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Advanced Knowledge: Witches Sabbath & The Lunar Month Purification Circle [Updated]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Everyone here is familiar with the "Witches Sabbath" and how this was applied in the Middle Ages by witches to do spellworking and other secretive rites. The "Witches Sabbath" is a very classical date for witches for centuries now.

Regardless of the above information online, there is a lot of confusion which will not allow someone to understand how to utilize the so called "Sabbath" for practical spiritual application, which is what this post is going to reveal.

The energy of this day is related to Saturn [Satur-day], and is a day that deals with spiritual purification, when this is treated like this.

Note here: Purification, not just mere "cleaning". This is to cleaning, what daily cleaning of the house is to disinfection and purification of it done during the Spring Cleaning. Those who are very advanced here, will understand the difference, as anyone will as they get further and further with meditation.

For the spiritual aspect of this, women will be more aware than men, as this cycle is already followed by a woman having balanced her period months, as another SS told to me, and this is very accurate. In fact, this is a method of working with time that is externally reflective of this. All of this is directly related to the phases of the moon and how to effectively make use of them, alongside the knowledge already given such as waxing, waning and full moon.

As I have rectified and explained other mysteries of "Saturn", which many people are falsely afraid of, Saturn's Day is an optimal day to do anything that deals with essentially wiping out of one's self negative Saturnian energy or negative dross.

The enemy has stolen the so called "Sabbat" and they have a statement that "Every Jew must observe the Sabbat". As with anything else, this is stolen from Pagan cultures, and the so called "Sabbat" has existed in Pagan cultures prior to Judaism by thousands of years, Babylonian, Assyrian, et al.

One SS Brother also notified me that the Norse, do call this day "Bathing Day". The reasons for this will be elaborated on in this post and are deeply spiritual.

The word "Sabbatu" comes from Babylon and is directly associated with the Moon and the Lunar Disk, but is related to the Sumerian Sa-Bat which means "Mid Rest". This is easily searchable online for those who want to read more on this. However, the meaning of this here doesn't exactly mean "rest", the meaning here is this: Days for purification meditations.

The observing of the Sabbath goes all the way back to the Sanatana Dharma and Shiva worship, and the day for this is in some cases, to be used for rectification rites, in other words, spiritual cleansing. Jews have this stolen of course, both as the "Obsering of the Sabbath", but also literally with the name "Shiva".

Generally, the circle for "Purification" has to do with cleaning the soul. This does not have to be followed every "Saturday" or "Sabbath", but it can be started on any Saturday of the year [preferably a Saturday closer to a New Moon]. This is to start a new cycle.

One thing more the "Sabbath" or Saturday is for, is to do a day of intense soul cleansing [for this, a full moon Sabbath is the best every year] before you start another working next week.

Spiritual cleansing, is directly correlated to power, and the Radiance of the Soul. In the East, this is paralleled to the polishing of the Gems. Gems, being symbolic of the chakras.

When we speak of purification, we speak primarily about aura cleaning, chakra cleaning, removing dross from the soul and so on. This is the only way through which the soul can ascend properly, and it is through this siddhis and advanced powers can be later generated in the soul.

Depending on the level which one wants to utilize, more time and energy may be given into this. Solar mantras can be used to that end to achieve success, such as Suryae, Sowilo and so on.

The idea to apply this is as follows:

1. For general purification purposes [1 day at any Saturday of the year]
2. For small purification purposes [7 days]
3. For small-medium purification purposes [such as a medium negative planetary transit, 14 days]
4. For medium planetary transits [21 days - this will generally suffice]
5. For medium or high planetary transits or times where one has a major negativity buildup [28 days or a full lunar month].

For 1 day working: Start on Friday Nightfall, and end by Saturday Afternoon. Best date for this is the Full Moon.

For 7, 14, or 28 days [Going by the lunar circle]: Start on actual Saturday Noon or even Afternoon, or early morning, and finish again within Friday Nightfall or Saturday Afternoon. Best day to begin this circle, is the New Moon.

An example of utilizing this in one day spectrum: Full Moon Saturday, you focus most of your meditations in that day for cleaning the soul. Then, the next day you begin a healing working. This will help boost up the effectiveness of this working.

The above is not in anyway to replace a 40 day working for let's say, countering negative transits. The above is only for purification and cleaning focus (More time added on one's schedule to focus on that end) for a set amount of time, and to create an acceleration of cleaning and it's effectiveness.

An example of using this to help yourself during a very bad Saturn transit: as you are in the middle of a negative transit, and feel like it's taking you over, you set out the next Saturday and focus daily for the next 28 days in doing soul cleansing in a more focused manner. This will help lessen the blow of the transit, compared to just doing regular cleaning here and there.

An example of using the above for cleaning, let's say, 7 day circle: Cleaning a stubborn chakra for 7 consecutive days, starting from one Saturday and ending again on Saturday.

On a larger perspective, that amounts to only a set number of days where cleaning one's self energetically has a bigger focus, let's say, once or twice a year, should in most cases be enough. The 28 day circle is for some hardcore situations, and a full lunar month was followed primarily by the priesthood for the works on the next year.

The very accurate time of starting a Witches Sabbath, is when the sun has set in Friday, until the time the sun has set in Saturday - this constitutes one full "Sabbath". In essence, this is to be began at the night of Friday [after sunset], ending by the Afternoon of Saturday [when the sun sets]. This follows a lunar approach and not a solar approach on the dates.

In regards to the hidden meaning inside this circle, this is also presented in a story from Enki in Sumeria. The "Shappatu" is related to the purification of the waters [soul] so that the energies of the soul can be clearer and more fertile for spiritual advancement after the cycle is completed.

How this relates to the 40 day circle, is that the numbers given above, will work for cleansing, but not for workings that need to be consolidated. The two circles are EXCLUSIVE to one another and NOT the same.

The 1,7,14,28 days circles, only work for workings pertaining to: Cleaning the soul, gaining control of the mind, resolving mental blockages of a minor to medium nature, and doing rectification of the soul. It is for nothing else. In fact, the so called "Lunar'" or Sabbatical circle is very very powerful for these things.

The next very important date of this, is Full Moon Aquarius, Friday - Saturday Morning, July 24th, but only on Europe, I believe. This is where a singular day can be began.

The next day of Saturday, New Moon, is July 10th of this year, where a 7, 14, or 28 day purification circle can be began.

All of this will be included in the next SS Calendar for the New Year.

Don't worry, we will include these things for easy access by all and so that they can be used effortlessly by everyone.

Lastly, the 40 day circle remains central, powerful and far more important, all round and all purpose than this. Yet the above can come very very handy when one cannot focus entirely on a full 40 day circle.

Thank you High Priest. I think I will be making use of this soon.
loved this! Such interesting timing with my personal schedule as i will be free this saturday. I will take time for some extra cleaning.
When you compared the chakras to polished gems this confirms something to me, The Gods would tell me, Abrasax i felt specifically during meditation on my chakras,To visualize them as polished gems in their respective colors, in their proper shapes ofcourse. This actually really helped me and your analogy confirms :D

The lunar cycle is also linked to the menstrual cycle which is cleansing.
"The very accurate time of starting a Witches Sabbath, is when the sun has set in Friday, until the time the sun has set in Saturday - this constitutes one full "Sabbath". In essence, this is to be began at the night of Friday [after sunset], ending by the Afternoon of Saturday [when the sun sets]. This follows a lunar approach and not a solar approach on the dates."

So we should begin Friday after the sun has set, and end on a Saturday [late afternoon] ? This applies to a working whether 1,7,14,21, or 28 ?

Thanks for sharing the true Sabbatical working HPC.
Thank you, I needed this!!

Next time I start a working, I will spend an entire day prior cleaning my soul throughly.
HAIL SATAN!!🙏🔥 Thank you for sharing this!!🐍
Awesome! Thank you! Last Saturday in Capricorn was such an effective date for removing blockages. I’ve been feeling so low on energy the last couple of months but some of the workings to fix this recently have been so effective. Feeling better than I ever have despite a hard saturn transit.
Thank you, I'm going to read this again for better understanding.
So I read this again, and I want say what I understand, someone can throw more lights to me.
So I understood that intense cleansing requires a full moon, and to clean or counter negative saturn transits, then a full moon sabbath is required.
But for just purification of 1 day circle or 7 days and 14days, any sartuday getting close to the new moon is okay.
Clarify if you understand better. Thank you!

GoldenxChild1 said:
So we should begin Friday after the sun has set, and end on a Saturday [late afternoon] ?

I know this may have been a little influx of information, so I'll explain any question necessary. This is to be followed for a single day.

For workings that pertain a 7, 14, 28 day circle, these go with the phases of the moon, and these should be began on the actual Saturday. If one wants to go for best impact, go for Saturday Noon, and finish by Friday Nightfall, the end of your circle.
Manofsatan said:
So I read this again, and I want say what I understand, someone can throw more lights to me.
So I understood that intense cleansing requires a full moon, and to clean or counter negative saturn transits, then a full moon sabbath is required.
But for just purification of 1 day circle or 7 days and 14days, any sartuday getting close to the new moon is okay.
Clarify if you understand better. Thank you!


I have updated this, please re-read and let me know if it's clear now.
I think what is confusing me Is the moon specifics. So a full moon Saturday and a Saturday close to a new moon, is that the same thing.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
So we should begin Friday after the sun has set, and end on a Saturday [late afternoon] ?

I know this may have been a little influx of information, so I'll explain any question necessary. This is to be followed for a single day.

For workings that pertain a 7, 14, 28 day circle, these go with the phases of the moon, and these should be began on the actual Saturday. If one wants to go for best impact, go for Saturday Noon, and finish on Friday Nightfall, the end of your circle.

Perfect. Thanks HPC.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Manofsatan said:
So I read this again, and I want say what I understand, someone can throw more lights to me.
So I understood that intense cleansing requires a full moon, and to clean or counter negative saturn transits, then a full moon sabbath is required.
But for just purification of 1 day circle or 7 days and 14days, any sartuday getting close to the new moon is okay.
Clarify if you understand better. Thank you!


I have updated this, please re-read and let me know if it's clear now.

Okay, so for cleansing that requires days from 7days upwards starting on an actual Saturday [noon] to end on the [noon] of the last sartuday. But for a one day shot, this is to be started on the Friday night and ended on the sartuday noon.
Awesome, this is such an important post and shed some light on things. I knew there was something important about 7. Thank you for posting this.

Hail Satan!
Manofsatan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Manofsatan said:
So I read this again, and I want say what I understand, someone can throw more lights to me.
So I understood that intense cleansing requires a full moon, and to clean or counter negative saturn transits, then a full moon sabbath is required.
But for just purification of 1 day circle or 7 days and 14days, any sartuday getting close to the new moon is okay.
Clarify if you understand better. Thank you!


I have updated this, please re-read and let me know if it's clear now.

Okay, so for cleansing that requires days from 7days upwards starting on an actual Saturday [noon] to end on the [noon] of the last sartuday. But for a one day shot, this is to be started on the Friday night and ended on the sartuday noon.

For 1 day: Start on Friday Nightfall, and end by Saturday Afternoon.

For 7, 14, or 28 days [Going by the lunar circle]: Start on actual Saturday Noon or even Afternoon, or early morning, and finish again within Friday Nightfall or Saturday Afternoon.

I know this can be very confusing because Gentiles have had our own lunar and spiritual calendar lost, and therefore this can come as a confusing situation.

Let me know it has been clarified.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Manofsatan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have updated this, please re-read and let me know if it's clear now.

Okay, so for cleansing that requires days from 7days upwards starting on an actual Saturday [noon] to end on the [noon] of the last sartuday. But for a one day shot, this is to be started on the Friday night and ended on the sartuday noon.

For 1 day: Start on Friday Nightfall, and end by Saturday Afternoon.

For 7, 14, or 28 days [Going by the lunar circle]: Start on actual Saturday Noon or even Afternoon, or early morning, and finish again within Friday Nightfall or Saturday Afternoon.

I know this can be very confusing because Gentiles have had our own lunar and spiritual calendar lost, and therefore this can come as a confusing situation.

Let me know it has been clarified.

Yes, HP Hoodedcobra666. Thank you. I'm clarified on this.
One more thing, the sartuday on full moon and the sartuday close to the new moon, how is this two timing used. Are they different in functionality?
Manofsatan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Manofsatan said:
Okay, so for cleansing that requires days from 7days upwards starting on an actual Saturday [noon] to end on the [noon] of the last sartuday. But for a one day shot, this is to be started on the Friday night and ended on the sartuday noon.

For 1 day: Start on Friday Nightfall, and end by Saturday Afternoon.

For 7, 14, or 28 days [Going by the lunar circle]: Start on actual Saturday Noon or even Afternoon, or early morning, and finish again within Friday Nightfall or Saturday Afternoon.

I know this can be very confusing because Gentiles have had our own lunar and spiritual calendar lost, and therefore this can come as a confusing situation.

Let me know it has been clarified.

Yes, HP Hoodedcobra666. Thank you. I'm clarified on this.
One more thing, the sartuday on full moon and the sartuday close to the new moon, how is this two timing used. Are they different in functionality?

I updated again the original post. Yes, this is a rare date [does not occur all the time] and important. The single day date, is very powerful in cleaning the soul, even if it is just one "Single day". Check my updated topic towards the end of it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Manofsatan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
For 1 day: Start on Friday Nightfall, and end by Saturday Afternoon.

For 7, 14, or 28 days [Going by the lunar circle]: Start on actual Saturday Noon or even Afternoon, or early morning, and finish again within Friday Nightfall or Saturday Afternoon.

I know this can be very confusing because Gentiles have had our own lunar and spiritual calendar lost, and therefore this can come as a confusing situation.

Let me know it has been clarified.

Yes, HP Hoodedcobra666. Thank you. I'm clarified on this.
One more thing, the sartuday on full moon and the sartuday close to the new moon, how is this two timing used. Are they different in functionality?

I updated again the original post. Yes, this is a rare date [does not occur all the time] and important. The single day date, is very powerful in cleaning the soul, even if it is just one "Single day". Check my updated topic towards the end of it.

Thank you very much HP Hoodedcobra666, I am very well clarified. Thank you for the time you give.
Is there a big difference between purification and aura cleaning?

So are the meditations below all aura cleaning and not purification?

How To Clean Your Aura:

Returning Curses Part 1:

6 Suns Aura Cleaning:

Sermon 17/November/2018 by HPS Maxine Dietrich:

Message From Azazel by HPS Maxine Dietrich:

The Full Cleaning Program by Johnson Akemi:
Thank you for this new knowledge! I would have never thought that Saturday deals with cleaning, I always avoided starting a cleaning working on Saturday. When you first posted this I did not fully understood certain things and I did not have the time to post my questions but now I after the update I understand everything. I understand now why it takes time to update the Jos, if people do not understand what your trying to say then it is more difficult as this deals with knowledge that most are not aware of.

I do still have some questions, you said that this can be used for intense soul cleaning, but let's say one wants to do it and can choose between 40 and 28 days, what would be best? Of course 28 days would be less giving more time do do other workings if one wants but I don't fully understand if 28 days (starting in a full moon Saturn day) would be better for cleaning than 40 days.

Another question is for the chakras cleaning, you said to use a solar mantra/rune, can we use Thurisaz to unblock too?

I'm so excited now to do workings in this way, definitely I want to start by cleaning/unblocking certain chakras and then I would like to do a deep soul cleaning just to get rid of more negativity. I have to say by just doing for more than 2 years now the returning curses with 216 reps of Surya everyday i do not get affected by negative transits anymore, at best the negativity is much much less, I still have some left overs like some health issues and some hung ups that have manifested in my life before I was a SS and my cleaning/protection only helped a little to get rid of them, I wonder if this type of cleaning could help me or I should just concentrate and doing a more specific working for it. What do you think?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Thank you for posting this.
Part of me has known for years that there is something that isn't just thorough cleaning but something more like 'refining the soul'. This seems to be it, or at least, very close to.
I've actually been thinking about doing a working for deeper cleaning, so this Sermon came just in time. Very enlightening.

Thank you, Sir.
Sundara said:
Awesome! Thank you! Last Saturday in Capricorn was such an effective date for removing blockages. I’ve been feeling so low on energy the last couple of months but some of the workings to fix this recently have been so effective. Feeling better than I ever have despite a hard saturn transit.

I am also low on energy lately, but I think this has to do with my tight schedule. When you are low on energy, meditations are not as effective, this is the only thing that is bothering me.
What is the difference between Freeing the Soul meditation using Munka ane this ?
So, these are meant for soul cleansing and such. What kinds of mediations should we be using? I know there is the two-part returning curses mediation on the website and that has to do with cleansing. I want the best of this time,if there are more meditations I could do, I want to know about them.
Prior to reading this, I always wondered why in Nordic countries Saturday is called Bathing Day, when the rest of the days are named after the Sun, the Moon and the Gods. It seemed out of place. Now it makes sense. :mrgreen:
I’ve read this twice, I’m probably gonna read it again to gain more of an understanding. This is interesting and I appreciate it being shared

But can someone explain to me what the difference is between doing this and just cleaning your soul/aura/chakras thoroughly everyday with solar mantras and returning curses? How and why is this^ method more powerful? Is it only because of matching it with the lunar timing?

I’m just trying to gain an understanding.

I agree though, I had trouble with the sweeping method for some time but then I finally agreed to just do it everyday and give it my best so I can finally master it and get it down as I read HPS Maxines emphasis on doing it everyday.

So I started doing it everyday and mastered it way quicker than I thought. It actually does make the visualization a lot easier when you raise your energies before you do it like Maxine mentioned.

Then I started cleaning my chakras with the sweeping method and it made me realize how important that is as well. After doing so, it made me notice that a lot of people’s chakras are dark and dirty and it seems like it really affects them more than they know and think, in multiple ways.

Seems very important to clean the soul consistently, I’ve seen some here say they removed all the curses in a few months but Maxine said it comes off in layers and takes longer than a few months for sure. Was wondering HP Cobras or anyone’s thoughts on this?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
An example of using this to help yourself during a very bad Saturn transit: as you are in the middle of a negative transit, and feel like it's taking you over, you set out the next Saturday and focus daily for the next 28 days in doing soul cleansing in a more focused manner. This will help lessen the blow of the transit, compared to just doing regular cleaning here and there.

My Saturn return *** . Would it be imperative now, more than ever, to preform these purification rituals in order to protect and heal properly? Is it possible to ensure a "positive" return, where much knowledge and wisdom is earned, by preforming these lunar rituals?

Thank you for all you do.
Very interesting information. After reading this, I was thinking also how Saturn rules the colour black and some uses of black relate to what you stated: reversing curses, overcoming obstacles, all the processes that happen during the Nigredo stage of alchemy.
kajo said:
Prior to reading this, I always wondered why in Nordic countries Saturday is called Bathing Day, when the rest of the days are named after the Sun, the Moon and the Gods. It seemed out of place. Now it makes sense. :mrgreen:

Thank you for this EXCELLENT input. I am going to include this.

I am not surprised although I never read on this specifically. Yes, as I told one good Norseman friend of mine, the Nords have had exceptional knowledge over all of these things. I simply read a bit around and knew what this was for, from "personal experience".

We observed this date for thousands of years. I know this to be a fact. This is why this has been shared. There is exceptional importance into this.

Just read on the online info on this, and you will see how much poor information and closely nothing exists, but if you read between the lines, you will see what I mean.

Lunar Dance 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Thank you for posting this.
Part of me has known for years that there is something that isn't just thorough cleaning but something more like 'refining the soul'. This seems to be it, or at least, very close to.

Ancient cultures like the Babylonians and so on, followed this. Knowledge of this however, has been removed. These things are of extreme importance. It will be after utilization of this where more understanding will come.

$ignificant$un said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
An example of using this to help yourself during a very bad Saturn transit: as you are in the middle of a negative transit, and feel like it's taking you over, you set out the next Saturday and focus daily for the next 28 days in doing soul cleansing in a more focused manner. This will help lessen the blow of the transit, compared to just doing regular cleaning here and there.

My Saturn return *** . Would it be imperative now, more than ever, to preform these purification rituals in order to protect and heal properly? Is it possible to ensure a "positive" return, where much knowledge and wisdom is earned, by preforming these lunar rituals?

Thank you for all you do.

Yes, it is definitely time to do that. Begin with the aforesaid dates.

Shadowcat said:
The lunar cycle is also linked to the menstrual cycle which is cleansing.

It is as you say, and this relates with also renewal through getting rid of impurity.

NinRick said:
Thank you, I needed this!!

Next time I start a working, I will spend an entire day prior cleaning my soul throughly.

Try this, and you will see a lot of upgrade in how your working will feel and work.

InNomineDeiNostriSatanas said:
But can someone explain to me what the difference is between doing this and just cleaning your soul/aura/chakras thoroughly everyday with solar mantras and returning curses? How and why is this^ method more powerful? Is it only because of matching it with the lunar timing?

In the future I am going to share some methodology of doing more in depth cleaning in order to progress with the Serpent, which is necessary to that end. In regards to what you say, yes. Even simply using the day, will heighten your success majorly.

All the methods posted by Academic Scholar, can be used. This does not have to happen every single week, but when you are under pressure, this can be used majorly to your advancement and self protection. Removing curses, cleansing the soul, and doing other advanced rectification meditations [will be posted in the future] are extremely important on this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
kajo said:
Prior to reading this, I always wondered why in Nordic countries Saturday is called Bathing Day, when the rest of the days are named after the Sun, the Moon and the Gods. It seemed out of place. Now it makes sense. :mrgreen:

Thank you for this EXCELLENT input. I am going to include this.

I am not surprised although I never read on this specifically. Yes, as I told one good Norseman friend of mine, the Nords have had exceptional knowledge over all of these things. I simply read a bit around and knew what this was for, from "personal experience".

We observed this date for thousands of years. I know this to be a fact. This is why this has been shared. There is exceptional importance into this.

Just read on the online info on this, and you will see how much poor information and closely nothing exists, but if you read between the lines, you will see what I mean.

I can also attest to this. The word for saturday in the german language, which is samstag, was originally pronounced sambaztach in old german, sambaz was derived from sabbaton in greek, while tach/tag means day in german. In the romanic languages, saturday is literally called sabado(italian) or sabato(spanish).
Jax911 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
kajo said:
Prior to reading this, I always wondered why in Nordic countries Saturday is called Bathing Day, when the rest of the days are named after the Sun, the Moon and the Gods. It seemed out of place. Now it makes sense. :mrgreen:

Thank you for this EXCELLENT input. I am going to include this.

I am not surprised although I never read on this specifically. Yes, as I told one good Norseman friend of mine, the Nords have had exceptional knowledge over all of these things. I simply read a bit around and knew what this was for, from "personal experience".

We observed this date for thousands of years. I know this to be a fact. This is why this has been shared. There is exceptional importance into this.

Just read on the online info on this, and you will see how much poor information and closely nothing exists, but if you read between the lines, you will see what I mean.

I can also attest to this. The word for saturday in the german language, which is samstag, was originally pronounced sambaztach in old german, sambaz was derived from sabbaton in greek, while tach/tag means day in german. In the romanic languages, saturday is literally called sabado(italian) or sabato(spanish).

Thank you, yes I have been aware of this from a linguistic perspective in quite a few languages. What was very revealing and adding credence to this is that this is called "Bathing Day" specifically, meaning that the Norse knew this day was for "Bathing", ie, spiritual purification.
Jax911 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
kajo said:
Prior to reading this, I always wondered why in Nordic countries Saturday is called Bathing Day, when the rest of the days are named after the Sun, the Moon and the Gods. It seemed out of place. Now it makes sense. :mrgreen:

Thank you for this EXCELLENT input. I am going to include this.

I am not surprised although I never read on this specifically. Yes, as I told one good Norseman friend of mine, the Nords have had exceptional knowledge over all of these things. I simply read a bit around and knew what this was for, from "personal experience".

We observed this date for thousands of years. I know this to be a fact. This is why this has been shared. There is exceptional importance into this.

Just read on the online info on this, and you will see how much poor information and closely nothing exists, but if you read between the lines, you will see what I mean.

I can also attest to this. The word for saturday in the german language, which is samstag, was originally pronounced sambaztach in old german, sambaz was derived from sabbaton in greek, while tach/tag means day in german. In the romanic languages, saturday is literally called sabado(italian) or sabato(spanish).

You switched Italian and Spanish. Thanks fro the context.
NinRick said:
Sundara said:
Awesome! Thank you! Last Saturday in Capricorn was such an effective date for removing blockages. I’ve been feeling so low on energy the last couple of months but some of the workings to fix this recently have been so effective. Feeling better than I ever have despite a hard saturn transit.

I am also low on energy lately, but I think this has to do with my tight schedule. When you are low on energy, meditations are not as effective, this is the only thing that is bothering me.

True, you’ll adjust to the schedule eventually. Energy will come and go and when you have a burst of energy you can use it to carry you through and rebuild. If you persevere you can kick ass on a tight schedule. People have been saying my schedule is absolutely insane which is almost discouraging, I’d rather hear about people who can do this versus the fact that it’s not sustainable for most people. If I don’t compare it to anyone else’s life it doesn’t seem so bad and I’m more successful than I’ve ever been now. How to Saturn 101. Removing some more lower blocks have allowed whatever energy to start a cycle of building and makes the effort go further. Make sure you have something you’re doing for yourself if you’re working a lot, just an hour to 30 mins a day. Like working out, hiking, art, ect.
Jack said:
What is the difference between Freeing the Soul meditation using Munka ane this ?
This is what I understood. This cicle can be used on top of your normal everyday cleaning/protection to speed it up and deep clean yourself. This works if at the moment you see some bad transits and want to do something powerful that will manifest quicker than waiting 40 days, this should not replace the every day cleaning/protection but you can add it on top to speed it up. This can be used to unblock/clean a chakra more 'quickly'.

I started doing this Saturday even if its not the best date, Surya 9 reps on each of my 7 chakras and 9 on myself. I've felt already a deeper cleaning than usual, its definitely something everyone needs to try. I'll keep doing this for 7 or 14 days to see how it will help me. Luckily negative transits have not manifested in my life for a while, thanks to my daily cleaning and protection but this will help to further clean and unblock my chakras, there is still some negativity from my natal planets that needs to be hone.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
