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Do not fear them…


Active member
Apr 30, 2018
Do not fear them

Do not fear the et's enemies, grays and lizards, remember the assassination attempts against Hitler, the people who have certainly tried have had a tragic end, the et's who dare to attack must surely prepare for extinction, so they use people to attack, their psychic guinea pigs, whoever made the alliance is well protected, so (he)) attacks family, friends, loves and neighbors, this war is first psychic, then physical…

Look at the HP’s, the attacks they suffered, the rubbish used against them are certainly dead now, the et's don't even have the audacity to attack them…

There is a story of the new age that a single Arch-Demon entered a very important meeting room of an assembly of such a Andromedia and he destroyed everyone inside, this is the kind of fear they have in their wet dreams.

Next time you see ships and think they're watching you, pee in their direction! I wouldn't advise shitting, because they might start worshipping your ass like a new god, you never know...

Ps.: I hate writing topic! Hope not the number 6000 :? …. I write this because I'm not liking the fear some of you are having of them... I think Hitler had fewer followers who understood magic than you see entering us here...
now I understand why pissrael :lol:
Excuse the English pimp…
Aren't the enemy ETs powerful enough to destroy an individual SS if they consider us a threat?
We are not Hitler and the National Socialists and the Gods may have more important matters to attend to instead of protecting a single SS.
TopoftheAbyss said:
We are not Hitler and the National Socialists and the Gods may have more important matters to attend to instead of protecting a single SS.
Enough with the bullshit mate.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Aren't the enemy ETs powerful enough to destroy an individual SS if they consider us a threat?
We are not Hitler and the National Socialists and the Gods may have more important matters to attend to instead of protecting a single SS.

They protect everyone so stop worrying. All SS are real important to them.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Aren't the enemy ETs powerful enough to destroy an individual SS if they consider us a threat?
We are not Hitler and the National Socialists and the Gods may have more important matters to attend to instead of protecting a single SS.

They protect everyone so stop worrying. All SS are real important to them.
I'm not worrying. I was just curious.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Aren't the enemy ETs powerful enough to destroy an individual SS if they consider us a threat?
We are not Hitler and the National Socialists and the Gods may have more important matters to attend to instead of protecting a single SS.
Ss means we all trust satan in every way. Go through the al jilwah as many times as you can and know everyone word of this is true.
Don’t fear we are all in this together.
Don’t worry the soul of the 3 things lord satan gates are free and return back to the satanic hell ( a place as depicted in the photo shown in the joy of satan website). None of us will die as we are all protected but it is better to not overwork the gods by being stupid.
Hail satan
I’m sure since they’ve been freed to have a more direct influence on the world and us, the enemies grid is no longer an all powerful barrier as it used to.

Anyone on board with the fight matters. In comparison to the world at large we are a small group for the time being, but THE group that matters most as we have a direct line in fighting the enemy.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Aren't the enemy ETs powerful enough to destroy an individual SS if they consider us a threat?
We are not Hitler and the National Socialists and the Gods may have more important matters to attend to instead of protecting a single SS.

You, me, hopefully everyone here are fighting the war which is gonna free the humanity once and for all. How are we not important? Do you know how would the world look like today if it weren’t for us?
Also Hitler and Nazi Germany were defeated, many were killed/hanged/committed suicide, so yes, we need to be courageous, and we can't be paralyzed by fear, but we also can't underestimate the enemy.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Aren't the enemy ETs powerful enough to destroy an individual SS if they consider us a threat?
We are not Hitler and the National Socialists and the Gods may have more important matters to attend to instead of protecting a single SS.

They protect everyone so stop worrying. All SS are real important to them.

Is this a legit reply, or are you being a bit sarcastic here?
Anyways I disagree with you. Ive tried to do work for the gods in the past and ask them for help on certain things, but its like I was being ignored and everything was a disaster in the end. One of the things was about money and I had a bit of income that I was about to lose, but I ended up really losing it and that put me into complete misery and poverty that now even 5 years later I never have recovered from and still have 0 income and on the edge of homelessness. The total amount of money I have to my name right now is only like $115 and that's it, and it was just given to me by family members.

Ive tried to do money spells and things like that on my own in the past, and not ask for help from the gods so much, but the truth is I really cant free myself from this shithole all by myself and im going to need some serious help out of this soon, like within the next year or i'll just give up on life.

I also feel like im being attacked constantly and I always feel like im being watched by something and that something is always trying to keep my stuck in this shit and not letting up with it. I guess that most emotional outbursts and things that I go through are just caused by repressed emotions, and are coming mostly from me, but I cant say that a lot of the mental and emotional depression attacks that I have are coming from me alone, and they are most likely caused by enemy entities, curses, and things like that.
The gods have their own lives and the gods that are our guardians are mostly high ranking and are busy helping running Satan's empire. I understand they cant watch over us 24/7 but they do sometimes leave a aura of protection around us whenever they're busy in case we get attacked.
I wonder sometimes if its really just me that's overreacting and causing myself to go into fits of anger and emotional outbursts, or if it really is some enemy thing messing with me. And I wonder why I feel so damned alone and unimportant all the time, even though Ive tried so hard in the past to be a part of this. Ive always had a feeling of 'weakness and unimportance' that's plagued me and its effected my deeply to where Im completely quiet and I don't try to socialize with anyone anymore, or talk with any of my family.

I remember back years ago when I told Satan that I wanted to be a soldier and fight for him, but now it seems embarrassing to me that I ever said that, because of how low down and depressed I am all the time, and I admit that I haven't been doing a good job with the RTR lately and ive really been In a bad mood for a really long time.
Ive been seeing the number 666 like everywhere lately. Its completely obvious that the gods are trying to tell me something, give me some kind of sign, but im unsure what they want or what they are trying to tell me. Probably to do more of the RTR most likely.
I cant really do some of the vibrations of the RTR anymore, or some of the vibrations for important mantras, runes, etc. My front teeth are fucked beyond repair, and I cant get them replaced or anything without money.

I don't know what I should do anymore. I first came to Satanism because of greed and a need to escape the same shit im going through now. But the shit im going through now is much worse than it was 5 years ago. I don't want to say that this was an attempt to just escape from my problems in life, but Indeed it was for me. When I found joy of Satan I was happy to have found something that could help me out with the shit life ive been given, and I could use my own powers to do things and get myself out of bad times. It never really helped me at all to tell the truth. It was me just basically vibrating and chanting words to myself while sitting in my bedroom while my bitch methheaded mom was screaming and bitching at me to stop. I guess I am really a bad person and im just too greedy and shit on the inside for the gods to care much about me. But I will never say that I was always like that. When I was younger I was one of the most selfless and helping person ever and I loved animals and nature and things and I was a benevolent person. I guess over time poverty, greed, and hatred started to wither me down to who I am today. I had the most unhappy childhood, and I cant describe how much I hated my mom, and still do.

I guess ive turned into a really nasty and evil greedy person and that's why the gods don't care much about me. Ive been in some very unfortunate situations throughout my life, and through out my years in Satanism, and even though I ask for help in some of the most critical points of my life, It has always failed, and I suffer in life even more. Ive tried to be a part of this but I guess im failing too much and Its not really for me. I cant really stop though. I cant let everyone just go on and blaze past me while I don't even try to meditate or something like that. I'll always be trying to advance now that I know the truth, there is no stopping. But im always not making progress and im always stressed out over life issues to actually sit down and focus most of the time. I wonder in the future if everyone would just want to make fun of me for being 'weak' or something even though Ive been shit on all my life and Ive tried fighting for Satan and being a soldier. Ive tried to make Satanism the center of my life because I don't have much of anything else. Nothing has really changed for the better, even with all my effort to help myself. I know who my guardian demon is. I have known for a while now, I have never seen or spoken with them, or any others. I have never really felt any kind of presence around me, in my room, or whatever that indicates they may be there. The only thing ive ever felt around me is negativity and paranoia. I guess they think im not mentally prepared or something like that to be casually speaking with them or whatever, I guess I could agree, but im also saddened by all the quietness and failed attempts to contact them or ask for some help.

Sorry this is a little long, I needed to vent some things
Sun said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Aren't the enemy ETs powerful enough to destroy an individual SS if they consider us a threat?
We are not Hitler and the National Socialists and the Gods may have more important matters to attend to instead of protecting a single SS.

They protect everyone so stop worrying. All SS are real important to them.

Is this a legit reply, or are you being a bit sarcastic here?
Anyways I disagree with you. Ive tried to do work for the gods in the past and ask them for help on certain things, but its like I was being ignored and everything was a disaster in the end. One of the things was about money and I had a bit of income that I was about to lose, but I ended up really losing it and that put me into complete misery and poverty that now even 5 years later I never have recovered from and still have 0 income and on the edge of homelessness. The total amount of money I have to my name right now is only like $115 and that's it, and it was just given to me by family members.

Ive tried to do money spells and things like that on my own in the past, and not ask for help from the gods so much, but the truth is I really cant free myself from this shithole all by myself and im going to need some serious help out of this soon, like within the next year or i'll just give up on life.

I also feel like im being attacked constantly and I always feel like im being watched by something and that something is always trying to keep my stuck in this shit and not letting up with it. I guess that most emotional outbursts and things that I go through are just caused by repressed emotions, and are coming mostly from me, but I cant say that a lot of the mental and emotional depression attacks that I have are coming from me alone, and they are most likely caused by enemy entities, curses, and things like that.
The gods have their own lives and the gods that are our guardians are mostly high ranking and are busy helping running Satan's empire. I understand they cant watch over us 24/7 but they do sometimes leave a aura of protection around us whenever they're busy in case we get attacked.
I wonder sometimes if its really just me that's overreacting and causing myself to go into fits of anger and emotional outbursts, or if it really is some enemy thing messing with me. And I wonder why I feel so damned alone and unimportant all the time, even though Ive tried so hard in the past to be a part of this. Ive always had a feeling of 'weakness and unimportance' that's plagued me and its effected my deeply to where Im completely quiet and I don't try to socialize with anyone anymore, or talk with any of my family.

I remember back years ago when I told Satan that I wanted to be a soldier and fight for him, but now it seems embarrassing to me that I ever said that, because of how low down and depressed I am all the time, and I admit that I haven't been doing a good job with the RTR lately and ive really been In a bad mood for a really long time.
Ive been seeing the number 666 like everywhere lately. Its completely obvious that the gods are trying to tell me something, give me some kind of sign, but im unsure what they want or what they are trying to tell me. Probably to do more of the RTR most likely.
I cant really do some of the vibrations of the RTR anymore, or some of the vibrations for important mantras, runes, etc. My front teeth are fucked beyond repair, and I cant get them replaced or anything without money.

I don't know what I should do anymore. I first came to Satanism because of greed and a need to escape the same shit im going through now. But the shit im going through now is much worse than it was 5 years ago. I don't want to say that this was an attempt to just escape from my problems in life, but Indeed it was for me. When I found joy of Satan I was happy to have found something that could help me out with the shit life ive been given, and I could use my own powers to do things and get myself out of bad times. It never really helped me at all to tell the truth. It was me just basically vibrating and chanting words to myself while sitting in my bedroom while my bitch methheaded mom was screaming and bitching at me to stop. I guess I am really a bad person and im just too greedy and shit on the inside for the gods to care much about me. But I will never say that I was always like that. When I was younger I was one of the most selfless and helping person ever and I loved animals and nature and things and I was a benevolent person. I guess over time poverty, greed, and hatred started to wither me down to who I am today. I had the most unhappy childhood, and I cant describe how much I hated my mom, and still do.

I guess ive turned into a really nasty and evil greedy person and that's why the gods don't care much about me. Ive been in some very unfortunate situations throughout my life, and through out my years in Satanism, and even though I ask for help in some of the most critical points of my life, It has always failed, and I suffer in life even more. Ive tried to be a part of this but I guess im failing too much and Its not really for me. I cant really stop though. I cant let everyone just go on and blaze past me while I don't even try to meditate or something like that. I'll always be trying to advance now that I know the truth, there is no stopping. But im always not making progress and im always stressed out over life issues to actually sit down and focus most of the time. I wonder in the future if everyone would just want to make fun of me for being 'weak' or something even though Ive been shit on all my life and Ive tried fighting for Satan and being a soldier. Ive tried to make Satanism the center of my life because I don't have much of anything else. Nothing has really changed for the better, even with all my effort to help myself. I know who my guardian demon is. I have known for a while now, I have never seen or spoken with them, or any others. I have never really felt any kind of presence around me, in my room, or whatever that indicates they may be there. The only thing ive ever felt around me is negativity and paranoia. I guess they think im not mentally prepared or something like that to be casually speaking with them or whatever, I guess I could agree, but im also saddened by all the quietness and failed attempts to contact them or ask for some help.

Sorry this is a little long, I needed to vent some things
I had an experience similar to this. For the moment I'm good but for how long?
I often wanted to die and even asked the Gods to kill me. I asked Them for help countless times but got no result, this is why I'm saying They can't probably always save us. It's war and sacrifices have to be made, I accept it and I don't blame Them. I don't fear death.
Sun said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Aren't the enemy ETs powerful enough to destroy an individual SS if they consider us a threat?
We are not Hitler and the National Socialists and the Gods may have more important matters to attend to instead of protecting a single SS.

They protect everyone so stop worrying. All SS are real important to them.

Is this a legit reply, or are you being a bit sarcastic here?
Anyways I disagree with you. Ive tried to do work for the gods in the past and ask them for help on certain things, but its like I was being ignored and everything was a disaster in the end. One of the things was about money and I had a bit of income that I was about to lose, but I ended up really losing it and that put me into complete misery and poverty that now even 5 years later I never have recovered from and still have 0 income and on the edge of homelessness. The total amount of money I have to my name right now is only like $115 and that's it, and it was just given to me by family members.

Ive tried to do money spells and things like that on my own in the past, and not ask for help from the gods so much, but the truth is I really cant free myself from this shithole all by myself and im going to need some serious help out of this soon, like within the next year or i'll just give up on life.

I also feel like im being attacked constantly and I always feel like im being watched by something and that something is always trying to keep my stuck in this shit and not letting up with it. I guess that most emotional outbursts and things that I go through are just caused by repressed emotions, and are coming mostly from me, but I cant say that a lot of the mental and emotional depression attacks that I have are coming from me alone, and they are most likely caused by enemy entities, curses, and things like that.
The gods have their own lives and the gods that are our guardians are mostly high ranking and are busy helping running Satan's empire. I understand they cant watch over us 24/7 but they do sometimes leave a aura of protection around us whenever they're busy in case we get attacked.
I wonder sometimes if its really just me that's overreacting and causing myself to go into fits of anger and emotional outbursts, or if it really is some enemy thing messing with me. And I wonder why I feel so damned alone and unimportant all the time, even though Ive tried so hard in the past to be a part of this. Ive always had a feeling of 'weakness and unimportance' that's plagued me and its effected my deeply to where Im completely quiet and I don't try to socialize with anyone anymore, or talk with any of my family.

I remember back years ago when I told Satan that I wanted to be a soldier and fight for him, but now it seems embarrassing to me that I ever said that, because of how low down and depressed I am all the time, and I admit that I haven't been doing a good job with the RTR lately and ive really been In a bad mood for a really long time.
Ive been seeing the number 666 like everywhere lately. Its completely obvious that the gods are trying to tell me something, give me some kind of sign, but im unsure what they want or what they are trying to tell me. Probably to do more of the RTR most likely.
I cant really do some of the vibrations of the RTR anymore, or some of the vibrations for important mantras, runes, etc. My front teeth are fucked beyond repair, and I cant get them replaced or anything without money.

I don't know what I should do anymore. I first came to Satanism because of greed and a need to escape the same shit im going through now. But the shit im going through now is much worse than it was 5 years ago. I don't want to say that this was an attempt to just escape from my problems in life, but Indeed it was for me. When I found joy of Satan I was happy to have found something that could help me out with the shit life ive been given, and I could use my own powers to do things and get myself out of bad times. It never really helped me at all to tell the truth. It was me just basically vibrating and chanting words to myself while sitting in my bedroom while my bitch methheaded mom was screaming and bitching at me to stop. I guess I am really a bad person and im just too greedy and shit on the inside for the gods to care much about me. But I will never say that I was always like that. When I was younger I was one of the most selfless and helping person ever and I loved animals and nature and things and I was a benevolent person. I guess over time poverty, greed, and hatred started to wither me down to who I am today. I had the most unhappy childhood, and I cant describe how much I hated my mom, and still do.

I guess ive turned into a really nasty and evil greedy person and that's why the gods don't care much about me. Ive been in some very unfortunate situations throughout my life, and through out my years in Satanism, and even though I ask for help in some of the most critical points of my life, It has always failed, and I suffer in life even more. Ive tried to be a part of this but I guess im failing too much and Its not really for me. I cant really stop though. I cant let everyone just go on and blaze past me while I don't even try to meditate or something like that. I'll always be trying to advance now that I know the truth, there is no stopping. But im always not making progress and im always stressed out over life issues to actually sit down and focus most of the time. I wonder in the future if everyone would just want to make fun of me for being 'weak' or something even though Ive been shit on all my life and Ive tried fighting for Satan and being a soldier. Ive tried to make Satanism the center of my life because I don't have much of anything else. Nothing has really changed for the better, even with all my effort to help myself. I know who my guardian demon is. I have known for a while now, I have never seen or spoken with them, or any others. I have never really felt any kind of presence around me, in my room, or whatever that indicates they may be there. The only thing ive ever felt around me is negativity and paranoia. I guess they think im not mentally prepared or something like that to be casually speaking with them or whatever, I guess I could agree, but im also saddened by all the quietness and failed attempts to contact them or ask for some help.

Sorry this is a little long, I needed to vent some things
Just because you cannot hear them doesn't mean they're not trying to help you. You've been in this zero income situation for 5 DAMN years and you did nothing about it. In 5 years you could have gotten a degree and got a good job or just could have done anything really. If you don't lift your ass to try and better your life how can the Gods help you? They aren't wish granting geniuses. And your dissapointments come from thinking of them as such. If you can't help yourself, what makes you think others will do the work for you?
Sun said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Aren't the enemy ETs powerful enough to destroy an individual SS if they consider us a threat?
We are not Hitler and the National Socialists and the Gods may have more important matters to attend to instead of protecting a single SS.

They protect everyone so stop worrying. All SS are real important to them.

Is this a legit reply, or are you being a bit sarcastic here?
Anyways I disagree with you. Ive tried to do work for the gods in the past and ask them for help on certain things, but its like I was being ignored and everything was a disaster in the end. One of the things was about money and I had a bit of income that I was about to lose, but I ended up really losing it and that put me into complete misery and poverty that now even 5 years later I never have recovered from and still have 0 income and on the edge of homelessness. The total amount of money I have to my name right now is only like $115 and that's it, and it was just given to me by family members.

Ive tried to do money spells and things like that on my own in the past, and not ask for help from the gods so much, but the truth is I really cant free myself from this shithole all by myself and im going to need some serious help out of this soon, like within the next year or i'll just give up on life.

I also feel like im being attacked constantly and I always feel like im being watched by something and that something is always trying to keep my stuck in this shit and not letting up with it. I guess that most emotional outbursts and things that I go through are just caused by repressed emotions, and are coming mostly from me, but I cant say that a lot of the mental and emotional depression attacks that I have are coming from me alone, and they are most likely caused by enemy entities, curses, and things like that.
The gods have their own lives and the gods that are our guardians are mostly high ranking and are busy helping running Satan's empire. I understand they cant watch over us 24/7 but they do sometimes leave a aura of protection around us whenever they're busy in case we get attacked.
I wonder sometimes if its really just me that's overreacting and causing myself to go into fits of anger and emotional outbursts, or if it really is some enemy thing messing with me. And I wonder why I feel so damned alone and unimportant all the time, even though Ive tried so hard in the past to be a part of this. Ive always had a feeling of 'weakness and unimportance' that's plagued me and its effected my deeply to where Im completely quiet and I don't try to socialize with anyone anymore, or talk with any of my family.

I remember back years ago when I told Satan that I wanted to be a soldier and fight for him, but now it seems embarrassing to me that I ever said that, because of how low down and depressed I am all the time, and I admit that I haven't been doing a good job with the RTR lately and ive really been In a bad mood for a really long time.
Ive been seeing the number 666 like everywhere lately. Its completely obvious that the gods are trying to tell me something, give me some kind of sign, but im unsure what they want or what they are trying to tell me. Probably to do more of the RTR most likely.
I cant really do some of the vibrations of the RTR anymore, or some of the vibrations for important mantras, runes, etc. My front teeth are fucked beyond repair, and I cant get them replaced or anything without money.

I don't know what I should do anymore. I first came to Satanism because of greed and a need to escape the same shit im going through now. But the shit im going through now is much worse than it was 5 years ago. I don't want to say that this was an attempt to just escape from my problems in life, but Indeed it was for me. When I found joy of Satan I was happy to have found something that could help me out with the shit life ive been given, and I could use my own powers to do things and get myself out of bad times. It never really helped me at all to tell the truth. It was me just basically vibrating and chanting words to myself while sitting in my bedroom while my bitch methheaded mom was screaming and bitching at me to stop. I guess I am really a bad person and im just too greedy and shit on the inside for the gods to care much about me. But I will never say that I was always like that. When I was younger I was one of the most selfless and helping person ever and I loved animals and nature and things and I was a benevolent person. I guess over time poverty, greed, and hatred started to wither me down to who I am today. I had the most unhappy childhood, and I cant describe how much I hated my mom, and still do.

I guess ive turned into a really nasty and evil greedy person and that's why the gods don't care much about me. Ive been in some very unfortunate situations throughout my life, and through out my years in Satanism, and even though I ask for help in some of the most critical points of my life, It has always failed, and I suffer in life even more. Ive tried to be a part of this but I guess im failing too much and Its not really for me. I cant really stop though. I cant let everyone just go on and blaze past me while I don't even try to meditate or something like that. I'll always be trying to advance now that I know the truth, there is no stopping. But im always not making progress and im always stressed out over life issues to actually sit down and focus most of the time. I wonder in the future if everyone would just want to make fun of me for being 'weak' or something even though Ive been shit on all my life and Ive tried fighting for Satan and being a soldier. Ive tried to make Satanism the center of my life because I don't have much of anything else. Nothing has really changed for the better, even with all my effort to help myself. I know who my guardian demon is. I have known for a while now, I have never seen or spoken with them, or any others. I have never really felt any kind of presence around me, in my room, or whatever that indicates they may be there. The only thing ive ever felt around me is negativity and paranoia. I guess they think im not mentally prepared or something like that to be casually speaking with them or whatever, I guess I could agree, but im also saddened by all the quietness and failed attempts to contact them or ask for some help.

Sorry this is a little long, I needed to vent some things

Sun said:
Man, are you meditating and doing yoga daily? Cleaning your aura and chakras thoroughly, returning curses etc? A working like this (I've done it, fully recommend) could work, as well as a runic working like with Wunjo to cure mental pain and scars. There are countless of ways of helping your internal state but you have to stay consistent. Cleaning aura and chakras is a must.

As for your material issues, can you get a job? Just something so you can cover your basic living at least. Reckon you won't be meditating much if you're homeless.

Also do the Final RTR! It'll be worth it.
Harry said:
Calm down lol
TopoftheAbyss said:
Sun said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They protect everyone so stop worrying. All SS are real important to them.
I had an experience similar to this. For the moment I'm good but for how long?
I often wanted to die and even asked the Gods to kill me. I asked Them for help countless times but got no result, this is why I'm saying They can't probably always save us. It's war and sacrifices have to be made, I accept it and I don't blame Them. I don't fear death.

This is a general answer, since I know new members are reading as well.

The problem here are the expectations that have been set that can be wrong in many ways. These are attitudes and feelings that can lead one to think the Gods aren't on your side. They are. You've simply made the wrong conclusions based on your expectations, and now have formed some kind of barrier to even receive help. These expectations which most likely haven't been met, has led you to form assumptions about how the Gods have treated you and will treat you. Thus you believe that you will play the role of a martyr in this war.

The Gods aren't bound to the demands and requests of people, they DO offer support and spiritual advice so that one can get out of their rut. But as the saying goes "Some people create their own storms, then get upset when it rains." This defeatist approach and martyr like attitude might even be the culprit of why you might not have received help. There might be a barrier that has been formed with this attitude, of your own making.

We Satanists are few in numbers for the time being, even fewer are those REALLY seriously on this path as it's challenging at almost every turn. One thing to also note is that HPS Maxine Dietrich has mentioned that at some point the Gods will directly step in and all those that need some serious help, that have been serious about the path will receive it. With the removal of your faith, a line of trust and belief can be cut and this can hamper your relationship with the Gods in long run.

The xtians will have it bad if shit hits the fan though. This is clear as day with their worship of death and the book of revelations' prophesies of unending havoc on this earth to make way for the reptillians, whatever little power their soul has is getting used to the worlds detriment.

On the other hand we as Satanists, have been shown the truth and are a familiar with REALITY and experience it day after day. I still remember the amount of freedom my entire being felt when I did the first Final RTR, an absolutely indescribable liberation that was FELT. This was undeniable as have many things in this path I've seen. Don't want to go off a tangent here but really think about the path we're on before you make such statements and know that you are valuable for knowing and having the chance to fight off our enemies.

It all boils down to doing your part which includes your responsibilities as a Satanist(Keeping a strong aura of protection and believing that you are indeed protect by it among many other spiritual tasks) and warfare. This is the part each and everyone of us has to keep up, the other part which are things totally out of our control, worldly events etc. the Gods will have a stronger say in these. And we are a team and family in the sense that they have a stronger and stronger say in these and the unfoldment of events the more we do our part.

Sun said:
Probably to do more of the RTR most likely.
Dude SS is not a business where you do RTRs in exchange for money and help in life. Also SS is not a place where the Gods clap their hands and all your problems will disappear. We are here to save our asses and advance spiritually. By this spiritual knowledge you have to learn how to lift yourself from misery, and not expecting the Gods to lift you only because you dedicated to SS. Yes people do get help from the Gods, but the serious and commited people who are working the most for our cause have priority over the people who are lazy and just complaining, which is very normal.

And let's be honest, if in 5 years you didn't find any job, it sounds that you haven't even tried to find one. In this case of not being able even to help yourself, then don't expect others to do it for you. In an area with high unemployiment (if this is where you are), one cannot afford to choose or change jobs like socks. Any job that doesn't treat you like a literal slave (like jobs in kebab shops for example) is good and brings you stability and money. It doesn't matter where you are, I cannot believe that in 5 years there was no job available in your area. You don't even have to do a spiritual work for this, is enough to just check some job centers or however you call them around you. They will send you to jobs where is needed If not, move from the area.

Also meditating is not as easy as you try to describe. You need to learn to do the meditations properly. This can take even years depending on the individual.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Sun said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They protect everyone so stop worrying. All SS are real important to them.

Is this a legit reply, or are you being a bit sarcastic here?
Anyways I disagree with you. Ive tried to do work for the gods in the past and ask them for help on certain things, but its like I was being ignored and everything was a disaster in the end. One of the things was about money and I had a bit of income that I was about to lose, but I ended up really losing it and that put me into complete misery and poverty that now even 5 years later I never have recovered from and still have 0 income and on the edge of homelessness. The total amount of money I have to my name right now is only like $115 and that's it, and it was just given to me by family members.

Ive tried to do money spells and things like that on my own in the past, and not ask for help from the gods so much, but the truth is I really cant free myself from this shithole all by myself and im going to need some serious help out of this soon, like within the next year or i'll just give up on life.

I also feel like im being attacked constantly and I always feel like im being watched by something and that something is always trying to keep my stuck in this shit and not letting up with it. I guess that most emotional outbursts and things that I go through are just caused by repressed emotions, and are coming mostly from me, but I cant say that a lot of the mental and emotional depression attacks that I have are coming from me alone, and they are most likely caused by enemy entities, curses, and things like that.
The gods have their own lives and the gods that are our guardians are mostly high ranking and are busy helping running Satan's empire. I understand they cant watch over us 24/7 but they do sometimes leave a aura of protection around us whenever they're busy in case we get attacked.
I wonder sometimes if its really just me that's overreacting and causing myself to go into fits of anger and emotional outbursts, or if it really is some enemy thing messing with me. And I wonder why I feel so damned alone and unimportant all the time, even though Ive tried so hard in the past to be a part of this. Ive always had a feeling of 'weakness and unimportance' that's plagued me and its effected my deeply to where Im completely quiet and I don't try to socialize with anyone anymore, or talk with any of my family.

I remember back years ago when I told Satan that I wanted to be a soldier and fight for him, but now it seems embarrassing to me that I ever said that, because of how low down and depressed I am all the time, and I admit that I haven't been doing a good job with the RTR lately and ive really been In a bad mood for a really long time.
Ive been seeing the number 666 like everywhere lately. Its completely obvious that the gods are trying to tell me something, give me some kind of sign, but im unsure what they want or what they are trying to tell me. Probably to do more of the RTR most likely.
I cant really do some of the vibrations of the RTR anymore, or some of the vibrations for important mantras, runes, etc. My front teeth are fucked beyond repair, and I cant get them replaced or anything without money.

I don't know what I should do anymore. I first came to Satanism because of greed and a need to escape the same shit im going through now. But the shit im going through now is much worse than it was 5 years ago. I don't want to say that this was an attempt to just escape from my problems in life, but Indeed it was for me. When I found joy of Satan I was happy to have found something that could help me out with the shit life ive been given, and I could use my own powers to do things and get myself out of
I often wanted to die and even asked the Gods to kill me. I asked Them for help countless times but got no result, this is why I'm saying They can't probably always save us. It's war and sacrifices have to be made, I accept it and I don't blame Them. I don't fear death.

This is exactly what i was asked to write a post about. We are not to DIE. We need to protect ourselves at all costs. Many things , much more knowledge is waiting to come to US on how to protect ourselves. This was what i was asked to write about but it kept getting messed up with the enemy cursing to the point where i felt i Could hear them.

One thing, one thing my GD keeps repeating is "THEY DONT KNOW YOU PERSONALLY".
You have to ignore them, the negative messages personally.
Personal care is MUST. ESSENTIAL.
We are not to be martyrs.
Proper care is to be taken always , always.
I will work again on writing the post i was supposed to write .
Couple of things which are necessary and i can remember of that post is-
1. Never ever share personal details on any public forum especially not on this forum. Delete everything old which in anyone gives the enemy link to YOU.
2. Keep a notebook of EVERYTHING important. Passwords, etc As our thoughts because of meditation to get extremely powerful and entities much powerful than us can read them easily. It is important to set them in your muscle memory with practice and not think about these out loud. Keep a Notebook which only YOU can access , and store everything important in it.
3. Never give into the enemy. Never stop growing yourself. Never.
4. Always keep your spine straight. Always. This keeps your mind alert and keeps you strong. Doesnt make you forget things (short term) and keeps you highly focused.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
