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Late-Stage Christianity

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
"But they are white and good people tho!".

In the same way you have to accept that people like this exist and they are garbage from our people, is it so hard to believe that these exist in big numbers in other races also?

The level of depravity may not be the same, but these things you describe here for example or how many of these broads remember at 60 years old to get some black dick, some of our people are also at fault. Not the majority, but we have a lot of tragic examples.

Energy is better wasted in dealing with the enemy as these derailings wouldn't happen. People still can still be degenerates the key is to remove factors that make more and more suck [jews accelerate all negative tendency to the maximum], and reduce these in as much less.
I like that nativity keeping Jews and their kike programs out of your nation by building a fence. Sorry Jewseph you and Mariah can't come to Gentile land we don't want jew or need jew around take that little Karl Marx in the basket with jew as well that jew brought. By the way Heil Hitler.
In a few decades/centuries boomers will be in the history books as an example for the children how NOT to be. Selfish, willfully ignorant, irrational, blame shifting when confronted, gullible, the talmudvision is their literal god, a true master goy. Not all of them, but way too much of them. These fell for every trap the enemy has laid out post WW2, now we see the result. Yet, like I said, they still remain willfully ignorant even in the presence of facts upon facts, like an Untermensch.

a presentation of a de-generation.....with exceptions of course

14Alex88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"But they are white and good people tho!".

In the same way you have to accept that people like this exist and they are garbage from our people, is it so hard to believe that these exist in big numbers in other races also?

The level of depravity may not be the same, but these things you describe here for example or how many of these broads remember at 60 years old to get some black dick, some of our people are also at fault. Not the majority, but we have a lot of tragic examples.

Energy is better wasted in dealing with the enemy as these derailings wouldn't happen. People still can still be degenerates the key is to remove factors that make more and more suck [jews accelerate all negative tendency to the maximum], and reduce these in as much less.

I’ve never said there aren’t worthless white People. Hell, there’s millions of them. But like you said, the majority aren’t, and the level of depravity is different between races. I’m well aware jews are at the top, but the hordes of those willing to hate whites and ruin our lives is much greater than the absolute number of Jews. If you can understand my point, then I’ll back off the race stuff as long as I don’t see any ridiculous kumbayah crap.

It also says a lot that these dumb ugly broads can get nonwhites to screw them. Says a lot about both group’s standards.

I’ll back off the race stuff since it seems to bother some here but don’t waste your energy either reminding me the jews are really evil, I’m well aware. My point is that there’s plenty of non-jews who are just as evil but aren’t as smart and have the agency to do what the Jews do, but given the chance and choice, they would be just as bad.

That’s my experience and advice for everyone here. Of course People don’t have to heed my warnings, but just getting rid of the Jews won’t solve all the problems. It will be a good start though.

Alex, you keep talking to us as if we dont understand the situation of the non whites or the gentiles of all races being capable of doing evil. We understand that more than you know and more than you actually do.

We are working for that but at the end of thr day the real enemy and threat are the Jews and their programs. Of course all the gentile traitors and degenerates will be dealt with but we KNOW and understand the real situation. Nothing will change unless we destroy the root cause.

You can vent and talk about whatever you want, no one is being overly sensitive and saying not to bring up the situation with the races and whats happening but you are doing it in a way as if we aren't aware at all.

Been there, done that.

We all know what we have to do. Every race here is upset at what is going on with their countries and people, but thats why we SS are different and the elites here. We are actively working to change this.

Though different races, we are all here united under Satan and our gods who are are ancestors and creators, and we are united in our hate and goal to destroy the Jews and liberate the world and find peace and harmony in racial separation and racial cooperation.
This hating Boomers is some alt-right meme instead of just staying focused on the Jews hate old people, hate women, and on the Jewish distraction goes.
Bull Gotze said:
HPS Shannon said:
14Alex88 said:
I’ve never said there aren’t worthless white People. Hell, there’s millions of them. But like you said, the majority aren’t, and the level of depravity is different between races. I’m well aware jews are at the top, but the hordes of those willing to hate whites and ruin our lives is much greater than the absolute number of Jews. If you can understand my point, then I’ll back off the race stuff as long as I don’t see any ridiculous kumbayah crap.

It also says a lot that these dumb ugly broads can get nonwhites to screw them. Says a lot about both group’s standards.

I’ll back off the race stuff since it seems to bother some here but don’t waste your energy either reminding me the jews are really evil, I’m well aware. My point is that there’s plenty of non-jews who are just as evil but aren’t as smart and have the agency to do what the Jews do, but given the chance and choice, they would be just as bad.

That’s my experience and advice for everyone here. Of course People don’t have to heed my warnings, but just getting rid of the Jews won’t solve all the problems. It will be a good start though.

Alex, you keep talking to us as if we dont understand the situation of the non whites or the gentiles of all races being capable of doing evil. We understand that more than you know and more than you actually do.

We are working for that but at the end of thr day the real enemy and threat are the Jews and their programs. Of course all the gentile traitors and degenerates will be dealt with but we KNOW and understand the real situation. Nothing will change unless we destroy the root cause.

You can vent and talk about whatever you want, no one is being overly sensitive and saying not to bring up the situation with the races and whats happening but you are doing it in a way as if we aren't aware at all.

Been there, done that.

We all know what we have to do. Every race here is upset at what is going on with their countries and people, but thats why we SS are different and the elites here. We are actively working to change this.

Though different races, we are all here united under Satan and our gods who are are ancestors and creators, and we are united in our hate and goal to destroy the Jews and liberate the world and find peace and harmony in racial separation and racial cooperation.
He stated the level of depravity is different between races. You mention that blacks arent operating at their intellectual capacity but the same is the case for whites. In fact its whites who are living much below their potential. And still all of the programs of the enemy hit non whites the hardest. To this day I have come across the total sum of one black gentile in a Varg vikernes comment section defending whites. While white gentiles can be found in every single platform and outlet that deals with JQ trying to reach racial unity against the enemy. And here you are in a white created organization condescendingly trying to school a white guy who became bitter towards the other races through the hard way.

Condescending? Are you kidding me?
I'm simply reiterating what HP HC mentioned but in a different manner and I am stating the truth. I'm here just trying to state the truth and NOT school anyone. I see exactly what's going on between the races and thats why I am saying something. I hate it too. I never once tried to tell him not to feel the way he does, but remind him what the JoS stands for and that we are trying hard to remove all these problems. I never once said he was wrong or what he observes and believes in wasn't important or valid. It still is a big problem.

And ohh please, all races are living much beyond their potential. Not just whites. You can speak for your own race but you don't have to comment on the black race's potential when you dont know the whole story. You really dont.

Furthermore, white created organization, you say? This organization was started by importantly by Satan and the gods who inspired and called for it, so it doesnt matter who created it as it is for all gentiles. I am so tired of this situation happening just throwing stuff like that in our faces as if it means something. I try to inspire racial unity and, in this case, assure him that we are all working to end this, bring up some positivity and all that happens are misunderstandings with this race issue or with being misunderstood with what is said.

I wont say anything on here at all, since everytime I say something, its like someone always has something to say.

But you know what, you can enjoy the so called white organization, I'm done with this forum thing altogether.
HPS Shannon said:
Bull Gotze said:
HPS Shannon said:
Alex, you keep talking to us as if we dont understand the situation of the non whites or the gentiles of all races being capable of doing evil. We understand that more than you know and more than you actually do.

We are working for that but at the end of thr day the real enemy and threat are the Jews and their programs. Of course all the gentile traitors and degenerates will be dealt with but we KNOW and understand the real situation. Nothing will change unless we destroy the root cause.

You can vent and talk about whatever you want, no one is being overly sensitive and saying not to bring up the situation with the races and whats happening but you are doing it in a way as if we aren't aware at all.

Been there, done that.

We all know what we have to do. Every race here is upset at what is going on with their countries and people, but thats why we SS are different and the elites here. We are actively working to change this.

Though different races, we are all here united under Satan and our gods who are are ancestors and creators, and we are united in our hate and goal to destroy the Jews and liberate the world and find peace and harmony in racial separation and racial cooperation.
He stated the level of depravity is different between races. You mention that blacks arent operating at their intellectual capacity but the same is the case for whites. In fact its whites who are living much below their potential. And still all of the programs of the enemy hit non whites the hardest. To this day I have come across the total sum of one black gentile in a Varg vikernes comment section defending whites. While white gentiles can be found in every single platform and outlet that deals with JQ trying to reach racial unity against the enemy. And here you are in a white created organization condescendingly trying to school a white guy who became bitter towards the other races through the hard way.

But you know what, you can enjoy the so called white organization, I'm done with this forum thing altogether.
Hi Shannon don't give up on the forums, this is what the jew has done, it put us in a situation where Gentiles are against other (race) gentiles, and you know it better than me. It was because of your writings that I understood that hating on blacks at a certain point was useless as the culprit is obviously the jew, of course I'm gonna wish the death of all criminal blacks(and whites too) in white countries who just destroy it but that's not the kind of hate I would feel sometime ago and that's because of you. It's expected that those without a total understanding and more wisdom will go hating on the Negro, but that's something to overcome, you shouldn't take that personally as with all that's happening in this society it's more than expected that this happens. You are a valuable part of this forum so don't leave it, okay?:)
HPS Shannon said:
Bull Gotze said:
HPS Shannon said:
Alex, you keep talking to us as if we dont understand the situation of the non whites or the gentiles of all races being capable of doing evil. We understand that more than you know and more than you actually do.

We are working for that but at the end of thr day the real enemy and threat are the Jews and their programs. Of course all the gentile traitors and degenerates will be dealt with but we KNOW and understand the real situation. Nothing will change unless we destroy the root cause.

You can vent and talk about whatever you want, no one is being overly sensitive and saying not to bring up the situation with the races and whats happening but you are doing it in a way as if we aren't aware at all.

Been there, done that.

We all know what we have to do. Every race here is upset at what is going on with their countries and people, but thats why we SS are different and the elites here. We are actively working to change this.

Though different races, we are all here united under Satan and our gods who are are ancestors and creators, and we are united in our hate and goal to destroy the Jews and liberate the world and find peace and harmony in racial separation and racial cooperation.
He stated the level of depravity is different between races. You mention that blacks arent operating at their intellectual capacity but the same is the case for whites. In fact its whites who are living much below their potential. And still all of the programs of the enemy hit non whites the hardest. To this day I have come across the total sum of one black gentile in a Varg vikernes comment section defending whites. While white gentiles can be found in every single platform and outlet that deals with JQ trying to reach racial unity against the enemy. And here you are in a white created organization condescendingly trying to school a white guy who became bitter towards the other races through the hard way.

Condescending? Are you kidding me?
I'm simply reiterating what HP HC mentioned but in a different manner and I am stating the truth. I'm here just trying to state the truth and NOT school anyone. I see exactly what's going on between the races and thats why I am saying something. I hate it too. I never once tried to tell him not to feel the way he does, but remind him what the JoS stands for and that we are trying hard to remove all these problems. I never once said he was wrong or what he observes and believes in wasn't important or valid. It still is a big problem.

And ohh please, all races are living much beyond their potential. Not just whites. You can speak for your own race but you don't have to comment on the black race's potential when you dont know the whole story. You really dont.

Furthermore, white created organization, you say? This organization was started by importantly by Satan and the gods who inspired and called for it, so it doesnt matter who created it as it is for all gentiles. I am so tired of this situation happening just throwing stuff like that in our faces as if it means something. I try to inspire racial unity and, in this case, assure him that we are all working to end this, bring up some positivity and all that happens are misunderstandings with this race issue or with being misunderstood with what is said.

I wont say anything on here at all, since everytime I say something, its like someone always has something to say.

But you know what, you can enjoy the so called white organization, I'm done with this forum thing altogether.
pls keep posting and educating more people,this guy bull gotze clearly has some kind of panick attack whenever he hears something good about non white races as if hes some kind of racist,not to talk of he dosnt even contribute to the forum at all but mostly comes to start agurnments.
HPS Shannon said:
I'm done with this forum thing altogether.
As an avid reader of the forums who doesn't post a lot, I just wanted to say, please reconsider? I can only speak for myself, but I'm absolutely certain many others here also find your posts great and insightful. Would be a shame to lose such contributions.

Also I'm not accusing anyone here of doing it on purpose, but it's only the enemy who benefits from dividing us.
Bull Gotze said:
Oy Gevalt.
And here YOU are, as a pathetic excuse of a supposed "SS", trying to condescendingly and arrogantly attack Shannon based on her race. This is not the first time you have come here with the sole purpose of attacking and insulting people, either. It seems 80% of your posts are for that sole purpose only, so it makes me wonder, who or rather what are you that you think your time is used wisely in going on here and doing this kind of worthless garbage.

I have a hard time believing that even the most deluded and depraved of gentiles would genuinely do what you are doing here for over 2 years now, while apparently having pleasure in doing so. We all know (((who))) likes to start fights and wars and then quickly disappear into the shadows again afterwards.
Bull Gotze are you done just showing up to exhume pettiness so that you feel a little bit better? Because I think everyone else is done on that one.
To give you a perspective, all what you pretend is high awakening, is a really well known thing to most people here by 70s, 60s and many other texts. They cried and cried.

The people who had larger ideals such as Rockwell who almost saved America, FACTUALLY, idiots like you backstabbed. "He was a friend with Black Nationalists!!".

People who simply totally failed in American were extolled. And now, America is going down the shitter.

Blacks also similarly spent all their time crying about White Supremacy and all this garbage. This solved nothing and it never will.

One is engaging in the limited perspective which already causes most problems.

You found these and you are angry. You want to carry out a personal revolution. Writting edgy comments is a way to this.

When you grow up past infancy level in all of this "Saving your people" stuff, you will understand matters get solved on superior levels than the problem causing levels.

Find me one work of Hitler or passages on the Mein Kampf where Hitler wastes time tearing Black or Mexican people down. Hitler understood values where self determination and leadership, construction for one's own people, defeats all the other time wasting on crying about superficial matters such as these.

These matters are now in our nose and we are in danger because people do always small shit thinking on these subjects.

You crying here about blacks violating our society, solves nothing. What did this achieve?

Pure Nothing.

14Alex88 said:
Bull Gotze said:
HPS Shannon said:
Alex, you keep talking to us as if we dont understand the situation of the non whites or the gentiles of all races being capable of doing evil. We understand that more than you know and more than you actually do.

We are working for that but at the end of thr day the real enemy and threat are the Jews and their programs. Of course all the gentile traitors and degenerates will be dealt with but we KNOW and understand the real situation. Nothing will change unless we destroy the root cause.

You can vent and talk about whatever you want, no one is being overly sensitive and saying not to bring up the situation with the races and whats happening but you are doing it in a way as if we aren't aware at all.

Been there, done that.

We all know what we have to do. Every race here is upset at what is going on with their countries and people, but thats why we SS are different and the elites here. We are actively working to change this.

Though different races, we are all here united under Satan and our gods who are are ancestors and creators, and we are united in our hate and goal to destroy the Jews and liberate the world and find peace and harmony in racial separation and racial cooperation.
He stated the level of depravity is different between races. You mention that blacks arent operating at their intellectual capacity but the same is the case for whites. In fact its whites who are living much below their potential. And still all of the programs of the enemy hit non whites the hardest. To this day I have come across the total sum of one black gentile in a Varg vikernes comment section defending whites. While white gentiles can be found in every single platform and outlet that deals with JQ trying to reach racial unity against the enemy. And here you are in a white created organization condescendingly trying to school a white guy who became bitter towards the other races through the hard way.

Bingo. Whites are expected to do summersaults to defend blacks and yet there’s almost never a single nonwhite who is out there saying we have a right to our own interests and nations, especially when it comes to blacks and mestizos.
Shannon, you are obviously under severe enemy attacks lately. That means that you are really important for Satan and for us. I don't think your reaction is for no reason whatsoever, I understand that black people suffered a lot and that you feel sad for your people. We all are sharing the pain from the wounds that enemy made us, we all are suffering here.

Jews manipulated us all to turn against each other, ruining us and stealing our chance to make any special progress at all.

I don't think that all black people are stupid, or violent or that they are weak in any way. Jews are brainwashing Black race equally, just pushing some different stuff on them, but Satan wants all races free and to advance again. He created Black race for a good reason, and He knows why and what all Black people can achieve in the future and He is not giving up on anyone. We are different but we all have huge potential and we are really fucking important.

We need to start taking care more of each other and to start understanding more why are we in this stupid position and how to start working more in unity and to start advancing again, as we were deluded for a long time and blinded by hatred. We need to start following our pagan culture again and to start respecting our differences and to focus on what is important again. Once people start doing that and when they become real pagans again I'm sure we will almost stop even talking about those things as race wars and fights. Each one of us will have our land and chance to be the best that we can.

When enemy attacks everything can be really irritating and everyting can hurt even more than it should tho, and sometimes similar can happen when we are trying to raise kundalini but there are some issues, as you know already. Just wanted to say that this is not White forum, it's forum for us all who are fighting for Satan. Almost all of us like you and respect you. Take care Shannon, don't forget we are really trying to understand situation better and to end this suffering on the planet. I am worried about you, I hope that you will be better soon.
Everybody put yourself together.

I am cursed to understand each perspective and I highly do and ALL OF YOU IS RIGHT.

Now, my white people, please understand the burden and the stress HC has to deal with on a daily basis. Countless requests, demands, projects, work, life. He is a human being, he will lose track and patience. Please be understanding and not take everything to heart but rather keep a cool and objective attitude. It is hard but we need to do it.

And HP Shanon, you are a wise, mature person with a deep understanding and I highly understand you also, but all of this is for Satan, for educating people and our cause. One or two persons can't determine you to give up here and you know this is not the answer. We, ladies, are more emotional than we like to admit. I understand you reached a point also of total feeling fed up. But saying that you leave will sound more like emotional blackmail on HP HC shoulders and he can't be pushed here and there to defend each and every one of you, white or black, he can't be the judge robot type you all expect.

Nobody truly cares what he feels right now and this is disturbing to me. If we are to ask consideration, please all of you, OFFER CONSIDERATION!

OK, fine whatever, you all have a moment of despair or blank moment, get over it FAST! This is another ridiculous aspect, you keep on giving arguments and arguments and arguments on why and how, and will lead nowhere. We all know where will lead, to nothingness and we will lose.

I am not even asking you to apologies to each other because this is a sign of great strength and most of you are here with the head stuck to your ass too deeply for this, BUT AT LEAST, SEE THE BIG PICTURE, TAKE IT AS IT IS BECAUSE BY THE END OF THE DAY WE HAVE TO WORK WITH WHAT WE HAVE, AND STAY ON THE RIGHT TRACK.

But all of you remember, we are people here reading, make your posts count, make them valuable, I am not talking from my perfect trone and ineffable being, but from mistakes, I personally learned.

Everybody has to become more considerate, more logical, more self-contained, think twice before hitting the press bottom.

MASTER SELF CONTROL EVERYBODY, the enemy is laughing and laughing.

it doesn't matter now and here who is right, EVERYBODY IS RIGHT in his own way. Get over it and back to work, if you truly love Satan, if not...
I have to admit that i saw this in the future. I had visions of some stuff and I just randomly saw my name in visions and felt my energy in the visions so i got afraid it is all my mistake somehow or that I will somehow damage my family.
That's why I freaked out and gone nuts a bit, cause I usually predict stuff with huge accuracy. I just saw people fighting and making huge chaos, enemy having fun.. don't want to go in details but it was nasty and I thought that me being here means that somehow some of those shit will happen so I stepped back slowly and thought of isolating myself if I am dangerous somehow.

Now I see that bad stuff can happen anyways, people can leave, fight and do dumb stuff with me or without me, I guess I just somehow got scared that it's all my fault (punch me please). Not sure why I got so delusional. Almost only thing that is permament is change, there always will be some little bad stuff happening from time to time and sometimes they can even bring us something really good later.

Today one mysterious God visited me, cleaned me and told me bunch of stuff. It shocked me when he told me -aren't you just running from the responsibility?
Yeah, people get some power and some skill and suddenly they start losing their shit I guess, believing they somehow can just live for the sake of living, to not do anything cause bad things can happen cause they can make mistakes or idk...

I guess situation is not perfect but I feel like I still should communicate more with my family, no matter how bad I can feel I guess I should continue, most of us actually are beneficial for the family and we should be here for each other.
Right now I don't have that much time for talking anymore like before but we should be here for each other at least sometimes.
sunrise said:
Everybody put yourself together.

I am cursed to understand each perspective and I highly do and ALL OF YOU IS RIGHT.

Now, my white people, please understand the burden and the stress HC has to deal with on a daily basis. Countless requests, demands, projects, work, life. He is a human being, he will lose track and patience. Please be understanding and not take everything to heart but rather keep a cool and objective attitude. It is hard but we need to do it.

And HP Shanon, you are a wise, mature person with a deep understanding and I highly understand you also, but all of this is for Satan, for educating people and our cause. One or two persons can't determine you to give up here and you know this is not the answer. We, ladies, are more emotional than we like to admit. I understand you reached a point also of total feeling fed up. But saying that you leave will sound more like emotional blackmail on HP HC shoulders and he can't be pushed here and there to defend each and every one of you, white or black, he can't be the judge robot type you all expect.

Nobody truly cares what he feels right now and this is disturbing to me. If we are to ask consideration, please all of you, OFFER CONSIDERATION!

OK, fine whatever, you all have a moment of despair or blank moment, get over it FAST! This is another ridiculous aspect, you keep on giving arguments and arguments and arguments on why and how, and will lead nowhere. We all know where will lead, to nothingness and we will lose.

I am not even asking you to apologies to each other because this is a sign of great strength and most of you are here with the head stuck to your ass too deeply for this, BUT AT LEAST, SEE THE BIG PICTURE, TAKE IT AS IT IS BECAUSE BY THE END OF THE DAY WE HAVE TO WORK WITH WHAT WE HAVE, AND STAY ON THE RIGHT TRACK.

But all of you remember, we are people here reading, make your posts count, make them valuable, I am not talking from my perfect trone and ineffable being, but from mistakes, I personally learned.

Everybody has to become more considerate, more logical, more self-contained, think twice before hitting the press bottom.

MASTER SELF CONTROL EVERYBODY, the enemy is laughing and laughing.

it doesn't matter now and here who is right, EVERYBODY IS RIGHT in his own way. Get over it and back to work, if you truly love Satan, if not...

Thank you for the response but I know exactly why I said what I said. Me wanting to leavegthe forums does not interfere with my work for Satan as there are other HPs who can assist. There are other senior members who also feel the same way, and for similar reasons. Alot of filth allowed in the forums for some time now and I'm not the only one who sees it

Emotional blackmail? No disrespect but you dont know my intentionsand whats in my mind. This has nothing to do with HP HC. I dont expect anyone to hold my hand.

I do appreciate your response but I do have worries and thoughts concerning the forums and whats going on when we get new members and this issue keeps coming up. Its a long story but I keep going on.
Thank you everyone. I apologize, Im just going through a few things and have my concerns about things related to the subject and the unity, or lack of it, that may occur in the future as we gain more members. I'm not going to blame it on the enemy but, I dont know, it seems the same patterns. I know Im not perfect and I can come off a bit rude sometimes, but I believe the best solution is for me to refrain from responding to certain posts, so that conflict can be avoided on both sides.

I will take some time to collect myself and try to ignore these things while focusing more on the health forum and black forum.

Let us not say the fact that every-time a White person expresses something you just have to reply and of course, go at them. Then another hops in, and brawls get made.

There may be some brawls what we want is no victims. People come here after releasing a yoke from the neck, angry, and they want to vent.

But when they say their opinion "it's filth in the forums"? Unless it's trolling it's not. This is a standard I personally find distasteful. I want people from wherever they come to voice their pain and their disdain and even hatred, just don't attack randomly others while at it for no reason.

We have to vent. We can't talk to shit to nowhere and to NOBODY. People have pent up pain and sorrow. I want this expressed. Even at our expense, this may come. We have to be strong and compassionate to see this.

It's not filth in the forums many people are just fucking angry, their anger is obviously justified, and they have nowhere to talk. I will keep allowing them to talk and those who want, they will keep doing their job without needless drama.

If someone cannot tolerate this and cannot go on, they might as well stop doing it. Nobody is begging you to do it.

Guess what happens in first grade, you have first graders. And they ask you 1+1 equals too, all your years. This is what teaching is supposed to mean. And I'll let them say 1+1 an infinite amount of times, even if people disagree with this sentiment.

One has more responsibility than the first grader in how they react to what they know is going to come anyway. And this reaction is not a mature reaction.

Do not give me passive aggressive crap about "people who see this" guys, the easy route is to just press DISAPPROVE and get that shit done with. The hard route is to clench one's teeth and educate.

Satan doesn't want people interested in Him dismissed, unless they are acting garbage in a personal way directly. My personal interest time wise, is to press disapprove but that is not Satan's interest most of the time, if in any case other than blatant jewish trolls. In many cases this is at the expense of MY time, or the time of others who will answer.

If anyone observes, let them answer. The opinion of angry White people who are raped on a continuous rate, is not filth, nor to be dismissed. It's justified.

What is not justified is trolling over it against people who try to promote a betterment of affairs.
Nama Enki said:
HPS Shannon said:
Bull Gotze said:
He stated the level of depravity is different between races. You mention that blacks arent operating at their intellectual capacity but the same is the case for whites. In fact its whites who are living much below their potential. And still all of the programs of the enemy hit non whites the hardest. To this day I have come across the total sum of one black gentile in a Varg vikernes comment section defending whites. While white gentiles can be found in every single platform and outlet that deals with JQ trying to reach racial unity against the enemy. And here you are in a white created organization condescendingly trying to school a white guy who became bitter towards the other races through the hard way.

Condescending? Are you kidding me?
I'm simply reiterating what HP HC mentioned but in a different manner and I am stating the truth. I'm here just trying to state the truth and NOT school anyone. I see exactly what's going on between the races and thats why I am saying something. I hate it too. I never once tried to tell him not to feel the way he does, but remind him what the JoS stands for and that we are trying hard to remove all these problems. I never once said he was wrong or what he observes and believes in wasn't important or valid. It still is a big problem.

And ohh please, all races are living much beyond their potential. Not just whites. You can speak for your own race but you don't have to comment on the black race's potential when you dont know the whole story. You really dont.

Furthermore, white created organization, you say? This organization was started by importantly by Satan and the gods who inspired and called for it, so it doesnt matter who created it as it is for all gentiles. I am so tired of this situation happening just throwing stuff like that in our faces as if it means something. I try to inspire racial unity and, in this case, assure him that we are all working to end this, bring up some positivity and all that happens are misunderstandings with this race issue or with being misunderstood with what is said.

I wont say anything on here at all, since everytime I say something, its like someone always has something to say.

But you know what, you can enjoy the so called white organization, I'm done with this forum thing altogether.
pls keep posting and educating more people,this guy bull gotze clearly has some kind of panick attack whenever he hears something good about non white races as if hes some kind of racist,not to talk of he dosnt even contribute to the forum at all but mostly comes to start agurnments.
Hearing an SS calling someone a racist... how pathetic can that be... We hate jews and want race separation here dude. Don’t be a sjw....
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Let us not say the fact that every-time a White person expresses something you just have to reply and of course, go at them. Then another hops in, and brawls get made.

There may be some brawls what we want is no victims. People come here after releasing a yoke from the neck, angry, and they want to vent.

But when they say their opinion "it's filth in the forums"? Unless it's trolling it's not. This is a standard I personally find distasteful. I want people from wherever they come to voice their pain and their disdain and even hatred, just don't attack randomly others while at it for no reason.

We have to vent. We can't talk to shit to nowhere and to NOBODY. People have pent up pain and sorrow. I want this expressed. Even at our expense, this may come. We have to be strong and compassionate to see this.

It's not filth in the forums many people are just fucking angry, their anger is obviously justified, and they have nowhere to talk. I will keep allowing them to talk and those who want, they will keep doing their job without needless drama.

If someone cannot tolerate this and cannot go on, they might as well stop doing it. Nobody is begging you to do it.

Guess what happens in first grade, you have first graders. And they ask you 1+1 equals too, all your years. This is what teaching is supposed to mean. And I'll let them say 1+1 an infinite amount of times, even if people disagree with this sentiment.

One has more responsibility than the first grader in how they react to what they know is going to come anyway. And this reaction is not a mature reaction.

Do not give me passive aggressive crap about "people who see this" guys, the easy route is to just press DISAPPROVE and get that shit done with. The hard route is to clench one's teeth and educate.

Satan doesn't want people interested in Him dismissed, unless they are acting garbage in a personal way directly. My personal interest time wise, is to press disapprove but that is not Satan's interest most of the time, if in any case other than blatant jewish trolls. In many cases this is at the expense of MY time, or the time of others who will answer.

If anyone observes, let them answer. The opinion of angry White people who are raped on a continuous rate, is not filth, nor to be dismissed. It's justified.

I'm not talking about EVERY POST where a white person vents. This is what I am talking about. Misunderstandings

Say no more HC.

I got it. Freaking "loud" and clear.
My personal opinion is that the forums actually got better, more organized and the moderaiton got into a better direction, it's just that people coming around still mix their personal emotions with this, for instance people ranting on racial matters which is just natural IMO, I also felt that way. They just don't know how to properly direct their anger in a constructive way and this comes out as toxicity sometimes. Also there is obviously infiltrators but dealing with this is part of the work.
Egon said:
My personal opinion is that the forums actually got better, more organized and the moderaiton got into a better direction, it's just that people coming around still mix their personal emotions with this, for instance people ranting on racial matters which is just natural IMO, I also felt that way. They just don't know how to properly direct their anger in a constructive way and this comes out as toxicity sometimes. Also there is obviously infiltrators but dealing with this is part of the work.

The thing is this anger should go to the enemy and not among Satan's own. This is a flat stupid mistake, the enemy is at work.

We have to be strong to take this as we have to educate.

People will come and as time goes, they will be more and more hurt, and more and more in pain. This is the reality.

Especially as shit goes down with the enemy, this will be like the scene of the Matrix where Neo goes out of the pod and they just have a seizure episode. We have to do our best to get them through this seizure.
HPS Shannon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Let us not say the fact that every-time a White person expresses something you just have to reply and of course, go at them.

But when they say their opinion "it's filth in the forums". This is a standard I personally find distasteful. I want people from wherever they come to voice their pain and their disdain and even hatred, just don't attack randomly others while at it for no reason.

We have to vent. We can't talk to shit to nowhere and to NOBODY. People have pent up pain and sorrow. I want this expressed. Even at our expense, this may come. We have to be strong and compassionate to see this.

It's not filth in the forums many people are just fucking angry, their anger is obviously justified, and they have nowhere to talk. I will keep allowing them to talk and those who want, they will keep doing their job without needless drama.

If someone cannot tolerate this and cannot go on, they might as well stop doing it. Nobody is begging you to do it.

Guess what happens in first grade, you have first graders. And they ask you 1+1 equals too, all your years. This is what teaching is supposed to mean. And I'll let them say 1+1 an infinite amount of times, even if people disagree with this sentiment.

One has more responsibility than the first grader in how they react to what they know is going to come anyway. And this reaction is not a mature reaction.

Do not give me passive aggressive crap about "people who see this". If they observe, let them answer. The opinion of angry White people who are raped on a continuous rate, is not filth, nor to be dismissed.

I'm not talking about EVERY POST where a white person vents. This is what I am talking about. Misunderstandings

Say no more HC.

I got it. Freaking "loud" and clear.

Continue to do what you have to do as normal, of course. Who cares if we might lose members, its at our expense, as you say. You're right. Do what you have to do, and monitor and work the forums.
HPS Shannon said:
HPS Shannon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


Continue to do what you have to do as normal, of course. Who cares if we might lose members, its at our expense, as you say. You're right. Do what you have to do, and monitor and work the forums.

We aren't losing anyone and if anyone leaves over a disagreement they sparked because they trolled without care that means they are a troll so they were not here in the first place. So no loss is received.

Nobody decent is going to leave over a minor disagreement or because they were approved, asked a question, and got corrected.

If someone is not attacking someone they can post whatever they see fit. This implies that the community will correct them and they may not like this. But they have to speak.

People who have in mind staying do understand. Those who are trolls get weeded out. Win win for us, lose lose for them.
HPS Shannon said:

HP Shanon,

First of all, my deep apologies if I said something wrong to you, by far my intentions.

I simply want to assure you about your valuable input here, you are truly needed, you are an amazing strong woman and I am sure things will turn on just fine.
Once again, you have my respect, appreciation and we need you very much here.

I just hope for peace and understanding and everybody to be fine, this was/is my aim. Not to upset anybody, on the contrary.
I am sorry that you are in this state at the moment, I wish I could be able to give all the support needed to overcome this.
sunrise said:
HPS Shannon said:

HP Shanon,

First of all, my deep apologies if I said something wrong to you, by far my intentions.

I simply want to assure you about your valuable input here, you are truly needed, you are an amazing strong woman and I am sure things will turn on just fine.
Once again, you have my respect, appreciation and we need you very much here.

I just hope for peace and understanding and everybody to be fine, this was/is my aim. Not to upset anybody, on the contrary.
I am sorry that you are in this state at the moment, I wish I could be able to give all the support needed to overcome this.

Thanks but please dont be apologetic because it makes it seem as though I need people feeling sorry for me or similar. Not the case. I just voice how I felt. You can say whatever you want--it's just fine. Im just another member like you. Show all of that to the gods, not me.

These things happen but I have said what I said and its fine. Everybody is right. I want to just drop this for the betterment of everyone. No one is perfect and it happens. Just support yourself and make sure all is well and steady on your part.

Be well.
HPS Shannon said:
sunrise said:

HP Shanon,

First of all, my deep apologies if I said something wrong to you, by far my intentions.

I simply want to assure you about your valuable input here, you are truly needed, you are an amazing strong woman and I am sure things will turn on just fine.
Once again, you have my respect, appreciation and we need you very much here.

I just hope for peace and understanding and everybody to be fine, this was/is my aim. Not to upset anybody, on the contrary.
I am sorry that you are in this state at the moment, I wish I could be able to give all the support needed to overcome this.

Thanks but please dont be apologetic because it makes it seem as though I need people feeling sorry for me or similar. Not the case. I just voice how I felt. You can say whatever you want--it's just fine. Im just another member like you. Show all of that to the gods, not me.

These things happen but I have said what I said and its fine. Everybody is right. I want to just drop this for the betterment of everyone. No one is perfect and it happens. Just support yourself and make sure all is well and steady on your part.

Be well.

Dear HP Shanon,

Thank you very much for your reply.

I will leave this here as the last message in regards to the subject and main my own thing.
I was sincere as I always am and speak my mind. For the good or the worse, I always do. My personal problem is that sometimes I go too far with it, hence I suggested 'self-control' or a second glance,(to me and to everybody) but this is all. Not total denial of the self and reactions or the other way around/going into extremes - but rather ANALISE, REASON AND BALANCE.

and the reactions are not to blame, I referred to the decision to leave based on them in a critical, emotional or bad moment.

(((((All I am saying is that is wrong to make such a huge decision in such a delicate moment.))))

The last essential point I need to say is that you are NOT JUST another member like me here!!

Thank you for your time, input and wishing you the very best.
HPS Shannon said:
Bull Gotze said:
HPS Shannon said:
Alex, you keep talking to us as if we dont understand the situation of the non whites or the gentiles of all races being capable of doing evil. We understand that more than you know and more than you actually do.

We are working for that but at the end of thr day the real enemy and threat are the Jews and their programs. Of course all the gentile traitors and degenerates will be dealt with but we KNOW and understand the real situation. Nothing will change unless we destroy the root cause.

You can vent and talk about whatever you want, no one is being overly sensitive and saying not to bring up the situation with the races and whats happening but you are doing it in a way as if we aren't aware at all.

Been there, done that.

We all know what we have to do. Every race here is upset at what is going on with their countries and people, but thats why we SS are different and the elites here. We are actively working to change this.

Though different races, we are all here united under Satan and our gods who are are ancestors and creators, and we are united in our hate and goal to destroy the Jews and liberate the world and find peace and harmony in racial separation and racial cooperation.
He stated the level of depravity is different between races. You mention that blacks arent operating at their intellectual capacity but the same is the case for whites. In fact its whites who are living much below their potential. And still all of the programs of the enemy hit non whites the hardest. To this day I have come across the total sum of one black gentile in a Varg vikernes comment section defending whites. While white gentiles can be found in every single platform and outlet that deals with JQ trying to reach racial unity against the enemy. And here you are in a white created organization condescendingly trying to school a white guy who became bitter towards the other races through the hard way.

Condescending? Are you kidding me?
I'm simply reiterating what HP HC mentioned but in a different manner and I am stating the truth. I'm here just trying to state the truth and NOT school anyone. I see exactly what's going on between the races and thats why I am saying something. I hate it too. I never once tried to tell him not to feel the way he does, but remind him what the JoS stands for and that we are trying hard to remove all these problems. I never once said he was wrong or what he observes and believes in wasn't important or valid. It still is a big problem.

And ohh please, all races are living much beyond their potential. Not just whites. You can speak for your own race but you don't have to comment on the black race's potential when you dont know the whole story. You really dont.

Furthermore, white created organization, you say? This organization was started by importantly by Satan and the gods who inspired and called for it, so it doesnt matter who created it as it is for all gentiles. I am so tired of this situation happening just throwing stuff like that in our faces as if it means something. I try to inspire racial unity and, in this case, assure him that we are all working to end this, bring up some positivity and all that happens are misunderstandings with this race issue or with being misunderstood with what is said.

I wont say anything on here at all, since everytime I say something, its like someone always has something to say.

But you know what, you can enjoy the so called white organization, I'm done with this forum thing altogether.

You also have to remember some of these trolls do not care about you as a person or anyone else so try not to take it personally some even think this is funny that is kind of what they want. I think you do a lot of good things. I know your people are suffering and I think it's good someone is doing something to help out.

Keep contributing and stay strong
HP Mageson666 said:
This hating Boomers is some alt-right meme instead of just staying focused on the Jews hate old people, hate women, and on the Jewish distraction goes.
If it was a meme only, I would not fall for it, make no mistake. I wish it was just a meme, it isn't. I observed more than once the mindset and its underlying psychology in older people in real life and, like someone else just said in another thread, they really literally don't care they bring their species dangerously close near extinction for some social good goy points with their passiveness, gullibility and willful ignorance even when presented with facts upon facts upon facts. Disproportionately compared to to younger people they can't be unplugged from the matrix. It seems like the talmud flows through their veins. Like true master goyim. Enough for here, some people here get triggered so fast about verbalising situations which we are in.
Bull is surprised that the comments section of Varg video's are not full of people of color... LOL
Aquarius said:
Nama Enki said:
HPS Shannon said:
Condescending? Are you kidding me?
I'm simply reiterating what HP HC mentioned but in a different manner and I am stating the truth. I'm here just trying to state the truth and NOT school anyone. I see exactly what's going on between the races and thats why I am saying something. I hate it too. I never once tried to tell him not to feel the way he does, but remind him what the JoS stands for and that we are trying hard to remove all these problems. I never once said he was wrong or what he observes and believes in wasn't important or valid. It still is a big problem.

And ohh please, all races are living much beyond their potential. Not just whites. You can speak for your own race but you don't have to comment on the black race's potential when you dont know the whole story. You really dont.

Furthermore, white created organization, you say? This organization was started by importantly by Satan and the gods who inspired and called for it, so it doesnt matter who created it as it is for all gentiles. I am so tired of this situation happening just throwing stuff like that in our faces as if it means something. I try to inspire racial unity and, in this case, assure him that we are all working to end this, bring up some positivity and all that happens are misunderstandings with this race issue or with being misunderstood with what is said.

I wont say anything on here at all, since everytime I say something, its like someone always has something to say.

But you know what, you can enjoy the so called white organization, I'm done with this forum thing altogether.
pls keep posting and educating more people,this guy bull gotze clearly has some kind of panick attack whenever he hears something good about non white races as if hes some kind of racist,not to talk of he dosnt even contribute to the forum at all but mostly comes to start agurnments.
Hearing an SS calling someone a racist... how pathetic can that be... We hate jews and want race separation here dude. Don’t be a sjw....
of course someome can be a racist SS or not,its a jewish programing which people need to remove,and i said he acts as if he is a racist not that he is a racist read that,and who is talking against racial seperation,were was it in my post,you seem to be diluded but call other people swear words the most,almost all your post has the word retarded or diluded or some other insult words in it.i was calling him out on always coming here to bash other people for speaking the truth and when he dosnt even contribute,have a problem with that then thats pathetic,we need racial unity here dude...dont be a supporter of racial chaos
The Alt-Right is run by Jews what do Jews do as a tactic? Distract off themselves and get people fighting along artificial divides. The boomer nonsense is one manifestation of this tactic. You're not Jew wise if you fall for whining about old people memes.

DSB said:
HP Mageson666 said:
This hating Boomers is some alt-right meme instead of just staying focused on the Jews hate old people, hate women, and on the Jewish distraction goes.
If it was a meme only, I would not fall for it, make no mistake. I wish it was just a meme, it isn't. I observed more than once the mindset and its underlying psychology in older people in real life and, like someone else just said in another thread, they really literally don't care they bring their species dangerously close near extinction for some social good goy points with their passiveness, gullibility and willful ignorance even when presented with facts upon facts upon facts. Disproportionately compared to to younger people they can't be unplugged from the matrix. It seems like the talmud flows through their veins. Like true master goyim. Enough for here, some people here get triggered so fast about verbalising situations which we are in.
Nama Enki said:
Aquarius said:
Nama Enki said:
pls keep posting and educating more people,this guy bull gotze clearly has some kind of panick attack whenever he hears something good about non white races as if hes some kind of racist,not to talk of he dosnt even contribute to the forum at all but mostly comes to start agurnments.
Hearing an SS calling someone a racist... how pathetic can that be... We hate jews and want race separation here dude. Don’t be a sjw....
of course someome can be a racist SS or not,its a jewish programing which people need to remove,and i said he acts as if he is a racist not that he is a racist read that,and who is talking against racial seperation,were was it in my post,you seem to be diluded but call other people swear words the most,almost all your post has the word retarded or diluded or some other insult words in it.i was calling him out on always coming here to bash other people for speaking the truth and when he dosnt even contribute,have a problem with that then thats pathetic,we need racial unity here dude...dont be a supporter of racial chaos
All of us here are racist by definition, there is no way of using racist as an insult here. Also, if someone is retarded then how is it bad to call them like that? :p
HP Mageson666 said:
The Alt-Right is run by Jews what do Jews do as a tactic? Distract off themselves and get people fighting along artificial divides. The boomer nonsense is one manifestation of this tactic. You're not Jew wise if you fall for whining about old people memes.

DSB said:
HP Mageson666 said:
This hating Boomers is some alt-right meme instead of just staying focused on the Jews hate old people, hate women, and on the Jewish distraction goes.
If it was a meme only, I would not fall for it, make no mistake. I wish it was just a meme, it isn't. I observed more than once the mindset and its underlying psychology in older people in real life and, like someone else just said in another thread, they really literally don't care they bring their species dangerously close near extinction for some social good goy points with their passiveness, gullibility and willful ignorance even when presented with facts upon facts upon facts. Disproportionately compared to to younger people they can't be unplugged from the matrix. It seems like the talmud flows through their veins. Like true master goyim. Enough for here, some people here get triggered so fast about verbalising situations which we are in.

I agree with magesun with an exception the older generation of boomers seem more closed to the spiritual and truth than anyone else these days. Some are so closed to the spiritual it would take way more effort to even influience them with magick if you wanted to unless you are super advanced. Haven't had a good experience with them they seem completly oblivious to the truth in an arrogant and egocentric way.

I don't think they are the main problem or focus on them much at all I didn't fall for this I know it is a distraction but I do think they will be remembered in history as not that great for the most part.
HP Mageson666 said:
This hating Boomers is some alt-right meme instead of just staying focused on the Jews hate old people, hate women, and on the Jewish distraction goes.
Nonetheless I look upon boomers as a major thorn in the side of Whites given their egocentrism and "parental abandonment". The alt-right is also a serious threat and (((doorway))) to xrist-insanity which as you are probably aware I was sucked into myself which is why I am concerned about negating/opposing it especially for youth who have less genuine educational background

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
