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Is Caucasian race white race?

Logan said:
I am of Caucasian descent. But the question for me is whether I am white or not?

as I know, many caucasians have mixed with mongoloids
Hispanics and Arabs are still Caucasian, no? But they're not White.
Caucasian is Another name for European whites. It sometimes has been used for other things but it could be you are White.
Serbon said:
Logan said:
I am of Caucasian descent. But the question for me is whether I am white or not?

as I know, many caucasians have mixed with mongoloids
Same goes for other races. Nowadays there is a lot of mixed-race people.

Anyway, Caucasian = white.

It should be obvious to the person if they are mixed between races, or even sub-racially.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Hispanics and Arabs are still Caucasian, no? But they're not White.
Some Arabs are white. Maybe not the ones from Saudi Arabia because they are heavily mixed. But Egypt, Lebanon and other Arabic countries are full of whites because they were white countries in the past and before pisslam and xianity were pagan white countries.

I am Arabic and I am white. If I wasn't white I wouldn't have a pure white demoness lover.

Just clearing up some confusion.

Hail Satan Forever!!
TopoftheAbyss said:
Hispanics and Arabs are still Caucasian, no? But they're not White.

Where did you get this from?


Here is the normal definition of the word Caucasian.

Unfortunately it is sometimes used to refer to kikes that look white and some mixed race people but I never heard anyone refer to Hispanics or Arabs as Caucasian.

Hispanic is Latino usually
Arab is just that Arab they are their own group of people. As far as I know there are a few Hispanics and Arabs who are very close to looking like European whites the title Caucasian could be used for them sometimes. But for the most part no.
They are their own subgroups.
mercury_wisdom said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Hispanics and Arabs are still Caucasian, no? But they're not White.
Some Arabs are white. Maybe not the ones from Saudi Arabia because they are heavily mixed. But Egypt, Lebanon and other Arabic countries are full of whites because they were white countries in the past and before pisslam and xianity were pagan white countries.

I am Arabic and I am white. If I wasn't white I wouldn't have a pure white demoness lover.

Just clearing up some confusion.

Hail Satan Forever!!

Then you are not enetically or ethnically arab. You may speak it share the culture and have an Arabic name due to the ottomans. The ones in the levant who have little to no arab admixture have roman greek and berber blood. Also some have Armenian. (The medwite berbers not the Muslim ones with arab admixture) Also phonecian and Phillistine if they are from Lebanon or Palastine. There have been sooo many with Italian and other names as well. Butros bulos Anton Sergio Georges Cecilia silvie olga Hilda Helga Marelia mila Marie Alice ect. Crusaders also left their marks in the levant. I have cousins who have haplogroups that come from vikings. My grandpa from dads side had blue eyes and my grandma had reddish brown hair. Everyone from dads side is huge and uber tall. My uncle was 7ft tall.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Caucasian is a slur and doesn’t even mean Aryan as others pointed out don’t use it.
There is an area called the Caucasus Therefore, its inhabitants are called Caucasians
If you find a new word for "Caucasian" in the future
I will use your word
Logan said:
There is an area called the Caucasus Therefore, its inhabitants are called Caucasians
I don’t know what “inhabitants” you are referring to because it is not the people around the world that descend from European stock.
If you find a new word for "Caucasian" in the future I will use your word
We already have a word it’s called Aryan.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Logan said:
There is an area called the Caucasus Therefore, its inhabitants are called Caucasians
I don’t know what “inhabitants” you are referring to because it is not the people around the world that descend from European stock.
We already have a word it’s called Aryan.
It's ture.
since I had to state my questions in detail
I used that word "Caucasian".
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Caucasian is a slur and doesn’t even mean Aryan as others pointed out don’t use it.

I didn't know this at all. I won't use it for stuff then. I personally am white I thought it was just a general term for whites like they use on the census or questions about what race a person is sometimes in questioneers about various things.

That is the only place I really ever saw it used.
Logan said:
I am of Caucasian descent. But the question for me is whether I am white or not?

I am not sure why anyone hasn't pointed this out (on this thread at least) but Caucasian is a sort of taxonomy that describes people of a certain skeleton structure.

So a Caucasian can have varying shades of skin colours (not necessarily white) so long as their skeleton structure is of a certain type. This is why races who are clearly non-white are described as Caucasian.

If you are not white (fair) skinned then you are simply not white or maybe a mix of some kind.

Really the best way to determine if you are white is by skin colour, do not rely on 'being of Caucasian descent' to decide that your white.
Shadowcat said:
mercury_wisdom said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Hispanics and Arabs are still Caucasian, no? But they're not White.
Some Arabs are white. Maybe not the ones from Saudi Arabia because they are heavily mixed. But Egypt, Lebanon and other Arabic countries are full of whites because they were white countries in the past and before pisslam and xianity were pagan white countries.

I am Arabic and I am white. If I wasn't white I wouldn't have a pure white demoness lover.

Just clearing up some confusion.

Hail Satan Forever!!

Then you are not enetically or ethnically arab. You may speak it share the culture and have an Arabic name due to the ottomans. The ones in the levant who have little to no arab admixture have roman greek and berber blood. Also some have Armenian. (The medwite berbers not the Muslim ones with arab admixture) Also phonecian and Phillistine if they are from Lebanon or Palastine. There have been sooo many with Italian and other names as well. Butros bulos Anton Sergio Georges Cecilia silvie olga Hilda Helga Marelia mila Marie Alice ect. Crusaders also left their marks in the levant. I have cousins who have haplogroups that come from vikings. My grandpa from dads side had blue eyes and my grandma had reddish brown hair. Everyone from Dad's side is huge and uber tall. My uncle was 7ft tall.
Ottomans aren't even Arab, they are turkish.
'Caucasian' also refers to the several peoples living in the Caucasus mountains. Does the OP mean that instead, perhaps?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
