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Hi all I thought I would do this post as in the UK when some documents get to 20 years old they are released to the public.
A few days ago it was some documents was released from 2004, from when Tony Blair was in power.
These documents was indicated that he was warned not to open the borders for the new eastern EU countries, however he did just because of Economic growth he wanted (that didn't go as planned)
In the BBC they mainly focus on Polish immigration to the UK
"Eight eastern and central European countries joined the EU in 2004, including Poland. According to the government,, external the number of Polish nationals living in the UK increased from around 69,000 to around 853,000 over the next decade" this is from 2004 - 2014 and this is about a 1136% increase to the UK
"But David Blunkett, the then-home secretary, argued the economy needed the "flexibility and productivity" these new workers could provide."
The reality is the mass immigration did no one any favours in the UK as wages are pushed to a low level as cheaper labour is available.
This brings we onto todays Immigration to the UK
From the Migration observatory at the university of oxford
"Net migration was unusually high in the year ending June 2024, at 728,000, driven by an increase in non-EU citizens coming to the UK."
From data published by the "Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows that net migration so far in this parliament (to the end of 2023) has totalled over 2 million, equating to population growth of 3%"
This is from 2021 - 2023.
One good this is Nigel Farage (even tho his party is run by Jews and Non Whites) has highlighted this into the public and Main stream Media and backed himself into a corner of if he does get into power hew would have to act on it or risk losing it all.
I have seen more and more people (defiantly from the USA) posting about how foreign born works are just employing people from their own country and they are replacing them.
I can't speak for other countries as I don't have much time to research them but believe some are in the same situation as the UK
On a final not this is all out in to the open now the great replacement is real. The Jews are going full into this now. I remember some previous sermons I think From HPS Maxine saying that they are pushing this through as they can't do this slowly anymore due to our work against them.
Hope this is useful to anyone who wants to read this.
A few days ago it was some documents was released from 2004, from when Tony Blair was in power.
These documents was indicated that he was warned not to open the borders for the new eastern EU countries, however he did just because of Economic growth he wanted (that didn't go as planned)
In the BBC they mainly focus on Polish immigration to the UK
"Eight eastern and central European countries joined the EU in 2004, including Poland. According to the government,, external the number of Polish nationals living in the UK increased from around 69,000 to around 853,000 over the next decade" this is from 2004 - 2014 and this is about a 1136% increase to the UK
"But David Blunkett, the then-home secretary, argued the economy needed the "flexibility and productivity" these new workers could provide."
The reality is the mass immigration did no one any favours in the UK as wages are pushed to a low level as cheaper labour is available.
This brings we onto todays Immigration to the UK
From the Migration observatory at the university of oxford

Net migration to the UK - Migration Observatory
An overview of net migration in the UK – defined as the difference between immigration and emigration of people moving for at least a year.
"Net migration was unusually high in the year ending June 2024, at 728,000, driven by an increase in non-EU citizens coming to the UK."
From data published by the "Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows that net migration so far in this parliament (to the end of 2023) has totalled over 2 million, equating to population growth of 3%"
Net migration hits 2 million over this parliament - The Centre for Policy Studies
New and revised data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published today shows that net migration so far in this parliament (to the end of 2023) has totalled over 2 million, equating to population growth of 3% Gross immigration exceeded 4 million, with non-EU nationals accounting for...

One good this is Nigel Farage (even tho his party is run by Jews and Non Whites) has highlighted this into the public and Main stream Media and backed himself into a corner of if he does get into power hew would have to act on it or risk losing it all.
I have seen more and more people (defiantly from the USA) posting about how foreign born works are just employing people from their own country and they are replacing them.
I can't speak for other countries as I don't have much time to research them but believe some are in the same situation as the UK
On a final not this is all out in to the open now the great replacement is real. The Jews are going full into this now. I remember some previous sermons I think From HPS Maxine saying that they are pushing this through as they can't do this slowly anymore due to our work against them.
Hope this is useful to anyone who wants to read this.