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  1. K

    Happy Imbolc (2025)

    Happy Imbolc!
  2. K

    New Year Address & Osiris God Ritual

    Happy New Year! A great ritual to start 2025 with. Finnish translation: https://joyofsatan.fi/kirjasto/osiris-power-ritual.html
  3. K

    New God Rituals: Nepthys & Sekhmet NOW LIVE [Nov 17 to Nov 23]

    Thank you for the rituals and the knowledge of the great Goddesses. Finnish translations of the rituals: https://joyofsatan.fi/kirjasto/sekhmet-power-ritual.html https://joyofsatan.fi/kirjasto/nepthys-power-ritual.html
  4. K

    Burning Karma; Working as a Family

    Very beautiful sermon. Donations are quite easy to do after you cross the threshold of making the first one. The rest follow and you no longer hesitate.
  5. K

    About Prisoners To Negativity - Empathy, Modern World & Mental Health

    Thank you for the sermon, amazing timing. Just last night I had asked my GD about this topic, and now here is the answer.
  6. K

    Samhain: Two New God Rituals - Bastet and Seshat

    Happy Samhain. Beautiful rituals. I "randomly" woke up in the middle of the night, checked the forums and saw these posted so I translated them to Finnish instead of going back to bed: https://joyofsatan.fi/kirjasto/bastet-power-ritual.html https://joyofsatan.fi/kirjasto/seshat-power-ritual.html
  7. K

    Joy of Satanas Logo Update

  8. K

    New God Rituals: Raum & Asclepius

    Thank you for the rituals! Finnish translations here: https://joyofsatan.fi/kirjasto/khnum-power-ritual.html https://joyofsatan.fi/kirjasto/asclepius-power-ritual.html
  9. K

    Finnish Translation Thread

    JoS Documentary about Himmler with Finnish subtitles: https://odysee.com/@Ukko666:6/Heinrich-Himmler---The-Aryan-Knight-His-Life-and-Struggle-WW2---DOCUMENTARY---FIN:b
  10. K

    3 New Rituals: Heroic Ancestors Ritual, Zepar [Zephyros] & Ose [Eos] Rituals

    Brilliant new rituals, excellent. Finnish translations: https://joyofsatan.fi/kirjasto/ritual-of-the-great-ancestors.html https://joyofsatan.fi/kirjasto/zephyrus-power-ritual.html https://joyofsatan.fi/kirjasto/eos-power-ritual.html
  11. K

    Agares [Argus Panoptes] Power Ritual

    Perfect timing for this ritual! I have been working on my third eye lately every day. Immediately started to feel pressure in my third eye when I began performing the ritual. I also performed the Opening of the Third Eye Meditation right after the ritual, which felt very powerful. Finnish...
  12. K

    New Sections Update

    I've translated the ethics page. Will get to work with the rest.
  13. K

    Jos Astro update May 2024

    I noticed a couple of missing translations for Finnish: - In the transit/natal chart/planetary returns/fixed stars sections: "Birth Information" should be "Syntymätiedot" - The names of the days in the current sky section are in English (Monday = Maanantai, Tuesday = Tiistai, Wednesday =...
  14. K


    Thank you for the rituals. Translated into Finnish: https://joyofsatan.fi/kirjasto/adramalech-alpheus-power-ritual.html https://joyofsatan.fi/kirjasto/alastor-power-ritual.html https://joyofsatan.fi/kirjasto/asmodeus-eshmun-power-ritual.html...
  15. K

    New Translation Method: Three-Layered Translation System

    Thank you for this. Very good work!
  16. K

    New God Rituals Now LIVE: Maat & Dagan - Demon Section Future Updates

    Finnish translations for the rituals: https://joyofsatan.fi/kirjasto/maat-power-ritual.html https://joyofsatan.fi/kirjasto/dagan-power-ritual.html Even before performing the rituals I felt very positive emotions while translating the texts. Beautiful.
  17. K

    New Rituals & Schedule Now Live: HPS Maxine's Ritual & Lord Balaam's Ritual

    Wonderful rituals. I have translated these to Finnish: HPS Maxine's ritual: https://joyofsatan.fi/kirjasto/HPS-Maxine-apotheosis-ritual.html Balaam's ritual: https://joyofsatan.fi/kirjasto/Balaam-Power-Ritual.html The Grand Ritual: https://joyofsatan.fi/kirjasto/Grand_Ritual_FI.html
  18. K

    Focalor / Lucifuge Rofocal Ritual Now LIVE!

    Thank you for the wonderful ritual. Finnish translation here.
  19. K

    Useless Junk: How to Have a More Spiritual Material Life

    Thank you for this post. Perfect timing, as I am just about to move to a new place and have been considering what to take with me and what to give away. I have also noticed that excess items that are just laying around without any use just make me feel bad. This post confirms I wasn't just...
  20. K


    Feedback: The ritual was released at a perfect time. I had been planning to initiate a major change in my life on the date, and I was very positively surprised by the ritual being released on the same day. After performing the ritual I had zero hesitation to act, and things have been going...
  21. K

    Ukrainian Orthodox Church: "Goys can now celebrate on December 25"

    I assume this has to do with energy too, since Dec 25th is the power date for the majority of Christians. According to Wikipedia 67,3% of Ukraine's population of over 41 million are Orthodox Christian. That's a lot of prayers and energy to Rabbi Jewsus on the 'correct' date. I think the enemy...
  22. K

    Dedicated but don't know what to do next, a little bit confused

    The 40 day meditation program is a great way to get started and familiar with Satanic meditation. You can also start doing the Final RTR daily. Not only will you damage the enemy, but you will also be undoing their curses from your soul. Remember to clean your aura after performing the RTR...
  23. K

    Finnish Translation Thread

    Also subtitled the documentaries Why You Fear Satan and The War From Another World
  24. K

    ’On the Nose’: Jewish Talmudic Desecration of Gentile Statues

    Reading the topic on Arabic Gentiles I noticed that a couple of the statues pictured therein were missing the tips of their noses, and I have seen this phenomenon on several Ancient statues, most notably the Sphinx of Egypt. Why is this so? It’s a Talmudic ritual to ’revoke’ the status of...
  25. K

    Finnish Translation Thread

    Exit The Jewtrix with Finnish subtitles: https://odysee.com/@Ukko666:6/exit_the_jewtrix_finsub
  26. K

    SATAN'S DAY RITUAL - 23rd to 29th Of December - Happy Yule Wishes!

    Happy Yule everyone! :arrow: Finnish translation of the Ritual
  27. K


    What a beautiful read. Thank you. This brings to mind Nietzsche's "become who you are", which shows just how ancient his philosophy really is.
  28. K

    The "Corona-Virus" & The Satya Yuga/Golden Age

    THANK YOU so much for your words, Brother. It means a lot to me, and I think you're doing a lot of great work, too. Let's keep it up!
  29. K

    What Is An "Ego" ?

    Thank you for the sermon. Incredible timing and much needed. With some of the wisdom in life, it's like going to the dentist: it might hurt, but you're going to walk out healthier and better. :D
  30. K

    Children Of The Light

    Yes, it does happen often. And it always feels like it's exactly at the right hour.
  31. K

    I'm a failure and mentally ill

    You will be reborn as you, with all the karma and hangups, but also positive things like your level of spiritual advancement and strengths of character. So when you start meditating, cleaning your soul, freeing yourself from negative karma, and advancing other ways, you will keep those qualities...
  32. K

    Making Mistakes And The Gods, Reaching Our Human Perfection

    Incredible. Just what I needed to read. Thank you ❤️
  33. K

    Bonnier: Jews in Nordic Media

    Out of Stockholm operates Bonnier Group, that consists of 175 companies that operate in 15 countries. They publish books and magazines and films, and own TV and radio channels - they're very big in Nordic media. As a small example of what they own, in Sweden they own the Swedish newspapers...
  34. K

    Please state here what website you are/will be translating

    I am currently doing editing/correcting for a Finnish translation of The Real Holocaust (from Black Sun 666)
  35. K

    Mainstream media being exposed continues. more RTR effects

    French General asked about his statement on the group of people who controls the media, on live TV, interviewed by a Jew. Watch the interviewer get enraged and shake as he asks the general who this group is. "QUI ?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xziuvusBHu0 (you can turn the English subtitles on)
  36. K

    Is Caucasian race white race?

    'Caucasian' also refers to the several peoples living in the Caucasus mountains. Does the OP mean that instead, perhaps?
  37. K

    Finnish Translation Thread

    Happy to translate whatever is needed. I did the SS calendar's Finnish translation. If you think the quality isn't too shoddy, I'm in :D [email protected]
  38. K

    Advanced Knowledge: Witches Sabbath & The Lunar Month Purification Circle [Updated]

    Prior to reading this, I always wondered why in Nordic countries Saturday is called Bathing Day, when the rest of the days are named after the Sun, the Moon and the Gods. It seemed out of place. Now it makes sense. :mrgreen:
  39. K

    How can I increase my psychic openness

    Throat Chakra rules psychic hearing. Throat Chakra Yoga: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=55467 At the end of the session you can vibrate Inanna or the Sanskrit mantra Haum into your throat chakra. Opening the Third Eye...
  40. K

    Is Xi jinping an Asian Jew?

    China: https://www.the-savoisien.com/blog/index.php?post/Istvan-Bakony-Chinese-communism-and-chinese-jews Japan: https://ia803001.us.archive.org/23/items/lops09bakonyitsvanjewishfifthcolumninjapan_201907/LOPS-09-Bakony%20Itsvan%20-%20Jewish%20fifth%20column%20in%20Japan.pdf India...
  41. K

    Preparing For Next Schedule

    Yes, you can participate. Do the Final+Killing Tetragrammaton RTR every day. When HP Cobra announces the new schedule, do the rituals that are listed on it on the correct dates.
  42. K


    Yoga for Base Chakra and repressed anger by Lydia: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=47239
  43. K


    Demoness = female demon. You can use the following prayer from Returning Cures 1: You can also visualize sending the curses/negative energies back to the enemy yourself. But as it says on the site, don't hesitate to ask for help.
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    I don't know if it upsets Satan or not. But ultimately it's your own choice, your responsibility. I would rather look at it from the perspective of your health, to which smoking and drinking (even small amounts) is objectively detrimental. My opinion: quit that shit completely and don't look...
  45. K

    Anton Levay and jews

    Have you performed any of the meditations provided by this ministry? Success in any would prove that it is indeed not bogus.
  46. K

    Meme warfare

    Oy vey!
  47. K

    SS Testimonials

    I dedicated almost a year and a half ago (22nd of July last year), and this time I've been a Satanist I feel like I've grown up and learnt about life and reality more than in the 26 years that preceded my dedication. I was a total nihilistic mess without direction. I'm so glad that's over. I...
  48. K

    Base: Yoga, Repressed Anger

    Talk about a good timing - just what I was looking for. Thank you!
  49. K

    About Satan In Finnish Bibles

    The Finnish word Perkele is after the arrival of Christianity synonymous with Satan/the Devil (and as we know, before that). Some researchers say that Perkele is the name of Ukko, the god of thunder and the head god in Finnish paganism. The name is also related to the Baltic Perkons/Perkunas and...
  50. K

    In Regards To Traitors/Infiltrators and Other Types Of People

    I was referring to this text's last paragraph about the Lucifer part: https://web.archive.org/web/20160630003828/http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.com/xianilluminati/ I didn't mean he's talking positively about the thing, just the warning against using Lucifer when referring to Satan. But...
  51. K

    In Regards To Traitors/Infiltrators and Other Types Of People

    I remember reading from Jake about the whole Christos Lucifer thing. He went even as far as saying we shouldn't use the name Lucifer alone (and instead we should specify it as Satan Lucifer), because the xians co-opted it or something. Was that nonsense? Like how would the name Lucifer tie more...
  52. K

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule - July 21st / August 5th

    Interesting. I made my dedication to Satan on July 21st last year (specifically the night between 21st and 22nd). Back then I had no idea about this Jewish Av or that the Final RTR had started on July 21st a year before that.
  53. K

    Help in translating the Heinrich Himmler documentary

    Sounds like it's "pious".
  54. K

    Israel to move ahead with West Bank annexation plans

    Western media is being awfully quiet about it so far... Aljazeera: Israelis protest against Netanyahu's plan to annex West Bank DW News: Israel pushes ahead with West Bank annexation plans Axios: Israel looks to move forward with West Bank annexation "within weeks" (quoted below) Let's keep up...
  55. K

    Why Antifa love cats?

    What? There's no correlation. I've seen lefty/antifa types with dogs as well. Chrsitians also hate(d) cats and killed them en masse during the middle ages because they were believed to be servants of Satan. Anyway, whether it's Jewsus or his followers hating dogs or hating cats or something...
  56. K

    FINAL RTR 21 July 2018

    Lmao come on man. My earlier post below yours, which was actually sincere, is what can actually happen if you continuously do the final RTR. I've never had anything but positive experiences doing them.
  57. K

    FINAL RTR 21 July 2018

    The past couple of days I've felt incredible doing the Final RTR like never before. Like in a very giddy, blissful kind of way. Last night I could barely continue one because I was laughing so hard, it felt pretty intense - it just started in the middle of it while I was reversing a letter...
  58. K

    Why Is Australia Burning?

    Do you have a source? Would be good to spread it.
  59. K

    Do not fear them…

    Man, are you meditating and doing yoga daily? Cleaning your aura and chakras thoroughly, returning curses etc? A working like this (I've done it, fully recommend) could work, as well as a runic working like with Wunjo to cure mental pain and scars. There are countless of ways of helping your...
  60. K

    Message from Yahoo

    They say this while at the same time shutting said platform down. These fucking rats are so shameless, it's absurd.
  61. K

    Late-Stage Christianity

    As an avid reader of the forums who doesn't post a lot, I just wanted to say, please reconsider? I can only speak for myself, but I'm absolutely certain many others here also find your posts great and insightful. Would be a shame to lose such contributions. Also I'm not accusing anyone here of...
  62. K

    Working for Confidence

    For a rune working for confidence, using for example Sól, what would be a good amount of repetitions of the rune (for someone who is new)?
  63. K

    "Yom Kippur" - Full Victory Mode : Kol Nidre RTR + Final RTR

    In the Kol Nidre RTR are you supposed to vibrate each of the words thrice (first word x3, then second word x3 and so on) and go through the text once, or go through the whole text three times, vibrating each word once per round?
  64. K

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    It says in the Runes page that Sowilo is the rune of the Sun. Currently the Sun is in Libra, its fall. So if I understand it correctly, is this a bad time to start a Sowilo working? I'm looking to start a working to increase will power. If Sowilo is currently out of the question, would some...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
