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Why Is Australia Burning?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Insightful replies were posted so I'm adding some extra here.

Physically speaking, these events most of the time have many reasons behind them. Australia may be planning strange expansion, may be preparing itself to take in more rapefugees for the next decade or more, and there could be many other factors.

This is anything but an accident. And yes, the Jews have property in Australia, and New Zealand, and many other places like Latin America, like the did in Cuba in the 1980's. This is so that they have an escape planned if shit hits the fan.

Animal sacrifice + Accelerating the climatic destruction + deforestation + destroying aboriginals and other species, all of these are sadistic and very valid reasons the enemy is doing that shit.

The enemy really hates nature to their bones. Forests and nature awaken the instincts and are important for the Gentile soul and Paganism was founded upon them. Wildlife and the wild is sort of like a temple and a church for us.

Blitzkreig said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The kikes appear to be just preparing territory in case they are chased out of the US to move into Australia and buy property? Just an initial thought.

That is terrible. I have been reading the news.

Was territory ever a real concern for them, though? Thought thye could just blend in anywhere, plus they still have China, Israel, any of the cucked Euro countries...

I think most of these wildfires are either purposely created, if not purposely stoked or aggravated. In this case, couldn't it serve as some means to raise energy through animal sacrifice?

Spiritually, I think everyone who thought of this is correct. Fires lit that all this suffering and death energy would be put into the Iran/US situation, so that they mobilize us slowly into some deadly and brutal war. The death energy raised was going to help them in that regard. Plus, the sadness and misery energy of people who gloom over this, all "Coincidentally" at the same time as Iran and the US are about to start what would escalate later in WW3.

We need to do the RTR's like there is no tommorow.

Donasdogamatastos666 said:
Reading this news and the Hp Maxine post too about Mercury movement so on I was wondering if they are trying to collect energy from animal soul to provoce some big disgrace or whatever evil... What do you think about HP? I am going to recite the fourth rtr to nullify the power coming from animal and human soul(mahd ah hah-Sheff en teh...) is it good idea? Hope so!


I am really worried too, but the Gods insist we stay on the RTR, as it's the enemy who pulls this damnation on and nobody else. The environmental issues will never be solved while the enemy is on this earth. You stop one thing and they already have started 10 more.

Nobody else would want to burn the Amazon and kill all the species in it, or the poor animals in Australia, and all this diversity.

The enemy declared war on Nature and Naturalism a long time ago. Our Gods are called the "Gods of the field", the "Natural Gods" and other such names. As one member posted a diatribe from a Jew, the jews consider Nature to be the greatest evil, and that it benefits Gentiles and disenfranchises the Jew. The jew is an alien and botched species, and our planet means nothing to them. Jews have out of all lands picked the most sterile desert that is called "Israel" to live in.

Everyone also needs to know that Jews have symbolic burning of nature as a symbolism of killing and destroying Paganism. For them, razing natural resources and natural forest is sort of like a business of removing temples of the Gods from the Earth. Paganism was always linked to rural worship, nature, and these emotions are powerful in forests.

Astarte's symbols in the bible are wooden, as were many effigies in the past. We Pagans are very keen on Nature as it represents our Gods, and our Gods represent respect towards nature and the environment, we are naturally to inhabit this planet. Respecting nature is one's living environment, and this shows greatness of consciousness.

Greys, reptilians, and all this garbage, lives in artificial, grey smog, polluted and disgusting places, which to our species would be unlivable, and deadly to even imagine. The future they promote and manipulate humanity of going into, is a future of emotional death, what is human in us, our "naturalness", is seen as hateful.

Being on a forest and on wildlife evokes a sense of greatness, respect, and spirituality. The same goes on mountains. Forests also have vital energy and this is why a "rejuvenating" walk doesn't happen in a big, ugly grey city, filled with smog, but on the wild.

Plus, these places are great for channeling the powerful forces of nature, coming in contact with other living species, and understanding and respecting the diversity of life on the planet. All our tales are nature based because nature is holy and divine for us. Half our temples aren't the ones we have built with marble or rock, but forests, mountains, and the soil beneath our very feet.

slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The kikes appear to be just preparing territory in case they are chased out of the US to move into Australia and buy property? Just an initial thought.

That is terrible. I have been reading the news.

This stuff is so crazy and surreal it almost seems like a Joke but sadly you may not even be wrong. We need to keep up the rtrs. I am really worried about the enviornment. Not to mention where I live is supposed to be cold in the winter but it's not just me that's been noticing it has been much warmer recently in the last few years than usual. I thought we were making this up but then I remembered back to my childhood. Not that this is a bad thing for a person like me but I am really worried about the enviornment I feel we are almost to the point of no return with the world.

Lastly, a very important explanation given by an SS Brother on the matter:

Arcadia said:
First off, I’d like to say that a few spectators in countries outside Australia have tried to dismiss this whole event as “well, bushfires happen in Australia every year, who cares?” To be sure, every summer we do have seasonal bushfires. I can reliably say however, there’s never been anything like this before.

As a matter of fact, several Aboriginal Elders were asked for their thoughts on the current bushfire crisis, and they all said the same thing. That their entire oral history, passed down through thousands of years, had never spoken of a fire catastrophe quite like this. Personally, after how severe the drought we’ve just had, I’d almost begin to speculate the existence of atmosphere weaponry spoken of in other sermons, back during the California wildfires.

With that said, there’s still a multitude of reasons for why this has happened, and I’ll explain without the shilling you’d get elsewhere, as a citizen of this nation. The inner workings of Australia aren’t all too well known to outsiders, so I figured it’d be important information to inform others how these fires are ultimately the work of the enemy, with some background history.

First off, Australia’s current ruling political party is the Liberal Party. For my American counterparts, don’t let this confuse you. The Australian Liberal Party, as a matter of fact, is our rightwing party, as they have a political majority coalition with the Australian Nationals Party, an even more supposed rightwing party. Our mainstream lefty party is the Australian Labour Party, who have a coalition with the Greens Party, who are environment-obsessed hard lefties.

This is all important to note, as it sets the context for exactly what has happened in Australia the last several years. Let it be stated I’m no fan of the left, or the Labour Party. In the grand scheme of things, there’s only independent parties potentially worth voting for, and in the Commonwealth system of government, these parties will never really have any truly meaningful power. To fully explain everything about the bushfires to non-Australians, I’ll take a moment to explain our recent history. It’ll seem off-topic at first, but you’ll quickly begin to understand. Warning, this'll be a long read, as it took me two hours to compile and write.

To begin, Australia was ranked the most livable country in the world outside Norway as of 2008. I can safely say, we were one of the luckiest countries in the world in many regards. Our education standards were decent, as was our quality of living due to adequate social programs and a relatively low population which made such things function. This however, was not to last. As of then our country has sunk dozens of places down in every regard. Things like internet connectivity, social services, education, and standards of living, every index has plummeted, and plummeted hard. Our digital relevancy, our internet standards and our technological progress is now quite literally, below third world.

How did this happen? Back in 2004, the last time the Liberal Party was in power, the Prime Minister at the time was John Howard, who foreigners may remember for more or less being George Bush’s lapdog post-9/11. He’s a Prime Minister beloved by the older generations, for being a conservative moneymaker who “made the country rich”. Nobody ever asked how. In reality it was simple. During this time, China was on the expansion, and John Howard had sold off many of our utilities and gas, oil and mineral reserves to them, saving little for us for the long term. To be sure, a “rich country” looked great at the time, but nobody spoke of any future consequences.

Nevertheless, several years passed, and Australians enjoyed a reputable quality of living envied by much of the world. As of 2008 however, a media circus erupted. And this was the beginning of the end. The Labour Party, lefties that they are, mishandled a refugee crisis that occurred at the time. Migrants from Southeast Asia were arriving by the boatload, and the Liberal Party ran an immensely effective campaign aimed at scaring the nation into voting for them. Tony Abbott’s “Stop the Boats” campaign. To be sure, the boats did stop, a fact any Australian should be glad of. However, true as it may be, there was more to it than this. And given how Jew-run the Liberal Party is, one might very well theorize that the refugee problem was being engineered for this very reason, to have their kosher chosen party put to power.

The Liberal Party was, as a matter of fact, receiving support from two fronts. Jewish corporate interests, specifically the mining groups, and Rupert Murdoch. To anyone reading this, here of all places, I do not need to speak of Rupert Murdoch too in-depth. A global media mogul who controls much of the information flow in the western English speaking nations. He’s also a staunch Zionist, and a member of the Bilderberg group. The scare campaign which lead to the election of the modern day Liberal Party was designed entirely by him and his media empire. This is extremely important to note for what comes next.

Tony Abbott was our first Liberal Party Prime Minister. He was a staunch Catholic, a friend of Rupert Murdoch, and also a lifelong loyal companion of Australian Catholic Cardinal George Pell. Many of you would recognize the name George Pell, as of last year, he’s the most powerful Catholic Clergyman to ever be openly prosecuted for pedophilia related charges. To further establish the connection, one of the primary propaganda tools of the Liberal Party and Rupert Murdoch was a rich, powerful AM radio host by the name of Alan Jones. Also a close friend of Pell and Abbott. Alan Jones’ own boy-loving pedophilia is an open secret, however, he’s never been charged as of yet, in spite of actual proof existing for his crimes. Considering all the pedophilia it’d go without saying that these three losers were likely connected to Epstein in some way or another. Even better, a recent election campaign on behalf of the Liberal Party was to appease Australian Jews by vocally supporting the American Embassy movie to Jerusalem.

At long last, I can finally begin referencing the bushfires. Several years ago, there was a lot of paranoia over an inevitable bushfire catastrophe due to severe environmental mishandling of the Liberal Party under Abbott. To the Liberal Party, the environment wasn’t really anything other than an exploitable resource. In fact, when Tony Abbott was asked about the probable consequence of all the land-raping and pollution, he simply stated “God will fix it.” This was the beginning of the end.

The heralds of this event we’re experiencing now had been appearing for years. One famous sign was the death of the Great Barrier Reef. For years now, the Liberal Party has denied the death of this famous landmark, acting like everything was fine, when it clearly wasn’t.

With this out of the way, we’ll fast forward to an event that occurred just last year. The death of the Murray Darling Basin. To those not in the know, the Murray Darling is a water source in the regional countryside necessary for the existence and wellbeing of the local environment, and by extension, the wellbeing of the state itself. So when it begins drying up, and diseases begin spreading rapidly among the fish to the point millions are dying, people begin asking why. And thus begins the government’s obfuscation of the truth. Much like John Howard had sold our utilities off to China over a decade earlier, the mass sell-off of Australian resources had continued under this very same party.

See, people vote for the so-called Australian Nationals Party, and by extension, the Liberal Party, because they’re rightwing, and thus “would put Australia first.” Lies, as it turns out. As it was a National Party leader, Barnaby Joyce, who organized a backdoor sale with the Chinese Communist Government. Most of the land, and the water, was sold straight to Chinese cotton farming conglomerates, who did what the Chinese commies always do – abuse the land.

Already across New South Wales, many of our water sources were being dried up by (((agents unknown))) with millions of gallons unaccounted for. This naturally, has an effect of the local forests and bush, with the terrain growing gradually dryer and dryer. It’s no secret locally that much of Australia is literally owned by the Chinese. To echo the point, so much for rightwing. Immigration has actually doubled, maybe even tripled, under the supposed “right”. Especially from, you guessed it, China. It goes without saying that adding millions of Chinese people to the country when we barely have water enough for ourselves these days is probably not the wisest idea. Speaking for myself, depending on where I go shopping, I’ll be but one of a small handful of white people. Can’t imagine what the Aboriginals are thinking these days.

Nevertheless, the Liberal Party’s money making schemes and ownership by the Chinese became more apparent when the government began cost-cutting every department. In early 2019, the fire brigade was contacting Liberal Party Prime Minister Scott Morrison, informing him that the fire season this year was going to be the worst on record. He denied every meeting they attempted to organize with him.

Better yet, park rangers, and parks and wildlife services countrywide had their staff and budgets slashed in half or more. One 60+ year old man, alone, was trying to manage a region in NSW the size of Tasmania. Even better, the fire service themselves had their staff and budget cut in half also. The Liberal Party has tried to run a few media campaigns, shifting the blame on the irrelevant Greens Party, but nobody really bought it.

It was the perfect storm. One of the ways we manage the bushfires every year in Australia is a process called backburning. Its where we maintain controlled burns of particular regions of dead or dying bush to avoid out of control fires. More or less, none of this was done. The fire service nor the park services had the staff or the budget to perform their duties anymore. The government, as it turns out, knew full well this was coming. Dead, dried up bush as far as the eye can see. Made worse by irresponsible corporations, and then left to rot by a government too jewed to do anything about it.

They knew. And they did nothing.

In fact, they did worse than nothing. Prime Minister Scott Morrison, in the middle of the fires, went on a Hawaiian vacation. He cared that little. Mind you, volunteer firefighters were dead by that point. Thousands of homes gone. And yet, it was still time for a tropical holiday according to our leader.


He wasn’t alone. The NSW Emergency Services Minister too, also came back from holiday only a few days ago. Yeah, he’s spent the entire disaster overseas in France sipping wine.

The fires, of course, have been worse than what anyone could even have guessed.


The skies turned black and blood red in the middle of the day. Whole towns had to be evacuated to the beach, and told if the fires came, they’d have to run into the water. Thousands of people are displaced, and close to a billion animals are dead, as well as untold millions of hectares of habitat. Our koala population alone, is probably going to be half of what it was, and they were already beginning to dwindle. It’s a sad day when a national icon is soon to be extinct in the wild, in all likelihood. Other species too, have suffered greatly, and several of them after this, indeed, will no longer exist at all. Fitting, considering how often the Bible references how often YHVH enjoys his “holocaust of burnt offerings”.


Tying into that, Scott Morrison has done a big fat nothing over the course of this disaster. Much like Abbott before him, he’s another Xian lunatic. In this case, a member of the Hillsong Pentecostal cult. Over the course of this disaster, he’s offered people nothing, save for “thoughts and prayers” and a few handshakes. He even said that volunteer firefighters who are risking their lives to defend our country, do not deserve pay for their efforts, even if they’re missing out on weeks of work. It goes without saying that, given the budget cuts, and how little our leader cares, nobody is going to be receiving any degree of meaningful help for what they’ve lost.

Myself, personally, I’m going to be safe. The fires may be a half hour away, but my suburb is in a convenient location where there’s no real chance of the fire spreading here. Though, the sad reality is, pretty much all the places I’ve spent my life visiting, are gone. It hasn’t exactly sunk in yet that nowhere I know is really going to look or be the same anymore. The only hazard for me so far has been, everyone where I live is breathing in the equivalent of a packet of cigarettes a day in toxic smoke. Not great, but at least I’m still alive.


This infographic was made over a week ago, so in actuality its far worse than this, but it should give you a rough idea of the extent.

It was just two days we experienced the hottest day I’ve ever felt. 49 degrees C, which, for you Americans, is about 120F. Believe me, it’s not pleasant, especially when electricity prices in this country have skyrocketed due to the Liberal Party, once again, selling gas and coal to the Chinese, and one cannot afford to run air conditioners. Once again, I’m thankful to be safe from the fires themselves. What the Gods told the JoS is true. The end days of the enemy’s agenda in this world would be heralded by unprecedented natural disasters, and it’s certainly already a reality here.

The takeaway from this is, the fires are worse than what many foreigners know, and the reality of them, caused by our jew-ran borderline communist-owned government, is practically unknown, even to many of my countrymen. Sadly, the false dichotomy of a jewed right vs left rules here, but this illusion is quickly shattering as people gradually realize that both sides are both kosherized. Believe me though, the anti-sentiment is rising, and people are realizing the merit in smaller independent parties. We Australians are a laid back people. But eventually, even we’ll be pushed too far.


As a final word, none of this looks good for Australia. Long term, I’d hazard a guess, and say that the ecosystem of this nation is only going to be salvageable by the Gods themselves. Before government mismanaging, its been rumored that Australia was aridifying already, the central desert growing. If the temperature keeps rising like it has been, along with a severely rising population and being jewed by the Chinese Communists, short term it may already be too late for us. 90% of this country or more is already unlivable. Perhaps it won’t be too long until the rest follows. Maybe the jew reptiles will enjoy the new climate.

Down below I’ll post a few sources. As always, do watch out for shilling, but they’ll still give a rough idea of what I’ve talked about.





HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nobody else would want to burn the Amazon and kill all the species in it, or the poor animals in Australia, and all this diversity.

The enemy declared war on Nature and Naturalism a long time ago. Our Gods are called the "Gods of the field", the "Natural Gods" and other such names. As one member posted a diatribe from a Jew, the jews consider Nature to be the greatest evil, and that it benefits Gentiles and disenfranchises the Jew. The jew is an alien and botched species, and our planet means nothing to them. Jews have out of all lands picked the most sterile desert that is called "Israel" to live in.

And if Joseph P Farrell's books are correct, Israel's desert and the Sahara Desert close by it are both the product of the nuclear war started by the enemy thousands of years ago. This means they are quite literally living in the ruins of their own destruction.

Beyond that, as either you or Mageson once pointed out, Israel's physical coordinates add up to 666, as does the Star of David. Unlike what was thought by the people who first discovered this fact, this doesn't mean Israel itself is 'Satanic', since they stole the Star of David symbol and co-opted it from pagans, it's meant to represent the heart chakra and the upward and downward combination of energies that takes place there. As for the actual location itself, I believe it was Mageson who pointed out that Israel's location adds up to 666 because it's a lynchpoint for energy on Earth, being at the intersection of three different continents and overall concentrating more energy than anywhere else. Which is also presumably why the Kabba is located in the Middle East where all this energy co-incides and the same is true of the temples in Jerusalem like the Temple of Jerusalem itself. Fortunately, it was mostly destroyed, other than the Wailing Wall which still remains to this day, but the point is the same, they chose that point on purpose because it would be the most effective. It makes significant logical sense that spiritual energy would concentrate the most at a point where the three continents most inhabited at the time intersect. These three religions of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are all intertwined in the enemy program. Also, there being precisely 3 religions total relating to Abrahamism and Judaism is no coincidence, this is almost certainly due to occult reasons relating to the kundalini and its trine nature as well as I think has been pointed out here too.

They are basically trying to destroy the planet. This is just ridiculous. This is only going to end once all the pedophiles hang and the masses paralyzation is replaced by outrage.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I just feel whatever the reasons I feel it's really really sad that it happened and wasn't somehow stopped and I know the gods are mostly busy fighting a war but could non of them have intervened in this I mean all that wildlife ? Fucking brings me to tears really
Of course picking up a free newspaper they say it's because of Global Warming the Australian bushfires.

Anything for more taxes and laws.

They've implemented 20 MHP speed zones here. Talking about it we've come to the conclusion it's to get emission levels up. So they can make more laws for Global Warming.
The same situation with California was started by energy weapon technology used from air. The situation in Brazil was started by people on the ground being paid by Jewish NGO's, some of these agents were arrested and it was in the internal national news. And now Australia is undergoing the same..... I suspect they are using the same method they did with California.
HP Mageson666 said:
The same situation with California was started by energy weapon technology used from air. The situation in Brazil was started by people on the ground being paid by Jewish NGO's, some of these agents were arrested and it was in the internal national news. And now Australia is undergoing the same..... I suspect they are using the same method they did with California.
Australia has arrested 200 people for starting the fires.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fires lit that all this suffering and death energy would be put into the Iran/US situation, so that they mobilize us slowly into some deadly and brutal war.
If they are raising death energy at this monstruous scale (let's not forget about Amazon and Siberia), it shows and confirms that their YHVH thoughtform is so weak that it cannot materialize nothing anymore.

Just to mention, I heard that Russia made the Siberia fires public only after the aparition in the media of photos from satelites. It was supposed to be kept secret, which make me think that they might have been deliberately caused with the full knowledge of the top politicians. Can we say the same about Australia? I think it's a theory to consider. Also the use of weather manipulation technology is not a secret anymore.
I haven't had a chance to read your sermon yet so I don't know if you already brought it up but pole shift plays a major role as the south pole rapidly moves towards Australia
The Alchemist7 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fires lit that all this suffering and death energy would be put into the Iran/US situation, so that they mobilize us slowly into some deadly and brutal war.
If they are raising death energy at this monstruous scale (let's not forget about Amazon and Siberia), it shows and confirms that their YHVH thoughtform is so weak that it cannot materialize nothing anymore.

Just to mention, I heard that Russia made the Siberia fires public only after the aparition in the media of photos from satelites. It was supposed to be kept secret, which make me think that they might have been deliberately caused with the full knowledge of the top politicians. Can we say the same about Australia? I think it's a theory to consider. Also the use of weather manipulation technology is not a secret anymore.

Indeed, it's getting really weak, and this is why we just need to keep doing the Final RTR. The jews are nothing without it. Everything will collapse on them in the end.
Here it PJW says that the fires are made by someones.
I have been in the thick of it for over a month defending my property. I have a LOT to say about this from the inside, I am planning a big post about it, my own experience and what I have witnessed, felt and been through. I have read through some of this thread and for now I will say this. The energy here is pure death it is an energy of a kind I have never experienced and it has taken every bit of strength I have not to loose myself in it. This is one of the worst attacks they have done since the major wars 911 this has been off the charts bad here. I will not reveal where I live only that I was surrounded isolated and cut off many times over a month by one of the biggest mega infernos in history it burned up to within a few km of my home and small village I am still astounded that we are still here.

Many others are not so fortunate. I am seeing daily what this disaster has done to people their minds hearts and energy the extreme trauma it is causing people even those who did not come in it's direct path. A friends place had the fire front go through twice they had to seek shelter among the fire trucks in their ute with the air con on just to breathe with a blanket over them, the RFS managed to save their house both times. She is severely traumatised. 2 petrol stations a petrol tanker and a nearby woodmill were almost lost and if any of those had blown I wouldn't still be here, HAIL SATAN he protected me and my friends and family I know we wouldn't still be here if it were not for Him.

I have a lot more to say about this, for now you are right none of this was 'natural' someone has been flicking fucking switches on our weather for some time I have watched them cut and dissolve loaded rain clouds in front of my eyes as each fire started and the drought is created on purpose the witholding of water in our rivers from farmers all of it the extreme and blatant government corruption our fucking kike bitch state premier with her mug all over the tv pretending to care. If the flames looked big on tv, the skies red and dark the cameras didn't do it justice.

We had head lamps on at 3 in the afternoon. I'm still recovering and on high alert. I have been for a drive down the hwy once it opened and you cannot imagine the destruction and its just one small area you can't imagine how vast this was. I saw black smoking earth and black matchsticks as far as the eye could see. I will also tell you on some local independant radio stations temperature spikes before fire fronts flared were recorded and reported once only that didn't make any sense. Even fire fighters were quietly saying things about how these fires behaved being abnormal doing things against the laws of physics. What it's done to me I can't even put into words yet. Ive been trying to clear this filthy evil energy away from my home but it is so thick everywhere thicker than the smoke. It's making people want to move to the city they will accept any bullshit after this if it comes with promises of protection and safety. We had to evacuate our animals all of them and nowhere was safe to go nowhere. Roads were closed, people lost their rights I chose to stay and defend my land and home. Had I left I couldn't have returned till it was over so I stayed. I could feel the animals screaming for miles didnt have to hear it I could feel it. I feel like my heart is destroyed and my soul shredded.

Hail Satan!
kajo said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Australia has arrested 200 people for starting the fires.
Do you have a source? Would be good to spread it.

I can't speak for all the fires but the ones on NSW south coast were declared lightning strikes... except for 1 or 2 deemed suspicious. But I wouldn't rule out energy weapons and we do have a lot of fire bugs (arsonists) getting around but I will say that these fires did not burn the way fires normally would. Iv'e got more to say about this things witnessed by farmers that you would not believe. If you see a picture getting around of a image in the smoke of what looks like a grey aliens face that photo is real. It was taken by farmers who spent 13 straight hours defending their property with a fire front that came through 5 times in different ways over bare earth and burned ground, fireballs came first. Then the canopy burned, then another front came through on the ground then it came back from other directions. It spotted up and down wind of itself up to 20 km ahead and some flame heights were up to 125m or around 400 feet in some cases. A temperature spike in the snowy mountains in the day before the fires really got going there was measured at 63c or 145f for no reason no fire was there yet this happened in a few places reported on local news stations and never repeated again. We had a sonic boom one afternoon before weird sounding thunder and air temperatures jumped up 15c after already cooling down. Not normal.

Hail Satan!
We were saved theres no doubt about that, I and other 'witches' elders were doing a lot of rituals for protection and for rain, but I know it was Satan and the Gods who came to our aid and I even felt it the night before things were sposed to get real bad and I was pleading for help and I felt Him come around me, I felt the Gods I felt them tell me it's going to be ok, we have this I went to sleep finally after that I needed sleep real bad but I felt like it was safe to sleep. We had no rain forecast yet for months, nothing significant enough to stop the fires, no rain was comming.
We had emergency warnings that we would come under heavy ember attack twice and possibly the full fire front. Not just me but family and friends in other areas. Areas that were in the direct path of the full inferno at the last minute were spared. It went around them it missed. A friend of mine had it go through her property twice it came through the first time it burned up the river, it took out everything but her house was spared and her life was saved. It burned up to 2 petrol stations that would have killed all of us. They were saved. It was stopped from blowing a broken down petrol tanker.

Not one ember hit my house, we were told to expect flaming embers the size of golf balls we had none. The wind changed at the right moment and it missed us. I'm still in shock.

Then the rain came. It's rained now 4 days and it's put the fires out near me and my loved ones. The huge trees that were dying from the drought are getting green again. Everything is green. We got far more than expected. Hopefully it is the start of healing and will keep comming my rituals will continue.

The destruction elsewhere is still beyond heart breaking, I can't bring myself to look at a lot of it. We have the most amazing people in our community that fought these fires and I know they were helped aswell. They don't get paid, many of them lost their own homes.

The enemy have picked the wrong country to fuck with, they have gone to far and everyone is starting to wake up people who you wouldn't expect are talking and working things out. We might come accross a bit simple to some places in the world Aussies have our own culture and way of life and doing things and they have really under estimated us this time. The veil is falling away and the enemy is exposed. They have shot themselves in the foot. We will heal we will recover and we will win. Selling our country off to china, the level of corruption in our government, the links to the jews, the vampirising of our water and river systems. They tried to keep it out of the media and covered up.

Hail Satan!

You gave me a lot of happiness with your post. Stay strong.

Yes, Satan and the Gods do help. The majority of SS have been saved through similar circumstances, you also had time on your side, given you weren't on the place where the fire appears to have began and used your time wisely to do rituals and spiritual work, and preparing.

Satans Serpent said:
We were saved theres no doubt about that, I and other 'witches' elders were doing a lot of rituals for protection and for rain, but I know it was Satan and the Gods who came to our aid and I even felt it the night before things were sposed to get real bad and I was pleading for help and I felt Him come around me, I felt the Gods I felt them tell me it's going to be ok, we have this I went to sleep finally after that I needed sleep real bad but I felt like it was safe to sleep. We had no rain forecast yet for months, nothing significant enough to stop the fires, no rain was comming.
We had emergency warnings that we would come under heavy ember attack twice and possibly the full fire front. Not just me but family and friends in other areas. Areas that were in the direct path of the full inferno at the last minute were spared. It went around them it missed. A friend of mine had it go through her property twice it came through the first time it burned up the river, it took out everything but her house was spared and her life was saved. It burned up to 2 petrol stations that would have killed all of us. They were saved. It was stopped from blowing a broken down petrol tanker.

Not one ember hit my house, we were told to expect flaming embers the size of golf balls we had none. The wind changed at the right moment and it missed us. I'm still in shock.

Then the rain came. It's rained now 4 days and it's put the fires out near me and my loved ones. The huge trees that were dying from the drought are getting green again. Everything is green. We got far more than expected. Hopefully it is the start of healing and will keep comming my rituals will continue.

The destruction elsewhere is still beyond heart breaking, I can't bring myself to look at a lot of it. We have the most amazing people in our community that fought these fires and I know they were helped aswell. They don't get paid, many of them lost their own homes.

The enemy have picked the wrong country to fuck with, they have gone to far and everyone is starting to wake up people who you wouldn't expect are talking and working things out. We might come accross a bit simple to some places in the world Aussies have our own culture and way of life and doing things and they have really under estimated us this time. The veil is falling away and the enemy is exposed. They have shot themselves in the foot. We will heal we will recover and we will win. Selling our country off to china, the level of corruption in our government, the links to the jews, the vampirising of our water and river systems. They tried to keep it out of the media and covered up.

Hail Satan!
Hello I'm new here but being Australian I thought I might add my 2 cents . I will start by saying don't worry about global warming . It's global cooling and the movement of the monsoon wich should worry you . It's all due to the great solar minimum which has just begun . And our summer was pretty much nonexistent. Same for our summer monsoon . I've been under nearly constant psychic and magical assault for around 8 months but I think it's closer to 5 years . I live on a mountain and the strange shifting of reality is starting to bother me to the point I don't go to Brisbane anymore . The roads change Forrests spring up that wernt there before. People are nearly all gone and dead people steal life force . Has anyone else had a damn strange year or 5 and when was the solar eclipse because the news said it was 26 Dec 19 but it was cloudy so hi missed it . Yet I have a pic of it 2017 . What is going on . Any theories anything in the scriptures ? IM NEW TO ALL THIS . AND FUCK . Love to hear your take .
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

You gave me a lot of happiness with your post. Stay strong.

Yes, Satan and the Gods do help. The majority of SS have been saved through similar circumstances, you also had time on your side, given you weren't on the place where the fire appears to have began and used your time wisely to do rituals and spiritual work, and preparing.

Hail Satan!

It went even beyond the recent protection and events. I was guided to my current location 13 years ago. They knew what was comming for a long time even before I became a dedicated Satanist They were watching over me for a long time back. I know this because before I moved to my current location I looked everywhere for a suitable property in many towns and places. Damn near all of the places I looked at prior to here burned. Houses I looked at and didnt move to burned, whole towns I looked at burned. Think thats a coincidence? I heard HP Maxine say Satan positions His people helps you to end up as safe as possible. In our current times nowhere is completely safe and we did come under threat here. The fire was headed in my direction twice. Each time it was stopped and the fire front shifted and headed away from me again. I do not believe that was just luck. The location compared to wind changes that usually happen late afternoon and where i am in relation to a large body of water played a big part aswell as the wind suddenly changing with force at exactly the right times. Almost everyone I know and care about who was in the direct path of this survived and so did their homes. Some of them are unbelievable excapes a few had some damage and still had the fire come through but their houses were saved and they survived.

I think we may be the only country where we cannot be forced to evacuate wether to stay and fight or leave is your own choice. You make your own fire plan you prepare as well as you can and if you want to stay and fight you can if you want to leave you must do that early before roads get blocked. I had pets still at home I was not able to evacuate the first time we were threatened so I stayed to defend. That is the Gentile spirit the warrior spirit of refusing to run away or give in, people will call us foolish or stupid but to me my home is my territory it is a war. I was prepared and I was terrified more than I have ever been but I did not want to be in a strange evacuation center full of strangers and terrified people I had plans to escape if needed to the water. My neighbours also stayed so we watched each others backs. This is what the kikes hate. people like us. They want to break us, break our spirit and our resolve and make out our strength to be foolishness and wrong. They control the media and the situation to try and break us. They want to weaken us and take control.

The energies around everywhere are still terrible I believe it is something like 8500 square miles burned just in my state. Thats not including other states and kangaroo island. Our volunteer firefighters have been fucking heros true warriors all of them, they left their jobs homes and families to fight this for months without pay and they have been talking. These fires were not normal. Seeing airial footage of just some of the destruction it looks like we have been nuked. Forests that have stood proud for tens of thousands to millions of years have been reduced to matchsticks and ash. It to me and many others looks like accelerants have been sprayed or used on these areas. Ive lived through worse summers than this, drought, and bushfire before conditions as bad as this and it did not burn like this. It was bad yes but this is next level off the charts bad. And now... everyone is forgeting because 'corona virus' thats taking over the media and the sheep now. I'm sure it's a real threat I just find it kind of funny how these disasters are having a competition all at once.

Australia is being burnt by design. They are using what they call a "psd" machine. Plastic sphere dispenser. Which is a machine used by helicopters to drop pingpong balls full of potassium manganate which get injected with Glycol. This chemical reaction then creates fire. Here is a video here showing what I'm talking about https://youtu.be/3iPNOw-oQgo

The government is also starting these bushfires deliberately to clear the way for high speed rail networks in Australia. Consolidated Land and Rail Australia chairman Nick Cleary says he has an “innovative and revolutionary model” to build a $200 billion fast rail link between Melbourne and Sydney funded entirely by building new “smart cities” along the route.

The CLARA plan..

The CLARA Plan is to build up to eight of the world’s most advanced, sustainable, SMART, greenfield cities and connect them with a world class High Speed Rail system between Sydney and Melbourne via Canberra.

CLARA’s vision is to create the world’s most livable cities. CLARA cities with be compact, innovative and minimise their environmental impact.

CLARA conjunctly proposes to build a High Speed Rail (HSR) network between Sydney and Melbourne via Canberra, connecting the proposed inland cities. This will include the construction of stations in each of the eight new cities as well as High Speed Rail platforms being developed for Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra.

Within the CLARA plan there are two viable corridor options which could be the first stage of the CLARA plan:

Sydney to Canberra, which includes three CLARA cities; and/ or
Melbourne to Greater Shepparton, which includes two CLARA cities.
The five new CLARA cities from above will be within 35 minutes of the relevant capital city.

Creating an affordable sustainable housing market is a key driver for CLARA. We believe people deserve the opportunity to have rewarding employment, affordable housing, and enjoy a reasonable cost of living. Leading global companies will establish high tech employment with a mix of traditional jobs. Our pedestrian friendly urban design will minimise motor vehicle expenses, maximise healthy lifestyles, and create a more liveable, convenient and connected community.

CLARA’s cities must be connected ones. Connected within themselves and back to our major centres. This connectivity stems from our HSR network, which will run along our corridor. Each city will have its own transport system and all new cities will use the high speed rail to connect with other CLARA cities along the corridor.

The CLARA plan is certainly no small undertaking. However, the two identified corridors are independently, commercially, and socially viable.

In the latest state budget, $12.9 million in expenses was cut from Fire & Rescue NSW, while the Office of NSW Rural Fire Services — a service run by volunteers — lost $26.7 million in expenses.

Byron Bay, which is currently being torn apart by fires, was promised $5.85 million for a new fire station in Kingscliff. The funding has yet to arrive.

Many firefighters are currently battling the blazes with bore water, as New South Wales is currently experiencing a severe drought and was already running out of resources before the fires began.

As a result, thousands of residents have been told not to expect help from the NSW Rural Fire Services and were left to evacuate for themselves.

As we have explored previously, natural cycles are a common occurrence in this country, and the temperatures and heat experienced is certainly not a new phenomenon.

Instead, the key point to note is that conditions regularly get so dry that if a variety of bushfires were to start at any point across the country, they would leave a distinct mark and spread quickly — especially if there was no response to contain them.

Recent policies over the last few years have also made hazard reduction activities more difficult, including a cut back in back-burning, where authorities identify at-risk areas close to developments and ‘reduce the load’ with controlled burning in preparation for bushfire season.

Not doing so adds more fuel to the fire. Fast forward to today, and there is over 80 fires spreading, all lit at the same time.

As we learn more about the ongoing bushfire ‘crisis’, many mainstream media news reports are now suggesting that most of the fires were intentionally lit.

Most recently, three 12-year-old boys have been “dealt with” under the Young Offenders Act for deliberately lighting bushfires, as blazes ravage the New South Wales South Coast.

Police are currently appealing for information about fires at Moonbi, Berkeley, Balgownie, Turramurra, Katoomba, Morisset and the Royal National Park near Loftus.

There have also been reports of people stealing firefighting equipment, as NSW Police probe several “suspicious” blazes around the state.

Do you really believe this story? Children are responsible for lighting these fires?

On closer examination, many of the current fires along the east coast correspond to the proposed route for the high-speed rail line and part of the CLARA proposal, including setting aside land for this development which cannot be used for anything else.

Let’s take a look below at the proposed smart city train line:


Now let’s take a look at the bushfire path across Australia:


Notice anything similar??

Government funding contribution to the CLARA proposal is up to $8,000,000, a fact sheet on high-speed rail says, and in the aftermath of the loss of these fires, both will have a perfect opportunity to snatch up land that is now being cleared (by fires) to make way for the rail line.

Those who have lost property to fires along the proposed rail route will likely not be allowed to rebuild on their land, instead encouraged to rebuild in the areas designated for new smart cities.

In fact, CLARA has already signed agreements with landowners along the proposed route for the high-speed train, which have now lapsed and leave a bitter taste for farmers in the areas.

The significant linkage here is that the government fully admits smart cities are part of Australia’s significant contribution toward achievement of Agenda 2030 ‘Sustainable Development Goal’ 11.

In September 2015, 193 Member States of the United Nations adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to make up the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Agenda 2030 will change our economies, our environment and our societies, while reshaping old mindsets, behaviours and patterns of living forever.

Included in the document are Sustainable Development Goals and 169 individual targets, adopted by world leaders in at an historic UN Summit, objectives expected to guide the actions of the international community over a 15-year period (2016-2030).

Australian government coordination on implementation of the 2030 Agenda is led by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C), in collaboration with individual departments for each individual SDG.

Many sustainable development targets, such as energy and water, health and wellbeing, gender equality, climate change, resource distribution and more, have already seen many organisations introduce policies and procedures to align with intended goals.

The fire phenomenon we are witnessing is being used to promote climate change hysteria, which has driven the UN to call for an overhaul of world trade systems to begin ‘tackling’ these issues.

So please keep up with the Rtrs..."this is our fuel for their fire!!!"
Also I forgot to mention that while australia is burning. Sco-Mo has no time for the burning of Australia but all the time in the world to accept the Jerusalem Prize from his Jew masters at the Zionist Federation. That fuckwit Scomo aka schlomo (Scott Morrison - australian prime minister).. has the nerve to bend over for his master's and receive accolades and awards for who knows what...


(This video and story was given little to NO media coverage here in australia)

Zionist Federation of Australia President Jeremy Leibler presented Prime Minister Scott Morrison with the Jerusalem Prize on Thursday.

The Jerusalem Prize was jointly awarded by the Zionist Federation of Australia, the Zionist Council of NSW and the World Zionist Organisation.

Before conferring the award, Mr Leibler said, “In just over a year as Prime Minister, Mr Morrison has made a strong contribution to the already excellent Australia–Israel relationship.”

And to top it off it looks like they sacrificed his father as a distraction to try and make the general public feel sorry for scott Morrison and to back off with the backlash he was facing around that time.
idiocy smasher said:
Is that Scott Morisson a Jew

Whether he is or isn't. He is in bed with the enemy. I wouldn't be surprised if some our of Aussie members call him "in bed with China" like China boy biden. The sheer fact is this person doesn't care, all he cares about is filling his wallet with shekels.

I hope in the future after we are done with RTRs/RNTRs we can somehow have rituals to help the Earth. Sure it's not gonna do like the Gods when they arrive that will lay down the law. But at least it'll help.

I mean Australia was a massive (((korban/holocaust))). 480-540 million animals, HALF A FUCKING BILLION ANIMALS dead. I know the forest/jungle isn't affected by the fire as we've had situations with enough time the trees and life returns. But fuck half- a billion animals just for spiritual warfare from the enemy. Plus all the people displaced and hundreds of millions to billions in financial loss.

Australia is like one giant concentration/death camp at this point especially with the military and police acting like guards for covid-19.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
