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In Regards To Traitors/Infiltrators and Other Types Of People

I remember reading from Jake about the whole Christos Lucifer thing. He went even as far as saying we shouldn't use the name Lucifer alone (and instead we should specify it as Satan Lucifer), because the xians co-opted it or something. Was that nonsense? Like how would the name Lucifer tie more into the xian thoughtform, since surely it has a stronger association of being one of Satan's names?

Not to hurt any sensibilities with this one but another thing was this "third sex" people being "privileged guardians of the race". Like... Is your position in society determined by who you stick your dick into? I'm kidding. But I took a lot of his stuff with a grain of salt, and I figure I was quite justified in doing so?
I'm insecure and want to be sure of what I'm reading so I researched Mageson's claims and while I can confirm that part of what he said is true I found nothing that could prove other stuff. For example I found nothing about druids being called naddreds and being related to serpents.

Also is it fair to say that only Maxine is in direct contact with the Gods?
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
Mageson is gone? Good riddance. His slothz tales make me sick. His most recent one was so icky that I had wondered if he was a jew.

I won't miss Jake Carlson either. Something always seemed off about his posts, so I barely skimmed them, but I never gave it much thought at the time.

If we need a new clergy member, I'd love to see the name High Priestess Lydia around here!

Thanks, but that won't ever happen. Being clergy simply is not my path. Think of it as like any other job, some are suited for it while most are not, and it does not necessarily have to do with spiritual advancement (to a degree) as there are advanced people who are not clergy, and lesser-advanced who are/were.
luis said:
He one time said that I lied. He posted a sermon on how Nama Shivaya was good for the third eye/crown area, I remembered reading somewhere that he said he tried the mantra and it did not work well, he said I lied because I did not show proof, it's true that I did not show proof and I thought I may have had not rembered it well. Turn out I was right, checked in a pdf where a member put a lot of HP Mageson sermons and replays and I found it there... I made excuses in my mind on how he may have been not very advanced at the time or whatever but now I know he was just posting bullshits, things stolen from the other HP's, books, and repeating old information. He did not really had experiences with meditations like he said.

I feel a good pressure in crown when i do it though. IIRC he didn't elaborate much on how to do it, just gave the base information about that Mantra and said 3rd eye connected to the crown, but i am thankful to him for that information.

I do it like this (Not suggesting you to do it this way though):
Na in base, Ma in crown, Shhh in base, iiiihh in heart, va in the sacral, ya in heart.

The "movement" between chakras (moving focus from base to crown to base again and then to heart and so on - as i said i am doing) is kind of wacko, so it may be incorrect method of doing it.But it's giving me good pressure in crown, so i do it despite not knowing if its correct method or not.

Judging by HP HoodedCobra's posts, HP Mageson did cause a lot of troubles/mess internally. But i feel like many of us are downplaying his spiritual level quite a lot. His advancement may have been lower than that of HoodedCobra's but IMO that goes for most of us as well.

He was spiritually open enough to notice/understand my issues (both spiritual and physical) and he made posts to help me multiple times. So i don't doubt that he was spiritually open/aware. He may have stopped practicing SS at some point (who knows) but IMO he wasn't as spiritually low as you think (no offense intended).
Aldrick said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
beareroflightandtrth83 said:
Wait. Is Mageson/Danko was also Dan from like 2003? If they are the same person I remember a lot of stuff he promoted like vegetarian and among other things IF they are the same person that is. If not, was Mageson/Danko really banned?

Oh, yes. We also had fights over vegeterianism and imposing dietary norms to people. We were constantly in the point of repeating about not pushing these things, and that these are dangerous. After me and HPS Maxine threw a few rage fits to stop this madness [THERE ARE NO DIETARY RESTRICTIONS TO SATANISM], it took a few years of having to repeat and repeat, then these people suddenly became the greater promoters of meat or just left the matter be.

I think Dan was another person that simply turned full fledged traitor. Who knows what happened to this poor soul also after all this time...

That one I did notice. He started pushing veganism. I was like Don are you advocating Vegetarianism? He was like you dont like vegetables?

I don't think I replied. I was like is he trolling? Were we wrong about the diet? None of this makes sense.

If it confused me, I can only imagine how it affected newer members.

There was always something off about Dan/Mageson I remember a while back he got banned from clergy then he was let back in because he said he realized mistakes he made. I’ll admit I left JoS a few times because I got sick of his bullshit. But I never stopped being SS.

I don’t know Jake Carlson well enough to make any judgements.
Aldrick said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
beareroflightandtrth83 said:
Wait. Is Mageson/Danko was also Dan from like 2003? If they are the same person I remember a lot of stuff he promoted like vegetarian and among other things IF they are the same person that is. If not, was Mageson/Danko really banned?

Oh, yes. We also had fights over vegeterianism and imposing dietary norms to people. We were constantly in the point of repeating about not pushing these things, and that these are dangerous. After me and HPS Maxine threw a few rage fits to stop this madness [THERE ARE NO DIETARY RESTRICTIONS TO SATANISM], it took a few years of having to repeat and repeat, then these people suddenly became the greater promoters of meat or just left the matter be.

I think Dan was another person that simply turned full fledged traitor. Who knows what happened to this poor soul also after all this time...

That one I did notice. He started pushing veganism. I was like Don are you advocating Vegetarianism? He was like you dont like vegetables?

I don't think I replied. I was like is he trolling? Were we wrong about the diet? None of this makes sense.

If it confused me, I can only imagine how it affected newer members.

There was always something off about Dan/Mageson I remember a while back he got banned from clergy then he was let back in because he said he realized mistakes he made. I’ll admit I left JoS a few times because I got sick of his bullshit. But I never stopped being SS.

I don’t know Jake Carlson well enough to make any judgements.
Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wait so it's Mageson, or [also] the Jake Carlson guy? Because if I recall correctly, Jake was the one who made that other website with tons upon tons of completely wrong and misleading information on it, including about spirit sex and incubi/succubi. I was angry at him for this for a long time, since it hampered my progress with my Succubus way back in my first 1-2 years.

As for Mageson, if it's him then I'm partly glad, because he never really answered questions properly and only talked in enigmatic ways for whatever reason. But also partly sad because he was the only HP to actually call Jack out on his shilling and not just constantly give him the benefit of the doubt.

My personal opinion, just for the sake of "feedback", if you will, is that people shouldn't be given like 10+ chances in the first place before any kind of action is taken, and that some serious warnings or punishments should be done beforehand so these individuals realize they must change or there will be consequences. Letting them run free as long as they pretend they're sorry afterwards, will act as passive approval and make more people act like this. Back in the yahoogroups, people would get banned much more easily if they behaved shittily, but were allowed to make a new account. I liked that system a lot more as there was atleast some consequence to behaving like an idiot. Nowadays you have to be directly attacking an HP or Lydia, or very obviously shill for jewish things, in order to ever get banned.
About transition (from Transsexual SS):
Transexuality goes into the metaphysical realm and taking hormones and having surgeries is what the kikes want people to do because it adds problems on top of problems.

Its in the soul yes but I don’t deny ones right to change the body to the other. Transexual people have my moral support. They where called twin souls in the ancient world. Which was not the term for Homosexuals.
Sorry to hear that HP Mageson is a traitor. But at least we cleansed the filth from our midst. Thanks to the HPs who're loyal to the gods, and to the gods themselves, they saved us from great danger. Who knows what would've happened if he stayed here with the other questionable characters, misleading us.
One thing about Mageson always bothered me, his slotz tales.. I mean they are extremely disgusting, talking about shit and piss nonstop. How can a gentile write something like that?! Futhermore here, on the forum dedicated to the gods. Obviously, jews should be ridiculed, exposed for their actions, but that does not mean that anyone should act as disgusting as a jew.
So are they only removed from clergy or also from SS? I also thought Ghost in the Machine could be a HP :)
Scion of Atlantis said:
To my shame I have been rather silent on the forums and with interacting in our community since May, although I silently visit and read sermons and announcements here just about every other day at the minimum to keep up with group rituals. A good part of the reason for my silence however was my annoyance in regards to the enemy garbage being endlessly promoted by the many trolls and enemy agents on the forums, coupled with the confusion they promoted. Even though his sermons seemed knowledgeable, and he had been with the Joy of Satan for some time, my intuition felt that something was extremely off about Mageson, between the subtle pro-Socialist and pro-Jainist posts, the horrible contrasts of grammatical proficiency, and the absolutely detestable "slothz" crap the former "HP" was so fond of. A lot of what Mageson kept pushing reminded me exactly of the kike infiltrator Zola, and many other infiltrators which have gradually been revealed and cast out as a result of the Final RTR, our Gods, and the present clergy's strong will and convictions. Mageson sought to turn Satan's place of learning and wisdom into an asylum, so words alone cannot express the good feelings I have about him being removed.

As we have seen plainly by this point, no infiltrator or fool who would see the Joy of Satan reduced to irrelevance is safe because of the power of the Final RTR. The enemy is losing all of their ability to deceive and divide Gentiles, and this starts in the house of Satan. Those would would cause infighting or make a mockery of Satan's teachings are rightfully being ignored and left behind to rot with zero tolerance for their lies, and we are far stronger for it. Any true Satanist will quickly discover the difference between one who, instead of meditating and fighting with information and spiritual power against the enemy, devotes their time to scheming and attempting to build a cult of sorts around them while working to bring down other well-established Satanists on the forums. As HPS Maxine has stated many times, your intuition about someone is key.

I am looking forward to seeing what we will accomplish in the future now that our ranks have been re-structured and cleaned of scum. Onward to victory, and Hail Satan forever!
The thing i found most peculiar was that he had to 'discover' how to the raise the kundalini on his own. It's common sense that the Gods work directly with someone at that advanced stage, they can't let you read around filtering nonsense from corrupted books, maybe just for knowledge sake but it's they who instruct Satanists at high levels such as raising the Kundalini.

Long time since I have seen your posts here, I used to like them. :D
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
Mageson is gone? Good riddance. His slothz tales make me sick. His most recent one was so icky that I had wondered if he was a jew.

I won't miss Jake Carlson either. Something always seemed off about his posts, so I barely skimmed them, but I never gave it much thought at the time.

If we need a new clergy member, I'd love to see the name High Priestess Lydia around here!
I was going through old JoS sermons and found one where Jake was like 'Mud races cannot be civilized, as we were warned by Satan long ago about them' and I was like WTF. This was from 2015. Still last year he was pushing his extremist BS and HPss Shannon had to address it finally. Good riddance indeed.
Many people have suspected him... Myself included as well. I and others have messaged HPHoodedCobra regarding his shit grammar and blatant subversion of Satanism before.

I think anyone who is remotely psychic and fully loyal to Satan would have suspected something, even before his insane socialist dribble. Personally I held back a lot, but in hind sight I shouldn't have.

I'd rather be wrong in accusing someone of being a traitor to the JoS than be right and not have said anything. Due to how enemy attacks can sometimes manifest, making one doubt the JoS or whatever, which when I was new I had received my fare share of, I was hesitant to fully trust my feeling regarding this, so I held back a lot of words and opinions. Especially on how absolutely detestable it was when he started promoting blatant socialism here on the JoS.

If I'd known about the stuff behind the scenes I'd never have had any tiny doubts as to whether he was a full traitor or just got influenced by enemy garbage causing him to write such filth. Giving him the benefit of the doubt part of me leaned to the latter. Either is bad, but the latter would perhaps have meant he was redeemable, but now I have no single doubt in my mind that he's an enemy piece of trash.

Like the piece of trash he is, he should rot for his crimes against Satan. His putrid soul never to be born again. Let him be dead, or live the rest of his worthless life in absolute misery, worse than death. Neither him nor jake, the retarded reverse xian that he was, will be missed.

Now that the dust settle's and everything is clear, the rage seething in my soul really flared up... Enemies I hate and wish upon nothing but death, but traitors, those who pretend to be your friend and even leader, while in actuality working on the destruction of everything you know and love, whether they are jews or gentiles, doesn't make a difference here, I detest more than words can describe. They should receive a most unspeakable fate.

Absolutely disgusting.

Anyone still in doubt about this, or feeling any less than absolutely detestable and furious regarding this, you should take a gander at the endless list of crimes committed by the enemy and remember how vile each and everyone of them are. They don't deserve any single excuse, mercy or redemption.

Traitors, no matter gentile or not, don't deserve any of this, not even in the tiniest quantity, as traitors have consciously decided to betray our side and aid and abet the enemy in their crimes and agenda to turn humanity into a part of the borg hive, or whatever you want to call their most disgusting clique.
Blitzkreig said:
Shrouded said:
In the past I used to use the SATANAS Mantra for all energy raising purposes. Whether that energy raising purpose was for the 72 or 48 name RTR, Runic work, or some form of ritual which didn't have a pre-selected mantra(such as the sun mantra surya for money rituals). During this time I felt absolutely wonderful, I felt like I was "walking on air" in the sense that I felt powerful, I felt good, and I felt driven. A Satanist from our community told me not to use the SATANAS mantra because it will "fill my soul with fire" so I stopped. When I look back I think the moment I stopped doing the SATANAS mantra for most of my energy raising purposes I started to decline not only spiritually but mentally and physically as well. Could this be due to elevated energy levels being pushed down or maybe there is an imbalance that the SATANAS mantra was helping with? Either way the SATANAS mantra felt so natural and smooth to me but I listened to one of our family. Could it be possible that their advice was harmful when it meant to be helpful or am I possibly overthinking things?

Yeah SATANAS is said to be fire heavy, as opposed to something SATANAMA, which is said to be more balanced. This shouldn't mean to stop it entirely, just be mindful of that. If you don't have a lot of fire anyway, it likely wouldn't ever imbalance you. Either way, you could easily rebalance yourself if you identify a fire imbalance.

Too much fire would manifest physically as like thirst, insomnia, feeling hot. Mentally it might be like impatience, anger, low emotional sensitivity, etc. If this happened to you, in spite of doing your yoga, alternate nose breathing, and using satanama and aum for balancing, then you could consider slowing your usage of it. You could also invoke some water to counter it, as well. This is a relatively minor inconvenience as opposed to the inconvenience you describe by not using it.

I could think of more and more reasons why it is fine to use, but I think you get the point. Yes, it is a little fire predominant, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't ever use it. Good luck!

I see. Thank you :). I am going to go back to using it again. I recently read HP Hooded Cobras post about balancing yourself which was posted on the old forums so I believe I am going to start doing those things as well. Satanama 10min a day and such. I appreciate your help and advice.
Ghost in the Machine said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
beareroflightandtrth83 said:
Wait. Is Mageson/Danko was also Dan from like 2003? If they are the same person I remember a lot of stuff he promoted like vegetarian and among other things IF they are the same person that is. If not, was Mageson/Danko really banned?

Oh, yes. We also had fights over vegeterianism and imposing dietary norms to people. We were constantly in the point of repeating about not pushing these things, and that these are dangerous. After me and HPS Maxine threw a few rage fits to stop this madness [THERE ARE NO DIETARY RESTRICTIONS TO SATANISM], it took a few years of having to repeat and repeat, then these people suddenly became the greater promoters of meat or just left the matter be.

I think Dan was another person that simply turned full fledged traitor. Who knows what happened to this poor soul also after all this time...

I remember those threads. There was one I remember seeing where Mageson made an apology in that members were getting anxious about even eating at all because it was being given the impression by his rantings that "all fewd is uf thuh enemee" when really gentiles can and have many times for generations lived to legit 100 years old subsisting off of everyday food like it's nothing, even slightly crappier diets but a Mcdonalds burger once every 4 months isn't going to give you a heart attack at 30 years old.

Eating healthy though is in truth good for the soul - a healthy body, a healthy soul, the astral and physical mirror one another this cannot be denied and what you do to one side can in ways affect the other but isn't to such drastic extremes. Whether you eat more vegetables, or more meat, or dairy or what have you is entirely of your own makeup and making your own decisions is entirely your own thing on your own judgement. People can only figure what works out for them and what doesn't on their own in time.

Logic and reasoning should be applied but a diet is not a prison.

Didn´t he later say he favored vegeterianism because Hitler did also, but Hitler did only because he did read the old vedas where they did promote this. So at some point he Mageson stopped being a vegeterian.
But, why did the gods accept this behaviour for so long and didn´t severely punish him (Mageson)?
Ghost in the Machine said:
I remember those threads. There was one I remember seeing where Mageson made an apology in that members were getting anxious about even eating at all because it was being given the impression by his rantings that "all fewd is uf thuh enemee" when really gentiles can and have many times for generations lived to legit 100 years old subsisting off of everyday food like it's nothing, even slightly crappier diets but a Mcdonalds burger once every 4 months isn't going to give you a heart attack at 30 years old.

I remember making a joke about this a few years back, after seeing more and more flakey new-age junk flow through here. A lot of new members were getting really paranoid about dietary requirements and the like, and I remember feeling irked about this, given one of the earliest pieces of information I read on the main JoS site was that there were no strict dietary requirements. Meanwhile I began seeing claims of "oh I ate a Chicken McNugget in 2003 is my pineal gland dead for good?" followed by "it's not dead, just go outside and stare directly at the sun," followed by "drink X amount of colloidal silver" (an amount that in reality would make you look like a real life smurf).

Sometimes the issue isn't even infiltrators who have negative intent, sometimes people just get really stupid ideas from other movements, post about them here, and other newbies who agree with them back them up to the point it looks like a consensus has formed, especially when people can point to the vague murmurings of this particular HP on the topic, and the end result is basically the same. Suddenly before you know it you have a hundred members promoting a diet consisting only of alkalised water and ginsu leaf smoothies.
It's for the lolz, since he likes so much to write Slut Tales.
This guy however could be his spiritual twin. Since demotion he then moved to job that resonates with him better, that is as a clown in a circus, but then he betrays the hardworking people there as well and takes over, becoming the whole circus instead.

sonnenkraft said:
Egon said:
Found footage of him being 100% right over everyone else in the forum:

sorry for this question ,but is this Mageson himself in the video ?
Aquarius said:
Disappointing to know, but I'm happy to know that the dross has been taken care of. We, the proper SS are the elites, we can't have what is less than the Elite as leaders, it just doesn't work.
Thank you HP HoodedCobra666 and HPS Maxine for your work, you deserve more than gold for your deeds.

Don´t downplay our value by equating everybody with you. I may be a scum fuck, but I will never sink so low as you. I would never betray a friend, if I hade some to begin with. You called Mageson your buddy, friend on every occasion you did express your gratitude towards him, his writings etc. The moment he get´s kicked out you grab the knife and push it into his back [I´m happy...] (he deserved it, on the info I gathered never the less). I also had my fuss with him but whatever.

It´s so hypocritical you did turn away at least the same amount of people from the Forum/Satan as Mageson did with his bannhammer etc. . By mocking them. Not long ago you were close to getting your acc banned if your behavior does not change yourself. When ever you did help 50% of the cases you did state the atleast bare minimum to help someone, instead of just posting a link etc.

At least you did change, but this does not invalidate your behaviour of the past.

I did observe this behaviour from you for quite a long time, you allways lick boot to the higher ones and if you see a opportunity to make fun of a lower ss you do it with pleasure (this did not change).

All combined you remind me of this charcter:

Peter Pettigrew, aka. Scabbers, the rat


This behavour of yours is not worthy of a aryan.

If this guy ever gets moderation rights, or not to think of gets HP status the jos Forum will be dead within a month.
In light of this new development regarding mageson, it does seem more suspect now how some of his posts seemed kind of anti-weightlifting. I think I vaguely recall him pushing the heavy veggie diet crap too.

I can't hardly imagine going vegetarian. That would get old VERY quickly. Likewise, I enjoy weightlifting and have no intentions of stopping. Was reading something rather interesting on forums by HP hoodedcobra that seemed to imply hatha yoga might even enhance your weightlifting results, besides added benefits like greater flexibility.

I was just thinking to myself earlier how there's a very low number of seemingly active high priests. I can only think of three now that mageson is gone. These being Maxine, Hoodedcobra, and Shannon. Is it simply because it's that demanding of a calling to be a HP, or was this more of a conscious decision by the demons and clergy to keep the number of HPs low?

It's funny. Once upon a time, I was obsessed with the idea of becoming a HP. I felt like I just had to become one, no matter what. I've kind of grown and matured from that though. I appreciate how fortunate and lucky I am, just to have the opportunity to be involved with this community and grow under the guidance of Satan, his demons, etc. Who knows, maybe after a LOT of personal and spiritual refinement, I may reach that point. Then again, I might never be a HP. Either way, it doesn't matter. It seems more like an honorary title with some extra responsibility, to me at this point. As long as I'm accepted by Satan, contributing to His mission, and can keep developing myself, I'll be happy.
luis said:
Syd Silver said:
Gengar said:
is Mageson banned or just demoted? Would love for him to continue to stick around regardless of whether he is a HP or not, his posts have been amazing over the years and invaluable for me personally. can't help but feel like someone I know died if hes gone for good. :|

Well yes, I would like him to come back to, so that I can beat him ... because he attacked me and called me a troll for no reason and because he banned me on the old forum for no reason
I wanted to "punch" him on a topic about 2 months ago, when he called me a troll for no reason, but I felt bad for doing it ... I mean he was HP how to attack an HP, well it turned out I was right, now I'm sorry becouse I didn't react then.
He one time said that I lied. He posted a sermon on how Nama Shivaya was good for the third eye/crown area, I remembered reading somewhere that he said he tried the mantra and it did not work well, he said I lied because I did not show proof, it's true that I did not show proof and I thought I may have had not rembered it well. Turn out I was right, checked in a pdf where a member put a lot of HP Mageson sermons and replays and I found it there... I made excuses in my mind on how he may have been not very advanced at the time or whatever but now I know he was just posting bullshits, things stolen from the other HP's, books, and repeating old information. He did not really had experiences with meditations like he said. We don't even know if he was paid to be an infiltrator or what, not impossible to think the enemy was paying him to push socialism and other weird jewish things but luckily he never really succeeded. It's a bit sad as I had somewhat respect for him but unfortunately, he was not the guy we thought he was...just an infiltrator.
Yes, he was an infiltrator, and his mission was probably to keep people away from JoS that means acting against Satan & Gods

But it seems that some don't understand this, as example ... Gengar, this "member" wants the infiltrator back ...
I don't know if this Gengar is another alt account or not
But I think anyone showing support for a proven infiltrator should be banned.
Well it’s all so very complex , but the easy part to under stand is once you’ve signed in blood the dedication ritual to Master Satan! it truly is binding - joining , together , conjoined , and it cannot he broken so if your a traitor to Satan it’s at your own Peril as your in his Hands under his Power ,,,,for ever. But Master Satan , King of The worlds!!!!! He knows what’s in his owns hearts...And is understanding to his own(his own meaning his family-in some many cases blood family)from long ago.
This isn't really an opinion on Mageson but I wish the people who are now criticizing him would have had the courage to do so before he was gone. It's kind of pointless now.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Recently, some changes in the team up of the Joy of Satan have happened. It is intolerable for Satan to have any "Priest", or any other "Priest", that shows up once every 3 months, only to write inflammatory replies ...
Can we update this page now with the current list of clergy?

This topic is somewhat vague regarding names, so it would help to have a clear picture of exactly who is still with us.
Imagine all the kicked-out HPs coming together! :shock: :eek:

Lol :lol:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
Mageson is gone? Good riddance. His slothz tales make me sick. His most recent one was so icky that I had wondered if he was a jew.

I won't miss Jake Carlson either. Something always seemed off about his posts, so I barely skimmed them, but I never gave it much thought at the time.

If we need a new clergy member, I'd love to see the name High Priestess Lydia around here!

If anybody deserves to take Mageson's place, it would be Lydia. She's done a lot of impeccable work, even when I've placed astrology orders from her and has been nothing but helpful to the forums.

High Priestess Lydia when?
If there will be elections I will vote for Lydia as well
I think that was Mageson https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&p=186014#p185774

Jake put a lot of emphasis on bashing the "Christos-Lucifer" nosense from NS and exposing christurd identity, which were his sermons that I liked the most. Unless I'm missing something.

kajo said:
I remember reading from Jake about the whole Christos Lucifer thing. He went even as far as saying we shouldn't use the name Lucifer alone (and instead we should specify it as Satan Lucifer), because the xians co-opted it or something. Was that nonsense? Like how would the name Lucifer tie more into the xian thoughtform, since surely it has a stronger association of being one of Satan's names?

Not to hurt any sensibilities with this one but another thing was this "third sex" people being "privileged guardians of the race". Like... Is your position in society determined by who you stick your dick into? I'm kidding. But I took a lot of his stuff with a grain of salt, and I figure I was quite justified in doing so?
Azoun said:
This isn't really an opinion on Mageson but I wish the people who are now criticizing him would have had the courage to do so before he was gone. It's kind of pointless now.

many member criticized him and got banned read 1st 2nd pages of this topic , mageson had the authority to terminate users,the granted privileges for mageson was a mistake he used it as a power to shut down good members.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As with always it will be "I" who will be taking the snake out of the "hole" and generally is going to be the janitor when it comes to other people's broken sewage pipes. After all, it has been my job for many years to get into these dampening topics that nobody likes, but obligation has arose to do exactly this for once more.

For those who have been here over a few years, they have understood and observed how certain traitors and/or infiltrators always operate. Serious infiltrators, and serious traitors, are never "lazy", they are also never "minding their own business" and for reasons that deal with their aims, always seek to attain some sort of fame, primarily by following the "tune" that everyone else does.

This is necessary for infiltration. Another thing that is necessary, is for these people to go in the public and in general try to get public acclaim, to the extent that nobody will readily believe that someone in said "position" is such a rotten carcass, or that they have a specific agenda.

Due to the difficulty of this situation, the only parties that come to know or notice someone remain one's superiors, and of course, the Gods, which any of the above people never really take in consideration [until they are dying or something similar] which is a natural drawback to their betrayal and so forth.

The superiors can know everything, have proof, and everything else, but as it happened before to many empires, removal of said parasites can be problematic, or it can come at a serious cost. Doing so, the people in question believe, will do more harm than good, and therefore, these people remain lingering around. One day however the day comes for this removal.

So were Mageson and Jake Carlson kikes? I've had some bad interactions with them in the past, and I've had posts dissaproved with just snappy remarks, so I just kept my distance. But it didn't sit well with me. I've seen some feuds with other SS and always thought it a bit too harsh. I believed they were of the more egoistic types. The "strict" and "some people need that". But then again I am also learning as I go.

I sure as fuck struggled with some of this, but "Satan's House" and all, some of my private rants against the Gods and Goddesses are because of this: "if the "representatives of Satan" act like that, why are the character of the Gods / Goddesses not the fuckers who psychic abuse me, what type of fucked up losers do they like, and love, how bad is really the situtation were in?" At least that was the logic and worries. And when you're being psychic attacked it isn't easy to just "trust in the Gods", especially when you had those experiences when you were new.

But I have another question.

Why did you let them in or how did they infiltrate? You are very intelligent and learned. I suspect if they were kikes, they were rabbi level. I don't believe if they infiltrated that they were anything less. Considering it's the Priesthood of Satan.

Did you allow them to enter? Allowing them to infiltrate the organization, by having them constantly proving themselves, it provided you with information they had on the occult? Maybe some sources you needed? Like the Vatican Library being off limits, you allowed a "Catholic Priest" to give you insights into the library, and now they're not useful anymore? Recon work on infiltration?

I don't believe the Gods and Goddesses, who rank from thousands all the way up to 500.000 years old, has a chaotic disorganized administration on Earth. That's many years of experience with military, academic, intelligence agency / covert operations, and psychology. And being psychics. Using 100% of their brain, having their kundalini risen, able to extract knowledge and power from the aether, and who knows how advanced in the mind, soul, and body they are. Their intelligence has been mentioned before, is immense.

Hitler and Himmler had their problems, but they were running a nation. Is it this simple: because its new with the internet, you learned as you went? I hope not, I'm hoping I have something here.

Or is it just so simple that, because the criteria were lower before and that it can be problematic to remove the parasites, you have to wait for them to fuck up? I thought about this. They may have some innocent Spiritual Satanists with them, so if you remove them it can be serious with the SS' involved, for whatever reasons?
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Recently, some changes in the team up of the Joy of Satan have happened. It is intolerable for Satan to have any "Priest", or any other "Priest", that shows up once every 3 months, only to write inflammatory replies ...
Can we update this page now with the current list of clergy?

This topic is somewhat vague regarding names, so it would help to have a clear picture of exactly who is still with us.

Damn! I didn’t know That Jake and Dan they both were in charge GLBT stuff According to that link. See that shit pisses me off because it gives the rest of Third Sex a bad name or a negative light. Fucking sucks. That should teach anyone not to put any person or group on a pedestal!
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Recently, some changes in the team up of the Joy of Satan have happened. It is intolerable for Satan to have any "Priest", or any other "Priest", that shows up once every 3 months, only to write inflammatory replies ...
Can we update this page now with the current list of clergy?

This topic is somewhat vague regarding names, so it would help to have a clear picture of exactly who is still with us.

Damn! I didn’t know That Jake and Dan they both were in charge GLBT stuff According to that link. See that shit pisses me off because it gives the rest of Third Sex a bad name or a negative light. Fucking sucks. That should teach anyone not to put any person or group on a pedestal!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"Serious infiltrators, and serious traitors, are never "lazy", they are also never "minding their own business" and for reasons that deal with their aims, always seek to attain some sort of fame, primarily by following the "tune" that everyone else does."

You really wonder what drives these individuals, in compared to a small joke that ended up getting farther than it should've been, they definitely do things on a different level I'll admit that. Like hypnosis to the point where you can believe and share the organizations ideals but retain ulterior motives, or consider that this is the biggest threat to the Zionist nwo still under appreciated by the masses, and then there's the payroll, they don't fuck around lol. It's also been "spilled" of really discrete individuals in alliance with a known front with different goals but probably backed by the same (((power)))

I hope this can be a wake up for many slacking behind, myself included, knowing what the enemy can achieve in compared to what we can achieve that can be driven and pursued by true motivations as our driving force and thankfully there are a few members who live up to this and make these pitiful motivations mediocre.

Coming from a few people I've known, Zolas fallout did have a negative reception from people towards the clergy, in which they truly think they have perceived what's really going on instead of trying to figure out the leading factors that resulted in the decision in the first place, and when tried to be informed unsurprisingly one gets ghosted and they mistake ones concern for their safety as some ego fuel to support what they have seen at face value to be the facts and that "Zola is entirely the victim". Should've never associated with these idiots in the first place.

But yeah it comes to a point where a simple callout is like trying to remove a brick from the base of a tall tower, you risk having shit collapse upon you and damaging the tower in the process and that's the main thing these individuals work to secure as insurance policy. Then they begin to flex towards specific people and those who have or begun to figure them out.

No matter how you look at it or try to find ways around, the JoS's credibility gets harmed in some way sadly and impacts the community to some extent and they benefit either way but you can't deny that maybe there wasn't enough information presented in the first place, and when there does come time again it'd be wise ensure that there is.

But considering that this is literally the easiest and most efficient path to "elitism" you can say we need more quality and worthy people who can figure things out on their own instead of sheep who only act so predictable and can't see the deeper picture and want to act like the world doesn't have a problem.

In regards to Mageson I don't think many of us saw that coming, thought he was a nice person and sad to see him leave but I always thought the concept and emphasis of the sloth was bad for the community as we know in life if you idle, crawl or walk you get no where and that you must hustle in order to reach your desired goal.

Anyways glad to know that the JoS is under good hands, I really want to see this platform reach the potentials and recognition it deserves to have, and it's being realized day by day. Really worrying for nothing, forgetting we have one hell of a Ministry
Azoun said:
This isn't really an opinion on Mageson but I wish the people who are now criticizing him would have had the courage to do so before he was gone. It's kind of pointless now.

It would block or even ban...
It's pretty uplifting to see that action is taken even at a higher level with names that became big over the years. Whilst also giving the benefit of the doubt and a chance at improvement, I think it was handled nicely.

It's kind of sad though that people still see HP as some sort of celebrity status. If anything they've just proved the title is pointless when you don't have the qualifications for it to begin with. One shouldn't want or try to work towards becoming HP you are either fit for it or you are not.

Focus your energies on yourselves, and bettering yourselves, not on chasing pointless things. You don't need a title to do your part for the struggle.
kajo said:
Not to hurt any sensibilities with this one but another thing was this "third sex" people being "privileged guardians of the race". Like... Is your position in society determined by who you stick your dick into? I'm kidding. But I took a lot of his stuff with a grain of salt, and I figure I was quite justified in doing so?

I always raise an eyebrow when I see anybody coming up with guidelines or positions for other people, especially Satanists. My GOD allows me to follow the dictates of my own nature but for some reason I must listen to some dude telling me what my "duty" in society is.

Goyim do what they're told, Satanists do what they want.
Syd Silver said:
luis said:
Syd Silver said:
Well yes, I would like him to come back to, so that I can beat him ... because he attacked me and called me a troll for no reason and because he banned me on the old forum for no reason
I wanted to "punch" him on a topic about 2 months ago, when he called me a troll for no reason, but I felt bad for doing it ... I mean he was HP how to attack an HP, well it turned out I was right, now I'm sorry becouse I didn't react then.
He one time said that I lied. He posted a sermon on how Nama Shivaya was good for the third eye/crown area, I remembered reading somewhere that he said he tried the mantra and it did not work well, he said I lied because I did not show proof, it's true that I did not show proof and I thought I may have had not rembered it well. Turn out I was right, checked in a pdf where a member put a lot of HP Mageson sermons and replays and I found it there... I made excuses in my mind on how he may have been not very advanced at the time or whatever but now I know he was just posting bullshits, things stolen from the other HP's, books, and repeating old information. He did not really had experiences with meditations like he said. We don't even know if he was paid to be an infiltrator or what, not impossible to think the enemy was paying him to push socialism and other weird jewish things but luckily he never really succeeded. It's a bit sad as I had somewhat respect for him but unfortunately, he was not the guy we thought he was...just an infiltrator.
Yes, he was an infiltrator, and his mission was probably to keep people away from JoS that means acting against Satan & Gods

But it seems that some don't understand this, as example ... Gengar, this "member" wants the infiltrator back ...
I don't know if this Gengar is another alt account or not
But I think anyone showing support for a proven infiltrator should be banned.

well i certainly got more from Magesons posts than from yours.

and after reading all of the posts in this topic I think the word "infiltrator" is being thrown incorrectly. Mageson was posting top notch content for like a decade and a half and never spoke positively of jews a single time(other than MAYBE that Lavey born in a gentile body meme, but I've seen all the HPs say that one). Seems like this was more about personal beef behind the scenes and stuff like his grammar is being scapegoated along with the implication that he had hidden motives to ruin the Jos(lol) I just hope his sermons relating to history, spirituality, current events, and health stay on the site as so many people can learn from them. I have most of the best stuff from this site printed out and organized in binders and have no intentions of getting rid of any of Magesons stuff.

Azoun said:
This isn't really an opinion on Mageson but I wish the people who are now criticizing him would have had the courage to do so before he was gone. It's kind of pointless now.

same. Even when he posted the billy idol memes or sloth talez crap (of which I personally never bothered with or enjoyed) it was usually nothing but jerk circles of these same people sucking his cock. So the takeaway is pretty much most people will just eat up anything posted by a HP for brownie points.
GG Allin said:
Aquarius said:
I have personally seen Aquarius help many different people. And his personality has been much friendlier in the last few years than it was like 4 years ago. Not that he was bad then, I liked his personality then too, but he did have a lot less patience. So I think it's kind of strange to hold a grudge about somebody being just a little bit rude, after about 4 years later.

And you are the one who named your entire account after a jew who spent its whole jew rat life by habitually shitting on the floor on stages and shoving bananas up his ass. So it doesn't look like you are any good at judging someone's character anyway.
Syd Silver said:
If there will be elections I will vote for Lydia as well

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) that's not how it works. But I think she deserves it.
Dahaarkan said:
It's kind of sad though that people still see HP as some sort of celebrity status. If anything they've just proved the title is pointless when you don't have the qualifications for it to begin with. One shouldn't want or try to work towards becoming HP you are either fit for it or you are not.

This. If I was offered the job right now, I'd immediately decline. Because I know I'm not fit for it. What the fuck would I even do with that kind of position? The only difference being is that I'd get mod privileges and would be referred to as "HP Shadow", but 99% of my posts are let through anyway so what's the point of even having that?

Either someone is fit to be an HP, or they're not. Plain and simple.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
