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  1. F

    Re: Mixed Races

    how can you be a true Satanist and not be filled with guilt and shame of race mixing? or is it just me?
  2. F

    do you think horary astrology is legit?

    yeah Horary astrology isnt moder, its ancient lol
  3. F

    do you think horary astrology is legit?

    do you think its worth studying?
  4. F

    JoS Arabic website front page update

    **التحديثاتاكتوبر 12, 2008  معلومات هامة لغير عبدة الشيطان والملحدين وغيرهم، وأولئك الجدد على الروحانية لمراسلة كهنة هذا الموقع، اضغط هنا هنالك طوائف مختلفة من الشيطانية. وزارة هذا الموقع هي الشيطانية الروحية.  الشيطانية ليست "اختراع مسيحي" أو "إسلامي".  الشيطانية تسبق المسيحية والإسلام...
  5. F

    Arabic JoS main page translations

    i have refined translations for the main page of JoS, whom do i give them to?
  6. F

    I have a hard time raising my energies

    I answered this question thoroughly here http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic18493.html username  (fad1999) wouldn't recommend the king and queen if you're new
  7. F

    Joy of Satan Astrology PDF

    thank you so much for this my brother
  8. F

    If things don't continue well with the Internet

    get an ephemeris aswell
  9. F

    Satanic Marriage?

    if you were deep into Satanism you would know the answer without having to ask :p study more on Satanism and youll get your answer
  10. F

    how to tell my parents i worship satan ?

    you dont have to tell ANYONE you worship Satan just because they wont understand there absolutely NO reason to tell your parents about your religion, unless you want to get in trouble.
  11. F


    its not the jews its just problems with servers  Angelfire.com Down or Just Me ?  
  12. F

    Thank you HP Jake Carlson

    thanks for all the awesome sermons you have written  i have enjoyed reading them on your website , absolutely amazing.
  13. F

    Peoples reaction when they get 1000$+ in donations

    Twitch Troll Loses $50,000 this is more for their reaction  my main concern : what would their reaction be when they find our Satan is the creator of humanity and the RHP system is false ? AND its too late for them to do anything about it...
  14. F

    is this a throat blockage?

    how do you create a philosophers stone with having blocked chakras you dum dum no brain retard ?
  15. F

    The Holy Bible: A Book of Jewish Witchcraft.

    http://web.archive.org/web/201505022243 ... hcraft.mp3 Everyone should listen to this audio sermon - Highly Recommended!
  16. F

    Can a Jew dedicate his soul to Satan? and be a part of satanism?

    Satan rejects all jews no matter what
  17. F

    New with meditations

    overwhelm new members with useless crap when all you need to tell them is do the opening the soul exercises 
  18. F

    Can I marry a xtian?

    get her on your side  a Satanist would NEVER marry an xtian ,  xtians are weak , and are worshipping their own death you are NOT committed enough because you ask this question commit to this path or quit quit and marry your xtian and live miserably every after or you can just fully commit to...
  19. F

    Orgasm and Satan

  20. F

    Orgasm and Satan

  21. F

    Don't waste your money going to college. the system is totally JEWED

    @fourth , not what they teach at uni youre just learning stuff the jews want you to learn (most of it is useless and outdated and can be found 10x better in books for free outside uni)
  22. F


    yeah if you were really working for Satan and the gods you wouldnt be making a post about it  fuck off
  23. F

    third chakra

    habibi point your solar plexus DOWN  ALL chakra points point to sacral chakra (the center) shaped like an 8 pointed star the soul is aligned in the shape of an inverted cross with the sacral being the center  point your solar plexus up and you will get nowhere (literally)
  24. F


    from our side  we must take both spiritual and physical action to get rid of the jews spiritual action = reverse torah rituals physical action = working forums to wake people up, NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE DO THIS AND YOU CAN WAKE THOUSANDS OVERNIGHT WITH VERY LITTLE EFFORT!!!!!!! 
  25. F

    What is the exact path to "raising the serpent"/"raising kunalini"?

    do the king and queen everyday , im not responsible to what might happen to you after you do this meditation and make sure you are prepared to awaken kundalini this is just awakening kundalini and is the first step to advancing the soul what do you do after that ? i dont fucking know ive been...
  26. F

    Astrology Experiment!

    are these your information lydia ? 1988 hell norway ?
  27. F

    f0star ch!1d - infiltrator, deluded or mis

    give him more attention , thats what he wants, make more posts about him. instead of ignoring him , youre giving him power.
  28. F

    S.I.D.F *Update

    yes when i go to hell when i die Satan is going to ask me if i was a member of the SIDF wooo , yeee woppie , me member , me high rank in SIDF , me successful , me destroy enemy!
  29. F

    S.I.D.F *Update

    damn right shes handling it pretty well . calling people unoriginal cunts XD
  30. F

    Map of the Soul - Satan and Astaroth Sigils

    the scaral i\s shaped like an 8 pointed star...
  31. F

    The face of a JEWISH infiltrator (Brian Ruhe)

    cant we not call people jews based only on their looks ?
  32. F

    The face of a JEWISH infiltrator (Brian Ruhe)

    btw brian ruhe is a new guy, i dont think hes a Satanist though..
  33. F

    The face of a JEWISH infiltrator (Brian Ruhe)

    by new guy i mean a few months old meaning he probably has read all of the JoS and blacksun material
  34. F

    Monogamous part 2

    the biggest thing youll benefit from in this area is having your mind open to the astral you need to be a bit above average in your meditation and progress
  35. F

    Stressful aspects

    yeah i keep telling myself ill do it tomorrow but i never do it tomorrow ._.
  36. F

    Pluto transit Mean Node?

    you need to look at everything , cant tell just from this single aspect... solar returns i have mercury conjunct my natal southnode and this ties in with the year 2021 which is fated for me(south node conjunct SR asendant) involving solar return venus and other aspects.. 
  37. F

    Pluto transit Mean Node?

    also check in what house is that node posited in ? i dont think the lunar nodes are effected by transits much for personal changes in the life for you, 
  38. F


    also one more thing , this is my take , if i were to ask something from father i will make sure to pay him the price of what he blessed me with 10 fold , not just sit and do nothing. so be careful
  39. F


    talk about my succubus xDDD i was lying on my bed after meditating and she just came to me damn i missed her so much and it was  very nice to make contact with her again also i forgot to mention , aside from the incredible intercourse she also comes to me in my dreams , this is a true blessing...
  40. F


    firstly and most importantly is to have an open mind in order to feel and communicate with them second , ive had a succubus , i asked Father for one, she came around , used to come and go for months then came back then left and i think its been a year or so since weve last met i never spoke to...
  41. F

    Group postings

    if you dont like something dont read it/open it ... simple as that lol , there are people from all ages and all levels here :p
  42. F

    Felt nothing?

    keep at it man , keep doing them daily they dont work from the first time
  43. F

    my current meditation program

    also now everyone is going to go read kais writings and obsess over kundalini XD
  44. F

    Sushumna is 1/7th open. neck feels on fire! only 5 more chakras to g

    did u try the headstand breath of fire meditation withTH vibration ?
  45. F


    im going to die a horrible death anyway XD
  46. F

    Re: I want to be a friend of Satan

    we all do dont we ? Satan wants you to work for him, only through your efforts and being smart will you be able to build a relationship with Satan
  47. F

    Never stop meditation.

    doing daily meditation has a whole other meaning than what you probably know , there are certain meditation that shouldnt be done during certain times (planetary alignments) or else youd be wasting alot of time. another thing , in order to advance effectively you need to know the meditations...
  48. F

    Herculus look like Satan :)

    nothing compares to the beauty of Satan!
  49. F

    Big thanks to Volac!

    best way to thank the powers of hell.. post to yahoo groups xD
  50. F

    Enough of this delusional BS

    take it easy , we dont want the xtian grouping and beating you up or doing damage to you.. ive seen with my bare eyes a guy with said fuck the cross being beaten in the middle of the street. just be aware..
  51. F

    Lucifer's New Aeon

    stop fighting man, wtf are you doing ? just let her post whatever she wants and go do something productive instead of literally wasting your time . if you dont have something nice to say dont say it. do you achieve a sense of accomplishment when you reply to this post with the intention of...
  52. F

    magnus opus

    because we dont have the immortality gene ?
  53. F

    magnus opus

    you talk like the magnum opus is a piece of cake :p
  54. F

    Fight everyday for Satan

    Unless each and every one of us works to bring down the enemy, relentlessly,they will not just go away on their own. A passive attitude, doing nothing,accepting and even loving injustice, promoting weakness, disease, and anythingand everything that is harmful to a decent civilized world will...
  55. F

    Re: Collection of the early writings of Hight Priest Vovim Baghie

    if you want to really learn about Satanism go read Maxines sermons on Satans library..
  56. F

    For membership

    obvious troll lol..
  57. F

    How much Egyptians hate the jews :D

    most arabs ~90% hate jews but worship them at the same time , this shows utter stupidity , this isnt even funny , this is terrifying news for the arabs.
  58. F

    are the JoS forums going wacky ?

    im getting an error whenever i go on there...
  59. F

    Psychic attacks

    you need to read more , read all of maxines sermons on Satans library
  60. F

    I know satan does not dictate our lives...and we are free to do what

    it doesnt matter, Satan does not care if you talk about people behind their backs aslong as you do not make problems among other Satanists, Satanism = FREEDOM
  61. F

    What kind of seating position is best when meditating?

    the best meditation pose for me is lying on the bed (most comfortable and relaxed) sitting with your spine straight for 15 minutes can cause alot of strain and you should be totally relaxed when meditating...
  62. F

    Hello all

    what the fuck ??? you probably have no idea what Satanism is about, Satanism is working on your soul and becoming a god , literally.Satan does NOT care if you are a virgin or not, animals and children are sacred to Satan it is the xtian church who murderes and slaughters animals. you only need...
  63. F

    I feel awful...

    you just realized that the enemy is hurting ?  notice : is hurting ???? HE FUCKED US ,SO FUCKING HARDthe damage that he HAS DONE and IS DOING is insanely massive , he "isnt" hurtinghe hurt us did hurt us and IS hurting us he will also continue to hurt us if we ourselfs do not put an end to this...
  64. F

    Askasha/ether/quintessence awakening

    read more about the astral ether from "initiation into hermetics" would answer your question 110% 
  65. F

    Astaroth's 8 fold path

    there is no pdf copyAstaroth's Eastern Connection  
  66. F

    Information on the invoking the elements please read

    @centralforce i saw them on a wiccan site once , the owner of the site was stupid , he has the "write stuff of paper and tear it up and blow ti in the wind" and thats your air magick .... LOOOOOL
  67. F

    did you know that we have a JoS forum ?

  68. F

    Developing healing ability?

    im sorry to disappoint anyone but no matter how powerful you were in a past life , without being able to sense and direct energy , there is no healing.visualizing something with white gold and having it come back to life ,,, come on man xDgo stab yourself in the chest and visualize white gold...
  69. F

    My mom wont let me get into satanism.

    you dont need to buy stuff to come to Satan.... you just need your mind lol..
  70. F

    Developing healing ability?

    things like healing need massive ammount of energy , this comes from years of meditation , visualizing gold light on something dying and having it come back to life is something not anyone can do. not to discourage you or anyone , this ability is very real , one needs to be open and strong...
  71. F

    can i live in my astrral temple?

    you can live in it , but you have to leave your physical body , and you can do that only for a limited time ,,, if you plan on living there for ever, then get rid of your physical body,,,, LOLDONT DO THAT!!!! HAIL SATAN!
  72. F

    My meditations are getting better and longer

    do the king and queen meditation once you have advanced enough ( DO NOT DO IT IF YOU ARE INEXPERIENCED) this is extremly powerful done over a period of a month or two will awaken certain energies.... and do the headstand meditation from father aswell ,  the RAUM meditation is extremely...
  73. F

    Question about meditation.

    be consistent , it took me 3 months to open my 3rd eye i failed alot but in the end i did open it and im doing way way more advanced stuff right now ., you will open it just stay consistent , and dont mind it you fail becauise you will , learn to pick yourself back up  HAIL SATAN!
  74. F

    Information on the invoking the elements please read

    these are not needed...... you can only affirm the elements when you are invoking them , you do need this shit tbh , all you need is an open powerful mind , its like using props in a ritual. its like youre on the street and you want to cast a spelll ,WAIT LET ME PULL UP MY ALTAR. fuck that shit...
  75. F

    Meditation and babies

    if you meditate while your baby was still in your womb you would have had a baby with psychich abilities.meanwhile if you cannot do any meditations , the RAUM meditation is excellent and empowers the entire soul and is also short, yoga can be done really early in the morning.as long as you keep...
  76. F

    23rd of December = void all day!

    youre better off doing it on the evening of the 22nd , better to avoid a VoC moon completely!
  77. F

    Eh... I saw greys. :O I went to greys? :O

    i saw one during sleep paralysis which happense every now and then , the fear sensation is there because my soul is going in and out of my body and is something i have no control of as of yet even tho i understand the process which im undergoing. idk what to say lol , when we open our minds , we...
  78. F

    how to awaken kundalini

    do the King and Queen med (gaum and raum) if you dont know what im talking about then you shouldnt be doing this meditation, its dangerous for new people. do more reasearch on Satans library , its foundin Maxines writter sermons.
  79. F

    Hey, LightYagami

    to be honest you should have more important stuff to do other than focusing on developing visualization ,like developing the pineal gland, unblocking chakras , activating kundalini , yoga etc... the main reason for these is to strengthen your concentration and astral vision , but the astral...
  80. F

    Coming Trouble?

    no idea why the fuck people make a big deal out of psychic attacks ... i was in sleep paralysis once (this happened twice in one night whenver i tried to sleep) and i saw a fucking grey , it was probably just my owm hallucinations but theres nothing to it , they do nothing they just scare you...
  81. F

    This shit always seems to happen...

    nothing man , stop making a big deal out of it and do your meditations , they only take fucking 30 seconds a day for one chakra (the awakening ex) do them everyday if you are still awakening your main chakras and you WILL open them. stop creating your own excuses and obsticles , you are limiting...
  82. F


  83. F

    Happy yule to everyone! (image inside)

    here is an image i find very beautiful of father http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb2013 ... ifer16.jpg HAIL SATAN!
  84. F

    Newbie Question: Why not drop the name, "Satan" ?

    He is the enemy of my enemies , the word SATAN strikes fear into their hearts , Satan is a beautiful word to me , rebellion strength freedom power. Hooded cobra wrote about this question like 3 times by the way search for them :p HAIL SATAN! besides so much negativity has been associated with...
  85. F

    The black aura

    can you stop believing anything people say to you ? what is this black heart chakra thing ? and why do you want to make your aura invisible ? i dont think u can make it invisible rofl this is so stupid thinking about it only, you can expand , contract it, extract from.connect with.  to my...
  86. F

    Question about the ritual TH or Z ?

    i can defenitley hear ZZ in there , this is how i vibrate for the ritual  ssssssssmeeee yayekh hatseykhey rey dezzzehraom shethekh ehp hazeem ha verrekh hata ahlzzey uvmeev ur khazzehney dey naglmey zekkeemneyk sha ahyeevmaad ah hazzeh share ahgeyyev
  87. F

    Should I like the Jonas Brothers and Big Time Rush?

    fuck this should i like this should i like that shit , just go do your meditations and yoga.
  88. F

    Question about the ritual TH or Z ?

    i have found that there are both TH and ZZ, so no i guess not.
  89. F

    does LAUM invoke planetary energies ?

    ive been experiencing some serious bad luck over the course of 3 months almost now, holy fuck, since ive gotten good at feeling the vibration in my base ive been having bad luck.it could be some really fucked up planets.(mostly)answer my question please and thank you! HAIL SATAN!!!
  90. F

    Kundalini and pain

    the munka med for the sacral wont help not a single tiny bit , because Kundalini travels along the main sushumna channel it is glaringly obvious that you have to clear the blockage in the BACK extensions of your chakras to use cobra breath , i have asked 2 memebers on these groups and they said...
  91. F

    Xtians are so fucking stubborn ,

    i posted exposing xtianity to a xtian subreddit and i got 10 people who commented , these are probably really dedicated xtians...What do you guys think about this site? • /r/Christianity atleast i got some people thinking about it , hopefully one day theyll look back and really read the site...
  92. F

    Are you spreading the truth ?

    help spread the truth! whenever i go to youtube and watch a video i always post exposingchristianity.com in the comments i also go on reddit and post stuff from Satans library ,one time a fag xtian reported me because calling the bible a  book of jewish witchcrafr promotes a non xtian agends ...
  93. F

    Kundalini and pain

    an hour earlier i went to sleep, while i was falling asleep astral voices started coming up to me along with a sensation of fear (this isnt new to me and the fear sensation was not strong because ive experienced this before and i know what to expect) i knew i was going to astral project in a few...
  94. F

    Experience with succubus ive had...

    how do i get attacked ... tough one :P i rarely get attacked , aura of protection and protection affirmation everyday baby! HAIL SATAN!
  95. F

    i dont care

    you try to show her the truth of satan , give it a shot first and if it doesnt work ,,,,
  96. F

    Raum meditation

    these are the four quarters of the soul:[LIST]The front of the body/soul is the North, ruled by the element of earth.</li>The rear/backside of the body is the South, ruled by the element of Fire</li>The left side of the body is the Negative Pole. Through the left hand, we take in energy. The...
  97. F

    Hello everyone, I'm new here

    better off doing tunning through vibration 7 times each word of power for each chakra then AUM into your aura 7 times, thats better than full chakra med , atleast for me
  98. F

    Experience with succubus ive had...

    Hi everyone, i wanted to share my succubus experience with you , in my early days of meditation, i made up a method of going into a trance and visualizing myself having sex , i used this method to empower my astral senses as stated in the 60 day program (hells army) instead of walking around in...
  99. F


    no , levitation is levitation , it is done by the invocation of the air element , you need a risen serpent in order to levitate (this is what i personally blieve) because without the serpent of Satan there is no REAL power.
  100. F

    E.A. Koeting

    EA koeting has nothing to do with Satan , if anything he is AGAINST HIM , using 9 foot circles and retarded methods of forcing demons to appear , giving demons a bad reputation , and saying that Belial posessed his wife in a summoning ,,, this guy is delluded and enemy spirits mess with him...
  101. F

    Kundalini yoga

    meditation is one of the 8 limbs of yoga...
  102. F

    Godhead question

    what happense if you achieve godhead and lose your physical body ?
  103. F

    is there any meditation or mantra for depression

    depression comes and goes , it was even a part of my kundalini awakening which im still undergoing , it just comes and goes , to be honest with you meditation did not remove depression (raising energies) , i know my bioelectricity is not dropping and ive been keeping  my energies up, it just...
  104. F

    Mantras/Runes for stimulating pituitary gland?

    its in one of the squares vibration im pretty sure its jupiter (you can find this on satans library in a pdf called satans magickal squares , maxine even says you should feel the G's in the bacvk of your throat in the end
  105. F

    Σχετ: [JoyofSatan666] Satyananda yoga and yoga in general... (so

    like i said try doing the alternate nostril breathing while holding at the top , which will direct witchpower to the upper chakras ,  no it does not mean you have weak lower chakras , it just means you have bad energy circulation , HP maxine said something about stretching  everyday for 20...
  106. F

    Satyananda yoga and yoga in general... (sources outside of joyofSata

    id just like to point out that hatha yoga does increase your bioelectricity , but your being has to be vibrating at a much higher speed for your bioelectricity to affect stuff outside of your body and you need to have an extremley powerful aura , hatha yoga builds the aura and increases...
  107. F

    Race seperation and demon husbands and wifes ?

    Satan wants every race to evolve on its own , right ? individually and sperate.  isnt having a demoness lover (succubi/incubi) considered race mixing ? what about demigods like Asmodeus ? he had a human mother/father (idk) ? could you please elaborate. HAIL SATAN!
  108. F

    Magickal Squares Dates :)

    i love you so much
  109. F

    Mantras/Runes for stimulating pituitary gland?

    protine and ex wont help stimulate your pineal , doing the pineal meditation obviously on JoS and the advanced King and Queen meditation found on satans library , HP maxine important sermons and messages 2012.. GAUM vibration into pineal gland then RAUM into solar plexus
  110. F

    A question about vibrating the rune Sowilo.

    yes it does! go read the VOl 3 sermons of HP maxine on satans library , the correct way to use the runes and how to vibrate them is there , also note that swedish and icelandic vibrations are stronger than germanic ,,  HAIL SATAN!
  111. F


    great! i have performed the ritual like 5 times and im going to do 2 more today , thanks for your reply HP Cobra. HAIL SATAN!
  112. F


    im just wondering , do the HP's do this ritual too ? HAIL SATAN!
  113. F

    Pre-dedication ritual questions

    all you need is one candle ( color doesnt mattrer) a needle to prick your left index finger an empty pen and a paper to burn ...
  114. F

    question about godhead

    if i achieve godhead , im immortal , can someone shoot me in the head and kill me and i lose my physical body ?  if so do i have to go through magnum opus again in another incarnation ?
  115. F

    Group Ritual for Tuesday through Saturday the 4th - 8th of November

    the power lies in the vibration obviously , candles effects are minimal and you surely can go without them! your ritual will still be very very effective without the candles ! HAIL SATAN FOREVER!
  116. F

    Always turned on

    if youre lying down it might be a succubus/incubus  if youve been meditating regularly 3 months + , you might have activated your kundalini. when i activated my kundalini the orgasms i had were very very intense :p this reason is most likely , it is your own nature , maybe you naturally have a...
  117. F

    How i activated my Kundalini! + wings of the soul.

    Hello brothers and sisters in Satan! im here to give you what worked for me and the meditations i used to activate my kundalini and how i got my wings. basically the main way i got both was through VIBRATION , yes vibration! main question is how do you get good at it? practive vibrating...
  118. F

    to Centralforce66 concerning sushumna transformation

    what chakras ??? the middle or the back ??? when one is experiencing a burning heart it means the 5th is blocked , im guessing the burning manifests in the heart and you unblock the back extension of the throat to unlock the passage for serpent energy ??? also if you do cobra breath and you have...
  119. F

    Chakra blockage question

    blocks exist on the spine right ? pressure indicates the chakra above is blocked , ok. how do i go about unblocking my chakras ? do i work on my back extension or the main middle one ?any advice/ methods you use to unblock chakras could help me a ton as i am currently at this stage and progress...
  120. F

    to Centralforce66 concerning sushumna transformation

    could you please go about explaning how you unblocked your back extension chakras as i am at this stage and matters are confusing :p , i should empower my back extensions for sexual energy to rise up the sushumna right ?
  121. F

    to Centralforce66 concerning sushumna transformation

    go search for his posts and read them , its not listed in the PDF someone mad. what do you mean your sushumna has been transformed ? :P if your back chakras are not full of sexual energy then your sushumna has not been transformed i persume ?
  122. F

    The Watchtowers

    the knots are at the 2nd , 5th and 7th not the 1st 4th and 6th just keep empowering the front and back extensions with energy circulation, do RAUM and KIng and Queen until you activate your kundalini , should take you abourt 2- months or less if you are doing it right HAIL SATAN!
  123. F

    Friendly Reminder : Aura of protection.

    you engulf yourself with light like the sun and sate an affirmation 108 times after your aura of protection i have found to state the affirmation and do 108 breaths of aura of protection to be really effective and bthis made me feel better instantly , glowing whitegold feels good :p Hail Satan!
  124. F

    Serious Question.

    Can someone obtain money from magick if he does not have an actual income ? like no job . how does his financial situation improve if he is making 0 profit ? does he find money on the flood or ?
  125. F


    its what is in your heart that really counts ,, if you singed your name with blood (1 drop) and burt the paper then it is valid . HAIL SATAN!
  126. F

    Im just wondering...

    What does my GD do and why do i have to search for him ? :p
  127. F

    Extremely sleepy when trying to meditate...

    im sorry :p i just dont want you to ruin your experiences because of "psychich attack" as this has happened to me before, i just really hate it when people mention psychich attack , because i am totally free of it, and if im free of it , why cant  anyone be ?sorry again for coming off as rude ...
  128. F


    just keep doing the opening meditations, its not rocket science its really easy.consistency and persistence are key.
  129. F

    Money spell

    you need to have a strong soul to get money with your soul, i honestly think you need to be past kundalini activation to get a good amount of money , but this is not neccacairy , try to do a sun sqaure, make sure you have all your chakras open , this can be dangerous and you might wake up...
  130. F

    Extremely sleepy when trying to meditate...

    dude please , stop with the enemy attack shit you are filling yourself with , all you have to do is hype your meditation program and spice it up , ad interesting meditatons , not everything is enemy attacks.the main reason you feel sleepy while meditating is probably because YOU ARE BORED ???? i...
  131. F

    islamic State Militants Stone Woman To Death For Adultery (RAW VIDEO

    Islamic State Militants Stone Woman To Death For Adultery (RAW VIDEO)
  132. F

    I saw the Devil~

    teloc vovim is a girl ?
  133. F

    I saw the Devil~

    your poems give me the chills brother :)  HAIL SATAN!
  134. F

    Friendly Reminder : Aura of protection.

    Basically i have been meditating 3 hours everyday almost, and a day ago i got ill, i got so ill i could not work out anymore or even lie in bed for a trance , i was coughing and all that stuff, and that is when i realized the improtance of the aura of protection , this meditation is a MUST and...
  135. F

    Rune or Square , for material success and fame ?

    which one? im kinda lost if you could tell me which one and advise me itd be really helpful , i will keep searching . my goal is to attract a large audience . thanks in advance! HAIL SATAN!
  136. F

    7 hours per week meditation.

    yeah i figured that out :p it is beneficial anyway.  HAIL SATAN!
  137. F

    What planet rules the heart cakra ????

    Thanks guys ^_^ HAIL SATAN!
  138. F

    What planet rules the heart cakra ????

    the heart chakra is ruled by mercury but i still use the Venus square to empower the heart chakra ? does not make alot of sense , or is it that way  ? :p HAIL SATAN!
  139. F

    hell's army training manual help

    CONGRATZ ON YOUR DEDICATION!!!!! welcome to our family :) basically what you need to be doing is reading the whole joyofsatan.org website , read what you like , and most importantly you should start getting into meditation and start doing awakening meditations pronto. power meditation is the...
  140. F

    Here is a niec poem by Teloc Vovim :)

    "The heavens opened up, and peeking from the clouds were not angels, The true guardians of mankind, who were there since our beginning, Came down in a glorious thunder, tired of watching mankind disgrace himself, tired of hearing man slander the name of their father, tired of the enemy...
  141. F

    What planet rules the heart cakra ????

    it says mercury on the full chakra med on JoS but on other webpages on the JoS it says its ruled by venus ,,, and in the intermediate meditations section also it says venus .. help plz ty :) HAIL SATAN!
  142. F

    Help With Meditation

    basically you need to find a way to make meditation more interesting , i was like you , but now because im having lots of fun meditating i dont get distracted as much .3/4 of my meditations are based on using vibrations and in huge ammounts. heres my basic meditation program , i also add some...
  143. F

    hey am i the only one , does this happen to you or has happened?

    @jhonson what is this ?"If something hurts, stop and do not push yourself. Pushing meditations can cause severe repurcussions, like permanent nerve and brain damage." the only way meditation can cause brain and nerve damage is by the improper practice of pranayama or prematurely raising ones...
  144. F

    chakra feedback

    what do you mean what will it be spent on ?look what HP maxine says about energy that gets stuck (advanced king and queen meditation) Before I say anything here, any of you who are heavily involved in exercise, especially weightlifting or any physical exercise where you get sore, make sure to...
  145. F

    All apologies, but im sick of this "spiritual binding "

    basically , let Satan be your guide , trust in him.all you need for meditation is your mind and body.you say you tried to astral project for years (i lol'd when i read that, because you havent even opened your chakras) listen the reason you are NOT feeling anything with meditations for opening...
  146. F

    Vibrating the Gods' names

    this all boils down to mainly if they are all in the same language , if so then no harmful effects  if they do differ in language then pick one (i have found sumerian to be super powerful)second depends if the word you are vibrating actually has power. to be honest if i were you id stick to...
  147. F

    7 hours per week meditation.

    give me your thoughts  everyday of the week i would spend 40-ish minutes vibrating the AUM's into the chakra at the hour of that chakra (with its specific day ofc) 108 times for each main chakra and its 2 extensions so thats 300+ following that i would do the ball of light med and a breathing Ex...
  148. F

    chakra feedback

    if you close off your chakras , you wont feel them , ie you wont feel their energy buzzing if your chakras are blocked , blockages in chakras manifest on the spine , they feel like knots on the spine and the serpentine energy gets stuck above the chakra where you feel the knot.for example if i...
  149. F

    2 good questions

    if you are talking about pranayama , then yes this does affect your practice , the best thing to do here is practice hatha yoga , it expands the lungs and makes deep breathing easier . you can also ask a proffesional about it dont stop right here im just giving you advice . if you are talking...
  150. F


    amazing! begin with opening the chakras , there is an audio CD on satan library that will help you with the vibrations :)good luck , the more you meditate the more you grow closer to father and the gods HAIL SATAN!
  151. F

    For people who want to summon demons.

    if you are not dedicated , do not summon onedo not summon a demon just for the fun of it or just to try it outdo not summon a demon if you dont have all of your chakras awakened (front and back extensions also)also you need to have all your clairvoyance and clairaudience points openand...
  152. F

    I fully understand who Enki is, but what of Enki's God? Who must be

    I was, am now, and shall have no end ~Satan if you want an answer for his , im pretty sure a demon can give you an answer , given the fact that father is extremely busy , or you can just wait it out till we 100% win the earth back , by then well be living side by side with the gods again , you...
  153. F


    kundalini yoga is enough , physical exercise wont work on your soul itll just give you a strong physical body inwhich youll be able to handle more energy and is crucial for handeling the initial rising once you get to that stage (takes years)yoga will increase your bioelectricity and your...
  154. F

    chakra feedback

    dont believe what everyone says, there is nothing as chakra feedback lol, maybe he meant that when you vibrate and you feel th vibration you get feedback from your chakra probably that you are doing it right , other than that , nothing just dont believe what others tell you and stick to...
  155. F

    heat is being generated from my base chakra

    already figured what i should do , thanks for trying to help anyway :p
  156. F

    Possible blessings from Father and Astaroth?

    basically i think you should keep such experiences to yourself , just because you create a huge ammount of expectations that new satanists wont meet (like HP hooded cobra said)  ive never experienced any of the above and i know by my heart that satan does love me.i am just afraid that what you...
  157. F


    its just a phase i been through this and now that its over im 1000 times more stronger, you actually become fearful after all the fear you go through this is actually really good if  you have enough bravery to overcome :)which im sure you have! HAIL SATAN!HAIL AMON RA!
  158. F

    Satanic Rosary

    you need 12 big beeds (one of them has to feel different)108 smaller beedsa strong place your big beed in the string then follow it up by 9 small ones then 1 big one and so on and so forth. a satanic rosary is just a tool you use to keep count it does NOT have to be something magnificent or...
  159. F

    heat is being generated from my base chakra

    i have an activated kundalini , does this mean my sacral chakra is blocked ? i dont have any sexual hang-ups and i do actually feel a knot at my sacral chakra which means my solar plexus is blocked , this is tricky and frustrating to figure out :S what do you think ?
  160. F

    Sex vs love

    i dont think there is a thing as love energy ... ??? when you use your orgasm you are using your LIFEFORCE which is extremely powerful , i would def go with orgasm 100% everytime all the time , if love energy had an empowering purpose for chakras it would have been mentioned but im guessing its...
  161. F

    Opening The Chakras

    stop using the mudras and count on your fingers , this is what i used and i have opened  all of my chakras major and minor the mudras are 100% unneccacairy all you have to do is vibrate and feel the vibration correctly which can take a bit of practice but will come in time 100%  HAIL SATAN!
  162. F

    Hp Maxine please

    could you make a PDF of "important sermons and messages JoS newsletter 2013" and for 2014 and post it to satans library PLEASE these helped me alot and i like to print the PDF files and read them or if someone else could do this it would be amazing! (idk how to do it btw :p) HAIL SATAN!
  163. F

    (no subject)

    worldly pleasure does come with spiritual satanism however ALOT of studying , hardwork and dedication must be a constant , satan is not a wish granting machine ,,, good luck :) HAIL SATAN!
  164. F

    Fellow satanists- I need some guidance.

    also you can read HP hooded cobras newsletter and Kai purr writings and HP vovims satanic sermons and meditation . all can be found on satans library along with other valuable information :) HAIL SATAN!
  165. F

    Energy is stuck

    if your energy is pooling in your feet , perform alternate norstril breathing where you HOLD AT THE TOP , this directs the prana to the top chakras and solves your problem easily  just do it 10 - 20 minutes everyday holding at the topyou can also tune your chakras (AUM's) as this helps to...
  166. F

    Is this some kind of a problem...?

    it might be your kundalini has been activated, you never know just wait a few more weeks and see if you get more signs of an activated kundalini (crawlies and a massive pulling up sensation)i didnt know my kuindalini has been activated until weeks after , and btw the OBE's ive been having were...
  167. F

    Rune Othala right smack in my face when lucid dreaming. ideas?

    idk why my message wasnt posted , but basically have had a vision of the KAUN rune shinning brilliantly and otheres where i saw sowilo and othal on t-shirts , this is probably just the runes gaining popularity and is probably meaningless :p
  168. F

    Astral sight

    could someone please explain why do i percieve astral images only with the right side of my astral vision ( having both my eyes closed) a while ago my demoness showed herself to me and i go to the picture to the right , and still shapes and forms and images tend to come to me from the right side...
  169. F

    another chakras question !

    i dont remeber if i asked this in my earlier post but this is really important as i am at the stage of clearning the blockages in my chakras . i am assuming blocked chakras only exist on the back extensions of our main chakras right ?what kai purr says:Being able to safely rise sexual energy up...
  170. F

    The union the king & queen

    can someone please talk me through the unification of the king and queen , is there something that happense or is it just an energy connection between the 2 ? because a memeber performed this meditation for 12 months and nothing happened (as of what i know) im guessing its just an energy...
  171. F

    Rune Othala right smack in my face when lucid dreaming. ideas?

    i think theres nothing behind visions of runes , ive had a dream where KAUN was shinning brilliantly i saw nothing but the rune shinning , another dream i had was sowilo and othal being printed out on tshirts :Pi think its just your astral vision starting to open up most probably , nothing is...
  172. F

    Goetia and Nadis

    could you please explain how do i activate and empower my sushumna ida and pingala ?i know for a fact that asana and pranayama purify these nadis , but is this how they are activated ?or do they just appear to me when i get deeper into meditation ?kundalini yoga might also be a possibility thank...
  173. F

    Meditation / Other questions

    . I really do try to make some sort of connection or go into a meditative state but If I do, how do I know? this meditative state you are talking about is called the trance state (which is not nessacairy for most working) or just a state of intense concentration or blankness (void...
  174. F


    theres a whole CD on satans library (type satans library on google) you should find it there for opening all the chakras , enjoy HAIL SATAN FOREVER!
  175. F

    got really mad and phone didnt work till i calmed down

    its 99% just your phone , for you to influence electrical objects with your aura you need to be past an awakened kundalini and this takes a chunk of time dedication persistance and a huge ammount of will power im sorry to disappoint you, but its just probably your phone :P you will get to a...
  176. F

    Important question (chakras)

    Hi ,first off HP maxine says using vibration is really effective in opening the chakras , but i have opened all of my major chakras and their extentions and i have vibrated runes into my 7 main chakras for 40 days my question is , should i stick with runes or should i do the AUM's (for the 3...
  177. F

    REPOST: i found this in 2013 newsletter and i thought id share

    limlal8May 12, 2013Set your goals to reach to Godhead, Don't let distractions keep you from achieving your goals Stay focus and alert Prepare . Adversities are beaten by persistence When you persist and keep going without stopping If you don't give up , eventually you will break the cycle and...
  178. F

    he guys check out this site ! (Satanic Beauty website)

  179. F

    Mental health issues

    ask father to send you succubi to help ease your mental stress ? worked for me.spirit sex is the best sex :P! HAIL SATAN!
  180. F

    Most Psychic attacks ARE NOT REAL attacks

    basically the point of this post is to show people that they most attacks by the enemy arent really real.when i was new , i had an unknown sensation of fear before i would go to bed thinking its the enemy ive always seen greys while meditating , but this was mostly my own mind playing games on...
  181. F


    my ultimate question is what can I do that will tell Satan that I am truly sorry and that He will accept me back? i have the ultimate answer: POWER MEDITATION EVERY FUCKING DAY! HAIL SATAN!
  182. F

    Is there any other ways of summoning a demon ?

    idk why would you even consider using other ways... this is the way DEMONS want you to summon them (as HP maxine said in her youtube videos) besides you are very lacking in knowledge , i dont want to put you down but the chances of you making a successful summoning are near to null considering...
  183. F

    Astral Projection ...

    thanks for your reply sis , and BTW the GAUM into pineal gland is an advanced meditation i found in the satanic sermons 2012 pdf file (satans library) theres also another advanced meditation where you connect the energies of the king and queen with breathing execrcises , i highly suggest you...
  184. F

    MUST SEE: Hidden-Camera Video Reveals Secret Pizza Topping – Disgu

    MUST SEE: Hidden-Camera Video Reveals Secret Pizza Topping – Disgusting Animal Abuse
  185. F

    stans magickal squares

    thanks again ! may Satan bless you !HAILS!
  186. F

    Question about meditation for advanced meditators

    its because when you get deep into meditation you can create your own world , a perfect world and have it as vivid as you like , i think thisi s the main reason.HAIL SATAN!
  187. F

    stans magickal squares

    do i have to begin them when the planet is in its exalted sign ? because i want to do a jupiter mantra and jupiter wont go into its sign of exaltation not even in a few years according to this site2014 - 2016 Chiron - Saturn - Jupiter in Retrograde Motion, Direct Motion and Ingress Dates...
  188. F

    Can anyone clarify a few things for me?

    all you should give to a demon is you joining hells army and working to destroy the enemies of satan , working to advance satanism , posting links online to wake people up etc.. you get the picture , maxine said they dont want your stuff nor your junk they want your hard work and dedication 
  189. F

    Astral Projection ...

    my astral body keeps shifting outside of my physical body whenever i go to bed this has happened 3 times now and i have no idea why.. the second time i heard through my astral ears the 3rd time i heard a girl screaming so loud by it was in my mind (i could hear it physically) but not through my...
  190. F


    guradian demon = gd more info is found on this on the demons section on JoS
  191. F

    Sermon 9/17/14

    this is true , even tho my father is 47 years i still see the ability in him to be able to raise his kundalini just because he spends HOURS everyday reciting this filthy shit koran and praying to his ficticious shit allah.when he talks to me i feel as if litteraly im talking to a 2 faced retard...
  192. F

    Do Succubi Manifest themselves physically for intercourse.

    LOL this is what i meant by physical XD of course the demon is not on the physical plane .HAIL SATAN!
  193. F

    Do Succubi Manifest themselves physically for intercourse.

    @blackmoon dude its on the physical world ... rofl , to answer your question no at first they dont but as you go further and further more into it and you do MORE MEDITATION you open your astral senses up and it becomes 100% as real as physical sex only 10 times better.HAIL SATAN!
  194. F

    Psychic Attack , Astral Projection and Clairaudience Experiences !

    i think if you were rocking back and forth , it is your astral body getting loose , did you read the astral projection PDF by robert bruce ? he has amazing techniques when combined with HP maxines stop your chakras from spinning and give them a quarter turn in reverse and then use his technique...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
