was strange, like a vision or a dream within a dream) about this woman who had a human head and upper body but her whole lower body was that of a snake.

Not sure what this means, I googled it but have yet to figure out if she's real or a demon or what.

Was strange, for sure.

Hail Satan and the Gods of Hell

I looked it up, and that might be her. Though the picture shows her as completely human, and paints her in an evil light. But I just figure that's more xian corrupted filth.

I'm figuring this snake goddess is probably a Naga, and she is my guardian demon, in most likelihood.


Hail Satan
Yeah. Almost 100% sure it's Lamia. She's depicted as a demoness in Greek mythology that is half human/half snake.

She's probably my guardian demon. No clue though.

Hail Satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
