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Don't waste your money going to college. the system is totally JEWED

This depends on what you study and what kind of college/university that you attend.

Some degrees are more jewed up than others, as are some universities more jewed than others.

Some of the smaller, community style or less well known campuses are less jewed out and still worth attending if one has Satanic discernment.

Part of this "don't go to college EVER cos jews" attitude is part of the extreme backlash desired so that gentiles over time become stupid and uneducated.
the video's still up. But it's blocked in Germany because "muh copyright. GIMME YOUR SHEKELS GOY!"
Also Ivan that's bullshit. My mother has a PhD and she's the stupidest xian bitch I ever met.
The things they taught me in college as a mechanic were things you could learn in any trade school for far less money.
Better to go to a trade school if you have the money to throw around on college.
At least then you have a job once you're done.
But since I hated ALL my career options and am only interested in becoming an immortal god, an assassin of hell like the thule society, and a musician, All the things I really want to learn can only be learned from the gods.
I have no reason to waste my time and money in a jew run marxist fuckhole called college

On Monday, May 9, 2016 8:40 PM, "harrilehtosaari@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:


Ivan is right. While college may not be for everyone if you are talented in something else that can make you a living, it doesn't mean you are given the responsibility to bash on getting a degree.
"Lets stop going to college man, what a waste of money man, everyone is equal so no one should be entitled to a degree man, college is stupid man" that the real social Marxist shit, not college.
College is stupid....say that to the doctor next time you go to one, because if there was no college any retard can become a doctor. If people find college and education tough, well tough luck, just because people struggle with it doesnt mean it's stupid. The fact that one may not be as intelligent as another doesn't make education a flaw.
The fact that you picked a bad straw doing mechanics in college doesn't make college stupid.
On Tue, 10 May, 2016 at 13:06, fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   the video's still up. But it's blocked in Germany because "muh copyright. GIMME YOUR SHEKELS GOY!"
Also Ivan that's bullshit. My mother has a PhD and she's the stupidest xian bitch I ever met.
The things they taught me in college as a mechanic were things you could learn in any trade school for far less money.
Better to go to a trade school if you have the money to throw around on college.
At least then you have a job once you're done.
But since I hated ALL my career options and am only interested in becoming an immortal god, an assassin of hell like the thule society, and a musician, All the things I really want to learn can only be learned from the gods.
I have no reason to waste my time and money in a jew run marxist fuckhole called college

On Monday, May 9, 2016 8:40 PM, "harrilehtosaari@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

I didn't know you could do mechanics at uni... and see that already highlights the differences between different institutions - where I live you cannot even study mechanics at uni, you can only do the higher degrees like engineering. And just because you mother is the way she is doesn't really have any bearing since anyone can be any particular way it doesn't make them a product of their schooling and again this depends on the degree - some of the social science and humanities degrees can seem to have more jewish influence at certain colleges/unis than others.

But when someone has a life threatening illness which requires immediate intervention or I am trusting someone to build a road bridge so that it doesn't collapse when I drive over it or for an engineer to direct the stacking of rubbish so it doesn't avalanche then we'd better hope those people studied their asses off at uni cos otherwise we will be living in tha IDIOCRACY.
you guys are taking this shit WAY out of context.
I've been to college and I know first hand what kind of jewish marxist circus it is.
Textbooks that aren't even worth $20 you get charged $200+ each!I've had professors openly try to push communism and tell everyone "white people are evil!"I've seen the bullshit myself so I quit and I studied 3 different majors, none of which panned out because of the jewish financial bullshit they try to force on you.
And did you seriously just call me a MARXIST for pointing out that colleges are marxist death traps run by jews?!
Now sure, if we kicked out the jews college would be a great thing!
But as it is now colleges are nothing but jewish brainwashing camps out to rob you blind!
I spent my whole life living on a college campus because my mother is a PROFESSOR!She's also the stupidest xian I have ever met!
That right there tells you how fucked up college is when a retarded xian can become a professor!

On Tuesday, May 10, 2016 1:15 PM, "ivan.folghera@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I didn't know you could do mechanics at uni... and see that already highlights the differences between different institutions - where I live you cannot even study mechanics at uni, you can only do the higher degrees like engineering. And just because you mother is the way she is doesn't really have any bearing since anyone can be any particular way it doesn't make them a product of their schooling and again this depends on the degree - some of the social science and humanities degrees can seem to have more jewish influence at certain colleges/unis than others.

But when someone has a life threatening illness which requires immediate intervention or I am trusting someone to build a road bridge so that it doesn't collapse when I drive over it or for an engineer to direct the stacking of rubbish so it doesn't avalanche then we'd better hope those people studied their asses off at uni cos otherwise we will be living in tha IDIOCRACY.

Every class I went to in college was full of marxist shitbags.
Also I never said "everyone is equal so no one is entitled to a degree man" YOU said that.
Quit putting words in my mouth and trying to twist shit around into something it's not.
Everyone I know who got a college degree regretted even wasting their time with it because none of them could even get a job in their chosen field.
I could have easily gotten a degree and a job if I'd wanted but I had other priorities and I sure as fuck wasn't going to tolerate all the retarded marxist classes telling me right to my face to KILL MYSELF FOR BEING WHITE.
So if you're seriously defending that jewish den of marxists that USED TO BE a place of higher learning but has since degenerated into being nothing more than a jewish fuckhole for your brain then that makes YOU sound like a marxist not me.
Quit putting words in peoples mouth's and then calling us "marxists".
There's enough bullshit and infighting already because of shit like that.
The most disgusting and recent example is when Teloc Vovim tried to usurp the HP's and called HC a communist when she finally got called out on her bullshit.
Don't you start pulling this shit too

On Tuesday, May 10, 2016 11:08 AM, "Fourth Reich fourth_reich666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Ivan is right. While college may not be for everyone if you are talented in something else that can make you a living, it doesn't mean you are given the responsibility to bash on getting a degree.
"Lets stop going to college man, what a waste of money man, everyone is equal so no one should be entitled to a degree man, college is stupid man" that the real social Marxist shit, not college.
College is stupid....say that to the doctor next time you go to one, because if there was no college any retard can become a doctor. If people find college and education tough, well tough luck, just because people struggle with it doesnt mean it's stupid. The fact that one may not be as intelligent as another doesn't make education a flaw.
The fact that you picked a bad straw doing mechanics in college doesn't make college stupid.
  the video's still up. But it's blocked in Germany because "muh copyright. GIMME YOUR SHEKELS GOY!"
Also Ivan that's bullshit. My mother has a PhD and she's the stupidest xian bitch I ever met.
The things they taught me in college as a mechanic were things you could learn in any trade school for far less money.
Better to go to a trade school if you have the money to throw around on college.
At least then you have a job once you're done.
But since I hated ALL my career options and am only interested in becoming an immortal god, an assassin of hell like the thule society, and a musician, All the things I really want to learn can only be learned from the gods.
I have no reason to waste my time and money in a jew run marxist fuckhole called college

On Monday, May 9, 2016 8:40 PM, "harrilehtosaari@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:


CentralForce is correct. Education is a must in this day and age, and unfortunately, most places (with good paying salaries) will not hire without a degree. Yes, you can study a lot online for free, but that won't help you in the job market. 
Actually, I'll say from experience that the things they 'taught' in schools I've been to (mostly Private but large ones) had rarely been of use in the me of today. 90% of the things that I know currently, I had learned from experience and research that I had enacted myself; never through school. On top of that, rarely had I enjoyed interacting with the kikes and mudslimes the schools I attended were infested with, and self-seclusion from them had actually assisted in me retaining my sanity. Also, the funniest part, is that I always received a D on nearly everything I did, and, even though I had always poured all my effort into my tests, I'd be told that I needed to try harder or I'll "never be successful". All of the aforementioned have lead me to loathe the thought of ever going to college, knowing that I'll just be abused by kikes and the rest of that stem.
@fourth , not what they teach at uni
youre just learning stuff the jews want you to learn (most of it is useless and outdated and can be found 10x better in books for free outside uni)
There's computers nowadays. You can pay a tutor, buy books. College is a useless institution. Anyways,  us gentiles need to go to trade school. It's a guaranteed job and vital resource for us gentiles to have.
On May 10, 2016 2:30 AM, "ivan.folghera@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  This depends on what you study and what kind of college/university that you attend.

Some degrees are more jewed up than others, as are some universities more jewed than others.

Some of the smaller, community style or less well known campuses are less jewed out and still worth attending if one has Satanic discernment.

Part of this "don't go to college EVER cos jews" attitude is part of the extreme backlash desired so that gentiles over time become stupid and uneducated.
If one checks the 16th Protocol, there the scum says they will annihilate the 1st Line of Human Defense – the universities. Of course, the hateful anti-educational paragraphs are scattered all over the Protocols, just as jewish shit is around the world.   A BA or MA, or PhD means little at best, at worst, it “allows” you to enter the rat race, and if you’re weak, shit you out.   Vocational / trade schools are the best (and mind you, a teacher tells you this), because as Angry Shaman said, you got the trade and some initial experience. If you go to college / university – much theory, less practice (if any).   In the col / uni you will HARDLY read any mind blowing stuff that will revolutionize your self. Not to mention there is a higher risk of stumbling upon some jerkhova shit, or any other brainwashed zombies. Unless you want to expose their stupidity, or practise argumentation against these sub-humans. Alas, that requires tons of self-certitude as well as perseverance. Numbers can overwhelm.   The solution – self-education. If one is a Satanist and has the Gods’ support, he or she can find TONS of good stuff. Go to a voc / trade school, learn the trade, but in your free time, learn, educate yourself, let yourself be a dry sponge, ‘cause when dipped in the infinite waters of wisdom, you will absorb much.   There is a huge difference between education and ed-jew-cation.   HS! HAIL VOLAC! 88!
Way too much of a bad advice. It doesn't matter if the colleges or universities are jew'd totally out of existence. Society has formed in the way that they are useful, for things that might be useless observed from a standpoint, but from another, they are a matter of life and death...So how useless are they? So long you are in there, lay low and don't try to attack the sheeple hordes (which exist everywhere in society) or you don't burn your brain with drugs, you are absolutely fine. So, the rot aside, this can be really a useful thing.

Satanists need to be scientists and creators as well. With whatever means are provided today. Advising people to not go in college if they are meant to go or if they have the "intelligence" or "adaptability" to do is merely bad. A debate by some stupid idiots doesn't pose proof of that. Idiots, kikes and imbeciles exist everywhere. Yes, home schooling is the best thing, but few to no people have the decent patience to sit down and school themselves, or study appropriately. or are willing to give any time into it without external force.

Look at the average joe around and you will see why. It would be better if they were studied a bit. Though of course, if one is stupid, they can be brainwashed by the television, by their college books, by their church or whatever else. It poses no difference. There are though grades in how one is brainwashed. Also, not all sciences are the same. Satanists with their occult knowledge have a big hand in getting forward in the scientific profession. They have serious chances of winning over.

For serious world take over, we need serious people who are levelheaded on what we have in front of us today. Yes, in 20 years there MAY-BE NS all over the west. Now though, what the fuck is going on? This wishy washy thinking has made people to just expect things to fall from the sky. Also, if you look at who pulls what, you will see important people in this movement as well, and serious people.

These ideas that you can somehow sit in your mother's basement, doing weed, and wake up and find yourself successful in life, are all pure bullshit. However tainted, universities are important. And of course, Satanists are strong players. Strong players don't disassosciate themselves from the game, they get in and win this game.

On the meanwhile, based on ideas of defeatism, boredoom or intellectualized stupidity, the enemy gets their diploma's and PHD's and they shovel it at the faces of their enemies, making up pseudoscience and the list goes. They laugh at this, because they are infiltrating these institutions and kept making more and more Marxist and Christian as times went. To the point that now, as some reasonably argue about, these pinnacles of knowledge have become communist garbage and monsters.

The info provided in universities, is not by any means "worthless" though. Nothing is worthless in the eyes of someone useful. And to merely disregard this is entirely stupid. Even when it comes to social Marxism within them, this is not a good reason to not attend.

Except if you are so stupid that you are afraid you will be brainwashed without your consent. Simply, it doesn't matter what you are given, but what you make of it. And in this case a Satanic mind that is aware can turn this around to their benefit. There are also social reasons why this is important and things are what they are right now.

Most of these people have common sense. Not the students, but the teachers, aren't in any strech of imagination merely "stupid". Most of them know entirely well what they are doing, as in spewing Marxism and the list goes. They are though, not stupid in anyway.

Though, the enemy has made it that many people have to get into debt or they don't have money to attend these sanctuaries of Marxism. If you are to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and you aren't even deciding to do anything like this in your future, get on a Technical school and become home studied, work yourself and move forward with your meditations. It all boils down to self knowledge and decisions. I know most people who just feel bad about not doing this later, but when they understood later, it was too late. This doesn't have to be the case for new Satanists. Some people though from here would be very good for the University professions and such.

Though, eventhough plasmatic and "fake" this knowledge may be, in today's world, it has impact and money involved. What is a stock market when it comes to eternal nature? Nothing. What is a stock market when it comes to America nowadays? Everything. This "silly" system has come to the point it can drag down everyone and destroy countries or the economy of the world. Therefore, how silly is it know about it? How "worthless" is to know it or not? This should answer lots of questions.

Social change doesn't merely happen by gut and by choice, or by spiritual warfare. Action is needed. Weren't it for certain highly prominent figures to go out and speak out, there would be no Satanism or no NS to survive after WW2. Some people though, knew the Truth. Take for instance David Irving. He got some education, but never finished. This nevertheless gave him the ground to be recognized more than an ordinary slob who just writes stuff.

There is exceptionaly cunning, knowledge and understanding with physical and concrete knowledge based on what the enemy is pulling off. Thinking one can take down an army of helicopters with a shovel or a bow, and you can see what idiots they are. Better as well get a helicopter and then maybe you stand a chance.

Unfortunately, however truthful and correct someone may be nowadays, there are these limitations involved and one has to look at reality on the face in the end. People care more about who says it, than what says it. Reality has become halfway what it always was, half judaism. Some people can't take this and I get this, but for those who have the opportunities, they must be seized at all costs.

Moving away, locking one's self into his mother's basement and expecting life to happen, is the worst for of advice and defeatism (I speak in general, not like anyone did this here). You might aswell advise someone to merely slit their wrists and die.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Well don't let me help you with my jewed up Chinese medicine degree then..

You can let some person who has only eve read books online stick a needle in you and possibly send you to the ER or kill you because they've never been trained appropriately.

Better yet let us allow only the jews and jew lovers to occupy all the educated positions whilst we strong and proud Satanists become tradies and become the ruled over goy...

Anyone who studies hard enough can become a professor - xian, muslim, Satanist or atheist. This is evidence of nothing.

And likening the addition of a counter argument to what is essentially opinion to an attempt to bring destruction and division to the JOS is just a lazy way of precluding the effort necessary to either:

A: present a convincing case for your argument or

B: accept that maybe you are in error and have not considered the full picture and do the research to obtain such view.

Disagreeing with bad logic is not infighting, it is called teaching and some of the younger members here who have been on this earth significantly less time than some of the older ones might like to take heed of this and adjust their attitude appropriately for the good of their own minds and development. It is not a sign of weakness to recognise that you are wrong sometimes and take on board the opinions of those who are looking out for your long term well-being. It is a sign of weakness to take the easy way out and pretend that you are right and accuse everyone else of all manner of atrocities rather than look at the subject honestly..
Now, whatever one picks to do, you must be the best at it, for many reasons. Everything has to be in the range of what is rational, plus your dreams and your gut. If you lose this balance its fairly easy to drop off. Put an aim and work for this, aim whatever aim it is. Don't deviate from it. And try to make up your mind soon, before circumstances force you to do so.

So years ago I knew a Satanist. He dropped out of school, saying that the Gods would teach him. This was of course coupled with other serious delusions, like, things would happen on their own for him because he was someone so important in a past life...Yea, right...You are...Everyone is...Somebody. We are filled with people who are sick by the sickness of stupid entitlement (thinking magick is going to sort out their entitlement issues and get them the mansions and planets they always were SUPPOSED to have), but we aren't filled by cutthroat people who have balls and get out there and get what they want.

Well, turns out, reality doesn't really give quite the fuck on how entitled these people feel or trying to convince others they are. So he basically went impoverished and almost died in the process, let alone other things. Then he went on and blamed Satan for it, who has warned him every edge of the way. This, he put up and he said it was "enemy influence" and that "he knew completely what he should do". Words, logical advice and the whole world, didn't mean nothing for this guy. He knew better. Given he knew so much better, the Gods after YEARS of EVERYDAY warning him in ALL possible ways, had to let it on the hands of fortune to set the guy straight. So when his Saturn came in, there was the damage all over the place. His opinion and his pseudophilosophies couldn't save them anymore.

Being an idiot, blurring the lines of reality, blowing one's life up and the rest of the loser attitudes, are not a part of Satanism in anyway, shape or form. Also, the Gods aren't wish granting machines or extensions of one's stupidity. Neither they have to pay the price for people's naivety and mistakes. The fact that the Gods have our backs, doens't mean they will pay the price for all of your mistakes. This is christianity, where its the bullshit about how jesus lumped from a cliff and angels saved him. Its the same book where the earth is flat and 6000 years old. And where God is a male without a woman because they suck. So you know its just jews, jewing. Also, its not harry potter, where you move your wand and shit happens on its own in your life.

Jews lie to you. The reality? If you jump from a high cliff, you will either wind up disabled or dead. How they Gods would protect you? By telling you over and over again to stay away from the cliff and in distancing yourself from it. Now if you want to jump to prove your Harry Potter convictions right, I guess you deserve the fate of this american kid that jumped from a skyscraper, thinking they were superman, on a meth high or something. Turned out, reality didn't have the same opinion about them being superman. And they died.

Like the Gods have to fill in for anyone's wishful thinking and dreamland. He stopped attenting to school in the early grades. As such, his life went downhill and then he found himself an adult with absolutely nothing to do, in a country that didn't provide anything for him. So guess what, shit just became even worse. The Gods are serious. They help, they assist, they guide. If you though pull a suicide move, don't expect passive aggressively to be saved, because chances are this attention whoring towards them, or outright stupidity on your behalf, is not a price they are obligated to pay. Don't try to overly exploit their eternal love for humanity and their never endindg support.

I tell all of you this because I care for you...You must seek deeper in power than frail convictions. Power comes from Truth, knowledge, power and understanding, all of which aren't merely empty concepts, neither imagiantive hallucinative crap. It's right here and right now.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Sure colleges are money pits that are robbing people blind but that doesn't mean that getting a major isn't impossible. And I don't know where you went to college, but all of my professors have been gentiles that haven't pushed communism on us, and some have been christian but they aren't allowed to push that on us or we can report them (which I would do if that happened). Also, how do you go through three majors? You just wasted hundreds of dollars studying for the first one and two, of course it's going to be expensive to switch! You just wasted all that money! That's a personal problem, and if you had your goals straight you would have had known which major you wanted from the get-go, unless you had an emergency or something that caused you to have to switch. Also, with all the idiot xians around the world, of COURSE they're going to get hired for jobs. There are idiot christian politicians, teachers, and even scientists, and being denied a job for religion is "discriminatory". I don't see how you are surprised your mother is a professor. 
Most of this is just your own personal feelings because of things that have happened to you, but getting an education, even in these jew infested times, is still important. It takes a real intellectual person to be able to see through all the BS and do their job correctly. Some people aren't meant for college, whether it be because of financial problems or another reason, and that's absolutely fine. 
I have never seen or heard people blatantly say anything like this about white people in college but if I did, it would be easy to report them, post the vid on the internet, and get the guy kicked out. Even if jew controlled, colleges don't have a lot of tolerance for this kind of stuff, especially because of the backlash they could face if this gets out.

---In [email protected], <angryshaman666@... wrote :

you guys are taking this shit WAY out of context.
I've been to college and I know first hand what kind of jewish marxist circus it is.
Textbooks that aren't even worth $20 you get charged $200+ each!I've had professors openly try to push communism and tell everyone "white people are evil!"I've seen the bullshit myself so I quit and I studied 3 different majors, none of which panned out because of the jewish financial bullshit they try to force on you.
And did you seriously just call me a MARXIST for pointing out that colleges are marxist death traps run by jews?!
Now sure, if we kicked out the jews college would be a great thing!
But as it is now colleges are nothing but jewish brainwashing camps out to rob you blind!
I spent my whole life living on a college campus because my mother is a PROFESSOR!She's also the stupidest xian I have ever met!
That right there tells you how fucked up college is when a retarded xian can become a professor!

On Tuesday, May 10, 2016 1:15 PM, "ivan.folghera@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

 I didn't know you could do mechanics at uni... and see that already highlights the differences between different institutions - where I live you cannot even study mechanics at uni, you can only do the higher degrees like engineering. And just because you mother is the way she is doesn't really have any bearing since anyone can be any particular way it doesn't make them a product of their schooling and again this depends on the degree - some of the social science and humanities degrees can seem to have more jewish influence at certain colleges/unis than others.

But when someone has a life threatening illness which requires immediate intervention or I am trusting someone to build a road bridge so that it doesn't collapse when I drive over it or for an engineer to direct the stacking of rubbish so it doesn't avalanche then we'd better hope those people studied their asses off at uni cos otherwise we will be living in tha IDIOCRACY.

It's not just college which is full of Marxist brainwashing, it's the whole of academia from pre school to universities and everywhere in between. We shoud all try our best to keep our children out of school and have them home schooled and also keep a very tight control on what TV/media of any kind you allow them to watch.
Fakename is right, school is infested with Marxist bullshit. A good example is history class with ofcourse jewish lies about our Fuhrer. Also something that makes no sense is allot of homework and teachers that make no time to instruct something to you. You have to learn so much even the stuff that you won't use in the real practical world. It's all bullshit! Your brain is stuffed with useless information that way. And let us not forget about the hateful multicultural society on schools which are fucking chaotic and dangerous with cultural clashes! These days it's obvious the schools are completely run by jews, and as long as they rule our school system, it completely fucking sucks and is useless! Those are my thoughts on school due to real life experiences!

Hail Satan and all Gods and Goddesses of Duat!!!
On Tue, 5/10/16, fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Don't waste your money going to college. the system is totally JEWED
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2016, 9:16 PM

Every class I went to in
college was full of marxist shitbags.
Also I
never said "everyone is equal so no one is entitled to
a degree man" YOU said that.

putting words in my mouth and trying to twist shit around
into something it's not.
Everyone I know
who got a college degree regretted even wasting their time
with it because none of them could even get a job in their
chosen field.
Also doctors are ALREADY
I could have easily gotten a degree and a job
if I'd wanted but I had other priorities and I sure as
fuck wasn't going to tolerate all the retarded marxist
classes telling me right to my face to KILL MYSELF FOR BEING
So if you're seriously defending
that jewish den of marxists that USED TO BE a place of
higher learning but has since degenerated into being nothing
more than a jewish fuckhole for your brain then that makes
YOU sound like a marxist not me.
putting words in peoples mouth's and then calling us
There's enough
bullshit and infighting already because of shit like
The most disgusting and recent example
is when Teloc Vovim tried to usurp the HP's and called
HC a communist when she finally got called out on her
Don't you start pulling this
shit too

    On Tuesday, May 10, 2016
11:08 AM, "Fourth Reich fourth_reich666@...
[JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]

    Ivan is right. While college may not be for
everyone if you are talented in something else that can make
you a living, it doesn't mean you are given the
responsibility to bash on getting a degree.
"Lets stop going to college man, what a
waste of money man, everyone is equal so no one should be
entitled to a degree man, college is stupid man" that
the real social Marxist shit, not college.
College is stupid....say that to the doctor
next time you go to one, because if there was no college any
retard can become a doctor. If people find college and
education tough, well tough luck, just because people
struggle with it doesnt mean it's stupid. The fact that
one may not be as intelligent as another doesn't make
education a flaw.
The fact that you picked a
bad straw doing mechanics in college doesn't make
college stupid.

    the video's still up. But it's
blocked in Germany because "muh copyright. GIMME YOUR
Also Ivan that's
bullshit. My mother has a PhD and she's the stupidest
xian bitch I ever met.
The things they
taught me in college as a mechanic were things you could
learn in any trade school for far less money.
Better to go to a trade school if you have the
money to throw around on college.
At least
then you have a job once you're done.
But since I hated ALL my career options and am
only interested in becoming an immortal god, an assassin of
hell like the thule society, and a musician, All the things
I really want to learn can only be learned from the gods.
I have no reason to waste my time and money in
a jew run marxist fuckhole called college


On Monday, May 9, 2016 8:40
PM, "harrilehtosaari@...
[JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]


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School is definitely, crap and brainwashing what it is. Its normally considered a loss of time, BUT, unless all of these orders are taken back to us and reverted, it will merely remain that way. Now every SS can go where they feel is better that they should go, upon examination of their abilities and talents. This is obvious.

Try to benefit the jews as much as less as possible, or not at all. Its obvious they are below every rock in the beach, but if you don't walk the way, they will keep owning the beach. Simple as that. Stomp on them good.

Obviously in some states, going to the University is free (you lose nothing at all), while in the USA or England, you have to pay your family's fortunes to get in. So you have to weight the convenience and everything before you proceed with any choice of that nature. Though, education is MANDATORY and NESSESCARY.

In closing, home schooling, learning and knowledge, this is beyond question. Base your life where it should better be based. Time is running and times are moving. People like DaVinci, Tesla, or Hitler weren't merely doing SOME meditation here and then and suddenly they became great. They were the product of meditation and work for probably hundreds of years or more, of many lifetimes.

One must place themselves equal to what they are equal and not try to make up their live's rules based on others. Or else delusions will bring downfall and destruction. As a GENERAL rule, people can't follow these instances. If one is of such instances, it will manifest and they will KNOW. Not as in "KNOW" as some frail conviction, but in their reality as well. Its beyond the ordinary realm of knowing and wanting to let others know.
Firstly, I didn't call anyone a communist or put any words in anyone's mouth, I used that as an example of what everyone I have met who says schools are stupid said.
On Tue, 10 May, 2016 at 21:24, fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   you guys are taking this shit WAY out of context.
I've been to college and I know first hand what kind of jewish marxist circus it is.
Textbooks that aren't even worth $20 you get charged $200+ each!I've had professors openly try to push communism and tell everyone "white people are evil!"I've seen the bullshit myself so I quit and I studied 3 different majors, none of which panned out because of the jewish financial bullshit they try to force on you.
And did you seriously just call me a MARXIST for pointing out that colleges are marxist death traps run by jews?!
Now sure, if we kicked out the jews college would be a great thing!
But as it is now colleges are nothing but jewish brainwashing camps out to rob you blind!
I spent my whole life living on a college campus because my mother is a PROFESSOR!She's also the stupidest xian I have ever met!
That right there tells you how fucked up college is when a retarded xian can become a professor!

On Tuesday, May 10, 2016 1:15 PM, "ivan.folghera@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I didn't know you could do mechanics at uni... and see that already highlights the differences between different institutions - where I live you cannot even study mechanics at uni, you can only do the higher degrees like engineering. And just because you mother is the way she is doesn't really have any bearing since anyone can be any particular way it doesn't make them a product of their schooling and again this depends on the degree - some of the social science and humanities degrees can seem to have more jewish influence at certain colleges/unis than others.

But when someone has a life threatening illness which requires immediate intervention or I am trusting someone to build a road bridge so that it doesn't collapse when I drive over it or for an engineer to direct the stacking of rubbish so it doesn't avalanche then we'd better hope those people studied their asses off at uni cos otherwise we will be living in tha IDIOCRACY.
My reply got cut. But don't tell me what shit to do and not to do.
Secondly, everyone I know who has a college degree are prosperous, wealthy and happy people, especially those who did engineering or Medicine or a degree of that standing

On Tue, 10 May, 2016 at 21:16, fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Every class I went to in college was full of marxist shitbags.
Also I never said "everyone is equal so no one is entitled to a degree man" YOU said that.
Quit putting words in my mouth and trying to twist shit around into something it's not.
Everyone I know who got a college degree regretted even wasting their time with it because none of them could even get a job in their chosen field.
I could have easily gotten a degree and a job if I'd wanted but I had other priorities and I sure as fuck wasn't going to tolerate all the retarded marxist classes telling me right to my face to KILL MYSELF FOR BEING WHITE.
So if you're seriously defending that jewish den of marxists that USED TO BE a place of higher learning but has since degenerated into being nothing more than a jewish fuckhole for your brain then that makes YOU sound like a marxist not me.
Quit putting words in peoples mouth's and then calling us "marxists".
There's enough bullshit and infighting already because of shit like that.
The most disgusting and recent example is when Teloc Vovim tried to usurp the HP's and called HC a communist when she finally got called out on her bullshit.
Don't you start pulling this shit too

On Tuesday, May 10, 2016 11:08 AM, "Fourth Reich fourth_reich666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Ivan is right. While college may not be for everyone if you are talented in something else that can make you a living, it doesn't mean you are given the responsibility to bash on getting a degree.
"Lets stop going to college man, what a waste of money man, everyone is equal so no one should be entitled to a degree man, college is stupid man" that the real social Marxist shit, not college.
College is stupid....say that to the doctor next time you go to one, because if there was no college any retard can become a doctor. If people find college and education tough, well tough luck, just because people struggle with it doesnt mean it's stupid. The fact that one may not be as intelligent as another doesn't make education a flaw.
The fact that you picked a bad straw doing mechanics in college doesn't make college stupid.
  the video's still up. But it's blocked in Germany because "muh copyright. GIMME YOUR SHEKELS GOY!"
Also Ivan that's bullshit. My mother has a PhD and she's the stupidest xian bitch I ever met.
The things they taught me in college as a mechanic were things you could learn in any trade school for far less money.
Better to go to a trade school if you have the money to throw around on college.
At least then you have a job once you're done.
But since I hated ALL my career options and am only interested in becoming an immortal god, an assassin of hell like the thule society, and a musician, All the things I really want to learn can only be learned from the gods.
I have no reason to waste my time and money in a jew run marxist fuckhole called college

On Monday, May 9, 2016 8:40 PM, "harrilehtosaari@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

Again, my app sends without me finishing. Every doctor I know, including my parents and my brother and soon and the members of my family going to med school do not regret their decision and absolutely love it and they aren't Jews nor are they jewed. Where I live, I've never met or heard of a Jewish doctor.
Most of the National Socialisrs had a college degree in pre war Germany.
You might have gone to a Jewish den, but colleges were I live are far from that. Secondly, they are cheap.
Im not saying that everyone should be a doctor or get a high standing degree. In National Socialists societies that won't work. You need to have a post man, a shop owner, a cleaner, a farmer etc. That is a vital contribution. However, if you drop out because "college is stupid, man" I don't know what to say. Maybe you should phrase it like "I would like to be a farmer or take over my family business." Maybe you got a degree with no jobs, but still you can try and get a job, at that point you go to trade school's. Degree or no degree, all income must arise from work.

As I said before, I never took any of your words or twisted them, you took what I said and intentionally misinterpreted them as obviously apparent by your aggressive temperament in your reply. Which is more made apparent by you randomly attempting to make a non existent bridge between teloc and I. So don't be pathetic and get personal from mere words because I said real talk. And don't accuse me of being Marxist. I truly do advise you not to make it personal, I refrained from saying shit like that when I am more than capable of. I don't mind aggressive attitudes to get a point across, but I do mind that attitude when one does it when they are pissed off.
Also, do not apply your case to that of others. 

On Tue, 10 May, 2016 at 21:16, fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Every class I went to in college was full of marxist shitbags.
Also I never said "everyone is equal so no one is entitled to a degree man" YOU said that.
Quit putting words in my mouth and trying to twist shit around into something it's not.
Everyone I know who got a college degree regretted even wasting their time with it because none of them could even get a job in their chosen field.
I could have easily gotten a degree and a job if I'd wanted but I had other priorities and I sure as fuck wasn't going to tolerate all the retarded marxist classes telling me right to my face to KILL MYSELF FOR BEING WHITE.
So if you're seriously defending that jewish den of marxists that USED TO BE a place of higher learning but has since degenerated into being nothing more than a jewish fuckhole for your brain then that makes YOU sound like a marxist not me.
Quit putting words in peoples mouth's and then calling us "marxists".
There's enough bullshit and infighting already because of shit like that.
The most disgusting and recent example is when Teloc Vovim tried to usurp the HP's and called HC a communist when she finally got called out on her bullshit.
Don't you start pulling this shit too

On Tuesday, May 10, 2016 11:08 AM, "Fourth Reich fourth_reich666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Ivan is right. While college may not be for everyone if you are talented in something else that can make you a living, it doesn't mean you are given the responsibility to bash on getting a degree.
"Lets stop going to college man, what a waste of money man, everyone is equal so no one should be entitled to a degree man, college is stupid man" that the real social Marxist shit, not college.
College is stupid....say that to the doctor next time you go to one, because if there was no college any retard can become a doctor. If people find college and education tough, well tough luck, just because people struggle with it doesnt mean it's stupid. The fact that one may not be as intelligent as another doesn't make education a flaw.
The fact that you picked a bad straw doing mechanics in college doesn't make college stupid.
  the video's still up. But it's blocked in Germany because "muh copyright. GIMME YOUR SHEKELS GOY!"
Also Ivan that's bullshit. My mother has a PhD and she's the stupidest xian bitch I ever met.
The things they taught me in college as a mechanic were things you could learn in any trade school for far less money.
Better to go to a trade school if you have the money to throw around on college.
At least then you have a job once you're done.
But since I hated ALL my career options and am only interested in becoming an immortal god, an assassin of hell like the thule society, and a musician, All the things I really want to learn can only be learned from the gods.
I have no reason to waste my time and money in a jew run marxist fuckhole called college

On Monday, May 9, 2016 8:40 PM, "harrilehtosaari@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

In Europe my books are cheap, my uniform is cheap and unless I got to a private school, education is for free.
I've never had a teacher say anything remotely close to that shit
On Tue, 10 May, 2016 at 21:24, fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   you guys are taking this shit WAY out of context.
I've been to college and I know first hand what kind of jewish marxist circus it is.
Textbooks that aren't even worth $20 you get charged $200+ each!I've had professors openly try to push communism and tell everyone "white people are evil!"I've seen the bullshit myself so I quit and I studied 3 different majors, none of which panned out because of the jewish financial bullshit they try to force on you.
And did you seriously just call me a MARXIST for pointing out that colleges are marxist death traps run by jews?!
Now sure, if we kicked out the jews college would be a great thing!
But as it is now colleges are nothing but jewish brainwashing camps out to rob you blind!
I spent my whole life living on a college campus because my mother is a PROFESSOR!She's also the stupidest xian I have ever met!
That right there tells you how fucked up college is when a retarded xian can become a professor!

On Tuesday, May 10, 2016 1:15 PM, "ivan.folghera@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I didn't know you could do mechanics at uni... and see that already highlights the differences between different institutions - where I live you cannot even study mechanics at uni, you can only do the higher degrees like engineering. And just because you mother is the way she is doesn't really have any bearing since anyone can be any particular way it doesn't make them a product of their schooling and again this depends on the degree - some of the social science and humanities degrees can seem to have more jewish influence at certain colleges/unis than others.

But when someone has a life threatening illness which requires immediate intervention or I am trusting someone to build a road bridge so that it doesn't collapse when I drive over it or for an engineer to direct the stacking of rubbish so it doesn't avalanche then we'd better hope those people studied their asses off at uni cos otherwise we will be living in tha IDIOCRACY.
When you go to school, choosing your degree is the most important step. If I had to say what is messed up the most by Jewish influence, it would be the unnecessary things you have to take with said degree. For example, I would like to go into medicine, but I have to take philosophy and ethics and listen to people spew crap about their worldviews. That is messed up. Not the fact you have to go to school and learn what you truly need, but the fact you have to listen to things that do not even pertain to the subject. Now, when it comes down to medicine, I understand needed psychology and sociology to understand human interactions, but some things do not need to be taught. However, college is necessary to make doctors, Vets, renewable energy engineers, and so on and so fourth. Satan needs these people to reclaim the sciences because of Jew infestation. The generation that is going through school now will change so much in the coming years. Look at the next generation after Pluto in Scorpio, they will revolutionize colleges and schooling.
Idk what college you went to but of the "jewish dens of marxists" I went to, I came in contact with 0 communist professors, 0 jew professors, 0 "marxist shitbags" for classmates, and 0 'kill yourself for being white' remarks. There are some numbers for you. Also, from what I remember, the words communism, marxism, and white privilege came up not once during any of my courses so i don't underrated how you got every class full of them. My cousins who are going now don't get that and my parents who went 10 years ago didn't get that.
If everyone you know regretted their college degree, they probably didn't get one that has a good job growth. Either way it's not a waste. They may not get a job in their desires field, but that degree can keep them out of the minimum wage jobs meant for high schoolers.

What we are doing is opposing your ill-advice. For some people a degree could mean the difference between happiness and grief, or success and discontent. Do not tell people to disregard a path they have chosen just because you had a bad experience. Not all degrees are influenced by professors. For example, off the top of my head, any of the STEM fields. Which is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. There are some things you can't learn on your own and there are jobs you can't get without a degree. You telling people not to get a degree can leave some previously-collegebound kid without a whole lot of opportunity. Again, bad advice.

On May 10, 2016, at 3:16 PM, fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Every class I went to in college was full of marxist shitbags.
Also I never said "everyone is equal so no one is entitled to a degree man" YOU said that.
Quit putting words in my mouth and trying to twist shit around into something it's not.
Everyone I know who got a college degree regretted even wasting their time with it because none of them could even get a job in their chosen field.
I could have easily gotten a degree and a job if I'd wanted but I had other priorities and I sure as fuck wasn't going to tolerate all the retarded marxist classes telling me right to my face to KILL MYSELF FOR BEING WHITE.
So if you're seriously defending that jewish den of marxists that USED TO BE a place of higher learning but has since degenerated into being nothing more than a jewish fuckhole for your brain then that makes YOU sound like a marxist not me.
Quit putting words in peoples mouth's and then calling us "marxists".
There's enough bullshit and infighting already because of shit like that.
The most disgusting and recent example is when Teloc Vovim tried to usurp the HP's and called HC a communist when she finally got called out on her bullshit.
Don't you start pulling this shit too

On Tuesday, May 10, 2016 11:08 AM, "Fourth Reich fourth_reich666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Ivan is right. While college may not be for everyone if you are talented in something else that can make you a living, it doesn't mean you are given the responsibility to bash on getting a degree.
"Lets stop going to college man, what a waste of money man, everyone is equal so no one should be entitled to a degree man, college is stupid man" that the real social Marxist shit, not college.
College is stupid....say that to the doctor next time you go to one, because if there was no college any retard can become a doctor. If people find college and education tough, well tough luck, just because people struggle with it doesnt mean it's stupid. The fact that one may not be as intelligent as another doesn't make education a flaw.
The fact that you picked a bad straw doing mechanics in college doesn't make college stupid.
  the video's still up. But it's blocked in Germany because "muh copyright. GIMME YOUR SHEKELS GOY!"
Also Ivan that's bullshit. My mother has a PhD and she's the stupidest xian bitch I ever met.
The things they taught me in college as a mechanic were things you could learn in any trade school for far less money.
Better to go to a trade school if you have the money to throw around on college.
At least then you have a job once you're done.
But since I hated ALL my career options and am only interested in becoming an immortal god, an assassin of hell like the thule society, and a musician, All the things I really want to learn can only be learned from the gods.
I have no reason to waste my time and money in a jew run marxist fuckhole called college

On Monday, May 9, 2016 8:40 PM, "harrilehtosaari@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

No. You should use your mind to build your own business. Not financially aid in the Jews plot to destroy gentiles.
On May 10, 2016 1:49 AM, "Fourth Reich fourth_reich666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  So you if you have an IQ of 140 you shouldn't bother going to collage and can just go work in KFC?
Education is vital on the third level IMO
When i was kid i hated school. I have this ablility that know truth and who lie my. So i right away felt when they start pushing on my a crap of education. It was like jail for me.

Sent from Samsung Mobile

-------- Original message --------
From: "black.wyrm666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
Date: 10/05/2016 15:11 (GMT+01:00)
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Don't waste your money going to college. the system is totally JEWED

  If one checks the 16th Protocol, there the scum says they will annihilate the 1st Line of Human Defense – the universities. Of course, the hateful anti-educational paragraphs are scattered all over the Protocols, just as jewish shit is around the world.   A BA or MA, or PhD means little at best, at worst, it “allows” you to enter the rat race, and if you’re weak, shit you out.   Vocational / trade schools are the best (and mind you, a teacher tells you this), because as Angry Shaman said, you got the trade and some initial experience. If you go to college / university – much theory, less practice (if any).   In the col / uni you will HARDLY read any mind blowing stuff that will revolutionize your self. Not to mention there is a higher risk of stumbling upon some jerkhova shit, or any other brainwashed zombies. Unless you want to expose their stupidity, or practise argumentation against these sub-humans. Alas, that requires tons of self-certitude as well as perseverance. Numbers can overwhelm.   The solution – self-education. If one is a Satanist and has the Gods’ support, he or she can find TONS of good stuff. Go to a voc / trade school, learn the trade, but in your free time, learn, educate yourself, let yourself be a dry sponge, ‘cause when dipped in the infinite waters of wisdom, you will absorb much.   There is a huge difference between education and ed-jew-cation.   HS! HAIL VOLAC! 88!
In order to live a wealthy, prosperous life, you have to have some sort of education. I deal with xians each day in school and I speak my knowledge Satan gave me. It's the point of self control and belief in Satan. Yesterday, I had US History State testing and prayed to Satan to help me pass, and out of no where, I saw a number with "666" behind it - which let me know he was there. He's the one responsible for me passing with advance on my English state test. I understand the cost of college. 
Perfectly stated through out the entire reply.
In regards to your last two paragraphs on infighting and giving a presentable argument, fake name has a habit of declaring anyone against his opinion (which he sometimes conjure with a total lack of logic, validity, proof or evidence) a Jew, a Marxist or a goy. Then he proceeds to continually accuse others of infighting because he can "feel feel their aura" from their pictures or their text. Furthermore, when he meets the resistance of logic, he confronts it with needless capital letters in insults. 
I'm not saying this as an attack towards fake but he needs to adjusts this attitude as it only goes downhill from here. What could've been a productive conversation but instead in the turns into this shit of your wrong and I'm right even though I won't produce a logical argument. Ego has a part to play in it as well.
On Wed, 11 May, 2016 at 4:36, ivan.folghera@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Well don't let me help you with my jewed up Chinese medicine degree then..

You can let some person who has only eve read books online stick a needle in you and possibly send you to the ER or kill you because they've never been trained appraopriately.

Better yet let us allow only the jews and jew lovers to occupy all the educated positions whilst we strong and proud Satanists become tradies and become the ruled over goy...

Anyone who studies hard enough can become a professor - xian, muslim, Satanist or atheist. This is evidence of nothing.

And likening the addition of a counter argument to what is essentially opinion to an attempt to bring destruction and division to the JOS is just a lazy way of precluding the effort necessary to either:

A: present a convincing case for your argument or

B: accept that maybe you are in error and have not considered the full picture and do the research to obtain such view.

Disagreeing with bad logic is not infighting, it is called teaching and some of the younger members here who have been on this earth significantly less time than some of the older ones might like to take heed of this and adjust their attitude appropriately for the good of their own minds and development. It is not a sign of weakness to recognise that you are wrong sometimes and take on board the opinions of those who are looking out for your long term well-being. It is a sign of weakness to take the easy way out and pretend that you are right and accuse everyone else of all manner of atrocities rather than look at the subject honestly..
Oh really!? My bad. I get it now. People dont learn about medicine in medical school, nor do they learn about engineering when studying engineering! Makes sense. I hope you can catch my sarcasm.
In medicine, from top to bottom, everything you learn about is entirely related to medicine. You must have a college for medicine, it is impossible to learn at home. "Everything can be found outside uni" let your next doctor tell you he taught himself medicine and we'll see if you still go by your logic. 
Hail Wotan! Hail Amon Ra! Hail Horus! 
Heil Hitler! Heil Himmler! Sieg Heil!
Long live National Socialism!

On Wednesday, May 11, 2016 3:35 AM, "fadiinflames@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @fourth , not what they teach at uni
youre just learning stuff the jews want you to learn (most of it is useless and outdated and can be found 10x better in books for free outside uni)

If you studied say engineering or medicine, 100% of what you learn is what you use. 
Hail Wotan! Hail Amon Ra! Hail Horus! 
Heil Hitler! Heil Himmler! Sieg Heil!
Long live National Socialism!

On Wednesday, May 11, 2016 3:35 AM, "moekcrocell@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Actually, I'll say from experience that the things they 'taught' in schools I've been to (mostly Private but large ones) had rarely been of use in the me of today. 90% of the things that I know currently, I had learned from experience and research that I had enacted myself; never through school. On top of that, rarely had I enjoyed interacting with the kikes and mudslimes the schools I attended were infested with, and self-seclusion from them had actually assisted in me retaining my sanity. Also, the funniest part, is that I always received a D on nearly everything I did, and, even though I had always poured all my effort into my tests, I'd be told that I needed to try harder or I'll "never be successful". All of the aforementioned have lead me to loathe the thought of ever going to college, knowing that I'll just be abused by kikes and the rest of that stem.

years ago, I'd stopped studying,giving school almost no importance just because what someone here said similar things like these. And I regret making my decisions based on others opinions  because I haven't still graduated yet but my parents are going to retire soon lol and I don't have any source of income. People of my age have already graduated 3-4 years ago. Now I have to study for more extra 3 years to get graduation.
School is crap yeah but look at the other positive side of it. There are alot of positive things at there. You get in touch with other people, you get friends, that way you keep your social aspect of life healthy and working well. We are social beings and anti-social behavior is really unhealthy.
And having prior knowledge about the lies you study in the books there gives you more power over them and you become confident in a way..
You need education, It's necessary.
Would you trust a person who learned civil engineering etc. through a computer to build your house? Would you trust a doctor who learned medicine through a computer to give you a heart by pass surgery?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
